Advanced Vision Therapy Center

Advanced Vision Therapy Center is a place for individuals who's needs cannot be met with a general eye examination or prescription glasses alone.

Advanced Vision Therapy Center provides assessment and treatment of: Binocular Vision Dysfunction, Visual Processing Deficits, Neuro-Optometric vision conditions, and sport specific vision deficits. If you have ever left an eye exam and thought “I know I see 20/20, but it still feels like there is something going on with my vision”, then Advanced Vision Therapy Center is for you. Advanced Vision


Advanced Vision Therapy Center – our name says it all! What sets us apart? We are a state-of-the-art vision therapy clinic. All of our therapists are licensed by the State of Idaho. All of our sessions are one-on-one. Treatment is customized to each individual patient. Vision therapy is what we do! Treatment of binocular vision disorders, visual perception and visual integration deficits, visual processing and working memory disorders.


Sports Vision Training – The Competitive Edge.

Natural athlete is a term we hear, but how many people really are natural athletes? Most athletes invest hours a week conditioning their body for play, practicing the game, and honing their individual performance. Athletes looking for a competitive edge turn to sports-vision training.

Athletes and coaches are becoming increasingly aware of the affect visual-neurocognitive skills have on a player's performance. Optimal visual performance can determine if a player makes the team, receives consistent playing time, or moves up to the next level of play.

If you are an athlete interested in enhancing your skills, or on a path to gain a competitive edge – it is time to enroll in a sports-vision training program at Advanced Vision Therapy Center. Our team of sports vision specialists are ready to help you improve the visual skills necessary to take performance to the next level.


Binocular Stimulation Therapy for Children with Amblyopia

For decades the mainstay of treatment for children with amblyopia was to use atropine drops or patch to occlude the “good” eye and force the “bad” eye to work harder. In essence penalize the “good” eye while attempting to stimulate the amblyopic eye. Children are often instructed to use atropine drops or patch (occlusion therapy) for six (6) months or longer. After which time it is not uncommon to then be diagnosed as having residual amblyopia. That's because the response to atropine drops or patching usually reaches a plateau before vision in the amblyopic nears that of the “good” eye.

Fortunately, as studies have been completed and clinical evidence on amblyopia treatment has accumulated, there is a shift away from relying on penalizing the “good” eye and toward binocular stimulation (both eyes working together) to improve binocular interaction and promote binocular vision. This is of particular importance because it is binocular vision that allows us to have depth-perception and see the world in 3D. Not important? Consider how vital depth perception is to determining how we move about in our surroundings, drive a car, or have the ability to participate in outdoor and sports activities.

Looking for an alternative to long-term use of atropine drops or patching? It's time to call Advanced Vision Therapy Center. We are accepting new patients. No referral needed.


Our name says it all! We are a clinic devoted to the treatment of binocular vision deficits, problems with tracking, difficulties with working memory, and slow processing speed. If you're looking for answers, effective treatment, and proven results it's time to call Advanced Vision Therapy Center in Boise, Idaho. Accepting new patients. No referral needed.


Advanced Vision Therapy Center – our name says it all! What sets us apart? We are a state-of-the-art vision therapy clinic. All of our therapists are licensed by the State of Idaho. All of our sessions are one-on-one. Treatment is customized to each individual patient. Vision therapy is what we do! Treatment of binocular vision disorders, visual perception and visual integration deficits, visual processing and working memory disorders.

Call to schedule an evaluation.


Eye Tracking

Eye tracking, also referred to as visual tracking, is the ability of one's eyes to “track” from left to right in an efficient manner, and “follow” the movement of objects such as when playing sports.

Eye tracking skills are particularly important for reading, and achieving maximum academic potential. Poor eye tracking skills are closely associated with poor reading skills. Poor eye tracking skills are more common than most people may realize. 25% (1 in 4) of all students cannot read due to vision skills deficits. Approximately 30% of individuals diagnosed as having dyslexia have some degree of eye tracking deficits, and until treated will impede progress of dyslexia therapy or tutoring.

The good news is that eye tracking deficits are treatable. Here at Advanced Vision Therapy Center we offer effective long-term results. Our licensed therapists provide one-on-one eye tracking treatment using the latest research available.

If you suspect eye tracking problems with your child call and schedule an eye tracking assessment, and if you are looking for the best eye tracking treatment available – you've found it! Give us a call to schedule.


Sports Vision Training – The Competitive Edge.

Natural athlete is a term we hear, but how many people really are natural athletes? Most athletes invest hours a week conditioning their body for play, practicing the game, and honing their individual performance. And for those looking for a way to set themselves apart and gain a competitive edge, they incorporate sports-vision training into their overall performance improvement plan.

Athletes and coaches are becoming increasingly aware of the affect visual-neurocognitive skills have on a player's performance. Optimal visual performance can determine if a player makes the team, secures consistent playing time, or moves up to the next level of play.

If you are an athlete interested in enhancing your skills, or on a path to gain a competitive edge, it is time to enroll in a one-on-one sports-vision training program at Advanced Vision Therapy Center. Our team of sports vision specialists are ready to help you improve the visual skills necessary to take your performance to the next level.


Working Memory, Long-Term Memory, Processing Speed and Reading

Reading is a complex activity. When we read, the brain connects the words we see with new information (working memory) as well as familiar images and past experiences (long-term memory). The time it takes for these connections to take place is called processing speed.

Our brains take in new information and compare it to old information that we have stored in our long-term memory. These new connections build on existing foundational skills, allow advanced skills to develop, and are crucial to learning. If there is a problem gathering or processing information, the student will have a difficult time keeping up with the class.

When a child struggles to perform at grade-level, understands the materials but “is a poor test taker”, or has to work much harder than peers to complete assignments it is important to find out why. Understanding the cause is the key to unlocking a child's potential.

Here at Advanced Vision Therapy Center we offer assessments and treatment for working memory and processing speed deficits.


What Is Binocular Vision?
Binocular vision refers to the ability of the eyes to work together to create one clear visual image. Even if a child passes a vision screening with a 20/20 score, they could still have an undiagnosed binocular vision problem.

Binocular vision problems are a serious obstacle to learning, affecting the way the eyes coordinate and focus on printed words when reading. In fact, according to a recent study, children who qualify for an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) are much more likely to have binocular vision issues.

When a child is struggling to achieve their full academic potential, it is important to get to the root cause of the problem. At Advanced Vision Therapy Center we provide testing and treatment of binocular vision disorders. Call to schedule an assessment for your child. You have questions. We have answers.


My child was diagnosed with strabismus and amblyopia. Can this be treated?

Amblyopia (lazy eye) or strabismus (crossed-eyes) are possible to correct, even as an adult. Current research dispels the myth that these conditions can only be treated in very young children. That's simply not true. Keep in mind these two points:

Depending on the severity of the strabismus, surgery may be required to straighten and align the crossed eyes. It is not uncommon to use vision therapy post-operatively to fine tune the alignment and train both eyes to work together and to gain depth perception.

Amblyopia can be treated using eye patching, glasses and vision therapy. Vision therapy helps strengthen the weak eye and train both eyes to work together for improved long-term vision and depth perception.

At Advanced Vision Therapy Center we offer effective treatment of binocular vision disorders, amblyopia, strabismus, working memory and processing speed deficits. Conditions that affect learning and your child's ability to achieve their full academic potential. Call today to schedule an assessment.

Advanced Vision Therapy Center Advanced Vision Therapy Center provides assessment and treatment of: Binocular Vision Dysfunction,


Hoping this school year is better? Getting to the root of the problem is the first step, and it could be an undetected vision problem.

Vision is a big part of learning. 80% of what we learn, we learn visually. With the new school year upon us, it's a good time to take a look at the basic vision skills needed in the classroom:
NEAR VISION. The ability to see clearly and comfortably at 10-13 inches.
DISTANCE VISION. The ability to see clearly and comfortably beyond arm’s reach.
BINOCULAR VISION SKILLS. The ability to use both eyes together.
EYE MOVEMENT SKILLS. The ability to aim the eyes accurately, move them smoothly across a page and shift them quickly and accurately while reading.
FOCUSING SKILLS. The ability to keep both eyes accurately focused at the proper distance to see clearly and the ability to change focus quickly.
PERIPHERAL AWARENESS. The ability to be aware of things located to the side while looking straight ahead.
EYE-HAND COORDINATION. The ability to use the eyes and hands together.

Vision deficits means a child will have to work harder to keep up in class or fail to perform at grade level. Symptoms that indicate a vision or visual processing problem include:
Loses his place while reading.
Avoids close work.
Holds reading material closer than normal.
Tends to rub eyes.
Has headaches.
Turns or tilts head to use one eye only.
Makes frequent reversals when reading or writing.
Uses finger to maintain place when reading.
Omits or confuses small words when reading.
Performs below potential.

Children don't outgrow a vision problem, and vision problems don't just go away. If you suspect your child has a binocular vision, visual perception, or visual processing problem please give us a call. We specialize in diagnosing and treating binocular vision, visual perception, and visual processing deficits.


Vision and Learning Disabilities are Related
Learning disabilities are not caused by vision problems. However, children with learning disabilities struggle to process new information and make connections between new and already learned information.

As we know, the sensory information coming into the brain provides the information needed for building an understanding of the world around us. With the majority of learning being visual, it is easy to understand the importance of clear and intelligible information being gathered by the eyes in order to be processed correctly by the brain. Correcting vision problems improves the information to be processed – helping rather than hindering a child's ability.

Children struggling academically or performing below grade-level should be be evaluated to assess binocular vision skills and visual processing speed. If your child has an IEP or 504 in place, is currently in sensory integration therapy, performs poorly on tests, or you feel your child is working too hard for the grades they receive – it's time to get answers. Give Advanced Vision Therapy Center a call (208) 377-1310.


What is vision therapy? Vision therapy is commonly referred to as “physical therapy for the eyes”. Vision therapy utilizes specific activities and specialized equipment in one-on-one treatment sessions with a licensed therapist. It is doctor-supervised and individualized to your child’s unique vision issue. These activities enhance and improve the function of the eyes and visual integration to correct many common vision problems. This includes:
Double Vision
Eye Alignment
Focusing and Coordination Issues
Vision therapy usually takes about 6 months to complete and provides life-long results.

At Advanced Vision Therapy Center treatment is supervised by a residency-trained neuro-optometrist and all of our therapists are licensed by the State of Idaho. Just a couple of the reasons we are recognized as the Pacific Northwest's premier vision therapy clinic.

Advanced Vision Therapy Center Advanced Vision Therapy Center provides assessment and treatment of: Binocular Vision Dysfunction,


What Vision Problems Does Vision Therapy Treat?

Vision therapy benefits children diagnosed with either visually-related learning problems or visual process disorders. These conditions affect how the brain processes visual information which can result in problems with reading, handwriting, comprehension, working memory and processing speed.

Vision therapy is also prescribed to correct poor eye tracking and eye teaming skills, which affects reading fluency, focus/concentration, and reading comprehension.

Children who struggle with coordination, spatial awareness or eye-hand coordination can also benefit from vision therapy. Correcting the underlying vision problem allows them to participate in activities like art and sports, which are important for socializing with their peers.

Advanced Vision Therapy Center is recognized as the Pacific Northwest's premier vision therapy clinic. Call to schedule an assessment (208) 377-1310. No referral needed.

Advanced Vision Therapy Center Advanced Vision Therapy Center provides assessment and treatment of: Binocular Vision Dysfunction,


Athletes at all levels of play can benefit from Sports Vision Training. Here at Advanced Vision Therapy Center we offer targeted vision training to improve an athlete's visual abilities.

Physical training, conditioning, and practicing improves endurance and physical performance. Sports vision training improves depth perception, hand-eye coordination, balance, anticipation timing, and many other vision processes that affect sports performance.


What is a Visual Processing Problem?
The ability to analyze and interpret visual input (what we see) is referred to as visual processing or visual perceptual skills. Visual perceptual skills are vital to a child's ability to learn numbers or letters, and accurately discern similarities and differences. Children with poor visual perception skills will have greater difficulty learning to read – affecting IRI scores, reading fluency, as well as reading comprehension.

For most children, visual processing and visual perceptual skills develop as expected. However, for other children visual processing and visual perceptual skills do not develop at age-appropriate levels. This lag in development can lead to difficulty in academic performance, especially in the early grades of school when reading and math skills are emerging.

Here at Advanced Vision Therapy Center we provide testing and treatment of visual processing and visual perceptual skills. If you suspect your child may have a visual processing or visual perceptual skills deficit, it's time to give us a call.


What is Eye-Teaming?

Eye teaming means that we are using our two eyes together in very precise and coordinated movements. Each time we look at something the two eyes aim directly at the same exact point of focus. Each eye then independently sends an image to the part of the brain that is involved in the process of seeing.

This part of the brain, called the visual cortex, then combines the images received from each of the two eyes to make one "fused" image. If the images received from each of the two are are identical the result is normal, clear, single vision and a perception of depth. If, however, the two eyes are not performing in a coordinated manner, the visual cortex will receive a different image from each of the two eyes. This can result in double vision, blurred vision, visual discomfort, decreased depth perception, or a combination of symptoms.

Problems with eye teaming affect learning, reading speed and comprehension, as well as academic and sports performance.

There are two types of eye-teaming problems:
Convergence problems (bringing the two eyes in together)
Divergence problems (releasing the eyes from a convergence position)

At Advanced Vision Therapy Center we offer effective treatment for eye-teaming problems. All treatment is one-on-one with a licensed therapist, and all treatment is medical and research based. We are accepting new patients, and no referral is needed.

Advanced Vision Therapy Center Advanced Vision Therapy Center provides assessment and treatment of: Binocular Vision Dysfunction,


Advanced Vision Therapy Center is considered the Pacific Northwest's premier vision therapy clinic. Expert care with results in months, not years. Accepting new patients. No referral needed.

Advanced Vision Therapy Center Advanced Vision Therapy Center provides assessment and treatment of: Binocular Vision Dysfunction,

Photos from Advanced Vision Therapy Center's post 01/19/2023

Advanced Vision Therapy Center is recognized as the Northwest's premier vision therapy clinic. We provide research, evidence based treatment. All sessions are one-on-one with a licensed therapist. All treatment plans are supervised by a residency-trained neuro-optometrist. Effective treatment, proven results. Call (208) 377-1310 to schedule an assessment.


Suspect a binocular vision problem? Give us a call. Established in 1991, we are binocular vision experts and recognized as the Pacific Northwest's premier vision therapy clinic. We can help!

Advanced Vision Therapy Center Advanced Vision Therapy Center provides assessment and treatment of: Binocular Vision Dysfunction,


Here at Advanced Vision Therapy Center we offer testing and treatment for Visual Perception and Visual Processing Deficits – such as Visual Form Discrimination.

Visual Form Discrimination leads to difficulty, or the inability, to discriminate differences between objects based on their individual characteristics. In the classroom setting this leads to difficulty in reading and math, with difficulty identifying patterns; difficulty in correctly identifying letters, numbers or symbols; reading from left to right; difficulty in perceiving differences between similar letters or words such as m and n, b and d, p and q. Visual discrimination affects reading fluency.

Established in 1991, Advanced Vision Therapy Center has become the Northwest's premier vision therapy clinic. For more than 25 years, Advanced Vision Therapy Center has worked with patients to improve visual system performance – delivering lifelong results for both children and adults.

Is you are looking for effective treatment of visual processing deficits, call to our office to schedule an initial assessment.


If your child is struggling, performing below grade-level, or failing to reach their full potential please give us a call. At Advanced Vision Therapy Center, the Pacific Northwest's premiere vision therapy clinic, we provide medical based vision therapy to effectively treat binocular vision problems.

Your child may suffer from a binocular vision problem if they:
struggle with reading
grow tired or frustrated with reading
can’t sit still or stay at a task for any length of time
reverse words, numbers, or letters
have difficulty remembering the spelling of words
frequently loses their place, skips words, or skips lines of text while reading
have poor reading comprehension
have shown no improvement from medication or tutoring

Advanced Vision Therapy Center Advanced Vision Therapy Center provides assessment and treatment of: Binocular Vision Dysfunction,


Here at Advanced Vision Therapy Center, we enjoy being a resource and helping families. Today we're going to answer a few commonly asked questions about vision therapy.

What is Vision Therapy?
Typically a series of individualized therapy activities based on the patient's diagnosis. The treatment plan and specific activities are customized for each patient.

What does Vision Therapy improve?
Studies have proven that Vision Therapy is clinically effective in treating many binocular vision conditions, the most common of which is Convergence Insufficiency.

Are all Vision Therapy programs the same?
No. Some Vision Therapy is considered behavioral or developmental, while others are research and evidence based which is classified as medical based Vision Therapy.

How long does Vision Therapy take?
The average vision therapy program for eye teaming, tracking, and focusing disorders is one one-hour appointment each week for 18 to 24 visits (4 to 6 months). Multiple diagnoses or post-concussion treatment can be more involved and require longer treatment periods, generally 24 to 36 visits (6 to 9 months).

If you are considering vision therapy we invite you to give us a call. We utilize research and evidence based treatment, medical based vision therapy. All of our therapists are licensed by the State of Idaho. All sessions are customized to the patient, and one-on-one with the therapist.


Kids can struggle with learning, not finishing homework, or falling behind in class. Some may have difficulty with reading or math. Others may have trouble understanding and following instructions. Some may have difficulty organizing their thoughts and figuring out the steps necessary to complete homework assignments.

If any of this sounds familiar, it's time to schedule a vision therapy evaluation with the Northwest's premier vision therapy clinic. Where you will find licensed therapists, medical-based treatment, and a clinical director who is residency-trained in neuro-optometry and vision therapy.

You have questions. We have answers.


Advanced Vision Therapy Center is the Northwest's premier vision therapy clinic. Established in 1991, our results are why we are physician recommended and patient preferred.

If you are considering a vision therapy program it is important to ask:
>Who will be performing the initial assessment?
>What type of formal education and training have they completed?
>Are the therapists licensed by the State of Idaho?
>Does a Residency Trained Neuro-Optometrist develop and monitor treatment?
>Is the vision therapy treatment program individualized to each person?
>Is the vision therapy program one-on-one with the same therapist?

At Advanced Vision Therapy Center all of our therapists hold Idaho licenses, all treatment sessions are one-on-one with the same therapist each week, and all treatment is closely monitored by a residency-trained neuro-optometrist.

When results matter, you can count on Advanced Vision Therapy Center.

Photos from Advanced Vision Therapy Center's post 09/22/2022

Congrats to Dr. Ryan Johnson! Another speaking engagement!! We all love that you have dedicated your career to an area of patient care that we too are so passionate about. We're a great team! Thanks so much for being our inspiration here at Advanced Vision Therapy Center.


Learning is a complex process, and vision is an important part of that process.

Here are a few of the most common binocular vision dysfunctions that can affect learning.
(1) Eye Teaming: The ability to use both eyes as a “team”. This requires the brain to fuse the two separate images coming in from each eye into a single image, and presents double vision.
(2) Eye Tracking: This allows the eyes to track a moving object or look from one place to another smoothly and efficiently. Eye tracking allows us to read without skipping words or sentences, and maintain reading speed and fluency.
(3) Accommodation: Affects how the eye shifts focus from far to near, and near to far.
(4) Visual-Motor Integration: Affects eye-hand coordination, responsible for processing and reproducing visual images by writing or drawing.
(5) Visual Perception: Affects visual memory (ability to understand and recall what is seen), visual form perception (discriminate differences in size, shape, or form), and visualization (“seeing” in the mind's eye).

At Advanced Vision Therapy Center we provide testing and treatment for binocular vision problems (binocular vision dysfunction). All of our vision therapy sessions take place one-on-one with one of our licensed therapists, and performed under the supervision of a residency-trained neuro-optometrist. We provide full scope, medical based vision therapy.


Lazy Eye (Amblyopia) Treatment

Early detection and treatment is ideal. However, scientific studies done by the National Institutes of Health and the National Eye Institute have proven that lazy eye (Amblyopia) can be successfully treated in older children and adults with non-surgical therapies.

These scientific studies have proven that the brain can change and develop new neural pathways at any age (neuroplasticity). Our eyes capture images, while vision is produced in the brain.

Some of the most commonly known treatments for lazy eye (Amblyopia) are elective eye muscle surgery, eye patching, or eye dilating drops. Since lazy eye (Amblyopia) is due to abnormal neural connections between the brain and the eyes:
 Eye muscle surgery is used to physically alter eye muscles and correct eye turns, not to correct binocular vision deficits.
 Eye patching is used to stimulate the use of the lazy eye, but does nothing to develop binocular vision, 3D vision, depth perception, eye teaming, or eye tracking.
 Eye dilating drops are sometimes used in place of eye patching.
 Vision therapy is used to correct eye turns as well as binocular vision deficits.

At Advanced Vision Therapy Center our licensed vision therapists use therapeutic lenses, optical imaging devices, and many progressive therapy activities to improve vision in the amblyopic (lazy eye) and to train the two eyes to work together to gain binocular vision and depth perception.


Eyeglasses and contact lenses are used to correct visual acuity (farsightedness, nearsightedness, astigmatism). Eye surgery is used to alter the anatomy of the eye or surrounding eye muscles. Vision therapy is used to train or retrain the visual system (the eyes and the brain working together).

Vision is the process of the eyes gathering the image and transmitting that image to the brain. In the brain we interpret the images the eyes gather. If the eyes aren't working as they should, it is much more difficult for the brain to process the visual input correctly.

At Advanced Vision Therapy Center, vision therapy takes place one-on-one with one of our licensed therapists and performed under the supervision of a residency-trained neuro-optometrist. Our vision therapy practice devotes a large amount of space, specialized equipment, and continuing education to deliver full scope, medical based vision therapy.

Advanced Vision Therapy Center Advanced Vision Therapy Center provides assessment and treatment of: Binocular Vision Dysfunction,


What is Interactive Metronome therapy?

Interactive Metronome (IM) is an evidence-based training and assessment tool. Interactive Metronome is used to improve cognition, attention, focus, visual working memory and visual processing speed.

In order to learn, a child must be able to filter out distractions, retain information in working memory, and process that information efficiently. Children who lack these skills struggle to perform at grade level, perform poorly on timed tests, and fall behind on classroom and homework assignments.

Studies have shown Interactive Metronome therapy effective in improving:
Attention and concentration
Control of impulsivity
Working memory
Processing Speed

At Advanced Vision Therapy Center our licensed therapists are Certified Pediatric Interactive Metronome providers. Call today to schedule an assessment.

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About Us

Advanced Vision Therapy Center is the Northwest's premier clinic for Vision Therapy, Neuro-Optometric Vision Rehabilitation and Sports Vision Training.

We offer a number of treatment options tailored to the specific visual needs of each patient. Our evidence and research-based approach to treatment is goal and outcome oriented. Every treatment session at Advanced Vision Therapy Center is provided in a one-on-one environment with our licensed and specially-trained therapists. Additionally, every treatment program is overseen by our Residency-Trained Neuro-Optometrist to ensure optimum results.

No referral necessary. Call (208)377-1310 to schedule an appointment.

Videos (show all)

Advanced Vision Therapy Center – our name says it all! What sets us apart? We are a state-of-the-art vision therapy clin...
Advanced Vision Therapy Center in Boise Idaho
Advanced Vision Therapy Center – our name says it all! What sets us apart? We are a state-of-the-art vision therapy clin...
Hoping this school year is better? Getting to the root of the problem is the first step, and it could be an undetected v...
At Advanced Vision Therapy Center we offer testing and treatment for visual processing and visual motor integration defi...
Advanced Vision Therapy Center is the Northwest's premier vision therapy clinic. Established in 1991, our results are wh...
What is Interactive Metronome therapy?Interactive Metronome (IM) is an evidence-based training and assessment tool. Inte...
Vision Therapy for Children
Improvement starts here. Advanced Vision Therapy Center is recognized as the Pacific Northwest's premiere vision therapy...
Advanced Vision Therapy Center
Working memory and processing speed affect learning. Preventing a child from reaching their full potential.Learn more: h...
Has vision therapy been recommended for your child? Listen to what other parents have to say about Advanced Vision Thera...



7960 W Rifleman Street, #130
Boise, ID

Opening Hours

Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 6pm

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