Boston Massage + Reiki Services, Lisa Bedoya LMT

Mindbody+energy healing for chronic pain, anxiety, taking on the energy of others!


This is an email I just sent to my list. Comment or contact me if you have questions or want to join:


(First: I have openings this week on Friday between 2-4 and Saturday between 12-2. Depending when you get this, it may be too late to book online. If so, let me know and I'll put you in!)

I wanted to say hello today with a special shout out to my clients who have taken the plunge into energy work ... sometimes without the euphoric outcome they expected.

Working with energy requires a whole different mindset. It comes with a certain degree of uncertainty. I prefer to call it mystery. It makes me feel cozier when I'm deep in it, scared and shaking in pain or fear.

Energy healing usually goes something like this:

It usually involves becoming aware of a problem, usually by an occurrence we can readily sense, like physical symptoms or emotional uneasiness. Then comes cleansing, releasing, getting rid of "old energy that doesn't serve you." It releases holding patterns stuck in our energy bodies in times of high stress.

Then it reorganizes and rebuilds molecular structures and electromagnetic patterns.

How does this work?

I couldn't tell you.

Whether you believe in the facts of science or the fables of folk healing or something in between, it's hard to know for sure exactly what is the.mechanism that makes us heal or not heal. It has never ceased to fascinate me in all these years as a holistic practitioner.

If you are in a deep healing process, my best advice is to remain open and curious to a process you might not understand. Allow your body the space to do its healing. In one module of my reiki class, I say over and over, "Set your intention for healing. Do your best. Let go of the outcome."

We are asking for help from a force we don't quite know or understand. It might not play out in the straightforward, linear fashion we'd expected. Have compassion for yourself, your body, your thoughts and feelings. Try to listen and follow their lead.

You are using your consciousness to observe the healing process from a new perspective. You are watching the interplay between mind and body. You are learning to view your physical, emotional, and mental processes as energies, shifting and changing in a field of energy.

And through it all, you know that energy field wishes you no ill will. It is flowing through you and around you. It also IS you, a part of you you aren't always aware of. It wants you to heal into the awareness of it, so you know everything is ok.

I often think of those fascinating clouds of hundreds of starlings in the sky above a field in the country. They could be our molecules shifting and changing, sometimes dramatically, according to unseen forces. They are influenced by that magnetism that guides them, and also by the invisible wind and the regular old trees and telephone wires. I imagine one bird suddenly realizing the magnitude of what they are a part of, and thinking omg wtf is this? They could freak out and try desperately to escape. Or they could revel in mystery and amazement and enjoy the flow. Furthermore, assuming they had consciousness like we do, they could simultaneously stay in the flow AND step outside. They could fly down to sit on a fence in the field and view themselves and their flock from a new perspective.

How did you like that metaphor?

LISTEN: This is the perspective of an energy healer, for those who are interested in energy healing. It's nothing like medical or mental health advice. Listening to your body means to seek medical or mental health care when you need it.

I am only pointing out that energy healing doesn't always immediately make you feel better. Many times people come to me when they've been to health care professionals who've run tests yielding negative results. So we know we don't need to worry.

If you know you are otherwise healthy, know that your body's readjustments may not feel comfortable. Mild physical symptoms sometimes occur. You might compare it to a mild inflammation occurring around a scrape on your knee. It's simply the process of cleaning and repairing the wound.

Ok, hope that makes sense. I can't really edit because I have to run to get ready to go to the office. I wanted to say hi, though, and share those thoughts that have been circling.

Hit reply if you have questions! Or tell me what you think of this example of a healing mindset.

[email protected]
617 455 7085 (text or voice mail)"


It's too late to join my Reiki One class. (If you've been wanting to learn contact me to find out about the next one.) BUT if you've already learned reiki, please join us on the 19th! All levels and lineages are welcome. I just have the one table so it's small and informal. We chat, drink some tea, and practice reiki. Also, if you've learned but need to practice to gain skills and confidence, please don't be shy. We're all learning!


Do you have a way to slow down and take a breath in the middle of a busy day? I walk to work every day. Often when I'm running late, I make a point to stop and photo something that catches my eye. Flowers behind bars are everywhere in Boston and they always make me remember to grow where I'm planted. Get over anything I'm hating that I have to do that day. What do you do find mindful minutes?


I passed! This is the comment I received on my demo video I submitted for the Qi Gong teaching certificate I've been working on for 18 month! I'm so happy I took this step! Reiki and Qi Gong together are sooo powerful!


Celebrating 10 years in Brighton! This month I moved to a new office in the same building. It's been ten years, but I feel the excitement of a new beginning! Super grateful for all my clients.💖


Many of my clients come in with physical or emotional pain. They've tried to healing but they say "nothing's working." There is one concept I almost always ask them about. It's the topic of this post.

Is it a new idea for you, too? Or one that you're familiar with?

I'm talking about the idea of the spiritual bypass. I'm bringing it up again because it's so prevalent, yet so easily overlooked. And it's super important if you feel you've tried many things to feel better but "nothing's working."

The spiritual bypass means that, in striving to be spiritual, you ignore human earthly problems instead of working through them. A common example: You tell yourself you have risen above anger for someone who has hurt you.

Maybe you turn the other cheek, or send them love and light. Maybe you force yourself to feel love and gratitude because others are suffering so much more than you.

Along with the spiritual bypass, I would add the intellectual bypass, and the adulting bypass.

Intellectual because we know in our minds we "should" forgive. We mistake knowing with our minds for forgiving with our hearts.

Adulting because, as grown-ups, we are not allowed to throw tantrums. We mistake following that rule on the outside with not being angry inside.

If you've been with me awhile, you may have heard me say I never knew I was angry until I was in my 40s. I knew but I didn't know. As soon as I admitted it to myself, though, I understood how and why I was so snappy. So judgmental. So easily hurt. So quick to feel criticized. So migraine-y.

Of course yours may be another emotion besides anger. It doesn't matter what emotion it is. It matters that you acknowledge it. A whole new world can open. A new way of being.

And that new way of being will be more honest. More truly spiritual, more emotionally intelligent, and more mature. Lighter and less painful.

If you have jumped straight from insult and injury to "letting go" of a feeling you think is noxious, think again. The real noxious thing is pretending not to feel.

The deeper I immerse myself with mind/body/energy work, the more I see what harm is done by denying a person their human emotions. And how the denial causes pain in the body...anxiety...depression. It's too much for your body to hold!

To lighten and free your body here are two things I offer: 1. Emotional Freedom Technique sessions and 2. Light Breathing add-on.

Emotional Freedom is for you if you want to quickly see the emotions that cause you pain. We'll start with a guided meditation to help you get straight to the heart of the matter.

Then I'll assist you in working through whatever truth you find. True it can feel a little dicey, because, well, most of us aren't used to our feelings. But often we are smiling and laughing by the end. It's so worth it!

If you want a more gentle, passive exploration of emotion stored in the body, choose the Light Breathing add-on. After your massage or reiki session, I'll guide your mind into your body so you can begin to get a new perspective on physical discomfort. You'll begin to sense it with understanding and compassion...instead of trying to fight or kill it!

It is a part of YOU you are trying to fight and kill. I already put it in bold, but also read that again! That's the opposite of healing. Let's try something different!

Questions or comments? Reply to this email! Have a great Sunday! I'm so looking forward to Reiki Circle. Maybe we'll see YOU next week if you're not joining us tonight.


Good morning!

The last two emails I wrote to my list were about 1) self-compassion, being ok with yourself no matter what and 2) anger. If you read those emails and realized that yes, anger is rumbling just below your conscious surface, or that you are a little short on self-compassion...and you want a way to address those uncomfortable feelings, then maybe a reiki practice is right for you.

Did you know that compassion and letting go of anger are two of the five reiki precepts, or principles that are taught in Level One Reiki? If you want to let go of anger, if worry and anxiety are your constant companions, if you feel overwhelmed and indecisive...and if any of those things are making you feel heavy or causing pain in your body or mind...then maybe a reiki practice is for you.

A reiki practice is a meditation practice that is also used for hands-on healing. Hands-on healing is a way to connect with your inner being, your spiritual self. It's also a way to connect with others in a safe and healthy way. So if you sometimes feel trampled by the energies and opinions of others, reiki is a wonderful teaching to strengthen your boundaries and take back your power.


Purchase my hybrid Level One Reiki class and receive my Power To Heal service for only $99. When you get Power To Heal, you'll receive and extra in-person reiki session that includes self-healing meditation instruction. The best part, though, is that you and I will go on a reiki meditation adventure! I'll support you through a 21-day meditation challenge that you'll do at home!

We'll communicate by email every single day to make sure you complete your practice. You can ask questions and get feedback on your progress. If you have ever wanted the benefits of meditation, but didn't stick with it, you will LOVE this process. Your inner being, your spiritual guidance is ALREADY available to you! You just have to learn to listen! This kind of meditation is not about discipline or sitting in any fancy position. It's about meeting yourself exactly where you are. I love witnessing people opening to their own feisty spirit!

I'll put the link to more information about Reiki Circle and Reiki Level One Class in the comments.

When you sign up for the class, I'll send you a link for your discount of just over 50% off Power To Heal. Receiving a reiki session is powerful. Taking your power into your own hands is priceless. I can't wait to work with you on this!


I offer reiki, massage, and emotional freedom technique. But every service is really about personal empowerment. Acknowledging and honoring your true self. “Recognize what belongs to you and what doesn’t.” I love this post so much. Thank you to the author! Try it today. Tell someone “that’s on you.” Let me know how it goes! 💖


When you wish the best for all who cross your path, the universe brings the best to you.

Timeline photos 07/09/2022

If you were coming for a massage or Reiki would you want to lie in one of these prickly acupressure mats? I’m thinking about getting one…?

When do you like to Shakti? ✨💤

"My favorite time to use the Shakti Mat is right before bed. After a few minutes I become very relaxed and my brain quiets down. It generally takes me at least an hour to fall asleep at night, but the Shakti helps me become sleepy in about 20 minutes."
- Mary


💛 credit:

Photos from Denise Linn's post 06/21/2022

It’s not only me saying this! I learned it from the folks who’ve done the research.

Now that we know that our thoughts can positively or negatively influence our biological functioning, the question is how to make your mind, body, and spirit work together?

Sure, we can put in a conscious effort to eliminate negative or limiting beliefs from our minds. However, this is a struggle for many because these beliefs are often so deeply embedded in our subconscious that we are not even aware of them. They control our thoughts, behaviors, attitudes, and reactions.

The FIRST STEP is, therefore, to become aware of your subconscious programming. Only then can you change it and change your life.

More at


Applies to your health and well being! 💖



A very good career choice would be to gravitate toward those activities and to embrace those desires that harmonize with your core intentions, which are freedom and growth - and joy. Make a “career” of living a happy life rather than trying to find work that will produce enough income that you can do things with your money that will then make you happy. When feeling happy is of paramount importance to you - and what you do “for a living” makes you happy - you have found the best of all combinations.


Excerpted from the book:
‘Money and the Law of Attraction’

Browse this title and others in our official online store:

Is it wrong to accept bad things? 06/10/2022

Is it wrong to accept bad things? Good morning! Today I want to share about something that's come up several times with clients, with the mentor group I'm in, and through the signs from the Universe I'm always watching. It's this: ACCEPTANCE We all know what acceptance means. In mindbody healing we have to pay attention to what we a...


How I got rid of migraines: I stopped fighting and started loving. Loving me. You can do it, too. "Love yourself" might sound trite and too simplistic. Have you ever really tried it, though? It IS simple but it's not trite. And you will probably go down before you go up. And that will be ok. 💖

Perspective | Chronic pain is surprisingly treatable — when patients focus on the brain 03/19/2022

💯 👏🏻 😍

Perspective | Chronic pain is surprisingly treatable — when patients focus on the brain An unexpected therapy shows results.

Timeline photos 03/18/2022

More than a good smell! 🌱☺️

Certain naturally-occuring chemical components have anxiety-calming effects.

Linalool and linalyl acetate are especially helpful for soothing your nervous system...

And lavender oil is rich in both!

Learn more about anxiety-calming chemical components on our blog!

Photos from Zen Warriors's post 03/07/2022

How's the full moon working out for you all? I don't really read cards but I pull a few for myself sometimes. These are soooo correct! This moon is charged!


message me if you want join us! it's today the 6th, not the 7th


Do you like words such as magical, mystic, ephemeral, secret, dolphins, exotic, and sun-god? What about uplifting, earthy, otherworldly, light?

I can't describe neroli essential oil, but those words begin to get at how it makes me feel. I could resort to saying it's faintly orange with a green twig finish.

It is the oil distilled from orange blossoms, so that last description is the most accurate, if less imaginative.

Aromatherapy fascinates me as a mindbody healing modality. It works because the molecules of the oil engage with our olfactory systems, turning on chemical reactions we know as feelings. Are our reactions biologic, or cultural, or personal? Can you even separate those? Has to be all three, right?

Most people in our culture love lavender, but it does nauseate some. And I wonder if they also love it, for example, on the high plains of Mongolia. Surely our personal experience and cultural bias factor into the effect a smell has on us.

On the other hand, there are plenty of studies that demonstrate how certain chemicals cause our brains to react in a certain way. Of course you have to ask whose brains exactly are we talking about...

Anyway, Here's an article on Dr. Axe's website about studies related to neroli.

Neroli transports me immediately to the front terrace of a house I lived in in Tunisia. The North African sun, and the smell of citrus, cemented into my brainwaves the ongoing daydream that was my 26-year-old life.

How will neroli affect you?

Neroli is special and expensive, but friends, you only go around once. Right now, my every-day massage oil is infused with neroli. It's not going to clobber you like eucalyptus the minute you get on the table. It's going to seep in like sleep on a hot afternoon in the shade of a date-palm grove on the edge of the Sahara.

I don't know about you, but I'm feeling excessively gray in Boston right now. Neroli is my anti-SAD medicine.



My clients always say they're looking for like-hearted folk, interested in friendly, introverted, kindness + compassion kinds of things. People on a healing, true self sort of path. Is that you? Our little group is just getting started. Come join us 😀


My camera’s not great, but look at that moon. Full 3 days ago now but the energy won’t quit. She’s around every corner. ♥️

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“an approach to healthcare that emphasizes deliberate vibrant living, and health-positive opposed to clinging to diagnosis and treatment of disease.” My page is for connecting about things that make us well, that make us feel awake and alive. I hope you will see something here that makes you smile, or think, or feel uplifted for a few minutes during your busy day.

In my Boston practice I offer massage therapy, especially for headaches and neck pain, and Reiki sessions and classes. The Reiki community offers a safe place for you to do you, to honor and be honored by like-minded folk looking to be still and grateful for a few minutes, to put down our phones, take some deep breaths and just be.

My posts may contain affiliate links, through which I receive a small commission. Thank you!

Videos (show all)

how i stopped migraines
These oils are delicate yet powerful. They are super strong heart openers. If you don't want that, we can stick with lav...
Get it with your next 60 minute massage or Reiki session. Link to booking in the comments. 😃
Coming soon in addition to the special "Trilogy" session: 1. "Neroli" Super Reiki Session 2. "Breathing Flowers" Massage...
"The best time to relax is when you don't have time for it." Who's cutting out of work early today?
This has been the weather for my first 15 days in Rockport. 🤣Today the sun is out and I'm going to the beach! From tomor...
looking forward to a new adventure on the north shore for the month of july. in between playing in the ocean + walking t...



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