Essence Wellness

Welcome to Essence Wellness, where we strive to be your number one page for all things health and wellness.

We share essential life tips to help you be the best you can be!


Being in the Present Moment Guide
Challenging Habitual Behavior

We all have things we do on an ongoing basis but we usually do them without much thought or consideration to how they get done. A way to become more present in the moment is to do what you usually do but in a different way.

Make yourself aware of how you do things, rather than just doing them by rote. Change the order in which you do a thing, and/or when you do them in the course of a day. Or just don’t do them on any given day.

Do something new, e.g., change what you eat for breakfast, alter your route to work, buy something different that reflects a new image, a change in the way you want to be seen.


Vitamins your body needs

Your pregnancy and breastfeeding, period, can all lead to low iron levels, and if you end up drained after pregnancy and don’t get your levels back up, the problem can become severe.
Iron aids make up the protein that carries oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body, which is why being physically and mentally tired is one of the main symptoms of low iron.
Meat sources like chicken are your best bet, since the type of iron found in meat, termed heme iron is more bioavailable, or better absorbed, by our bodies than the variety we get from plants.
But you can also get substantial amounts of iron from lentils and legumes.


Habits of Genuinely Likable People
Never practicing selective hearing

Some people are unable to hear something said by someone they believe is somehow beneath them, and you know people like that. Yes, you 're talking to them, but that particular falling tree doesn't make a sound in the forest, so there is nobody really listening.

Charismatic people listen closely to everyone, and they make us all feel like we have something in common with them, regardless of our role or social standing or "class," because we do. We are all human.


Motivation is essential when trying to build healthy habits, but we also know that it can wax and wane. You can't always depend on it because some of that initial motivation will wear off and you'll need other systems in place to keep you on track.

The key to weathering the storm of low motivation is to anticipate and set up strategies in advance to help you cope. Post reminders, ask for social support and create backup plans.

And, of course, remind yourself that motivation can plummet and that you just need to roll with it and keep going. The motivation will return, especially as you start to feel the benefits of your new behaviors.



Cardamom is not a cheap spice, but just a little bit goes a very long way.
This Middle Eastern spice is a little sweet and a little savory, with some cardamom fans saying its flavor is similar to ginger, but stronger.
It's also a great source of fiber, iron, and magnesium, so you're definitely starting your day on the right foot when you add this to your coffee.
Plus how fancy and exotic will you sound when you recommend it to all of your friends?


Psychological tricks to make anyone fall for you
Surprising people when they don’t expect it

When people receive something pleasant from others that they didn’t ask for, it gives them an extraordinarily good feeling.
Don’t be afraid of surprising others with something they might like, without asking their permission to do so.
For example, if you are at work and want to go grab yourself a sandwich, you could also grab one more for your colleague.
This surprising action will stick in their mind for a long time, and you will be seen as a friendly and nice person.


Essential oils for colds:
Black seed oil

Another name for black seed oil is black cumin seed oil. It is incredibly beneficial to treat common bacterial or viral infections.
The primary reason for using black seed or black cumin seed oil is their ability to boost the body’s natural killer cells, i.e., white blood cells, which helps to fight even cancer. Hence, this oil increases the strength and number of white blood cells and helps you to combat common bacterial or viral infections effectively.

😀6 to 8 drops of Black Seed oil
😀½ liter distilled water
😀1 tablespoon honey
😀A bowl to boil the water

😀Add ½ distilled water to a bowl
😀Heat the water till it is just about to boil
😀Turn off the heat
😀Add 6 to 8 drops of black seed oil to it
😀Add 1 tablespoon of honey to this
😀Stir well till the honey dissolves completely
😀Drink this solution 3 to 4 times every day.


Water-rich foods that will keep you hydrated:
Broccoli, 90% water

If you’re a fan of broccoli, you’ll be glad to hear that these florets are made up of 90% water.
Broccoli also contains lots of important nutrients, including Vitamin K, Vitamin A, iron, calcium and folic acid.
Try roasting broccoli with flaked almonds and sesame oil for a delicious nutty flavor, or make a batch of warming broccoli and cheddar soup.


Food you can’t eat past the expiration date:
Cooked food

Fried food tends to be more durable and long-lasting compared to those with sauces.
Cooked food tends to have a shorter shelf-life, especially if it's been overhandled, i.e. heated numerous times, touched with used utensils.
To make your cooked food last longer, freeze it till the moment you want to eat it.
If possible, heat only the portion you want to eat.


Time-wasting habits you need to break
Being unintentional with your time

The first step to using your time better is knowing how you’re spending it now. For a few days, or ideally a week, write down what you’re doing, as often as you remember. Think of yourself as a lawyer billing your time to different projects.

That’s the raw data. Start analyzing and categorizing time spent. How does this feel to you? What do you over- or under-invest in? What do you like most about your schedule? What would you like to change?”



Garlic is considered to be a natural medicine for treating varied ailments, right at home because of its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Nasal congestion is one of the major symptoms of a common cold that the affected person wants to get rid of, as fast as possible. Garlic can help you treat this symptom very effectively and the process is easy too.
When crushed, garlic releases curative component allicin that helps in thinning of the mucus and thus helps to clear the nasal passages. It also reduces inflammation and provides relief very effectively.

😀A pot of distilled water
😀5 garlic cloves
😀A bath towel
😀Boil the water in the pot.
😀Crush the garlic cloves and discard the peels.
😀Add the crushed garlic to the boiling water.
😀Turn off the heat.
😀Drape a towel over your head and the mouth of the pot.
😀Do not allow the steam to escape.
😀Inhale and exhale the steam for 10 to 12 minutes.
😀You can repeat this procedure 2 times a day.


Long-lasting non-perishable nutritious food:
White rice

Rice is a good source of fiber and carbohydrates that’s sure to give anyone a jump start to their day.


You know that healthy habits, such as eating well, exercising, and avoiding harmful substances, make sense, but did you ever stop to think about why you practice them? A healthy habit is any behavior that benefits your physical, mental, and emotional health. These habits improve your overall well-being and make you feel good.

Healthy habits are hard to develop and often require changing your mindset. But if you’re willing to make sacrifices to better your health, the impact can be far-reaching, regardless of your age, s*x, or physical ability.

Bad habits are hard to break, but once you adopt a healthier lifestyle, you won’t regret this decision. Healthy habits reduce the risk of certain diseases, improve your physical appearance and mental health, and give your energy level a much needed boost. You won’t change your mindset and behavior overnight, so be patient and take it one day at a time.


Simple ways to manage stress and anxiety
Early morning
Starting your day with presence
(30 seconds)

Begin your morning with a basic grounding exercise to set the tone for your day. You can use this practice when you first wake up, before you've even opening your eyes or during your morning routine, e.g., in the shower or while waiting for your coffee to brew.
Close your eyes and turn your attention to the breath as it moves in and out of your body. As you breathe in, think to yourself, “I am.” As you exhale, think, “here.” Repeat this cycle a few times as you breathe: “I am ... here. I am ... here.” Notice how your body and mind respond to this simple declaration.
Return to this practice during the day, with your eyes open as needed, to affirm your place in the world.


Your value depends on the problems you can solve

In the corporate world, those who often get promoted are not the ones who work hard, but those who have shown great ability to solve problems and handle issues that arise in the company.
You may not see your supervisor or manager physically working all the time, but they earn more than you because they are efficient at avoiding, handling, and fixing problems.
And that’s why whenever you’re putting up a business or deciding if you want to pursue a project, the first thing you ask is what problem will it solve for the customer. When you become a solutions provider, the money will follow.


Lessons on how routines can make your life easier:
Checklisting your routine

Our brains are fallible and forget stuff so easily that it’s embarrassing sometimes, like your wedding anniversary.
But if you checklist it and have it on paper, e.g., phone lists, you have it in written form and out of your head.
So get a checklist for your routine and get it out of your head.
Your mind can forget, but paper can’t.
It doesn’t have to be complicated.
Even the flight takeoff checklist is only 21 items and they fly a plane.
Pick the most important elements and write them down for your routine.


Grapes: How you know these foods are expired

If you’ve ever accidentally tasted a grape gone bad, you know it.
Save your taste buds the agony by sniffing for freshness.
Expired grapes will have a dirty, vinegar-like smell, usually accompanied by the odd brown, mushy grape here or there.


Scientific-backed tips on working successfully from home:
Adjusting the thermostat

It's enticing to believe that you can hack your efficiency by maintaining the optimal levels of light, temperature and other parameters.
It's valid to a certain degree.
There are some thresholds and light styles that are ideally suited for relaxation or meditation, but what we also find is that maintaining consistent settings during the day does not establish the best focus atmosphere.

Mimic what happens outside, open yourself to all kinds of light.

Cooler light is believed to be healthier, usually, for focus, but it is not normal for us to have the cool light all day long.

The same refers to temperature, noise and air flow.

Vary them to get the best results.

All slightly cold and moderately warm conditions improve human metabolism to counterbalance excess energy consumption.

That's perfect for the Jaffa Cakes, as well as your alertness.


Ways a hobby can make better at your day job:
Providing a bigger world view

Even if you are employed in a broad industry, your area of experience is limited in its scope and views. Getting a hobby can be a strong reminder there's a wide world out there. Even if you love your work, sometimes it's common to feel trapped, to forget the rest of the world is still moving along.

A hobby lets you reconnect with the universe, nature, people and something greater than you. This allows you to build a wider view of the world and that keeps you from being effectively locked in, both in terms of your thought and travel.


Cultivating more casual, low-staking friendships

Think of the parents you see in the drop-off line at school, your favorite bartender, the other dog owners at the park. These are called low-stakes relationships, i.e., weak ties. Not only can these connections affect our job prospects, they also can have a positive impact on our well-being by helping us feel more connected to other social groups.

Weak ties can offer recommendations for services and empower us to be more empathetic. We’re likely to feel less lonely, too. The more weak ties a person has, e.g., neighbors, a barista at the neighborhood coffee shop or fellow members in a spin class, the happier they feel. Maintaining this network of acquaintances also contributes to one’s sense of belonging to a community.


Spaces you should declutter every week:
Makeup bag/Vanity

Unless you use the same exact makeup and products every day, chances are your makeup bag will end up with some extra unused lipsticks or eyeshadows as the week goes on.
Check to make sure you’re only carrying around what you currently use daily and that you’re not missing something you need.
If you don’t wear makeup, this also applies to any small store of supplies you keep in your bag, whether it contains hair clips, Band-Aids, medicines, or gum.


Top benefits of meditation:
Reducing stress

Meditation can help alleviate anxiety from just about any situation in which you may find yourself. If there's a stressor in our lives we react with an instinct to fight or fly and escape the situation. You may note a heart beat or a feeling of rage which makes you want to be explosive, hence the need to fight.

Second, if you meditate, you are stopping the answer from occurring. Meditation allows you the opportunity to take a step back, relax and return to a more relaxed state of mind.


Spices you should have in your pantry:
Black peppercorns

This might be the most common spice you have in your kitchen.
These black pearls were once so expensive and so highly valued that they were used as a kind of currency in ancient times.
This is no longer the case, but the importance of this spice is still high.
Almost any tasty dish can be made more delicious with a pinch or a few corns of this earthy spice added to the dish.
In fact, you can even add this spice to a simple dessert to give it a different flavor dimension.
Ice cream of vanilla and black peppercorn?



Burpees are one of the best full-body functional exercises you can do. It’s just lying down on the ground and getting back up again.

If you can’t jump backward into high plank from a squat position, don’t be discouraged; just step back instead, one leg at a time. Then lie down. Then push yourself back up, step those legs back into your hands, and stand fully upright.

If you practice this consistently, you’ll be jumping up and down in no time and the rewards you’ll reap for your overall health and wellness will be incalculable.


Common hair myths
Wearing hats often increases rate of hair fall

Snapbacks and bucket hats look cool and all, but some of us fear wearing them out too often because of one myth, i.e., wearing hats may increase the rate of hair fall.
This isn’t actually true, as the hair you see clinging to your hat are most likely strands that were dislodged naturally, and not caused by the cap as previously thought.
There is, however, one small caveat.
Wearing a cap that’s too tight or too often can still cause scalp irritation, so either keep your hat-wearing days to a minimum, or take extra care to keep your hair and scalp nice and clean.
Myth verdict is false.


Foods that lift your mood:
Fermented Foods

Fermented foods, which include kimchi, yogurt, kefir, kombucha, and sauerkraut, may improve gut health and mood. The fermentation process allows live bacteria to thrive in foods that are then able to convert sugars into alcohol and acids. During this process, probiotics are created. These live microorganisms support the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut and may increase serotonin levels.

It’s important to note that not all fermented foods are significant sources of probiotics, such as in the case of beer, some breads, and wine, due to cooking and filtering.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that affects many facets of human behavior, such as mood, stress response, appetite, and s*xual drive. Up to 90% of your body’s serotonin is produced by your gut microbiome, or the collection of healthy bacteria in your gut. In addition, the gut microbiome plays a role in brain health.

A connection between healthy gut bacteria and lower rates of depression has been shown to exist. Still, more research is needed to understand how probiotics may regulate mood.


Health benefits of eating oatmeal
Regulates bowel movements

As we now know that oats are packed with fiber, both soluble and insoluble, having them daily may prevent constipation and eases bowel movements.
Adding oats in your daily diet can keep the issue of constipation at bay.
Make them as part of your breakfast meal.


Lessons on how routines can make your life easier:
Making stuff happen continuously

Imagine doing a safety check for plane lift-off 9,750 times and nothing happens.
Would you do it for 9,751st time?
Most of us wouldn’t.
But most of us aren’t Chesley Sullenberger aka “Sully.”
If the name rings familiar, it is the guy who landed an Airbus A320 in the Hudson River and saved everyone from the plane with 0 casualties.
All 155 passengers and all of the crew members survived.
All of that not because he followed the routine that one time but because he followed the routine 9,750 times before.


Women Exercises Over 40: Weighted Squats, Deadlifts and Farmer Carries

For women after 40 strength training is critical to keeping 2 essential parts of our bodies healthy: our bones and our metabolism.

Osteoporosis is a loss of bone density which often leads to increased risk of bone fractures and its incidence increases sharply for women as we age. While there are several contributing factors, one is decreased muscle and skeletal resistance on a regular basis. We 're basically lifting things less often, and tending to shy away from lifting heavy things.

Our muscle resistance applies to our bones as they pull against them to lift heavy objects is part of what builds and maintains bone density, so it's essential to lift weights to avoid osteoporosis. Weights of 3-lb ankle won't cut it.

We should be squatting, deadlifting and at least 20 lbs worker, 3 days a week. All of these motions are functional, meaning that we use them in everyday life, and functional training reduces daily activity injuries. In addition, weight lifting helps to build and maintain muscle mass which is what drives our metabolism.


Seafood is generally high in protein and Vitamin D.
They are considered as low-calorie food and their nutrients vary between every crustacean.
For example, fish is also a good source of omega-three fatty acids, which is good for the brain.
Meanwhile, squid meals are a good source of zinc and selenium antioxidants.
If you are in need of a quick fix, grab a plate of rice and one canned tuna.

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Videos (show all)

Being in the Present Moment GuideChallenging Habitual BehaviorWe all have things we do on an ongoing basis but we usuall...
Vitamins your body needsIronYour pregnancy and breastfeeding, period, can all lead to low iron levels, and if you end up...
Habits of Genuinely Likable PeopleNever practicing selective hearingSome people are unable to hear something said by som...
Motivation is essential when trying to build healthy habits, but we also know that it can wax and wane. You can't always...
Psychological tricks to make anyone fall for youSurprising people when they don’t expect itWhen people receive something...
Time-wasting habits you need to break  Being unintentional with your timeThe first step to using your time better is kno...
Long-lasting non-perishable nutritious food: White riceRice is a good source of fiber and carbohydrates that’s sure to g...
Simple ways to manage stress and anxiety Early morningStarting your day with presence(30 seconds)Begin your morning with...
Your value depends on the problems you can solveIn the corporate world, those who often get promoted are not the ones wh...
Lessons on how routines can make your life easier:Checklisting your routineOur brains are fallible and forget stuff so e...
Grapes: How you know these foods are expiredIf you’ve ever accidentally tasted a grape gone bad, you know it.Save your t...
Ways a hobby can make better at your day job:Providing a bigger world viewEven if you are employed in a broad industry, ...



1017 Nevada Way
Boulder City, NV

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