Cafe of Life Chiropractic - Scott Lloyd

Scott has a unique approach in how he takes care of people as a chiropractor. He has an extensive b

Self Myofascial Release Forearm Flexors & Extensors - Ask Dr. Abelson 04/09/2024

this is what to do with a lacrosse ball or golf ball:

Do it a little different than the video. Just like the video span the whole area of the forearm muscles, however, focus on the 'trigger points' (knots/really sore areas) and roll on them back and forth an inch in each direction, and apply a decent amount of pressure. Also, when you find a good spot that is knotted and sore, hold the pressure without rolling and go through ranges of motion with your wrist/hand.... do the whole forearm (all muscles front and back)

and do these stretches:

Self Myofascial Release Forearm Flexors & Extensors - Ask Dr. Abelson Self Myofascial Release Forearm Flexors & Extensors - The lacrosse ball works really well in releasing myofascial restrictions in your forearms and elbow. T...


Thanks Gregory, great write up, nice to do the POJ interview with you

Scott Lloyd: “When I was 20, I was at a point in my life where I knew I wanted to help people. I was thinking about maybe medical school, or physical therapy, or sports nutrition. I was also considering counseling, teaching or coaching. I was all over the place.

“A guy that I was surfing with had just graduated from chiropractic school, and he told me that all of those things I was interested in, I could do as a chiropractor. ‘You are more health and lifestyle minded, and chiropractic has all of those components,’ he told me. He had begun adjusting me that summer, and that fall was the first time since I was a small boy that seasonal allergies didn’t affect me. So I was getting really interested in chiropractic.

“Around the same time, I met this 92-year-old man, who used to be a chiropractor. When he shook my hand, the grip was incredible, and he was so alert. He was a picture of health. I thought to myself, ‘This is how healthy I want to be when I am in my 90’s.’ And I wanted to help other people achieve the same. Soon after I went to Portland, Oregon to chiropractic school. That 92 year old man inspired me without even knowing it.

“When I graduated from chiropractic school, I was 26, and I was thinking about buying a practice on the Oregon coast, and I had an opportunity to do so. But I realized that the Jersey Shore is my home. Brick is where my heart is, where my friends and family all are, and I love the ocean. So in 2008 I opened Cafe of Life, got married to Jacque, she got pregnant soon after, then we bought a house. It was all so fast, but it was so great.

“It is such a great feeling when people tell me how much I have helped them. People know that chiropractors help with skeletal-muscular problems, and that is very true, but what most people don’t realize is that there has alway been a theory in chiropractic practice that when you get adjusted, it will also affect the nervous system, which has positive effects on the body. Lately the theories are starting to come to light with scientific evidence. Allergies can clear up, organs can function better. Most people don’t realize the connection between getting adjusted and what that does for overall health.

“I adjust this one woman who has a son in her 20’s. When he was only four years old he was taking 5 medications for asthma and allergies. He got about 30 adjustments in a six month period. In that six months he went from five medications to two. Within two years he was completely off of them. His mom knew the adjustments helped. When he started getting adjusted, his allergies were getting progressively worse. It was only after he started to get adjusted that his allergies started getting better. I can’t say that will happen for everyone, but I suggest to people to get adjusted for a few months, and see if it helps.

“The reason this place is called Cafe of Life is because beyond adjustments, I help people learn how to improve their well being. You can come here, get adjusted, and get your nutrition and exercise education. My passion is helping people have an overall better quality of life, and I am so happy I have been able to help so many people get healthier.

Cafe of Life, 602 Mantoloking Rd, Brick Township, NJ 08723
Phone: 732-477-0777

Chiropractic care sees almost 50% reduction in opioid scripts, according to study - Chiropractic Economics 06/08/2019

Drastic reduction in opioid scripts. Game changer

Chiropractic care sees almost 50% reduction in opioid scripts, according to study - Chiropractic Economics Medscape Medical News has reported on research out of the Yale School of Medicine revealing that “patients who visited a chiropractor for a musculoskeletal pain condition were 49 percent less likely to receive an opioid prescription than their counterparts who went to other healthcare providers......

Poor sleep triggers viral loneliness and social rejection: Lack of sleep generates social anxiety that infects those around us 09/01/2018

Poor sleep triggers viral loneliness and social rejection: Lack of sleep generates social anxiety that infects those around us In a study of sleep-deprived versus well-rested individuals, researchers found that the brains of those lacking sufficient sleep exhibited heightened activity in areas that deal with perceived human threats and a shutdown of areas that encourage social interaction. People shown videos of sleep-depri...

Low Back Pain: Should We Recommend Chiropractic Care? 06/21/2018

Low Back Pain: Should We Recommend Chiropractic Care? A study looked at adding spinal manipulation and other chiropractic care to the overall management of low back pain.

Comparison of Intra-articular Triamcinolone vs Saline for Knee Osteoarthritis 07/10/2017

Damage. Perhaps short term relief, but damage is no good. Injections into joints are problematic. "Corticosteroid injections for knee osteoarthritis increased cartilage loss over the course of 2 years without providing any clinical benefit."

Comparison of Intra-articular Triamcinolone vs Saline for Knee Osteoarthritis This randomized trial compares the effects of intra-articular triamcinolone vs saline injected every 3 months for 2 years on changes in cartilage volume and pain in older adult patients with knee osteoarthritis.

Including Regular Chiropractic Care in Your Health Management Plan Appears to Have Significant Benefits and Results in a Higher Quality of Life. 04/15/2017

Including Regular Chiropractic Care in Your Health Management Plan Appears to Have Significant Benefits and Results in a Higher Quality of Life. WebMD says, “chiropractic care is considered a safe, effective treatment for acute low back pain, neck pain, headaches, osteoarthritis, and fibromyalgia.” A large literature review from the UK published in 2010 (The Bronfort Report) reported

You Draw It: Just How Bad Is the Drug Overdose Epidemic? 04/15/2017

Wow, just Wow. People, if you have pain, specifically musculoskeletal pain, please see a non drug provider first ... We are here to help you

You Draw It: Just How Bad Is the Drug Overdose Epidemic? An interactive quiz provides deeper context to the opioid epidemic by asking readers to draw the trends in deaths from guns, the H.I.V. epidemic, car accidents and drug overdoses.

Timeline photos 04/03/2017

Recurring Low Back Pain? Maintenance care from chiropractors was shown to help, aka, decrease disability recurrence. This groundbreaking study found chiropractic care significantly better than care provided by physicians and/or physical therapists for low back pain. Along with the Senna and Machaly study results, this represents a very solid case that maintenance chiropractic care recommendations are evidence-based.

Hacking PMS: How To Solve 7 Common Causes of Premenstrual Syndrome 03/29/2017

PMS? wrote this one for you

Hacking PMS: How To Solve 7 Common Causes of Premenstrual Syndrome FTC Disclosure: I may earn a small commission if you purchase any products through links in this post.When I was at my lowest point of health in the last few years, one of the most frustrating symptoms I was experiencing was fairly severe PMS. While I’ve always had a little moodiness and cramping pr...

JUISIR - Zero cleaning, Maximum juice 03/20/2017

Very Interesting - JUISIR is an innovative cold press juicer requiring no cleaning. #/

JUISIR - Zero cleaning, Maximum juice JUISIR is an innovative cold press juicer requiring no cleaning. | Crowdfunding is a democratic way to support the fundraising needs of your community. Make a contribution today!

The Hungry Brain 03/18/2017

Struggling with weight issues, this book is for you ... "The Hungry Brain delivers profound insights into why the brain undermines our weight goals and transforms these insights into practical guidelines for eating well and staying slim" from Stephan Guyenet -

The Hungry Brain No one wants to overeat. And certainly no one wants to overeat for years, become overweight, and end up with a high risk of diabetes or heart disease– yet two thirds of Americans do precisely that. In my book

Timeline photos 03/16/2017

New Study shows the likelihood of a patient using opioids is 55% LOWER, along with a significant cost savings, when they've seen a chiropractor for Low back Pain.

Texas School Triples Recess Time, Solves Attention Deficit Disorder 03/15/2017

Every time, movement wins...movement significantly effects Mood and Learning Centers of the Brain

Texas School Triples Recess Time, Solves Attention Deficit Disorder Public education is more stressful than ever for our children, as standardized testing requirements increase and programs like art, music and physical education are being phased out. The result of this type of environment is predictable, and the medical establishment and big pharma are making a kill...

Genetic Risk, Adherence to a Healthy Lifestyle, and Coronary Disease — NEJM 03/14/2017

"In November, a team led by researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital pooled data from tens of thousands of people...They found that simple, moderate lifestyle changes dramatically reduced the risk of heart disease, the most prolific killer in the country, responsible for one in every four deaths. People deemed at high familial risk of heart disease cut their risk in half if they satisfied three of the following four criteria: didn’t smoke (even if they smoked in the past); weren’t obese (although they could be overweight); exercised once a week; ate more real food and less processed food. Fitting even two of those categories still substantially decreased risk." from previously posted propublica article =article

Genetic Risk, Adherence to a Healthy Lifestyle, and Coronary Disease — NEJM Original Article from The New England Journal of Medicine — Genetic Risk, Adherence to a Healthy Lifestyle, and Coronary Disease

When Evidence Says No, But Doctors Say Yes 03/14/2017

When Evidence Says No, But Doctors Say Yes
Years After Research Contradicts Common Practices, patients continue to demand them and doctors continue to deliver. The result is an epidemic of unnecessary and unhelpful treatment.

When Evidence Says No, But Doctors Say Yes Years after research contradicts common practices, patients continue to demand them and doctors continue to deliver. The result is an epidemic of unnecessary and unhelpful treatment.


Is everything we eat associated with cancer? A systematic cookbook review ... " Conclusions: Associations with cancer risk or benefits have been claimed for most food ingredients. Many single studies highlight implausibly large effects, even though evidence is weak. Effect sizes shrink in meta-analyses."

Is everything we eat associated with cancer? A systematic cookbook review Address correspondence to JPA Ioannidis, Stanford Prevention Research Center, Medical School Office Building, Room X306, 1265 Welch Road, Stanford, CA 94305. E-mail:

Concussion Increases Odds of Sustaining a Lower Extremity Musculoskeletal Injury After Return to Play Among Collegiate Athletes - Jan 19, 2016 02/28/2017

"Conclusion: Concussed athletes have increased odds of sustaining an acute lower extremity musculoskeletal injury after return to play than their nonconcussed teammates. The study results suggest further investigation of neurocognitive and motor control deficits may be warranted beyond the acute injury phase to decrease risk for subsequent injury."

Concussion Increases Odds of Sustaining a Lower Extremity Musculoskeletal Injury After Return to Play Among Collegiate Athletes - Jan 19, 2016 Previous studies have identified abnormalities in brain and motor functioning after concussion that persist well beyond observed clinical recovery. Recent work suggests subtle deficits in neurocognition may impair neuromuscular control and thus potentially increase risk of lower extremity musculoske...


The findings of the systematic review reveal only one in six patients treated with the pills, also known as NSAIDs, achieve any significant reduction in pain.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for spinal pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis -- Machado et al. -- Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases While it is now clear that paracetamol is ineffective for spinal pain, there is not consensus on the efficacy of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for this condition. We performed a systematic review with meta-analysis to determine the efficacy and safety of NSAIDs for spinal pain. 10/04/2016

" Published reports and clinical evidence have shown the potential dangers of codeine as an analgesic or as an antitussive. Although these concerns have been emphasized by the FDA, the European Medicines Agency, Health Canada, and theAmerican Academy of Pediatrics, regular codeine administration to children continues. "

Mass production of review articles is cause for concern 09/22/2016

Be even skeptical of , due to humans being flawed ...

Mass production of review articles is cause for concern A torrent of low-quality meta-analyses and systematic reviews in biomedicine might be hiding valuable research and misleading scientists.

Photos from Cafe of Life Chiropractic - Scott Lloyd's post 09/06/2016

"Movement and Exercise: The Untold Story" was the presentation this morning, Thank You Dr. Morris and everyone at Lavallette School, I had a great time presenting this morning.

Timeline photos 08/30/2016

This is a message from my beautiful wife, Jacque Lloyd : For those of you who haven’t jumped into essential oils yet, this is the perfect time! Whether you have kids who are going back to school (and bringing home all the bugs), or you are simply focusing on creating a healthy home, kicking toxins to the curb, and making an effort to keep you and your family’s health above the wellness line; essential oils can help with all of that!
Our family has been using Young Living oils and products for years. We have experienced an increase in our bodies abilities to fight off common illnesses. We sleep better. We no longer buy scented candles or air fresheners. Our home is free of chemicals and toxins. We are confident in reaching for our oils to help with everything from our moods, to bug bites, headaches, and beyond!
For the month of August, Young Living is offering their Premium Starter Kits for only $160 and up! This means you’ll get at least $350 worth of product for $160! And, it gets better—They are including a Free 15ml(the large size)of Cedarwood. This oil is a must-have, as it helps with everything from sleep, to skin, to encouraging hair and lash growth! This is an oil we always have around, because it’s so versatile!
Here is what you get in your kit (prices vary, depending on the diffuser you choose):

The economic burden of physical inactivity: a global analysis of major non-communicable diseases 08/15/2016

What costs the global economy $67 Billion Each Year? Physical Inactivity..."The economic burden of physical inactivity: a global analysis of major non-communicable diseases"

The economic burden of physical inactivity: a global analysis of major non-communicable diseases In addition to morbidity and premature mortality, physical inactivity is responsible for a substantial economic burden. This paper provides further justification to prioritise promotion of regular physical activity worldwide as part of a comprehensive strategy to reduce non-communicable diseases.

Timeline photos 08/09/2016
Timeline photos 08/03/2016

If you weren't able to make it to my wife's workshop last week, but would still like the products they made, this is your lucky day! Jacque whipped up some extras! This is the perfect opportunity to try essential oils without the commitment! She has 10 bags available, containing 5(five) products each. Only $20! Each bag contains the following:
1 Peppermint Cooling Spray: Perfect for those hot days outside when you just can't find the shade. Hot flashes? Use on the front and back of your neck, and inside your wrists! Shake, spray, and experience instant reliefe!
1 Face Time Roller: Facial Serum for all skin types. Perfect for those troublesome spots or blemishes. Roll on and massage in gently, avoiding eye area. (Contains: Grapeseed oil, Lemongrass, Citronella, Rosemary, Myrtle, Tea Tree, Lavender, and Elemi essential oils)
1 Lights Out Roller: Having a tough time winding down after an exciting Summer day at the Shore? Roll onto wrists, back of neck, insides of ankles, big toes. Sweet dreams...(Contains: Grapeseed oil, Lavender, Cedarwood, Orange essential oils)
1 Summer Stuffiness Roller: Stuffy nose? Sinus issues? Roll this blend across the bridge of your nose(avoiding eyes), under nose, and chest for easier breathing! (Contains: Grapeseed Oil, 3 kinds of Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Spruce, Myrtle, Pine, Lavender, Marjoram, Cypress, Ravensara, Lemon, and Wintergreen essential oils)
1 Tummy Tamer: Too much pizza? Overdid it at the Boardwalk? Upset stomach? This roller makes relief a breeze! Supports a healthy digestive system. Simply shake, and roll around belly button. Massage in a circular, clockwise motion. (Contains: Grapeseed oil, Fennel, Peppermint, Tarragon, Ginger, Juniper, Patchouli, Lemongrass, and Anise essential oils)

To reserve your bag(s), please comment below, or contact Jacque Lloyd at 908-600-0050. Thank you!

Timeline photos 07/14/2016

Did you know genes turn on and turn off? Did you know that you can turn health promoting genes on and disease promoting genes off with Lifestyle Choices? This is worth Re-posting (like every week)

Genes Respond to Lifestyle (nutrition, exercise, mental attitude, rest, adjustments, nurturing/loving relationships, fun/laughter, spiritual connection). In this study men with prostate cancer underwent three months of lifestyle intervention: nutrition, exercise, and stress reduction. Result: "analysis of global gene expression using significance analysis of microarrays detected 48 up-regulated and 453 down-regulated transcripts after the intervention." In plain language: after 3 months there were changes in over 500 genes, 48 health promoting genes turned on and 453 disease promoting genes turned off...prostate and breast cancer genes turned off...

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602 Mantoloking Road
Brick Township, NJ

Opening Hours

Tuesday 11am - 7pm
Thursday 11am - 7pm
Saturday 8:30am - 12:30pm

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