Kathleen Ross DPT

My name is Kathleen Engelhardt and I am an orthopedic and pelvic floor physical therapist who specia


People ask me everyday if we’re going to be offering yoga classes in the space. THIS is going to be better than any yoga class I can teach.

On 11/10 at 7:30 pm we’re hosting our first group acupuncture and sound bath event at .phac 🩷🩷🩷

Space is limited for this incredible event so do not snooze on booking. Use the link in my profile to register!

Photos from Kathleen Ross DPT's post 08/23/2023

Teaming up with for these workshops! They are in person and we cannot wait to share our newly renovated space with you!!

(Hint: revealing our big news tomorrow 🔥🔥🔥)


and are joining forces for this limited batch of amazing shirts!!

$40 for this small batch, unique shirt ❤️

DM us your size and we will set you up with the Venmo info. Local pick up or if you want it shipped, let us know and we will give shipping info!


After a year of studies (and a few months of getting my act together), it’s officially official that I am now offering digital coaching!

My digital coaching services include s*xuality counseling as well as navigating your health (pelvic or ortho) through the lifespan. There’s a bunch of information on my website and I’ll be positing more here in the weeks to come.

Appointments are bookable online!

*xualitycounselor *xualitycounselor *xualhealth *xuality


Treating a scar that is 6 days old while simultaneously tickling a 2 year old belly. THIS is postpartum care.

Shockwave has incredible healing capacity for wounds and scars. It brings blood flow to the tissue and enhances regeneration. When we are able to treat the tissue in the earlier stages of healing, we see results in a much shorter duration.

Have a planned c-section, recent c-section or perineum tearing? Book with us ASAP. It’s also never too late to get back some tissue mobility and function as well ❤️

Old scars and new scars welcome!


🙌 🦄 As of today, I am S*xuality Counselor and S*x Educator 🦄🙌

I’ve spent this last year in a certification with University of Michigan learning from the best of the best. It’s been overwhelming, exhausting, humbling and incredibly informative.

Counseling services and a ton of s*x educational content coming to very very soon… stay tuned 👏👏👏

*xualitycounseling *xed


This post is for the CrossFit folks out there💪🦵

Does your workout include a built in bathroom trip to prevent leakage? And then you still leak 🥺🥺🥺

Pro tip: Do not p*e after the strength, especially if you just trained HARD. Your pelvic floor muscles activate during intense training and they will not release enough to p*e until you have done some recovery. You will not empty fully until the muscles have relaxed.

If you leak, see a PT and learn all the ways to train your bladder and pelvic floor and become fully continent.


Bending over that crib or bathtub does not have to cause you back pain.

You must add in hinges in order baby-proof your back! Start out as a mobility and motor planning drill and eventually add some load (e.g. a good morning or dead lift pattern).

Find your favorite swiffer, broom or dowel and put it behind your back. Feel the outward curves of the spine press against the dowel: head, rib cage and sacrum. Take a few breaths centering the weight over your full feet and feel the contact between you and the dowel.

Begin to hinge from your hips and notice where and when you lose contact with the dowel. Begin again and again until you maintain the contact throughout the range of motion. Keep the weight centered over the feet (don’t rock back or forward). Your knees will unlock.

Progress this slowly and mindfully. Then play with lowering your hips a bit from bottom position (my 2nd variation in the video) to prepare for when that crib gets lowered.

This is a great way to learn how to use your legs when you bend forward!

These kinds of tricks and so many more when you work with us folks at ❤️💕


Bloat is not just about food and drink. There’s a link between your the movement system and bloat.

Pelvic Floor PT is an integral part of this treatment to help manage bloat AND improve the quality of abdominal activation (and aesthetic 🙃).

The process involves some down-training of muscles and activation of others, behavioral modifications and lots thoracic mobility.

This, my friends, is functional physical therapy at its finest. Thanks to the for always offering the best webinars!

DM to book or snag the link in profile ❤️


We go to our doctors for our annual appts - why not have an annual check in with your Doctor of Physical Therapy?!

We’re now offering an hour annual check in appointment where we will cover all things pelvic floor and how it relates to your life 💕

Topics we can check in on all of these subjects and their relationship to your pelvic floor for all genders:

▪️Bladder & Bowel Habits
▪️Exercise routines
▪️S*xual Health
▪️Breath & mindfulness
▪️How it include pelvic floor awareness into other PT or rehab/prehab modalities
▪️Pregnancy & Fertility
▪️Any other concerns!

You can book online with myself or Dr. Christine. This might be your first appointment with us or maybe a check in after a long while. Either way, we are stoked to work with you!

Photos from Kathleen Ross DPT's post 08/02/2022

What is Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)?


Hypopressives: the exercise you did not know you needed.

A hybrid of yoga uddiyana bandha and specific posture of the body, these movements are designed to decrease pressure on the pelvic floor, mobilize the abdomen and pelvic floor, improve abdominal tone and so much more.

Hypopressives are definitely among my favorite exercises for transforming the aesthetic of the abdomen postpartum as well (if that is your goal).

I’m booking for next week if you’re ready to learn this amazing technique! Grab the link in my profile 😎


I have been having some scapular and neck pain from Jiu Jitsu this week. Skipped mat time to do some PT to myself this morning.

This little sequence is a great way to target shoulder stability for grappling, crossfit, yoga/gymnastics or just because.

Find a weight that is semi-easy to move but still feels like resistance. Start with a floor press, kick opposite leg straight and arm out a bit.

Looking at the weight, lift to elbow and pause, then to hand and pause, add a shoulder press and reverse.

When back on the ground, hit the roll and play with hovering the leg.

Don’t let the legs lose contact from the ground. Slow down the transitions. Push that weight towards the ceiling the entire time. Hit a few rounds per side working up to 6-10 reps on each side.

This is a bit of core burn too 💥💥💥

This kind of fun work is easily integrated into pelvic PT, FYI!


Pain with sitting? 😬

Pain in the tailbone, re**um, perineum or low back while sitting is likely related to the pelvic floor.

There are MANY diagnosis related to painful sitting or painful transitions from sit to stand and we have quite the extensive tool box to help manage this pain.

This is treatable for all genders - even if you have not had success with other treatments! Give pelvic PT a chance. Book via link in profile.


These are the messages from clients that give me life ❤️💕💥

I’ll be out of the office next week but will be holding down the fort while I am gone!

Ready to feel this joy in your own body?!?! Grab the link in our profile to book!


Experience urgency or urge related leakage when you’re out on the road cycling or running?

Pelvic PT can help to:

1) Ensure that the pelvic floor muscles are mobile and strong to support the bladder.

2) Bladder retraining to promote healthy toileting habits all day.

3) Teach self guided stretches, manual therapies and breathing techniques to manage the urgency.

4) Educate around lifestyle and behavioral tips to help ensure hydration is adequate and bladder irritants are at a minimum.

5) Assess and treat abdominal myofascial restrictions that may be contributing to the issues.

Spend less time squeezing your legs together like twist ties and learn how to comfortably fill and empty your bladder… leakage free!

DM to book or grab the link on profile ❤️💥


A visit to the p**p cafe absolutely warrants a p**p post, my friends!

What the heck can Pelvic PT do for constipation?! Sooooooo much.

We work on:

💩 P**p habits & routines

💩strength, mobility and coordination of the muscles

💩myofascial restrictions of the pelvic and abdominal muscles and viscera (yes, viscera) - this also includes abdominal scar mobilization

💩 nutrition & hydration

💩nervous system regulation

Have constipation issues? Experiencing recurring hemorrhoids? Want to improve your regularity? Hit me up to book!

**p **pcafe


It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. I’ve been hitting the books hard improving my manual skills and studying to become a s*xuality counselor and s*x educator. More on all of this later 🙌🫶

Just here to write a quick post to rave about the importance of resistance training 🦵💪

Training with weights benefits our joints, bone density, mental health, posture, abdominal tone, functional mobility & capacity, confidence and sleep.

Learning to lift slightly heavier things goes a long way for our lean body mass as well - better than cardio only and/or yoga only. No, you will not bulk (trust me, I’ve tried).

Quality is KEY here, folks. Working with a PT can help with understanding what “core” even means and help you with your functional movement patterns to make your lifting routine sustainable through the lifespan.

If you are recovering from pelvic floor dysfunction, you are fully included in this message. You CAN lift after a baby, with pelvic pain, scars, etc.

Photos from Kathleen Ross DPT's post 05/11/2022

Pelvic Physical Therapy is not a boutique or specialized service - it is a form of primary care for a critical region of our bodies. It’s not the standard, unfortunately, but it should be. Someday it will be.

The investment in your pelvic floor during pregnancy is worth it, even for a visit or 2 prenatally and postpartum. The education and the work is transformative!

Photos from Kathleen Ross DPT's post 05/03/2022

During the final weeks of pregnancy the focus shifts from strengthening the pelvic floor to relaxation in order to prep for labor.

These pictures represent a few of my favorite shapes that I encourage my clients to spend 2-3 minutes in (of each) daily to help with the pelvic floor and hip mobility.

The focus should be on slow, diaphragmatic breathing and fully supporting the upper body. By allowing the neck, shoulders and jaw to relax, we are able to release the lower body as well.

Some tips:
1) explore rotating the hips in both directions to feel different sensations
2) play around with the position of the hips to ensure that you feel as though you can relax, rather than work, to support the position
3) let your pelvis tip forward in these positions as it helps with the position of the baby

Remember, the final few weeks of pregnancy are all about labor prep. All of your great prenatal strengthening will help your postpartum recovery!


When we are returning to our yoga practice after a baby, we have to reconsider what “depth” means in a back bend.

Actually, baby or no baby, let’s reconsider what depth in backbends means 😳

Consideration #1 is hip extension. This is the ability to bring our hips into a zero degree angle or the ability to have no hip flexion. Tight hip flexors will tip the pelvis forward restricting our ability to hit zero.

When we have even the slightest amount of hip flexion during a backbend, our lower backs will have to do all of the back bending work. Over time… ouch.

Which leads us to consideration #2. Our lumbar spines and cervical spines have usually 1-2 hyper-mobile joints where (without intentional movement) we will also bend from because our bodies are inherently lazy. We need to focus on resisting too much movement in our hinge points (aka hyper mobile joints) to allow the entire spine to extend in harmony.

So, moral of this story …. We need to work on our hip extension to balance our backbends. That might make it feel less deep but it will be more balanced and healthy for the spine, abdominals, pelvic floor and all the organs that live inside this frame.

So, which backbend looks more healthy? The first or the second?

Want to learn more on this… book with me!


Is my OBGyn assessing my pelvic floor muscles?

The answer is probably, no.

Pelvic Floor Therapists are specialized in assessing the pelvic floor muscles and their relationship to the rest of the body.

If you’re having pelvic issues - heaviness, leakage, pain, discomfort, general sense of “something feels off” - certainly see your OB to assess and rule out medical issues. THEN consider PT to help improve the issues you’re experiencing.

All too often, I have clients report to me that they avoided PT because their OB said it would not help. This is very disheartening every.single.time.

Pelvic PT helps, most of the time. So give it a shot. We are the only ones with this scope of practice. We alone can help you rehab your pelvic floors.

DM to book or grab the link in the profile ❤️



If you are not proudly saying these 2 simple words - I p**ped - on the daily, then you are constipated.

I have many clients who claim they are not constipated and then look at me like 🧐🤨😑😬 when I ask if they have a regular bowel movements every.
And, we come to find, that their constipation is often the source of so many other pelvic health complaints.

Pelvic floor PT is a great place to start to help you begin your “I p**ped” journey.

Learn a ton about your body, your routines, healthy habits and more when you begin your work with us 💩🚽

**p **ped

My model is my perfect nephew 😍


Next pregnancy workshop and probably the last for a bit! Email me: [email protected] to register!

In person, zoom, recording options!


Me and my boo twinning at our Saturday double header 👯‍♀️


Through specific breathing and stabilizing cues we can basically turn any exercise into functional core work.

Our “core” is more of a response to some kind of movement, pressure change or load transfer than it is a muscle group.

Abdominal exercises are not necessarily core work. Sometimes (and often) abdominal exercises are more about skills. For example, hollow holds are a gymnastic skill not really a way to prevent back pain when lifting your kids.

In this banded pull apart, I’m focusing on maintaining hip extension and a neutral spine and using my exhale during the exertion.

A few reps of this exercise and you’ll feel the burn everywhere: the abs, the hips as they remain steady and in the abdominal wall.

Learn how to connect to your center and then how to connect your center out through your limbs next week with me at my postpartum workshop.

Check my story for the details 👏


is this how you feel about postpartum s*x? 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️

At 6 weeks, we get the clear from our OB that we’re free to do anything: workout, lift things and have s*x again.

Lots of things can come up around postpartum s*x that we might not be educated about:

❤️ Possible pain with s*x or dyspareunia
❤️Vaginal dryness or lack of sufficient lubrication
❤️ Body image that might include feeling insecure about scars, abdominal tissue or external vulvar changes
❤️ Lack of libido and/or complete exhaustion
❤️ General sense of not feeling ready at 6 weeks

Getting back to an intimate relationship with your partner might seem impossible after the addition of a baby. Pelvic PT is here to help you address any of the aforementioned issues since we work from a holistic, biopsychosocial approach.

Interested in learning how we can help? Shoot us a DM to book or book through the link in profile.

If s*x and intimacy are a priority … Pelvic PT can help you go from 🙅to 🙋


This squat & horizontal press drill is one of my favorite ways to help clients with some pressure management issues, especially when they reflexively clench whenever they feel pressure.

When we squat, we want to allow the pelvic floor to give a bit to allow for the downward pressure. We want to use our feet and their drive into the ground rather than trying to clench our butts, pelvic floors or abs.

I initiate this work by pre-activating my transverse abdominals (deepest layer). I press into my feet and isometrically slide them away from each other.

Breathing, lower into your squat depth and then press the weight forward. Pull it fully into goblet position and then drive up.

The breath should be occurring the whole time. I prefer a shallow breath so I can maintain my abdominal pressure.

The weight shift adds and extra core component and assists in deeper squat (and ankle mobility). Do about 10 and see how you feel. The weight is LIGHT!

Give it a whirl!


Photos from Kathleen Ross DPT's post 03/13/2022

I have 2 workshops coming up this month and next!

3/29 is a postpartum exercise workshop that is relevant to anyone who has had a baby at any point!

4/30 I will be hosting my prenatal workshop again!

To book, email me:
[email protected]

In person, zoom or recording options available!

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Nobody asked for this but here ya go 💁‍♀️If you haven’t checked out @myportalcoaches yet, I recommend that you do! #heal...
We ain’t the Babysitter’s Club but we are @buffalo.phac and we want you to come hang out with us for real. Save the date...
I’m not saying this is the ONLY thing you should do. BUT, if you’re going to do 1 thing for your pelvic floor, learn the...
Hypopressives: the exercise you did not know you needed. A hybrid of yoga uddiyana bandha and specific posture of the bo...
When we are returning to our yoga practice after a baby, we have to reconsider what “depth” means in a back bend. Actual...
SOUND ON! If you are not proudly saying these 2 simple words - I pooped - on the daily, then you are constipated. I have...
Through specific breathing and stabilizing cues we can basically turn any exercise into functional core work. Our “core”...
This squat & horizontal press drill is one of my favorite ways to help clients with some pressure management issues, esp...
Do you have the “knack”?? We assess for, what we refer to as “the knack”, when we observe our patients cough. When someo...
If you’ve ever had a knee surgery, you know that the quad set is an important first step in the rehab process - the firs...
Sound on 🌊🌊🌊Thoracic mobility is quite possibly one of the most important things you could work on for your health (in m...
Dreamiesttttttt self love routine for the fascia. This is too good not to share.Prop up your upper back with a pillow, r...



1250 Niagara Street
Buffalo, NY

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