Buffalo Family Chiropractic Wellness, P.C.

Buffalo Family Chiropractic Wellness, P.C. is a full spectrum health and wellness practice.

As one of Buffalo’s premier health and wellness practices, we have been honored to serve the Western New York community since 2010.


Buffalo Family Chiropractic Wellness, P.C. is a full spectrum health and wellness practice offering chiropractic treatments, cold laser therapy, nutritional guidance, detoxification, infrared sauna therapy, as well as many other complimentary therapies. As one of Buffalo’s premier health and wellness practices, we have been honored to serve the Western New York community since 2010.

Located in the prominent Delaware Avenue Central Business District in downtown Buffalo, NY. Our office is one quarter mile west of Main Street, and well within walking distance to Buffalo’s Theatre District, Chippewa District, the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus, all of downtown Buffalo’s hotels, and Canalside.

Our mission is to provide people of all ages with specialized chiropractic care and other proven therapies to facilitate healing and the full expression of life. We are committed to empowering those in our community to take an active role in their own health with confidence. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


Scoliosis is sometimes compared to diabetes since it’s a condition that requires ongoing care. It’s important to reframe your thinking from the short term to the long term here. This is going to be an ongoing battle that you’ll likely be waging the rest of your life.

If left untreated, spinal curvatures can get worse as the discs and vertebrae degenerate and gravity pulls the spine down further. In more severe cases, spinal deformity can even put pressure on the lungs or digestive system.

Studies have shown a marked improvement in spine curvature, pain, and disability rating among patients undergoing chiropractic care with scoliosis.

Through a combination of manual spinal adjustments and our specialized tables with flexion distraction to “stretch out” thinned areas in your discs, Buffalo Family Chiropractic Wellness can improve a patient’s flexibility and range of motion while alleviating much of the pain.


This routine was created by the Navy Pre-Flight School to help pilots fall asleep.

Six weeks later, 96 percent of the pilots could fall asleep within two minutes or less: while sitting in a chair, listening to a recording of machine-gun fire, and after drinking coffee.

Getting more sleep matters. One 2018 study found that people who sleep for five to six hours are 19 percent less productive than people who regularly sleep for seven to eight hours per night, and people who sleep for less than five hours are nearly 30 percent less productive.


Chiropractors have long claimed that minimal pressure on the nerves could have a significant physiological impact. A University of Colorado study shows 10mmHG pressure (about the same weight as a dime) on a nerve can reduce electrical transmission down the course of that nerve by 60%.


Our debt to the heroic men and valiant women in the service of our country can never be repaid. They have earned our undying gratitude. America will never forget their sacrifices.

Harry S. Truman


Once warmer weather arrives we see a huge influx of patient’s seeking treatment for low back, shoulder, and neck complaints from gardening and yard work.

One of the main biomechanical reasons why yard work can contribute to lumbar, thoracic and cervical disc problems is the repetitive and asymmetrical nature of the tasks involved. The bending, lifting, twisting, and carrying heavy objects, places excessive stress on the lumbar discs and surrounding structures.

You probably have days when you want to just keep pushing yourself to accomplish as much as you can. This practice, however, hurts you in the end, especially if you complete tasks that stress your back and you already have a back problem.

Call us today and schedule an appointment with Buffalo Family Chiropractic Wellness, if you experience an injury or have moderate pain that doesn’t resolve in a few days. Don't let back pain hinder you from getting all of your yard work done this summer.


Dr. Kathleen Henneberger is Certified in the Webster Technique and loves helping her pregnant patients stay pain-free and allowing them to have the safest, most comfortable, and most natural delivery possible.

The Webster Technique is gentle and an extremely safe chiropractic procedure is performed to facilitate pelvic alignment and proper function during pregnancy. The technique also helps reduce pain associated with pregnancy, including low back pain and sciatica.

The specialized adjustment tables at Buffalo Family Chiropractic Wellness can be customized so that the patient may lay face down comfortably and safely while receiving heat therapy.

If you or anyone you know is pregnant, this treatment is a must!


Both amateur golfers and professionals alike find that chiropractic care helps keep them at their best both on and off the golf course. In fact, 75% of the PGA insist upon chiropractic care during tournament play.

As experts in the structure, function, and care of the spine and extremities, Buffalo Family Chiropractic Wellness, P.C. successfully treats conditions that plague athletes and non-athletes alike. They include imbalances in muscle strength or tension, restricted joint motion, and overuse injuries. Treatment goals aim to relieve pain, improve flexibility, rehabilitate strength, prepare the athlete for competition and eventually condition the athlete to prevent future injury and optimize performance.

Photos from Buffalo Family Chiropractic Wellness, P.C.'s post 05/13/2024

99% of the population has some degree of over-pronation.

Foot pronation occurs when feet roll inwards. People who suffer from excessive pronation may experience an inward rotation of the knee and forward tilting of the pelvis, causing pain in the feet, knees, hips, back, shoulders and neck.

The custom orthotic process starts with a quick scan of your feet on our state-of-the-art digital scanner. This is a 3-dimensional laser scanner, that is accurate to the size of 2 human hairs!

Each person’s foot is unique like a fingerprint, making this technology the best and most accurate available. This scan can identify problems with your arches and mis-alignments of the small bones in your feet. It also tells us whether you are putting more weight on one side of your body than the other, which is the cause of many different problems.

Buffalo Family Chiropractic Wellness, P.C. has fitted hundreds of patients with custom orthotics to reduce pain, stabilize, and hold their chiropractic adjustments longer.

Photos from Buffalo Family Chiropractic Wellness, P.C.'s post 04/24/2024

Double checking and packaging up an order of supplements and protein shakes to sustain our patient on his 4 month Alaskan adventure. 🗻

Photos from Buffalo Family Chiropractic Wellness, P.C.'s post 04/19/2024

Double pup day - 😂😂😂


“Nature needs no help, just no interference.” This quote is from one of the founders of chiropractic, B.J. Palmer. BJ is saying that in nature all things work perfectly when left alone. An acorn turns into an oak tree, salmon find their way back to the sea, bees pollinate the flowers, and everything works together in a complex, beautiful choreography. We are part of nature so just as nature works perfectly when left alone, so do our human bodies.

When we find ourselves depleted, stressed, overwhelmed or not properly nourished/hydrated/rested, that is when we become susceptible to interference. Our system can’t adapt and we lose connection to our optimal healing potential.

The goal of chiropractic is to aid your body in reconnecting to this healing power. Chiropractic removes interference to the nervous system by restoring proper alignment to the spine. This brings back the full power of our Innate Intelligence and allows for true health & healing!

Never forget that your body is wise, powerful beyond measure and always moving you towards health. Chiropractic simply enhances that incredible healing power within us.


🔬 Empirical Evidence of Effectiveness

🎯 Addressing the Root Cause - Rather than merely alleviating symptoms.

🔄 Chiropractic Care is Non-Invasive

📉 Reduction in Opioid Dependency

📉 Stress Reduction

✅ Patient-centered Care and Improved Quality of Life

🌞 Immune System Support

🧸 Drug-Free Pregnancy Care

🛡Prevention of Recurrence

🏋 Enhanced Performance

Buffalo Family Chiropractic Wellness, P.C.
369 Delaware Avenue
Buffalo, NY


Active-duty military personnel receiving chiropractic care exhibited improved strength and endurance, as well as reduced Low Back Pain intensity and disability, compared with a wait-list control who did not receive chiropractic care.

The results of a clinical trial showed that chiropractic care combined with usual medical care for low back pain provides greater pain relief and a greater reduction in disability than medical care alone. The study, which featured 750 active-duty members of the military, is one of the largest comparative effectiveness trials between usual medical care and chiropractic care ever conducted.

Goertz et al. (2018) JAMA Open Network

Photos from Buffalo Family Chiropractic Wellness, P.C.'s post 03/15/2024

Scientists are now discovering Microplastics (MP) inside our organs, blood, f***s as well as the placenta. A team from Arizona State University found nanoplastic particles in all 47 samples of a variety of human organs, including lungs, liver, spleen, and kidneys.

The research builds on previous work that has also shown that microplastics are making their way through our bodies. A 2019 study found that 97 percent of blood and urine samples collected from some 2,500 children in Germany between the ages of three and 17 showed toxic levels of plastic byproducts. A 2018 study showed similar results: 20 particles of plastic per ten grams of human stool samples.

The Arizona State work, though, offers an unprecedented level of detail.

"The tissue donors provided detailed information on their lifestyle, diet and occupational exposures," Rolf Halden, PhD at Arizona State University who oversaw the research, said in the statement. "Because these donors have such well-defined histories, our study provides the first clues on potential micro- and nanoplastic exposure sources and routes."

Microplastics are extremely pervasive throughout nature and have previously been found in the deepest points of our planet's oceans, and even in most seafood.

A tiny, poppy seed-sized particle of plastic might seem innocuous on its own. But when a speck of plastic is coupled with organic pollutants, the chemical makeup of that plastic can swell with toxicity by a factor of 10.

All plastic waste, regardless of size, is detrimental to the environment, but microplastics pose a special challenge given their minuscule size (some are 150 times smaller than a human hair) and ability to enter the food chain.

Estimations of the total mass of ingested microplastics (MP) particles correspond to 50 plastic bags per year (Bai et al., 2022), one credit card per week (Gruber et al., 2022), or a median value of 4.1 μg/week for adults (Mohamed Nor et al., 2021).


Healing is a state of balance and harmony of the body within the larger environment. The body heals itself using its own recuperative power. Healing the body is a dynamic process, and with time the changes will come.

The path to health is not an easy process, especially in the beginning, because it takes time to change lifestyles and habits. Ultimately, each positive change will lead to the greatest change, better health.

For patients seeking true wellness, it is imperative to seek out providers who recognize, respect, and support this healing from within.

Our patients have found great success while treating their athletic injuries, sciatica, back pain, vertigo, migraine headaches, carpal tunnel, TMJ , insomnia, numbness / tingling, fibromyalgia, neck pain and everything in between. Buffalo Family Chiropractic Wellness, P.C.’s unique treatment approach bridges the latest technologies with traditional manual healing methods, using the hands. Our office is equipped to accommodate athletes, newborns, pregnant women, the young and the older.

Photos from Buffalo Family Chiropractic Wellness, P.C.'s post 02/19/2024

Health Effects of Bisphenol A: Overwhelming Evidence of Harm

Over the last 20 years, bisphenol A (BPA) has become one of the most studied endocrine disrupting chemicals, because it is one of the highest volume chemicals in worldwide production. It is used in a wide variety of products and exposure is documented in virtually everyone in the United States and elsewhere. In the last 50 years we’ve been flooded with chemicals that massively alter our hormonal profile.

According to a 2013 study out of The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, even less than one part per trillion of BPS can disrupt a cell’s normal functioning, which could potentially lead to metabolic disorders such as diabetes and obesity, asthma, birth defects or even cancer.

Exposure to BPA Can Lead to Vitamin D Deficiency Vitamin D deficiency is linked to all sorts of health problems, including weight gain, cancer, insomnia, arthritis, heart disease, MS and other illnesses. BPA may play a role in Vitamin D deficiency: a September 2016 breakthrough study found that exposure to BPA may lower levels of Vitamin D in the bloodstream.

One of the more disturbing toxic effects of BPA is its role in infertility. Researchers have discovered that BPA affects male and female reproductive systems, and even more alarming, it can affect the fetus in utero.

One of the most underrated sources of BPA exposure is receipt paper.


⭐Chiropractic Care Benefits All Ages⭐

Whether you’re a playful toddler, a bustling adult, or enjoying the golden years, family chiropractic care is designed to support your health journey.

At Buffalo Family Chiropractic Wellness, P.C., you can experience a true holistic health and wellness practice using advanced manual chiropractic techniques, the latest technology and gold standard therapies.


The Webster Technique is a gentle chiropractic adjustment that aligns the pelvis and includes a soft tissue release of associated muscle groups. It allows the pelvis to function properly during pregnancy. The technique reduces soft tissue tension that may cause uterine torsion which allows for an ideal environment for the baby to grow and move. The Webster Technique is helpful in providing relief for common lower back and sciatic pains that pregnant women often experience.

Most pregnant women look forward to being able to rest on their bellies with the support of a pregnancy pillow that can continually be adjusted as mom grows to make room for the baby.

Currently, the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) recommends women receive chiropractic care throughout pregnancy to establish pelvic balance and optimize the room a baby has for development throughout pregnancy.

Potential benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy include:

➡ Maintaining a healthier pregnancy
➡ Controlling symptoms of nausea
➡ Reducing the time of labor and delivery
➡ Relieving back, neck or joint pain
➡ Preventing a potential cesarean delivery

Dr. Kathleen Henneberger is Webster Technique Certified. Patients often share with Dr. Kathleen that they had a very easy pregnancy / childbirth, wish they would’ve started sooner and/or tried chiropractic during their previous pregnancies.

🌐 www.LiveWellBuffalo.com


WNY sees its fair share of snow between October and April, making shoveling an unavoidable part of winter. Many people start dreading the soreness and back pain as soon as the snow storms are in the forecast.

Avoid throwing snow over your shoulder or to the side. You are more likely to throw your back out this way. Maintain proper form when shoveling so you do not agitate these muscles, and stretch before you go out to increase blood flow.

If you are in pain after shoveling snow, you might want to seek out a chiropractic adjustment at Buffalo Family Chiropractic Wellness, P.C. . You could be suffering from muscle pain, back/shoulder pain, a herniated disc, sciatica or rib misalignment.



The office is closed today due to the storm and all the driving bans in place. We will be back in the office Friday and Saturday.


Just standard operating procedure for the pups when there is a supplement delivery and packaging material is abundant.


Winters in Buffalo are known for being quite harsh. Once the ominous dark blue, purple and grey clouds of fall emerge we know the dreary days of winter are ahead. With the lack of sun exposure and UVB-radiation, supplementation of vitamin D is necessary for most people.

Since its production in the skin depends on exposure to UVB-radiation via the sunlight, the level of vitamin D is of crucial importance for the health of inhabitants who live in the Nordic latitudes where there is diminished exposure to sunlight during the winter season. Therefore, fortification or supplementation of vitamin D is necessary for most of the people living in the northern latitudes during the winter season to maintain adequate levels of circulating 25(OH)D3 to maintain optimal body function and prevent diseases.

Active metabolites of vitamin D play an important role in calcium and phosphate homeostasis. Deficiency of vitamin D results in diminished bone mineralization and an increased risk of fractures. In addition, vitamin D is connected to a variety of other diseases that include different cancer types, muscular weakness, hypertension, autoimmune diseases, multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, schizophrenia and depression.

🦈 Wild Salmon, Sardines and Herring are popular fatty fish and great sources of vitamin D3.

🍳 Free Range Egg Yolks are another good source of vitamin D3.

At Buffalo Family Chiropractic Wellness, P.C. professional grade supplements are always available for patients seeking the safest and best available. Our brands have been selected because they contain the highest quality ingredients using only the finest whole food products and sourced pharmaceutical grade ingredients, free of fillers and additives, making them more highly absorbable and highly effective.


Scientists studied the neurochemical benefits of spinal manipulation and they found that chiropractic adjustments cause a surge of beta-endorphins. Beta-endorphins have been found to produce a wide range of benefits, one of which is analgesia, or the numbing of pain. When you receive a chiropractic adjustment, your spine releases endorphins. The endorphins tell your body to feel good, allowing you to resume your daily activities without the stress and inconvenience of debilitating pain levels.

Photos from Buffalo Family Chiropractic Wellness, P.C.'s post 12/29/2023

The best ways to understand the nervous system for practical purposes is to see it in its natural habitat. The nervous system evolved for millennia in a specific natural context that includes natural rhythms in the environment. These natural rhythms sustain and guide the nervous system.

Sunrise, sunset, seasonal changes, lunar tides, and countless internal biological cycles determine so much of our ability to express health when we are coherent with them. Along with this symphony of rhythms there is something else that’s of paramount importance — the goal directed activities that comprise our lives, which we have evolved to experience within the context of a close knit tribe or familial community.

Despite all of our social advancements and improved standards of living, it has become more difficult to adapt to stress. Why? Because we have lost something vital along the way from “primitive man” to modern man. We need to remember the importance of reconnecting with the natural source of our health and the importance of being together as we face challenges.

The chiropractic adjustment allows us to reconnect in a powerful way to the source of healthy expression. Chiropractic is about supporting the ideal conditions the ideal conditions for the nervous system to overcome stress. It can help us create a new dynamic in the body that changes our reactions to life experiences.

Photos from Buffalo Family Chiropractic Wellness, P.C.'s post 12/27/2023

Leonardo da Vinci was a polymath — his knowledge spanned a substantial number of subjects. He wasn’t just a learner. He was also an ultimate doer. He questioned almost everything and sought answers by experimenting with new knowledge.

Doing never exhausts the mind — it makes you an experienced doer. And the more you execute on what you know, the more you discover how things really work and, most notably, what ideas to abandon.

Action should always be the goal of intellectual curiosity. Learning and doing goes together. It’s a powerful way to move from ignorance to action.


Happy Holidays from the good, good boys at Buffalo Family Chiropractic Wellness, P.C.! 🦬 🎄 🎄 🦬 🎄 🎄 🦬🎄 🎄 🦬🎄 🎄 🦬 🎄 🎄 🦬🎄 🎄 🦬 Go BILLS 🏈🔴⚪️🔵

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Erchonia Laser Therapy - come experience the remarkable benefits of low-level laser therapy.  Achieving 22 FDA clearance...
Scoliosis is sometimes compared to diabetes since it’s a condition that requires ongoing care. It’s important to reframe...
June is Scoliosis Awareness MonthScoliosis is sometimes compared to diabetes since it’s a condition that requires ongoin...
This routine was created by the Navy Pre-Flight School to help pilots fall asleep.Six weeks later, 96 percent of the pil...
This routine was created by the Navy Pre-Flight School to help pilots fall asleep.Six weeks later, 96 percent of the pil...
Chiropractors have long claimed that minimal pressure on the nerves could have a significant physiological impact. A Uni...
Chiropractors have long claimed that minimal pressure on the nerves could have a significant physiological impact. A Uni...
Dr. Kathleen Henneberger is Certified in the Webster Technique and loves helping her pregnant patients stay pain-free an...
Both amateur golfers and professionals alike find that chiropractic care helps keep them at their best both on and off t...
Health Effects of Bisphenol A: Overwhelming Evidence of Harm
⭐Chiropractic Care Benefits All Ages⭐



369 Delaware Avenue
Buffalo, NY

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 10am - 12:30pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 8:30am - 12pm

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