Montana Tech Mining

At Montana Tech you’ll have the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning with a 10:1 student to


It's a great day when we can celebrate our students' accomplishments and today we get to celebrate Allie Palm receiving the FIRST scholarship awarded by the Women in Mining - Montana Chapter!

Allie is an incoming Mining Engineering Student from Glasgow, MT.

Women In Mining, Women in Mining Montana, Montana Technological University


On this International Day of Women in Mining, we are proud to announce the newest member of the family, Dr. Sarah Jones! Sarah recently completed her PhD at CSM and has a wealth of industry experience that she’s looking forward to sharing with our future generations of students.


Thanks to Epiroc, this year's 46th Intercollegiate Mining Competition hosted by Montana Technological University and Montana Tech Mining Team will be streamed Friday March 22 8:30a - 4p MST (Women and Co-Ed Teams) and March 23 8a - 4p MST (Men's Teams).
The "Voice of the Orediggers" Paul Panisko will have the coverage live starting Friday at

Photos from Montana Tech Mining's post 01/08/2024

For most of us, today marks the end of our month-long winter break but for two of our first-year mining engineering students, their break was a little shorter. Caitlin Kyseth and David Long joined 5 other students and 3 faculty members for Montana Technological University's first trip to Taiwan. Students had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the culture, learn some Mandarin, and learn about the semiconductor industry. Caitlin said that "having the opportunity to visit another country and learn about their culture and heritage was absolutely amazing!"

Why the U.S. has a serious mining worker shortage 12/10/2023

Today, 5 new Mining Engineers walked across the stage at Montana Technological University and received their diplomas. This achievement by these remarkable students represents a small but important step in our mission to prepare students to lead the global mining industry while providing a transformative student experience that ensures graduates possess practical, real-world skillsets, and are prepared to contribute to the modern mining industry.

Yesterday, CNBC published an excellent report with our friends at Rio Tinto on the worker shortage across the mining industry that highlights the need for miners at all levels, from front-line operators to technical staff and management. As the video shows, an engineer in must be ready to use both traditional techniques and modern methods to sustainably produce the critical materials our society needs.

An analyst notes in the video that the industry is facing a shortage of experienced professionals who are capable of building and running large-scale complex operations. Montana Tech Mining is committed to providing graduates who are ready to hit the ground running, like these 5 new engineers and Montana Tech Alum and Managing Director of Rio Tinto Kennecott, Nathan Foster (BS 2005) who is interviewed as part of the report.

Watch the video now:

Why the U.S. has a serious mining worker shortage The U.S. has more than 12,500 active mines but an aging workforce is causing headaches for the industry.


While our students are buckled down finishing up final exams and class projects this week, we have two reasons to celebrate this week. Today, , we celebrate our industry and the people who make it one of the most important parts of our economy and provide the raw materials that the world needs every day.

We also can celebrate that two of our favorite miners - Scott & Sonya Rosenthal - were honored yesterday as part of the 2023 class of "Butte's Local Heroes" for everything they do for the university and community. Thank you both!

Photos from Montana Tech Mining's post 11/04/2023

Another Montana Tech Mining Team banquet fundraiser successfully in the books. We cannot thank everyone enough for the support provided through generous donations and the incredible turnout. We hope to see each and every face from last night again in the spring for the international intercollegiate mining games the 21st-23rd of March right here in Butte, America!

Photos from Montana Tech Mining's post 11/02/2023

Pretty sure that tonight we got to see what a dozen or so of our students look like on Christmas morning! 🤩

Tonight we accepted delivery of a BRAND NEW 😮 Epiroc ST2D Load, Haul, Dump (LHD). This new machine only has 1.85 hours on the engine and nearly double the capacity of our existing LHD.

This amazing opportunity for the Montana Technological University Underground Mine Education Center could not have been possible without the partnership we have with Epiroc who provided a generous discount on this new machine and the incredible support of Scott & Sonya Rosenthal❤️who stepped up and made the groundbreaking donation to seal the deal.

I do wish we'd have had a recording of the students who didn't stick around for the surprise and instead met it coming through campus.

Photos from Montana Tech Mining's post 10/28/2023

Over the past couple of months, Montana Technological University listened to public input on the topic of stabilizing the rock wall of Leonard Field and switched plans to maintain the historic nature of the wall. While this is great for our campus, it does not prevent other sections of the wall from failing.

To do our part, the MIN 216 - Mine Survey & Data Analysis class recently installed 9 permanent survey prisms and a monitoring point to collect data on areas of the wall that might be prone to movement. This data, along with LIDAR scans of the existing wall will enable us to routinely monitor this wall and hopefully work with geological engineering to develop a long-term stabilization plan as a capstone design project. This is a great example of how our unique campus provides us with opportunities that other schools just can't compete with.

Thanks to Montana Resources for providing the mini survey prisms that helped make this possible.


Sign up to be a DayOne Ambassador today!

Ambassadors are truly the key to making this day a success and can positively impact the lives of current students as well as future Orediggers! Watch the video above to walk you through the process of signing up to become a DayOne Ambassador today!

DayOne projects will go live at the beginning of September, in the meantime help us spread the word and become a champion of Montana Technological University and our giving event DayOne.

During our DayOne event and there will be an Ambassador leader board to track impact and at the end of the event the winning DayOne Ambassador will receive a special Montana Tech prize package!

Sign up to be a DayOne Ambassador at:


And we’re off!!!! has officially launched.

Please consider supporting your favorite initiative at Montana Technological University. Whether that be a club, scholarship or your favorite departments feature program like our Outreach and Recruiting fund.


Just under 9 hours remain until the kickoff of and we just wanted to remind you all that if you have a passion for supporting Montana Tech Mining student clubs and scholarships in addition to our featured Outreach and Recruiting Program, please take a look at the opportunities available for matching dollars in each of these as well!

Double the impact of your donation!!!

Mining Team - $2,500 in matching funds

Anderson-Carlisle Technical Society (SME Student Chapter) - $1,000 in matching funds

Women in Mining - $1,000 in matching funds

ISEE Student Chapter - $1,500 in matching funds

Mine Rescue Team - $1,000 in matching funds

Underground Mine Education Center - $1,500 in matching funds

Dr. Tom Finch Endowed Scholarship - $1,000 in matching funds

Montana Tech DayOne 2023 09/06/2023

Once again we'd love it if you can take a minute and consider supporting tomorrow and Friday. Last year on DayOne we raised just over $20,000 for our Outreach and Recruitment Fund and have leveraged those funds to support our early enrollment, Introduction to the Minerals Industry Class (joint with Petroleum Engineering), sponsor outreach events, and provide scholarship funds to incoming students. As a result, undergraduate enrollment has increased to 49 students and we see room for an even larger increase over the next two to three years!

This year we hope to surpass $30,000 on and have matching opportunities, thanks to Mark Johnson and Scott and Sonya Rosenthal, that will help ensure that happens! Thank you all for everything you do to continue to make sure Montana Technological University students are prepared to hit the ground running!

Please use the following link to check out other opportunities to support Montana Tech - Mining Engineering.

Montana Tech DayOne 2023 DayOne - Supporting a Tradition of Determined Doers at Montana Technological University


We are off to a great start for the 2023-2024 year! To keep the momentum rolling and have tremendous year for both our current students and future Orediggers, we need your support.

This year, will be this THURSDAY AND FRIDAY and we would it if you can participate in some way, whether as a donor or simply as an ambassador to spread the word, or better yet - both, every little bit helps.

Keep your eyes on this account and Montana Technological University to find out about the various projects that you can support and amazing matching opportunities that can help double the power of your investment in the future of Montana Tech Mining!


We’re proud to be a sponsor of this year’s “Dig it Days” at in Billings this weekend. We’ll be heading over to help teach kids about careers in and and hopefully some of them will find their way to in the future!!
If you are in the neighborhood, please stop by to say “hi” and even better, bring your kids of all ages by to run an excavator.

Photos from Montana Tech Mining's post 08/16/2023

Up next in our summer internship series - the Lucky Friday guys.

McKoy Gebhardt along with Zach Briggs from SDSMT on the 7500L - Can't quite read the sign but the sill elevation is 4,104 ft BELOW sea level!!!!!

Alex Lindsey didn't have any pictures of himself but he did have a pretty cool one showing a bolter.

And finally, for those of you who have been around awhile, you'll probably recognize our alum Doug Bayer in a photo taken last fall with the recently installed Chippy Hoist that is going to help increase production at the Friday.


While we can’t claim his as our own, many Montana Tech Mining students know Marty for his support of our program and the Montana Tech Mining Team!
Thanks Marty!!!!
Let’s make him famous!

Our own Marty Bennett recently presented at the 5th Annual Abandoned Mine Lands Symposium on July 25 at Montana Technological University! Organized by the Mining & Metallurgical Society of America, Marty presented a project summary of the McLaren Tailings Project - Delisting of Soda Butte Creek. Important environmental projects like the McLaren Tailings Project allow us to make a positive impact and contribute to a more sustainable future. We are proud to be a part of these efforts and will continue to prioritize environmental responsibility in all that we do.


students take a break and enjoy !
Where are the rest of you at this summer???? was at the Stillwater Mine while the rest kept their distance from him and were at East Boulder.

The energy transition has a labor problem 07/03/2023

Demand and government funding for renewables, electric-vehicle batteries, and other clean energy technologies are surging. But companies driving the energy transition are running into a new impediment to scaling up: Finding enough workers.

By 2030, half of the current U.S. mining workforce — about 221,000 workers — is expected to retire and will need to be replaced.

The energy transition has a labor problem The mining, renewables, and battery industries are facing a massive worker shortage, sparking a war for talent.

The Future Of Mining Depends On Climate Action Leadership 06/30/2023

The most burning question today for the industry is how to be a first choice for young employees who want to contribute to climate action and be socially responsible in other areas. This is what the future of mining looks like.

The Future Of Mining Depends On Climate Action Leadership Mining companies have a unique opportunity to solve their hiring challenges by becoming climate action leaders.

International Day of Women in Mining - International Women in Mining (IWiM) 06/15/2023

Today, the mining industry celebrates the women who have been, are and will be part of the sector. The celebration calls on industry and individuals to collectively and collaboratively work on actionable initiatives towards a more sustainable, diverse and inclusive mining industry.

Women in Mining Montana International Women in Mining

International Day of Women in Mining - International Women in Mining (IWiM) A day to celebrate the achievements of women in mining while raising awareness of the need for gender equality action in the mining sector.

Google exec: 'Significant mining' is key to net zero | Greenbiz 06/15/2023

"We’ve done some modeling, and it’s pretty clear that we are not going to reach net zero without significant mining," said Mike Werner, Google’s head of circular economy.

Google exec: 'Significant mining' is key to net zero | Greenbiz Mike Werner, Google’s head of circular economy, says companies should move quickly to measure their reliance on critical minerals such as lithium, cobalt and copper.


The American mining story is one of unimanginable grit, some tragedy, and incredible triumph. To say much has changed since the Treasure State's early mining days of the 1860's is a colossal understatement.
Consider the days before electricity, when miners ventured underground with no personal protective equipment, into shafts several thousand feet below ground, little to no ventilation, with only candles to light the way. It's said that it was so dark, that when the miners were double-jacking (the process of manual drilling wherein one miner holds a steel chisel while another drives it into the rock with a sledge hammer) the miner holding the chisel would place his thumb over the tip of the chisel to produce a reflection from his fingernail for the driller to see, moving it just before the hammer contacted the chisel.
Today, more than 150 year later, miners operate mechanized drills underground. But students on the Montana Tech Mining Team continue to pay tribute to Butte's early miners, competing in the double-jacking event at mining competitions around the world.

Learn more about Butte's early mining history at the World Museum of Mining on campus at Montana Technological University.

Courtney Young: Our dependence on China's minerals carries a high price 06/01/2023

"Congress needs to resolve its differences over mine-permitting legislation and reject unworkable proposals from both parties. Public interest in developing new supplies requires improving the permitting process so it doesn't take years or even decades to establish new mines. Failing to find middle ground and to advance common-sense solutions will lead to further reliance on China and danger to our nation's well-being. It’s called dialogue and compromise, the very things that built this country and the very things needed to move it forward."

Dr. Courtney Young is the Lewis S. Prater Professor of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering at Montana Tech

Courtney Young: Our dependence on China's minerals carries a high price Until recently, debates over mining in this country were conducted in almost surreal atmospheres. Due to imports, minerals were in abundance. Security of supply chains wasn't important for national defense.


Parents, mining may be the perfect career choice for your little explorers.
Mining has been cited as one of the top high-paying careers for outdoor enthusiasts. What's more, by studying at Montana Tech in Butte, students have easy access to an outdoor recreationist’s paradise. Montana Tech is surrounded by six mountain ranges, two national parks, and five rivers, offering you endless opportunities to ski, hike, fish, and just enjoy the beauty of Montana.


In 1900, Butte was the premier mining camp in the US and Tech's mining program focused on hardrock underground mining. Today, however, we train mining engineers in all aspects of mining. Our mining engineering degree program boasts a 100% career outcome rate.


Four years after The Dennis and Phyllis Washington Foundation, in conjunction with Montana Resources, established the Rolin Erickson Montana Resources Opportunity Scholarship at Montana Technological University, students say the award has completely altered the trajectory of their lives, opening doors to countless opportunities.

Recently, Montana Resources President Jack Standa (pictured left) and Vice President of Human Resources Mike McGivern (pictured right) visited Montana Tech to speak with the students. Both are proud Oredigger alumni.

“You can’t go wrong with a Montana Tech degree,” Standa said. “You’ll look back in 30 years and be amazed at what you’ve done thanks to your time at Montana Tech.”

McGivern told the students the scholarship was established to help local students, so they could succeed and go on to careers that will better the greater Butte community.

“This scholarship can help you start a whole new trajectory,” McGivern said. “You will do great, amazing things.”

First-generation students graduating from a Butte high school in Spring 2023 are encouraged to fill out the Montana Tech Admissions Application here

Source: Montana Technological University Foundation


The Wall Street Journal has named Montana Technological University #7 on its 2023 list of Top 20 Public Colleges for Engineering Salaries!⚒

The rankings consider the salary data of graduates over their first 10 years in the workforce following commencement. Montana Tech graduates posted an average annual salary of $104,082, a premium of $13,908 over the national average.

There is so much here at Montana Tech to be proud of!

Make It Do - Metal Shortages During World War II 05/04/2023

"They've got the guts. Back 'em up with more MORE METAL."
During World War II, metals were needed for military purposes and took precedence over civilian products until the Allies' victory in 1945, when President Truman restored the free market and the War Production Board lifted controls on consumer items.

Today, metals continue to support our troops, with the Department of Defense utilizing over 750,000 tons of mined minerals every year.

Make It Do - Metal Shortages During World War II During World War II, both metals and factories were needed for military purposes. Ships and planes and jeeps and guns and ration tins and helmets took precedence over civilian products. After the United States entered the war, factories quickly shifted from manufacturing civilian goods to military m...

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Videos (show all)

Digging into the events at the 46th International Collegiate Mining Competition.Thanks to our sponsor, Epiroc , you can ...
Digging into the events at the 46th International Collegiate Mining Competition.Thanks to our sponsor, Epiroc , you can ...
Digging into the events at the 46th International Collegiate Mining Competition.Thanks to our sponsor, Epiroc , you can ...
Digging into the events at the 46th International Collegiate Mining Competition. Thanks to our sponsor, Epiroc , you can...
Digging into the events at the 46th International Collegiate Mining Competition. Thanks to our sponsor, Epiroc , you can...
Digging into the events at the 46th International Collegiate Mining Competition. Thanks to our sponsor, Epiroc  , you ca...
Thanks to Epiroc, this year's 46th Intercollegiate Mining Competition hosted by Montana Technological University and Mon...
Last week the Montana Tech International Society of Explosives Engineers had the opportunity to attend the 50th ISEE Ann...
There is no doubt that every member of the Montana Tech Mining Department works hard to be successful day in and day out...
Montana Tech Mining Team - Jackleg Drilling
Montana Tech Mining Team
Montana Tech Mining Team - Jackleg Drilling



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Butte, MT

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Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm

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