
Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from AwakenHer, Nonprofit Organization, Canton, OH.

We long to see every woman thrive in every season of her life, and to be awakened to her identity in Christ, so that she can impact this generation and generations to come.


He is God with us, not just during the holiday season, but in everyday, in every second, and all through your life.
Whatever chapter you may be in, in your life right now, I believe his presence will cover you, and his arms of love will surround you. You are never alone, and never forgotten because He is Emmanuel.

yoAddy - Samurai | Ft. SR Will & Escapade 11/17/2022

If you haven’t yet, you should check out my husbands new single!

yoAddy - Samurai | Ft. SR Will & Escapade Follow my socials! single "Samurai"Love you all :)


Obedience to God and disobedience to God. Jesus spoke to his storm and there was a great calm. Peace came over the sea. Total peace. What was on the inside of Jesus now manifested to the external circumstances. Obedience. 
On the other hand, Jonah had no such result. What was on the inside of Jonah was exactly what was on the outside of him: A storm. Disobedience. The outside world could not and cannot be made to conform to God’s will through double mindedness, on our part.

-Brad Climer in Modeling Jesus
Walking single minded in a double minded world.
This book has truly opened up my eyes.


Stay encouraged, daughters of the most high God. For his DNA flows through your veins. As you spend time in the secret place with him, his peace and his joy will surround you and invade your thinking. Remember to stand strong in these times, hold up your shield🛡of faith and let Jesus the logos be your weapon. ⚔️


The enemy tries to discourage us by ambushing our thoughts and emotions, BUT we have a CHOICE, know who you are, know you are a child of God and stand firm in your identity in HIM💪🏻 and the enemy WILL NOT conquer🙅🏻‍♀️
Decree and declare this over yourself today🗣


I don’t want to just “do life” I want to do the life that God has called me to! I don’t want time to fly by like a blur of mundane tasks and chores that we are “suppose” to do, day in and day out. I want to live the life God has called me to. I want to see every moment of every day as an opportunity to be the light of Jesus, in someone’s life. I want to take every opportunity to speak about and share the gospel of God’s great LOVE for us! I don’t want to just “do life.” We were created for so much more than that! We are not on this Earth to just “do life.” See God in every moment of every day. Spend time with him, get to KNOW him for who he truly is, get close to him, hear HIS voice and BE HIS LOVE!❤️‍🔥


Because worry does not take away tomorrow’s trouble, it only steals today’s peace.
TRUST in him, he has it all figured out!
1 Peter 5:7📖
Pour out all your worries and stress upon him, and leave them there, for he always tenderly cares for you.


Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours! We hope you are having a holiday full of love, laughter, and many memories 🧡


In the middle of confusion, you are there.
In the midst of my struggles, you are there.
And while the storm is raging, you are there.
So I will get down in the stern of the boat beside you Jesus. I will stay in peace. Storms will come and go all of my life but, despite the storms I can rest. It’s about the time I spend with you vs. what’s happening around me. Because spending time with you brings me the peace that will sustain me in the midst of it all.

You said, “he who keeps his mind stayed on thee will be in perfect peace.”

That’s where the battle is, in the mind. Satan will use thoughts and emotions as weapons but, being in His presence will keep you in perfect peace by sustaining those things that he will try to use against you. Peace that not only sustains you, but peace that passes all understanding. So today, I would encourage you to “get down in the stern of your boat” and keep your eyes on Jesus. Do not give the waves your attention, but give it all to Him.


This is a spoken word the Holy Spirit gave me during one of the hardest seasons in my life. My heart cried “all I want is you Jesus more than anything else” and these are the words that came up out of me. I hope this minister’s to you today 🧡

Photos from AwakenHer's post 11/06/2021

Today, I would like to talk a little bit about private worship.
A lot of times when we think of what worship is, we automatically think of when our worship teams get up during church and lead us in song and in praise, and that is true. But that is called corporate worship.
Private worship with God is something different. One thing I have realized in my life about private worship is that it creates a relationship with God, where He helps deal with your emotions in every way. When you feel like your emotions are out of control, and you decide to go to that place with just you and God and worship Him, you will never leave that moment feeling the same way.
You might be saying, “well I’m not a singer.” Private worship is not just singing, but it’s you letting God know how much you love him. You don’t have to sing for it to be worship. And even if you aren’t the greatest singer, if in that moment you want to sing to the Lord, do it! He knows our hearts, and He will receive anything as worship to Him when that’s where your heart is.
You bring all your emotions, and thoughts and you focus on Him. Picture yourself before the throne of God, and tell him how much you love Him. Try not to let your mind wander away from your worship. And if your mind and your thoughts start to think about other things, just refocus on Him. When we worship, we are giving God all of our hearts and attention.
I just wanted to touch some basic things on private worship today. But, later on we will talk more in depth on this topic, and go deeper.


Even in the unknown, He is always there
Even in the confusion, He is always my answer
Even in the disappointment, He is my rock
Even in the heartbreak, He is my comfort
And even in the desert, He is the water for my soul
He is a faithful God
He never leaves
He never forsakes
He never forgets
He never grows tired
He never breaks a promise
He is everything that you need in this moment ❤️


We always say, we would die for those we love. Our children, our spouse, our friends. If it came down to it, you would give your life for those people. It’s your way of saying how much you love and care for them. But what if we started looking at it differently? Let’s go the complete opposite way.
Let’s start LIVING for those people we say we would die for.
Why do we always wait to be our best, or show our gratitude when death is involved? We don’t have to wait till the end. In fact, God doesn’t want that.
He wants you to live your life every day transformed. So that you can fully live for Him and for those that he has placed in your life. To give your very best at everything you do, and to do it as unto Him.
So instead of saying “I would die for you.” Lets start saying “I will live for you.”
Let that be our mindset with God and with our family. Live your life everyday with purpose, with vision, with joy, and with strength!
Jesus already died for you, so that you can live!!!

John 11:25-26
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live,even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

Romans 6:5-6
For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his. For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin.


Today, as I was out driving and looking at the trees turning into beautiful colors, I started thinking about our wonderful Father God. And how in Genesis 1:1, in the beginning, He spoke this beautiful world into existence.
But when God created Adam, He spoke; “let us make man in our image.” He took the dust of the earth, and molded it and made man. Then He breathed His life into man.
He didn’t just speak it though, He directly breathed the breath of life into man and created us in His image!
God never ceases to amaze me! He loves and cares for us so much! So much so, that He; the creator of heaven and earth, breathed that very same breath into us!We weren’t just created by Him but, we were created from him!
So I encourage you today, to take some private time and spend it with him. He is so worthy!


We trust in you Lord🧡🙌🏻 we fully surrender all worry, analytical reasoning, and anxiousness of the mind unto you this day and every day!☀️


God speaks to us in all different types of ways, he is always with us and I believe that he will take day to day situations and use it as a teachable moment as long as our ears are open to what he has to say.🗣👂🏻
Here I had one of those moments, so I thought I would share this cool little story with you all. Without further ado, here is the stop light story📖🚦❤️


As I was thinking about what God wanted me to share with you today, I heard the word consistency.
We have told you that we would touch base with practical and spiritual things with AwakenHer, so for today I felt I needed to touch the practical part of the word “consistency.”
I mainly want to reach out to any mothers today with young children. First off, I want to say my hat goes off to all mothers, no matter the age of your children. Being a mother can be very hard and trying at times, but is one of the greatest blessings you will ever experience!
So one thing my own mother taught me, was to try my best to always be consistent with my children. I know at times this can be so exhausting, and it may feel that’s all you get done with your whole day. But, trust me, if you are committed to this area of parenting, the rewards will be worth the effort and the work you take the time to put in.
On a day to day basis you try your best to keep your word within the realm of discipline. No matter how hard it gets.
You are a parent first, and then can be a best friend later. And this is something I can tell you from personal experience.
Now spiritually, praying and asking God how to handle each of your children individually as a person is just as important! Consistently do this! As a parent you are responsible for helping mold a little human being into who God created them to be.
Staying consistent with your children ultimately helps teach them perseverance. They grow up watching you stay consistent in your love and discipline towards them, and in the long run you are really showing them how to persevere by living it out in front of them. Even when things get tough and tiring (just how parenting can be sometimes) you still persevere.
So mother’s, stay encouraged and always fight your fight in the spiritual realm. And God will give you strength in the physical realm to stay consistent in not only discipline, but ultimately, in love.
Ephesians 6:1-3
Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right, honor thy father and mother ; which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.


Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the fear of imperfection? Often times our mind is consumed with the pressure of perfection, and the torment of the “what ifs.”
But the Lord is saying to lean into him, rest in him. Decree & declare his perfect love over you, over your mind, your thoughts, your will and your emotions this day! thank him for his never ending, unconditional love.
As we begin to receive his perfect love there is NO room for fear and torment.

1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But h who fears has not been made perfect in his love.


What ever you may be facing in your life, remember He is always your safe place. You will never leave empty when you run into his presence 🧡


Hello, everyone!👋🏻 I am Breanna Resanovich, one of the two daughters of Cyndy Kelley. First off, I wanted to say that I am so excited to see how God is going to truly flow through AwakenHer. I am overjoyed to begin to be able to share our hearts with you all and I cannot wait to see where God takes us together, and to see women from everywhere become strengthened and awakened to their God given calling.👑
I also wanted to take the time out today to share a word that God laid on my heart cornering the body of Christ and our callings in life. He shared this with me about 9 months ago, before AwakenHer was even a thought. At this point in my life I had felt as though I was going through a refining season.⏳🕰
For a while I had questioned what it really was that God had called me to do. What were his true plans for my life. I wanted to walk in ALL that he had for me, be in his will and not miss a beat. I think this is a desire that a lot of us have in our hearts.❤️‍🔥
So we wonder, and ask, God what is my next step👣 I want to hear you always🗣👂🏻I want to trust you completely🔗 and I want to obey you.✔️
In my wondering💭he met me where I was and he downloaded this word in me, that ministered to me, and now I hope that it may minister to you as well!

{C A L L E D}

I have called you to be a pastor, to love and to shepherd my people, BUT it doesn’t stop there. I have called you to be a prophet, to hear my voice clearly and speak out divine revelations, BUT it doesn’t stop there. I have called you to be an evangelist, to teach & preach to the nations, BUT it doesn’t stop there. I have called you to be an apostle, to disciple and plant seeds of wisdom & faith, BUT it doesn’t stop there. I have called you to be a worshipper, to worship me in spirit and in truth. To worship me with your voice, to worship me with your own sound, to worship me with your instruments. BUT it doesn’t stop there. I have called you to be an intercessor, to pray, intercede and war on the behalf of others. BUT it doesn’t stop there. I have called you to the works, I want to give you witty ideas no man can think of, to express your creativeness & entrepreneurship for MY kingdom. BUT it doesn’t stop there. NOR does it even BEGIN there! I am calling you near to me. I am calling you to run into my arms. I am calling you to seek my face, to commune with me. I am calling you to the secret place. I want to pour my love out onto you. I want to fill you up with MY utter most righteousness. I want to perfect my love in you. I want to give you the ornament of a gentle & quiet spirit. I am calling you near to teach you, to transform you. I am calling you near to me so that you can learn to humble yourself, to wipe your hands clean and to keep a pure heart. I am calling you near to me so you can stay lowly in heart, so you can be meek & kind. I am calling you near to me to rest in me, to dwell in me. I am calling you near to me so you can throw out ALL double-mindedness, because in me there is only single-mindedness. I am calling you near to me, because IN ME is where you will find all that you are destined to be. So put off your rags, let me clothe you in gladness. Let me turn your mourning into dancing. It is time to step into ALL that I have called you to do. I have CALLED YOU.


Hello everyone!
My name is Joslyn Resanovich, I am one of Cyndy Kelley’s daughters, and I am so excited to be apart of AwakenHer!
I am expectant and can’t wait to see what God has for all of us through this!
One of my biggest desires for AwakenHer is that every single one of you is able to experience our transparency and our want to just be real and open with you! I want to be vulnerable about everything we feel Holy Spirit is leading us to talk about. I want you to feel accepted and loved no matter where you may be in your life right now, or where you have been!❤️
Jesus doesn’t expect us to be perfect, He is looking for those that are willing, and those that desire clean hands and a pure heart. 🙏🏻
That is one thing I hope you experience through this, that perfection or even the “look of a perfect life” is not the key 🔑
Pursuing His love, and the destiny that ever single one of you have.. that’s the key!
You are so loved, so beautiful and so blessed! And He desires for you to come completely alive in your identity in HIM, so that you are grounded and secure in the truth, that He loves you more than you could ever know! And when that becomes truth and life to you, Girl.. you can’t be stopped! 🔥🔥

I wanted to share with you all a small word Holy Spirit gave me a few weeks ago. That particular day I was thinking about what it really means to be blessed and this is what I heard.

I’m not blessed because of what I gain from You
I’m blessed because of who I am in You
I’m blessed because You remain
And continue to break my chains
Even when I look away
Being blessed is knowing You will sustain me
When the enemy comes to try and sway me
Others might... but You will never betray me
Oppression will fall, at my left and at my right
Because You have called me blameless and beautiful in Your sight
This is what it means to be blessed
To know that because of You, I will never be anything less


Hi everyone! If you don’t know who I am already, my name is Cyndy Kelley. I just wanted to give you all a little more detail on what AwakenHer is and, where I feel God wants to take this ministry.
AwakenHer is not only an idea 💡 but a movement. It’s something I’ve felt God has given me, along with my two daughters and my son, not only as a family but as a team. We passionately believe that through this, God desires to reach all women, from all walks of life. And not only to reach you, but to “awaken” the power of God that lies within you! 🙌🏻
We will use AwakenHer to talk about, not only the spiritual side of life, but the practical side as well. We are currently working on other things where we can connect and talk with you all, on the subjects we feel the Holy Spirit wants to help teach ALL of us in! So please keep a look out because this page will not be the only platform we will be using.
The world is currently in a time where it seems like everything is turning upside down. 🌎⬇️ BUT, there is good news! YOU have the power through Christ in you, to be strong and courageous! 💪🏻To rise up and be the daughter that He has called you to be! 👑
We are so excited for this journey that God is taking us on with you all! And we can not wait for what He has in store!!

Mission Statement:
To help empower and, strengthen women from all walks of life in who God has called and created them to be. We long to see every woman thrive in every season of her life, and to be awakened to her identity in Christ, so that she can impact this generation and generations to come.


Hi everyone! Thank you so much if you have taken the time to like or follow this page! We are so excited for the plans we feel God has designed for AwakenHer and the direction He will be taking us! We have some amazing things we are currently working on, and we will post updates on that, along with daily encouragement on this page! We love every single one of you! And we are so excited and honored for what’s to come!

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God speaks to us in all different types of ways, he is always with us and I believe that he will take day to day  situat...



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