RCD Canton

Romanian Catholic Diocese - Eparchy of St. George in Canton, Ohio, USA. Welcome to the Romanian Catholic Diocese of Canton (RCD Canton).

Bishop John Michael Botean homily (parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector) 01/29/2023

"When we were baptized, we became immersed in an ocean of mercy so that we could live our lives in this ocean, conscious of the fact that God is love, God is mercy, and that we are called to love and mercy ourselves. And when we fall short, God is there to forgive." Bishop John Michael Botean

Bishop John Michael Botean homily (parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector)


"No matter what happens around us, we are always in God's hands..."

Bishop John Michael Botean: "God is in Charge"


"May God personally engrave "Christ is Risen" on your heart..."
Bishop John Michael Botean - 2022 Easter Message


In this bilingual pastoral letter, Bishop John Michael Botean invites us to contemplate what gifts have we been asking from God in this season, and vice versa, what gifts is God asking from us. A blessed Christmas to everyone, and a safe and joyous 2022! Crăciun binecuvântat tuturor și un an 2022 plin de sănătate și bucurii!

LIVE Stream | Listen Online Now! 05/12/2021

On Thursday, May 20 at 5 p.m (ET), and on Friday May 21 at 8 a.m. (ET), Cleveland Catholic Radio will air Dick Russ's interview with Bishop John Michael Botean. The interview will touch upon the Feast of Pentecost, Holy Spirit, Church during the pandemic, Eastern Christianity and many more.
To listen to the broadcast online visit: https://www.christiannetcast.com/listen/player.asp?station=wccr-am

LIVE Stream | Listen Online Now! Listen to on your computer, your mobile device, in the car, on Google Home and Amazon Alexa!

PS John Michael Botean - Mesaj de Pasti (2021) 04/04/2021

Hristos a Inviat!
Mesajul de Pasti al PS John Michael Botean in limba romana.

PS John Michael Botean - Mesaj de Pasti (2021) Cum trebuie sa sarbatorim Pastele in timp de pandemie? Urmariti mesajul PS John Michael Botean pentru a afla raspunsul la aceasta intrebare.---Muzica: Scott ...


Christ is Risen! Hristos a Inviat!

Easter morning Divine Liturgy at St. George Cathedral in Canton. https://fb.watch/4FsVpSF84I/

Bishop John Michael Botean Easter Message (2021) 04/04/2021

Christ is Risen! Hristos a Inviat!

Bishop John Michael Botean Easter Message:

Bishop John Michael Botean Easter Message (2021) How do you celebrate Pascha in a pandemic? Join Bishop John Michael Botean to explore the answer to this question.---Music: Scott Buckley - SkywardStock Vide...


„In sumbrul miez al iernii” este mesajul pastoral al PS John Michael Botean pentru credinciosii greco-catolici de pretutindeni.

Resursele muzicale si vizuale: Envato Elements


Bishop John Michael Botean 2020 Christmas Pastoral message.

Music and Stock Video: Envato Elements


Live Christmas Divine Liturgy at St. George Cathedral in Canton.



A personal greeting to all the faithful of the Romanian Catholic Diocese of Canton from Bishop John Michael Botean.


"May the one who comes to us in this bleak midwinter of our lives, who was born in a cave and laid in a manger, Christ our true God, be the source of new life for you and your loved ones. May He be all that and more for us in this season of our crying need."

Bishop John Michael Botean 2020 Christmas Message

Support Fr. Radu's Recovery 08/26/2020

At the request of our priests and others who know him and who want to help with medical expenses, we have created a GoFundMe campaign. The expenses are, of course, unknown at this time, but we are expecting them to be very high after a long hospitalization.
Please continue to keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers so that he can get well and continue his work.
Thank you for your prayers and support!
You may contribute to Father Radu's medical care here:https://charity.gofundme.com/o/en/campaign/support-fr-radus-recovery?fbclid=IwAR3_BKu5n0A7MF3kejR6IzRPMKPhLOf8zCKn821pXyU3nqbPt666Ol1pzAo

Support Fr. Radu's Recovery Many of you know Father Radu Titonea, as he has touched so many lives with his kind words and actions as a priest and a chaplain. He is a very positive, optimistic and strong person, always there to help others. Everyone who met him in ...


August 23rd 12pm-4 pm
1121 44th st NE CANTON, 44714
Order online at www.stgeorgeoh.org!
This is the perfect occasion to discover the Romanian Cuisine. This event is a fun celebration of the Romanian culture, featuring delicious ethnic food and pastries.
Order online at www.stgeorgeoh.org!


We are delighted to report near-miraculous improvement in Father Radu Titonea’s condition in the last day. He is in much better condition now than he was two days ago, becoming more responsive and relying less on medical intervention or life support. He has a long way to go. His family—and his diocese—credit the serious and ongoing prayer that has been offered on his behalf around the country and around the world. For this reason, we ask that prayer for Father Radu continue and intensify. Specifically, we are asking for prayer to our Blessed Martyr Bishops: Blessed Cardinal Iuliu Hossu and Blessed Bishops Vasile Aftenie, Ioan Balan, Tit-Liviu Chinezu, Valeriu Traian Frentiu, Alexandru Rusu and Ioan Suciu. Through their intercession and the intercession of the Most Holy Mother of God, may Father Radu be granted a swift and complete recovery and return to the priestly ministry he has loved so much and the people he has served with so much care and compassion.

At this time, at the family’s request, and out of respect for their situation, we would like to ask NOT TO contact the family. We will provide timely updates when we receive them.

Thank you for your prayers and consideration!


Rugăciunile pentru Părintele Radu trebuie să continue.

​​​​​​​Suntem încântați să raportăm ca în ultimele zile a avut loc o îmbunătățire aproape miraculoasă a stării de sănătate a părintelui Radu Titonea. El este într-o stare mult mai bună decât a fost acum două zile, devenind mai receptiv și bazându-se mai puțin pe intervenția medicală. Cu siguranță vă urma o etapa lungă de recuperare.

Atât familia cat și Eparhia creditează această îmbunătățire rugăciunii continue care a fost oferită în numele său în toată țara și în întreaga lume. Din acest motiv, solicităm ca rugăciunea pentru părintele Radu să continue și să se intensifice. Mai exact, cerem mijlocire episcopilor noștri martiri: Fericitul Cardinal Iuliu Hossu, Fericiții Episcopi Vasile Aftenie, Ioan Bălan, Tit-Liviu Chinezu, Valeriu Traian Frențiu, Alexandru Rusu și Ioan Suciu.

Prin mijlocirea lor și prin mijlocirea Preasfintei Născătoare de Dumnezeu, să ne rugăm ca părintelui Radu să i se acorde o recuperare rapidă și completă și să se întoarcă la slujirea preoțească pe care a iubește atât de mult și la oamenii pe care i-a slujit cu atâta grijă și compasiune.

De asemenea la cererea familiei și din respect pentru situația lor, vă rugăm SĂ NU contactați familia. Vă vom oferi detalii referitoare la situația Pr. Radu în timp util atunci când le vom primi la rândul nostru.

Vă mulțumim pentru rugăciuni și considerație!


Please join us in prayer for Fr. Radu Titonea! Fr. Radu has been involved in a serious accident this past Sunday (August 2) and is in critical condition at a local hospital in New York. Please keep him and his family, as well as the faithful of our St. Mary Mission in New York in your prayers.

At this time, at the family’s request, and out of respect for their difficult situation, we would like to ask NOT TO contact the Titonea family. We will provide timely updates when we receive them.

Thank you for your prayers and consideration!


Vă rugăm să rostiți o rugăciune pentru părintele Radu Țitonea! Pr. Radu a fost implicat într-un accident grav duminica trecută (2 august) și se află într-o stare critică la un spital local din New York. Să-i păstrăm în rugăciune atât pe familia Țitonea, cât și pe credincioșii Misiunii greco-catolice Sf. Maria din New York.

De asemenea la cererea familiei și din respect pentru situația lor dificilă, vă rugăm SĂ NU contactați familia Țitonea. Vă vom oferi detalii referitoare la situația Pr. Radu în timp util atunci când le vom primi la rândul nostru.

Vă mulțumim pentru rugăciuni și considerație!


Feast of Transfiguration Liturgy at St. George Cathedral (live)

Walking on Water - Bishop Botean's homily 08/04/2020

"We are called to be water-walkers, did you know that? We don't expect to walk on water and we certainly don't expect to have to walk on water. But Jesus tells to Peter, what he tells to the Church: It is I, have no fear, come, walk on water! And a whole crowd of water-walkers will be in the middle of this flood..."

+John Michael Botean

Walking on Water - Bishop Botean's homily

Crisalida - Unirea Canton 08/04/2020


Crisalida - Unirea Canton PS John Michael Botean În acest an, după cm probabil vă puteți aminti, tema editorială centrală a Unirii / Canton ar trebui să fie Liturghia. Se pare că natura a avut alte planuri. Pandemia care afectează planeta chiar ne-a împiedicat să celebrăm, să călăuzim și să învățăm desp...

Chrysalis - Unirea Canton 08/04/2020


Chrysalis - Unirea Canton Bishop John Michael Botean This year, you may recall, the central editorial theme of Unirea/Canton is supposed to be liturgy. It seems that nature had other plans. The pandemic afflicting the planet right now has cut us off from the very thing we wanted to celebrate and teach about in our magazine t...


Live Divine Liturgy at St. George Cathedral in Canton.

Judging the signs of the times - Unirea Canton 06/26/2020


Judging the signs of the times - Unirea Canton Tony Magliano In the Gospel of Matthew, there is a scene where the Pharisees and Sadducees, in their desire to test Jesus, ask him to show them a sign. In reply to them, Jesus says that in the morning when the sky is red and threatening you say that today it will be stormy. “You know how to judge ...


This "Message from Home" is Bishop John Michael Botean's address to the faithful concerning the safety steps necessary once the return to church is in place.

Music: Scott Buckley - Invocation

Fragile people living on a fragile planet - Unirea Canton 05/18/2020


Fragile people living on a fragile planet - Unirea Canton Tony Magliano As the dreadful coronavirus pandemic clearly illustrates: Life is fragile. In just a matter of a few months, the highly contagious COVID-19 has killed over 225,000 people, sickened many more, eliminated millions of jobs and is threatening to nearly double the number of severely hungry....


Divine Liturgy Live.

Ce este moartea? - Unirea Canton 04/30/2020


Ce este moartea? - Unirea Canton Pr. Constantin Hadarag Când anul trecut mi-a fost cerut să scriu câteva rânduri pe acest argument, am rămas trăsnit de gânditor! Măi.., mi-am spus, teribilă și grea întrebare, crucea oricui de fapt! Este simplu si uneori ușor să scrii și să vorbești despre viață, despre o experien....

Faith Q&A: What is Death? - Unirea Canton 04/30/2020


Faith Q&A: What is Death? - Unirea Canton Fr. Constantin Hadarag When I was asked last year to write a few lines on this argument, my thinking stopped in its tracks! Well, I said to myself, terrible and hard question, in fact, it’s everyone’s cross to bear! It is simple and sometimes easy to write and talk about life, about a collective...

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Our Story

Welcome to the Romanian Catholic Diocese of Canton’s official page!

We have been proudly serving Romanian/American Greek-Catholics in United States as a church since the early 1900s and as an Eparchy (Diocese) since 1987, In 2010, our jurisdiction extended to Canada.

We share God’s Good News through 13 parishes, 5 missions and 2 monasteries in the United States and thorough 2 missions in Canada.

Learn more about us at www.romaniancatholic.org.

Videos (show all)

Bishop John Michael Botean - God is in charge
Bishop John Michael Botean - God is in charge
Bishop John Michael Botean Easter homily
Bishop Botean: Message from Home - Good Friday
Message from Home (Bishop John Michael Botean)
"Take Up Your Cross" - Bishop John Michael Botean homily (audio)
Cum să scăpăm de durere? Fără medicamente!
Vitamina Spirituală - Ce ne facem după sărbători (teaser)
"Do you know what time it is? It's Christmas Time!"
Romanian Heritage Festival (2018) @ St. George Cathedral
Pr. Iuliu Muntean - Misiunea noastră este să dăruim (Lansarea revistei Unirea Canton)



1121 44th Street NE
Canton, OH

Opening Hours

Tuesday 9:30am - 4pm
Wednesday 9:30am - 4pm
Thursday 9:30am - 4pm
Friday 9:30am - 4pm

Other Nonprofit Organizations in Canton (show all)
Siffrin Siffrin
3688 Dressler Road NW
Canton, 44718

Siffrin is a nonprofit organization that provides quality support services to people with development

Tiqvah - Hands of Hope Tiqvah - Hands of Hope
530 Tuscarawas Street W
Canton, 44702

Impacting children's lives - body, mind and soul Tiqvah is a 501c3, inner city after school program.

CommQuest Services CommQuest Services
625 Cleveland Avenue NW
Canton, 44702

CommQuest Services has been bringing hope to individuals and families in Northeast Ohio since 1919. We provide collaborative care and advocacy for people through three pillars of s...

Buckeye Council Buckeye Council
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Canton, 44708

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Boys & Girls Club of Canton at BSC Boys & Girls Club of Canton at BSC
2628 13th Street SW
Canton, 44710

Troop & Crew 34, Canton Ohio Troop & Crew 34, Canton Ohio
4900 Middlebranch Avenue NE
Canton, 44705

Troop 34 has been in existance since 1925.

Phoenician Club Phoenician Club
1122 Cherry Avenue NE
Canton, 44704

The Phoenician Mens club of Canton,Ohio is a social mens group and was founded for the fellowship of

The Canton Chapter of The Foundation for Community Betterment The Canton Chapter of The Foundation for Community Betterment

We're a social network with a social conscience. A group of caring, social and philanthropic people in and around Canton, Ohio focusing on local impact.

Chloe's Characters 4 Kidz Chloe's Characters 4 Kidz
808 29th Street NE
Canton, 44709

Chloes Characters 4 Kidz is a great way for Chloe, a cancer survivor, to celebrate her recovery and share the love of smiles with other children.

The Healing and Wellness Center The Healing and Wellness Center
1000 12th Street NW
Canton, 44703

Our mission is to help you recognize and reach your full potential with God.

La Leche League of Canton, Ohio La Leche League of Canton, Ohio

Helping parents, families, and communities to breastfeed, chestfeed, and human milk feed their babies

Compassion Storehouse Compassion Storehouse
1920 Schneider Street NE
Canton, 44721

We are a ministry of Compassion Church serving foster, kinship and families in northeast Ohio. We were formerly Compassion Foster Closet