Schulke Chiropractic & Wellness Solutions

Doctors Matt & Rebecca Schulke specialize in the treatment of Peripheral Neuropathy.


We’re wrapping up our Myth vs Fact series with a very common misconception.

Most people believe that Neuropathy cannot be prevented. While it's true that some causes of neuropathy, such as genetic predispositions, remain beyond our control, it's imperative to recognize that there are proactive measures individuals can take to mitigate their risk and safeguard their nerve health. Neuropathy prevention begins with fostering a holistic approach to wellness that encompasses both physical and environmental factors. On top of this, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, coupled with managing underlying medical conditions, avoiding toxins, and protecting against injuries can all help prevent neuropathy.


Did you know having deficiencies in essential nutrients like B12, D, E, magnesium, and others can exacerbate neuropathic symptoms and impact nerve health?

Incorporate foods rich in these nutrients into your diet—think lean meats, fatty fish, nuts, seeds, and green leafy vegetables—to nourish your nerves and support overall well-being. Remember, what you eat matters!


Curious about what your Neuropathy Discovery Visit will entail? 🤔

Here's a sneak peek into what you can expect:
1️⃣ Comprehensive 16-point evaluation: Our doctor will conduct a thorough assessment of your medical history, symptoms, and any relevant diagnostic tests to gain a comprehensive understanding of your condition.
2️⃣ Personalized treatment plan: Based on your unique needs and goals, your provider will develop a tailored treatment plan that may include a combination of treatments, therapies, lifestyle modifications, and more.
3️⃣ Education and support: You'll receive valuable information about neuropathy, its causes, and how to manage symptoms effectively. Plus, you'll have access to ongoing support and guidance throughout your journey.
4️⃣ Collaboration and empowerment: Your provider will work collaboratively with you to empower you to take an active role in your care. Together, you'll explore options, ask questions, and make informed decisions about your treatment.

Your journey to relief starts here! Ready to take the first step towards better neuropathy management? Click the link in our bio to schedule your first appointment today.


Most people believe neuropathy will go away on its own over time. While it's true that some fortunate individuals may experience a gradual alleviation of symptoms, it's essential to recognize that neuropathy often persists as a chronic and unwavering condition, requiring proactive management and intervention to mitigate its impact.

For the vast majority of individuals dealing with neuropathy, relief is not found in the passage of time alone but through targeted therapies and lifestyle modifications tailored to their unique needs and circumstances.

Call/text us at 317.884.8824 to learn more about our Neuropathy Program and the ways in which we can help you today.


Gone are the days of merely managing neuropathy symptoms with medications like Gabapentin and Lyrica. Thanks to groundbreaking research and advanced medical technologies, there's newfound hope for those suffering from nerve damage.

If you are like the majority of our Neuropathy patients, you have been told there is nothing that can be done for your condition, and that you just have to learn to live with it. While this was certainly true 10 years ago, that is simply not the case anymore.

Our healthcare providers are revolutionizing neuropathy care. By understanding the root causes and utilizing innovative tools, they offer targeted treatments that enhance the quality of life for patients.

Discover the transformative care available at Schulke Chiropractic & Wellness Solutions. Ready to reclaim your life from neuropathy? Call/text us at 317.884.8824 to reserve your $49 consultation and start your journey to healing today!


Our June seminar is taking place in less than 2 weeks! Learn more below and reach out today if you are interested in attending.

Ready to Break Free from Neuropathy? Mark your calendar for Tuesday, June 18th at 12:00PM! Join us for an informative, FREE Neuropathy Seminar with speakers Dr. Matt Schulke, DC, BCN, ART-C and Dr. Rebecca Schulke, DC.

You will discover…
✔️ What REALLY causes peripheral neuropathy
✔️ Dangers associated with medications typically prescribed for peripheral neuropathy
✔️ How to stop nerve damage before the effects are irreversible
✔️ How our revolutionary protocol provides outstanding results for sufferers of peripheral neuropathy

Plus, enjoy a complimentary lunch on us! Spaces are filling up fast – reserve your seat and meal now by calling us at 317.884.8824 or by visiting the link in our bio and take the first step towards a pain-free future today!


It's a busy time for birthdays around here, but we're not complaining! 🎉

Join us in wishing Breck a very happy birthday today! 🎂


While most people think neuropathy only impacts a limited amount of the body, that is actually not the case.

Though neuropathy's presence is most often found in the feet and hands, it is by no means confined to these regions alone. Nerves traverse the entire body, working to communicate between the brain and various tissues, organs, and systems. Consequently, neuropathy can wreak havoc anywhere along this intricate network, disrupting sensory, motor, and autonomic functions.

Whether it manifests as numbness, tingling, or pain in the limbs, weakness in the muscles, or dysfunction in organs like the bladder, digestive tract, or heart, neuropathy's impact extends far beyond the feet and hands.


Today we remember and honor those who gave their all for our country. Their sacrifice will never be forgotten. 🇺🇸


Double the birthdays, double the fun! 🎉 Join us in wishing a very happy birthday to both Winston (today) and Dr. Matt (tomorrow)!

We hope you both enjoy this weekend filled with lots of joy, laughter, and birthday celebration! 🥳 🎂


GIVEAWAY ALERT! 🎉 Want to win a quick $100 toward your next treatment?* Enter this summer savings giveaway exclusive to our social media followers! 🤑

To enter, all you have to do is:
1) Like this post
2) Follow us on Instagram

Receive a bonus entry if you re-share this post!

Once completed, comment “DONE” below! Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to save big! Winner will be randomly drawn on 6/14.

*Winnings may be applied to Adjustment, SoftWave, Neuropathy or Contour Light packages.


It's imperative to grasp the profound impact neuropathy can have on daily life and well-being. Neuropathy is more than mere discomfort. From the relentless, agonizing pain that can accompany neuropathic conditions to the loss of mobility and functionality, neuropathy takes a toll on not just the physical body, but also on the mind and heart. Tasks once taken for granted, such as walking, typing, or even holding a loved one's hand, can feel impossible. In severe cases, neuropathy can culminate in profound disability, robbing individuals of their independence, livelihoods, and sense of self. The psychological toll of living with neuropathy, including anxiety, depression, and social isolation, further compounds the burden, exacerbating the challenges posed by this complex condition.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. We have seen our patients reverse their neuropathy time and time again, allowing them to get back to the life they want to live. We want this for you, too. If you’re tired of the way neuropathy controls your life and have been told there’s nothing you can do for it, we want to offer you hope. Call/text us at 317.884.8824 to learn more about our Neuropathy Program today.


Have you ever wondered how our bodies heal after an injury? One essential process involved is angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels from existing ones. In the context of neuropathy, understanding angiogenesis becomes crucial. When peripheral nerves are injured, the body initiates a healing response, which includes the formation of new blood vessels to support tissue repair. However, in neuropathy, this process can go awry, leading to abnormal angiogenesis.

At our Carmel, Indiana Neuropathy Clinic, we delve deep into the science behind angiogenesis and its role in neuropathy. We utilize specialized thermal imaging techniques to assess the extent of abnormal angiogenesis in our patients. By pinpointing this underlying cause, we can tailor treatment strategies to promote healing and alleviate symptoms.

But what exactly happens when angiogenesis goes wrong in neuropathy? The delicate balance between pro-angiogenic and anti-angiogenic factors is disrupted, leading to excessive blood vessel growth and inadequate blood flow to the nerves. This deprives the nerves of oxygen and essential nutrients, exacerbating nerve damage and triggering symptoms like burning pain, numbness, and tingling.

However, there's hope on the horizon. Our Carmel Neuropathy Clinic offers FDA-cleared medical devices designed to promote angiogenesis and increase micro-circulation in the body. By stimulating the formation of new blood vessels and improving blood flow to the nerves, we address the root cause of neuropathy and provide much-needed relief to our patients.

But that's not all. Once angiogenesis is stimulated and blood flow is restored, the next step is crucial: retraining and re-educating the damaged nerve pathways. Through personalized in-clinic and at-home protocols, we empower our patients to regain control over their neuropathy symptoms and reclaim their quality of life.

Ready to take the first step towards neuropathy relief? Click the link in our bio to learn more or schedule a personalized evaluation with our doctors.


Feeling grateful for our amazing patients like these! Your kind words keep us motivated to strive for excellence every day. Thank you for choosing us for your care!

"The staff at Schulke Chiropractic are caring and reassuring. Their knowledge about Peripheral Neuropathy and the ways to combat its progression as well as ways to reverse some effects is encouraging. I left with a hopeful feeling."


This week’s Myth vs Fact may be the most difficult misconception to unravel, but we are committed to spreading the news that neuropathy is, in fact, treatable.

Myth: Neuropathy is untreatable, leaving those affected by its symptoms resigned to a life overshadowed by pain and discomfort.

Fact: Neuropathy can be successfully mitigated and even reversed! While the traditional belief in the medical field is that neuropathy cannot be reversed, this is no longer the case. We have seen a multitude of our patients actually reverse their neuropathy and get back to living their lives to the fullest, free of medication, constant pain, and other debilitating symptoms.

If you’re ready to be the next neuropathy reversal success story, we would love to welcome you to our clinic and see if we can help you find real, lasting relief. Give us a call/text at 317.884.8824 to learn more about our Neuropathy Program today.


Did you know nutrition plays a vital role in supporting nerve health? 🥦🧠 Optimal nerve function relies heavily on a balanced diet, as nutrients act as essential building blocks for nerve cells' structure, function, and repair. At our Carmel, IN neuropathy clinic, we've witnessed firsthand how nutritional choices directly impact nerve health.

🌟 Myelin Production: Myelin, a protective sheath around nerve fibers, relies on nutrients like B12, folate, and essential fatty acids for its production. This insulation facilitates rapid nerve signal transmission, protects nerve fibers, and supports cognitive function and motor skills.
💫 Nerve Regeneration: Adequate nutrition is crucial for nerve regeneration, requiring proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to rebuild damaged nerves, support cellular processes, manage inflammation, and regulate blood flow and hormones.
🍽️ Blood Sugar Management: Nutrition plays a pivotal role in blood sugar regulation, impacting nerve health. Choosing complex carbohydrates, fiber-rich foods, lean proteins, healthy fats, and micronutrients helps stabilize blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of nerve damage associated with diabetes.

The biggest way we can prioritize our health is through what we eat. Show your body some love today by choosing to incorporate whole, healthy foods.


Neuropathy Awareness Week 2024 (May 5-11) is here, shedding light on a condition that affects over 30 million Americans and more than 190 million people worldwide. Based on these numbers, it is highly likely that you yourself know someone who deals with the painful effects of neuropathy every single day.

From uncomfortable sensations to debilitating pain, neuropathy can impact individuals in profound ways, often affecting mobility, sleep, and overall quality of life. Yet, despite its prevalence, neuropathy remains widely misunderstood and under-recognized.

This week we’re taking time to recognize and express empathy for those struggling with the disease, many of whom are our very own patients who we interact with every day.

But most of all, we want to offer hope and healing to those who have been told you just have to live with this condition. If you’re ready to be our next neuropathy reversal success story, we would love to welcome you to our clinic and see if we can help you find real, lasting relief. Give us a call/text at 317.884.8824 to learn more about our Neuropathy Program today.


Time for another Myth vs Fact! Today we’re debunking a common misconception surrounding neuropathy.

Myth: Only people with diabetes develop neuropathy, relegating this debilitating condition to a singular cause and population.

Fact: While diabetes undeniably stands as a leading cause of neuropathy, it's crucial to recognize the expansive amount of factors that can lead to its onset. Neuropathy isn't an exclusive companion of diabetes; rather, it can arise from a multitude of origins. Traumatic injuries, infections, exposure to toxins, and certain medical conditions beyond diabetes can all serve as catalysts for neuropathic symptoms to emerge. From autoimmune disorders to vitamin deficiencies, the triggers for neuropathy are diverse and nuanced.


Struggling to sleep with neuropathy? 😴💤 For most neuropathy sufferers, the most difficult part of the day is actually nighttime. This makes getting adequate sleep and rest a challenge, which then leads to exhaustion and low energy during the day.

There are, however, a few tips and tricks you can employ to help lessen or alleviate this nighttime pain:
1) Adjust your sleeping position: Experiment with different sleeping positions to find one that minimizes pressure on affected areas and reduces discomfort.
2) Use supportive bedding: Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows that provide adequate support and cushioning for sensitive areas.
3) Maintain a consistent sleep schedule: Establish a regular sleep routine by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day to promote better sleep quality.
4) Practice relaxation techniques: Incorporate relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, reading, meditation, or taking a warm bath. Relaxation can help ease tension in the body and distract from neuropathic pain, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.
5) Apply heat or cold therapy: Use heat packs or cold packs to soothe neuropathic pain and alleviate discomfort. Experiment to see which temperature works best for you.
6) Engage in gentle exercise: Gentle stretching or low-impact exercises like yoga can help improve circulation, reduce muscle tension, and alleviate neuropathic pain.
7) Avoid caffeine and alcohol: Limit or avoid consumption of caffeine and alcohol, especially close to bedtime, as they can disrupt sleep and exacerbate neuropathy symptoms.

Ready to take the first step towards neuropathy relief? Click the link in our bio to learn more or schedule a personalized evaluation with our doctors.


Let's give a warm welcome to our newest addition, Dr. Henry Smaltz! 🎉 Originally from Auburn, IN, Dr. Henry brings with him a passion for his work and a dedication to providing top-notch chiropractic care.

A graduate of IU with a bachelor's in exercise science and Logan University with a chiropractic degree, Dr. Henry brings a wealth of knowledge to our office. With experience in diversified adjustments, Graston, activator, flexion distraction, manual therapy, and more, he's equipped to provide personalized care to patients of all ages and backgrounds.

Outside of the office, he enjoys spending time with his wife and adorable kiddos – Calvin, who's turning two in June, and Vera, who just joined the family a few weeks ago! Outside of dad duties, he loves spending quality time at the family lake house, playing fetch with his dogs, and enjoying the great outdoors. 🐾

We're thrilled to have Dr. Henry on the team and can't wait for you to experience his exceptional care!


Nothing makes us happier than hearing our clients' success stories! We were thrilled to read this recent review.

"Dr. Matt and his team provide superior customer service. Everything was thoroughly explained to me during my visit. You can tell that Dr. Matt and his team genuinely care for all their patients. I would highly recommend this office to anyone!"


We’re back with another installment in our Myth vs Fact series. This week, we’re focusing on the symptoms associated with neuropathy.⁠

Myth: Neuropathy is just a tingling sensation in the limbs, a fleeting discomfort that can be easily dismissed. ⁠

Fact: Neuropathy is far more intricate than a mere tingling sensation. While tingling may indeed be one symptom, neuropathy encompasses a broad spectrum of sensations and complications. From the persistent, nagging discomfort of tingling to the searing agony of sharp pains, neuropathy can manifest in various ways, each presenting its own challenges. Moreover, it doesn't stop at discomfort; neuropathy can progress to cause muscle weakness, affecting mobility and functionality. Understanding the diverse array of symptoms associated with neuropathy is crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective management.


Did you know that the neuropathy symptoms one experiences will vary depending upon which peripheral nerves are affected? While some symptoms can cross over and be experienced when multiple types of nerves are influenced, here are some of the more commonly distinguishing factors.

- Sensory nerve damage refers to injury or dysfunction of the nerves responsible for transmitting sensory information from various parts of the body to the brain. These nerves play a crucial role in detecting sensations such as touch, temperature, pain, and vibration. If the sensory nerves are affected, symptoms include pain from touch, burning, numbness, tingling, and balance problems.

- Motor nerve damage, on the other hand, refers to the impairment or dysfunction of the nerves responsible for controlling voluntary muscle movements throughout the body. These nerves transmit signals from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles, enabling movements such as walking, grasping objects, and speaking. Common symptoms of this type of damage include muscle cramping, twitching, and reflex abnormalities.

- Lastly, autonomic nerve damage refers to dysfunction or damage of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which controls involuntary bodily functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, temperature regulation, and bladder and bowel function. Those experiencing autonomic nerve damage may experience the following symptoms: excess sweating, heat intolerance, dizziness/fainting after standing, and more.


Ever found yourself wide awake in the dead of night, battling with neuropathy pain? 🌙 It's a common struggle, and here's why it hits hardest when the world is at its quietest:

1️⃣ Nerve signals amplified: Without the hustle and bustle of the day, your nerves become more sensitive to pain signals, intensifying neuropathic discomfort.
2️⃣ Body clock disruption: Disrupted sleep patterns can throw off your body's natural rhythm, impacting nerve function and exacerbating neuropathy symptoms.
3️⃣ Reduced distraction: During the day, activities and interactions can serve as distractions from neuropathic sensations. At night, however, with fewer distractions, the pain can feel more prominent.
4️⃣ Increased awareness: In the stillness of the night, you're more attuned to your body's signals, making neuropathy pain feel more pronounced and overwhelming.

Be on the lookout for our post next week on how to combat this nighttime pain! And remember, you’re not alone in this battle. If you’re tired of losing sleep to neuropathy and have been told there’s nothing you can do for it, we want to offer you hope. Call/text at 317.884.8824 to learn more about our Neuropathy Program today.

Photos from Schulke Chiropractic & Wellness Solutions's post 04/19/2024

Over the weekend, Dr. Matt and Dr. Rebecca participated in the eXperience Practice Automation Conference held in Chicago, IL. During the event, they gained knowledge on neuro-orthepedic and neuro-metabolic techniques aimed at addressing concerns such as inflammation and neurological functionality.⁠

We eagerly anticipate seeing the positive impact their new knowledge will have on our patients' lives.


In a world filled with misinformation, understanding neuropathy can be a challenge. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be separating fact from fiction as we debunk common myths surrounding this condition together.

It’s a common misconception that neuropathy only affects older adults, but the truth is that neuropathy can actually occur at any age due to various factors like injury, infections, or genetic conditions.


What sets our neuropathy treatment program apart? It's our commitment to comprehensive care and cutting-edge technology. Here's why our 4-step proprietary program stands out:

#1 Electromagnetic Infrared Therapy: Experience the power of Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), backed by 22 peer-reviewed studies with an impressive 97% success rate. This home therapy technology boosts blood flow and repairs nerves, offering unparalleled results.

#2 Electrostimulation: Say goodbye to neuropathy symptoms with state-of-the-art digital electrotherapeutic stimulation. Our Nerve re-education technique promotes nerve growth, providing immediate relief and restoring normal sensation.

#3 Advanced Nutrition Therapy: Optimal tissue and nerve repair require proper nutrition. Our Advanced Nutritional Therapies accelerate the healing process by targeting inflammation, enhancing blood flow, and optimizing bioavailable nitric oxide.

#4 In-Clinic Visits & Online Education: Experience the perfect blend of in-person care and convenient online support. Our in-clinic protocol, combined with home therapy and comprehensive education, ensures personalized treatment tailored to your neuropathy type and severity.

Ready to embark on your journey to neuropathy relief? Join us and discover the difference our unique program can make in your life. Book your consultation today at the link in our bio or by calling/texting 317.884.8824.


We're thrilled to share this powerful Contour Light testimonial! Our client has now lost 8 inches and is back to living life to the fullest thanks to the non-invasive, FDA-cleared Contour Light system. She even had the confidence to wear a two-piece for the first time in years on a recent beach vacation! 🎉

After finishing her Contour Light sessions, she now has...
☑️Boosted confidence
☑️A stronger sense of self
☑️Newfound happiness

If you're ready to say goodbye to that extra weight - FOR GOOD this time, give us a call/text at 317.884.8824 today and snag our limited time $79 trial offer!


Ready to Break Free from Neuropathy? Mark your calendar for Monday, April 23rd at 12:00PM! Join us for an informative, FREE Neuropathy Seminar with speakers Dr. Matt Schulke, DC, BCN, ART-C and Dr. Rebecca Schulke, DC.

You will discover…
✔️ What REALLY causes peripheral neuropathy
✔️ Dangers associated with medications typically prescribed for peripheral neuropathy
✔️ How to stop nerve damage before the effects are irreversible
✔️ How our revolutionary protocol provides outstanding results for sufferers of peripheral neuropathy

Plus, enjoy a complimentary lunch on us! Spaces are filling up fast – reserve your seat and meal now by calling us at 317.884.8824 and take the first step towards a pain-free future!


New Blog Post Alert! 💻

In the complex web of our body's functions, deficiencies in essential nutrients can have far-reaching consequences. One area where this impact is particularly pronounced is in the realm of neuropathy—the dysfunction or damage of nerves. In this blog post, we explore how deficiencies in key vitamins and minerals can influence neuropathy, unraveling the symptoms and emphasizing the importance of maintaining a balanced and nutrient-rich diet.

Read the full blog here:

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Videos (show all)

It's imperative to grasp the profound impact neuropathy can have on daily life and well-being. Neuropathy is more than m...
This week’s Myth vs Fact may be the most difficult misconception to unravel, but we are committed to spreading the news ...
Time for another Myth vs Fact! Today we’re debunking a common misconception surrounding neuropathy. Myth: Only people wi...
We’re back with another installment in our Myth vs Fact series. This week, we’re focusing on the symptoms associated wit...
In a world filled with misinformation, understanding neuropathy can be a challenge. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be se...
What sets our neuropathy treatment program apart? It's our commitment to comprehensive care and cutting-edge technology....
We're thrilled to share this powerful Contour Light testimonial! Our client has now lost 8 inches and is back to living ...
💡 Did you know an estimated 30 million Americans suffer from Peripheral Neuropathy every single day? No two neuropathy c...
Kickstart your weight loss journey with our Weight Loss Maintenance Kit - now 20% off! Say goodbye to cravings, regulate...
Ready to Break Free from Neuropathy? Mark your calendar for March 18th at 12:00PM! Join us for an informative, FREE Neur...
Ready to Break Free from Neuropathy? Today is the LAST DAY TO REGISTER! Mark your calendar for February 13th at 12:00PM!...
Contour Light is the only non-invasive, FDA-cleared body contouring device that helps you achieve a natural-looking, sli...




75 Executive Drive, Ste J
Carmel, IN

Opening Hours

Monday 7:30am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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