Eaton Chiropractic and Rehab Center

The mission of Eaton Chiropractic and Rehab Center is to offer quality alternative healthcare options to the people of Northeast Indianapolis.

The clinic will make every effort to ensure that each patient is provided with the appropriate education concerning the management of their condition as well as the appropriate treatments to return them to optimal physical condition. Each case will be approached in a holistic manner in order to best understand all components of the patient’s health status and to establish total body wellness. The


The waitlist is long….and I’m gonna let you in on a little secret…….BROWNIES!

This is Jen. Jen knows me because she has been a patient for about….17 years. So she knows the secret to my heart is brownies. I’m not saying that Jen is gonna get moved to the top of the waitlist, but….I’m not sayin’ she won’t! LOL


Click to schedule! You won’t be sorry!


I’ll go first!

Chiropractic helped me to stay pain-free during both of my pregnancies so that I could continue to do the job I love…..take care of other pregnant mothers! Webster technique helped to get both boys in a head down position so that I could have the unmedicated birth I dreamed about, and as a bonus….I got to visit with my good friend, Dr. Kristin Huber every two weeks at her office. Always a plus!




I feel like this is the new buzz word on social media…so...I guess I should weigh in on it.

Magnesium is what everyone is talking about right now and rightfully so. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body. The standard diet in the US contains only about half of the daily recommended dose of magnesium and half of the population is magnesium deficient. Magnesium plays a crucial role in muscle function, nervous system function, and energy production. It also helps maintain blood sugar and blood pressure. However, not all magnesium is created equal.

Different forms of magnesium have different functions throughout the body. For instance, magnesium citrate is what you want if you need help with constipation. Magnesium malate is good for fatigue and magnesium sulfate is best for inflammation. But this guy here….magnesium L-threonate is my favorite. L-threonate is the ONLY form of magnesium that is able to cross the blood brain barrier. In the brain, magnesium works to improve synaptic capability of neurons, it heals the brain, it helps to alleviate headache, promotes sleep, improves mood, reduces anxiety, and treats brain fog.

So who gets this in my office?

-kids with ADHD
-patients with dementia
-patients with concussion/ post-concussive syndrome
-headache patients
-patients with mood disorders

This is THE BEST SELLING supplement in my office. I have a hard time keeping it on my shelf so if you want some, come and get it………RUN!

Photos from Eaton Chiropractic and Rehab Center's post 06/25/2024

This is Dr. Carrie Skony.

Dr. Skony and I have been friends since we met in chiropractic school some 18 years ago. We were lab parters which means that we literally learned how to adjust on one another. And look at us now….18 years later….still taking care of each other.

Some things never change. I’m grateful for the consistency of this woman’s friendship in my life, and that she continues to let me toss her around after all these years.



Monday is my day off…and….it’s summertime…which means that the boys are headed to a different camp each week, and my schedule is absolutely bonkers.

So here’s a pic of my lunch….in my lap….in the Chatard parking lot where I was sitting and waiting to pick two boys up from football camp. And I’ve GOT to tell you about this salad! I tried a new place for the first time, and I was blown away. Humor me if I’m behind the 8 ball here, but have you guys been to Sweet Green?

This gluten-free salad combo was dynamite! Spinach, spicy broccoli, roasted chicken, herbed quinoa, fresh tomatoes, Za’atar bread crumbs, shaved parmesan, hot sauce, and pesto vinaigrette. DUDE! By the time I thought to take a picture to share this place with all of you, I had downed half of the meal.

Anyways, you know I”m always trying to encourage you guys to eat more spinach and kale and so…….head on over to Sweet Green. It was easy and technically it’s fast food but it’s fresh and healthy and so, so, so delish!


You know you want to!


Yes….it’s true!
I am the doctor, but I am also…….the front desk receptionist, the voice you hear on the phone when you call in, the billing specialist, and the lady who empties the trash!

We’re wrapping up 10 weeks at the new office, and still some of you are surprised to see ME at the front desk when you walk in. Don’t be. This space is mine, and it was important to me that I understand every aspect of my business. I want to be the first one to greet you as you enter my new space and the one who sends you off at the end of your visit, too. I wear all the hats in my office, and I wouldn’t want it any other way!


Photos from Eaton Chiropractic and Rehab Center's post 06/05/2024

I’m fairly certain that the way this is supposed to work is that the patient comes in to get taken care of by the doctor, and yet……these precious patients just can’t help but take care of me, too!

This is Michelle. Michelle has been a patient of mine for over 15 years, and yesterday while she was laying on my brand new chiropractic table, she noticed a loose fitting part. And so after she settled up and made her next appointment, she marched right out to her truck and got her trusty tool kit! She got right to fixing my table up, you guys.

If I haven’t said it lately, I could not do this thing without you! Who needs a repairman when you have a Michelle in your corner….just sayin’!



I love my job, and I am good at what I do. But do you know what keeps my practice so busy?

It’s not my technique.
It’s not that I’m the best adjuster in town.
I’m not the cheapest or the most expensive.
I am not all-knowing.

But I am compassionate, genuine, and invested. I love hearing your stories and celebrating you…..when you get a new job, when you tell me your pregnant, when you get married, and when you start your own business! I love “knowing” you…each one of you. And I think that is what’s missing in medicine today.

In my office, you are not just a number. You are a valued patient who I look forward to treating. And I hope you feel that when you walk into my space. I hope you leave feeling better (because you got an awesome adjustment!),but also feeling seen, heard, supported, and happy with your experience.



There are a lot of theories about why some people get eaten alive by mosquitos and others aren’t bothered at all! I am one of the many unlucky souls who get absolutely annihilated by those blood sucking buzzards!

I have tried many things over the years, but I want to share a tip with you that has worked for me! High dose vitamin B does the trick. Invest in a good B-complex vitamin. A few days before you know you’re going to be hanging outside, start taking 3 or 4 of them a day. Your p*e will be bright yellow, and you will walk around smelling like vitamins, but that’s exactly why the mosquitos will avoid you. You stink to them, too!

Share any other tips you have for keeping mosquitos away! I’d love to hear them!


If you are pregnant and interested in pursuing a natural childbirth, you should ABSOLUTELY hire a doula.

I know your husband is supportive and I know your mother has personal experience in the childbirth arena, but……nothing beats the support of a trained doula in the labor and delivery room. You can have the support of all three if you want! And doulas work to support you, the laboring mother, as well as your partner/husband. The research indicates that, with the support of a doula, you are less likely to need a Cesarean, less likely to use pitocin, and less likely to receive an epidural.

If you need doula recommendations, ask me. I have a circle of women ready to serve you!





I have the privilege in my practice to serve mothers. And yesterday was Mother’s Day. I am sure that many of you out there got some self care…either because you asked for it or because your family insisted you enjoy a massage or a hike by yourself or a little retail therapy without small humans interrupting with demands for snacks!

I’m here today….the day AFTER Mother’s Day….to remind you that self care is important all year round. Do the work to figure out what your mind, body, and soul need to re-fuel. Is it exercise? Is it a glass of wine? Maybe it’s dinner with your fellow mom girlfriends or maybe it’s a long drive by yourself with the windows down and the sunroof open. Whatever it is…allow yourself to have it. Make time for it, and don’t wait until you are busting at the seams to ask for it or make it happen! You deserve self care, and you deserve it more often than this one day a year, mama!


The Indiana Pacers for me!



Bring me all of your beautiful babies!

I cannot tell you how much joy it brings me to watch you grow a baby and then watch you nurture that baby! Thank you for letting me be witness to your motherhood journey. I am so grateful. I love my job!


23 million Americans are taking thyroid medication.
I am one of them.

And this simple detail is one I thought was common knowledge, but…….I have found…as I speak to the patients in and out of my office, that many of you taking thyroid meds are unaware. So here’s a little PSA. If you take your meds in the morning, wait at least one hour before you have your first cup of Joe. Coffee can reduce the absorption of your thyroid medication by 30%, and that might mean the difference between a productive day and a day spent dragging your feet.

If you are interested in naturally supporting your thyroid function, ask me how. There are several supplements known to enhance cellular sensitivity to thyroid hormone and support the conversion of T4 to T3. And…..I just so happen to have them on the shelf in my office!



“Is it customary to tip your massage therapist in a doctor’s office?”

This is a frequently whispered question in my office. Patients are not sure how to handle tipping in a medical facility. The answer is simple. Tips are not expected but always appreciated. If you feel satisfied with your service, feel free to tip your therapist. But if you don’t, that is also completely acceptable. Should you wish to leave a tip, we’ve made this step easy for you.

Each massage suite has a framed picture of the therapists with their Venmo for your convenience. You can also leave a tip at the front desk if you wish and we will be sure to deliver it to our deserving therapists for you.


The gifts just keep rollin’ in!
Not sure how I got so lucky, but I have LITERALLY the best patients! Not only did I start my day with a bouquet of fresh lilies….but one of my favorite ladies brought THIS in for me! I think I’m going to put her in charge of my merch department! Who wants a T-shirt!?


I’m gonna be honest and a little vulnerable here.

Since I decided to open the new office, I’ve been working ALL THE HOURS. Every spare minute is devoted to the long list of to-dos that come with opening a brick and mortar business. As a result, I am having a harder time keeping up with my regular life. And now… has begun!

That means we often do not have the luxury of chopping veggies, grilling chicken, and making homemade dressings. Instead we are heading straight from work to the ball field and fighting the urge to just grab hotdogs and Fritos!

So I’ve had to choose easier recipes…things we can throw together quickly and without a lot of effort. This is a simple recipe that is fresh and delicious. It’s hard to beat a caprese inspired salad with some marinated chicken fresh off the grill. And you know what else… travels well! So I can throw it in a tupperware and eat it on my way to the 873rd baseball game this week.


First week is under our belt! And I SERIOUSLY could not be more humbled! I have had exactly 6 flower deliveries, numerous cards, and nothing but wonderful words of affirmation and positive feedback about the new office. Thank you for choosing us!



Friday funny!


This could be fun, right?!

Don’t be shocked when I reveal my answer but……the answer is Eaton Chiropractic & Rehab!

Photos from Eaton Chiropractic and Rehab Center's post 04/08/2024

Tonight…as I was finishing up at the new clinic…vacuuming…I couldn’t hold back my tears. People have been asking me for weeks, “Are you excited?!” And of course I am. But what I feel most is…..proud and grateful.

You see…change is not easy for me.

I am a working mom who is constantly juggling raising two kind boys, baseball games, laundry, meal planning, grocery shopping, library trips, and homework help. And I was comfortable where I was…..but I am thankful for a very dear friend who pointed out to me that I was capable of more. She planted a seed in me, and that seed grew. And then God put all the right people in my path….and each of those people took turns watering that seed until it grew into THIS!

I’d like to introduce you to the new home of Eaton Chiropractic & Rehab Center! Just 2 more sleeps, and you all will get to see it in person. I hope you love it just as much as I do!



You know what’s beautiful, brave, and powerful?
Giving birth….no matter how it happens!
Comment below if you are a proud C-section mama! We want to celebrate you!


No those aren’t french fries!
Those are zucchini fries!

Aaron has perfected this recipe over the years. He slices the zucchini, dips them in egg, and then covers them in his doctored up panko bread crumbs and parmesan. Then he bakes them until they are crisp.

It’s hard to beat french fries, you guys! But we’re over here tryin’!


So much thought went into the design of my new clinic, but this is a piece I’m more than a little partial to.

This is the coffee bar at my new office. Above the coffee bar…if you zoom…you’ll see three identical pictures of what resemble concentric tree rings.

This…is for my mom.

Some of you may know that I delivered the eulogy at my mother’s funeral service. And part of what I talked about during that sp*ech was the heartwood of a tree.

I’m not sure how many of you are familiar with heartwood, but if you ever have the chance to examine the cross section of a tree, you will notice a central core, darker than the sapwood surrounding it. Called heartwood, this supporting central pillar no longer participates in the life process of a tree – transporting and storing water and nutrients. Although dead, heartwood will not decay or lose its sturdiness while the outer, living rings of new growth sustain it. The heartwood, at the core of the tree, helps the tree to stand tall and rigid during each season and all of the weathering it must face. In the perfect ecology of a tree, the dead become the heart of the living, and the living nourish the enduring essence of the dead.

Just as a tree is made up of it’s life and it’s death, it’s beginning and it’s end…so too are we. Those we have loved and lost are never far from us. We carry them deep in our core. They give us strength to stand sturdy in their absence and we….the living….continue on sharing the legacy they left behind. Someday…in time and with a little grace, each of us will form heartwood. And in the forming, we will sustain those who come after us. I will be heartwood for my boys just as my mother has been for me. The same is true for each of you.

I am her legacy. She is my heart…my core. Her death taught me and strengthened me and I live through her….changed by her and sustained by her. She carries on in me and in my brother and in our children.

Throughout this journey to venture out on my own, I have felt nervous, unsure, excited, scared, proud, and grateful….and I have wished so many times that she was here to cheer for me, hold me up, pray for me, and share in my accomplishment. But I have felt her… my core…holding me strong and I want to be reminded of that strength every day as I start this journey.

And so here you see 3 identical pictures of heartwood… for each of her truest loves, Bella (my niece), Truett, and Mathis. And I will think of her each time I pass down this hallway.


Ok…I gotta ask….how do you season your salmon?

Because I used to buy a seasoning (at World Market of all places!) that we loved in this house and…as per usual….they discontinued it! So I’ve been doing a basic salt, pepper, garlic. It’s good, but I’m not setting the world on fire.

However, I’ll tell you what I did almost set on fire! MY HOUSE!

You see…I like to bake my salmon and then broil it for just a few minutes to give it a nice crisp! I found out the hard way tonight that you DO NOT BROIL PARCHMENT PAPER! Thank the Lord I checked on this salmon after a few minutes because it was literally ON FIRE in my oven!

So…’s my tip….don’t broil parchment paper. I’ll trade you that tip for your favorite salmon seasoning suggestions! GO!

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Wet and a little muddy but…..a great way to start my day!
Spending my days off using very small allen wrenches these days.  But I’ll tell you what…..there is such satisfaction in...
Awhile back…I posted pictures of me adjusting my boys at our home.   That post got a lot of interest from the mothers in...
It’s a little dusty, but it’s mine!   I would like to introduce you to the new clinic space that we will call HOME!    T...
Let the sunshine hit your face.   Move your body.   Hang upside down from the monkey bars.   Walk your dog.   See how hi...
What are you doing to get stronger today?    Mind, body, or otherwise….tell us about it!   Let’s inspire each other!
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#vegan #healthyrecipes #salads #paleo #glutenfree #healthycooking #choppedsalad #greens




12337 Hancock Street, Suite 17
Carmel, IN

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 1pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 1pm - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 9:30am - 1pm
Saturday 8am - 1pm

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