
Engaging people in relationship with God through knowing His Word.


Want to live each day with purpose? 🌟

Become a Precept Bible Study Leader and guide your community in digging deep into God's Word. Receive the training, join a supportive network, and make a lasting impact.

Ready to transform lives through Scripture? Sign up now on our website!

Photos from Precept's post 08/13/2024

Looking for the perfect Bible study for your group? 📖✨ Check out our top-selling Precept upon Precept and In & Out studies! Discover why Romans, Revelation, Hebrews, Genesis, and John are crowd favorites. Dive deep and grow together with these impactful studies.

Visit our website and shop these best sellers and more today! 👉


1 Corinthians 13 is often called the “Love Chapter.” The word “love” is a repeated key word as the apostle Paul describes true love and shows us what it looks like in practice.

During His earthly ministry, Jesus embodied true love. He walked among people as the God of love in the flesh. A comparison of Paul’s description of love in 1 Corinthians 13 and Jesus’ life and ministry show us true love in action!

Want to study love more in-depth? Check out our study “Loving God and Others: The Heart of True Faith” available in the Precept shop!

Photos from Precept's post 08/09/2024

Ever feel unsure of what to say to God in prayer? Praying Scripture back to God is a transformative way to commune with the Lord. When we pray Scripture, we allow God to open and guide our conversation with Him—and we are transformed as our relationship with Him deepens (Romans 12:1-2).

Here’s a prayer inspired by the Lord’s Prayer, a prayer provided by Jesus to His disciples—and us—as a model for conversation with God. We hope it encourages you to know God more deeply and live differently today!

Do you pray God’s Word? If so, comment below and share how it has encouraged you! Or if you’ve never tried this before, comment a passage you’d like to pray.


In this powerful message, Kay Arthur reminds us that Jesus moved according to God's timetable, not man's.

As children of God, we too are called to live in total dependence on Him, trusting in His perfect timing. Let's resist the world's pressures and align our lives with God's plan, for our lives are eternal and belong to Him. 🙏💖


🎉 Discount Code Alert! 🎉

We're excited to announce a special offer for August: Save 30% on all New and Old Testament streaming videos!

🔹 Use Codes: NT_STREAMINGVIDEO (New Testament) and OT_STREAMINGVIDEO (Old Testament)

📅 Active from 8/1 through 8/31
💡 Codes can be combined, so you can grab both NT and OT resources in the same transaction!
⚠️ Note: MP3s are not eligible for this discount.

Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to dive deeper into the Word. 📖✨

Photos from Precept's post 08/02/2024

As a parent, one of the most important things you can do for your kids is model prayer. Deuteronomy 6:7-9 encourages parents to cultivate a family environment where life is lived in awareness of God’s presence at all times—with His Word front and center.

As you pray with and for your children, here are a few scriptures to pray over them!

Both you and your child are God’s workmanship, created with a purpose.
As you seek the Lord’s face, remember He is the source of blessing, security, favor, grace, and peace. He is longing to be gracious to you and your child!
Our God is also the source of truth and wisdom. Go to Him with you and your child’s hopes, fears, and needs—He will fill you both with the knowledge of His will so you can walk in His ways.

Want to keep leading your children in prayer? Try our study “Lord, Teach Me to Pray for Kids”—available in the Precept shop!


In Psalm 40:1-2, David declares the Lord’s faithfulness. Observing references to God (including pronouns), we see that David can’t stop singing God’s praises! David proclaims God to be a God who acts on our behalf as we wait for Him (Isaiah 64:4).

The only problem? For most of us, waiting doesn’t come easily.

But in this psalm, we learn from David how to faithfully wait for the Lord. The Hebrew for “I waited patiently” can be literally translated, “In waiting I waited.” David’s waiting was active and earnest, not passive. Rather than wring his hands in fear or throw up his arms in defeat, David prayed fervently—and God answered in a mighty way.

Is there an area of your life where you’ve been waiting on God? Be encouraged—God hears your prayers. He turns toward you when you seek Him, and He will draw close to you.

Photos from Precept's post 07/29/2024

🚀 Exciting News! 🚀

We've made some fantastic updates to our website, and we can't wait for you to explore them. Our goal is to make your shopping experience smoother, faster, and more enjoyable. Here’s what’s new:

👉 Improved Navigation: Find your favorite products quickly with our streamlined menu. Explore best sellers, series, books of the Bible, and more with just a few clicks.

👉 Consolidated Study Options: All your study formats in one place! Easily choose between PUP, I&O, ESV, NASB, and more with our new dropdown selector.

👉 Detailed Product Information: Discover everything you need to know about each Bible study, including descriptions, lesson details, Scripture covered, and FAQs, all on one page.

👉 Enhanced Media and Leader Guide Access: Looking for additional resources? Check out the "You may also like" section for leader guides, media options, and more.

👉 Explore Audio and Video: Find all your MP3s, CDs, DVDs, and now streaming video options easily with our new dropdown menu on the Audio/Video page.

Visit our new website today and experience the updates for yourself! Click the link in our bio to start exploring. 🔗✨


Psalm 37:4 says, "Delight yourself in the Lord; And He will give you the desires of your heart."

This verse encourages us to find our joy and satisfaction in the Lord. When we make God our primary delight, our desires align with His will, and He graciously fulfills them. It's not a promise of granting every wish, but an invitation to experience true fulfillment by prioritizing our relationship with Him.

Feeling unfulfilled or searching for deeper joy? Start by delighting in God. Spend time in His Word, seek His presence in prayer, and let your heart align with His desires. As you do, you'll discover that He not only meets your needs but also transforms your desires to reflect His goodness.

Comment 💖 if you find your delight in the Lord! How has He fulfilled the desires of your heart? Share your stories of God's faithfulness and let's encourage one another. For more ways to dive deeper into Scripture, check out our Bible studies at


📅 Exciting news! Our important ministry update event with David Arthur is just around the corner! Mark your calendars for Friday and Saturday, August 2–3, at Lexington Baptist Church.

Join us for two special sessions discussing Precept and our new Bible study product.

🗓️ The event features two sessions with David Arthur, and you have the flexibility to attend one or both. Best of all, BOTH sessions are FREE! Register today and be part of this enriching experience.

We can't wait to see you there! 🌟 Link to sign up is in our bio!


Psalm 84:2 declares, "My soul longed and even yearned for the courts of the Lord; My heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God."

These words express a deep longing and joy in worshiping God. The psalmist's soul yearns for the presence of the Lord, finding true fulfillment and happiness in communion with Him.

Do you find joy and fulfillment in worshiping God? Reflect on the times your heart has been lifted in His presence. Let's celebrate the joy of knowing the living God and experiencing His peace.

Share a ❤️ if Psalm 84 resonates with your longing for God's presence! How does this verse inspire your worship today?


Genesis 1:1 : "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
Revelation 21:6 (NASB): "Then He said to me, 'It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.'"

As we gear up for Bible Study Season, we’re curious—where would you start? Would you rather delve into the foundational truths of Genesis, witnessing the creation of the world, the beginning of evil, and God's enduring love as He establishes His covenant? Or, would you prefer to explore Revelation, where you can uncover the ultimate victory of God, His justice, and the promise of a new heaven and new earth?

Genesis sets the stage for our faith, giving us insights into God's plan from the very beginning. Revelation, on the other hand, offers hope and assurance of God’s ultimate victory and eternal kingdom. Both studies are part of our best-selling series and perfect for deepening your understanding of God's Word.

Which study excites you more? Comment below: 📖 for Genesis or ✝️ for Revelation. Let’s get ready for an amazing Bible Study Season together!


In Galatians 6:9, Paul encourages, "Let’s not become discouraged in doing good, for in due time we will reap, if we do not become weary."

These words remind us of the importance of perseverance in our Christian walk. Despite challenges and setbacks, we are called to continue doing good, knowing that God promises a harvest of blessings for those who remain steadfast in faith and obedience. Trust in His timing and continue to sow seeds of kindness and righteousness.

Comment 🌿 if you're committed to persevering in doing good, even when it's tough! Let's uplift and inspire one another to keep pressing forward in faith. For more insights into Galatians and encouragement for your journey, explore our Bible study resources at 📘🌱


📚 New Book Launch! 📚

Welcome to Camp Braveheart with "When I Am Afraid" by Kay Arthur and Janna Arndt, the latest addition to our Discover 4 Yourself series for kids! 🏕️✨

This exciting Bible study is perfect for young adventurers ready to explore God’s Word and uncover the truth about:

- Why we feel afraid
- What to do when fear strikes
- Trusting God in every situation
- Who we should truly fear
- Finding strength and courage
- Discovering where our hope lies

👉 Grab your copy today and let the adventure begin!


📍 In this powerful message, Kay Arthur reminds us that as believers, we have received the fullness of God. We often think some Christians have more of God than we do, but the truth is, when we are saved, the fullness of Christ dwells in us. Christ in us is the hope of glory! We have everything we need for life and godliness because we are partakers of the divine nature.

✨ So, what's the difference between Christians who are radiant and those who seem to struggle? It's about appropriating what we already have. It's not about getting more of God, but about using what we've been given. Walk in all that He is—full of grace and truth. You are full of Him and His fullness.

💖 Let this message encourage you to live fully in the grace and truth of Christ. How are you walking in His fullness today? Share your thoughts in the comments!


Romans 1:17 reminds us, "For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, ‘But the righteous man shall live by faith.’”

The book of Romans is essential for understanding foundational Christian doctrines. Our Romans study provides a verse-by-verse exploration of key concepts such as justification by faith, the righteousness of God, and the transformative power of grace. Delve deeply into these life-changing truths and strengthen your walk with the Lord.

Prepare for Bible Study Season with one of our best sellers! The Romans study is perfect for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the Gospel and its implications for our lives. Equip yourself with the wisdom and knowledge to live out your faith with conviction and grace.

Ready to dive into Romans? Get your copy today at Who’s excited to explore Romans this season? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


📍 Do you ever feel confused, in need of direction, or seeking wisdom? In this powerful message, Kay Arthur reminds us that Jesus is our Wonderful Counselor. Too often, we run to man for advice instead of turning to the One who knows us intimately and can guide us perfectly.

✨ Isaiah 9:6 tells us that this child born to us, this son given to us, is called Wonderful Counselor and Mighty God. Jesus is there to reveal Himself to us and say, "This is the way, walk in it."

💖 Let this message encourage you to seek Jesus first for wisdom and direction. How have you experienced His guidance in your life? Comment with ✨ if you trust in His counsel today!


2 Timothy 2:15 urges us, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.”

This verse calls us to a higher standard in our study of Scripture. Being diligent means putting in the effort to deeply understand and accurately interpret God’s Word. It's about committing to regular study, seeking reliable resources, and applying biblical truths in our lives.

Feeling overwhelmed by the idea of diligent study? Remember, God honors our efforts to know Him more. As we faithfully commit to studying His Word, He grants us wisdom and understanding. Let this journey deepen your faith and equip you to handle the word of truth confidently.

Tag a friend who inspires you to study the Bible diligently.


📚✨ Calling all college students (and those who love them)!

Life can get hectic, and we know it’s easy for Bible study to take a backseat. Do you know a college student trying to find the right balance?

Encourage them to stay connected to the Word this summer with the Yarrow app! 🌟

Our FREE Daily Growth series offers 5-minute guided readings on fresh, relevant topics, perfect for on-the-go study. Plus, dive deeper with our self-paced Identity series on identity and belonging.

Download now and keep growing in your faith, no matter how busy life gets! 📱🙏


Ready to embark on an adventure through God's promises?

Join Max, Molly, and Sam the beagle on an exciting journey through Israel in 'Cracking the Covenant Code' by Kay Arthur.

Through secret codes, puzzles, and crosswords, kids explore the covenants God makes with His people and what they mean for us today.

👉 Dive into God's promises and learn how to live for Jesus every day! Order 'Cracking the Covenant Code' now! Check out the link in our bio.


Creating—it’s a concept we often associate with human innovation, but the Bible presents a deeper, more awe-inspiring perspective. What does it mean that everything was created through and for Christ?

The word “created” here speaks to the power and authority of Christ in bringing everything into existence. It reminds us that every part of creation, seen and unseen, is intentionally crafted by Him and ultimately exists to glorify Him. So what does recognizing Christ as Creator look like, practically?

Acknowledging His Sovereignty in Every Aspect of Life: This is recognizing Christ as Creator.

Finding Purpose in His Design: This is recognizing Christ as Creator.
Worshipping Him through Our Daily Actions: This is recognizing Christ as Creator.
Trusting His Plan, Even When We Don’t Understand It: This is recognizing Christ as Creator.

As we meditate on His creative power and authority, we will be filled with wonder and gratitude, seeing our lives and the world around us in a new light. This is living in the truth of His creation!

How do you see Christ’s hand in the world around you? Comment below and share your thoughts!


Take a look inside our In & Out study of Ecclesiastes!

Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us, “There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven.”

Ecclesiastes explores the meaning of life and the importance of living in the fear of God. Studying this book helps us gain wisdom and perspective on the seasons of life, encouraging us to seek God’s purpose in all circumstances.

Ready to start? Explore our Ecclesiastes In & Out study at

Photos from Precept's post 06/17/2024

2 Timothy 2:15 encourages us, "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a worker who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth."

At Precept, we believe that accurate interpretation of the Bible is crucial for truly understanding and applying God’s Word. Our method emphasizes observation, interpretation, and application. Once you've carefully observed the text, interpreting it accurately ensures you grasp the intended message and apply it to your life.

Studying the Bible can be challenging, but with diligence and the Holy Spirit’s guidance, you can accurately handle the word of truth—and deepen your faith through God’s Word.

How do you approach interpreting Scripture? Share your methods in the comments! To learn more about accurate Bible interpretation, explore our resources at


This Father’s Day, gift your dad the profound wisdom of biblical leadership with our study, Rising to the Call of Leadership.

Proverbs 16:9 reminds us, "The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."

Honor your father with a gift that not only celebrates his role but also equips him for greater influence in his home, community, church, and the world. Our study on leadership offers the tools and biblical insights to help him lead with wisdom and integrity.

Purchase Rising to the Call of Leadership at


In Exodus 33:14, the Lord says, "My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest."

This powerful promise reassures us that God's presence is always with us, guiding and comforting us. No matter what challenges we face, we can find true rest and peace in knowing that He is by our side.

Feeling overwhelmed or anxious? Remember that God is with you, offering His rest and peace. Trust in His presence and let Him carry your burdens, bringing you the calm and assurance you need. What practices help you stay aware of God's presence daily? Share in the comments!


How can we help our little ones discover the most special person who ever lived?"

Introduce your young children to Jesus with our 'Jesus, Who Are You?' study, part of the Beginner Inductive Bible Study series."

Designed for ages 4-7, this study helps kids develop important skills like reading and reasoning while uncovering the wonders of God's Word.

👉 Ready to help your child learn about Jesus in a fun and engaging way? Get 'Jesus, Who Are You?' today! Visit the link in our bio."


Psalm 113:3 says, "From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised."

This verse beautifully reminds us that every moment of our day, from dawn until dusk, is an opportunity to praise God. No matter where we are or what we are doing, we can lift His name in gratitude and worship.

Are you finding it hard to see reasons to praise amidst your daily challenges? Take a moment to pause and reflect on the goodness and faithfulness of God. Let His presence fill your heart with joy and peace, and let praise flow naturally from within.

How do you incorporate praise into your daily routine? Share your favorite way to worship God in the comments! For more ways to keep your focus on Him throughout the day, explore our Bible studies at

Photos from Precept's post 06/04/2024

Summer is busy, but your Bible study doesn’t have to be put on hold. Here are some simple tips to help you stay consistent in your quiet time.

1. Set a Regular Schedule
Choose a specific time each day for studying your Bible. Whether it’s early morning or late evening, consistency is key. Stick to this schedule to build a lasting habit.

2. Find a Peaceful Spot
Identify a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. This could be a corner in your home, a spot in your garden, or even a nearby park. A dedicated space can help you focus on God’s Word.

3. Minimize Distractions
Turn off notifications, put your phone on silent, and let family members know not to disturb you during your Bible study. A distraction-free environment will enhance your connection with God.

Tell us: what’s one way you stay consistent during busy seasons?


Psalm 46:1 reminds us of three foundational truths of God’s love towards us.

First, He is our protector. When we have faith in God’s protection over us, we no longer have to live in fear of the unknown, the future, or whatever other fears that might plague us.

Second, He is our shelter. We will all face hardships and struggles in this life. This is an unfortunate reality of life on this side of eternity. But, God does not leave us alone to face our trials. He is our shelter in the storm, our foundation when everything else is crumbling.

Lastly, God is always present. Whether it is by our own choices or not, there are times when we might feel as if God is miles away. However, He is always with us. From our greatest triumphs to our lowest valleys, God is constant, and He is always by our side.

Be thankful for an ever-present, God who protects us and gives us shelter.

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Videos (show all)

Want to live each day with purpose? 🌟 Become a Precept Bible Study Leader and guide your community in digging deep into ...
Psalm 37:4
Kay Arthur - John
Best Sellers for Getting Ready for Bible Study Season - Romans
John Part One | Kay Arthur
In & Out Study - Ecclesiastes
Psalm 46:1
Psalm 23:1-3
8 Tips for Observing Scripture
Psalm 119:2


7324 Noah Reid Road
Chattanooga, TN

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 6pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 5pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 6pm
Thursday 8:30am - 6pm

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