Christian Apologetics

Christian Apologetics

This page is dedicated to those who are committed to being ready to give an answer and defense for the hope that they have in Christ Jesus.


Merry Christmas! Jesus Christ is King!

Darwin's Sandcastle: Evolution's Failure in the Light of Scripture and the Scientific Evidence 11/07/2023

This week you can get this book on "Evolution's Failure in the Light of Scripture and the Scientific Evidence" on Kindle for FREE! Check out Darwin's Sandcastle and let your family and friends know they can pick up a free copy too:

Darwin's Sandcastle: Evolution's Failure in the Light of Scripture and the Scientific Evidence Why are brilliant and logical scientists not reasonable on the question of the ultimate cause of the unity, diversity, and complexity of life on Earth? We wrongly think that an accurate view of life’s origins can be deduced by science and logic alone apart from faith and humble submission to God.....

How to Be a Christian Kid (3) | Blog & Mablog 11/07/2023

"One of the best ways for a Christian child to honor his father and mother is to surpass them. If a child outgrows his parents in love for Christ, in knowledge of the Bible, and in a true grasp of what the gospel is all about, no one who truly loves God can begrudge it. And there is a paradox involved in it. One of the best ways to surpass your parents is to make sure you look up to them. The first will be last, and the last first."

How to Be a Christian Kid (3) | Blog & Mablog Sharing Options Contents Introduction The Text Summary of the Text No Human Authority is Absolute Holding You to Your Baptism Bring It All Back Around Introduction: One of the best ways for a Christian child to honor his father and mother is to surpass them. If a child outgrows his parents in love f...

24 Books Every Christian Leader Should Read (or Re-Read) for the Coming Reformation 11/03/2023

This reading list is worthy of your consideration. May Reformation come again!

24 Books Every Christian Leader Should Read (or Re-Read) for the Coming Reformation Well, Happy Reformation Day 2023. In honor of the festivities, here are 24 books recommended for all Christians but Christian leaders in particular for the work of Reformation in 2024 that is befor…

Concerning Halloween 11/01/2023

From Theopolis: "Originally Halloween was a Christian custom, and there is no solid reason why Christians cannot enjoy it as such even today. “He who sits in the heavens laughs; Yahweh ridicules them” says Psalm 2. Let us join in His holy laughter, and mock the enemies of Christ on October 31."

Concerning Halloween It has become routine in October for some Christian schools to send out letters warning parents about the evils of Halloween, and it has become equally routine for me to be asked questions about this matter. "Halloween" is simply a contraction for All Hallows’ Eve. The word "hallow" means "saint,


Britney Spears Reveals She was Pressured to Have an Abortion

In her new tell-all memoir The Woman in Me, Britney Spears reveals that she was pressured to have an abortion by Justin Timberlake when they were a celebrity couple. “Justin definitely wasn’t happy about the pregnancy. He said we weren’t ready to have a baby in our lives.” She concluded, “If it had been left up to me alone, I never would have done it. And yet Justin was so sure that he didn’t want to be a father.”

Her experience is shared by millions. As an article in Christian Newswire put it, “[N]early 70% of the women who had abortions described them as being coerced, pressured, or inconsistent with their own values and preferences.”

Many feel like Spears, who wrote, “To this day, it’s one of the most agonizing things I have ever experienced in my life.”

Abortion is a lie. Far from securing the rights and autonomy of women, abortion pressures women to cater to male desire and irresponsibility.

To Boo or Not to Boo - Breakpoint 10/30/2023

Its that time of year again - - and Christians need to consider how to engage with it. Here is a good, brief interaction for your consideration from Breakpoint. But whatever you do, let it be for the glory of God and the blessing of your neighbors.

To Boo or Not to Boo - Breakpoint Paul’s instructions to always think on truth, loveliness, and purity, can help guide us through the holiday.

Report: Malawi students chase away Planned Parenthood reps at their school 💪 10/28/2023

What an encouraging story!

Report: Malawi students chase away Planned Parenthood reps at their school 💪 More hope for the future generation here!

Long-term lizard study challenges the rules of evolutionary biology 10/14/2023

Does get an oopsie?

"'The most fascinating result is that natural selection was extremely variable through time,' [James] Stroud [School of Biological Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology] said. 'We often saw that selection would completely flip in direction from one year to the next. When combined into a long-term pattern, however, all this variation effectively canceled itself out: Species remained remarkably similar across the entire time period'"

Long-term lizard study challenges the rules of evolutionary biology Charles Darwin said that evolution was constantly happening, causing animals to adapt for survival. But many of his contemporaries disagreed. If evolution is always causing things to change, they asked, then how is it that two fossils from the same species, found in the same location, can look ident...


"Two more aspects of evil, taught within a Christian worldview, are evident here as well. First, not all evils are equal. As someone rightly claimed, saying that “both sides are wrong” is like saying “Mordor is evil, but Frodo has his flaws.” Second, evil should not be tolerated. Harboring Hamas will likely be the most destructive decision made by the Palestinian authorities. The butchers of Hamas aren’t misunderstood, nor did they misunderstand what they were doing. Our contemporary worldviews are wholly inadequate when it comes to recognizing, understanding, and responding to evil. Christians should work and pray for God to bring a right understanding back to the world, even as we pray for Him to bring a just peace to the people of Israel."

Israel, Islam, and the Kingdom of God [The Ezra Institute Podcast for Cultural Reformation] • FLF, LLC • Podcast Addict 10/11/2023

Very helpful overview and insight into the situations that are ongoing in the State of Israel at present: Israel, Islam, and the Kingdom of God [The Ezra Institute Podcast for Cultural Reformation]

Israel, Islam, and the Kingdom of God [The Ezra Institute Podcast for Cultural Reformation] • FLF, LLC • Podcast Addict In the wake of the recent attack on Israel by Hamas, and the Israeli response, we consider the religious roots of anti-Semitism and conflict with Israel. We also discuss the eschatological goal of Islam to conquer the earth, and the difference between a reformational approach and the historic doctri...

Andy Stanley’s Circles and Lines: A Response from Robert Gagnon - Wesley Biblical Seminary 10/11/2023

Gagnon: "Andy Stanley’s claimed adherence to the biblical view of marriage as the union of male and female is an adherence in name only, and that for the sake of optics in the Evangelical world. Stanley's "new pastoral approach" that sidesteps theology altogether provides functional support for, and embrace of, homos*xual practice and transgenderism. It is not only anti-scriptural. It is also anti-Jesus, a rebellion against Christ's Lordship over his church, pulling the rug out from Jesus' creation-based s*xual ethics."

Andy Stanley’s Circles and Lines: A Response from Robert Gagnon - Wesley Biblical Seminary Robert A.J. Gagnon, Ph.D. Andy Stanley seriously misrepresents the teaching and practice of Jesus on sin, and even his own teaching about egregious sin. Stanley…

When Being Affirming Isn't Loving | Carl R. Trueman 10/10/2023

"Today, the therapeutic anthropology of s*xual identity and authenticity dominates the culture. It is worrying indeed that influential voices within the church are helping to create the rhetorical and pastoral approach that will serve only to further marginalize those who seek to minister faithfully to this generation. For all her faults, the church is ultimately the solution. Conforming her to the world can only be part of the problem."

When Being Affirming Isn't Loving | Carl R. Trueman The pope and Andy Stanley have developed a pastoral strategy in isolation from (and, arguably, in opposition to) traditional Christian teaching.

Timeline photos 10/10/2023

A baby is not a woman's body.

The Crisis of Trust in Science: Honest Research Requires Honest Researchers • Breakpoint • Podcast Addict 10/06/2023

The Crisis of Trust in Science: Honest Research Requires Honest Researchers

The Crisis of Trust in Science: Honest Research Requires Honest Researchers • Breakpoint • Podcast Addict Last year, Pew Research reported that only 29% of Americans now are willing to say they have a “great deal of confidence” in medical scientists to act in the best interests of the public. That represents an 11% decline since 2020. This dramatic drop is both significant, given the historic import...

A Generation Poisoned by P**n Speaks - Breakpoint 10/04/2023

"Any time something sacred is mocked and the image of God in all involved is denied, there will be victims. Now, a generation of young people are voicing sorrow and regret because of what we defended as “freedom” and “harmless fun.” This was true when Hefner mainstreamed p**n in the 1950s. It is even more true today. The internet and smartphones have merely cultivated this hideousness for what it is. We must keep unsupervised devices out of unsupervised young hands. Do it."

A Generation Poisoned by P**n Speaks - Breakpoint Kids testify in their own words to the soul-sucking, brain-damaging, graphic industry available at the tips of their fingers.

Trans activists force anthropologists to cancel conference panel discussing the identification of male and female skeletons 🤡 10/02/2023

Welcome to the new dark ages...

"The anthropological societies released a statement saying, 'There is no place for transphobia in anthropology. The session was rejected because it [was] framed in ways that do harm to vulnerable members of our community. It commits one of the cardinal sins of scholarship — it assumes the truth of the proposition that it sets out to prove, namely, that s*x and gender are simplistically binary, and that this is a fact with meaningful implications for the discipline.'"

Trans activists force anthropologists to cancel conference panel discussing the identification of male and female skeletons 🤡 Congratulations young anthropologist, you've just discovered an ancient burial ground which will give you unparalleled insights into how men and women lived 2,500 years ago.

Atheism Is Inconsistent with the Scientific Method, Prizewinning Physicist Says 10/01/2023

"This is of course something people have already told me: “Are you really sure you want to be saying these things?” And my answer is yes, absolutely. There is a difference between “science” and what we can call “scientism,” which is the notion that science can solve all problems. To a large extent, it is not science but rather how humanity has used science that has put us in our present difficulties. Because most people, in general, have no awareness of what science can and cannot do. So they misuse it, and they do not think about science in a more pluralistic way."

Atheism Is Inconsistent with the Scientific Method, Prizewinning Physicist Says In conversation, the 2019 Templeton Prize winner does not pull punches on the limits of science, the value of humility and the irrationality of nonbelief

DEBATE: Is "Gay Christian" a Biblically Acceptable Identity for a Member of Christ's Church? 09/19/2023

Check out James White's latest debate on "Gay Christian" identity:

DEBATE: Is "Gay Christian" a Biblically Acceptable Identity for a Member of Christ's Church? The Future of Christendom 2023: The Gospel at WarDEBATE: Is "Gay Christian" a Biblically Acceptable Identity for a Member of Christ's Church? | Dr. Gregory C...

Photos from Canon Press's post 09/13/2023

Excellent advice for Christian parents!

Mountains After the Flood - Is Genesis History? | Official Movie Trailer 09/07/2023

The history recorded in Genesis offers the best testimony for the reasonable cause of the existing mountains we see and love all around the world today. The events of the catastrophic flood in Noah's day and the reshaping of the world that occurred during and immediately following the great deluge is the best theory to explain the mighty mountains and deep valleys. Don't trust the secular, unbelieving world that is blind to God's judgments. Give glory to God and be thankful for the history he has passed down to us in Genesis!

Mountains After the Flood - Is Genesis History? | Official Movie Trailer What if creation scientists suddenly discovered amazing new evidence supporting the events of Genesis? What if you could watch that discovery? 𝘔𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘪...

Timeline of Earth History 09/06/2023

Here is a good effort at providing a timeline of Earth's history from a commitment to Genesis as historical narrative and the flood being a global catastrophe. It is always worth taking time to consider these scientific models that have been built using a Christian worldview. Let it encourage your heart to see the work that is being done by our fellow Christians in the various fields of science.

Timeline of Earth History Using God's Word, we can piece together an understanding of the earth's history as recorded in our planet's geologic record.

College Encourages The Death of Family | Ben Merkle 09/06/2023

Sounds about right...

College Encourages The Death of Family | Ben Merkle FULL EPISODE: Merkle, President of New Saint Andrew College talks cultivating a spine in Higher Ed, student debts, the birth...


Remembering J.R.R. Tolkien

How the great author wove his life and faith throughout his work.

Read the full article:

America's Sexual Su***de | Doug Wilson & George Gilder 08/24/2023

For those interested in the last 50 to 70 years of s*xual history and its consequences on men and women in the West, check out this interview of George Gilder and his scholarship over the decades. Very informative and life giving to hear how feminism, p**nography, and government programs all have contributed to our downfall as a society. The way forward is championed in this interview and really substantial education can happen for those who watch with their teenagers and older children, who might themselves be suffering from these bankrupt worldviews of materialistic and s*xual fantasies.

America's Sexual Su***de | Doug Wilson & George Gilder Douglas Wilson and George Gilder discuss themes from George's early books, "Men and Marriage" and "Sexual Su***de."Order the new edition of "Men and Marriage...

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This page is dedicated to those who are passionate about giving a defense for the hope that they have in Jesus Christ.

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UTC Catholic UTC Catholic
514 Palmetto Street
Chattanooga, 37403

Welcome to the page for UTC Catholic! We welcome everyone celebrate Mass with every Wednesday and Sunday at 6:30 pm, or any other events hosted throughout the week! 514 Palmetto St...

The Net Church The Net Church

Hasten Hasten
4295 Cromwell Road Ste. 405
Chattanooga, 37421

Taking the love, hope, & faith of Jesus Christ to the suffering, lost, and unreached world.

Hannah's Cupboard Hannah's Cupboard

Connecting to God in practical ways. Author of Dreams: God's Voice in the Night, Bible Insights and teaching on Prayer, answering spiritual questions.

Living Free Living Free
6101 Preservation Drive
Chattanooga, 37416

Facilitating Hope, Faith, and Freedom by Empowering and Equipping People with Solutions for Better Living.

The Wesley Center The Wesley Center
607 Douglas Street
Chattanooga, 37403

We are the United Methodist Campus Ministry in Chattanooga - a ministry for young adults.

First Lutheran Chattanooga First Lutheran Chattanooga
2800 McCallie Avenue
Chattanooga, 37404

Experience God Love Others Serve Chattanooga

Precept Precept
7324 Noah Reid Road
Chattanooga, 37421

Engaging people in relationship with God through knowing His Word.

Alumni Awards Foundation Alumni Awards Foundation
Chattanooga, 37421

We are a community of people who seek to revitalize Adventist schools in the 21st century. We are advocates for progress and purpose in Adventist education.

First-Centenary Student Ministry First-Centenary Student Ministry
419 McCallie Avenue
Chattanooga, 37402

A ministry to all students of First-Centenary United Methodist Church (Middle School, High School an

Zeal YTH Zeal YTH
7501 Standifer Gap Road
Chattanooga, 37421

Zeal YTH is all about bringing teens into the life-changing presence of God. Church is at The Crossing every Sunday night at 5!

Child Evangelism Fellowship of Chattanooga Child Evangelism Fellowship of Chattanooga
243 Signal Mountain Road, Ste 109
Chattanooga, 37405

CEF of Chattanooga is a non-profit ministry organization that shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ