Atlas & Anchor Studio

Helping small business owners bust through the marketing overwhelm to grow their income and impact.

Photos from Atlas & Anchor Studio's post 07/05/2023

Are you falling for any of these marketing myths?

Let's have some real talk. 😊


I'm going to debunk a little marketing myth for you.😏

There's no such thing as selling too much in you business.

I used to think there was.

When I started my business, I was a strict abider of the 80/20 rule.

(The idea that you deliver value 80% of the time and sell the other 20%.)

I would send 5 email marketing campaigns and only share my services or products in 1 of them. I would plan out my social media content and only offer my opt-in freebie every four or five posts.

But here's where the 80/20 rule falls short.

What you sell is valuable too! Selling is serving, my friend. It's telling people that you have a solution to a problem they have. And in front of the right people that is VALUABLE!

You never know when someone is in need of what you have to offer. It could be today, tomorrow, or next Friday at 3:05 PM.

If you're not actively telling them about the goodness you have to offer (aka their potential solution), they're just going to continue to sit there with that problem. Or even worse for you, find another solution, right?

Now, I'm not talking about going out and doing a hard sell every time you post to social media or popping up in the DMs every five minutes saying, "Hey buy my thing!"

But we need to stop thinking it's wrong or sleazy to remind people that you have things that can help them.

You're doing a disservice to them and to your business if you keep it to yourself, okay?

When you find the right people and sell from a place of service, you'll never be seen as a sales(wo)man - you'll be seen as a problem solver. 😊

Photos from Atlas & Anchor Studio's post 06/05/2023

πŸ“ˆ Growth DOES NOT happen by accident, my friend.

What you put in to the process is what you're going to get out.

But it doesn't have to be complicated either.

So let's chat real quick about how you can grow for real in your business... πŸ‘€

Photos from Atlas & Anchor Studio's post 05/10/2023

🚨Have you heard? On average, only 10% of your followers actually see the content you post.

When I first heard that stat, I was beyond frustrated.

You're telling me that post I spent a solid 45 minutes on will only seen by one out of every 10 people? 😩

I mean, do the social media powers that be not realize I have loads of other things I could be doing in my business aside from creating content that barely gets noticed?

At least throw a hardworking mompreneur a bone and share it with 20%!

But that's when I realized.... if only 10% of my followers were seeing my content, what if I just reshared it? πŸ€”

Yes, maybe it'd be seen by the same people. But....

⭐ It would just make that message stickier for them
⭐ It would reinforce my brand
⭐ It would get that content in front of new people
⭐ It would save me time
⭐ It would save me brain power
⭐ It gives me a super quick social media win
⭐ It gets more mileage of that time I already spent on that post

Social media isn't getting any easier, friend. Make it easier on yourself and recycle your content!


Like attracts like, friend!

When I started believing my business was meant for more and I started going out there and actually getting it for myself, that’s when my business started BEING more.

When I started networking with other businesses, doubling down on my email list, giving my own business attention and priority, investing in ads, investing in courses, hosting workshops and connecting live with my audience, joining communities that I knew would serve me and fuel my own ambition.

THAT’S when things started happening.

I stopped waiting for the moment when I felt ready or fully prepared for the things and I started DOING them anyway. Feeling ready is like a mirage - the second you get close to it, it moves again. You ever notice that?

What's something you're waiting to do in your business because you don't feel "ready" quite yet?

Photos from Atlas & Anchor Studio's post 04/24/2023

A little fresh perspective for your Monday morning...

TLDR: keep going and don't give up! You can absolutely do this!


You flat out don't have the time, my friend.

You don't have the time to waste on learning new tactics that get you crappy results.

You don't have time to waste creating all this content that does absolutely nothing for your business.

You don't have time to waste trying to cobble together a marketing plan for your business from random YouTube videos, blog posts, and free guides.

You need customers fast. You need sales like yesterday.

And you can spend countless hours, weeks, months trying to figure it out by yourself and connect all the dots on your own.


You could have all the right pieces laid out and connected for you.

You can have help and support ready whenever you need it without the cost investment of hiring someone to do it all for you.

You can do it the RIGHT way RIGHT now. No guessing. No hair-pulling. No stressing.

Interested? Check the link in bio to learn more about my program Market Grow Thrive.

Doors are closing TONIGHT so act fast and don't let your business get left behind!

Drop me a DM if you've got any questions!


Just in case you missed the BIG news...

I just launched my BRAND NEW signature program, Market Grow Thrive - a step-by-step marketing course for small business owners.

(PS my real happy dance isn't nearly this coordinated. πŸ˜‚)

But this program has literally been TWO WILD & CRAZY YEARS in the making. It was on my mind even before my daughter was. πŸ˜†

For the past two years, I’ve been building this baby from the ground up, making sure it includes EVERYTHING you need to create a doable plan for marketing your business that gets you MORE with LESS.

😰 MORE results with LESS hustle.

❓ MORE customers with LESS guesswork.

πŸ’° MORE sales with LESS icky sales tactics.

πŸ“ˆ MORE impact with LESS time, energy, and money investment.

πŸ™Œ MORE freedom with LESS stress.

If you’ve been coasting for awhile in your business...
..surviving on here-and-there sales and investing lots of time into learning new tactics that end up delivering frustrating results...

This course is your golden ticket to a better way. 🎫

Market Grow Thrive is all about giving you the done-for-you framework, tools, and knowledge you need to create a stress-free marketing system that grows your business like gangbusters now and for years to come.

Interested and want to learn more? Learn more at


Just in case you missed the BIG news...

I just launched my BRAND NEW signature program, Market Grow Thrive - a step-by-step marketing course for small business owners.

(PS my real happy dance isn't nearly this coordinated. πŸ˜‚)

But this program has literally been TWO WILD & CRAZY YEARS in the making. It was on my mind even before my daughter was. πŸ˜†

For the past two years, I’ve been building this baby from the ground up, making sure it includes EVERYTHING you need to create a doable plan for marketing your business that gets you MORE with LESS.

😰 MORE results with LESS hustle.

❓ MORE customers with LESS guesswork.

πŸ’° MORE sales with LESS icky sales tactics.

πŸ“ˆ MORE impact with LESS time, energy, and money investment.

πŸ™Œ MORE freedom with LESS stress.

If you’ve been coasting for awhile in your business...
..surviving on here-and-there sales and investing lots of time into learning new tactics that end up delivering frustrating results...

This course is your golden ticket to a better way. 🎫

Market Grow Thrive is all about giving you the done-for-you framework, tools, and knowledge you need to create a stress-free marketing system that grows your business like gangbusters now and for years to come.

Interested and want to learn more? Peep the link in bio or DM me the word THRIVE!

Photos from Atlas & Anchor Studio's post 04/10/2023

Are you guilty of any of these?

I def have been.

Okay, who am I kidding. Number 3 still trips me up sometimes. And I've been doing this for years.

Here's the thing that took me way too long to come to terms with in my business.

I am responsible for my own success.

If my business isn't where I want it to be, that's a problem and it's on me to find a solution.

9 times out of 10, I can find my solution somewhere in these five things.

Listen. When it comes to growing a successful business, it's not about being perfect.

But it is about acknowledging your challenges and tackling them head on.

If you personally feel challenged by any one of these 5 things, pop by my free live workshop, "How to Ignite Wild Demand For Your Business, Even if You're Starting from Scratch"!

I'm sharing the framework for growth I WISH someone would've shared with me when I was starting my business because it could've helped me skip a lot of the stress and confusion and start growing my business faster.

Register at the link in bio πŸ‘† or comment DEMAND below πŸ‘‡ and I'll DM you the link!

Photos from Atlas & Anchor Studio's post 04/06/2023

Tired of watching sales slowly trickle into your business one by one, or maybe not at all? 😩

Ever wonder how other business owners have those massively successful, brag-worthy launches while you’re hustling your butt off to get a single customer?

Maybe you’re trying all the things, but you’re not seeing the results. So in addition to feeling stuck and frustrated, you also feel like you’re spinning your wheels.

If you're wondering what gives, in my 12+ years of marketing experience, the answer can always be found in one of these three questions.

And if you read these questions and are wondering how you even begin to unpack them and turn things around, I want to personally invite you to my upcoming FREE live workshop:

πŸŽ‰β€œHow to Ignite Wild Demand For Your Business, Even if You’re Starting from Scratch”. πŸŽ‰

In this workshop, I share my simple 3-step marketing blueprint to skyrocket your growth so you can ditch the confusion and overwhelm, do away with the cobbled together tactics, and grow with confidence. πŸš€

It doesn't matter if you have next to no followers, a non-existent email list, or zero marketing budget.

This workshop was created to help you get unstuck, inspired, and on your way to building massive momentum in your business.

So if that sounds like music to your overwhelmed small business owner ears, this workshop is a must-attend event.

Register now at (also linked in bio!)


Tired of getting inconsistent (or non-existent) sales? Then it might be time to check your strategy. πŸ‘€

❌ Publishing your website and hoping people find it…

❌ Adding a link to your Instagram profile and hoping people click it…

❌ Creating a lead magnet or sign up offer and assuming people will see it…

It’s no wonder your sales are inconsistent, friend.

You’re expecting too much from your audience!

A stumble approach may work every now and then. But I’m guessing you don’t want β€œevery now and then” sales. Am I right?

The problem with the stumble approach? You’re leaving the success of your business up to chance.

And your business is meant for so much more than that. ✨

If you’re ready to take charge of your success and feel more confident in where you’re steering your business so you can start seeing those sales notifications rolllllll on in…

Then I’m excited to personally invite you to my FREE live workshop β€œHow to Ignite Wild Demand for Your Business, Even if You’re Starting from Scratch” where I’m sharing the 3-step framework for profitability that every single small business owner should know.

This isn’t another β€œhere’s what you need to do to get more followers” kind of a workshop filled with more tactics for creating β€œtrending”content that you now have to find time for.

Nope. This is a workshop for the time-strapped, budget conscious, always be hustlin’ business owners who are looking for proven strategies for getting actual results (a.k.a. leads and sales).

So if that sounds like music to your overwhelmed small business owner ears, this workshop is a must-attend event.

Register now at (also linked in bio!)


Photos from Atlas & Anchor Studio's post 03/13/2023

Let's be real, nothing stings more than putting your heart and soul into creating content for your business, only for it to totally fall flat. And getting nothing but crickets.

It's like throwing a party and having nobody show up. But we've all been there, friend.

Here's what I've learned - there are ways to create content that not only grabs your audience's attention but also helps grow your business.

Swipe for my hack on how to create content that'll have your audience saying, "HECK YES, I'm here for this!" πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ“ˆπŸ’₯


I’m not sure who needs to hear it today.

But if you're getting overwhelmed by your own to do list...

Or seeing all the awesome things other people are doing and feeling like you're falling short...

Or coming up with a million and one ideas that you feel like you have zero time to implement...

Or wishing there were just one or two more hours in a day. (Okay, 3 or 4 would probably be better, but for me personally, I’ll take what I can get. πŸ˜†)

Boy have I been there.

You see all you have in front of you and you feel behind this massive list.

But flip the script sis.

Look at all you have behind you and see how far you’ve come.

You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be at this moment in time.

And there’s a world of opportunity ahead of you.

You’ll get where you need to go. But as mama always said, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

There will always be something new to achieve, some obstacle to tackle.

Keep charging forward. Step by step.

You are not behind, friend. You’re just getting started. 😘

Photos from Atlas & Anchor Studio's post 03/01/2023

Unpopular ideal audience opinion.

You’re getting hung up on the wrong things.

You don’t need to give them a name, know how many kids they have, or where they live if it doesn’t have any impact on how you plan to connect with them.

What you do need to know?

What problems they have that you can help solve.

What they’re looking for in a solution like yours.

What pain points and challenges they’re struggling with.

What their dream life would look like once their problem is solved.

If you don’t know what you can do for your audience, the value you can provide and problems you can solve for them, knowing the rest of the stuff doesn’t really matter.


Because saying β€œthe best” and β€œpremium” are kind of been there done that.

Photos from Atlas & Anchor Studio's post 02/22/2023

Your website is the make-or-break piece of your marketing.

You could have the best email campaign, a viral social media post, a killer FB ad that outperforms all the metrics.

But if you’re driving people to a website that can’t seal the deal - a.k.a. a leaky bucket - none of the other amazing things you’re doing is going to matter.

Which basically means allllllll that other hard work is wasted.

It’s like mixing up the perfect cupcakes and putting them in the oven… but never turning the oven on. 🧁

That critical transformation you need to turn those cupcakes from batter to fluffy decadent perfection doesn’t happen.

Think of your website like your oven. You want batter to go in (aka visitors) and cupcakes to come out (customers).

In order to make that magic happen, you need your website to be operating at its absolute best. You need to turn it on and know it’s going to do its thing.

People visit your website because they want to know more about your business. Your job as the business owner is to give them the info they crave so they feel comfortable and confident deciding to purchase from you.

Show up and answer these five questions off the bat and you'll be much more likely to hook your visitors and persuade them to purchase.


Skeezy, cheap, inauthentic, bleh.

Yep. I've felt those things too.

But if you want any hope of building a successful business, selling kinda sorta comes with the territory.

If you want to ditch the jitters for good and put your best foot forward when you sell, I'm sharing the three mindset shifts that helped me go from super shy and self-conscious to confident in my approach.

Peep them over on the blog. Link in bio and in stories!


Your business is not going to be for everyone and THAT'S OKAY!

In fact it’s a good thing.

Your resources are limited. You want to be showing up for those people you actually want to work with you so you can attract more of them.

Not more of the people who buy your stuff and then return it.

Who ask you a million questions or leave you mediocre reviews because they don’t understand what you’re about.

When you show up consistently and be uniquely you, you'll attract the *right* people who are looking for *exactly* what you have to offer.


If you want a money making email list but are struggling to get subscribers these are the strategies that helped me build my list fast.

Listen, I know everyone talks about pushing your list on social media. I know organic growth and beating algorithms is the mode du jour.

But here's my truth.

This busy momma doesn’t always have the time to hustle for the organic growth.

Sometimes spending money on ads is the easier approach. Sometimes it’s the path of least resistance.

A lead is a lead. No matter where you get it, friend.

And if you’ve got all the right systems in place (value-delivering freebie, high-converting landing pages, automated email workflows), you can start nurturing that lead immediately and it'll be money well spent.

I've you've got questions about my approach, drop me a DM!

Photos from Atlas & Anchor Studio's post 02/10/2023

Give your sales an immediate boost with this one copy shift.

Photos from Atlas & Anchor Studio's post 01/20/2023

If you’re not following this golden rule, you’re wasting your time AND leaving valuable dolla dolla bills on the table! πŸ’Έβ€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹

Photos from Atlas & Anchor Studio's post 01/20/2023

If you’re not following this golden rule, you’re wasting your time AND leaving valuable dolla dolla bills on the table! πŸ’Έβ€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹

Photos from Atlas & Anchor Studio's post 12/28/2022

You're gonna want to file this quick and easy copywriting formula away for later. πŸ“ Trust me.​​​​​​​​
If you're anything like me, you can waste hours with your pen poised above paper (or, more accurately, with your fingers hovering over the keyboard) trying to magic winning sales copy out of thin air.​​​​​​​​
You NEED what you're writing to get you results. More clicks, more leads, more sales. ​​​​​​​​
You NEED it to work harder for you so you can maybe one day work even just a little less hard. Right?​​​​​​​​
But what do you say and how do you say it in a way that packs a real punch πŸ‘Š and makes an impact on your audience?​​​​​​​​
Behold this amazing little copywriting formula that has saved me from many an hour spent staring at a blank google doc.​​​​​​​​
It's quick, versatile, and oh-so-adaptable to any copywriting situation you might find yourself up against in the glorious world of small business marketing. ​​​​​​​​
Swipe to get the formula and a short list of my favorite places to use it. ​​​​​​​​

Photos from Atlas & Anchor Studio's post 12/12/2022

🧠 Brain constipation πŸ§ β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹
Creates quite the visual, doesn't it? πŸ˜‚β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹
But you know the feeling. You sit down to write marketing content for your business, and even though you know there are ideas ping-ponging around in there somewhere, your brain seizes up.​​​​​​​​
And instead of being productive with that precious hour you managed to somehow negotiate in your jam-packed schedule, you sit and watch the little cursor blinking on your screen and idly wonder if this ever happens to Taylor Swift. πŸ€” ​​​​​​​​
(I mean, it's got to, right?)​​​​​​​​
WHAT IF you spent one hour now that could save you the agony of the blinking cursor curse next year?​​​​​​​​
WHAT IF you just spent some time brainstorming ideas and topics now, so it doesn't rob you of your creative juices later? ​​​​​​​​
Because how nice would it be if in 2023, every. single. time. you sat down to write your marketing content, you already had a bank of brilliant, business-growing ideas to start from?​​​​​​​​
It's business-owner-life-changing, my friend. And I'm giving away the steps (and my planning worksheet!) over on the blog. ​​​​​​​​
Link in bio or comment 'planner' below and I'll DM it to you! ​​​​​​​​

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The next time you get discouraged about the number of followers or subscribers you have, remember this...⭐ Quality ALWAY...
You flat out don't have the time, my friend.You don't have the time to waste on learning new tactics that get you crappy...
Just in case you missed the BIG news... I just launched my BRAND NEW signature program, Market Grow Thrive - a step-by-s...
Just in case you missed the BIG news... I just launched my BRAND NEW signature program, Market Grow Thrive - a step-by-s...
Just in case you missed the BIG news... I just launched my BRAND NEW signature program, Market Grow Thrive - a step-by-s...
Whew. 😰 I'm exhausted.  Are you exhausted?The other day I was scrolling through Instagram and saw one IG guru telling me...
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Tired of getting inconsistent (or non-existent) sales?  Then it might be time to check your strategy.Publishing your web...
Tired of getting inconsistent (or non-existent) sales?  Then it might be time to check your strategy. πŸ‘€βŒ Publishing your...
I’m not sure who needs to hear it today.But if you're getting overwhelmed by your own to do list...Or seeing all the awe...
I’m not sure who needs to hear it today.But if you're getting overwhelmed by your own to do list...Or seeing all the awe...


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Monday 9am - 4pm
Wednesday 9am - 4pm
Friday 9am - 4pm

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