Quantum Living Lifestyle

Embodiment of your most authentic self community. To book your mindset shift call link 👇👇👇


Rp 👉 Being precedes doing - always.


Through alignment within we become the author of our manifestations.

Thank you for following, liking, commenting or sharing. It supports growing our cosmic community rapidly.

Infinite Love and Gratitude for you!

The internet has allowed us to communicate amongst ourselves, bypass propaganda, awaken, and free our minds because LIFE is to be lived with gusto. And the degree to which we are FREE is the degree to which we can achieve our potential and a life extraordinarily well-lived.


Stop living for the approval of others. True fulfillment comes from honoring your own values, passions, and purpose. Choose what nourishes your spirit, not what meets others’ expectations. Align with your inner truth and let your soul lead the way.

You owe it to yourself to live authentically. Once you do that you will be nourishing society as well!


By taking charge of your emotional state, you break free from feeling like a victim to external events and begin living life on your terms. So, ask yourself: What emotion do you want to feel today? What experience do you want to create? Start generating it from within, and watch as your life transforms into the joyful, loving, and empowered experience you deserve.

Remember, you are not at the mercy of life; you are the creator of it. And the power to change how you feel lies within you, right now.

Join us, and start creating the emotions you desire right now. Links in the Bio 👆💙✨


Most of us wait for emotions to come to us, relying on external events to trigger happiness, joy, or love. We wait for the perfect moment, the right person, or a certain achievement to make us feel the way we want to feel. Yet what if we could create those emotions ourselves, anytime we wanted? What if we didn’t have to wait for something outside of us to happen and could generate those feelings from within?

The truth is, we are the creators of our own experiences. If you want to feel more joy, you can practice generating more joy. If you want to feel happiness, you can create happiness in your everyday moments. If you want to feel love, start by falling in love with your life right now, exactly as it is. You don't have to be at the mercy of the changing tides around you.

Most people feel like victims to their circumstances, believing that emotions happen *to* them. This mindset keeps you disempowered, waiting for life to give you a reason to feel good. Instead, you have the power to *choose* your emotional state. When you decide to create your emotions, you reclaim your power and start living as the empowered and beautiful creator-being you truly are.

Here’s the empowering truth: you don’t need to wait for joy, love, or happiness to knock on your door. You can start cultivating those feelings right now, by finding joy in the little things, loving yourself and others unconditionally, and practicing gratitude for the life you have. Emotions are not something that simply happen to us; they are something we can consciously create.

By taking charge of your emotional state, you break free from feeling like a victim to external events and begin living life on your terms. So, ask yourself: What emotion do you want to feel today? What experience do you want to create? Start generating it from within, and watch as your life transforms into the joyful, loving, and empowered experience you deserve.

Remember, you are not at the mercy of life; you are the creator of it. And the power to change how you feel lies within you, right now.


Once you unlearn the belief that your emotions are bad and embrace them, you will begin to see what your reality reveals about you. You will co-create a magnificent flow with it, witnessing a profound transformation ripple through every area of your life, like the butterfly effect.

Give yourself the gift of observing your own expansion, and you will never see the world the same way again.


Who needs Google when you have this freaky inner voice telling you what’s up? It’s both impressive and slightly terrifying! 🤣😅☺️🥳🤯

Join Our Tribe: Keep on keeping on! Anchor Your Highest Timelines with Consistency. Action is a real measure of our intelligence! So Are you ready to take the leap and anchor your highest timelines with unwavering consistency no matter the circumstances?

Check out links in the Bio 👆👆👆


So many of us long for change, yet we often find ourselves taking one step forward and two steps back, caught in the narrative of “It’s so hard.” This mindset can block our path to true transformation.
But why does this happen? What’s standing in our way?
Most of us resist our current state, fighting it without realizing we’re holding onto the past with a tight grip, through judgment and dissatisfaction. What we resist persists, remaining unchanged and untransformed. Our focus on what we dislike only serves to multiply it.
To experience a profound shift, you need a vision of who you want to become, and the courage to feel it deeply. There is more—you also get to accept and love where you are right now, without resistance or judgment. This acceptance will loosen the grip of the past and deactivate old patterns, allowing the transformation to unfold naturally and effortlessly.
Remember, this journey is easier with the right tools, support group, or mentor to guide you. Don’t get stuck in the role of judge or victim—take responsibility, embrace what is, and watch as your transformation begins.
If you’re ready to learn more about quantum shifts and multidimensionality, I invite you to join our Patreon community, attend our masterclasses, or book a call with me. All links in the Bio 👆👆
Let’s make this journey together.
Love and Light,  


For all the “Black Sheep” out there, join our Patreon community to rise together. Links in the Bio 💙

Many of us know we live in an overwhelming fictional world that limits our experience of reality. There are simple ways to expand beyond it. Unlearn who you think you are.

You are in this world, yet not of it. OWN IT

Masterclasses, mentoring, and free downloadable tools for shadow work are available in our website library. The links are in the Bio 🙏👆


Trusting your instincts is a powerful practice. Often, we encounter situations, people, or opportunities that don’t sit well with us. We may feel a subtle discomfort, an inner knowing that something isn’t right. This is your heart and soul guiding you. Trust how it feels. If it doesn’t resonate deeply within you, it’s okay to let it go. You don’t need to rationalize it or understand why.

Release it with confidence, knowing that what’s truly meant for you will come at the right time, in the right way. Trust in the divine timing of your life.

When you align with what feels right, you’ll attract the opportunities and relationships that genuinely serve your highest good. The universe has a way of bringing everything together beautifully - trust the process.


To truly recognize another soul, you must first innerstand yourself on the deepest levels. By seeing through your own filters, you gain clarity, intimacy and deep connection to the world. Embrace self-discovery—shed the layers of trauma and remove the barriers that cloud your perception. Join us for an upcoming event where we’ll explore our inner depths and confront our shadows. Release what’s holding you back, and rise with us.

Class is on August 13th, Link is in the Bio 👆
It will be recorded so you will get the recording within 24 hours if you can’t make it live.


We are here, we are awake and we remember our power. Integrating the hidden aspects of ourselves to foster healing, growth and awakening from the slumber.

Join us as we dive into the depths of our inner world, ride together on this journey, and release the old to make room for the new. Whether you are new to shadow work or have been on this path for a while, this class on August 13th, $23.32 offers a safe and supportive environment for exploration and transformation.

In this class, we’ll explore the power of shadow work to illuminate the hidden parts of ourselves. By embracing and understanding these aspects, we can release outdated beliefs and habits, making way for a more authentic and empowered self. This journey is not one you have to take alone; together, we’ll ride the waves of change, supporting one another as we let go of the old and welcome the new.

What You’ll Gain:

- Understanding of Shadow Work. Learn how to identify and work with your shadow self.

- Discover techniques to let go of past patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you.

- Connect with like-minded individuals on a similar path, sharing experiences and insights.

- Experience a deeper connection with yourself, unlocking potential for growth and transformation.

What to Bring to this Zoom call:

- Comfortable clothing and space.
- A journal and pen.
- An open mind and willingness to explore
-Water and tissue.

We look forward to journeying with you and witnessing the powerful transformations that await!

Warm regards,

[email protected]

Join our tribe of like-minded souls on a journey of transformation and empowerment. Check out the links in the Bio 👆👆


For example, Trust Wound. Core Fear: Being hurt or betrayed.
- Inability to Trust Themselves: They doubt their own judgment and decision-making capabilities.

- Suspicion of Others: There is a tendency to find reasons not to trust people, often leading to isolation or conflict in relationships.

- Insecurity: They often feel insecure and doubt their worthiness, leading to a constant need for external validation.

- Attracts Untrustworthy People: These individuals may end up with partners who reinforce their belief that trust is dangerous.

Building Self-Trust will be the key to healing this wound. Engagie in activities that boost confidence, self-reliance and integrity with yourself first!

JOIN US and Explore Your Wounds in the upcoming masterclass “ Embracing Shadows and Rising to Higher Consciousness” on August 13th and transcend suffering into a higher Consciousness Level. To register follow link in the bio☝️☝️


To Maximize Your Potential: Turn Wounds into Wisdom. Childhood wounds and traumas can profoundly shape our emotional landscape and interpersonal dynamics as adults. The experiences we go through in our formative years leave imprints on our psyche, influencing our behaviors, emotions, and relationships in specific ways. Here are some common childhood wounds and the typical reactions and patterns they create in adulthood:

Abandonment Wound

Core Fear: Being left alone or left behind.

- Feeling Left Out: Individuals with an abandonment wound often feel excluded or not part of the group. This can manifest as feeling lonely even in a crowd.
- Fear of Being Alone: There is a profound fear of solitude, leading to clinging behavior or excessive reliance on others for companionship.
- Codependency: This wound often results in codependent relationships where the individual relies heavily on their partner for emotional support and validation.
- Threatens to Leave: As a defense mechanism, they might frequently threaten to end relationships to protect themselves from being abandoned first.
- Attraction to Emotionally Unavailable Partners: They often find themselves in relationships with partners who are emotionally distant, which reinforces their feelings of abandonment.

To be continued… More wound types to come in upcoming posts.

Explore Your Wounds in the upcoming masterclass “ Embracing Shadows and Rising to Higher Consciousness” on August 13th and transcend suffering into a higher Consciousness Level. To register follow link in the bio☝️☝️


We choose growth and so it is! 💙✨

Choose to transcend any suffering or density within and join our even on AUGUST 13TH.

As the collective consciousness rises, we are all being called to face our deepest fears, both personally and collectively. This is a time of transformation and awakening, where we are invited to step into our fullest potential by embracing the fears that hold us back.
Welcome to The Quantum Leap: Embracing Shadows and Rising to Higher Consciousness. This powerful event is designed to guide you through the process of shadow work, allowing you to fully embrace and transcend the heavy energies that have been weighing you down or keeping you stuck.
The class will be recorded, and the recording will be sent out within 48 hours after the class.
Together, we will journey into the shadow world, where we will meet our egos and confront the patterns and cycles that keep us from reaching our highest potential. We will explore the ways in which we may be unconsciously attracting what we don’t want and learn how to align with our highest timeline Now.
Are you ready to face your fears and take the next step toward personal and spiritual growth? Join us! Registration link is in the Bio


Command 💙 Shadow Work & Releasing the Old Class. We invite you to embark on a transformative journey with us as we explore the depths of our inner selves and release the old patterns that no longer serve us. Together, we’ll engage in the powerful practice of shadow work, uncovering and integrating the hidden aspects of our personalities to foster healing and personal growth.

In this class, we’ll explore the power of shadow work to illuminate the hidden parts of ourselves. By embracing and understanding these aspects, we can release outdated beliefs and habits, making way for a more authentic and empowered self. This journey is not one you have to take alone; together, we’ll ride the waves of change, supporting one another as we let go of the old and welcome the new.

What You’ll Gain:

- Understanding of Shadow Work. Learn how to identify and work with your shadow self.

- Discover techniques to let go of past patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you.

- Connect with like-minded individuals on a similar path, sharing experiences and insights.

- Experience a deeper connection with yourself, unlocking potential for growth and transformation.

What to Bring to this Zoom call:

- Comfortable clothing and space.
- A journal and pen.
- An open mind and willingness to explore
-Water and tissue.

TO REGISTER FOLLOW THE LINK IN THE BIO 💙👆 “Embracing Shadows and Rising to Higher Consciousness”

We look forward to journeying with you and witnessing the powerful transformations that await!

Warm regards,
[email protected]


It is our responsibility to create our own authentic and profound experiences!

And I don’t think you would like it any other way. Do you want to be a being that allows the surroundings to influence and dictates their own life. What would be the result of this way of living? So have you been making your own decision for your own life, and how do you experience it? Or most of the time, it depends on everything else?


Join us at the masterclass on August 13th!

Welcome to The Quantum Leap: Embracing Shadows and Rising to Higher Consciousness. This powerful event is designed to guide you through the process of shadow work, allowing you to fully embrace and transcend the heavy energies that have been weighing you down or keeping you stuck.

The class will be recorded, and the recording will be sent out within 48 hours atter the class.

Together, we will journey into the shadow world, where we will meet our egos and confront the patterns and cycles that keep us from reaching our highest potential. We will explore the ways in which we may be unconsciously attracting what we don’t want and learn how to align with our highest timeline Now.

Are you ready to face your fears and take the next step toward personal and spiritual growth? Join us! Registration link is in the Bio 👆👆👆

Sending Love & Light to wherever you are in this quantum field 🫶

Photos from Quantum Living Lifestyle's post 07/31/2024

Your energy field is a powerful force shaping reality through electromagnetic fields, emotions, intentions and actions. Embrace this vibrational language to create a harmonious and fulfilling life. We are creators and participants in the universe’s game. We are powerful beyond measure.

We are experiencing the most tremendous shift in consciousness we have ever seen. You are the portal to any dimension and timeline! Keep on leveling up through your heart!

Visit our library at QuantimLivingLifestyle.com and get the tools to do your shadow work, rewrite and unlearn you old stories, and practice to step into the highest alignment of self. Emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. The most alive and authentic version of self. The link is in the bio 🥳


The Quantum Leap: Embracing Shadows and Rising to Higher Consciousness! As the collective consciousness rises, we are all being called to face our deepest fears, both personally and collectively. This is a time of transformation and awakening, where we are invited to step into our fullest potential by embracing the fears that hold us back.

Welcome to The Quantum Leap: Embracing Shadows and Rising to Higher Consciousness. This powerful 90 min event on Zoom is designed to guide you through the process of shadow work, allowing you to fully embrace and transcend the heavy or unpleasant energies that have been weighing you down or keeping you stuck.

Together, we will journey into the shadow world, where we will meet our egos and confront the patterns and cycles that keep us from reaching our highest potential. We will explore the ways in which we may be unconsciously attracting what we don’t want and learn how to align with our highest timeline Now.

The class will be recorded, and the recording will be sent out within 48 hours after the class.

You will have access to watch it for a month. After that period, it will be available through our Patreon membership. This way, you can revisit the insights and practices at your convenience and continue your transformative journey.

Are you ready to face your fears and take the next step toward personal and spiritual growth? Join us for an immersive experience where you will gain the tools and insights needed to break free from old cycles and quantum leap into a life of abundance, creativity, and empowerment.

This is your opportunity to align with your authentic self, set yourself up for success, and fully embrace the journey of transformation.

Can’t wait to see you all as we step into this new era of consciousness together. Link to register in the comments. 👇👇


Letting go is not about forgetting the past, yet embracing the unknown. It’s about being open to learning, unlearning, and relearning. When we detach from rigid beliefs, we free ourselves to experience life with curiosity, creativity, and wonder.

Embrace uncertainty. Challenge your beliefs. Transform your life.

Would like support stepping into the unknown?

Visit our library at QuantimLivingLifestyle.com and get the tools to do your shadow work, rewrite and unlearn you old stories, and practice to step into the highest alignment of self. Emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. The most alive and authentic version of self. The link is in the bio 🥳


In this awakening, we remember who we are: the bearers of ancient truths, the keepers of forgotten mysteries. Our journey is one of reconnection, where every heartbeat is a reminder that we are the Ancient Ones—returning, remembering, and rising anew.

Returning to our roots, we reclaim the sacred knowledge that time could not erase. Each step we take is a dance of remembrance, a celebration of the timeless bond between past and present.

I celebrate as all! And so it is done 🙏💙♾️

🌠 reposted from start family

Join our tribe of like-minded souls on a journey of transformation and empowerment. Check out the links in the Bio 👆👆


True transformation starts from within. When we discover our inner potential and unlock our hidden strengths, we become the gateway to endless possibilities. The real journey begins when we understand that we are not just looking for answers, yet we are the answer itself. Find your key. Become the door. Open yourself to the world. And you become the door of possibilities for others as well.

🌠 rp .are.another.me 🙏🥳💙


Everything we are being pushed to collapse is helping us to set ourselves free!

You are in this world, yet not of it. OWN IT 🤍🧬

Learning how to heal thyself is a part of our mission.

Photos from Quantum Living Lifestyle's post 07/22/2024

It’s not about being the same; it’s about accepting our diversity that unites us.

Many of us know we live in an overwhelming fictional world that limits our experience of reality. There are simple ways to expand beyond it. ONE-ON-ONE COACHING AS WELL AS MASTERCLASSES ARE AVAILABLE. Links in the Bio 👆👆

Learning how to heal thyself is a part of our mission.

You are in this world, yet not of it. OWN IT

Visit QuantumLivingLifestyle.com for tools and profound transformation

Thank you for following, liking, commenting or sharing. It supports growing our cosmic community rapidly.

Infinite Love and Gratitude for you!


Embracing pain allows us to confront our wounds, learn from them, and transform them into wisdom. This journey through pain is essential for transformation , leading us to a deeper innerstanding of ourselves and unlocking the potential for true happiness.

By facing our struggles head-on, we make our fear less important than love, we create space for healing, growth, and a more profound, joyful experience of life.

What will you choose today? Fear or Love? What will you seed? Flowers or weeds?

Sending immense love to all of you who is transmuting pain into compassion and allowing themselves to rise in Love 🙏

We are experiencing the most tremendous shift in consciousness we have ever seen. You are the portal to any dimension and timeline! Keep on leveling up through your heart!

Visit our library at QuantimLivingLifestyle.com and get the tools to do your shadow work, rewrite and unlearn you old stories, and practice to step into the highest alignment of self. Emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. The most alive and authentic version of self. The link is in the bio 🥳

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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@magnetizeyourself Dear timeline-traveler:Your life looks unconventional because it's supposed to be.When you detached y...
If you're ready to embrace your fullest potential and step into the life you've always dreamed of, come join us. Let's c...
Everything is in the now ♾️✨ Many of us know we live in an overwhelming fictional world that limits our experience of re...



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