
KONFIRMI allows you to automatically verify that your customers are who they say they are. Free trial available.

Liveness tests used by banks to verify ID are “extremely vulnerable” to deepfake attacks 01/09/2023

“We tested 10 solutions and we found that nine of them were extremely vulnerable to deepfake attacks,” Sensity’s chief operating officer, Francesco Cavalli, told The Verge.

“There’s a new generation of AI power that can pose serious threats to companies,” says Cavalli. “Imagine what you can do with fake accounts created with these techniques. And no one is able to detect them.”

However, there are a number of identifiy verification solutions, such as Konfirmi, that offer modern, reliable ID verification services WITHOUT using your biometrics data such as facial recognition. Learn about the Konfirmi system at konfirmi.com


Liveness tests used by banks to verify ID are “extremely vulnerable” to deepfake attacks Deepfakes will make financial fraud easier.

Uber’s facial recognition is locking Indian drivers out of their accounts 12/12/2022

Yet another example of the many problems with facial recognition -- and why KONFIRMI does not use it!


Uber’s facial recognition is locking Indian drivers out of their accounts Some people are finding their accounts permanently blocked


Instantly add a variety of user authentication methods to protect your website, app, or ecommerce store from nefarious actors. Add 2FA/MFA, Single Sign On, Customer Info Checks, true age verification, biometrics authentication, and more.

Konfirmi helps you to:
- Quickly add authentication to any website or application
- Check age, addresses, photo IDs, more
- Comply with various USA and other laws (CCPA, GDPR, etc.)
- Small Business and Enterprise options
- Select a single verification for a widget OR Add multiple verification methods to the same widget
- Mix and match verification methods with different widgets

Learn more about Konfirmi and its verification options here:


The CPRA (California Privacy Rights Act) affects legal, for-profit entities operating in California that collect personal information from consumers. The CPRA provisions take effect on January 1, 2023.
There have also been adjustments to the already-active CCPA law (California Consumer Privacy Act). Read this article to learn more about provisions in both the CPRA as well as CCPA.


Forget Passwords: Single Sign On SSO is Great for Business | Insights 05/23/2022

Compared with most applications, SSO systems have more secure storage of authentication credentials and encryption keys. You can even use an SSO system to help ID a visitor to your website, thereby helping prevent fraud before you provide any products or services.


Forget Passwords: Single Sign On SSO is Great for Business | Insights Forgetting passwords may happen but can be detrimental to security. Learn how to to protect your passwords using Single Sign On SSO login and other methods.

Automated Verification of Age, Email, Phone Number, More | Konfirmi 05/18/2022

The Single Sign On (“SSO”) authentication method allows your customers to confirm who they are by logging into their accounts with popular apps, like Microsoft, Google, and Facebook.

With this verification method, your customer enters their login credentials into a secure portal opened separately from the Konfirmi widget. If your customer is able to sign in to their third-party account, they are confirmed by the widget.

SSO allows you to stop bots and other fraudsters in their tracks. It also prevents negative ramifications from potential data breaches on your website since the customer login data is not stored anywhere on your site (or the Konfirmi widget) so any potential data breach would never contain that login data.

All of Konfirmi's verification methods — including SSO — can be used by itself, or with other verification methods such as MFA/2FA, age verification, customer info checks, ID checks, and more.

Learn more & get started free:
https://konfirmi.com/verification-options/ -Solutions

Automated Verification of Age, Email, Phone Number, More | Konfirmi KONFIRMI allows you to automatically verify that your customers are who they say they are. Single Sign On, KYC, KBA Solutions, etc. Start a free trial now!

U.S. Privacy Law Update: Connecticut Enacts Comprehensive Privacy Law as Other States’ Laws Continue to Develop 05/17/2022

Connecticut has joined California, Virginia, Colorado, and Utah in enacting comprehensive data privacy legislation, with a signature from Governor Lamont this week on the Connecticut Data Privacy Act (“CTDPA”). Meanwhile, the text of Virginia’s privacy law was amended and finalized, and the California Privacy Protection Agency (“CPPA”) held pre-rulemaking stakeholder sessions about topics related to automated decision-making, consumers’ rights, business’ concerns, and cybersecurity, among others. Companies should account for these changes as they develop and refine their privacy compliance programs.


U.S. Privacy Law Update: Connecticut Enacts Comprehensive Privacy Law as Other States’ Laws Continue to Develop Connecticut has joined California, Virginia, Colorado, and Utah in enacting comprehensive data privacy legislation, with a signature from Governor Lamont this week on the Connecticut Data Privacy Act.

The Benefits And Types Of Knowledge Based Authentication | Insights 05/16/2022

Prevent fraudsters, hackers, or spam bots from abusing your website or app. At the same time, implement authentication measures that help users TRUST your brand and not complicate the on-boarding process.

In this particular article, discover the different types of Knowledge Based Authentication including static KBA and dynamic KBA, and also learn what best practices exist for KBA authentication and which measures would make the most sense for your web app (or those of your clients).


The Benefits And Types Of Knowledge Based Authentication | Insights Learn about the main types of knowledge based authentication (KBA), including static KBA and Dynamic KBA, for online Identity verification.

India to introduce six-hour data breach notification rule 05/09/2022

Organizations in India face a six-hour data breach reporting deadline, following the introduction of new rules by the country’s computer emergency response team, CERT-In.

The new rules will apply to critical parts of India’s network and IT infrastructure, including service providers, data centers, government organizations, and corporations.

The reporting window is much shorter than those in other large economies: in the EU, the GDPR mandates that breaches are reported within 72 hours. Incidents can be reported by phone, fax or email.

Organizations covered by the rule must keep logs for 180 days after an incident.


India to introduce six-hour data breach notification rule Reporting window is 66 hours shorter than that stipulated under the EU’s GDPR

Addressing Inconsistencies in Online Age-Verification 05/04/2022

Internet shopping is booming! US American ecommerce grew 50.5% from 2019 to 2020, and 14.2% in 2021 according to DigitalCommerce360. Ecommerce isn’t just for giants like Amazon and Walmart. Smaller online retailers have taken notice of the rising tide, especially in attempt to keep their businesses afloat during pandemic lockdowns.

These smaller enterprises are making use of advancing logistic technologies making selling and shipping much more efficient.

With most US Americans carrying internet-accessible smartphones nearly 24/7, the prospects of consumers being able to buy whatever they want at the push of a button is clearly an extremely lucrative one for ecommerce sites. The speed at which all of this has happened has led to frightening gaps in the effectiveness of age and customer verification scattered about the vastness of ecommerce.


Addressing Inconsistencies in Online Age-Verification Ecommerce is booming & smart enterprises are making use of advanced logistic technologies that make selling and shipping much more efficient.

Utah Speedily Becomes Fourth State to Enact Consumer Data Privacy Legislation | The CFS Blog 03/30/2022

On March 24, Utah Gov. Spence Cox signed into law SB 227, the Utah Consumer Privacy Act. This makes Utah the fourth state, behind California, Virginia, and Colorado, to enact comprehensive consumer data privacy legislation.


Utah Speedily Becomes Fourth State to Enact Consumer Data Privacy Legislation | The CFS Blog On March 24, Utah Gov. Spence Cox signed into law SB 227, the Utah Consumer Privacy Act. This makes Utah the fourth state, behind California, Virginia, and Colorado, to enact comprehensive consumer data privacy legislation.

Contactless payments soar as limit increase takes effect 03/17/2022

The lifting of the limit on contactless payments to £100 in the UK has led to a surge in tap-and-pay transactions, as consumers use the touchless checkout method to pay for higher value items.


Contactless payments soar as limit increase takes effect The lifting of the limit on contactless payments to £100 in the UK has led to a surge in tap-and-pay transactions, as consumers use the touchless checkout method to pay for higher value items.

Online Age Verification in Europe - KONFIRMI 02/13/2022

Know Your Customer (KYC) has become increasingly important in Europe over the past few years. European governments have proposed and are enforcing previously passed legislation requiring online enterprises to more assuredly verify customers’ identity.

One key area of customer verification is age. For example, online gambling has age restrictions in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Germany.

However, commonly used age gates typically do not meet the requirements for confirming a user’s age. Additionally, new stringent European regulations and public concern call for strengthening identity verification processes in order to avoid severe penalties or public backlash.


Online Age Verification in Europe - KONFIRMI Know Your Customer (KYC) has become increasingly important in Europe over the past few years. European governments have proposed and are enforcing previously passed legislation requiring online enterprises to more assuredly verify customers’ identity. One key area of customer verification is age. ...

IRS abandons facial recognition plan after firestorm of criticism 02/08/2022

The agency had planned to require taxpayers send video scans of their face to a private company starting this summer.


IRS abandons facial recognition plan after firestorm of criticism The IRS said Monday it would “transition away” from using the company ID.me for new accounts “over the coming weeks” and would develop an additional authentication process that does not involve facial recognition.

CFPB warnings of bias in AI could spook lenders 02/04/2022

Rohit Chopra has seized on nearly every public opportunity as director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to admonish companies about the potential misuse of artificial intelligence in lending decisions.

Chopra has said that algorithms can never "be free of bias" and may result in credit determinations that are unfair to consumers. He claims machine learning can be anti-competitive and could lead to “digital redlining” and “robo discrimination.”


CFPB warnings of bias in AI could spook lenders Rohit Chopra, the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, has cautioned banks, credit unions and fintechs about fair-lending violations that may stem from reliance on artificial intelligence. His comments threaten to discourage financial firms from using the technology to crunch…

FTC issues stern warning: Biased AI may break the law 02/02/2022

In a blog post this week, the Federal Trade Commission signaled that it's taking a hard look at bias in AI, warning businesses that selling or using such systems could constitute a violation of federal law.

"The FTC Act prohibits unfair or deceptive practices," the post reads. "That would include the sale or use of – for example – racially biased algorithms."

The post also notes that biased AI can violate the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. "The FCRA comes into play in certain circumstances where an algorithm is used to deny people employment, housing, credit, insurance, or other benefits," it says. "The ECOA makes it illegal for a company to use a biased algorithm that results in credit discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, s*x, marital status, age, or because a person receives public assistance."


FTC issues stern warning: Biased AI may break the law In a blog post this week, the Federal Trade Commission signaled that it's taking a hard look at bias in AI, warning businesses that selling or using such systems could constitute a violation of federal law. "The FTC Act prohibits unfair or deceptive practices," the post reads. "That would include th...

The Need for Robust Age Verification in Va**ng E-Commerce | Insights 01/18/2022

The United States is currently ablaze with the va**ng craze. In the United States, va**ng is now a $29 billion industry. Many exalt va**ng’s benefits such as a reduced reliance on traditional ci******es chock-full of chemicals, elimination of deadly second-hand smoke, and assistance in quitting smoking altogether with the tapering of ni****ne strengths in va**ng liquid.

Yet unfortunately, one glaring drawback of va**ng is its attraction to those under age. Minors has been drawn to va**ng for a variety of reasons. First, va**ng is much easier to conceal than smoking traditional ci******es. Second, many minors are not aware of the dangers of va**ng due to the spread of misinformation about the contents of va**ng liquid. Third, despite the fact that it is still illegal to sell to minors, e-ci******es, or more specifically, the “vape juice” that is inhaled, has been much easier for children to obtain than traditional ci******es.

What makes this situation challenging to control is that purchasing va**ng supplies online can be extremely easy with few obstacles to those who are underage. This begs the question: how can minors be kept from purchasing va**ng products online?

**e **ng

The Need for Robust Age Verification in Va**ng E-Commerce | Insights Many exalt the benefits of va**ng such as a reduced reliance on chemicals. Yet one huge drawback of va**ng is its attraction to minors.

Facial-recognition technology is one of the biggest threats to our privacy 01/18/2022

If you used Facebook between 2010 and November 2021, unlocked a smartphone with your face, entered a secured office building or a bank, or walked the streets of cities dotted with surveillance cameras, your photo or a video of your face has likely been stored, analyzed and used to create a set of unique identifiers that help various algorithms recognize you and act upon it.

Your data is then used for a wide range of applications — from unlocking your phone and being tagged on a photo on your favorite social network, to authentication schemes, including those related to law enforcement and other government agencies and even private businesses. Aside from police departments, security services and other government organizations, your photos can also fall into the hands of hackers and researchers of AI.

In addition, there's been a plethora of studies and evidence showing how facial recognition technology can misidentify people of color and minorities (women of color can get error rates of up to 30% according to an MIT study).

Read more about the failures of facial recognition:


Facial-recognition technology is one of the biggest threats to our privacy Companies including Apple and Facebook, and governments worldwide, can misuse our facial images and unwittingly pass them on to hackers and other bad actors.

Age Verification in 2020: Age Gates Are Becoming A Thing Of The Past 01/17/2022

Websites that ask customers to enter their birth date or check a box to verify their age – also known as “age gates” — have been around for decades now. With an age gate, a visitor to such a site is asked to put in their date of birth or otherwise represent their age before entering an age-restricted site or purchasing a product.

Nothing is done to check the information provided by the website visitor. They often serve as the only barrier to content and purchases that have legal age limitations.

The problem (depending on your perspective) is that age gates are easy to fool. All an underage customer has to do is lie. It begs the question: Why use them at all? The short answer: It’s better than nothing.


Age Verification in 2020: Age Gates Are Becoming A Thing Of The Past Learn how age gates are obsolete in 2020, and how you can implement easy age verification that complies with 2020 laws for websites with age restrictions.

Automated Verification of Age, Email, Phone Number, More | Konfirmi 01/14/2022

Konfirmi's true age verification method allows you to automatically verify your customer’s age easily and securely. Konfirmi checks multiple commercial providers, each with well over a billion unique customer records, to verify information about almost anyone — including in various countries around the world.

This powerful verification method becomes even more powerful when combined with other verification methods, like Cell Phone or Email Authentication.

Learn more:
https://konfirmi.com/verification-options/ -Verification

Automated Verification of Age, Email, Phone Number, More | Konfirmi KONFIRMI allows you to automatically verify that your customers are who they say they are. Single Sign On, KYC, KBA Solutions, etc. Start a free trial now!

Failures in Facial Recognition: Ethical Issues & Racial Profiling | Insights 01/14/2022

“Yeah, the computer got it wrong,” Robert Williams said to 60 Minutes’ Anderson Cooper about his arrest. Williams was wrongly arrested in 2020 due to the Detroit Police Department’s facial recognition software inaccurately identifying him as having stolen $3,800 worth of watches. Williams has since sued the City of Detroit.

Recently when Facebook users viewed a video featuring Black men, its AI prompted a message to viewers asking if they would like to “keep seeing videos about Primates.”

In 2015, Google Photos AI facial-recognition program mistakenly tagged Black people as “Gorillas.”

Over the last fifteen years, facial recognition technology has exploded in popularity with governments and businesses alike, but with significant failures.


Failures in Facial Recognition: Ethical Issues & Racial Profiling | Insights Discover issues in facial recognition technology such as racial bias, legal quagmires, social media facial recognition troubles & more.

Online Identity Verification To Build Brand Safety And Trust | Tech Insights 01/14/2022

Online businesses that have higher risks of fraud, hacking, identity theft, or impersonation among their user base need to be able to protect their customers from those with nefarious intentions.

Whether the online business matches buyers and vendors (such as ridesharing, home sharing, contractor finders, freelancer finders, or the like), or matches like-minded people together (such as dating apps, travel buddy apps, or the like), establishing trust between parties is a major issue.


Online Identity Verification To Build Brand Safety And Trust | Tech Insights Learn how to leverage online identity verification tools to protect your business in an age of data breaches, impersonation, hackers, and ID theft.

Fraud, Impersonation, and ID Theft in a World of Online Business | Insights 01/13/2022

Businesses in general cannot function without the trust of their customers. Customers will not trust a company that doesn’t keep them safe in the capacity in which they interact. Online businesses that have risks of fraud, identity theft, or impersonation among their customer base need to be able to protect their customers from those with nefarious intentions.

Whether the online business matches buyers and vendors (such as ridesharing, home sharing, contractor finders, freelancer finders, or the like), or matches like-minded people together (such as dating apps, travel buddy apps, or the like), establishing trust between parties is a major issue.


Fraud, Impersonation, and ID Theft in a World of Online Business | Insights In an age of hackers, data breaches, impersonation, and identity theft, new cutting-edge solutions can help establish a brand's credibility and trust.

Confirming Customers' ID To Prevent Child Identity Theft | Insights 01/13/2022

Most children don’t have bank accounts or credit cards or any real financial footprint to speak of – and that’s exactly the point. A child’s identity provides a hacker or fraudster with a real identity with nothing on the books to cross-reference. Synthetic Identity Fraud (SIF) allows hackers/fraudsters to craft a new synthetic identity out of the nuggets of truth from the child’s identity (name, social security number, etc.) and fabricate additional and useful information to run their scam.

Hackers/fraudsters can use the child’s Social Security number to apply for government benefits, credit cards and take out loans, only to burn the identity when it stops being profitable for them. This usually leaves the child and his/her parents holding the bag until they can prove that fraud has been committed.


Confirming Customers' ID To Prevent Child Identity Theft | Insights Learn about the recent explosion in child identity theft, why it's easier than other types of fraud, and how to prevent it going forward.

Austria says use of Google Analytics is illegal because it exposes Europeans to U.S. spy agencies 01/13/2022

On Thursday, European privacy campaigners claimed partial victory in an Austrian case involving someone who visited a health-related website that uses Google Analytics, the world's most widely-deployed toolkit for website owners to track how people use their site.

According to the Austrian Data Protection Authority, the website's operators violated the GDPR by transferring the user's personal data to Google in the U.S. As established in a bombshell 2020 ruling by the EU's top court, sending personal data to a company in the U.S. is illegal if that company can't guarantee the data's safety from U.S. intelligence services—and thanks to the U.S.'s Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), no American company can provide that guarantee.


Austria says use of Google Analytics is illegal because it exposes Europeans to U.S. spy agencies As many as 100 similar decisions could be incoming across the EU.

Age verification and data protection: Far more difficult than it looks 01/12/2022

The French government published Decree No. 2021-1306 Oct. 7, 2021, concerning the implementation of measures to protect minors from accessing sites broadcasting adult content. This allows us to take a closer look at the implementation of technical processes to check the age of users online.


Age verification and data protection: Far more difficult than it looks This article looks at France's new decree on protection children's safety online and the issues of online user privacy regarding adult content that can arise.

Understanding Multi-Factor Authentication: 3 Ways It Can Benefit Your Business 01/12/2022

What are the many weaknesses of password-based authentication and why do they provide huge vulnerability to hackers and fraudsters especially in today's post-COVID19 digital world? Also, what are 'authentication factors' such as knowledge & possession factors, and how do they apply to the science of authentication?

And finally, how does Multi-Factor Authentication avoid the weaknesses of password-based authentication and how does MFA help you comply with modern data privacy laws, regulation, and industry best practices like CCPA, GDPR, PSD2, etc.?


Understanding Multi-Factor Authentication: 3 Ways It Can Benefit Your Business Learn what is multi factor authentication (MFA) and how you shold use it to stay in compliance, improve reliability, and automate customer ID verification.

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