
Eye Love Nature supports awareness and participation in sustainable living. The planet is one giant inter-connected ecosystem, local becomes global.

It's all about RESPECT...
R__Recycle/Renewable resources (wind, solar, tidal, geothermal)
E__Eat organic (ideally local & vegetarian)
S__Stay hydrated (your weight in lbs/2=oz target)
P__Practice meditation (upon waking & before nightime sleeping, 15 minutes each=30 min/day)
E__Exercise (daily movement to create flow of oxygen and hydration to all cells of your body)
C__Connect with Nature (watc


the number of ounces of water you should be drinking every day. (Example: weight 150 lbs./2 = 75 oz.'s)


- Holly Wells


Consuming non-GMO and non-processed food options on a daily basis is recommended for optimal health. Supporting local organic farmers and other such fresh market suppliers when possible is ideal. You'll be eating healthy and not contributing to environmental pollution created through transportation of food products.


What happens in one local area impacts us all globally. We need to adjust our priorities and focus on shifting away from being a global society obsessed with consumerism of products that end up in landfills and move toward truly renewable resource solutions.


my mission with eyelovenature.com


Executive Life Coach 101



Perspective - Holly Wells of eyelovenature.com speaks about current events and changing or challenging your views and/or focus in your life and things that happen around you.

Healing With The Masters Summit 2019 11/19/2019

Healing With The Masters Summit – free online Nov. 18-21

Are you intrigued by self-healing techniques?

Do you want to master the lessons your soul is here to learn, so you can give your greatest gifts and truly flourish in this lifetime?

Maybe you’ve run out of “traditional” solutions to heal a health challenge…

Or you’re experiencing the painful effects of upset during these interesting times we find ourselves in?

That’s why I’m delighted to tell you about the Healing With The Masters Summit — a free online taking place November 18–21, produced by The Shift Network.

Free Online Event
Healing With The Masters Summit
November 18-21, 2019

RSVP here for the Healing With The Masters Summit — at no charge: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/hwtm19/NewLeafHumanity

Begin to move beyond your conditioned limited instincts and into your full intuition

Gain insights into how to cultivate deeper self-love and self-worth

Apply new tools to lower stress and increase your vitality

This event will feature 20 esteemed healers and spiritual teachers — including Marianne Williamson, Lisa Nichols, Jack Canfield, Anita Moorjani, Donna Eden, Ram Dass, Marci Shimoff, Eileen McKusick, Marie Diamond, and Dr. Sue Morter.

Join this amazing gathering of presenters — and be prepared to experience new quantum levels of energetic, emotional, physical, and spiritual healing!

RSVP here for the Healing With The Masters Summit — at no charge: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/hwtm19/NewLeafHumanity

Yours truly,

Healing With The Masters Summit 2019 Experience Advanced Guided Healings & Receive Proven Self-Healing Tools

Join the 2019 Food Revolution Summit 04/19/2019

Food Revolution Summit (4/27 - 5/5)

It’s time to eat like your health depends on it — because it does.

Join the Food Revolution Summit to find out how. https://www.foodrevolutionsummit.org/?orid=183448&opid=305

Studies show that we can prevent MOST cases of cancer, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease — just by eating the right foods (and avoiding the wrong ones!).

Want the latest breakthrough insights about food and health?

Join the Food Revolution Summit here — it’s free!

John and Ocean Robbins, are bringing together 24 of the world’s top food experts to give you cutting-edge knowledge. Their goal is to cut through the confusion and give you scientifically grounded wisdom to help you prevent disease… and to thrive.

In the Food Revolution Summit you’ll hear from top doctors and researchers like Dean Ornish, MD; Mark Hyman, MD; Joel Fuhrman, MD; Christiane Northrup, MD; David Perlmutter, MD; Neal Barnard, MD; and many more. All personally (and brilliantly!) interviewed by 2 million copy bestselling author John Robbins.

You’ll find out:
The specific foods that have been proven to prevent (and fight) cancer
How certain foods can promote Alzheimer’s — while other foods can help to boost your brain health
What the science really says about fat, carbs, protein, iron, B12, essential fatty acids, and other critical nutrients. How much do you need, and where should they come from? You’ll get credible answers you can use!

Find out more, watch the powerful trailer video, and join in now.

Let’s get this food revolution started!


P.S. The speakers in this year’s Food Revolution Summit are extraordinary. Check out the entire lineup and secure your spot for no charge, here.


Join the 2019 Food Revolution Summit It’s time to eat like your health depends on it! Get the knowledge you need, from food and health experts you can trust. Join the online Food Revolution Summit for free right now.

Part 1: CUTV News Radio to Highlight Holly Wells of Eye Love Nature 04/05/2019

Holly Wells - Executive Life Coaching Offer:
[Eye Love Nature’s affiliate NLH]

I am thrilled to announce I’m now offering Executive Life Coaching packages through New Leaf Humanity (NLH), an Eye Love Nature affiliate.

This program is geared for those individuals who are ready to step into the next level of them-selves. I call this stepping into your inner executive.

I’ve always had an inner guidance connection. Many call this intuition.
“Dancing to the beat of your own drummer”.

But I didn’t always listen to it, or take aligned action.

I have since found these are two critical steps of creating and seeing results.
(Listing & taking aligned action)
And they are among the tools & activities this 10-week executive life-coaching program includes.

We will work one-on-one, re-connecting you to your own inner guidance.
Clearing left over lower energy, through exploring forgiveness and surrender.

I believe these activities allow your body energy to rise. Increasing your frequency potential. This is exactly the optimal state of being, to embrace change, my specialty.

Our 1-hour weekly discussions follow internationally accredited life coaching program guidelines. An individual weekly-based activity workbook, and personal journal will be provided to you.

For best results, I recommend layering these executive level coaching steps on top of the 7 basic Eye Love Nature, ‘R.E.S.P.E.C.T Principles’.

If you have been feeling the time is now to reclaim your life’s passion?
I would love to work with you to complete a project, or create plans for a new one.

Are you ready to up-level? Embrace your inner executive?

Do you recognize the power of intentional thinking and making conscious decisions?

The time is now.
Clear away the clutter.
Take focused aligned action.

“Create the change that you wish to see in the world”
- Mahatma Gandhi

Ask yourself…

Are you ready to hire an executive life coach?

If you recognize it’s time to hire a personal coach to get you across that finish line?

Click the link below, and check out today’s CUTV radio show, where I discuss this new opportunity to work directly with me.


This radio show is 1 of 8 episodes.

There will be an offer page added soon, to EyeLoveNature.com website.

Contact me to set up confirmation assessment session. This is how to purchase your one-on-one Executive Life Coaching Sessions.

I look forward to working with you!

- Holly

Part 1: CUTV News Radio to Highlight Holly Wells of Eye Love Nature

Discover The Lunar Cycles of Soul Work 03/21/2019

Interested in the power of Luner Cycle's?

On Saturday, March 23, Devaa, the co-founder of The Shift Network and founder of Inspiring Women With Soul, will show you how to use each major phase of the lunar cycle to call in your personal power, set powerful intentions for bettering your life, and make your deepest longings manifest.

You can register here for Discover the Lunar Cycles of Soul Work: How to Use the Moon to Manifest Your Deepest Vision: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/lc/NewLeafHumanity

During this illuminating FREE online event, you’ll discover:

The role the Moon has played for millennia in helping us connect with our intuition and power to manifest
Feminine archetypes connected to major moon phases and how you can harness their power to support you
How to tap into the power of the lunar cycle to clarify and empower your intentions — so they can come to fruition with greater ease
How lunar wisdom can be applied to help you skillfully approach your goals, visions, and dreams
A practice to connect with the current Moon phase and the archetypal energy of the Primal Goddess — so you can clarify how to best spend your time and energy right now
Now is an ideal time to engage in the soul work of connecting with yourself and your vision for your ideal life… and to commit to bringing yourself into deeper contact with your own magic.

So don’t miss this opportunity to discover how aligning and working with the cycles of the Moon can provide a powerful, time-proven way for calling in what you long for and realizing your soul’s purpose!


P.S. During Discover the Lunar Cycles of Soul Work: How to Use the Moon to Manifest Your Deepest Vision, you’ll discover how to align with the Moon to access your deepest intentions, ignite profound healing, and live your deepest vision.

Register here for this FREE online event: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/lc/NewLeafHumanity

A downloadable recording will be provided later to all who register, whether or not you listen to the scheduled event.

Discover The Lunar Cycles of Soul Work How to Use the Moon to Manifest Your Deepest Vision A Free Video Event With Transformational Leader & Inspiring Women With Soul Founder Devaa Haley Mitchell

www.therealtruthabouthealthconference.com 02/02/2019

Coming soon - the Largest Live Health and Environmental Conference In The World.

Attend "The Truth About Health", to hear about
Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle - from 35 leading authors.

This conference is entirely FREE, click on link below to register and attend in person or watch on line.


Learn the most important, scientifically documented, current, life-saving information from the world’s top experts in 5% of the time it would take you to read their book.

Stop getting second hand information from the media and companies who are trying to sell their products and their point of view. Learn directly from the authors who did the research, studied the science and reviewed the data. Learn the truth once and for all about how to prevent disease and premature aging, and how to save the planet from Climate Change, Resource Depletion and other environmental catastrophes.

10 Day FREE Conference
Date: January 25 – February 3, 2019
Location: 598 Broad Hollow Road Melville, N.Y. Hilton Hotel

When you learn the truth you can finally make great decisions on what to put in your body and on your body. You will know which products to avoid and which to use, in order to maintain optimal health.

Don’t mess with your health. Stop listening to the salespeople for these industries that don’t care what happens to your health in 5 or 10 years. When you learn the truth about what is and isn’t safe to eat, drink and use, then you can be the ultimate advocate for you and your family’s health.

You will be hearing from the top experts in the fields of health, nutrition, the food system, the medical system and the environment.

These are authors that are here to save your life, tell you the truth and hand you the simple information that you can’t get from anywhere else, because many of the other sources of health information come from companies or industries that are trying to sell you some product.




Essential Oils & Aromatherapy Summit with David Crow

Are you intrigued by the healing powers of essential oils?

RSVP here for The Essential Oils & Aromatherapy Summit — at no charge: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/eoa18/NewLeafHumanity

Maybe you’ve applied aromatherapy to find relief from a health condition or to uplift you emotionally or spiritually?

Essential oils are one of the trendiest, fastest growing modalities of natural medicine — and one of the most misunderstood, misused, and potentially abused.

Yet, not all of essential oils are created equal — and not all advice is trustworthy.

Low quality, false marketing claims, and myths about safe production can be detrimental to your healing…

Used correctly, however, essential oils can be a very powerful and safe way to revitalize and balance your body, emotions, mind, and spirit.

This is why I’m passionate about inviting you to join me for The Essential Oils & Aromatherapy Summit, where you’ll discover exactly how to apply nature’s most potent medicine for everything from a common cold to inflammation-related illnesses to anxiety and stress, from depression to migraines to everyday first aid — and more!

Free Online Event
The Essential Oils & Aromatherapy Summit
with Botanical Medicine Expert David Crow
October 23-26, 2018

RSVP here for The Essential Oils & Aromatherapy Summit — at no charge: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/eoa18/NewLeafHumanity



5 Essential Ayurvedic Remedies for Women:

If you’re a woman who’s interested in detoxifying your body, reducing pain and inflammation, and preventing illness, disease, and chronic health conditions, don’t miss this free hour with world-renowned Ayurveda doctor and teacher Dr. Khalsa.

RSVP for free, here: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/arw/NewLeafHumanity

A downloadable recording will be provided later to all who register, whether or not you listen to the scheduled event.

K.P. offers a grounded, systematic approach, allowing you how to easily apply — with the right dosages for your body — Ayurveda remedies to balance your body’s three primary metabolic forces: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

During this illuminating online video workshop, you’ll discover:

An anti-inflammatory remedy to help curb disease
A special remedy for women for anti-aging and dryness
Specific herbs to improve your mental clarity and focus
How you can safely apply Ayurvedic herbalism for your healing and health — without having to learn and apply a whole new system
A common Ayurvedic herb for increasing stress resistance
Potent antioxidant herbal remedies
In addition to his 47 years of experience in natural medicine, Dr. Khalsa offers practical applications for healing and balancing the body, rather than a “mystical” approach, which is common in Ayurveda.

So do join me to discover how to apply the best anti-aging herbs — plus herbs for energy, alertness, and reducing stress — so you can live a full and vibrant life!

And all for FREE… Register here: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/arw/NewLeafHumanity




Ready to advocate for Peace?

Are you disheartened by the increasing division showing up around the world?

Are you concerned for our future — and for the future of generations to come?

As troubling and overwhelming as the events filling our news feeds are, as a human race, we actually have within us what it takes to transform our world….

We have the will, the intelligence, the resources, the heart, and the leaders to address and heal the areas of our planet that need it most…

In fact, there are brilliant changemakers all over the globe making meaningful progress on critical issues — the environment, health, human rights, women’s issues, economic justice, and peace, to name a few.

Now we’re being called to work in collaboration and partnership like never before, to create the comprehensive changes we need… for a world that works for all.

And Finding Common Ground, taking place August 7-9, offers a path forward…

Free Online Event
Finding Common Ground
August 7-9, 2018

This 3-day event will highlight changemakers and their personal stories of transformations that led them to authentic and powerful action. These stories include a Palestinian living in Bethlehem who turned to the ancient wisdom of Jesus (love your enemy) to learn how to love Israelis; a former CIA counterintelligence agent working with the U.S. military in the Iraq war who has created a global movement, “others into brothers,” turning enemies into allies; and an African American musician who befriended K*K leaders and engaged them in the work to end racism in America — and so many more.

I hope you’ll join us for this extraordinary FREE online event presented by The Shift Network.

RSVP here for Finding Common Ground — at no charge: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/sop18/NewLeafHumanity

Shamanism Global Summit 2018 06/25/2018

Activate ancient shamanic practices in your daily life.

Free Online Event
The Shamanism Global Summit
July 10-12, 2018


Are you intrigued by shamanism? Or seeking to deepen your shamanic wisdom?

Imagine living in greater alignment with Mother Earth, more fully present with your loved ones, and connected to the Spirit in all things…

Imagine connecting directly with your Higher Self, as well as your guides, as a path to healing your body and spirit…

Imagine what might be possible for you, your health and your relationships through visioning, journeying, and your dreamtime…

The path of shamanism puts us in sacred relationship with all of life, in which we’re fully connected to ourselves, our world, and our greatest gifts. It’s a beautiful and powerful path for both personal and collective transformation.

I’m honored to invite you to join esteemed shamanic teachers and healers — including Sandra Ingerman, Alberto Villoldo, Brooke Medicine Eagle, don Oscar Miro-Quesada, HeatherAsh Amara, Robert Moss, Flordemayo, José & Lena Stevens, and others. They’ll be sharing practical wisdom for you to access guidance, healing, and power for more sacred living.

Shamanism Global Summit 2018 Practical Wisdom to Access Guidance, Healing & Power for Sacred Living

How to Make a Soul Shift 06/04/2018

How To Make a Shift into More Wisdom, Power & Peace

Do you have a mental list of things about your life, your relationships, and yourself that you’d like to change?

Would you like to stop getting stuck in the same self-sabotaging patterns — and experience more steadiness, confidence, and peace, no matter what’s happening around you?

There are times in our life when we feel like we’re at a turning point…

… like we’re standing at the threshold of attaining greater success, wisdom, and purpose, but either don’t know the next step to take or are too uncertain to take it…

What we do know is that how we’ve been living, working, and loving just isn’t enough anymore. We’re being called to something more significant, more authentic, and more meaningful.

If you’re ready not just for more change, but for profound transformation, then I have a very special invitation for you…

On Saturday, June 16, New York Times bestselling author Dr. Barbara De Angelis will show you how to transform yourself and your life from the inside out during a FREE virtual event: How to Make a Soul Shift: 3 Keys to Create a Life of Authentic Purpose, Unshakeable Peace & Lasting Fulfillment.

You can register here: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/ss/NewLeafHumanity

Barbara is one of the most renowned teachers of our time in the field of personal and spiritual development. She’s known for her eloquent yet down-to-earth guidance, and passionate, inspirational presentations.

For over four decades, she’s helped millions of people live with more fulfillment and freedom by showing them how to operate from true mastery at the deepest level of who they are… the Soul level.

This online mini-workshop will help you do just that, and give you the life-changing insights and breakthroughs you’ve been hoping for.

Barbara will share her invaluable wisdom and proven techniques to help you make your own soul shift, and live with true emotional and spiritual freedom.

Register now: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/ss/NewLeafHumanity


P.S. If you’re ready to remove the hidden blocks that keep you from fully connecting with your own wisdom, power, and highest self every day, don’t miss: How to Make a Soul Shift: 3 Keys to Create a Life of Authentic Purpose, Unshakeable Peace & Lasting Fulfillment.

RSVP for free here: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/ss/NewLeafHumanity

A downloadable recording will be provided later to all who register, whether or not you listen to the scheduled event.

How to Make a Soul Shift 3 Keys to Create a Life of Authentic Purpose, Unshakeable Peace & Lasting Fulfillment A Free Virtual Event With #1 NY Times Bestselling Author & Transformational Teacher Barbara De Angelis, PhD

The Wisdom of the Medicine Wheel 04/10/2018

Many of us find it challenging to cope with the stress and intensity of today's world, when we look around us. Much is happening and it's sometimes difficult to make sense of what we perceive is unfolding...But, we don't have to go it alone.

Discover the Medicine Wheel & how it can help you open to the life you desire – FREE event w/Jose and Lena Stevens.

On Saturday, April 14, Jose and Lena Stevens, international lecturers and co-founders of the Power Path School of Shamanism and the Center for Shamanic Education and Exchange, will provide a glimpse into how you can use this ancient wisdom to better understand — and transform — your life during a free video event:

You can RSVP for free here: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/mw/NewLeafHumanity

The Medicine Wheel represents the natural cycles of life and the basic way in which the natural world, including humans, move and evolve.

If you’re ready to use this wisdom to discover and break through energy blocks to begin to walk the path you desire, register now.

A downloadable recording will be provided later to all who register, whether or not you listen to the scheduled event live on Saturday, April 14th.


The Wisdom of the Medicine Wheel


Want to hear about healthy living, from experts in their field?

It's happening now.

It started February 2nd and continues until February 11th. The Real Truth About Health is hosting a 10 day conference in NY. (35 leading authors and speakers)

You can join online for free using this link: www.therealtruthabouthealthconference.com

Become a Shamanic Navigator of Light 02/01/2018

Exploring Shamanism has helped me navigate these intense times with more grace and balance. By connecting with nature and slowing down to BE and listen, I've found more space and inner peace.

Hank has spent 28 years melding shamanic principles and honing practices of shamanism from traditions around the world — and on Saturday, February 10, he’ll join us to present Become a Shamanic Navigator of Light: Exploring Bardos, Cosmic Contracts & Soul Pods.

You can register for this free virtual event here: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/snl/NewLeafHumanity

Become a Shamanic Navigator of Light

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HOLLY WELLS FOUNDER OF EYELOVENATUREPerspective - Holly Wells of eyelovenature.com speaks about current events and chang...


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