Jeanne Steen

Professional Healer, Teacher and Mentor/Coach. Innovative techniques for rapid, lasting change.


This is fun! First three: Miracles, Blessings, Success 😊

And, you? ✨


On this beautiful summer afternoon I had the wisdom to sit out on the back deck reading a book I had been waiting for:

“The Heart Speaks, A Cardiologist Reveals the Secret Language of Healing” ❤️‍🩹

an insightful read about the power - and vulnerability, of the heart, by Mimi Guarneri, MD, FACC

I slipped inside for tea and returned to discover this fuzzy caterpillar standing on my book 📚

🐛 such a cutie!

I texted a photo to a friend noting “I wonder what kind of butterfly it will become?” 🦋

and her immediate reply was spot on: “well educated” 🎓


(naturally I love the symbolism of this little spirit guide - inner transformation, patience, trust change 🦋)

My inner bookworm is smiling ✨


🎶 they are packing up the tents from Lollapalooza …

A few years back, on a summer Sunday night, I stepped out of the shadows, and did something daring, (hilarious) and memorable.

Performing on a MainStage at Lollapollooza wasn’t on my bucket list

(silly me for lack of imagination 🤣)

But saying a rapid, definitive “YES“ to unexpected, cool opportunities is something I DO.

Which is how I ended up on the stage, offering back up dance moves (otherwise known as Tai Chi), to the performer Flume a few years back.

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be on stage looking out at tens of thousands of happy, screaming people?

It’s awesome.😎

As I drove by the festival the other day, I smiled.

The thought running through my mind:
“I wonder what else the Universe has lined up for me…” 😊

(btw, if you love the idea of standing center stage, but feel like you would hesitate… and perhaps pass on the opportunity… if you have noticed that you hold back rather than step up … I have the perfect healing program for you!! That kind of confidence can be re-activated ✨ ❤️

For awhile I have thought about offering a group healing to activate confidence that would include a taster HeartHealing™ session. August is perfect timing as it’s the season of the Lion 🦁 and in honor of this Courageous Cat it has a Special price: $88 for the first 8 people to register (typically $111) DM me a 🦁or drop one below for the details. 😊)


❤️ Love this!
It’s the Perfect card pull for this summer Sunday morning 🌞

I have out of town guests arriving tomorrow and plan to take a few very welcome days OFF.

So as I gather my thoughts to outline the flow of my day today ☕️
this is a healthy reminder to not fall into a state of over giving, hustling or too much doing.

To simply: Let it be easy.

Often times we negotiate with rest.

We overwork so that we “earn” the time to play.

The message of this card, from the HeartHealing™ Oracle deck is clear:

“It is safe to have things you desire without having to struggle for them,
or justify them with struggle and hard work.
Let it be easy.”

In the past, before healing my busy, over giver tendencies, I would have found it a challenge to take this message to heart ❤️

(I often worked so hard leading up to a holiday, I was sick on my vacation 🙃)

Now I simply smile, and wholeheartedly trust that everything will continue to unfold just fine even if I spend a few days under a beach umbrella 🏖️


(if the pattern of having to earn the right to rest rings true for you, schedule a HeartHealing™ and we’ll reconnect you to inner peace and flow. ✨ Because this powerful work initiates change on multiple levels: your heart, your subconscious mind, your energy, it has been described as “receiving 10 years of therapy”. And that’s life changing ❤️)


One of those long summer days (in a good way)

and interesting
(helps to do work I ❤️)

Closed with a sunset swim 🧜‍♀️

Goodnight sun

Hello meteor showers 💫💫💫


hm, is there rain in the forecast?

the curl-o-meter says "YES"



OMG this is SO funny (🐰❤️)

I had a houseguest this weekend and in addition to the usual flow of work last week, I was focused on prepping the house, planning excursions, dinner reservations… and gardening kept falling to the bottom of the list 🌱🌿

I have a very natural property and a casual attitude about gardening, and as my guest and I walked up the gravel path to my house I mentioned that while most gardeners might favor a bit more order, I enjoy noting how everything that thrives in the yard seems to serve some use for the natural life that I share this property with…

(the slightly scraggly honeysuckle bushes are beloved by the bees… 🐝)

that said, I did note, and planned to attend to, a string of weeds in the center of the front walkway… “those I will get to”, I said out loud. 🌱

yet after she departed, I dove into a beloved work project… and then a long chat with a friend off on an adventure in Morocco…

she asked for insight about an unusual challenge she is facing with great grace, and we spoke about manifesting the outcome she desires.

She knows A LOT about manifesting, so I simply highlighted how often we believe that there is only one solution to an issue

when there are actually limitless possibilities ✨

and it’s important to hold space for solutions one might never imagine…

moments later, I looked out my front window and spotted a pair of baby bunnies 🐰 🐰

happily eating …
the EXACT weeds I had intended to pull! 🌱🌱

That was a “solution” I would never have dreamed up! ☺️😂

I LOVE my new yard crew 🐰🐰

and how magical life can be ✨ ❤️


Such a tranquil place to spend a summer day 🌞

Love Lavender Bliss Farm 💜
Looking forward to more quiet hours here ... it's so thoughtfully designed and peaceful☺️


sometimes the waves wash polished glass at my feet... sometimes fossils ... tonight...


a frog! (or a Prince in disguise... 😉)



woke up this morning with cobwebs in my head (I had dental surgery last week and it has zapped some of my strength)

so I gathered my coffee and curled up on the front porch to observe summer in my garden and collect my thoughts

it was slow going until I lifted one hand to my injured jawline and placed another on the center of my chest (for my heart and my thymus) and started a simple Reiki routine

in a few minutes the fog lifted - from my mind, heart, spirit, and awareness of what my day has in store for me started line up …

✨ following up with the students I trained in Level 1 Reiki on Monday (their enthusiasm at the close of that day was so heartfelt)

🧡 finalizing the closing details of the wonderfully successful Reiki for your Sacral Chakra healing that wrapped up last night - people reported increased creativity, magnetism, and

💛 finishing the details of the upcoming Reiki Your Solar Plexus Chakra healing journey that begins on Monday, July 29 (come boost your confidence, vision for your future and amp up your inner Light! 🌟 details in comments 👇)

❤️‍🩹 guiding a private client through a personal HeartHealing™ to restore her belief in her inherent worth (wounds around our sense of worth negatively limit the amount of wealth we allow ourselves to to receive 😣)

✨ And following up with yesterday’s clients to continue to support the positive changes they are making in their lives…

it’s going to be a lovely day 🌞
I wish you the same 😘

(if you are local, see you at the beach for a sunset swim 🏖️🏊‍♀️)

oh, and if you still have to learn Reiki, reach out, it's so simple and makes such a difference in life ❤️


Like many of us, I thought I would focus on work as a way to turn down the noise of the political turmoil flaring on my newsfeed.

So I am immersed in writing about the Solar Plexus Chakra for an upcoming Reiki training 💛

As you may know, the overactive qualities of this chakra show up as:

misuse of power… an over inflated ego… aggression … bullying… and a victim mentality

(clearly this strategy to escape politics is failing)

That said, this Chakra in balance is the energy that fuels:

🌟 Leadership
🌟 Integrity
🌟 Big Picture Vision

It is the energy of personal power and the motivation to take action - which is the antidote to powerlessness and complacency. 🔥

So I am excited to launch the upcoming Reiki for your Solar Plexus Chakra 💛 (details 👇)

Because the World NEEDs this energy in balance 🌎

It can start with YOU. Your calm, confident, clear headed behavior will positively impact those around you. 💛

(for $49 you can hold your center in this turmoil)

Open to Reiki practitioners of all levels; starting July 29.


whew! nothing like full immersion to clear my mind and energy ✨

thank you big lake! 🌊❤️ 🏖️


🌸 Oh WOW! We had just exited a beautiful classical concert in the Education Center at Fernwood Botanical Garden and were admiring the butterfly bushes when a hummingbird moth zipped into view🦋

just imagine the rapid fire movement of hummingbird wings on a moth body. 🦋

Naturally, I researched it's spirit animal associations:

🦋 embrace change, transformation
🦋 find joy in the present moment
🦋 in the dark, trust that you are guided by your intuition
🦋 adaptability

"it serves as a guide during periods of change and encourages us to embrace new beginnings and possibilities."

Love all of that! ❤️

If you live near Fernwood, I encourage you to stop in; with all of the recent rain it's overflowing with an abundance of flowers and is such peaceful, awe inspiring place 🌸

And if you need these spirit messages to support you, too, hang out by the butterfly bushes!


💔 ugh. this is an ugly but important article to share.

The story of literary giant Alice Munro’s response to her daughter’s experience of sexual abuse at the hands of Alice’s second husband is heart wrenching.

And I am sharing it because it casts a strong light on something I see all too often in the work that I do:

The actual abuse is horrific.

But the wound that often cuts deeper is the betrayal of someone who KNOWS and does not protect you.

That can be from a sexual predator.
An alcoholic abuser who vents on the vulnerable.
An emotional abuser who leaves no visible scars save shattered self esteem.

All too often, therapy overlooks this facet, focusing solely on the abuser.

What this terrible story also illuminates is the impact on the entire family.

Andrea, who, as an innocent child, endured abuse that ”everyone” was aware of, was ostracized.

Magnifying the betrayal of trust she experienced.

I encourage you to read this, even though it’s painful, and if it resonates with you on any level, reach out.

No matter what you have been through, your heart's wounds can be healed ❤️‍🩹

Family secrets. Shame. Not only shreds the lives of the living, it is woven into the lineage and becomes a legacy that will undermine future generations… until someone has the courage to heal. ❤️


A client I have known since my early days as a healer (which feels like a millennia ago 🦕) circled back for a tune up, and we knocked the stress out of her current challenge in a rapid 45 minutes, and as she came back into the present moment she said:

“I don’t know how you do it but it always seems like you can read my mind”

I smiled - mostly because she looked radiant with the stress off her face, but also because I have heard that many times.

One of my favorite parts of doing this work is simply falling into that state of radical presence where you “hear” with all of your senses.

It really helps move the session rapidly to a level the client may have sensed but could not quite see.



This is so not funny… why am I laughing hysterically 😂

(thank you to the lovely coach Sandy Evenson for sharing)


Never underestimate the power of a good compliment to lift the heart.

I recently completed many months of training specializing in accessing Past Lives to heal present day challenges.

And this feedback on a case study I submitted:

“You have such incredible gifts and such a beautiful way of being with people and I am excited to see what you make of Quantum HeartHealing™ {a technique that also addresses inherited Ancestral Trauma} and Soul Purpose HeartHealing™!

Incredible work as always Jeanne.”

feels like fuel ✨❤️

The Past Life and Ancestral sessions are powerful tools that access a part of our inner wiring that is hidden from our conscious minds.

It’s such a relief to finally grasp the heart of why we do things, or experience things, as if on auto pilot, that make us unhappy.

One recent session revealed a life lived ages ago in which a man, born out of wedlock, could never outrun the shame. He was immensely successful and every news report at the time tagged him as “the illegitimate son of”. The legacy of the shame rippled through my client’s life. Revealing and healing it deep in the subconscious mind and releasing the energy of that legacy freed her in a way that nothing else has.

She feels peace and acceptance around some of her own choices… especially as her conscious mind is now working to reconsolidate those experiences through an updated perspective.

If this type of healing interests you, I am now officially Certified to share Past Life and Ancestral healing work.

It’s not only life changing, it’s Legacy changing.


Posting this card this morning
just in case anyone else
had a long

(I don’t know what rituals you have to lift your mind from one possibility, to open up to the idea of “possibilities”… I actually have many… and I see pulling a card as “giving spirit a chance” … 😇

of course, there is always stumbling upon a helpful, timely message on FB, so there you go! ❤️)


A little tip…

If you ever find yourself feeling


watch a dog at the beach 🌊 🌊🌊



Whoa!! 💃🏻

Just received this text from one of the participants in the recent Root Chakra healing:

“Another one for the abundance archives…..

I was invited to a Santana concert last night. He is one of my ALL TIME favs! Tickets and accommodations were VIP all the way. My friend picked me up so I didn’t have to drive. It was an incredible gift.

During the concert Santana stopped to say,
“ Ask the Universe or whatever it is you call it for what you want and trust you will get it.” So there!” 🥰

She had already told me that her money beliefs had turned around “100%” 🤯 while completing the Reiki Your Root Chakra Personal Healing Journey. 💰✨

This highly effective program is now available as a self guided healing experience - so if you missed the live training, you can still benefit (the link with details is in the comments ❤️)

Our next journey is through the Sacral Chakra and begins July 1 🧡
(I know it’s a holiday week, so there is a replay to watch at your convenience)

When we focus on Your Sacral Chakra, it's all about:

🔥 passion
🔥 creativity
🔥 intimacy
🔥 releasing shame
🔥 reclaiming the divine feminine energy of attraction and receiving

I can’t wait to see what this delivers!
The potential to transform your life is epic 🧡

Reiki paired with a Chakra is the perfect "reset" ✨

The Sacral Chakra link will also be shared 👇


☺️ FUN!
over and over again my clients share that they wish that life was more FUN

they long to PLAY ☺️

to reconnect to JOY ☺️

their voices are wistful, as if those feelings are a distant memory

so I am EXCITED about the upcoming healing for the Sacral Chakra 🧡

because FUN, Playful, Joyful energy is it’s Essence 🧡

(Passion and Pleasure are there to be unleashed, too; this is the lighter, carefree energy ✨)

are you up for some Summer Fun?

(I don’t know about you, but I need some relief from anger, worry, sadness… the world won’t stop if I, or you, slip off for a little Fun ⛱️)

we start July 1 (and of course you can catch the replay, details in the comments)

the most recent Reiki Chakra healing “overdelivered” and was a fabulous “value”
(ok, those student testimonials did spark JOY… more please ☺️)

I WANT tears of laughter, so I am ALL in… join me 🧡 ⛱️


yesterday, as I was driving into Chicago I saw something I had never seen before

rainbow clouds 🌈 ☁️ 🌈 ☁️

a pair of them hung effortlessly in the bright blue sky

the rest of the clouds behaved as normal, but these two dazzled with color 🌈🌈

I was astonished

It lifted my mood which was dipping towards another weather phenomenon known as “June gloom” (common on the west coast)

And in the softness of this cloud covered morning, where “June gloom” hovers in the air

I googled this picture to share (I could not capture what I saw yesterday as I was driving, but it looked like this ☺️🌈🌈 )

Because it sparks a feeling inside of me that is helpful, and perhaps you need that, too

(in my work lately, which includes long, deep conversations about life purpose, I grapple, like philosophers have forever, with what is meaningful action… and I tend to land on the equivalent of rainbow clouds…

perhaps that makes sense to you,
and perhaps, today, that will be you. ❤️)


🤯 This client’s outcomes blew my mind:

🎉 she landed a new job that not only met all of her criteria (💰 and hours), it’s meaningful work that lights up her heart

💰💰 she won the lottery TWICE (in one week!) and she said she knew it was just the beginning…

(and when I reached out to ask if I could share her story she told me she had won AGAIN!!! That’s 3x in 10 days 🤯 💰💰💰 🎉 )

and she shared a powerful story about being caught up in a scary situation
(crazy Chicago Uber driver practicing for Nascar 🚙)
and she started practicing one of the tips I had shared …
and everything shifted
(without a word from her the ride transformed from chaotic to comfortable)

simply knowing she has the power to change her own energy so easily and initiate positive change in those around her makes her feel calm ☺️

And all this came to pass during the 3 weeks of the Reiki Your Root Chakra personal healing journey (everything she experienced - a career upgrade, an influx of money, self reliance over fear, all align with a Root Chakra in balance) 🎉

it was only … 3 …. weeks! 🎉 ✨ ✨ ✨

We all say “time flies”
three weeks are going to zip past and you might not register much of a shift in your life… 🤷🏻‍♀️

OR, you could reach out to claim access to the program she just went through!

And experience what potential awaits in your life when YOUR Root Chakra is in balance, harmony and flow. Just drop a ❤️ or DM me

AND, if you want to energize more
🔥 passion
💃🏻 JOY, FUN and pleasure in your life

join the upcoming Reiki Your Sacral Chakra personal healing journey! 🧡

We start on July 1, details 👇

it’s going to be magical ✨

(needless to say, she signed up ☺️)


👉 The Special Offer is still open through tonight
for healing visibility fears that are an echo of persecution in a Past Life.

In HeartHealing™ training we nicknamed this the "Witch Wound" as that legacy came up over and over again for us. Healing this Liberates your Inner Healer energy to truly shine ✨

(and naturally it’s good for anyone who is hiding their Light ✨☺️)

It also heals a legacy of distrust that undermines female friendships. Now, more than ever we need to be there for one another.

The link is in the comments ☺️


🎉 Tonight I am hosting the closing celebration for the Reiki Your Root Chakra personal healing journey ❤️

Already I have received great feedback about how this daily practice has been so helpful!

Because it’s Experiential ✨

(which is sooooooo different than reading about or hearing about the chakras)

It’s all about bringing YOUR Chakra into harmony, balance and flow. ❤️

Energy is fuel, and when it’s blocked, life feels like a struggle. 🙃

Reiki paired with a Chakra is the perfect "reset" ✨

Our next journey through the Sacral Chakra begins July 1 🧡

🔥 passion
🔥 creativity
🔥 intimacy
🔥 releasing shame
🔥 reclaiming the divine feminine energy of attraction and receiving

So much potential for profound transformation 🔥

This is open to Reiki practitioners of any level ✨ Details in comments 🧡


By the light of this summer Full Moon
I thought I would offer a flash sale ✨

for anyone for whom the phrase “Witch Wound” resonates

(You know what I mean… and you feel how the tightness this triggers inside of you is holding you back)

This is also in celebration of completing my advanced hypnosis training in Past Life healing. 🌟

(I have been offering spectacular Past Life focused healing sessions for years, and this training has taken it to a whole new level! ✨ ✨)

Healing this old fear clears your path to true authenticity, and the full expression of your potential in this life.

Details for this limited time special offer are in the comments ☺️


All day yesterday I taught simple routines that the students can easily do daily to nurture their inner spark of the divine 🔥
and show up powerfully in life as a healing presence 😇

Someone living in Peace 🕊️
and on Purpose ✨

It was a long drive home but after a brief burst of rain showers
I drove for a long beautiful time straight into a rainbow 🌈

felt fitting ☺️


Love this sooooo much! 😊❤️✨


❤️ Love this!! 👇

My fellow HeartHealer, Ishbel Benzie shared this and it captures perfectly the successful outcomes that healing your heart offers. ❤️

Read this list, and if you think: “I Want This” ❤️ reach out to start the healing that makes all the difference 😊

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On this beautiful summer afternoon I had the wisdom to sit out on the back deck reading a book I had been waiting for: “...
Love this sooooo much! 😊❤️✨
Hello Mexico!Thx for the upgrade American! ✈️(manifested that ✨❤️)
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