www.KKAyurveda.com Ayurveda ("science of life" in Sanskrit) is 5,000-year-old folk medicine from India. Ayurveda is a path to balance.

In ayurveda, each of us is a unique combination of the five elements (ether, air, fire, water and earth). At conception, this combination was set for each of us and represents our own unique state of balance or perfect health. Through corrections in diet and lifestyle, herbs, yoga, breathing, meditation and spiritual practices, ayurvedic practitioners work to bring a client into that state of bala

Mantra Yoga and Shakti Bija Mantras 02/29/2024

Mantra Yoga and Shakti Bija Mantras SECRETS OF MANTRA YOGA PROGRAM · MAY 22-24 Besides the mantric power of letters of the Sanskrit alphabet, there is another series of powerful bija or single-syllable mantras, which consist of several…


Serpents or pervade Hindu and Yogic symbolism.

has the serpent Vasuki around his neck. He is the Lord of all the Serpents, .
reclines on the serpent during the cosmic pralaya, which sustains forms the foundation of all existence.
, author of Yoga Sutras, is portrayed as a serpent.
Shakti or Serpent power, the transformative yogic power that opens the chakras and unfolds the highest Consciousness.

In Vedic astrology there are earthly, atmospheric and heavenly serpents that rule over certain stars or Nakshatras.
Yet generally serpents are connected to the atmospheric realm as various types of lightning (vidyut) and electro-magnetic forces.
In modern physics the universe is said to consist of various wormholes in which different cosmic energy currents run.
The entire universe extending to our own bodies consist of interrelated channel systems through which energy and prana flows, which energy can be seen symbolically as serpents.

There are negative serpent powers as well and even the higher serpent energies have their dangers and are difficult to master, but Shiva Nageshwara as the Lord of the Nagas helps us master all the forces of the universe, however subtle, transformative or transcendent.


Take a few minutes today for a mantra practice with Ram Dass:

☀️ Aditya Hridayam Punyam Sarva Shatru Vinashanam ☀️

"Loosely translated, it means, ‘As for the being who keeps the sun in the heart, all evil vanishes for life.’ That is, when you remember the Atman, the Buddha, the place in your heart, the being, the inner guru, the light that comes from your own heart, then you no longer live with that which takes people from God, because all you see is God and that which brings you to it. When you do this mantra sometimes, you sit in front of the sun, and you let the sun come into your heart until the warmth in your heart becomes like a thousand suns and the light pours out from you."

- Ram Dass

This Kind of Walk Is Much More Than a Workout. 06/02/2023

the awe walk. therapy for the senses:
Heading outside hoping to be awed can seem daunting, but try not to put too much pressure on yourself, Dr. Keltner said. Instead, he said, just be open.

Take in the sights, sounds and scents that usually escape your awareness but have the potential to raise goose bumps. When something catches your attention, “stop and pause and feel,” Dr. Keltner said.

Sense the wind on your face. Touch the petals of a flower. Tune into the sounds of what Rachel Carson, the American marine biologist and author of “Silent Spring,” once called the “living music” of “insect orchestras.”

Dr. Keltner often gives his students an assignment: to simply notice the sky. His students examine the colors, clouds and how the vista can change in an instant. “They’re blown away,” he said. “They’ll say, ‘I haven’t looked at the sky in years.’”

This Kind of Walk Is Much More Than a Workout. Incorporating awe into your daily stroll can bring mental and physical benefits. Here’s how to get started.


We ❤️ reading about how yoga helps promote better health. does an excellent job of explaining 3️⃣ types of yogic breathing and allows you to test your breath before and after to see the results for yourself!


The Power of Breath Work 03/04/2023


The Power of Breath Work Breathing correctly is a skill — and learning to control it can improve your health, mood and well-being. Here are a few simple exercises to help you get started.

Happy Shivratri from Vasant Lad and The Ayurvedic Institute! 02/17/2023

Happy Shivratri from Vasant Lad and The Ayurvedic Institute! Happy Shivratri dear friends! On February 18, 2023, we celebrate Shivratri is an auspicious Vedic holiday in which we celebrate the life of Shiva: The God of...

How Breathing Can Benefit Your Brain | Andrew Weil, M.D. 01/26/2023

New research from Ireland suggests that practicing breathing exercises during meditation affects levels of the brain chemical noradrenaline, which can help the brain build new connections.

How Breathing Can Benefit Your Brain | Andrew Weil, M.D. By practicing breathing exercises during meditation we may be able to affect levels of the brain chemical noradrenaline, which can help the brain build new connections.


Shiva is Pashupati, the lord of the animals (symbolically the lord of what is seen). Ganesha is the foremost of the animals, the elephant.
Yet Ganesha as the child of Shiva and Parvati is present in all nature, all living beings, including the plants and the rocks.
Ganesha of the plants holds the power (Shakti) of all healing plants, and also their wisdom (Shiva). He manifests in the leaves but also in the roots, branches and fruit. He has a special force to heal and energize the the nervous system and the mind.
Learn to see this secret Ganesha of the plants in the entire plant kingdom. It will connect you to the highest Prana of Ayurveda, and allow you to share the Shiva/Shakti, Purusha/Prakriti healing energy of Ganesha with all!
OM! Sri Ganeshaya Namah!


FULL MOON Jan 6, 2023 6:08pm eastern time in sidereal Gemini: PUNARVASU: Venture out and Remember to Return “Home”

The first Full Moon of 2023 is in Punarvasu, an uplifting degree of Gemini whose name means “restoration” or “good again” in Sanskrit. It’s a healing sign that offers rejuvenation and encourages us to revisit or repurpose old plans or methods. When we look deeper into this Moon, we see it’s in the “1st pada” of Punarvasu, which is ruled by action-loving Mars. The 3 planetary rulers of this Full Moon (Mercury, Jupiter and Mars) create an energetic that encourages us to not only to discuss our ideas (most likely from the past), but to (re)organize them on paper, figure out the collaborative process, and make plans and set dates to get it done.

Punarvasu’s symbol is the arrow and the quiver, showing us the importance of “journeying” out into the world (on all levels), and making our mark. The symbolism of the quiver reminds us to “return home” – that we are meant to bring our insights and gains back to share or reuse in a new way. This is an important aspect of Punarvasu, who is ruled by the “professor planets” Jupiter and Mercury and so leans into spiritual and intellectual thought… but can easily overthink, over-analyze and over-intellectualize experiences. Be aware of the potential to spin out a bit this next lunar cycle; remember to return home.

This is where Aditi, the deity ruling over Punarvasu, comes in to offer support. She is the Mother of the Gods and Kings, and is connected to rebirth, nurturing and abundance. She is also directly connected to the very special 1 hour and 36 minutes before sunrise called the “Brahma Muhurta” hours, or the Creator’s Hours. The classic Vedic texts state that meditating during this golden pre-dawn time is especially powerful as it can help us access and undo some of our earliest traumas. (*see article below)

Being uninhibited by the past is part of the gifts of this Full Moon – but we have to make the plan and put in the effort. We still have Mars retrograde until Jan 12 and Mercury retrograde until Jan 18. Utilizing these retrogrades to regroup and refocus is in alignment with this Full Moon energy.

With the support of these planets going direct soon, the upcoming New Moon energy of Uttara Ashadha (the King of Productivity), and finally *Saturn shifting back into sidereal Aquarius on Jan 17, taking solid, productive action steps forward will feel much easier.

*Saturn forecast:


*article by my mentor on the Brahma Muhurta hours:



May your light be unshakable 🔥
In moments of doubt, grief and loss.

The Achala Agni Mudra - the hand gesture of unshakable fire/strength/luminosity.

Hand gestures communicate our state of mind. They are not random movements. Infact, when we study them in detail we may become more mindful of our own psyche, emotional state and subconscious.

Also, when practiced with awareness of what, when and why they have the power to create shift in prana, tejas and ojas states of breath, mind and body respectively.

Practice Achala- Agni Mudra whenever you feel shaky, stirred, disturbed.

Holiday Season is not a time for fun, family gatherings and gifts for everyone. For some it could trigger grief, loss of loved one and perhaps a sense of lack.

Let us be mindful and let us be clear that happiness is not the only emotion that exists around this time.

Be tender
Be kind
Be mindful!

3 Ways to study Mudras:

1) Mudra Training (50 Hrs, 50 CEU’s), starting Jan 6, 2023. held online via zoom, Link in Bio

2) Read book Mudra The Sacred Secret. Link in Bio

3) Read blog posts on Mudras in the library section of website (yogsadhna.com)

Take Three Conscious Breaths 12/14/2022

Take Three Conscious Breaths Pema Chödrön teaches us a simple technique we can use anytime we need a break from our habitual patterns.

What is Ta**ra?: 5 Minutes with Dr. Robert 12/02/2022

What is Ta**ra?: 5 Minutes with Dr. Robert In this episode, Dr. Robert delves into the concept of ta**ra. If you'd like to study with Dr. Svoboda, go to http://drsvoboda.teachable.comDr. Robert Svobo...

Daily meditation may work as well as a popular drug to calm anxiety, study finds 11/12/2022

Daily meditation may work as well as a popular drug to calm anxiety, study finds Researchers compared a practice of daily mindfulness meditation to taking Lexapro to control anxiety symptoms. The meditators got equivalent relief, without the side effects.

From Darkness To Light: An Ancient Vedic Prayer To Illumine Our Lives! | American Institute of Vedic Studies 10/24/2022

From Darkness To Light: An Ancient Vedic Prayer To Illumine Our Lives! | American Institute of Vedic Studies The following article by Dr David Frawley was first published by Swarajya. Deepavali as a festival of lights is connected to the most ancient symbolism of India, the movement from darkness to light as the essence of our lives. In this regard, there is a famous Vedic prayer: Asato ma sad gamaya ...


Om shankham chakram jalaukam |
Dadhad amruta ghatam charu dorbhi chaturbhih ||
Sukshma svacch ati hridyam sukha pari vilasanam |
Maulim ambhoja netram ||
Kalam bhodojo valangam kati tata vilasan |
Charu pitam baradhyam||
Vande dhanvantarim tam nikhila gada vanam |
Praudha davagni neelam ||

Daily 'breath training' can work as well as medicine to reduce high blood pressure 09/20/2022

good old diaphragmatic breathing!

Daily 'breath training' can work as well as medicine to reduce high blood pressure Research finds five to 10 minutes daily of a type of strength training for muscles used in breathing can help anyone reduce or prevent high blood pressure. The training can also help elite athletes.

Practical Mantra: Online Gathering with David Newman 08/15/2022

this sounds cool.

Practical Mantra: Online Gathering with David Newman Practical Mantra with David Newman Practical Mantra: Online Gathering is an immersive online course with David Newman, who has composed and recorded numerous acclaimed albums, including the #1 iTunes World Music bestseller Love is Awake, and is the author of the #1 Amazon Bestseller The Timebound Tr...

Timeline photos 08/04/2022

from a dear teacher, Dr. Claudia Welch

This is the first of a few posts regarding self-effort that we plan to post over the next couple weeks. Specifically in relation to the feelings of hopelessness or depression that might arise as we face the world and ourselves.

It seems such feelings are not confined to the weak-hearted.

As a teen, Lord was disheartened at the state of the world.

Ṛṣi Vasiṣṭha counseled him on how to face, understand and navigate it.

Early in his (very lengthy) counsel, he talked about the value of self-effort: "There is no power greater than right action in the present…One should free oneself from likes and dislikes and engage oneself in righteous self-effort and reach the supreme truth, knowing that self-effort alone is another name for divine will. We only ridicule the fatalist. That alone is self-effort which springs from right understanding which manifests in one’s heart which has been exposed to the teachings of the scriptures and the conduct of the holy ones.” ṛṣi Vasiṣṭha in Yoga Vasiṣṭha II: 4-6
This is one of my favorite quotes from the part of the Yoga Vasiṣṭha I’ve read. When I sit around bemoaning my pathetic and seemingly fruitless efforts at something (activism, spiritual practices, etc., etc., etc.), and asking for Grace, it reminds me that self-effort is itself Grace. And that renews my spirits and refreshes my commitment. That quote plus the counsel in the Bhagavad Gita to perform actions without attachment to outcome, together remind me that it is my job to put myself in the way of lofty ideals and strive for right understanding and right action without attachment to outcome.

I'm looking forward to exploring ideas like this over time, with the growing community in the membership-based Threads live, online course coming October 5, which you can now register for in the .

Photos from Environmental Working Group's post 07/26/2022

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

These 3 repetitions of mantra "shanti" are uttered mostly at the end of a mantra, ritualistic ceremony, yoga class, fire ceremony etc. Have you ever wondered why one is not enough and why 3 times and not less or more?

There are many reasons why Shanti is repeated 3 times. Here is one of them that comes to my mind (8 more in my blog, check the stories)

Peace in three levels of suffering

According to the vedic texts, there are 3 types of suffering that a being experiences throughout the life span.

☮️Adhi-daivika- The suffering caused by natural forces, acts of God, need divine interpretations or as a result of karmic resolution. For example all kinds of floods, tornadoes, earth quakes, avalanches, drought come under this category. Let there be peace so that there is no Adhi-daivika sufferings. May the Gods and Mother nature be appeased with our gratitude, thankfulness and may it brings forth peace and only peace.

☮️ Adhi-bhautika- The suffering caused by Bhutas. Any other being is called a “bhuta”. When the harm, injury, disease is caused by any other being that pervade the earth space. For example suffering caused by another human being/ an organization, war fare, conflicts between people, an animal, insect, bacteria, virus. Let there be peace so that there are no Adhi-bhautika sufferings. May other beings be not the cause of pain, suffering, harm or injury to anyone.

☮️ Adhya-atmika - The suffering causes by ignorance, lack of knowledge and lack of harmony at the physical, mental, emotional level. The diseases of the body, breath and mind come in this category. May there be peace in the body, breath and mind.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
Yes Peace Peace Peace

Early bird on “Essential Ayurveda for Yoga Practitioners” Training ends July 4th. Register Now. Link: https://www.yogsadhna.com/upcoming/details/essential_ayurveda_for_yoga_practitioners_2022


hot, humid weather is my least favorite kind of weather so i’ll be drinking a mixture of these for a few days. in coconut and pomegranate are substances (so are grapes, cherries, cucumbers, cilantro, avocado, and a number of others, y’know like ice cream).

A Beginner's Guide To Ayurveda 06/07/2022

from forbes! not exactly where i imagined seeing an intro to ayurveda article. cool.

A Beginner's Guide To Ayurveda A Beginner's Guide To Ayurveda

Rose with Lime & Hibiscus Tea 05/30/2022

ayurvedically “sound” for summer cooling: rose, lime, hibiscus. 😉
just ordered!


Rose with Lime & Hibiscus Tea Light and bright, this Middle Eastern-inspired Rose with Lime, Cardamom and Hibiscus Tea will transport you to a refreshing oasis. Perfect for poolside sipping or swapping out that rosé on a summer night, this caffeine-free blend will keep you flowing from sunrise to sunset. Caffeine-free 12 Cans p...

Spiritual Fitness Boosts Brain Health 05/29/2022

Meditation and religious and spiritual practices, or your spiritual fitness, could mitigate the effects of chronic stress on cognition, reverse memory loss, potentially reduce other factors that contribute to the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, according to a new study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.


Spiritual Fitness Boosts Brain Health New science shows that meditation, prayer, and religious or spiritual ritual can help create the conditions to stave off Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia.

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