National Anti-Vivisection Society

NAVS funds non-animal research, advocates for animal-friendly laws, and promotes humane education.

Replacing Dissection | National Anti-Vivisection Society 08/15/2024

Shape the Future of Science Education with NAVS

Join us in revolutionizing the way science is taught. Our education programs promote and provide innovative, humane alternatives to traditional dissection, making science education more compassionate and effective. Click through to learn more about our resources, classroom grants, and how you can be a part of this transformative movement.

Learn More About Our Education Programs:

Replacing Dissection | National Anti-Vivisection Society NAVS is working with educators and educational experts to make humane education the norm in our nation's biology classrooms.

NAVS' BioLEAP Program 08/14/2024

Empower Students with Compassionate Science Education

It’s time to embrace a new way of learning! NAVS’ BioLEAP program is leading the charge in helping educators acquire non-animal dissection tools that are not only humane but also effective teaching models. Watch this short video to learn more about our classroom grants and 3Rs curriculum. Together, we can create a future where science education respects all living beings.

NAVS' BioLEAP Program NAVS’ BioLEAP program is leading the charge in helping educators acquire non-animal dissection tools that are not only humane but also effective teaching mod...

ISEF 2024 - Rohan Bhosale 08/08/2024

Spotlight on Innovation: Meet ISEF Winner Rohan Prakash Bhosale

Meet Rohan Prakash Bhosale, one of our 2024 ISEF award winners from Carmel High School in Carmel, IN. Rohan’s award-winning project studies the interactions between medicines and supplements used to treat COVID and Long COVID, using multiple non-animal approaches. Watch the short video to learn more about his innovative research and the impact of humane science.

ISEF 2024 - Rohan Bhosale Learn more about NAVS Humane Science Award Winner Rohan Prakash Bhosale’s project! Rohan identified natural molecules to help with long COVID and post-COVID ...


Transforming Science Education: Join Us in Saving Lives

Join NAVS in revolutionizing science education by supporting our transformative education programs. Your donation helps provide teachers with innovative, humane alternatives to traditional dissection, inspiring the next generation of compassionate scientists. Together, we can create a future where education and compassion go hand in hand. Click the link to learn more and donate today. Your support makes a difference!

Donate to Support Humane Science Education:


Discover NAVS: Champions for Humane Science

At NAVS, we’re dedicated to ending the exploitation of animals in science through innovative research, legislative advocacy, and public education. Join us in our mission to replace outdated animal testing with humane, effective alternatives. Together, we can create a future where science and compassion coexist. Learn more at


A Second Chance at Life

Our Animal Sanctuary Assistance Program provides crucial support to sanctuaries that care for animals retired from research. Your donations help fund medical care, enrichment, and safe, loving homes for these animals. Make a difference today by supporting NAVS and giving these animals a brighter future. Visit


Leading the Way in Humane Science

NAVS funds groundbreaking research that proves humane alternatives to animal testing are not only possible but more effective. By supporting scientists who pioneer these methods, we move closer to a future free from animal suffering. Join us in advancing humane science. Learn more at


Advocating for Change

NAVS works tirelessly to influence legislation that protects animals from unnecessary suffering in laboratories. From local initiatives to national campaigns, our advocacy efforts aim to create lasting change. Stand with us and be a voice for the voiceless. Find out how you can help at


Together, We Make a Difference

At NAVS, we believe in the power of community. Our supporters are vital to our mission to end animal experimentation. Through your donations, advocacy, and outreach, we can achieve lasting change. Thank you for being a part of our compassionate community. Continue to support our work at


NAVS at TAFA 2024: Making a Difference Together

We are proud to be on the ground at the "Take Action for Animals" (TAFA) conference in Washington, D.C., sponsoring and engaging with passionate advocates and organizations. This event is a vital opportunity to support key legislation, share best practices, and raise awareness about the plight of animals in laboratories.

Visit our booth to learn more about how NAVS is fighting for a cruelty-free future and discover ways you can take action. Together, we can make a significant impact on the lives of animals and promote a more compassionate world.

Thank you for your continued support!


Empowering the Next Generation

Our Humane Education program equips students and educators with the knowledge and tools to adopt non-animal research methods. Through initiatives like the NAVS Humane Science Awards and BioLEAP, we inspire future scientists to embrace ethical practices. Support our efforts to foster a new era of humane science. Visit


A Safe Haven for Monkeys at Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary

Thanks to the NAVS Animal Sanctuary Assistance Program (ASAP) and your generous support, we were able to assist Jungle Friends with a grant to cover veterinary services, medical supplies and medication, and food costs for their residents.

Thank you for being a part of our mission to create a compassionate world for all animals! Your support makes a world of difference to sanctuaries like Jungle Friends, ensuring we can continue assisting them in providing the best care possible for animals in need.


Exciting News! NAVS at TAFA 2024

We're thrilled to announce that NAVS will be sponsoring and attending the "Take Action for Animals" (TAFA) conference from July 19-22 in Washington, D.C. This annual event gathers volunteers, advocates, and animal welfare organizations from across the country to improve the lives of animals and people alike.

TAFA is closely aligned with NAVS' mission to end animal experimentation and promote humane alternatives. We will be there to engage with fellow activists, support key legislation like the Better CARE for Animals Act, and demonstrate the importance of our work in the field of animal welfare.

Join us in our mission to create a better world for animals!


A New Dawn for the Sunrise Seven

When the Wildlife Waystation in California abruptly closed in 2019, Save the Chimps welcomed seven chimpanzees, now known as the Sunrise Seven, into their sanctuary. We're thrilled to report that they’re all doing well and enjoying their new lives at Save the Chimps.

Your generous support made this success possible! Through the NAVS Animal Sanctuary Assistance Program (ASAP), we were able to provide essential grants to help with the ongoing care of the Sunrise Seven. This funding helped cover their general needs, medical expenses, food, and enrichment, ensuring they thrive in their new home.

Thank you for being a hero for animals in need!


A New Beginning for Premarin Horses

Recently, Lockwood Animal Rescue Center (LARC), in California, reached out to NAVS in support of their horses rescued from the pharmaceutical industry's production of Premarin (Pregnant Mare Urine).

Thanks to your unwavering support, the NAVS Animal Sanctuary Assistance Program (ASAP) was able to provide a generous grant to assist LARC. This funding will help cover the medical care for the horses and purchase essential supplies such as hay, oats, and probiotics. Your contributions ensure that LARC can continue to provide these horses with the safety and comfort of a forever home.

This heartening story of rescue and recovery is another example of the vital work we do to support animals in need. Together, we’re making a difference in the lives of animals! Donate today to help us ensure animals are treated with compassion and respect.


A Lifetime of Care for Chimpanzees

When the Wildlife Waystation in California closed abruptly in 2019, Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest stepped in to offer a new home for the displaced chimpanzees. Thanks to your generous support, the NAVS Animal Sanctuary Assistance Program (ASAP) was able to issue a substantial grant to Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest. This funding helped ensure the ongoing, lifetime care of these chimpanzees, providing them with the nurturing and enriching environment they deserve.

Your support makes our assistance possible, helping ensure lifelong care and a second chance at life for animals who have endured so much. Join us in making a difference! Donate today and help us continue supporting sanctuaries providing compassionate futures for animals in need.


Helping Beagles Find Forever Homes with One Tail at a Time

Recently, One Tail at a Time—a Chicago rescue group dedicated to saving animals from overcrowded shelters—took in fifteen beagles released from a local medical research laboratory. Thanks to the NAVS Animal Sanctuary Assistance Program (ASAP) and your generous support, we were able to assist with the costs of initial medical care for these beagles, including spay/neuter procedures, vaccines, prevention medicine, and microchips.

This is yet another success story made possible through the compassionate generosity of our supporters. Together, we’re creating a better, humane world for all animals! Support our vital work with a donation today.


Supporting Primarily Primates: A Sanctuary for Rescued Chimpanzees

We’re thrilled to report that the chimpanzees Primarily Primates took in, after the closure of the Wildlife Waystation in California, are flourishing in their new home!

Thanks to your generous support, NAVS was able to issue a grant to help with the ongoing care of these chimpanzees. Please continue to support our efforts to provide sanctuary and essential care for animals in need by making a tax-deductible donation today. Together, we’re making a real impact!


Sanctuary for Former Research Chimps

Thank you for helping ensure NAVS was able to aid Chimp Haven (CH) in their critical work of rescue and recovery! This year, NAVS issued grants to help with the ongoing care of the chimpanzees that CH took in when the Wildlife Waystation abruptly closed in 2019 and the procurement of a high-capacity ice machine to keep the chimps hydrated and cool in the Louisiana heat. Ice is one of the chimps' favorite treats, and thanks to you, they now have all the ice they’ve been dreaming of!

Remember, your donation makes a real impact! Support our efforts to provide sanctuary and essential care for animals in need by making a donation today.


Making a Difference for Animals in Need

Grit & Grace Wildlife Rehabilitation, Inc. in Central Northern Kentucky recently faced an urgent challenge. During a flash flood, a 4-month-old cow named Betty was swept away and found two weeks later with a severe injury. Betty needed immediate care and a prosthetic to support her growth.

Thanks to your generous support, the NAVS Animal Sanctuary Assistance Program (ASAP) was able to step in and cover the medical costs for Betty's rehabilitation. Your donations helped Betty get the specialized care she needed to heal and thrive.

This heartwarming story of rescue and recovery is just one example of the vital work we do to support animals in need. Join us in making a difference! Together, we can create a world where animals are treated with compassion and respect.


Supporting Sanctuaries, Saving Lives

When the Wildlife Waystation in California closed abruptly in 2019, the Center for Great Apes in Florida stepped up to provide a safe haven for the displaced chimpanzees. Thanks to the NAVS Animal Sanctuary Assistance Program (ASAP) and your generous support, we were able to issue a substantial grant to help the Center for Great Apes continue their vital work.

This grant ensures that these chimpanzees receive the care, attention, and enriching environment they deserve. Your support makes these stories of rescue and recovery possible. **Join us in making a difference!** Together, we can create a compassionate future for all animals.


Together, We can Revolutionizing Research!

Did you know that humane alternatives like in vitro methods and computational models are not only more ethical but also save time and reduce costs? These innovative techniques can screen thousands of compounds quickly, accelerating drug discovery far beyond traditional animal testing methods.

At NAVS, we’re proud to support young scientists who are at the forefront of developing these transformative approaches. By funding their groundbreaking work, we’re helping to shape a future where science is both humane and efficient.

Join us in our mission to advance humane science! Your support can make a significant difference in fostering innovations that respect animal welfare and enhance research. Together, let’s change the landscape of scientific discovery. Support our mission today!


NAVS is at the forefront of promoting humane alternatives in scientific research. Our funding programs empower researchers to develop new methods that honor ethical considerations and uphold scientific rigor. By supporting these innovations, we're proving that research can be conducted effectively and ethically—reducing harm to animals while enhancing outcomes for humans. Our commitment is helping to transform the landscape of scientific research for the better. Support our work today with a Like and a Share. Together, we can make a difference for animals.


Humane alternatives to animal testing are transforming research, providing more accurate, cost-effective, and publicly accepted methods for advancing our understanding of biology, disease, and medicine. It’s not just about ethics—it’s about better science. Join us in supporting innovative approaches that protect animal welfare and enhance scientific inquiry.


Advancing Science Humanely

At NAVS, we're committed to supporting the development and application of humane alternatives. Through our funding programs, we've enabled researchers to pioneer new methodologies that respect both ethical considerations and scientific rigor. Our work is helping to shift the paradigm, demonstrating that it is not only possible but also advantageous to conduct research in a way that minimizes harm to animals while maximizing benefits to humans.

By recognizing that humane alternatives are better science, we can push the boundaries of human knowledge in a way that is both ethical and effective. This is a win-win for animals, humans, and the future of scientific discovery.

So the next time you find yourself caught in a debate about the merits of animal testing, remember: choosing humane alternatives is not just an ethical choice—it's a scientifically sound one too.


NAVS is dedicated to making a difference for animals like Betty, a 4-month-old cow rescued by Grit & Grace Wildlife Rehabilitation (G&G) in Central Northern Kentucky. Swept away during a flash flood, Betty was found with severe injuries, needing urgent care and a prosthetic leg to support her as she grows. Thanks to swift action supported by our Animal Sanctuary Assistance Program (ASAP) and your generous donations, G&G were able to cover the medical expenses necessary for her rehabilitation.

Betty’s recovery is just one of the many success stories made possible by the NAVS ASAP, which provides critical support to sanctuaries and rescue organizations caring for animals in need. Your contributions facilitate this vital work, offering a new lease on life to animals like Betty.

To support our ongoing efforts and discover more about our ASAP success stories, visit our website. Your support makes a real difference in the lives of animals across the country.


Animals Can’t Wait—Neither Should We

Every day that passes is another day of unnecessary suffering for animals in labs. Together, we have the power to end this. Your support enables NAVS to advocate for humane alternatives, educate researchers, and push for legislative changes. Act now! Donate and help us end animal testing once and for all.


Join NAVS at the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair 05/16/2024

We're excited to once again be participating in the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), where the brightest young minds gather to showcase their innovations.
ISEF is the world's largest pre-college science competition, and a fantastic opportunity for us to engage with the next generation of scientists and advocate for humane, non-animal research methods. NAVS will be there promoting ethical science and encouraging students to consider alternatives to animal testing in their future endeavors.

Follow the link below to learn more about ISEF, our role at the event, and how you can support our efforts to advance humane science. Together, we can inspire, change, and foster a more compassionate scientific community.

Join NAVS at the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair We are participating in the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), the world’s largest international pre-college science competition.


Success Spotlight: Dr. Woojung Shin

Thanks to funding from NAVS supporters, researchers like Dr. Woojung Shin are making significant advances in non-animal research methods.

“I am committed to continuing my research journey, firmly believing that it is imperative to train the next generation of scientists and engineers to recognize that animal use in biomedical research is not a ‘must.’ Instead, we must explore ways to reduce, replace, and refine animal experiments, as I was educated during my PhD.” ~ Dr. Woojung Shin

Your donations help brilliant minds develop safer, more effective techniques that don't rely on animal testing. Join us in supporting innovative science—donate today!

Donate Now:


Empowering the Next Generation of Scientists

At NAVS, we're not just talking about change; we're making it happen. By educating young scientists about humane alternatives to animal testing, we're shaping a future where ethical science is the norm. Your support helps us expand these vital programs. Donate today to invest in a kinder, smarter science.


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Videos (show all)

FDA Modernization Act
Arthur Liang - ISEF 2022
IFER 2021-2022 Recipient Projects
Chimps Sanctuary Act
Audrey Francis - Holiday
BioLEAP Classroom Grant
Orla Dunne
New Years 2020
Primates Inc.
Medical Testing on Animals


444 N. Wells Street , Suite 406
Chicago, IL

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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