Sarah Nemecek Coaching

Coach for accounting & finance pros | Stress less, enjoy your work, have a life, & grow your firm

‎The Fulfilled Accountant: 118. Set Yourself Up for a Year of Success (Ditch the Resolutions) on Apple Podcasts 01/03/2024

If you're like me and find this time of resolutions and planning big for the new year kind of annoying or uncomfortable, and yet don't want to miss out on the changes and possibilities that might just be possible for you this year, listen to this week's episode of The Fulfilled Accountant podcast.

Find out how you can set intentions, goals, resolutions, or whatever you want to call them without feeling disgusted by last year and quitting before you start or going so big that you're terrified to take any action even though you love the idea of the goal.

I'm sharing why I don't play the New Year's resolutions game and what I do instead.

It involves feeling good about yourself, having fun, and actually achieving the things you want each year. Even when your brain tells you that you're failing, you sucked last year, or you don't deserve more because whatever flaw you're focused on.

Listen here:

‎The Fulfilled Accountant: 118. Set Yourself Up for a Year of Success (Ditch the Resolutions) on Apple Podcasts ‎Show The Fulfilled Accountant, Ep 118. Set Yourself Up for a Year of Success (Ditch the Resolutions) - Jan 2, 2024


Most of us don't sit around wishing we had a better relationship with our business.

But if you're feeling jaded, tired, annoyed, overworked, out-of-control, pressured, or like you're just not living up to your potential, this might actually be the underlying thing bothering you.

It's time to check-in with your priorities, values and motivations.

Why are you doing this work?
What are your goals?
Does your process make sense?
Do you like your reasons?
Are you being the person you want to be and doing the things you like most days?

To paraphrase my client Laura, you can make all the money, have all the growth, hit all your targets, and still feel terrible when you get there if you ignore who you are and how you feel in the process.

If you find you don't like where you are, let me help you make the changes you need to get the life and business you actually want.

I work with you and your business right where you are to create a custom blend of strategy and the mindset to see it through, even when you doubt yourself or don't feel like it's possible for you.

Message me to schedule your strategic assessment today.


Do you dread starting each day because of that never ending list of things to do?

(Or are you that overly optimistic person who looks forward to the first hour or two of each day with big plans for productivity, and then crash through all of the following steps?)

Likely you sit down at your desk each morning, open up your email and proceed to figure out what you're going to work on that day.

Meanwhile you have a long list of things to do that aren't specifically in those emails.

Things that have been piling up for weeks.

And then there's things that are spinning around in your mind that you hope you don't forget.

Oh, and there's the people who message, text, call, or walk up to your desk and ask you for things, too.

I'm not saying to ignore all of these inputs. They're part of your job.

But, I am saying if you feel overwhelmed and out of control, the way to change that is to make a plan in advance, before you get bogged down and overwhelmed in the moment.

Make a plan before other people's emergencies enter your day.

Make a plan while you're thinking big picture, and your brain is in a calm, logical state.

This is a key difference between people who get lots done and move forward in their business and those who stay in one place longer than they want.

The hard part is trusting yourself to not only make these choices, but to stick with them when it's time to follow-through.

I can show you how to do that and make it feel normal.

So you aren't feeling like you're letting people down or being selfish by taking control of your schedule.


Do you have a reliable process for making decisions?

It sounds so logical and simple, but most of us are flying blind and hoping for the best when we make decisions.

You probably think your process is great, especially if it is slow and deliberate.

In this episode, I'm challenging what you think you know about good decision making, and proposing a simpler, more effective approach to decisions.

One that will help you make decisions more quickly and simply so you can spend more time actually doing things and making progress instead of pondering ideas and hoping you get it right.

Listen here:


Do you ever find yourself judging your clients?

Obviously you are helping them and you're an expert in all the money things.

But, you inevitably have some judging thoughts about some of the choices they've made or continue to make and the things they do or don't do that make no sense to you.

A lot of my clients are ashamed or embarrassed when they tell me they feel judgy about their clients.

In fact, it often impacts their ability to do their best work for their clients because it keeps them from speaking plainly, makes them avoid hard conversations, and they tend to feel awkward working with their clients and offering the advice, guidance or recommendations they believe may best serve their clients.

Especially when those clients are friends or acquaintances outside of work.

If your judgments of your clients and/or friends is getting in the way of your work, they don't have to.

The first thing you can do is let it be normal. Of course you have judgments. It's a mental shortcut our brains use to make sense of all the information we take in.

The second thing you can do is learn to understand it. What you do with the judgments is where things either go weird and uncomfortable or useful and calm.

If you keep judging yourself for judging your clients, you're going to stay uncomfortable and be less effective.

But if you can work through that judgment and understand it, you can actually grow and serve your clients even better.

That growth is the third step. Nothing happens without a purpose.

Your judgments can actually help you be an even better financial planner or accountant. You're welcome.

Not sure how to actually do that for yourself? I can help you with that part. Message me to schedule a call and let's talk about it in detail.


When you make all the decisions for your business, it's not always easy to see how influenced you are by other people's opinions and suggestions.

Or to go against what seems like the right or accepted approach.

Your brain is laden with what you've learned as the way business works or the standards for your industry.

To create success in YOUR business, you actually get to choose what you do, why you do it, how you do it, when you do it, and with whom you do it.

I love that I am helping Laura do that in her current business.

She's an industry leader who continually tests limits (her own and the standards "out there") and is proving that new things and different approaches are possible every day.


Do you work hard to avoid conflict at work?

Most people are so uncomfortable with almost any form of conflict, whether it's correcting errors your staff made, talking through a proposal, raising fees, solving for a budget overage, or delivering feedback to an employee you want to improve on something.

And yet, all of those things are very normal activities and part of doing business. Especially when you're the one running the show. You inevitably encounter all of those at some point as a leader.

The most successful leaders know to expect conflict, treat it as a normal part of life, and are able to stay calm and focused at they work through conflicts.

The alternative looks like procrastinating conflict related discussions, blaming other people when something goes wrong (instead of focusing on a solution), and avoiding situations, projects, or people that might make you feel uncomfortable.

If you currently hate conflict and work hard to avoid it at all costs, how do you change that so you can lead better?

You learn to understand your triggers, why you actually dislike conflict (what it means about you), and practice techniques to bring yourself back to calm.

There's some helpful communication tricks that can help, too.

Most importantly though, you learn to normalize and operate with conflict.

Because the more successful you are and the more responsibility and leadership you take on, the more problems and conflict people will bring to you.

Working with conflict is a skill you need to succeed in your firm.

(Added bonus? Life outside work gets easier, too. This stuff works in your marriage, with your kids, and with your extended family.)

Want to feel more confident and comfortable handling the conflict that will inevitably happen at work?

I can show you how to take the drama out of conflict and focus on the work that actually matters. Even when it feels super heated.

If that's something you want for yourself, message me and find out exactly how we can do that.


If you've ever wondered how exactly successful CEO's build their businesses, stay on task, and make their work look easy, check out this week's episode of The Fulfilled Accountant Podcast.

I invited my client, Laura Roeder, on to talk about business, entrepreneurship, mindset coaching, and using tools that make your business easier.

Laura is an experienced entrepreneur and the co-founder of the LKR Social Media course, MeetEdgar, and Marie Forleo's B-School.

In 2020, she also co-founded Paperbell, a tool designed to help coaches and consultants streamline various processes within their practice.

She grew each business by doing things her way and challenging conventional business advice and norms for how things should be done.

Our chat is packed with insight into how Laura approaches her businesses, and tips that you can apply in your own business, regardless of industry.

Listen now here:


As a financial person, I know you like to spend your time in the world of reality, the bottom line, and what’s realistic.

It makes sense, feels safe, and it’s what most of your job is about, right?

But, if you’re looking to grow your business or yourself (especially if you feel stagnant or stuck right now), I invite you into a few minutes of fantasy world.

Because when you remove barriers and spend a little time in the world of impossible fantasies, you tend to find what you actually want, but didn't know you wanted because you didn't think you could have it (or that it was even an option).

Take my client who was tired of her firm and wanting to start another business to keep her mind occupied (both to add interest and to distract her from frustrations with her firm).

She came to me with the goal of hitting a $5M revenue year (she did it once a couple years earlier during "favorable economic conditions”) while also removing herself from the firm a bit more.

She also wanted to double her profit margin.

She wasn't excited about these goals or about running her firm anymore.

Partly because she didn't think growth was possible, and partly because she didn't enjoy her management team.

After six months of working together she had reached $6M in revenue, more than doubled her profit margin, was expanding her firm into a new city, and had created a team she enjoyed and trusted.

She was excited about running her firm again. So much so that she dropped her side business and put her energy toward expanding her firm.

Added bonus? She had relieved so much stress about her firm that she lost the last 5 pounds she had been working on, quit drinking, and deepened her relationships with her family during that same period.

What do you want that you haven’t given yourself the chance to consider?

Message me if you want more but aren't sure where to start or how to actually take the actions you know you should be taking.


Recently I’ve been covering several aspects of setting goals, planning for the next year, and setting yourself up for the future you want.

However, even the most well thought out strategies and plans can fail if you don’t also look into your mindset as you create and execute your plan.

If you've ever been inspired by a great business strategy book or consultant but had your plan fall flat, you know what I'm talking about.

The thing is, you aren't inherently a failure or flop. Which means you can totally try again with completely different results.

Most likely you didn't have the mindset you needed to completely follow through on your desired strategy.

This week on the podcast, I'm diving into how to develop the mindset you need to execute any plan, including examples of what works and what doesn't.

Whatever you're hoping to do differently next year, you'll want to get your brain on board now. Listen now:


A super common fear I hear about getting coached is that you won't actually follow through on the coaching.

It's a valid fear. How many times have you wanted to do something, started something, and maybe even done the thing for awhile, only to quit a few days, weeks or months later?

I know I've done it several times. It's a very human thing to do.

And human brains (the primitive, instinctual part that has kept us alive for all this time) don't like change. Because it could mean death.

While logically this seems easy enough to work past, this really is the piece that trips us up.

What happens is usually one of 3 things.

1. You think it's too hard to make the change you want because the work involved is daunting. Either because it seems confusing or it's too much time spent feeling uncomfortable and you're not here it.

2. You don't believe the end result is actually available or possible for you. Maybe for other people who are older, younger, richer, poorer, more skilled.

3. You don't actually want the thing. You just think you should have it because it's normal for people in your industry or social circle. Or because it "looks good" on your resume.

Interestingly, it's not always easy to see that these things are running through your brain and working against you.

They show up as distractions, obstacles, facts of your circumstances, and all sorts of other things instead of just thoughts and beliefs that are optional.

I help you figure out exactly why you haven't followed through in the past, and more importantly, I set you up with the support you need to take the actions you want this time.

I help you find the motivation to stay in action and come back to it when you drift back into your old habits (the ones you are actively working to change).

Instead of just telling you what to do and then leaving you to your own willpower (which never works).

If you've been on the fence about working with me, this is your invitation to hop to the other side and get exactly what you need and want.

Because you can.

Message me to schedule your free assessment call and let's create a plan for you.


One of the many difficult parts of growing your financial service practice is figuring out how to hand clients off to new team members.

Unfortunately when you avoid this task, you, your clients, and your team suffer even more.

You stay overworked and pulled in too many directions to give great client service to everyone, and you certainly don't have time to work on your business at a higher level.

Your clients actually get worse service from you, even though you're amazing at what you do.

And, that team you hired to help grow your business? They sit around with nothing to do, they aren't increasing their skills and experience, and you resent them because they are not pulling their weight.

Luckily, there is a way to lighten your client load, help your team gain experience and increase their client load, and delight your clients throughout the process.

And you can do it without feeling guilty that you’re letting your clients down or pulling a bait and switch on them.

It’s a simple combination of specific communication points with both your clients and your team and shifting the way you think about the whole thing.

Your clients will end up even happier, and you won’t be losing sleep over your workload or the dread of having what you believe will be difficult, unpleasant conversations every day.

Want help learning to seamlessly hand off clients, build your team's competence, and have time to not only work on the bigger things as you build your business but also have time for fun and sleep?

I invite you to schedule a free assessment call with me. I’ll help you get clear on what’s not working currently, why what you’ve tried in the past didn’t work out, and what you can do differently next year. I help business owners do this every day, and I can’t wait to help you, too.

Message me to schedule today.


Business and life are built around relationships.

Whether you're building relationships at work or at home, start with who you want to be in that relationship.

How do you want to feel? How do you want to see yourself?

Consistently and genuinely being the person you desire to be can improve existing relationships and help you form new ones that you love.

We think improving relationships is about getting other people to do things or be things to make our lives easier.

But really, everything starts with you.

I get it, sometimes that feels great and powerful, and other times it can feel heavy. Either way, you always get to choose.

I invite you to be who/how you want today. Without needing someone else to react or behave any particular way.

See what changes for you.


Instead of going through the motions of work every day next year, only to end up in the same place again in December, with the same frustration and stress, how about setting goals a new way?

On this week's podcast, I'm talking about how to use specific metrics in setting goals for yourself and your firm so that you steer yourself to the success and fulfillment you actually want.

I'm sharing the type of detailed metrics that can completely change how you set and achieve your goals as well as specifically why this works compared with how you have likely approached goals in the past.

This has completely changed my relationship with goals (I used to avoid them) and I have seen my clients massively increase and improve what they accomplish in their businesses and lives with this tweak.

Have a listen at the link in my profile.


Do you find yourself worrying about what other people think of you?

Do you walk on eggshells to avoid making someone uncomfortable?

Do you work extra hours to make things perfect and avoid having to let someone down or have questions about your work?

Do you wish you could care less about all of that and just relax and get through the day feeling confident?

The thing is, you can't actually control what other people think about you.

Honestly, that can be extremely freeing.

Because then you can focus on what you can control - what YOU think about yourself.

So much of our stress about what other people might think or feel about us comes from our insecurity about what we think about ourselves.

The best way to start caring less what others think about you is to spend more time noticing what YOU think about YOURSELF.

And ask what you would like to think about yourself.

Practice your own self confidence.

What if it's ok for other people to misunderstand you or have their own thoughts about you?

It's a lot easier to focus on your work, build your business, and enjoy your life when you do this for yourself.

I’m Sarah, a coach who helps accounting and finance professionals build the firm, practice or career that lets them feel fulfilled AND super successful at the same time.

Self-confidence is just one of the many skills I help you build in the process of becoming a fulfilled accountant.

Want more? Sign up for weekly tips, guidance, and inspiration to help you get more of what you want from work and life (see link in profile).


Keeping and developing the staff you have in your financial services firm can save you thousands in recruiting and hiring costs.

And hundreds of hours of your and your team's time (that could be spent on revenue generating activities).

So here's an easy thing you can do, that doesn't have to cost you any extra cash, and only a bit of time upfront.

Decide exactly what you expect from each person and each role.

Clearly communicate that to each person. Repeatedly and consistently (as in don't change your message every time you talk).

And follow through on those expectations with accountability. (If people did a great job, tell them. If not, also tell them, in simple terms, focused on the specific issue.)

People work best when they have certainty around their role, their responsibilities, their authority, and the response they will receive from their leadership team (or single leader).

Create structure, clarity, and certainty for your team.

Don't ask them to read your mind and try to please you without giving them clear guidelines for what that even looks like.

Your team will respect you, they'll do better work, and they will actually enjoy the work more.

If you're not sure where to start, that is something I help firms do.

Message me with any questions.


I'm going to take a wild guess that marketing your small financial services firm or practice is not high on your list of things you enjoy.

In fact, it probably is kind of painful and terrifying at the same time. A mix of confusion and dread comes up.

But guess what?

Without marketing, no one knows you exist!

And if no one knows that you exist or how you can help them, they can’t hire you.

So, today I asked my friend Catherine Tidd to come on the podcast to unravel some of the mysteries and uncomfortable parts of marketing so you can build a better business.

She's breaking it down nice and simple, with things you can do right now.

Catherine is the CEO of Social Seed Marketing, a company that focuses on digital marketing for financial advisors, so she KNOWS what you need.

You do not want to miss this episode: listen at the link in my profile.

Bonus: Catherine is genuinely fun to talk to and doesn't get all crazy with the marketing jargon.


How do you get motivated to do all the things you need to do every day?

I'm talking big projects, small mundane tasks, working out, even just getting out of bed some mornings.

Motivation is not automatic. And it doesn't magically happen when the time is right.

It's actually something you can create for yourself.

And I'm sharing exactly how to do it and why it works in this week's podcast episode.

Even better, you can do it in 5 minutes.

So stop procrastinating and dreading things and wishing for motivation to happen to you.

Listen to this episode (link in bio), and get stuff done.



I snapped this mid run yesterday.

Right before the run, I felt tired and grumpy and just wanted to curl up on the couch and read a book under a blanket.

But I also have a goal of running my first half marathon next spring in 1 hour, 50 minutes.

It's been 25 years since I ran a race. I stopped running more than a little here and there because I thought I was just a person who was destined for injuries.

Turns out I just have to take a little more time, be a little gentler with my body. Rest between runs, run slower a lot of days.

Which goes hard against my brain that says you should just go out and do it with ease.

But, as my shirt says, "comfort doesn't change you."

I'm working on becoming the version of me who actually goes for some new goals, even if the methods to get there feel slower and more annoying than they "should be."

I know that the runs I do now matter to the races I want to do next year and my ability to keep running through the winter.

So, I got up, put on the running clothes, and went out the door.

What are some goals you want to pursue, but are avoiding because you either dread the work you think it'll take or aren't sure you can succeed?

I'd love to hear!


As many as 90% of financial advisors close their business in the first three years.

So if you've been successfully serving your clients for five or ten years, you're doing something right!

However, even if you're financially successful, a lot of financial planners start to feel and lose the passion they once had for the work.

You can be financially successful, have clients who love you, and be really great at what you do, and still feel the burnout.

It's not your fault. You're not doing it wrong. You haven't lost your edge.

If you're feeling exhausted and wondering if it's time to move on, retire early, or find a job, join me and Catherine Tidd of for a this Wednesday to find answers to your questions.

You CAN beat business burnout and enjoy your financial planning practice again.

And you don't have to completely overhaul your practice, neglect your life, or do anything crazy.

Unless you want to.

Sign up at the link in my bio.


Why are you always so busy? That's just how it is in accounting and finance right?

Is that true?

Being busy is like a badge of honor in the accounting and financial world.

But the long term impact of busy-ness on you, your business, your team, and your clients is not good.

And it isn't just at work. The habit of being busy has crept into the other parts of your life, too.

This week on The Fulfilled Accountant podcast, I’m explaining:

1. What busy-ness is.

2. Why exactly it has taken over your life and work.

3. Why it’s more of a problem than just a long, never-ending to-do list.

4. What you can do to unbusy your life so you can get what matters done, enjoy your work, and have plenty of time to actually enjoy your life as well.

Listen wherever you get your podcasts, or click the link in my bio.


I ran across an article recently that listed the top five weaknesses of accountants.

Here's the list, in no particular order:
1. Poor time management skills
2. Focusing on the details over the bigger picture
3. Stubbornness / stuck in old ways
4. Overly cautious / risk averse
5. Poor communication skills

The list seemed to be based on input from accountants, clients, and random internet trolls, but I still thought it was interesting that the results seemed consistent with what I work on with my clients.

How does this list compare with the things you struggle with or notice your team struggling with?

Tired of these things slowing down your firm and want your team to perform better in these areas?

That's my expertise. Helping accountants move past the stereotypes that keep firms stuck, without long boring training classes.

You keep focusing on the work that matters and I help you make quick changes.

Message me to learn exactly how I can help your firm.


Is anyone else tired of hearing about how hard it is to find good accountants and how unfulfilling working in accounting has become?

The reasons have been the same for literally years.

The work is too repetitive, never changes, isn't challenging.

There aren't enough opportunities for growth.

We can't afford to pay more.

They (whoever you're trying to hire) don't want to do the work.

They're (newer accountants) not skilled.

They don't understand me.

This is what I hear in all of these:

"I'm not interested in actually changing things because at least I know how to get by here."


"This is just how we've always done it, and it's too hard to change it now."

Great accountants and CPAs are still very much needed. But the way we train, connect, and grow in our work needs to change.

What do you wish would change in the accounting industry?

What would make you love the work more and want to stay?

What have you seen in other industries or other firms that you wish you could do in your own company?

What feels impossible to have, but would be so amazing if you could make it happen?

These are the questions that start the change. Followed by action.

If you're tired of seeing more of the same and want change, message me. I'd love to learn more about you and help change how accountants work.


So what is the balance you want?

Not the balance you think is possible currently or allowed. Be very specific.

And what is stopping you from having it?

Workload, time, money, expectations from your boss, your parents, your peers, and your spouse?

If these are what keep you from having the balance you seek, what are you giving up to create the balance you are working toward right now?

Money, leadership roles, promotions, challenging (as in exciting and stimulating) jobs and projects, speaking up in meetings, recognizing and publicizing your achievements, time for yourself and your health, time with family and friends, and any number of other things that you would love to have in your life, but just can't because it would disrupt the balance. (Hello sleep, hobbies, exercise, and doing nothing.)

Too many women leave promising careers and industries, turn down promotions, accept less pay, and give up on themselves in small ways that you may not even notice, because they think that's the way to have a life.

You don't have to give up these things to have what you want. You can be much more intentional and have fun doing it.

If you want to experience work life balance in a way that isn't a delicate balance that can be interrupted by one small thing like a kid getting sick, a client project blowing up, or an unexpected injury, I can help you.

It starts with retraining your brain to challenge what you know and believe and think differently.

It doesn't mean you have to overhaul your life, give up the people or things that matter to you, or follow some rigid time management system to fit it all in.

You get one life, let it be one you choose.

Want to create the work life balance that YOU want?

I can show you how to create it and help you through the process. Message me for more information.

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