Tybee Acupuncture

Tybee Marruzzi, M.S., Lic.Ac. /DiplAc./DiplCh.

Celebrating 20 years of service to the community!

• Licensed by the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine
• Nationally Board Certified by NCCAOM in Acupuncture
• Nationally Board Certified by NCCAOM in Chinese Herbology


While commonly connected to those who have served in the military, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can impact anyone who has suffered from violence or emotional trauma. Understandably these memories and feelings are painful, and trauma victims will often distance themselves from anything or anyone that reminds them of the trauma.

One of the most common core symptoms of PTSD is avoidance --- a dangerous and unhealthy coping strategy where the traumatic experience actually continues to control their behavior. When they avoid the really difficult feelings, they are also limiting themselves from truly being able to feel joy, peace, and contentment.
Many trauma sufferers become reclusive, avoiding people, places and things associated with the event.
There are also SUBTLE FORMS of avoidance symptoms.
After something terrible happens, it’s difficult to connect with others. People with PTSD shut down emotionally; they have a tough time relating to their friends and an inability to express love.
They experience a reduced interest in activities that used to be enjoyable. They might feel unmotivated and uninterested in their work and hobbies.

Using acupuncture for PTSD is popular because it allows the person suffering from the trauma to receive help without having to go into detail about the cause of the trauma. While a full medical health history is taken, not having to relive the trauma helps patients to feel safe and perhaps a bit more relaxed.
Engaging in activities where patients feel physiologically safe to be present in the moment really helps them develop the feeling that they are safe NOW --- they will then feel more stable to go through the process of trauma recovery.

Acupuncture treatment is very grounding, and will typically include specific auricular points that target different areas of the brain; some address the emotions, memories, or even amnesia. It's also a great treatment option for those suffering from other PTSD-related health issues (i.e., insomnia, digestive issues, headaches, stress and anxiety, etc.).

Whether you suffer from PTSD or any of its associated symptoms, or you're looking to achieve better overall balance in your life, consistent acupuncture treatments just may be the solution you need.🌟


Memorial Day is the perfect time to honor those who gave their lives while defending this country...and a great way to recognize June as PTSD Awareness Month!

Have a safe weekend!🇺🇸


Grief is a natural reaction to the loss of anything.
Everyone grieves differently and for different reasons; some forms of grief often take years to work through.

I find acupuncture plays a vital role in this healing process.

Reasons people may be grieving are not limited to:
• The death of someone important
• A break up/divorce
• Loss of a pet
• Job loss or career-collapse
• The end of a friendship

Stress makes the body more vulnerable and people who are grieving are more likely to catch infections or develop health problems.
There are numerous PHYSICAL symptoms brought on by experiencing a loss, such as:
☛ Tightness or heaviness in your chest/difficulty breathing
☛ An increase or decrease in appetite
☛ A hollow feeling in your stomach
☛ A lack of energy/feeling very tired and weak
☛ Difficulty sleeping or fear of sleeping
☛ Various aches and pains

It can also affect your MENTAL/EMOTIONAL health and how you behave.
You may experience all sorts of emotions at different times:
→ Feelings of shock or numbness
→ Feeling “stuck”
→ Sadness and loneliness
→ Anxiety/worry
→ Anger/bitterness

Acupuncture addresses not only these physical and mental/emotional aspects, but it also gives your immune system a boost.

In addition to recommending acupuncture treatments, I always explain to my patients the importance of getting support from their P*P or mental health professional regarding any symptoms that may concern them.


When asked about medications and supplements, I find that most patients self-prescribe and don’t always take them the right way.
I also discover that when prescribed by other health practitioners, the dosage and directions on how and when to take the supplements are not thoroughly explained.

It’s essential to know and understand all of the supplements you’re using in order to obtain their full benefits.
Taking inventory of your supplements can be part of your spring-cleaning:
• What are you taking them for?
• Are you taking them correctly?
• Have they expired?

It’s also important to understand that if you’re taking multiple medications and supplements, there can be drug interactions which may change the strength of a medication.

Here are a few simple suggestions:
☛ Take your probiotic with water, on an empty stomach, 1/2 hour before breakfast.
☛ Vitamin D, like the other fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, and K), is better absorbed if taken WITH a meal that contains some fat, such as avocado or egg yolks.
☛ Be sure to take any of your supplements at least (2) hours away from any medications. If you aren’t sure about the potential interactions between the medications and supplements you take, ask your pharmacist.

Let’s take things one step at a time!☺️


Mental Health Awareness Month has begun!☺️

This is the perfect time to highlight the benefits of acupuncture in treating not only physical pain, but also MENTAL/EMOTIONAL PAIN, including:
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Grieving Issues
• Mood Disorders


Celebrating Earth Day is not only good for raising awareness about environmental issues, but it can also benefit both our mental and physical health.

Studies have shown that spending as little as 20 minutes in nature can:
• Help improve mood by increasing levels of vitamin D
• Lessen anxiety
• Lower blood pressure
• Enhance immune system function by reducing stress hormone levels

The world needs healing --- and healing ourselves is a great place to start!🌎


Substance abuse affects millions of Americans each year. Whether from alcohol or other drugs, it is a disease that takes treatment and commitment to overcome. Rehabilitation oftentimes doesn’t work initially and may take many tries.

Did you know that auricular acupuncture (ear acupuncture) has been proven effective in curbing addiction?

According to the Huffington Post, more than 2,000 drug and alcohol treatment programs in the U.S. have used auricular acupuncture as part of their recovery plans.
It has been shown to be useful for alcohol, o***m, he**in, and co***ne dependency by:
• Reducing stress, anxiety, and depression
• Lessening cravings and withdrawal symptoms
• Increasing the release of endorphins, which can help fight addiction

Lincoln Hospital in New York delivered 100 acupuncture treatments per day for over 35 years as a part of their substance use disorder program.
It found patient’s anxiety and agitation were reduced, and was a successful approach to reaching patients who were reluctant to attend treatment programs.

If you’re currently seeking support for substance abuse, contact me for more information on how my acu-detox program can supplement your treatment.


From time to time, many people have nights where they cannot sleep, tossing and turning in frustration, wondering how they are going to get through the next day.
For others, however, this is a nightly occurrence; they may find it hard to get to sleep OR they may fall asleep but then wake frequently, and are unable to get back to sleep.
In addition, sleeplessness tends to worsen and become chronic as one ages.

The Western medical treatment for insomnia mostly focuses on the use of sedating drugs, such as Ambien --- and these drugs often have unpleasant side effects.
Although they do help you sleep, you may feel drowsy, lethargic, and confused the next day; they can be addictive and there is danger of overdose.
If one is misguided and tries to withdraw from their habitual use, insomnia tends to return with a vengeance.

Happily, Chinese medicine (which includes a host of low or no-cost home therapies) is a safe, centuries-old alternative to the use of sedatives & tranquilizers, and can promote sound sleep without drowsiness, “hangover”, addiction, or withdrawal.

Whether your problem is falling asleep or staying asleep, I use acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, nutritional supplements, along with dietary/lifestyle recommendations to effectively treat most sleep difficulties.

If you are young, middle-aged, or older, the focus will be on identifying the root cause and eliminating the imbalance that is contributing to your particular pattern of insomnia.☺️


Here in New England, the lack of daylight can present a challenge: we find the cold, dark days to be depressing.
We are creatures that need light to live and community to thrive, but both seem to be insufficient in the winter months.
There has also been so much darkness in our world in general, and we are hurting and feeling traumatized. Reacting angrily to the senseless hate and violence just adds more gloom into the world.

The days are getting longer and there are more opportunities to socialize and spend time with family and friends.

Regardless of the season, be kind and gentle to yourself and to others, too. Choosing to create more light inside of yourself allows it to shine and reach those around you.🌟



Eating according to the seasons and adopting seasonal lifestyle changes are vital to getting and remaining healthy.

Spring is the perfect time for cleansing your body and mind.
• Commit to a regular exercise program.
• Add foods to your diet that have upward energies, such as green, sprouting vegetables.
• Always remember that acupuncture can move stuck energy and help your body detox.

Give me a call to book your spring acupuncture sessions!🌱


Your immune system tirelessly protects you from external threats and internal toxins --- but sometimes it needs a little boost.

When bombarded by stressors, toxins, and unhealthy foods, your immune system can:
• Become suppressed --- leaving you vulnerable to chronic infections
• Go into overdrive --- resulting in allergies and autoimmune diseases

Chinese medicine includes a collection of diagnostics and treatments, which allows me to identify and address both the symptoms and the root causes of chronic immune system dysfunction.

Take control of your health by getting rid of the old-fashioned approach of simply popping a pill and discover a whole new world of immune health.
Introducing regular acupuncture treatments to your wellness plan can start you on a journey towards a vibrant immune system!🌟


Self-care is a holistic practice, where we treat our whole selves with kindness and compassion.
In today’s stressful and fast-paced world, it’s especially important to take time and look after your own body, mind, and spirit. This can spark positive transformation while cultivating a healthy and happy life.

Whether it’s reading, relaxing, going for a walk, or hanging out with friends and loved ones, prioritizing the simple pleasures that bring you contentment is a form of nurturing that contributes to your entire well-being.

Acupuncture is also a form of self-care, with physical, mental and spiritual benefits. It quiets the mind, relieves stress, and creates a deeper connection between your body and mind.

By investing this time in self-care, you’ll feel empowered to lead a more fulfilling life, radiating happiness and balance from within.🌟


This photo has always been helpful to illustrate why colonoscopies can be a useful diagnostic tool.

The whole process doesn't have to be mysterious, unsafe, or unpleasant, and I actually have tips to make the prep less daunting.
Contact me for more info.☺️


Come on in for your pre-springtime acupuncture tune-up!❤︎


Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a digestive condition characterized by chronic stomach pain, bloating, irregular bowel movements, diarrhea and/or constipation; symptoms can be minor or severe. According to the International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD), an estimated 25-45 million people in the United States have IBS.
Most people don’t report it to their doctors because they assume it is normal to have gas, bloating, or abdominal pain.
These symptoms, however, can be indicators of much more serious underlying problems.

The gut is also the “second brain” of the body. When there are problems in the gastrointestinal tract, it can manifest mentally as well as physically.
The enteric nervous system, our gut/second brain, is composed of more than 100 million nerve cells that line the gastrointestinal tract from the esophagus to the re**um. The ENS can trigger emotional shifts experienced by those suffering from gastrointestinal issues.
What science is also discovering is that emotional problems can also trigger issues in the ENS --- it’s a two-way street and if one is out of whack, then the other may be also.

A recent study conducted by researchers in the U.K. found acupuncture to offer relief of IBS symptoms. "Acupuncture for irritable bowel syndrome provided an additional benefit over usual care alone. The magnitude of the effect was sustained over the longer term. Acupuncture should be considered as a treatment option to be offered in primary care alongside other evidenced based treatments," wrote researchers in the study's conclusion.

Acupuncture is a safe, painless, and highly effective way to treat a wide variety of diseases, including irritable bowel syndrome; it can ease stress and help get to the root of the issue. Individuals can also prevent symptoms from occurring by avoiding the consumption of certain foods.

Contact me to learn how dietary adjustments and acupuncture can get your digestive system functioning optimally.☺️



It can if it contains phthalates.

Phthalates are just some of over 800 chemicals that are labeled as endocrine disruptors.
These chemicals are toxic for a number of reasons and have proven adverse effects on your hormonal system. They may mimic estrogen, androgen, or thyroid hormones and cause your body to respond to them inappropriately.
Or they may block, stimulate, or inhibit these hormones. By interfering in your hormone system, there is growing evidence that these chemicals are responsible for a wide range of health problems.
Endocrine disruptors are found in many products; perfumes and colognes, sandwich bags, air fresheners, dryer sheets, sunscreens, cleaning products, laundry detergents, flame retardants, pesticides, cosmetics, shampoo, conditioners, and pharmaceuticals can all be suspect.
When used in perfume, phthalates make the scent adhere to your skin and help it to last longer. Studies show a link between phthalates and endometriosis and premature delivery in women. Exposure to phthalates could also cause decreased male fertility, reproductive abnormalities, and decreased production of testosterone in males.

Some Ways to Avoid Endocrine Disruptors

☛ Avoid perfumes and colognes --- use essential oils.
☛ Reduce household fragrances --- keep your house fresh and clean without using air fresheners. Give your carpets and rugs a cleaning but remember to clean or change the vacuum filter first for maximum freshness. Open the windows. Put a bouquet of roses on the table.
If your home smells stale, put a few drops of essential oils on cotton balls and leave them around the house (or try my Essential Oil Atomizer/ Special Blend).

Endocrine disruptors have some serious health risks, but luckily some relatively simple product substitutions reduce your exposure to these chemicals.
For more suggestions to minimize endocrine disruptors in your life, contact me and I’ll help you make your list.

If you’re concerned that you’ve had a high exposure, call me to make a plan to detox --- there’s no reason your perfume or cleaning products need to be a health risk!☺️


Yes, we’re deep into the cold and flu season!

It’s always expected that viruses will continue to mutate as long as they spread through the population; we’ve seen numerous respiratory viruses and COVID-19 variants circulating throughout these past few months.

Symptoms continuing after you’ve had COVID-19 are quite common and are considered their own condition: Long COVID.
It’s been found that more than 5% of all adults in the United States who have recovered from COVID-19 are reporting Long COVID symptoms.

Since COVID-19 may damage the tissue in the lungs, this can affect breathing patterns. Shortness of breath is one of the common symptoms that is known to linger and it’s possible for this to persist for weeks, months, or years.
When you have shortness of breath, it can feel uncomfortable --- you’ll feel like you can’t catch your breath and your breathing may be faster than usual.
Some of the post COVID-19 complaints I’ve personally heard from my patients include difficulty breathing, shortness of breath with the slightest exertion, annoying cough, and fatigue.

As you recover from these viruses, there are strategies you can try to help make breathing easier. Using just acupuncture, I have seen patients' chest pain and pressure resolve, and their breathing improve, sometimes just after one treatment.
With regular treatments they are able to regain energy --- increasing their work productivity and quality of life.☺️


The temperatures are dropping --- we experience cold air outside, hot air inside, and dry air everywhere. That can mean dry, itchy skin for everyone.
As an acupuncturist, I especially notice it on the legs and ankles of my patients; when the skin is dry and cracked, it's not amenable to acupuncture.

Most skincare routines focus on the face, and our bodies are very often neglected. Continual care does not have to involve dozens of steps --- take that extra 120 seconds and moisturize from top to toe!

It's also important to remember that drinking plenty of water will keep your body hydrated --- it provides moisture for the skin which can prevent dryness, cracking, and aging, especially throughout the colder months.☺️


This is the time of year when many are looking to start (or restart) their wellness routines. Self-care Saturdays may have fallen by the wayside during the holiday season so now is the time to get back on track.
As you examine your health goals and priorities this year, consider adding acupuncture to your wellness program.

Health Benefits
Acupuncture provides a holistic, non-pharmacological approach to wellness and addresses a variety of physical and emotional concerns you might be struggling with.
1) REGULATES EMOTIONS It’s a less intrusive alternative to drug therapies for many types of mental-emotional issues including depression, anxiety, or just stress.
2) CORRECTS DIGESTIVE IMBALANCES The World Health Organization acknowledges acupuncture’s role in effectively treating digestive issues like heartburn, lactose intolerance, and irritable bowel syndrome.
3) IMPROVES THE QUALITY OF YOUR SLEEP Prescription and over-the-counter sleep remedies only treat the symptoms associated with insomnia. By reducing stress and inducing a feeling of calm and balance of the mind and body, acupuncture targets the core issues to regulate your body’s energy and restore the sleep cycle.
4) REDUCES PAIN AND INFLAMMATION Stimulating specific points on the body, acupuncture can treat headaches, back pain, and arthritis, to name a few. It activates the body’s natural defense against inflammation by helping the body release more cortisol and stimulating the vagus nerve.

Setting Yourself Up for Success
Here are some ways you can successfully integrate acupuncture into your wellness routine.
☛ Create a schedule to plan your regular acupuncture sessions; consistency is important when it comes to integrating acupuncture.
☛ Acupuncture can be extremely effective when combined with other wellness practices like meditation, yoga, and a healthy diet. Don’t be afraid to explore different approaches to see what works best for you.

Contact me and find out how acupuncture can become a valuable addition to your wellness journey, helping you achieve balance in your overall health!


The biggest problem with the resolutions we try and make each year is not being able to keep them.
Although we want the new year to bring big changes to our lives, sometimes that is not as realistic as it seems.

Maybe try a new activity, develop a new skill, or learn another language.

What's important is to surround yourself with positive people and remind yourself that any small accomplishment you make is ALWAYS A WIN!


The proverb "it's the thought that counts” doesn’t have to apply only during the gifting season.
We can extend this sentiment beyond the holidays too.

In our daily lives, we can continue to show our appreciation and love to the people we care about.

Through simple acts of kindness, meaningful gestures, and positive words, we can show them how much they mean to us.

It's the thoughtfulness and love behind these expressions that truly count and enrich our lives, year-round.🌟


Wishing you all a happy, healthy new year!🎇


My specialized Acupuncture Stress Treatments are a great way to be introduced to acupuncture!

Contact me for more info!⛄️


🌟Caring in the Community🌟


Cheers to 20+ years of service to the community --- making a difference without judgement.

I can't wait to see what the next year holds!🌟


My Acupuncture Stress Treatments are a great way to give the gift of health!

Contact me for details.🎁


We often look toward EXTERNAL factors to experience joy and happiness when it’s actually all related to INTERNAL work.

The holiday season is always a perfect time to pause and reflect on the true gifts we've been given --- the people we love and the opportunities that we've been provided with in life.

Gratitude basically rewires the brain and there is growing research that explains why it can have such a profound impact on our level of joy.
According to UCLA’s Mindfulness Awareness Research Center, "Having an attitude of gratitude changes the molecular structure of the brain, keeps gray matter functioning, and makes us healthier and happier. When you feel happiness, the central nervous system is affected. You are more peaceful, less reactive, and less resistant.”

Here is a simple meditation to try before bedtime:
1) First, bring awareness to your body, with nice, relaxed abdominal breathing
2) Next, think 3 thoughts about what you are grateful for in your life
3) Do this daily for at least 30 days
This will force your brain to search the last 24 hours for what is going well in your life --- generating a healthful, continual cycle in your brain.

Counting your blessings NOW makes it easier to notice and count them later!🌟


As the holiday season approaches, many of us travel more and are apt to consume ultra-rich foods.
Plum Flower brand Curing Pills are used to resolve everything from indigestion to a hangover, and can be used to address lack of appetite, intestinal discomfort due to overindulgence, and even stomach upset from external microorganisms.
Check with me first if you have wheat sensitivities, and I'll let you know if it's right for you.

It's the perfect formulation for digestive distress!🥧


For many people who smoke, quitting can be very difficult. Often, the younger you were when you started to smoke, the more intense the addiction.
Cigarette smoking and va**ng are not just an addiction to ni****ne --- there are also behavioral components and it can be very tricky to break the habit; more than one quit-attempt is often required.

If you’ve tried all the standard substitution methods for quitting smoking/va**ng, I’ve come across an item that just might help:
Similar in concept to the PBD (Pursed-lip Breathing Device) for COPD, Komuso Design has created and packaged a unique little breathing device called “The Shift”.
Based in science, it’s a drug-free solution to stress and anxiety and can even be used to help kids through anxiety.

Komuso’s quit-smoking program can help you flip the habit within 30 days. They also provide ni****ne cessation tips and strategies and long-term inspiration to help you reduce anxiety and free yourself from the ill-effects of stress and ni****ne.
Check out the videos and reviews online and you’ll see how it works.



Fall is certainly underway following an unseasonably hot summer; it’s cooler and that wind is undeniable!
Chinese medicine has always maintained that humans should live in harmony with the seasons and it’s important to modify diet and lifestyle based on each season.

Now is a perfect time to begin laying the foundation for health and vitality for the winter months.

Acupuncture is one of the tools that is an excellent way to boost energy reserves. A customized treatment protocol helps the body adjust and perform optimally, and will prepare you for the upcoming cold and flu season!🍂

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164 Chief Justice Cushing Highway
Cohasset, MA

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