Grateful Gratitude Heart Foundation

Grateful Gratitude is a nonprofit ministry that offers HOPE to others. We anchor people to God's Love by practicing gratitude.

Our former page was hacked and locked so we couldn't post our daily scriptures.

God, why did you choose me? 12/19/2022

Christmas is fast approaching, and as it does, I am reflecting on Mary and Joseph. I think about Mary being a young girl that has an angel appears, totally uprooting her life. Joseph was a man that thought everything was fine. He was betrothed to someone he loved, and an angel would appear to him too. They were chosen. Chosen in a way they never expected....

God, why did you choose me? Christmas is fast approaching, and as it does, I am reflecting on Mary and Joseph. I think about Mary being a young girl that has an angel appears, totally uprooting her life. Joseph was a man that…


Hi Friends,

I'm letting you know about a few upcoming changes for 2023. I will no longer add events on Facebook and will use email and texting for RSVPs.

When looking at the sponsorship dollars spent on coffee and lunches, I found many will RSVP on Facebook yes and then didn't attend the events. I am very conscious of a donation as a nonprofit and strive not to waste these funds. I know illness and life happen, and I always want you to care for these things first. Emailing meetings will help eliminate the no-show "attending" that occurs through Facebook. I appreciate your grace in this change.

Please respond to each email if you plan to attend so I may have an accurate food count for our gracious sponsors. The meetings are limited to 18 because of the size of the room.

All meetings at this point are still planned to be held at Caddo Reimagined-Allen at 550 S. Watters Road, Allen 75013. Please arrive 15 minutes before the meeting to allow us to start on time and be respectful of everyone's time. You also want to grab your breakfast or lunch items before we start. This means 9:15 am for COFFEE TOGETHER and 11:15 am for Monthly Gratitude Lunches.

If you want to receive the monthly reminders to RSVP and see the topics, please email [email protected] so I may add you to this group.

Upcoming meeting dates for 2023:
January 4th, 9:30 am COFFEE TOGETHER (Vision in the New Year)
January 18th, 11:30 Monthly Gratitude Lunch (Gratitude is a Gift-Let's Regift Gratitude)

Just so you know, meetings are on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, a change from 2022.

I am so grateful for each of you, and I pray I see you all in the New Year.


Jesus taught the disciples to pray the Lord’s Prayer. Jesus is painting a picture of what a true disciple looks like. The honor, respect, trust, assurance, and love we should always put forth in our faith of God and His powers.

Matthew 6:9-13
“Our Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy name.

Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil:

For Thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory, for ever Amen.”

I Am…………… Who Are You? 11/27/2022

It's been over four years since I started Grateful Gratitude. I knew that God was calling me to be a better, more grateful person and thought I was just in this to better myself. I had no idea He was going to use me in ways I had never imagined or thought would be conceivable for me. I soon realized after founding Grateful Gratitude that it wasn't God trying to grow me by practicing more gratitude but that He was drawing me into His plan to serve Him....

I Am…………… Who Are You? It’s been over four years since I started Grateful Gratitude. I knew that God was calling me to be a better, more grateful person and thought I was just in this to better myself. I had no ide…

Photos from Grateful Gratitude Heart Foundation's post 11/20/2022

Many of us think of a serious Jesus or Jesus headed to the cross. Start thinking of Jesus like this, laughing, smiling, and wanting the best for all of us! Happy Sunday!


Be kind, do good, and be humble. God sees our work, we don't need to shout to the world when we have done something for others in His name. Be blessed today!


There are times you feel pulled in all directions by others in need. Give to them, you may need to pull on them in the future. God's love and peace for you today.💜


Please take 2 minutes today to read Jeremiah 29:11-13. Understand that we have a part in understanding God’s plans for us. Blessings ✝️💜

H-O-P-E Spells Hope 11/06/2022

"As a follower of Christ, hope is within us even when we don't feel it." I heard these words and they hung in the air before me. I stopped and sat as if I was frozen in time. Pete Wilson of Northridge Church spoke on hope at a time I needed the words he shared. He said, "Hope is a simple concept that no matter what is happening, you have the belief it will get better." Powerful....

H-O-P-E Spells Hope “As a follower of Christ, hope is within us even when we don’t feel it.” I heard these words and they hung in the air before me. I stopped and sat as if I was frozen in time. Pete…


HOPE can be lost and it can be restored. There are days when I am just beat down. Days when I struggle to see HOPE but then I remember this passage. God is with me. He is my HOPE. He will restore my HOPE. He never sleeps or shuts his eyes. He knows my heart and in an instance he instills peace and HOPE is restored. Never give up HOPE. ♥️✝️🙏🏻🌺


Every morning we need to wake up thanking God not only for His love for us but for gifting us the Holy Spirit to guide us. ✝️💜 Each day start your day with the simple words, “Thank you Father!”. This starts our day in gratitude and it reminds us we are nothing without Him.

Life in Constant Flux 10/31/2022

October seems to be a tough month for my family. Last October we were stationed at the hospital with my dad battling pancreatic cancer followed by hospice at home and then his funeral. This October I am staying with my mom after a severe vaccine reaction 13 days ago. It was a beautiful October day on Tuesday the 12th. Mom and I went to her internist for her yearly visit and he remarked that she was in such good condition and was pleased she was still living independently....

Life in Constant Flux October seems to be a tough month for my family. Last October we were stationed at the hospital with my dad battling pancreatic cancer followed by hospice at home and then his funeral. This October…


Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. —JOHN 1:12


Gratitude is a gift from God. A gift that must be unwrapped and used daily. What can you appreciate today that you didn’t appreciate yesterday?

Purging-A purifying process. 09/26/2022

I am beginning to look at things differently. Material things, changing friendships, and things that me pulling me down and away from being Christlike. As I sit and look around at all the "things" I have bought to "fulfill" a void in me that sits and collects dust. Clutter and wasted money surround me. Things I bought that caused instant gratification that have been used once or never at all....

Purging-A purifying process. I am beginning to look at things differently. Material things, changing friendships, and things that me pulling me down and away from being Christlike. As I sit and look around at all the “th…

Gratitude as a Cushion in Life 09/19/2022

As a gratitude coach, I constantly look at ways of explaining gratitude and how to use it. I feel if I can find simple analogies that maybe it will help others understand gratitude and how it can change their lives. I was reflecting this morning about how many times a day I use a cushion for comfort and support just as I do gratitude....

Gratitude as a Cushion in Life As a gratitude coach, I constantly look at ways of explaining gratitude and how to use it. I feel if I can find simple analogies that maybe it will help others understand gratitude and how it can c…


Putting others first honors God. Our hearts are filled and at peace when we are serving others.

The Many Faces of Cancer 08/18/2022

As I sat at MD Anderson with my mom, waiting for scans and doctor appointments, I noticed many people surrounded me. My mom is here for a 3-year melanoma follow-up, and we pray we get the "all clear" report today. MD Anderson is a hectic and bustling place. Everyone that works here has a smile always and they are so caring....

The Many Faces of Cancer As I sat at MD Anderson with my mom, waiting for scans and doctor appointments, I noticed many people surrounded me. My mom is here for a 3-year melanoma follow-up, and we pray we get the “al…


As you move through your day, find someone new to offer love and kindness to.

Our Faith as a Winnie the Pooh Character 08/07/2022

I remember being a small child and watching the television cartoon movie "Winnie the Pooh". I loved the soft pastel colors the animators used to color the movie. They were comforting colors. Colors of peace, relaxation, and calmness. The characters were so diverse, yet simple. I, of course, didn't recognize this at an early age. A sweet pleasant memory I carry with me still today....

Our Faith as a Winnie the Pooh Character I remember being a small child and watching the television cartoon movie “Winnie the Pooh”. I loved the soft pastel colors the animators used to color the movie. They were comforting co…


The Bible gives us answers to every situation we are presented with. Read it, absorb it so the answers come naturally to us. ✝️♥️


If you are struggling today and don't know how this struggle will work out, know there is nothing too hard for God. Give it to Him.✝️

Intentional Gratitude 08/03/2022

I was reflecting the other day on how many people tell me what they are grateful for. It only makes sense because my whole ministry is based on practicing gratitude. As I reflected on how many people when asked to list what they are grateful for gave me the same answers. My family, God, my home, my job, my friends,..... This is what I call the "superficial list of gratitude"....

Intentional Gratitude I was reflecting the other day on how many people tell me what they are grateful for. It only makes sense because my whole ministry is based on practicing gratitude. As I reflected on how many peop…

God’s Light and My Umbrella 07/24/2022

You know how you are sitting, daydreaming and you have a profound thought? That happens to me all the time and it becomes the inspiration for a blog post. I was thinking the other day about how in Heaven there is no night or darkness. In Heaven, God's light is bright and always on and no one can put themselves into the shadows of darkness like here on earth....

God’s Light and My Umbrella You know how you are sitting, daydreaming and you have a profound thought? That happens to me all the time and it becomes the inspiration for a blog post. I was thinking the other day about how in …

So Long, Social Media 06/27/2022

Well, the time has finally come to say goodbye to my Facebook account. I have realized that social media is what is called in the medical profession, a sucking wound. Medical Definition of sucking wound according to Merriam-Webster : a perforating wound of the chest through which air enters and leaves during respiration. How does this relate to Facebook and social media you may ask?...

So Long, Social Media Well, the time has finally come to say goodbye to my Facebook account. I have realized that social media is what is called in the medical profession, a sucking wound. Medical Definition of sucking …


I love the line, “My world is full of beautiful things; they are meant to be pointers to Me,”. Every time we see something beautiful we need to thank God and remember His beauty and love for us. ♥️✝️🙏🏻

Prosperity Gospel Frustrates Me -Grateful Gratitude 06/01/2022

What does your church teach? Is it based on the bible that God uses us or another teaching that we use God for what we want? It's important to scrutinize the weekly messages that pastors are delivering at our weekend services.

Prosperity Gospel Frustrates Me -Grateful Gratitude LoLo struggles with churches that are based on the prosperity gospel focusing on using God to get what they want instead of allowing God to use us. Listen as...

What Are You Telling Me, God? 05/19/2022

We are only in mid-May and it seems like I have walked a million miles. I'm exhausted, confused, and trudging through life. I'm not complaining but just wondering what God is telling me and transforming me for. I started this year in a cyclone of grief after losing my dad last fall. I felt God calling me to help those that are grieving by starting grief support groups and building comfort boxes....

What Are You Telling Me, God? We are only in mid-May and it seems like I have walked a million miles. I’m exhausted, confused, and trudging through life. I’m not complaining but just wondering what God is telling me…


It seems that many of us will waste time on what will happen tomorrow. The unfortunate thing about this is we are wasting opportunities that are presented before us today.

What if when something starts to give us anxiety, we stop, breathe, and ask God what He wants us to do with this situation. He stands beside us always and is there to guide us. 🙏🏻

The Homeless Have Names 04/24/2022

Yesterday was a very powerful and impactful day for me. I partnered with my good friend, Tunya to meet and greet the homeless in our community. There was an opportunity to meet some homeless people in a neighboring community and we needed to bring something to share with them and spend time with them. I made food packs and bought these Bible verse silicone bracelets....

The Homeless Have Names Yesterday was a very powerful and impactful day for me. I partnered with my good friend, Tunya to meet and greet the homeless in our community. There was an opportunity to meet some homeless people…


2 Timothy 2:24-26 NIV
And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.


I absolutely "OVERFLOW" when I watch this. ✝️

Helen Keller, an inspiration -Grateful Gratitude 04/13/2022

I love studying Helen Keller and her will to succeed. Thanks Mark Friedman for always offering your honest input.

Helen Keller, an inspiration -Grateful Gratitude LoLo talks about how Helen Keller overcame a multitude of obstacles and became an outstandingly successful woman.

Grace Upon Grace Upon Grace 04/07/2022

Have you ever heard of grace described as "favor towards the unworthy"? It seems as society gets more demanding and unforgiving I reflect on grace. Grace or as I like to say Giving Real Appreciation Changes Everything! This morning I got up early and drove an hour in thick traffic for a very important meeting. A meeting I had scheduled three weeks ago....

Grace Upon Grace Upon Grace Have you ever heard of grace described as “favor towards the unworthy”? It seems as society gets more demanding and unforgiving I reflect on grace. Grace or as I like to say Giving Real…


Let's talk about how forgiveness affects our bodies and our soul.


God is love and we can show our love to Him by loving others. No judgement, just L💜VE.


God is always with you! ✝️


Share His love today ♥️✝️


We need to always think of God's plans before thinking of our own.


Lift others.

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