Immigration Attorney


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바이든의 PIP 행정 명령이 법원에서 도전받다:
공화당 주들(19개 공화당 주)이 바이든 행정부의 미국 시민 배우자 보호 프로그램이 불법이며 중단되어야 한다고 주장하는 소송을 제기했습니다. 이 프로그램은 "PIP" (Parole in Place) 또는 "Keeping Families Together"라는 이름으로 8월 19일에 시작되었습니다. 이 프로그램은 미국 시민과 결혼한 약 50만 명의 이민자와 5만 명의 이민자 의붓자녀에게 추방 보호와 노동 허가를 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
이 소송은 금요일에 미국 텍사스 동부 지방법원에 제출되었으며, 프로그램이 적절한 통지와 의견 수렴 없이 도입되었기 때문에 행정 절차법을 위반했다고 주장하고 있습니다. 또한, 국토안보부(DHS)가 권한을 초과했으며, 프로그램이 헌법에 위배된다고 주장합니다. 공화당 주들은 법원이 이 프로그램을 차단하고 DHS의 권한을 초과한다고 선언하기를 원합니다. 그들은 DHS가 개별 사례에 대해 자격을 부여할 수 있지만, 이 프로그램은 대규모로 이민자들에게 자격을 부여한다고 주장하며, 이는 허용되지 않는다고 주장합니다.
판사가 프로그램이 헌법에 위배되는지 여부와 중단해야 하는지 결정을 내리기까지 몇 달이 걸릴 수 있습니다. 초기 판결이 어떻게 나든, 결정은 상소될 가능성이 높으며, 이는 대법원까지 갈 수 있습니다. 따라서 최종 결정을 내리는 데는 수년이 걸릴 수 있습니다.
그동안 PIP 프로그램에 자격이 있는 경우, 가능한 빨리 신청하는 것이 최선입니다. 노동 허가와 영주권 신청을 통해 혜택을 확보하면, 법원이 최종적으로 어떻게 결정하든 관계없이 이러한 혜택을 유지할 수 있는 강력한 위치에 있을 수 있습니다.


Acción ejecutiva de PIP de Biden es desafiada en los tribunales:

Los estados republicanos (19 estados rojos) han presentado una demanda argumentando que un programa de la administración Biden diseñado para proteger a los cónyuges inmigrantes de ciudadanos estadounidenses es ilegal y debe ser detenido. El programa, llamado “PIP” (parole in place) o "Keeping Families Together," se lanzó el 19 de agosto. Su objetivo es proporcionar protecciones contra la deportación y permisos de trabajo a aproximadamente 500,000 inmigrantes casados con ciudadanos estadounidenses, así como a 50,000 hijastros inmigrantes.

La demanda, presentada el viernes en el Tribunal de Distrito de los Estados Unidos para el Distrito Este de Texas, afirma que el programa viola la Ley de Procedimiento Administrativo porque fue introducido sin el debido aviso y comentario. También argumenta que el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS) excedió su autoridad y que el programa va en contra de la Constitución. Los estados republicanos quieren que el tribunal bloquee el programa y declare que excede la autoridad del DHS. Argumentan que, aunque el DHS está autorizado a otorgar libertad condicional de caso por caso, este programa otorga estatus de libertad condicional a grandes grupos de inmigrantes al mismo tiempo, lo cual, según dicen, no está permitido.

Puede tomar varios meses para que el juez decida si el programa es inconstitucional y si debe ser suspendido. Independientemente de la decisión inicial, es probable que la resolución sea apelada, potencialmente hasta la Corte Suprema. Esto significa que podrían pasar años antes de tener una respuesta definitiva.

Mientras tanto, si calificas para el programa PIP, es en tu mejor interés solicitarlo lo antes posible. Al asegurar beneficios como la autorización de empleo y comenzar tu solicitud de tarjeta verde ahora, estarás en una posición más fuerte para conservar estos beneficios, sin importar cómo decidan los tribunales en última instancia.


Biden’s PIP executive action is challenged in court:
Republican states (19 Red states) have filed a lawsuit arguing that a Biden administration program designed to protect immigrant spouses of U.S. citizens is illegal and should be stopped. The program, called “PIP” (parole in place) or "Keeping Families Together," was launched on August 19. It aims to provide removal protections and work permits to about 500,000 immigrants married to U.S. citizens, as well as 50,000 immigrant stepchildren.
The lawsuit, filed on Friday in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, claims that the program violates the Administrative Procedure Act because it was introduced without proper notice and comment. It also argues that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) overstepped its authority and that the program goes against the Constitution. The Republican states want the court to block the program and rule that it exceeds DHS's authority. They argue that while DHS is allowed to grant parole on a case-by-case basis, this program gives parole status to large groups of immigrants at once, which they say is not permitted.

It could take several months for the judge to decide if the program is unconstitutional and whether it should be halted. No matter what the initial ruling is, the decision will likely be appealed, potentially all the way to the Supreme Court. This means it could be years before we have a final answer.
In the meantime, if you qualify for PIP program, it's in your best interest to apply as soon as possible. By securing benefits like employment authorization and starting your green card application now, you'll be in a stronger position to keep these benefits, regardless of how the courts ultimately rule.


USCIS는 오늘 PIP(Parol in Place)에 대한 세부 정보를 발표했습니다.
해당되는 분: 최소 10년 이상 미국에 거주했으며 2024년 6월 17일까지 미국 시민과 결혼한 사람과 비시민 배우자의 자녀(미국 시민의 의붓 자녀)로, 비시민 자녀가 18세가 되기 전에 결혼한 경우입니다. 2024년 8월 19일부터 PIP 신청서를 제출할 수 있습니다.
당사 사무실은 이 PIP 프로그램에 대한 고객을 받기 시작했습니다. 당사 웹사이트 www.igetyouin.com으로 이동하여 자세한 내용을 알아보고 상담을 예약하거나 972 243-7140으로 사무실에 전화해 주십시오.

immigration lawyer dallas | Immigration lawyer austin 08/17/2024

El Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de Estados Unidos (USCIS) acaba de anunciar hoy los detalles del PIP (Permiso de Permanencia en el País).
¿Quiénes son elegibles? Las personas que hayan estado aquí al menos durante 10 años y que estén casadas con un ciudadano estadounidense antes del 17 de junio de 2024 y los hijos de un cónyuge no ciudadano (hijastros de ciudadanos estadounidenses), lo que significa que el matrimonio se produjo antes de que los hijos no ciudadanos cumplieran 18 años. Podemos comenzar a presentar solicitudes de PIP a partir del 19 de agosto de 2024.
Nuestra oficina comenzó a aceptar a nuestros clientes para este programa PIP. Visite nuestro sitio web: para obtener más información al respecto y programar una consulta o llame a nuestra oficina al 972 243-7140.

immigration lawyer dallas | Immigration lawyer austin Our mission is to elevate each individual, affirming that all are created equal and entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We empower both documented and undocumented individuals to achieve full U.S. citizenship, ensuring equal rights and protections under the US Constitution.

immigration lawyer dallas | Immigration lawyer austin 08/17/2024

USCIS just announced details of PIP (Parol in Place) today.
Who is eligible? person who has been here at least for 10 years, and married to US citizen by June 17, 2024 and children of non-citizen spouse (step children of US citizens), meaning that marriage between occurred before non-citizen children became 18 years old. We can start to file PIP application from August 19, 2024.
Our office began to accept our client for this PIP program. Please go to our website: to know more about it and schedule a consultation or call our office at 972 243-7140.

immigration lawyer dallas | Immigration lawyer austin Our mission is to elevate each individual, affirming that all are created equal and entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We empower both documented and undocumented individuals to achieve full U.S. citizenship, ensuring equal rights and protections under the US Constitution.


바이든 행정부 PIP 프로그램은 2024년 8월 19일에 시작될 예정입니다. 몇 주 정도 후에 USCIS에서 어떤 이민 양식과 PIP를 신청할 수 있는지 자세히 알려드릴 것입니다. PIP 행정조치는 미국 시민권자의 배우자뿐만 아니라 입양 자녀와 21세 미만의 의붓 자녀를 포함한 자녀에게도 적용됩니다. 그들은 최소 10년 동안 미국에 거주했으며 2024년 6월 17일까지 미국 시민권자와 결혼을 한 분들입니. PIP는 추방으로 보호를 받고 노동허가를 신청할 수 있습니다. 그리고 불법으로 입국을 했었도 본국을 가지 않고 미국안에서 영주권을 신청할 수 있도록 허용합니다.


El programa PIP de la administración de Biden comenzará el 19/08/2024. En un par de semanas más o menos, USCIS nos informará en detalle qué formulario de inmigración y cómo podemos solicitar PIP. La acción ejecutiva de PIP no solo es para los cónyuges sino también para los hijos, incluidos los adoptivos e hijastros menores de 21 años del ciudadano estadounidense. Han estado en EE. UU. durante al menos 10 años y tienen una relación calificada antes del 17 de junio de 2024. PIP brinda protección contra la deportación, autorización de trabajo y permite a los beneficiarios solicitar la tarjeta verde aquí en los EE. UU.


Biden administration PIP program is set to start on 08/19/2024. In a couple of weeks or so, USCIS will let us in detail about what immigration form and how we can apply for PIP. PIP executive action not only spouses and but also children including adopted and step-children under 21 years old of the United States Citizen. They have been in USA at least for 10 years and have qualifying relationship by June 17, 2024. PIP provides protection from deportation and work authorization, and allows the beneficiaries to apply the green card here in the USA.


바이든 대통령 PIP 행정조치는 미국 시민권자의 배우자는 물론 입양자녀와 21세 미만의 의붓자녀를 포함한 자녀까지 포함한다. 미국에 최소 10년 동안 거주했으며 2024년 6월 17일까지 적격 관계를 유지해야 합니다.
H1B 비자에 대한 최소 대학 학위를 소지한 DACA 소지자에게 혜택을 제공합니다. 이는 해외 H1B 비자 신청과 관련하여 “불법 체류”에 대한 허가 불허 사유를 면제하는 간소화된 절차를 제공합니다.
이 행정 조치를 시작하기 위한 절차를 마련하는 데 약 2개월 정도가 소요됩니다.


La acción ejecutiva del presidente Biden PIP no solo es para los cónyuges sino también para los hijos, incluidos los hijastros y adoptivos menores de 21 años del ciudadano estadounidense. Han estado en EE. UU. durante al menos 10 años y tienen una relación calificada antes del 17 de junio de 2024.
Brinda beneficio a personas con DACA que tienen al menos un título universitario para la visa H1B. Proporciona un proceso simplificado para renunciar al motivo de inadmisibilidad de “presencia ilegal” en relación con la solicitud de una visa H1B en el extranjero.
Se necesitarán aproximadamente dos meses para contar con los procedimientos necesarios para iniciar estas acciones ejecutivas.


President Biden PIP executive action not only spouses and but also children including adopted and step children under 21 years old of the United States Citizen. They have been in USA at least for 10 years and have qualifying relationship by June 17, 2024
It provides benefit to people with DACA person who has at least college degree for H1B visa. It provides the streamline process of waiving the ground inadmissibility of “unlawful presence” in connection with applying H1B visa abroad.
It will take about two months or so to have procedures in place to start this executive actions


Breaking News. Be ready and you can start to apply sometime in August, 2024.


좀 더 자세한 바이든 대통령 행정명령: 누가 자격이 되는가?
바이든 대통령 행정부는 미국 시민과 결혼한 서류미비 이민자를 돕기 위해 새로운 "현지 보호" (parole in place) 프로그램을 행정명령으로 실행할 것이라고 발표 했습니다. 이 프로그램은 그들에게 임시 법적 지위와 취업 허가를 제공하여 추방으로부터 보호하고 합법적으로 일할 수 있도록 합니다. 목표는 혼합 신분 가족을 함께 유지하고 경제적 안정을 향상시키는 것입니다.
이번 PIP를 신청할 수 있는 자격 조건:
여기에 최소 10년 동안 거주했으며 2024년 6월 17일까지 미국 시민과 결혼한 사람. 새로운 PIP 프로그램이 시작되려면 적어도 여름이 끝날 때까지는 약 두 달 정도 걸릴 것입니다.
다음과 같이 적용될 것입니다. 일반적으로 불법으로 미국에 입국한 후 미국 시민과 결혼한 경우, 멕시코와 같은 본국으로 돌아가 이민 비자를 (영주권)를 신청해야 합니다. 그러나 미국을 떠나면 불법 체류로 인해 재입국 금지 조치가 내려질 수 있습니다. 이를 극복하려면 불법 체류를 용서받기 위해 면제(I-601A)를 신청해야 하며, 이는 몇 년이 걸리고 미국 시민 배우자에게 극심한 고통을 증명해야 합니다.

현지 보호 프로그램은 이 과정을 대신 할 것입니다. 미국을 떠나 면제를 신청하는 대신, 자격이 있는 배우자는 미국에 머물면서 "합법 입국" 체류신분를을 부여받아 나라를 떠나지 않고도 그린 카드를 신청할 수 있습니다. 이 변화는 특히 엄격한 반이민법이 있는 주에 거주하는 사람들에게 유익하며 추방의 두려움에서 벗어날 수 있는 도움을 줄 것입니다.

서류미비자이고 미국 시민과 결혼한 경우, 이 잠재적인 새 프로그램에 대한 지원을 받기 위해 웹사이트를 통해 저희 사무실로 연락해 주십시오.


Un poco de detalles sobre la orden ejecutiva PIP de Biden
EE. UU. ilegalmente y luego te casaste con un ciudadano estadounidense, tendrías que salir de los EE. UU. para solicitar una tarjeta verde (green card) desde tu país de origen, como México. Sin embargo, salir de los EE. UU. a menudo desencadena una prohibición de reingreso debido a tu presencia ilegal. Para superar esto, tendrías que solicitar una exención (I-601A) para perdonar tu estancia ilegal, lo que puede llevar años y requiere probar dificultades extremas para tu cónyuge ciudadano estadounidense.
Quiénes son elegibles para este Parole in Place:
Una persona que ha estado aquí al menos durante 10 años y está casada con un ciudadano estadounidense antes del 17 de junio de 2024. Se necesitarán aproximadamente un par de meses para poner en marcha un nuevo programa PIP, al menos hasta finales del verano.
El programa de parole in place simplificaría este proceso. En lugar de salir de los EE. UU. y solicitar una exención, los cónyuges elegibles podrían quedarse en los EE. UU. y recibir el estatus de "entrada legal", lo que les permitiría solicitar una tarjeta verde sin salir del país. Este cambio sería especialmente beneficioso para aquellos en estados con leyes antiinmigrantes estrictas, proporcionando alivio del miedo a la deportación.

Si eres indocumentado y estás casado con un ciudadano estadounidense, por favor contacta a nuestra oficina a través de nuestro sitio web en para obtener ayuda con este posible nuevo programa.


A bit of details on Biden’s PIP executive order
President Biden's administration is considering a new "parole in place" program to help undocumented immigrants married to U.S. citizens. This program would give them temporary legal status and work permits, protecting them from deportation and allowing them to work legally. The goal is to keep mixed-status families together and improve their economic stability.
Who are eligible for this Parole in Place:
A person who has been here at least for 10 years, and married to US citizen by June 17, 2024. It will take about a couple months of time to get a new PIP program rolling—at least the end of summer.
Here's how it would work: Normally, if you entered the U.S. illegally and then married a U.S. citizen, you would need to leave the U.S. to apply for a green card from your home country, like Mexico. However, leaving the U.S. often triggers a ban on reentry due to your unlawful presence. To overcome this, you would need to apply for a waiver (I-601A) to pardon your unlawful stay, which can take years and requires proving extreme hardship to your U.S. citizen spouse.

The parole in place program would simplify this process. Instead of leaving the U.S. and applying for a waiver, eligible spouses could stay in the U.S. and be granted "legal entry" status, allowing them to apply for a green card without leaving the country. This change would be especially beneficial for those in states with strict anti-immigrant laws, providing relief from the fear of deportation.


바이든 대통령 행정부는 미국 시민과 결혼한 서류미비 이민자를 돕기 위해 새로운 "현지 보호" (parole in place) 프로그램을 검토하고 있습니다. 이 프로그램은 그들에게 임시 법적 지위와 취업 허가를 제공하여 추방으로부터 보호하고 합법적으로 일할 수 있도록 합니다. 목표는 혼합 신분 가족을 함께 유지하고 경제적 안정을 향상시키는 것입니다.

다음은 이 프로그램이 작동하는 방식입니다: 일반적으로 불법으로 미국에 입국한 후 미국 시민과 결혼한 경우, 멕시코와 같은 본국으로 돌아가 그린 카드(영주권)를 신청해야 합니다. 그러나 미국을 떠나면 불법 체류로 인해 재입국 금지 조치가 내려질 수 있습니다. 이를 극복하려면 불법 체류를 용서받기 위해 면제(I-601A)를 신청해야 하며, 이는 몇 년이 걸리고 미국 시민 배우자에게 극심한 고통을 증명해야 합니다.

현지 보호 프로그램은 이 과정을 간소화할 것입니다. 미국을 떠나 면제를 신청하는 대신, 자격이 있는 배우자는 미국에 머물면서 "합법 입국" 지위를 부여받아 나라를 떠나지 않고도 그린 카드를 신청할 수 있습니다. 이 변화는 특히 엄격한 반이민법이 있는 주에 거주하는 사람들에게 유익하며 추방의 두려움에서 벗어날 수 있는 도움을 줄 것입니다.

서류미비자이고 미국 시민과 결혼한 경우, 이 잠재적인 새 프로그램에 대한 지원을 받기 위해 웹사이트를 통해 저희 사무실로 연락해 주십시오.


EE. UU. ilegalmente y luego te casaste con un ciudadano estadounidense, tendrías que salir de los EE. UU. para solicitar una tarjeta verde (green card) desde tu país de origen, como México. Sin embargo, salir de los EE. UU. a menudo desencadena una prohibición de reingreso debido a tu presencia ilegal. Para superar esto, tendrías que solicitar una exención (I-601A) para perdonar tu estancia ilegal, lo que puede llevar años y requiere probar dificultades extremas para tu cónyuge ciudadano estadounidense.

El programa de parole in place simplificaría este proceso. En lugar de salir de los EE. UU. y solicitar una exención, los cónyuges elegibles podrían quedarse en los EE. UU. y recibir el estatus de "entrada legal", lo que les permitiría solicitar una tarjeta verde sin salir del país. Este cambio sería especialmente beneficioso para aquellos en estados con leyes antiinmigrantes estrictas, proporcionando alivio del miedo a la deportación.

Si eres indocumentado y estás casado con un ciudadano estadounidense, por favor contacta a nuestra oficina a través de nuestro sitio web en para obtener ayuda con este posible nuevo programa.


President Biden's administration is considering a new "parole in place" program to help undocumented immigrants married to U.S. citizens. This program would give them temporary legal status and work permits, protecting them from deportation and allowing them to work legally. The goal is to keep mixed-status families together and improve their economic stability.

Here's how it would work: Normally, if you entered the U.S. illegally and then married a U.S. citizen, you would need to leave the U.S. to apply for a green card from your home country, like Mexico. However, leaving the U.S. often triggers a ban on reentry due to your unlawful presence. To overcome this, you would need to apply for a waiver (I-601A) to pardon your unlawful stay, which can take years and requires proving extreme hardship to your U.S. citizen spouse.

The parole in place program would simplify this process. Instead of leaving the U.S. and applying for a waiver, eligible spouses could stay in the U.S. and be granted "legal entry" status, allowing them to apply for a green card without leaving the country. This change would be especially beneficial for those in states with strict anti-immigrant laws, providing relief from the fear of deportation.

If you are undocumented and married to a U.S. citizen, please contact our office through our website at for assistance with this potential new program.



I used to be a hard core republican but the majority of them, mostly Trump supporters have lost their way and have gone insane still supporting a convicted felon and still want to vote for him who can not even vote because of his felony conviction. It is so sad and what a shame. I think we really need rge 3rd party who can represent true conservative, Christian and family value.

Photos from Immigration Attorney's post 05/11/2024

We are all done. So proud of our youngest daughter graduating from law school. Hope to pass on the torch I have carrying and legacy of elevating to our highest ideal. "Everyone is created equal and endowed with unalienable right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness".
Elevating aliens [ documented or undocumented] to that of a person entitled to equal protection and right under US constitution through immigration law.


El Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los Estados Unidos (USCIS) publicó su regla final y aumentará la presentación de solicitudes de inmigración al USCIS hasta en un 40% aproximadamente. Los nuevos precios entrarán en vigor el 1 de abril de 2024, lo que significa que a todas las solicitudes con matasellos posteriores a esta fecha se les cobrarán los nuevos costos más altos.

Este aumento significativo afectará negativamente la presentación de solicitudes para el beneficio, particularmente para solicitudes de inmigración basadas en la familia, entre las categorías más afectadas.

Los posibles solicitantes, especialmente aquellos que estén considerando la inmigración basada en familiares, deben presentar sus solicitudes antes de la fecha límite del 1 de abril para aprovechar las tarifas más bajas actuales.
Especialmente para las personas que se están preparando para presentar una solicitud de ajuste (tarjeta verde) basada en la presentación de una petición familiar, deben presentarla lo antes posible antes del 1 de abril de 2024, ya que la tarifa de USCIS aumentará mucho de $1760 a $3005.

Además, la precisión y la integridad en la presentación de solicitudes son muy importantes para evitar retrasos o rechazos, especialmente a medida que se acerca la fecha límite. Comience a contactar a sus abogados para iniciar el proceso.


Entiendo que esté preocupado por la nueva ley de Texas, el Proyecto de Ley Senatorial 4 (SB 4), que entrará en vigor el 5 de marzo de 2024.

SB 4 y el Reto Legal: Esta ley permite a la policía arrestar a personas sin documentos y a los jueces deportarlos. Pero el gobierno federal lo ha cuestionado porque va en contra de la Constitución de los Estados Unidos. Hay muchas posibilidades de que no se aplique.

1. Tus derechos: Sepa que tiene derechos, como permanecer en silencio y no permitir que nadie registre su casa sin una orden judicial. También puede hablar con un abogado.
2. Tratar con la policía: si la policía habla con usted, mantenga la calma. Pregunte si está retenido o si puede irse. No des documentos falsos ni mentiras.
3. Esté preparado: planifique qué hacer si lo detienen, como quién cuidará de sus hijos o a quién llamar.
4. Proteja sus documentos: guarde sus documentos importantes, como certificados de nacimiento, en un lugar seguro y haga copias.
5. A quién llamar: Tenga a mano el número de un buen abogado de inmigración. Manténgase alejado de personas que ofrecen malos consejos sobre inmigración.
6. Manténgase actualizado: las leyes cambian rápidamente. Manténgase al día con estos cambios.
7. Evite problemas: Manténgase alejado de situaciones que puedan causar problemas legales, como conducir sin licencia.
8. Presente una petición de inmigración si es posible: si puede solicitar inmigración a través de un familiar o un trabajo que sea ciudadano estadounidense, hágalo. Ayuda a demostrar que está tratando de arreglar su estatus migratorio y que está pasando por un proceso de inmigración. Recuerde, estos consejos son generales y es mejor hablar con un abogado para obtener asesoramiento específico para su situación.


I understand you're worried about the new Texas law, Senate Bill 4 (SB 4), starting March 5, 2024.

SB 4 and the Legal Challenge: This law lets police arrest people without documents and judges to deport them. But, the federal government has challenged it because it goes against the U.S. Constitution. There's a good chance it won't be enforced.

1. Your Rights: Know that you have rights, like staying silent and not letting anyone search your home without a warrant. You can also talk to a lawyer.
2. Dealing with Police: If police talk to you, stay calm. Ask if you're being held or can leave. Don't give fake documents or lies.
3. Be Prepared: Plan for what to do if you're detained, like who will take care of your kids or who to call.
4. Protect Your Documents: Keep your important papers, like birth certificates, safe and make copies.
5. Who to Call: Have a good immigration lawyer's number ready. Stay away from people offering bad immigration advice.
6. Stay Updated: Laws change fast. Keep up with these changes.
7. Avoid Trouble: Stay out of situations that could cause legal problems, like driving without a license.
8. File for Immigration Petition if Possible: If you can apply for immigration through a U.S. citizen family member or job, do it. It helps to show you're trying to fix your immigration status and you are going through immigration process. remember, these tips are general, and it's best to talk to a lawyer for advice specific to your situation.

Photos from Immigration Attorney's post 12/23/2023

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Wishing all of you beauty, meaning and joy of the season from all of us.
Feliz Navidad!
We truly appreciate your confidence, trust and patronage in our office.

Photos from Immigration Attorney's post 12/04/2023

Anyone interested in leasing this premise: prime location in Lewisville, TX.

4000 square feet of 6700 square feet building available for lease. (it can be divided into 3-4 spaces)

A prime location with heavy traffic on Justin Road, Lewisville TX
Right in front of neighborhood Walmart (located at the entrance to the Walmart)
High foot traffic because of Walmart and two gas stations on each side
Brand new building---building behind this buildings which are next to Walmart is fully occupied.
Beginning rent: $22-$25 per square foot with triple net (which estimated to be $7)
Interested please let us know via email: [email protected] or call 214 277 1049


"No temas al Proyecto de Ley del Senado de Texas 4 (SB 4) y recuerda que tienes ciertos derechos.

Cruzar la Frontera de Forma Ilegal es un Delito: Ahora es un delito estatal cruzar ilegalmente la frontera Texas-México. La policía puede arrestar y acusar a alguien de este delito.

Trato a Migrantes Arrestados: Si los migrantes acceden a regresar a México, los cargos pueden ser retirados. Quienes hayan cumplido su condena deben regresar a México o enfrentar más cargos.

Dónde No se Pueden Hacer Arrestos: La policía no puede arrestar a migrantes en escuelas, iglesias, hospitales y ciertos otros lugares.
Enfoque en Nuevos Cruces Fronterizos: La ley se enfoca principalmente en quienes cruzaron ilegalmente la frontera recientemente, no en aquellos que han estado en Texas durante mucho tiempo.

Efecto en Solicitantes de Asilo: Los arrestos bajo esta ley podrían perjudicar las posibilidades de alguien de obtener asilo en EE. UU.

Hay mucho Debate y Controversia: Existe debate sobre si esta ley es aceptable bajo la Constitución de EE. UU. La ley ha causado muchos argumentos. Algunas personas piensan que Texas necesita actuar en temas de inmigración, mientras que otros se preocupan por el trato injusto a los inmigrantes.

Como abogado de inmigración en ejercicio, esta ley de Texas parece inconstitucional ya que los extranjeros (documentados o indocumentados) están bajo la jurisdicción del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (gobierno federal) y los extranjeros tienen ciertos derechos bajo la ley federal: la Ley de Inmigración y Nacionalidad (INA). Siempre ha sido el caso de que cuando la ley federal entra en conflicto con la ley estatal, anula la ley estatal.

Parece claro que es solo un truco político, destinado a movilizar a las bases antiinmigrantes en Texas. Por favor, no te preocupes por esta ley. Si alguna vez eres arrestado por violar este estado, nunca renuncies a tus derechos y llama a un abogado de inmigración para hacer valer tus derechos otorgados bajo la INA."


Do not be afraid of Texas Senate Bill 4 (SB 4) and remember you have certain rights.

1. Illegal Border Crossings as a Crime: It's now a state crime to illegally cross the Texas-Mexico border. Police can arrest and charge someone with this crime.
2. Dealing with Arrested Migrants: If migrants agree to go back to Mexico, charges can be dropped. Those who've served their sentence must return to Mexico or face more charges.
3. Where Arrests Can't Happen: Police can't arrest migrants at schools, churches, hospitals, and certain other places.
• Focusing on New Border Crossers: The law mainly targets recent illegal border crossers, not those who've been in Texas for a long time.
• Effect on Asylum Seekers: Arrests under this law could hurt someone's chances of getting asylum in the U.S.

There are a lot of Debate and Controversy: There's debate over whether this law is okay under the U.S. Constitution.
The law has caused a lot of arguments. Some people think Texas needs to act on immigration issues, while others worry about unfair treatment of immigrants.
As practicing immigration attorney, this Texas law seems unconstitutional since the aliens (documented or undocumented) are under the Jurisdiction of Department of Homeland Security (Federal government) and Aliens have certain rights under the federal law---immigration and naturalization act. (INA). It has been always the case that when federal law conflicts with the state law, it cancels out the state law.
It seems clear that it is a just political stunt---aiming to rally up anti-immigrant bases in Texas. Please do not worry about this law. If you are ever arrested for violating this state, do not ever give up your rights and call an immigration attorney to assert your rights given under INA.

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Breaking News. Be ready and you can start to apply sometime in August, 2024.
Magic of  Job based Green card-getting a green card within a year or so. Particularly true for Mexicans! Magia de Reside...
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If you need immigration help, we are ready to help you!
Use H1B gap filler to get your green card.
Magic of Job based green card
Got a job but no paper. check this out--job green card



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