Molly Robinson Healing

Facilitating Consciousness Molly Robinson, CMT

I intend to hold a space for clients to see that their bodies have the ability to heal.

All of the tools we need for healing are already within us; we just need to learn how to access the tools. The body has a story to tell that is separate from that of the mind. Through accessing the wisdom of the body, clients gain clarity on the root of pain and suffering. Once awareness is established, negative patterns and energy blocks that limit our health, life purpose, prosperity and creativ


Need a Dose of Stress Relief? Here's The Medicine!

I know you have those days where your shoulders are up to your ears, your brain is fried, and you feel like you can't handle one more thing! I do too.

And you know how I get through it?! Using powerful tools and practices that reset my energy and help me melt away stress and tension so I can feel good in my body again.

This is EXACTLY what I'm going to teach you on Saturday afternoon, so make sure to claim your spot!

Winter Wellness Workshop:
Yoga & Massage For A Full Body Reset

At this 90-minute workshop you will:

- Learn simple self-massage & healing practices that connect you to your body, clear blockages, and dissolve stress.
- Reset your energy so that you can step back into your life lighter, more present, and revitalized.
- Re-establish a deep listening presence with yourself so that you can tune into your intuition and strengthen it.
- Receive physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual nourishment that you can recreate anytime you need a boost.

Most importantly... walk away with a self-healing toolkit that will support you for a LIFETIME!

When: Saturday, February 17th, 1:30-3pm

Where: YogaSix Northfield (8216 E Northfield Blvd
Denver, CO 80238) YogaSix

Investment: $25

Register here:

I don't mean to be dramatic 😉 but these 90 minutes could (and will, if you practice these things) completely change your life. When you learn how to pour into yourself in simple, yet profound ways, you step into your power and ability to shift your inner state regardless of what is happening in your life and that is FREEDOM!

Have questions? Reach out!

Can't wait to RELAX with you!



Do you LOOOOVE massage? How about Yoga??

Well this is the best of both worlds, which is why I’m so excited about it 😆

I know you have those days where your shoulders are up to your ears, your brain is fried, and you feel like you can't handle one more thing!

I do too. And you know how I get through it?!

Using powerful tools and practices that reset my energy and help me melt away stress & tension so I can feel good in my body again.

This is EXACTLY what I'm going to teach you at my upcoming Winter Wellness Workshop!

❄️ Winter Wellness Workshop ❄️
Yoga & Massage For A Full Body Reset

At this 90-minute workshop you will:

💟 Learn simple self-massage & healing techniques that connect you to your body, clear blockages, and dissolve stress.

💟 Reset your energy so that you can step back into your life lighter, more present, and revitalized.

💟 Re-establish a deep listening presence with yourself so that you can tune into your intuition and strengthen it.

💟 Receive physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual nourishment in a sacred container.

⭐️ Most importantly... walk away with a self-healing toolkit that will support you for a LIFETIME!

When: Saturday, February 17th, 1:30-3pm
Where: YogaSix Northfield (8216 E Northfield Blvd
Denver, CO 80238)
Investment: $25

No previous experience necessary. All are welcome!

Claim your spot HERE:

Comment or message me your questions.

Can’t wait to unwind with you!



WHO ME?!?! 😧


We moms can be the last ones to see this truth in ourselves.

I woke up wanting to spread some LOVE 💕 , especially to the mamas out there who hold, care, love, and nurture the next generation of humans. 👶👧👦🧒

It’s the most important job on the planet.

I see you, I appreciate you, and I hope you offer some gratitude to yourself for your courage to walk this bumpy, beautiful path.

Remember mamas...

👉You show up imperfectly every single say for your kid(s).
👉You have cultivated a unique bond with you child(ren).
👉You've had countless victories on your motherhood journey (both big and small).
👉You've overcome challenges and are stronger today than you were on day 1.
👉You've had endless love filled moments with your kid(s).

I adore working with heart-centered mamas who want to experience motherhood feeling balanced, present, and connected to themselves WHILE raising incredible humans that know how to shine bright because their mamas lead by example!!!! 🌟🌟🌟

Do you want to embody this 👆👆👆???! Are you longing for more JOY and vibrancy in your motherhood journey?

I’ve got you! Holla at me to make this your reality! 🚀

Save, share, & follow for more.



📢 Hey soul-centered, spiritual women 🙋‍♀️…

Ready to go from anxious & overwhelmed ❌ to balanced, peaceful, & present 😌?

Will 2024 be the year that you RISE out of feeling stuck in a rut of insecurity, worry, & disconnection with yourself & others,…

And START feeling good in your own skin, excited about life, & reconnected to JOY by becoming an active leader in your own life?!?!

No more sitting on the sidelines waiting for something to change!

If you are saying YES to this and know deep down that this is exactly what you need then I want to invite you to a FREE Magnetize Your Potential session.

In this session you will be held and supported exactly where you are, dream into what you desire for yourself and you life, and learn how I can help you move toward a more whole-hearted and fulfilling life faster and more easily than you ever thought possible. 🚀

It’s time to RISE & SHINE sistas! 💃

Make 2024 your BEST YEAR YET by scheduling this FREE call that will activate your highest and best.

Drop me a note below or message me directly and we will make it happen 🙌

So excited to hold space for you, hear your story, and dream into something AMAZING for you and your life 🤩

Keep Shining,


I am so proud of my client I have to share! It’s story time!

Several months ago, Kim came to me with anxiety and PTSD from her experience as a nurse during Covid. God bless our healthcare professionals!

It was especially challenging because not only was she a full time working nurse (working overtime during covid), she’s also a mom to twin boys! And it was impacting the rest of her as well.

The continuous stress of work created strain in her relationships, lowered her self-esteem, and left her feeling overwhelmed by daily life. She found it hard to keep her head above water.

While a part of her was hopeful, another part of her wondered if she would ever feel like herself again. She’s a ray of light that shares joy and vibrancy with everyone she comes into contact with!

After 3 months of working with me, Kim had a big shift. She realized that so much of her experience was created by thoughts and beliefs that just weren’t true. She was functioning out of old, false narratives that weren’t in alignment with who she came to know herself to be!

She attributes this shift to learning the skills to dismantle and release painful and limiting stories. By doing that she could find more freedom and balance in her life.

And now, her life is different, because she did the inner work that allowed her to feel more confident and connected to herself, life, & the people she loves. She recognizes that while things in life are out of her control, she has complete control over her thoughts, beliefs, and how she relates to herself… And that is true empowerment and freedom.

Are you stuck on the sidelines of your own life, longing for change?

Drop me a message below or privately and I’ll reach out.

Remember, you are worthy and deserving of a life of abundance, joy, & balance!


Even though I have been supporting soul-centered women over the past decade through several healing modalities to RISE to their TRUE potential, I know what it’s like to feel stuck, depressed, and disconnected from myself.

Because years ago, that struggle consumed my life. My daughter was born just a few weeks before the pandemic. The world shut down and I had a 2 year old and a newborn. It became a very difficult time in my life.

I know what it’s like to wake up and feel unexcited about the day ahead. And to lay down at night dreading having to do it all over again the next day.

It got so bad that I went on anti-depressants, which was actually the best gift I could have ever given myself. It saved me! And I am a huge advocate of medication when needed.

So, I know how painful it can be.

And, I know what it’s like to be on the other side of it.

To not just survive, but thrive and to have a life where I wake up smiling and squeezing my beautiful kids because I feel such an abundance of LOVE in my life. I go to bed at night thinking about how grateful I am for what I have created. Yes, you, just like me, are a powerful creator of your life.

The best part is that I am more connected to myself than I have ever been. I have put in the “work” to align my actions, mindset, and relationship with myself with where I want to go and the SKY’S THE LIMIT!

I want this kind of life for everyone! That’s why I do the work that I do.

The reality is that I care way too much about helping people rise up and become leaders in their own life to let fear of what anyone would think stop me. It’s so liberating!

Because I know how painful it can be when you are sitting on the sidelines of your life waiting for something to change. There’s a real soul sadness that no one should live with. And, I have dedicated myself to helping women create a life of abundance in any form (joy, presence, connection, purpose, love, and/or peace).

If you (or anyone you know) feel stuck or helpless to create the life you desire, but know deep down that you were meant for more, I’m offering 5 FREE Magnetize Your Potential Sessions to help you RISE up and Shine, baby, SHINE!

(Continued in comments)

Photos from Molly Robinson Healing's post 11/07/2023

Rise and shine ✨

Every freakin’ moment of your life!

Do not let imposter syndrome trick you into doubting your own accomplishments!

You’re only a tiny smidge of who you are are going to become because you’re going to keep learning and growing and evolving!

Nothing needs to be perfected, buttoned up, and you don’t have to have everything figured out before you RISE UP and allow yourself to SHINE by celebrating the goodness that has ALREADY transpired in your life.

You’re showing up, taking action toward your dreams and goals, and big visions. This is the moment to celebrate.

Celebration is such a powerful force to create from. Stop waiting and start creating!

And it’s only going to get better when you do this.

It’s not about pretending. It’s about recognizing your growth and giving yourself the credit you deserve.

I am excited for where I’m headed and I’m excited for where you’re headed.

Working with me is a freaking celebration… at least that’s what I’m creating. I want you to feel that because that’s when MAGIC happens for EVERYONE 🌟🌟🌟

Rise and Shine, mama! DM me “RISE” to connect and join my 1:1 coaching program. It’s for soul-centered women who are ready to stop sitting on the sidelines of their lives and RISE UP to a new level of SHINE!

So excited!! Let’s do this 👇⚡️🌟🎉🎉🎉🎉

Oh, and you’re amazing… I love you 💕


💥 Do you ever get tired of your own sh*t?

Slipping back into the same negative vibe over and over again?

I do.

And every time I slide into that dark hole of unworthiness, doubt, lack, and isolation there’s one thing that snaps me the f*ck out of it…

Deciding that I’m not going to take my own sh*t anymore.

That might sound weird coming from someone who is all about self-love, but I’m learning and living something new, and fresh, and exciting.

That telling myself, “stop! No more, get your head out of your ass.” Is the greatest gift I could EVER give myself and such a high embodiment of self-love!!!!


Because I deserve so much better than wallowing in the muck that I CREATED to begin with!!

I am not powerless! If I want success, abundance, joy, connection I have to get off my ass and create it.

And me getting off my ass actually looks like me sitting in my meditation chair calling in the abundance of support that I KNOW is always there and available to me, but I forgot. I slipped back into a bad dream that has clouded my life for far too long.

From my chair I can start to wake up to the truth that the things I want and that I AM destined for are right there- like a switch that I can simply flip on to illuminate the room once again.

And then I laugh at myself and say, “It’s right there! What are you doing?! Go turn the light on!”

You have this light in you too.

It’s wildly simple, but sometimes it feels hard to access that light because it’s tucked away in the crawl space of the basement, covered by old crap that needed to be cleaned out long ago.

Let’s uncover it! Let’s clean out the basement, dust it off, replace the lightbulb, plug it in, and…


Do you feel this vibe?! Do you want to illuminate the F out of your life?! You have to be the one to do it. No one can do it for you.

And that’s actually the best news EVER because it means you can start right now. You don’t have to wait for things to fall into place before you take action and get up off your ass, haha (or sit on your ass activating the magic and power in you.)

DM me 🔥🔥🔥 to claim your 1:1 coaching spot. Action takers get results.

I love you!

Photos from Molly Robinson Healing's post 11/02/2023

As crazy as it sounds we CAN be addicted to stress and “drama”

Do any of these sound like you?

Let me know in the comments.

A bit of rewiring of your thoughts and beliefs can go a long way in shifting you out of finding comfort in chaos so that you can start feeling good and at ease when life is calm.

And life brings you more of what you create… so what is stopping you from creating peace?

Maybe it’s time to find out?!?!

DM me peace and I’ll get in touch to support you.


Your life is yours to claim. Don’t sit on the sidelines waiting for something to change! You are powerful beyond measure. It’s time to wake up & own that truth!

I share a simple practice to help you remember your power and begin by starting RIGHT NOW to create the life you want.


Some love for the mamas ♥️♥️

I adore coaching mamas and mamas to be.

There is such a depth of wisdom to tap into and uncover in motherhood.

I know that motherhood is hard af and can be overwhelming and anxiety provoking.

I also know that you can overcome both anxiety and overwhelm when you tap into your power, start to work with yourself rather than against yourself, and set super clear boundaries within your own mind.

Activate your superpower!

DM me “MAMA” and I’ll be in touch- I love connecting with my people. No bots or annoying funnels- just pure connection.

Love, Molly


Less is more…

Especially when it comes to your well-being.

I spent years filling my head with knowledge, tools, practices, and information thinking that it would help me overcome anxiety and constant feelings of overwhelm.

I read books, listened to podcasts, saw therapists, and worked with healers.

Now, that’s not to say that these things aren’t helpful, because they are…

But when the tools/practices/knowledge stays up in your head, it doesn’t get you very far.

So for years, I kept getting sucked back into the overwhelm undertow, as I like to call it.

I’d feel better for a little bit, but I’d always end up back in it eventually. Maybe you do too?

If you think about the most well known spiritual leaders- The Dalai Lama, Thick Nhat Hanh, Ekhart Tolle, Byron Katie, Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield…

None of their teachings tell you to “do” more or search for answers.

They tell you to quiet your mind, slow down, become present, and look within yourself.

Overcoming chronic anxiety and overwhelm is no different. You can’t do, think, or force your way out of it.

When you learn to work with yourself rather than against yourself, everything changes and suddenly lasting inner peace feels possible.

If what you have been doing up until now to find relief had been working, you wouldn’t still be feeling stuck.

Ask yourself…

How much longer am I willing to stay like this? What is my peace worth to me?

DM me “OVERWHELM” to get started on a new path 🌟🌟🌟

Photos from Molly Robinson Healing's post 10/12/2023

🤷‍♀️ Anyone out there feel this way???

Honestly, I’m describing myself (before I found another way)!

We’re wired to seek for answers, solutions to our problems, and advice from others. It’s so completely normal.

And sometimes it gets us what we need, but when it comes to our well-being and happiness this isn’t always the case.

There’s a reason why spiritual teachers have taught that happiness is an inside job for centuries!

This isn’t new, but in our busy, external focused lives we forget about this essential TRUTH.

💥 If you’ready to end the seeking spiral and actually move toward the life you desire and deserve then…

☮️ DM me the work “HEAL” right now and I will be in touch with next steps!

Cannot wait to share this transformational work with you!

♥️ With Love,



WOOHOO! My new podcast is here!

Emotional Alchemy offers bite sized teachings that will help you reclaim your confidence, master your emotions, and cultivate deep connection so that you can move through your life with joy and ease.

It was created to answer this question...

How do I navigate the ups and downs of life without getting physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted, and without feeling like I’m constantly in survival mode?

I am so excited to share it with you! Each episode will be less and 15 minutes so that you an get a nugget of wisdom in one quick sitting :)

Get ready to be inspired, uplifted, find balanced, and reconnect with who you TRULY are.

The healer in you is a master alchemist and she is ready to be AWAKENED!

Episode 1 is on How Resistance Benefits Your Growth & Healing.

Link in bio to listen.

New episodes on Thursdays.


🧘DON’T try to NOT think during meditation…

What 🤯🧐☺️

Instead, learn to relate to your thoughts in a new way.

Yeah, yeah 🙄 observe your thoughts.

But seriously, there are some pretty amazing things that happen in your brain when you stop following your thoughts and start observing and naming what is happening. I’ll reach you all about this!

I am always talking about the importance of your meditation practice. This is because when you meditate, you are cultivating the part of you that is aware of what is going on in you (thoughts, feelings, emotions, sensations) in a non-judgemental way.

Awareness is the foundation of healing.

When you sit, you are activating the highest, wisest, most compassionate part of you that is able to be present with the full range of life experiences, which is what we all need in order to heal.

This part is your inner healer that is capable of offering the exact medicine that you need.

You will see a huge difference in your life when you begin a regular meditation practice.

What: Meditation 101 workshop
When: Sunday, Oct 8 from 2-3:30pm
Where: YogaSix in Northfield.

At this workshop you will learn tools to support your meditation practice so that you:

1️⃣ Feel confident taking you seat
2️⃣ Understand how you can best support yourself in your practice
3️⃣ Open the door to greater peace and balance

This is a great workshop for you to attend if:

🌟When you meditate you find yourself wondering things like... am I doing this right? Or why can't I do this?
🌟You are always lost in thoughts and easily give up on your practice.
🌟You are inconsistent with meditation and fall out of your practice easily.
🌟You know you want to do it but you are always procrastinating it or making excuses.

If you are feeling stuck when it comes to meditation, a little direction and support can go a LONG way!

You can register here:

Investment: $45

Let me know if you have questions. Invite a friend to come along too!

Photos from Molly Robinson Healing's post 10/02/2023

"You are a part of me I do not yet know." -Valarie Kaur

I was gifted an incredible experience at a retreat in the Colorado Black Forest at a sanctuary called La Foret, which will forever be a place of deep healing for me.

The trees and the land HEALED ME.

On my drive on Friday, I was recovering from a week of pushing myself into the ground. There was this force and harsh-ness behind everything I was doing. My mind felt like a battleground, my body drained.

I felt an immediate shift upon arrival. Things just slowed and I could breathe.

The retreat was centered around Valarie Kaur's movement- REVOLUTIONARY LOVE and her teachings of "see no stranger."

What if the state of our world- our environmental crisis, injustice and violence against people because of the color of their skin, religion, how they identify, or who they love...

"What if this is not the darkness of the tomb, but the darkness of the womb."

We are birthing a new world and it is a labor of LOVE.

Yes, we must fight and push, but we must also breathe, grieve, and listen so that we can continue on. Our world needs us to keep going. Keep showing up. Keep leaning into our interconnectedness.

In a world that wants us to stay separate. That wants us to be scared of one another, we must choose to wonder about each other and lean into the joy that brings us together.

We are more the same than we are different.

What a gift to spend over 24 hrs. in this energy and surrounded people who are living and breathing these teachings.

I'm still integrating it all into by body and heart and have found a new appreciation for life as one long labor of love- breathe and push, breathe and push.

My gifts nurture the softer, more gentle practices, that are essential to the fight of equality and justice for all. Whatever you are working toward, whatever your vision, may you not forget to breathe, trust your inner wisdom, and nourish yourself.

Thank you for spending time with these words. Have you heard of Valarie? Do you know her work? If so, let me know in the comments so that we can connect.

Blessings... ♥️

PS. The trees smell like butterscotch 🌲💛🌲

Photos from Molly Robinson Healing's post 09/19/2023

Going through hard sh*t requires you to rework your expectations, shift your priorities, and let yourself off the hook.

Here is little reminder to give yourself lots of grace around your unique process.

With a whole lot of self-compassion you can and will get through it.

Sending you love ❤️
Be sure to follow for more inspiration and support on your healing journey.


“What the f*ck is happening here?!” 🤣

That’s what the version of me from just 6 months ago is saying.

Yesterday, I got a message from a friend I haven’t been in touch with in a while. She told me that they were looking for a teacher to guide a morning yoga flow and meditation at a retreat with Valarie Kaur,

AND she thought of me for it.



If you don’t know this woman, go investigate what she is all about. She is a beautiful example of what it is like to live as LOVE, to embody the truth that you ARE LOVE in form.

I’ve been laughing this morning in total awe of the way the Universe is supporting me these days- putting people & situations in my path that will support me in getting my gifts out into the world to help others see their potential and live true to themselves.

So, I’m asking myself WHY NOW? I’ve been wanting to feel this level of success in my work for so long, and suddenly it all feels like its falling into place.

Here is what I know…

In the past 6 months, I have:

*Shifted my relationship with myself- the way I think about the value of my gifts, my worth, and what is possible for me.

*Changed my relationship with the unknown- which has a lot to do with the beliefs that I have held my whole life about how I am supposed to feel about uncertainty.

* Shifted my relationship with resistance and fear- I see it as in indicator that I am about to grow or expand even more!

An opportunity like this would NOT have presented itself if I hadn’t done this type of deep inner work- cleaning out the basement, opening all the windows, and starting fresh.

This is the essence of my teachings and methodology- shift the way you think about yourself, life, and others. Change your relationship to fear, difficult emotions, and the unknown, and questions every thought and every belief that you ever thought to be true.

You are not defined by your fears and insecurities and you don’t have to stay stuck!

Freedom is possible and starting October 4th, I am bringing this of the transformational teachings to you at a HUGE discount!

Here’s what you will get:

*8 classes over 9 weeks (all recorded and sent directly to your inbox so you can watch later if you can’t make it live).

* 3 group calls- integrate the tools and practices you learn in the classes, celebrate your wins, get support through the challenges, connect with other women doing this powerful work, and so much more!

Plus get a library of meditations, materials to support you on your journey, an option for 1:1 coaching, weekly inspiration emails, and more!

Investment: $647 for new clients ($997 value), and an even bigger savings for my existing clients!

The first class is 10/4 (optional attendance live), and the first group call is 10/10.

Visit to learn more.

DM me with interest/questions or comment “interested” and I’ll be in touch.

And, be sure to follow ( to join the community.

(More on the program in the comments)

DM me, visit the link in my Bio, or comment “interested” and I’ll be in touch.

Let’s connect! Follow


It’s time to let go of the belief that rest is something that you earn.

It’s believing that you can ONLY rest when

*there are no dishes in the sink
*you’ve sent all the emails
*you’ve stocked the pantry and fridge

that leads to total burnout.

And even if you DO allow yourself to rest, if you are doing it with guilt layered on top, you’re not truly able to rest.

The correlation between productivity and rest is so engrained in us.

The more you unravel that tangled mess, the more deeply you can rest and you can fill up your cup in less time.

Next time you find yourself resisting the urge to rest because you’re telling yourself you haven’t been earned it yet use this mantra:

🌟Rest is a right, not a reward.

Rest well ♥️

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