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Marim Ahmed
Marim Ahmed

Life long wellness solutions to transitioning to a healthier lifestyle. Your health is not waiting for you.

We work so hard to get to a point where we can enjoy our lives, but before we get their, the very lifestyle that we have created starts to affect the quality of our lives with issues like... high blood pressure, diabetes, some cancers, asthma, thyroid dysfunction, PMS and even gut issues, just to name a few. Our goal is to help people improve their health by addressing imbalances that are caused b


I am going Live for the first time in 2023 in 30 minutes, I would love to see you!!!

Photos from RealWellness_LLC's post 07/21/2022

In order to live a healthy lifestyle, you must first believe that you can.
Affirmations are a great way to introduce positive thoughts to your mind that can eventually help change your behavior once you believe the thoughts.
Here are 5 Affirmations to help encourage you to live the healthy lifestyle you deserve.

Photos from RealWellness_LLC's post 07/14/2022

Are you tired of starting a diet but not getting the results you envisioned?
Here are three reasons why your diet may not work out for you.
More details on weight loss can be found in Chapter 2 of "Breaking My Family's Poor Health Chain." Link In Bio
Weight loss is not a result of a fly-by-night diet, it is earned by living a positive lifestyle consistently.
You can do it!


Oftentimes, we tend to assume we are healthy because we are not exhibiting any symptoms that indicate we are not well.
How do you know you a genuinely healthy?
There are ways to assess health and prevent getting to the point of being sick. That is why I am passionate about holistic and preventative health.
If you know your body and take care of yourself daily, many diseases caused by your lifestyle can be avoided.
Be sure to check on your health status by taking lab tests and speaking with a professional, like me, even when feeling your best.
Also, continue to put your best foot forward with your health by making everyday choices that will help build you up and make your mind and body stronger.


It is hard to determine whether someone is truly healthy based on their appearance.
Health is more than just being fit or having clear skin.
Health is your ability to function overall, including mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
The book, Breaking My Family's Poor Health Chain, goes into detail about what real wellness is and how to achieve optimal health and maintain it.
Click this link to get your copy today:


The RealWellness telehealth model allows us to show up for the clients in 28 different states and three other countries.
It also allows our traveling businessmen and women to stay connected while on the go.
You can be in the comfort of your own home on rainy or snow days save gas but still have the connection and rapport as a face-to-face appointment.
If you are ready to improve your health and receive guidance at your convenience, click the send me a DM to let me know.


Health and wellness goals can be daunting. Achieving the goals you set for yourself could almost be compared to climbing a mountain.
How do you climb a mountain?
I will tell you the answer!
One step at a time!
Positive actions steps are essential to achieving the goals you are striving towards to be the best version of yourself.
To know what positive action steps to take, you need to thoroughly understand your current state of health and what issues, if any, need to be addressed.
A little detective work will uncover why you may be experiencing the symptoms you are experiencing. If you decide to work with me, I have various ways to get to the bottom of the issue, including blood work, function health report, and a meta oxy test.
Once this process is completed, I can give you the positive action steps you can take to achieve the health and wellness you deserve.
If you are interested in developing a health and wellness plan designed specifically for you, send me a message and we can set up your initial consultation.
Be sure to like this page for holistic health and wellness tips.


How often do you pause to practice gratitude?
This affirmation will remind you to take a moment to be grateful. You have the ability to create and receive, which is amazing!
Affirming that your life is in total harmony will also open your eyes to see where you can impliment balance in your life.
Have a magnificent Monday!

Photos from RealWellness_LLC's post 03/06/2022

Small changes in your diet can make a world of difference in how you feel and look.
Try switching out these three common ingredients for the substitution listed if you haven't already.
Avocado oil is an excellent substitution for vegetable oil because it has a higher smoking point. This means that it can cook at high temperatures without releasing as many free radicals as other cooking oils. It is also a great source of oleic acid, vitamin e, and antioxidants.
Himalayan salt contains less sodium than table salt, making it a great substitution. It would be best if you still consumed it in moderation.
Monkfruit sweetener is a wonderful substitute for granulated sugar because it contains zero calories and carbs. It also does not affect blood sugar levels like granulated sugar does.
Share your favorite food substitutions in the comments below.


Do you have a cough that won't go away?
Put down the cough syrup and try these 4 tips that will allow your body to heal itself properly.
It is so important to make sure you allow your body the opportunity to get out what could be causing the cough.
Leave a comment below to let me know if you have tried any of these methods.

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Queen Afua has inspired and changed so many women and men's lives through her teaching and writing.
She is an author of 6 best selling books.
She is also a holistic practitioner and wellness coach.
She has made an incredible impact in the health and wellness industry over the past 40 years by reaching people from around the world and sharing knowledge and a better way of living.
Queen Afua ๐Ÿ’


I encourage you to read my book "Breaking My Family's Poor Health Chain" on your wellness journey. It includes years of knowledge and wisdom to help you on your path to wellness. A healthy lifestyle is real wellness. I don't want to just get you healthy for short-term goals or gratification. The book will uncover how to shift your mindset towards health and give you a roadmap to achieving long-term wellness.

Click the link below for your personal road map to wellness.


Photos from RealWellness_LLC's post 03/01/2022

Can you believe it is already March!?
This month, I will be focusing on one of the 8 Essential Lifestyle Functions, "nutrition." Without it, our bodies would not be able to function properly.
Here are three ways to improve your nutrition this month and every month after:
โ€ข Eat 7-14 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. I know 7-14 servings sound like a lot. It is more than many of us eat daily, but it is possible! Salads contain multiple servings of vegetables. If you also make sure the most visible portion (MVP) on your plate is a big scoop of your favorite vegetable, and you use actual serving sizes, you will easily attain the goal.

โ€ข Decrease or eliminate processed foods from your diet. This will create room for you to get the nutrients you deserve. Processed foods take up space in your stomach without benefiting your system. It also takes longer for your body to digest processed foods. Give yourself a break, cut out the processed foods and see how your energy levels change. It is worth it!

โ€ข Don't overcook your veggies! Many of us tend to do this, especially with green leafy vegetables. The nutrients you need will be cooked out if the vegetables are overcooked. Green Leafy vegetables should still look vibrant once cooked.
Try to implement these tips in your daily life, if you don't already. Even if you choose to focus on one of the tips, you are sure to reap the benefits.


Whatever you focus on, your energy goes there. Be intentional about what you choose to focus on in life.
What three positive words do you see?
Where focus goes, energy flows
-Tony Robbins


This affirmation is perfect for starting the week on a good foot.
Monday is the start of a new work week for many of us. Having gratitude towards being able to serve is a mindset game changer.
If you feel the Monday blues or on any day that you don't feel like working, switch your mindset from "working" to "serving" and add some gratitude. Doing this eliminates the negativity around dreading work and makes room to receive the rewards the universe has to offer you.


Here is your reminder to get up and get moving today!
Even a short exercise is better than nothing.
Exercise, especially cardio, helps your heart by increasing circulation. Doing this also helps move oxygen through the body.
If you aren't sure what to do for 10 min, youtube has a plethora of short workout videos that you can do at home, without any equipment.


Here is a reminder to those who know and an introduction to those who don't.
The eight essential lifestyle functions are eight areas in our life that we should focus on to have a healthy lifestyle.
Do a self-check periodically to ensure that you are nurturing all 8 of these Lifestyle Functions.
Doing this will ensure that you take care of yourself adequately and promote health in your mind, body, and overall life.


It is still Heart Health Month! Did you know the arteries play a significant role in supporting your heart? They help carry blood away from your heart so your oxygen-rich blood can bless the rest of your body through circulation.
Here are five foods that can help keep your arteries nice and clear so your blood can go where it needs to go.
Pomegranate contains nitric oxide that helps expand the arteries and increase the blood flow, which reduces plaque build-up in your blood vessels and arteries.
Grapefruit contains vitamin C, which is great for the arteries. If you are on medication, please be careful with grapefruit. Check with your doctor to make sure there aren't any side effects that are brought on by consuming this fruit while taking your medication.
Spirulina helps relax artery walls and lower blood pressure with the amino acids found in the protein spiraling contains.
Green tea has anti-inflammatory properties which may prevent amyloid plaque build-up in the arteries.
Cinnamon also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce blood pressure by relaxing the arteries.


I often ask my clients โ€œWhat is your why?โ€
Why do you want to make a change in your health and wellness?
Why do you want to see the results you wish to obtain?
I challenge you to dig deep and figure out why you are choosing to make changes to your health and wellness routines.
Why are you choosing to start or stop that habit that will change your life?
Often, people are forced to make the change due to a health crisis. The goal should be to prevent the health crisis from happening by taking care of yourself every day and making choices that build you up.
What is the empowering belief that will move you to continue to go towards your goals long enough to see results?
My book โ€œBreaking My Familyโ€™s Poor Health Chainโ€ has one of my whys in the title. I am the mother of three amazing children that are now healthy and health-conscious adults. It was so crucial for me to be an example to my family so that I could break my familyโ€™s poor health chain.
In the book, I ask other questions and have many insights to help you uncover your own why. I will also give you a โ€œHowโ€; How to start or continue your own journey to health and wellness.
Click the link in the bio to obtain your copy of โ€œBreaking My Familyโ€™s Poor Health Chain.โ€


Have you paid attention to what you are doing while you eat your food?
Many of us eat while we watch television, scroll on our phones, work, or even drive. Have you tried taking a moment to be mindful with your food?
Mindfulness is being in the present moment without distracting the mind. Practicing mindfulness while eating has many benefits, including:

โ€ข Better Digestion
โ€ข Awareness of when you are content with the amount you eat
โ€ข Creating space for gratitude for your body and food

You can practice mindfulness while eating by:

โ€ข Focusing on the food on your plate, not on other distractions.
โ€ข Know what is on your plate, take a moment to go over what you are eating, and make sure it aligns with your values.
โ€ข Don't rush while eating. Make sure you take a breath in between bites. Even put your fork or spoon down to give yourself time to chew your food without rushing.
โ€ข Use all of your senses while you eat your food. How does your food smell? Does it taste bitter, sweet, salty? How does the texture of the food feel? How does it sound when you bite into it?
Eating should be a delightful experience, and practicing mindfulness can help to enhance it.


Do you need support during your wellness journey?
RealWellness is here to help! My team and I specialize in assisting clients that are serious about improving their health but need support. We do this by addressing imbalances that are caused by past/current lifestyle; you will, thought patterns, as well as your inner & outer environment.
Your health begins and ends with you; it is time to take control of your health so you don't have to deal with poor health for the rest of your life.
I have served over 25 years in the health and wellness field and helped hundreds of clients obtain their health and wellness goals. I am now accepting applications for a one on one 60 minute consultation where you will:
๐ŸŒŸ Share your current state of health story, how your symptoms impact your life and what you would like to improve.
๐ŸŒŸ Be provided 2-4 Positive Action Steps (PAS) to use immediately to rebuild, repair or recover your health in a science-based holistic approach.
๐ŸŒŸ Learn the hierarchy of health when dealing with multiple health concerns.
๐ŸŒŸ Learn where you stand on the wellness-illness continuum and which direction you are facing. (Why this is important to know!)
๐ŸŒŸ Understand how our process can be the guide you need to reach your health and wellness goals.
๐ŸŒŸ Get the answer to your personal questions regarding the state of your health and wellness. #/5b66848c67c6b90208f462cc/bookings?s=5c2d1f9c627db3131c87ad39&step=date


How much thought have you put into how you think about your health and wellness?

That might seem like a complicated question, but it is worth answering.

Mastering your mindset is an essential step to transitioning to better health. In my book "Breaking My Family's Poor Health Chain," I dive deep into how you can change your mindset to help serve you in your health and wellness journey.

Changing your mind for the better eventually leads to a better life.

Photos from RealWellness_LLC's post 02/16/2022

Do you need support during your wellness journey?

RealWellness is here to help! My team and I specialize in assisting clients that are serious about improving their health but need support. We do this by addressing imbalances that are caused by past/current lifestyle; you will, thought patterns, as well as your inner & outer environment.

Your health begins and ends with you; it is time to take control of your health so you don't have to deal with poor health for the rest of your life.

I have served over 25 years in the health and wellness field and helped hundreds of clients obtain their health and wellness goals. I am now accepting applications for a one on one 60 minute consultation where you will:

๐ŸŒŸ Share your current state of health story, how your symptoms impact your life and what you would like to improve.

๐ŸŒŸ Be provided 2-4 Positive Action Steps (PAS) to use immediately to rebuild, repair or recover your health in a science-based holistic approach.

๐ŸŒŸ Learnย the hierarchy of health when dealing with multiple health concerns.

๐ŸŒŸ Learn where you stand on the wellness-illness continuum and which direction you are facing. (Why this is important to know!)

๐ŸŒŸ Understandย how our process can be the guide you need to reach your health and wellness goals.

๐ŸŒŸ Get the answer to your personal questions regarding the state of your health and wellness.

Click the link in the bio to take the next step towards RealWellness.


Since we are all aware, now let's take some Positive Action Steps to improve heart function. If knowledge is power, action is the key to the unlock that power.


Hello! I hope you all are doing well so far this year. I wanted to share a quick and healthy snack that you all can make. If you haven't tried raw bell peppers, you are missing out! They are actually quite sweet. Black bean hummus is also a great way to add a little bit of plant-based protein to your snack.

If you are looking for more health and wellness tips and information, be sure to follow on Instagram.


In my book "Breaking My Family's Poor Health Chain" our mindset is one of the first topics covered. It is so important to have a healthy mindset. Mastering your mindset allows you to plant the seeds necessary to live a healthy lifestyle. Change your mind change your life.


Hey there,

Did you know, you can have a consultation with a holistic health practitioner, from the comfort of your own home?

It's true! keep on your fuzzy slippers and pajama pants while gaining information to improve your health.

But hurry, our Black Friday & Cyber Monday Sale ends soon.

We took 50% off our Initial Consultation.

Once you purchase, you have until February 1, 2022 to schedule your appointment.

Share the gift of health with family & friends.

Click the link for details.

If you are unsure of how to improve your health and reduce disease risk, I invite you to a 60 minutes initial consultation where you will:

๐Ÿ’ซ Share your current state of health story, how your symptoms are impacting your life, and what you would like to improve.

๐Ÿ’ซ Be provided 2-4 Positive Action Steps (PAS) to use immediately, to rebuild, repair or recover your health in a science-based holistic approach.

๐Ÿ’ซ Learn the hierarchy to health, when dealing with multiple health concerns.

๐Ÿ’ซ Learn where you stand on the wellness-illness continuum and which direction you are facing. (Why this is important to know!)

๐Ÿ’ซ Understand how our process can be the guide you need to reach your health and wellness goals.

๐Ÿ’ซ Get your questions answered by a professional with over 2 decades of experience and has successfully helped hundreds of clients with a wide variety of health concerns.

โ“โ“ Could a personalize holistic health approach be the solution to your health concerns, and just the thing you need to fall in love with the process of taking care of yourself?

โ“โ“ Could one conversation change your life?

Let's find out!

Grab your initial consultation now!
(Limited slots available). Sales ends on Monday at 10pm.

Purchase today and schedule your appointment anytime before February 1, 2022

Click the link to get started.

Want your business to be the top-listed Grocery Store in Durham?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Jicama Salad & FriesI wanted to highlight the nutritional benefits of raw jicama. Here's why it's worth trying:1. **Low ...
3 Tips To Improve Your Health Long-term.Gaining traction can  be tough when it come to making changes. Hear are a few Ti...
How often do you pause to practice gratitude?โœจThis affirmation will remind you to take a moment to be grateful. You have...
Do you have a cough that won't go away? .Put down the cough syrup and try these 4 tips that will allow your body to heal...
This affirmation is perfect for starting the week on a good foot.๐Ÿ˜ŠMonday is the start of a new work week for many of us....
How much thought have you put into how you think about your health and wellness? That might seem like a complicated ques...
Bell Pepper, Black Bean Hummus, Pretzles, and Radish Sprouts
In my book "Breaking My Family's Poor Health Chain" our mindset is one of the first topics covered. It is so important t...
Cyber Monday Sale
Whether you use toxic bleach or not you must...
Ladies and gentlemen thereโ€™s still time to sign up for my spring wellness program! Start your wellness journey with me! ...



800 Park Office Drive
Durham, NC

Opening Hours

Tuesday 10am - 5pm
Wednesday 10am - 5pm
Thursday 10am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 2pm
Saturday 7am - 11am

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