Dr. Skye Stewart

Functional Medicine Doctor & Founder of
Whole Health Integrative Medicine in Maryland

Photos from Dr. Skye Stewart's post 10/16/2023


Here’s your reminder that you don’t have to struggle with your stomach problems, daily exhaustion, and brain fog for another 5..10 years!

Even if you’ve been told that “everything is normal,” or “this is something you’re just going to have to live with,” there are answers!

When you work with me, you’ll FINALLY be able to…

👉Banish persistent gut issues, finally finding relief from years of discomfort.
👉Ditch crippling anxiety, and embrace a newfound peace that you can enjoy every day.
👉Experience boundless energy after conquering your battle with chronic fatigue.

If you are on the fence, just check out these testimonials. If you are ready to feel your best, you can experience health transformations like these! (Swipe through).

YOU can be the next success story. Are you ready to take control of your health journey and ditch your fatigue, brain fog and gut issues for good? Book a FREE Strategy Call with me today to feel your BEST! (Link in bio)


Tired of the same old sugary Halloween treats every year that makes your kids bounce off the walls?

It's time to switch things up with a Healthier Halloween Bowl that your trick-or-treaters will absolutely love! 🎃🍬

While you may just want to say, “oh it’s only for one night,” it’s actually more than that. If we are being honest, that halloween candy will stick around for weeks, causing meltdowns and health concerns. Not to mention, they will be getting plenty of treats at school and desserts over the next couple of months during the holidays.

High sugar intake can lead to:

❌ Tooth Decay: Halloween candy, especially the sugary and sticky varieties, can contribute to tooth decay and cavities. Bacteria in the mouth feed on sugar, producing acids that erode tooth enamel.

❌ Sugar Overload: Consuming large amounts of candy in a short period can lead to a sugar rush, followed by a crash. This can cause mood swings, irritability, and energy fluctuations in children.

❌ Weight Gain: Frequent consumption of high-calorie, sugary treats like Halloween candy can contribute to unhealthy weight gain, increasing the risk of childhood obesity.

❌ Nutrient Deficiency: Kids who fill up on candy may not have room for more nutritious foods. This can lead to a lack of essential nutrients and vitamins necessary for their growth and development.

❌ Digestive Issues: Overindulgence in Halloween candy can lead to digestive discomfort, including bloating, stomachaches, and diarrhea, especially if the candy contains artificial sweeteners.

❌ Unhealthy Eating Habits: Excessive candy consumption can reinforce unhealthy eating habits and cravings for sugary foods, which may persist beyond Halloween.

❌ Behavioral Issues: Some studies suggest a potential link between high sugar intake and artificial dyes and hyperactivity or attention problems in children.

Instead of handing out candy, offer these healthy and fun alternatives instead! Other mamas with thank you!

✔️ Glow bracelets
✔️ Slap bracelets
✔️ Playdough
✔️ Stamps
✔️ Mini airplane
✔️ Stickers
✔️ Yum earth organic lollipops
✔️ Yum Earth gummy packs



Feeling perpetually drained… Every. Single. Day?

You're not alone. Many of us rely on that morning jolt to power through the day, (and maybe a 2nd one around 1pm) but what you choose to sip can make all the difference in how you feel by afternoon.

Coffee: The beloved global pick-me-up, coffee's benefits extend beyond the immediate energy boost. It’s packed with antioxidants, can enhance mental alertness, and even boost metabolic rate.

However, for sustained energy, the quality matters. Definitely go organic here! Non-organic coffee may contain harmful pesticides and chemicals, negating some of its benefits. While coffee provides a quick energy surge, it might also lead to that familiar afternoon slump. It can also influence your cortisol in a way that your body adjusts to needing it more.

Matcha: This is a finely ground green tea powder that offers a gentler, more sustained energy release compared to coffee. Why? It contains both caffeine and L-theanine, an amino acid that promotes relaxation without drowsiness. This combo means a calm, sustained focus—no jitters, no crash.

And just like with coffee, organic is the way to go. Organic matcha ensures you’re getting pure, high-quality tea without any unwanted chemicals.

For the constantly exhausted go-getters, reevaluating your caffeine source might be the tweak you need. Say goodbye to those afternoon crashes and hello to sustained energy!

If you’re looking to boost your energy, and ditch the brain fog & gut issues, book a call with me today. Together we will get to the ROOT of your symptoms and get you feeling your best with personalized diet, supplement, and lifestyle recommendations.

Photos from Dr. Skye Stewart's post 10/09/2023

Our brain's neocortex, is often referred to as the "thinking brain." It gives us the ability to imagine, reason, and mull over problems - which sets us apart from others in the animal kingdom. However, our sophisticated cognitive tool has a double edge.

When we excessively dwell on or overthink problems, our brain can trigger the stress response. This releases a cocktail of chemicals like cortisol and adrenaline. Initially, these chemicals prepare us to face perceived threats – a survival mechanism from our ancestral days. But when these chemicals are chronically produced, driven by our recurring negative thoughts, they can become addictive.

That’s right- you thinking that same negative thought over and over again is stressing out your system! AND there are physiological reasons you tend to go back to those thoughts.

Just as one might crave the rush from external stimulants, our brain can start craving the internal surge of stress chemicals. This cycle means we can quite literally become addicted to our own thoughts. And herein lies the danger: when left unchecked, this repetitive cycle can impact our mental and physical health, leading to ailments ranging from anxiety to cardiovascular issues.

This is why mindfulness practices are so important! Recognizing and addressing negative thought patterns can be more than just self-awareness; it can be a pivotal step in preserving our overall well-being. Remember, our thoughts have power, but we have the power to choose our thoughts.

Join the “VIP Priority Notification List” to be the first to know about my exciting new program that integrates health consulting, mindset work and more to heal the gut, ditch brain fog and skyrocket energy! (link in bio!)

Photos from Dr. Skye Stewart's post 10/06/2023

From trauma to toxins…here’s how your body's stress response works

When stress knocks on your body's door, whether physical, chemical, or emotional, your biological systems jump into action. From a scraped knee to a toxic exposure, from battling a virus to processing grief, your body activates a complex stress response to restore equilibrium.

Physical Stress - Trauma to your body, like injuries or strain, triggers inflammation and repair mechanisms. The body increases blood flow to the affected area, delivers nutrients, and facilitates healing. It’s important that you provide your body with the nutrients it needs to heal and alleviate the stress.

Chemical Stress - Toxins, viruses, bacteria, or even fluctuating blood sugar levels put your body on alert. Your immune system launches defense mechanisms, like producing antibodies or releasing insulin to regulate blood sugar, ensuring your cells remain protected and functioning.

Emotional Stress - Grief, anxiety, and other emotional turmoils activate your brain's limbic system. This, in turn, influences your endocrine system, releasing stress hormones like cortisol. Over time, with chronic emotional stress, your body seeks adaptive methods to cope, utilizing processes like emotional regulation and seeking social support to allow the body to get back into balance.

At the core of these reactions is your body's innate drive to return to a state of balance, or homeostasis. Recognizing these stressors and how your body responds is the first step in supporting its relentless pursuit of equilibrium. If the body doesn't have the right resources or tools to get the body back into a state of balance, that’s when chronic health issues can occur.

With the proper diet, supplement and lifestyle choices, you can learn how to get your body back into equilibrium after it’s been through any type of stress response.

Book a call with me today to learn how we can work together to get you feeling your BEST!

Photos from Dr. Skye Stewart's post 10/04/2023

Unlock the Secrets of the Blue Zones

What if the secret to hitting a century isn’t in our genes, but in our daily habits?

While the average American can expect to live up to 78.2 years, there's specific groups around the world who frequently live beyond 100.

Wondering what's their secret sauce?

Journeying through the world's Blue Zones - regions with an unusually high number of centenarians - reveals some fascinating insights.

From the mountainous Barbagia in Sardinia to the sunny Ikaria in Greece, and from the vibrant Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica to the disciplined life of the Seventh Day Adventists in Loma Linda, California, and the elderly women of Okinawa, Japan, we see the same routine patterns occurring.

Here are the 9 life-changing habits shared by the world’s longest-lived people:

Natural Movement: Forget gyms. People in these places move organically, tending gardens and doing manual chores.

Purposeful Living: They have a compelling reason to rise each day, adding up to seven more years to life.

Stress Busters: From ancestor-remembrance to prayer and naps, they have unique rituals to destress.

Mindful Eating: They stop eating at 80% full, which might be the weight-management mantra you needed.

Plant-Powered Diets: Beans rule! They eat meat, but in limited quantities. Very unlike what you’d find in America.

Social Sips: Most enjoy 1-2 glasses of wine daily, but always in good company!

Community Matters: Faith and more time spent together contributes to 4-14 extra years of life.

Family First: Centenarians prioritize family, offering support and receiving care in return.

Pick Your Tribe Wisely: Their social circles champion healthy behaviors. As the saying goes, you're the average of your five closest friends.

While genetics plays a part, adopting the Blue Zones lifestyle can push our life expectancy up by a whopping 10-12 years. Ready to join the century club?

If you want to boost your longevity, book a call with me today! Together we will get to the ROOT of your imbalances with advanced analysis and personalized testing to get you feeling your best with personalized diet, supplement, and lifestyle recommendations for a long, happy and healthy life!


For those battling fatigue, gut disturbances, and brain fog, the solution may lie at the breakfast table.

Beginning your day with sugary treats like donuts and sweetened cereals might seem like a quick energy boost, but in reality, it sets up a cascade of metabolic events that can be leading to your exhaustion, anxiety and even gut issues!

Sugar, especially in high amounts, causes a rapid spike in blood glucose levels. In response, your body produces a surge of insulin, which can lead to a subsequent sugar crash.

This roller coaster effect on blood sugar can exacerbate fatigue and brain fog, making it harder to focus and maintain energy throughout the day. (Why you may be dragging at 2-3pm!)

Not to mention, excessive sugar can cause some nasty gut health issues by promoting the growth of unhealthy bacteria and yeast, leading to all sorts of gut imbalances and symptoms like bloating, gas, and digestive discomfort.

Keep your sugar intake to a minimum, especially during breakfast. Ideally, aim for less than 10 grams of sugar per meal with high quality fats and proteins to maintain stable energy, cognitive clarity, and gut wellness.

But here’s the important part…opt for nutrient-dense, WHOLE foods that can nourish the body and set the right tone for the day.

Remember, the way you kick off your morning can greatly influence your health journey!

If you’re looking to boost your energy, and ditch the brain fog & gut issues, book a call with me today. Together we will get to the ROOT of your symptoms and get you feeling your best with personalized diet, supplement, and lifestyle recommendations.


Want to avoid cold and flu season? Give these tips a try!

Optimize Diet: Consume a whole foods, anti-inflammatory diet rich in vitamins and minerals, including a variety of fruits & veggies, along with fermented foods, protein and good-quality fats like fish, avocados, and nuts.

Exercise: Daily movement is great for a healthy inflammatory response, relieving stress, and boosting mood.

Sleep: Prioritize adequate sleep as this is the prime time your immune system is at work fighting off invaders.

Stress Management: Spend time in meditation, music, mindfulness, and with loved ones. Touch and connecting with others are great for stress too!

Supplements to Reduce Cold and Flu Frequency/Duration: The "Fantastic Four" supplements include fish oil, probiotics (especially spore-form probiotics), a multivitamin, and vitamin D.

Supplements to Avoid Deficiencies: Supplements like vitamin C, zinc, vitamin A, selenium, and glutathione (or its precursor, NAC) can help to avoid deficiencies that may make individuals more susceptible to viral illnesses and respiratory infections.

Mushrooms: Reishi, maitake, sh*take, and turkey tail mushrooms are great for their potential to enhance a healthy immune response.

Anti-Inflammatory Support: Foods and supplements that can help keep inflammation in check are things like curcumin, quercetin, melatonin, green tea (EGCG), and resveratrol.

Herbal Medicine: Herbs like elderberry, echinacea, astragalus, & garlic may be useful..

Barrier Support: Maintaining skin and mucous membrane health is essential. Zinc lozenges, herbal throat sprays, and manuka honey can be helpful for sore throats.

These strategies and supplements are meant to support overall health and immune resilience to reduce the frequency and duration of sickness.

If you want to build up your body’s resilience to avoid the the brunt to cold and flu season, join the “VIP Priority Notification List” to be the first to know about my exciting new program and services that integrate health consulting, mindset work, and more to heal the gut, improve mood,and skyrocket energy! (link in bio!)


Inflammation is the number one cause of chronic conditions. But before they become chronic diseases, symptoms can manifest that can still impact your quality of life.

Inflammation within the body can show up as:
- Chronic pain
- Fatigue
- Brain fog
- Insulin resistance
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Acne
- Constipation/diarrhea
- And more.

Common Causes of Inflammation:
🔸 Poor Diet: Poor dietary choices, such as excessive consumption of processed foods, sugar, unhealthy fats, and food allergens, can contribute to inflammation. A diet rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory foods can help mitigate this.

🔸 Chronic Stress: Persistent stress (mental / physical / emotional) can lead to an overactive stress response system and chronic inflammation. Stress management techniques, such as mindfulness, yoga, and deep breathing are essential.

🔸 Underlying Infections: Chronic infections, including viral, bacterial, or fungal, can trigger ongoing inflammation. Addressing underlying infections is vital. We can use functional lab testing to pinpoint infections and overgrowths within the gut and elsewhere.

🔸 Environmental Toxins: Exposure to environmental toxins, such as pollution, heavy metals, pesticides, and chemicals found in personal care products, can lead to inflammation. Reducing toxin exposure by buying non-toxic products and buying organic can support detoxification pathways.

🔸 Unhealthy Lifestyle Factors: Lack of physical activity, staying up late with little sleep, and smoking (yes, even va**ng) can contribute to inflammation. Regular exercise, quality sleep, and smoking cessation are important.

If you are wanting to get to the ROOT of your inflammation, ditch your symptoms and prevent chronic disease, join the “VIP Priority Notification List” to be the first to know about my exciting new program and services that integrate health consulting, mindset work, and more to heal the gut, improve mood,and skyrocket energy! (link in bio!)


Are you getting enough Vitamin D?

Vitamin D, often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin," plays a vital role in our overall health. It's responsible for a range of functions in the body, from supporting strong bones to bolstering the immune system.

However, many people, especially those who spend less time in the sun, may experience vitamin D deficiency, which can lead to a number of health issues.

Most Common Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency
- Fatigue
- Brain Fog
- Bone Pain
- Frequent Illness
- Depression and Mood Swings
- Hair Loss
- Impaired Wound Healing
- Muscle Weakness
- Chronic Pain

🍂 Tips for Getting Enough Vitamin D in the Fall 🍂

Spend Time Outdoors: Even as the days grow shorter and cooler in the fall, try to spend some time outdoors in natural daylight. Aim for at least 15-30 minutes of sun exposure on your face, arms, and legs several times a week. This allows your body to produce vitamin D naturally.

Dietary Sources - Incorporate foods rich in vitamin D into your diet like:
Egg Yolk
Beer Liver
Cod Liver Oil

Supplements: If you have limited sun exposure or struggle to meet your vitamin D needs through diet, consider vitamin D supplements. Choose a high quality supplement to ensure you are getting the necessary amounts.

If you suspect a deficiency or have risk factors, such as limited sun exposure, age, or certain medical conditions, consider getting a vitamin D blood test. This can help determine your current levels and guide your supplementation regimen.

If you are looking to boost your energy and enhance your mood, functional lab testing can help you uncover the ROOT of your fatigue, brain fog and anxiety. Book a call with me today to see how we can optimize your body and get your feeling amazing again!


Preparing your body for pregnancy through preconception care is essential for a healthy pregnancy journey. While you shouldn’t stress over an intense detox, there are things you can do daily to help your body get rid of excess toxins.

Here are some detox basics you can start today for a healthy pregnancy and baby.

Ditch Your Toxic Products: Reduce your exposure to toxins in various aspects of your life. Be mindful of the personal care products you use, the cleaners you use at home, the cookware you cook with, & even the quality of your drinking water. It might seem overwhelming, so take it one step at a time.

Start with personal care products, like body wash, shampoo, lotion & hand soap, as they cover a significant portion of your skin. I like using the EWG’s Skin Deep Cosmetic Database to see if the products you have in your home or are about to buy are considered “clean” and safe.

Drink Up & Promote Regular Bowel Movements: Staying hydration is crucial for overall health. It helps flush out toxins from your body and maintains bodily functions. Plus, staying hydrated helps you have regular daily bowel movements which is also KEY. Elimination is a natural process that rids your body of waste and toxins. Think of it as taking out the garbage daily to keep things running smoothly. If you don’t take it out, things are going to build up and get pretty nasty! Same goes within your body!

Nutrition Matters: Nutrition doesn’t have to be confusing. Focus on a balanced diet to support your body's readiness for pregnancy. Include foods rich in fiber and protein, which aids digestion and toxin elimination. Incorporate cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, kale, and cabbage into your meals; they contain essential nutrients for detoxification. And aim to eat a variety of colorful fruits & vegetables to get loads of phytonutrients. Focusing on eating WHOLE foods is a great tip.

By taking these steps and prioritizing preconception care, you can create a healthier foundation for pregnancy and support the well-being of both you and your future child.

Book a call with me if you are wanting to dive deep and optimize your body for the healthiest pregnancy! (link in bio)


EBV reactivation refers to the reawakening of the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) after a period of dormancy or latency within the body.

EBV is a common virus belonging to the herpesvirus family, and it is estimated that a large majority of people have been infected with it at some point in their lives.

After the initial infection, the virus can remain in a dormant state in certain cells, particularly immune cells, without causing noticeable symptoms.

However, various factors, such as a weakened immune system, stress, illness, or other infections, can trigger the virus to become active again.

When EBV reactivates, it begins to replicate and produce new viral particles, potentially leading to symptoms and health issues.

EBV reactivation can cause a range of symptoms, including fatigue, brain fog, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, muscle aches, and flu-like symptoms. It can also further trigger autoimmune states.

There is ongoing research and exploration into the potential links between EBV reactivation and certain chronic conditions, including autoimmune diseases and certain types of cancers.

It's important to note that while EBV reactivation can lead to symptoms, not everyone who experiences reactivation will have severe or noticeable effects. If you suspect you might be experiencing EBV reactivation or have concerns about its impact on your health, let's talk to get to the root to address your symptoms.

Join the “VIP Priority Notification List” to be the first to know about my exciting new program that integrates health consulting, mindset work and more to heal the gut, improve mood,and skyrocket energy! (link in bio!)


SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth), is a condition in which there is an excessive amount of bacteria present in the small intestine.

Normally, the small intestine has a relatively low population of bacteria compared to the large intestine. However, in SIBO, there is an abnormal increase in the number & types of bacteria in the small intestine.

These bacteria can interfere with the proper digestion & absorption of nutrients, leading to symptoms like bloating, gas, diarrhea, chronic fatigue, heartburn, unexplained weight loss, fatty stools, frequent infections & more.

SIBO has been associated with several factors, including:

👉 Impaired gut motility: Conditions that slow down the movement of food through the small intestine can create an environment where bacteria can overgrow.

👉 Low stomach acid: Inadequate stomach acid levels can allow more bacteria to survive and thrive in the small intestine.

👉 Medications: Some medications, particularly those affecting stomach acid or motility, can increase the risk of SIBO.

👉 Digestive disorders: Conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn's disease, food poisoning, & celiac disease can be associated with SIBO.

👉 Immunodeficiency: A weakened immune system may struggle to control bacterial populations in the small intestine.

Diagnosis of SIBO is typically done through breath tests that measure the gasses produced by the bacteria in the small intestine.

Treatment involves addressing the underlying causes and rebalancing the gut microbiome. This can include dietary changes, probiotics, antimicrobial treatments, and addressing any contributing factors.

SIBO is something I see a lot of in my practice that requires careful management. It’s important to work with someone who is experienced in treating SIBO because it is notoriously complex.

Join the “VIP Priority Notification List” to be the first to know about my exciting new program that integrates health consulting, mindset work and more to heal the gut, improve mood, & skyrocket energy! (link in bio!)

Photos from Dr. Skye Stewart's post 08/23/2023

When bacteria set up shop in a new location, like your gut, they start to replicate and can eventually secrete a matrix around themselves and other nearby neighbors. This is called a “biofilm” and it allows the microbes to have their own little community to communicate and share resources.

That might be cute for them, but for us, there can be downsides. These barriers can sometimes make it hard for your immune system, testing, medicines, and treatments to reach the areas they're needed.

This means that even if you're getting treatment, you might not fully recover until these biofilms are dealt with and removed.

Biofilms are actually a big reason behind things like drug-resistant bacteria and stubborn infections. Without intervention, they can seriously affect your health.

When opportunistic "bad guys" like harmful bacteria, fungi, or parasites take up residence within these biofilms, they can lead to a range of health concerns. Biofilms can form inside your body, like your respiratory or digestive tract.

In the sinuses, unhealthy biofilms may contribute to chronic sinusitis, causing persistent congestion, discomfort, & reduced quality of life.

Similarly, in the gums & teeth, imbalanced biofilms can contribute to periodontal issues, leading to gum disease & tooth loss.

The gut is a great spot for these bacterial communities because it gets a constant supply of nutrients and has a large surface area. Within the gut, disturbed biofilms might result in dysbiosis, leading to digestive troubles, immune system dysfunction, and even systemic inflammation.

Functional medicine recognizes the interplay between the body's various systems & seeks to identify the root causes of these imbalances. By addressing the composition and stability of biofilms, we can aim to restore harmony within these microbial communities.

We may use targeted dietary adjustments, probiotics, antimicrobial interventions, and lifestyle modifications to support the body's innate ability to maintain healthy biofilm ecosystems.

Click the link in bio to get on the list so you can learn about new exciting ways to work with me so that we can get to the root of your health issues!



Imagine having tools that help you feel and perform at your very best. These devices come in all shapes and sizes, from wearables that you can put on like a watch, to gadgets that gently guide your mind into a better state. They can help you feel healthier quicker by understanding your body and mind even better.

Biohacking devices can help you find ways to think clearer, sleep better, and feel more in tune with yourself. Whether you're aiming for a sharper mind or simply wanting to boost your physical well-being, these devices are like your trusty sidekicks, helping you uncover your hidden strengths and abilities. Here are some devices I am loving!

Light Therapy
Infrared Sauna
EMF Blocking
Wearables (Apollo Neuro, BrainTap, Muse, Hapbee)
Continuous Glucose Monitors
Oura Ring
Cryotherapy Chambers

These biohacking devices are a way to unlock a healthier, more optimized version of yourself. From managing stress, to unlocking fertility and metabolism,to fine-tuning your body's responses, they're amazing at supporting you on your wellness journey!

Join the “VIP Priority Notification List” to be the first to know about my exciting new program that integrates health consulting, mindset work and more to heal the gut, ditch brain fog and skyrocket energy! (link in bio!)


Let's chat about Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)...but from a different angle from what you’re probably used to hearing.

You've probably heard of IBS, right? Either you or someone you know is struggling with it.

But here’s something I bet you didn’t know… the diagnosis of “IBS” is really just saying that you have a collection of GI symptoms without giving any explanation as to what is causing it.

So often people receive that diagnosis and think “Oh, OK. I have IBS and that’s why I have constipation or diarrhea”. But that’s not the case!

I look at IBS as a puzzle with many pieces and dig deeper into finding out why you're experiencing these gut issues. There is SO much more to consider.

It's not a one-size-fits-all situation. Your diet, stress levels, gut microbiome, inflammation, and more, all play a role in “IBS”. And guess what? It's different for each of us!

Instead of shrugging and saying, "Yep, you’ve got IBS," functional medicine says, "Let's find those root causes!"

Food sensitivities, gut imbalances, too much stress – these could be the culprits behind the scenes.

IBS isn't just a label; it's a sign that your body is trying to tell you something. Are you listening?

Join the “VIP Priority Notification List” to be the first to know about my exciting new program that integrates health consulting, mindset work and more to heal the gut, ditch brain fog and skyrocket energy! (link in bio!)


Depression is usually “addressed” by handing over a prescription medication. However, depression can be often addressed (for the long haul) by getting to the ROOT cause.

Unfortunately, conventional medicine doesn’t look into the many potential root causes, and instead uses medication as a way to cover up the symptoms instead of addressing it at its source. There are many cases when medication is necessary, but that doesn’t replace looking deeper!

Here are 5 root causes of depression that I look for, using a functional medicine approach.

👉 Heavy Metals: Exposure to heavy metals like lead, mercury, and cadmium from sources such as contaminated water, food, or environmental pollution can contribute to depression. These metals can disrupt neurotransmitter function and overall brain health.

👉 Lyme Disease: Lyme disease, caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, can lead to neurological and psychiatric symptoms, including depression. The infection can trigger inflammation and affect neurotransmitter balance.

👉 Mold Toxicity: Exposure to mold and mycotoxins in water-damaged buildings can lead to mold toxicity. This can result in a range of health issues, including depression, due to the impact on the immune system, inflammation, and neurotransmitter disruption.

👉 Endocrine Disruptors: Chemicals found in everyday products like plastics, cosmetics, and pesticides are known as endocrine disruptors. They can interfere with hormone function, potentially affecting mood regulation and contributing to depressive symptoms.

👉 Chronic Inflammation: Inflammation, often caused by factors like poor diet, stress, and environmental toxins, is linked to various health problems, including depression. Inflammatory markers can influence brain function and neurotransmitter balance.

Other things like nutrient deficiencies, gut health issues, and hormone imbalances can also contribute to depression. Exploring deeper mind-body connections is also extremely invaluable. It's important to emphasize that depression can have multiple contributing factors, and each individual's experience is unique.

Join the “VIP Priority Notification List” to be the first to know about my exciting new program that integrates health consulting, mindset work and more to heal the gut, improve mood,and skyrocket energy! (link in bio!)

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