Wardy Wellness



My Facebook account has been hacked!
ignore anything coming from my
account. -David Wardy


My Facebook account has been hacked!
ignore anything coming from my
account-David Wardy


Episode #141 of The Doctor Dads Podcast we interview the co-owner of BioProtein Technology Dustin Baker.
HGH Growth Hormone decreases every year after puberty. Sometimes by 50% by age 35 and continues to decrease every year after that.

Lower HGH looks like:

• Poor Metabolic Function
• Increased Body Fat, Abdominal & Visceral
• Reduced Exercise Performance
• Increased Stress & Anxiety
• Depression and Poor Mood
• Insulin Resistance
• Reduced S*x Drive and Function
• Reduced Skeletal Muscle, Strength and Size
• Chronic Pain, Inflammation and Fatigue
• Lack of Energy, Drive and Focus

BioPro+ is the first of it’s kind, 100% non-synthetic Growth Factor formula that is genetically activated to increase absorption rates and get to work FASTER, EASIER, and SAFER.

Growth Factors are the end results of HGH Growth Hormone after it’s metabolized by the liver and sent out into the blood stream. Since BioPro+ is 100% non-synthetic it works without causing any of the negative side effects of the typical synthetic Rx hormone treatment.

A non-invasive approach to our healing growth factors. Benefits include:

- [ ] Stronger S*x Drive
- [ ] Increase Metabolism
- [ ] Burn Fat and Lose Weight
- [ ] Stronger Immune Function
- [ ] Recover From Workouts Faster
- [ ] Greater Energy and Vitality
- [ ] Less Stress and Anxiety
- [ ] Healthier Looking Skin
- [ ] Reduce Brain Fog
- [ ] Improve Memory


Visit Bioproteintech.com for more info


Shedding, thinning and loss of our hair is a concern for many. There are many reasons we can start to lose our hair starting with genetics, high stress, toxicity, medications, hair products, and more.

Like anything we should approach for our health, getting to the root cause is vital to get the results you are looking for.

The Doctor Dads interview Mahryah Shain the owner and developer of More Hair Naturally.

We discuss:

-Causes of hair loss
-What DHT is and what is the root cause of us losing our hair
-Past to present hair solutions
-Lifestyle habits that promote hair growth
-How Red Light LED and other things help but won’t get to the root cause
-Current products for hair regrowth that have long term toxic side effects
-Why it’s important to start supporting hair restoration early on
-Why More Hair Naturally uses the science based natural ingredients in their products
-A realistic time frame to see results whether it’s genetic or stress related hair loss

More Hair Naturally creates natural topical treatments for thinning hair that combines stem cells, peptides and probiotics  into powerful and easy to apply solutions. Custom formulated in Southern California, there have NEVER been products for thinning hair like these before. No drugs, side effects or lifetime usage. Just Results.

Learn more at morehairnaturally.com


There are no shortcuts, healing takes time.


We have a returning guest on this week's podcast. Dr. Noha Oushy DDS joins us again for a continuation of the discussion we had with her in episode 112. 

The mouth is a window into your body and our smile has an impact on our entire health. Taking a holistic wellness approach when getting care for your teeth and mouth is essential to prevent certain illnesses and disease.

From safely removing amalgams to infection and bacteria that can enter the bloodstream through the mouth which can lead to heart disease, respiratory infections, as well as other health issues. Our bite, tongue, and jaw influences our airway which is the main way we breath life force energy (oxygen) daily.

Biological Dentistry factors in the connection between mouth and body into every examination and treatment provided to help patients achieve a lifetime of great health.

We continue our conversation and dive into airways. Conditions like ADD & ADHD and Sleep apnea are some of the more common conditions that can be associated with an airway problem.

Symptoms like:
* Chronic Snoring
* Dry Mouth and Lips
* Headaches
* Insomnia
* Lack of Energy During the Day
* Mood and Behavioral Changes
* Sore Throat
* Waking Up Gasping for Air

There are many things in our mouth that can cause an airway problem. Dr. Oushy schools us on what she looks for, why, and the type of solutions necessary sometimes to correct these problems.

Dr. Oushy is proudly the only dentist in El Paso and southern New Mexico to be SMART (Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique) certified by the IAOMT, Accredited as a Biological dentist by the IAOMT and certified with the IABDM.


Eat for life.


Part 2 of our Body Ecosystem Hierarchy series brings us to the brain and nervous system.

Dr. Nick and Dr. David discuss the importance of optimal brain function and how it is a master system when it comes to our health and daily performance.

Topics discussed:
* Depth of Presence and its energetic effect on the field around you
* Brain Coherence
* The Autonomic Nervous System
* Heart Rate Variability and your nervous system
* Brain Heart Coherence
* Chronic Stress effects on the brain
* It's not a trait, it's a state.... How to change your state to regulate your nervous system
* Cryotherapy
* The Vagus Nerve
* The Power of Breathwork
* and more....


The Doctor Dads are back!!! After a short hiatus Dr. David & Dr. Nick are back and bringing you some exciting content, guests, and conversations in the upcoming months. To kick off the return they will be doing a multiple part series breaking down the body ecosystem hierarchy. When looking at the body as a whole they is a hierarchy of the importance each system plays in coordination with all other systems. Each having their specific role and rhythm that plays out for the whole to be in coherence and harmony.

In part one we begin with the extracellular matrix. Connecting every cell to every other cell, every system to every other system, and constantly moving energy and information through our body our fascial network is the most important system to keep the whole connected.

Body Ecosystem Hierarchy

1. The Extracellular Matrix
2. Brain
3. Lymphatic (Immune)
4. Gut
5. Vascular
6. Nerves
7. Organs
8. Endocrine
9. Musculoskeletal
10. Local Tissue


The demands of our body are simple.

When there is interference to our bodies ability to carry out specific functions this will throw our systems out of homeostasis and promote dis-ease.

Vital Function Demands are essential to allow our body to function and perform the way we were designed.

Communication- Our nervous system (your broadcast system) must be fully functioning and clear of interference.

Resources- We have to provide our body with the resources necessary for health and our cells must be able to utilize these resources to function.

Response- Our immune system must be able to have a healthy response to heal a physical/mental trauma, combat infection, fight inflammation, or deal with a toxic load.

Reactivity- Our bodies ability to return to homeostasis once it has had to respond to internal or external stressors.

A healthy body has optimal vital function demand integrity.

If you don’t feel well, one or more of your vital functions is breaking down and is affecting your health. Knowing which one is the hard part.

At Wardy Wellness we take a vitalistic approach to your health and assess your vital function demands on your initial evaluation. Get to the root of your health problems and quit treating symptoms.


Dr. Nick and Dr. David sit down with Restore Human Senior Coach Pax Frias. We dive into talks about building a better body through proper training modalities and understanding concepts such as tensegrity to reach your goals whether it be to eliminate pain and dysfunction or to improve performance.

Concepts we speak about-

- Understanding which systems need training to find resolution of joint issues
- The role your fascia and tensegrity play in the functionality of your entire body
- Having a goal in mind with the outcome that you want from your training
- How to find the right trainer to help you achieve your fitness goals
- and more........

Pax Frias is a Restore Human Senior Coach with many mobility and fitness certifications and is an avid biohacker. Growing up in the Andes Mountains of Chile with a loving family, seven dogs and three cats, played a significant role in developing Pax’s penchant for being outside and in motion. Running along a deep forest trail, swimming in the ocean, climbing rocks or lifting logs on the beach, are all things he does for fun.
Realizing a deep passion to help people become strong, stay motivated, and cultivate vibrant health, Pax became a personal trainer. Then his adventurous mind and body lead him to explore things like Obstacle Course Racing, Natural Movement, the Wim Hof Method, and Functional Range Conditioning, among other approaches to wellbeing optimization. Drawing on these experiences, Coach Pax enjoys educating people on the power of creating and maintaining a healthy mind-body connection, which is the foundation for the goal of being fit for the long term.    

Alongside Master Coach K, Pax has delved deeper into the science and practical application of movement for health. Having assisted in teaching Restore Human courses in Europe and North America, he is a key contributor to the further refinement and ex*****on of the Restore Human Method.


Dr. Nick and Dr. David are back after a busy March. The doctors talk about the modern dad and balancing the masculine and feminine energy to show up as dad, husband, friend, and human being.

- self care whether its competitive sports to stay active all the way to having me time and finding space for your self

- The energies of being dad, husband, friend and being in the masculine energy vs feminine energy and why both are necessary depending on the situation.

- How these energies will effect hormones and why certain activities are necessary to drive the masculine energy for males to optimize hormone health.

- Characteristics of the modern man: Encouragement, Leadership, Courage, Vulnerability 


Be careful who you choose to guide you with your health.

Just three years ago information of natural immunity was censored and the public was lied to about it. Studies verify what many of us were saying at the beginning of the plandemic.

Big pharma, Fauci, and our government and the individuals that are profiting from it do not have your best interest at heart.

Natural immunity is much stronger than a jab. You were born with what you need to protect you.

As always the individuals that are normally at risk when they get the flu are the only ones who potentially may need acquired immunity through a jab.

There are dangers and risks when you get vaccinated. Many people have suffered, been handicapped, and died from getting a jab that they did not need.

Fear is a powerful tool, be careful who you listen to.

Be well.


Join our team!! 😊❤️🙏



Dr. Nick & Dr. David sit down and talk all things HBOT.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a treatment in which a patient breathes air or varying amounts of oxygen while inside a pressurized chamber, the pressure being anything above 1 atmosphere. The healing power of oxygen is not something new. The use of hyperbaric therapy dates back nearly 350 years. The very first hyperbaric chamber was created in 1662 with the clinical use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy starting in the mid 1800s. During the 1960s, studies began to show a wide variety of beneficial uses for HBOT therapy. Today, there are over 150 internationally approved conditions for which hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been shown to be effective and beneficial.

Under normal circumstances, oxygen is absorbed into circulation when we breathe and transported throughout the body only by red blood cells.  Under pressure, oxygen can be dissolved into all of the body’s fluids, the plasma, the lymphatic system, the central nervous system fluids, and the bone. This allows us to dissolve, transport and deliver many more times the normal oxygen to our tissues and cells.

It has long been known that healing many areas of the body cannot take place without appropriate oxygen levels in the tissue. In many cases, such as circulatory problems and non-healing wounds, adequate oxygen cannot easily reach the damaged area. Oxygen can be carried to areas where circulation is diminished or blocked. In this way, extra oxygen can reach the damaged tissues helping the body to support its own healing process. The increased oxygen enhances the ability of white blood cells to kill bacteria, reduces swelling and allows new blood vessels to grow more rapidly into the affected areas. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is safe and effective and provides this extra oxygen absorption with minimal side effects.


The Doctor Dads sit down with Paul Barattiero Founder and CEO of Synergy Science the developers of Echo Hydrogen water machines. 

The benefits of hydrogen have been known and studied for some time. Its just in the past decade that it's finally being promoted for his benefits to our health.

Hydrogen water is simply water with dissolved molecular hydrogen gas (H2). Hydrogen gas is separated from a stream of water during electrolysis. Then, its dissolved into a second stream of water. Hydrogen has been shown to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, which is the leading cause of disease. Hydrogen’s therapeutic benefits are displayed in nearly 1,000 scientific studies and articles, spanning over 12 years.

Paul schools us on the therapeutic benefits of hydrogen water and what someone should expect from regular usage of drinking it. As stated above, the main benefit that hydrogen gives us is a decrease in oxidative stress and inflammation which is the root cause of all disease. He also shares other benefits like improved digestion, reduced sensitivities to dairy and gluten, and more with regular drinking of hydrogen water.

The Echo hydrogen water machine that they have developed is unique in many ways compared to other machines on the market. Their machine requires no cleaning of the calcium build-up that accumulates over time from the electrolysis to separate the hydrogen from the oxygen. It also includes an energy medicine feature to imprint your water with homeopathics in real time from an app on your phone that you can subscribe to for a small monthly fee. If you cant afford one of their main machines they offer affordable solutions like a pitcher and tumblers that will produce hydrogen water as well.  

For more info visit ECHO H20


The world is flooded with information. There is so much information and individuals who claim to have the answers for your health challenges. Some have good info, some bad, some merely just trying to turn a profit. Many of the remedies that spread as conventional wisdom have little to no effect on our health and in many cases can cause harm. Another problem is, we are all different and what worked for someone else doesn't necessarily mean it will work for you. 

So where do you start? What's the remedy?

In this episode the Doctor Dads sit down with Spencer Feldman from remedylink.com and talk about tackling the low hanging fruit to get your health back. Spencer gives us the science and remedy to address major interferences affecting your health. We chat about effective detox, parasite cleanses, liver/gallbladder cleanses, coffee enemas and more.

Check out remedylink.com


Sleep comes number one when it comes to pillars of our health. Without optimal sleep we suffer from a loss of repair, recovery, and healing for our system of systems.

Sleep issues can lead to a long list of health struggles including but not limited the following:

* Low Energy
* Brain Fog
* Inflammation
* Weight Gain
* Digestion Issues
* Chronic Pain
* Hormone Imbalances
* Toxicity
* Mental Stress (loss of conscious control of your emotions)
* Speeds Aging
* And More...

Lucky for us Matt Gallant from Bioptimizers has done years of research to understand the ins and outs of sleep from your "Sleep Kit Setup" to the medicines that promote and enhance a better nights sleep.

Learn all about sleep and how to make it better in this episode of The Doctor Dads Podcast.


✨The Metabolic Reset✨
🗓Starts February 9th, 2023🗓
A seven week program utilizing fasting, ketosis, and diet variation to maximize stem cells for health and longevity.
Find out how boosting your stem cells is your key to:
🔹Deep Cellular Detox
🔹Hormone Optimization
🔹Brain Health
🔹Pain Relief
🔹Fat Loss

Register on EVENTBRITE.com search wardy wellness under online events.



The Doctor Dads kick off 2023 with the top health trends moving into the new year.

From artificial intelligence/virtual reality and the wellness metaverse to primal movement and outdoor fitness Dr. David and Dr. Nick chat about their favorite trends.


Photos from Wardy Wellness's post 12/23/2022

🎄 Merry Christmas from our family at Wardy Wellness. Love health and happiness to everyone this holiday season. 🎅


🎄 Happy Holidays!!! 🎄

Give the gift of health this holiday season!!

To show our appreciation for our wellness community this holiday season we are offering Vitality Lab punch cards at a huge discount!!

There are only 50 cards available so grab one while they last. They make great stocking stuffers or gifts for friends and family. #915


Evolution, growth, and change are necessary in life. We all have points in life when we become conscious of what needs to change. Unfortunately for some this occurs after a trauma in life, either physical or emotional. 

Self starting and finding the motivation to make changes can be difficult when we are in the dumps emotionally or physically. Dr. David and Dr. Nick discuss moving beyond motivation, share stories and give guidance on making your way towards the change you are looking for in your life.

This episode is packed of golden nuggets to give you some insight for change.


The Doctor Dads sit down with Dr. Judson Brandeis once again to talk about another men's health topic, our manhood. The P-Long procedure was developed and tested by Dr. Brandeis, Urologist, Researcher, and Men's health expert.

No longer will men have to attempt risky or artificial therapies to increase the size of their manhood and suffer the unfortunate results.

Over 50% of men wish their manhood was bigger. Until the release of the P-Long Study, there was no scientifically proven natural way to increase the length, girth, and function of a healthy and normal p***s. P-Long® is the first and only clinically proven protocol to naturally increase the size of your manhood without surgery, cosmetic fillers, or negative side effects.

Patients can expect to increase the length of their manhood by almost a full inch. P-Long patients can expect to increase the girth of their manhood by up to half an inch. Enjoy long-term results without the risk of painful, risky or expensive surgeries.

Visit p-long.com to learn more



Errors are due to state not trait.

The biological set point of your Brain and nervous system integrity determines our ability to perform, problem solve, regulate emotions and thoughts, have appropriate alertness and/or calmness for your present environment, digest food, sleep well, regulate our energy efficiently, breath properly, and so much more.

A nervous system that is stuck in neural fatigue or TMS creates dis-ease in mind and body. This translates to a poor stress response and emotional resilience, anxiety, low energy, sleep issues, inflammation, hormone issues, poor digestion and assimilation, hypoxia, pain in the body, etc…

Neurological Integration System (NIS) helps bring your nervous system back into balance (coherence) so you can show up to life as the best version of yourself.

Come experience the extraordinary at Wardy Wellness.


HBOT is up and running!!!

Come in for a dive and experience the power of oxygen under pressure. Oxygen is a nutrient for the 70 trillion cells of your body. When our bodies can absorb more oxygen magical things happen for our repair, recovery, and healing.

Inflammation reduction is just one of the many benefits of HBOT.

Packages and memberships are available for our Vitality Lab.


Experience The Extraordinary
When it comes to regulating our nervous system there are key components that help us achieve balance daily.

Having healthy habits daily and in our lifestyle supports our nervous systems ability to maintain balance. Adapting well to the stressors of life and having a good response-ability when we have to deal with stress is entirely up to your ANS (autonomic nervous system) integrity.

When there is a loss of integrity of our ANS we can’t show up as the best version of ourselves and it effects our ability to feel well.

Symptoms like low energy, poor sleep, brain fog, bouts of anxiety, digestion issues, and joint and back pain are some of the more common issues we will experience when our master system loses balance.

NIS & Chiropractic care support your nervous systems ability to maintain balance and deal with whatever life throws at you. Get your nervous system checked and treated and you will thrive instead of survive.


Living a healthy lifestyle means being pro-active. Changing your health goals and habits seasonally is a great strategy to create adaptation for your body to express optimal health.

Self care is an essential piece of a healthy individuals weekly routine. Taking time to care for ones self is an important part of maintaining and optimizing health. Sometimes the frequency of care we need for ourselves may vary depending on what is happening in our lives.

Dr. Nick and Dr. David talk about their health goals for the Fall and what their plan and process looks like. They discuss their self care strategies and explain the importance of variation in your lifestyle habits. 


When it comes to finding growth and evolution in our health and as a human being we must be willing to face both the light and the dark side of ourselves.

Many of us choose to stay in the light and avoid the darkness. At first this can seem to be the best route to take, but in the long run this leads to avoidance of addressing the part of us that needs the healing and the growth to truly evolve and make changes within ourselves.

Shadow or conflict work is an essential part of healing. It enables us to step into a part of ourselves that needs healing. Finding awareness of what creates conflict and why helps us move towards acceptance so our future actions and behaviors can truly change. Otherwise we get stuck in the same behaviors and patterns and will not see the change we want.

The Doctor Dads dive deep into shadow/conflict work. They share some of their personal stories on the subject and give guidance in where to start when going down the rabbit hole.

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Videos (show all)

💥Adjustment💥.                          The last thing we do for table time at Wardy Wellness is adjust the spine and ext...
✨Central Integration✨.   EMOTIONS Part 2 of 3In our previous video we showed you how we assess for emotional interferenc...
😊😭Emotions😁🥰                  Table time at Wardy Wellness involves addressing the five subsystems that contribute to in...
Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: Nothing is more common than unsuccessful people...
In Vancouver to visit Dr. Nick Jensen & Tribe and attend NIS Masters. This weekend is definitely filling my cup. #wardyw...
👻 Happy Halloween from Wardy Wellness 🎃 Be safe and leave your candy for the Switch Witch 🧙‍♀️
Be Present, it’s a gift.
❤️ Some love from our practice members ❤️ Grateful and blessed to serve our wellness community. #wardywellness #drwardy
💫 We are conscious, self-developing, self-maintaining and self-healing.💫Our systems work best when they are free of inte...
Part of living a healthy lifestyle includes finding connection with Mother Nature. Getting to the mountains or beach is ...



5744 Tablerock Drive
El Paso, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 1pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 1pm
Friday 8am - 1pm

Other Chiropractors in El Paso (show all)
Affordable Chiropractic Affordable Chiropractic
915 Huckleberry
El Paso, 79903

Affordable Chiropractic in El Paso was founded by Dr. LaRock who was the first chiropractor in El Paso to open on the west side 35 years ago

Desert Sun Chiropractic Desert Sun Chiropractic
3800 N. Mesa Street C-1
El Paso, 79902

Great Chiropractic care for the whole family, located in El Paso, Texas.

RC Chiropractic, LLC RC Chiropractic, LLC
6633 N Mesa Street Suite 310 (A)
El Paso, 79912

Awesome Chiropractic, therapeutic massage and spinal decompression treatment offered.

Your Life Chiropractic & InjuryClinic Your Life Chiropractic & InjuryClinic
11615 Pellicano #101
El Paso, 79936

Chiropractor and wellness clinic

Nourish Chiropractic Nourish Chiropractic
145 E Sunset Road B-400
El Paso, 79922

Nourish Chiropractic is a wellness centered practice dedicated to cultivating health, connection, and

Del Norte Chiropractic Del Norte Chiropractic
11601 Pellicano Drive Suite A-9
El Paso, 79936

Neck Pain/Headaches, Back Pain/Sciatica, Disc Related Injuries, Sports Injuries and Physicals, Automobile Accidents We accept most insurances and are in network with the VA. Se h...

ChiroXpress ChiroXpress
5020 N Desert Boulevard Suite C-1B
El Paso, 79912

Chiropractic and Wellness Center

The Joint Chiropractic The Joint Chiropractic
6450 N Desert Boulevard Building E, Suite 104
El Paso, 79912

As your local chiropractor in El Paso, we invite you to join the millions of Americans who have not only found relief from back pain, but also a pathway to wellness with chiropra...

The Joint Chiropractic The Joint Chiropractic
1325 George Dieter Drive, Building C, Suite E04
El Paso, 79936

As your local chiropractor in El Paso, we invite you to join the millions of Americans who have not only found relief from back pain, but also a pathway to wellness with chiropra...

ChiroXpress ChiroXpress
5020 N Desert Boulevard Suite C-1B
El Paso, 79912

Chiropractic Clinic

The Joint Chiropractic The Joint Chiropractic
14011 Pebble Hills Boulevard, Suite 109
El Paso, 79938

As your local chiropractor in El Paso, we invite you to join the millions of Americans who have not only found relief from back pain, but also a pathway to wellness with chiropra...

Axis Chiropractic Axis Chiropractic
11385 James Watt Drive Suite B12
El Paso, 79936

Dr. Jose I. Muniz has a mission to provide quality, up to date chiropractic care to the El Paso community. *We are a DOT physical exam center for your commercial driver license*