Berkeley Wellness Center

Berkeley Wellness Center

Nearby health & beauty businesses

Greens Gardens
Greens Gardens
Berkeley 94703

Berkeley Wellness Center is a patient centered, primary care facility and botanical compounding pharmacy.

Providing private individual sessions: Acupuncture, Massage, Botanical Pharmaceutical Consultations, Meditation, Movement, Lifestyle and Education.

Photos from Berkeley Wellness Center's post 07/30/2024

Someone asked me if I believe in heaven and hell after you die.

They were having a difficult time with life’s transitions and confusion and brain fog was setting in.

My belief is people don’t have to wait till they die to experience states of consciousness described in spiritual texts as heaven or hell. It’s all accessible now.

No need to wait for another day. Let alone till you die.

What control we have over experiencing these states of being is another matter.

I’ve observed the ability to shift my mind and therefore my body’s reaction to thoughts away from difficult states of being to more regulated and aligned states of being, to something more pleasant.

Truth is life is pretty good most of the time!

My physical environment is safe, easeful and filled with grace. Most negative experiences I’m going through I observe coming from thought forms rather than an external factor.

For this I feel blessed and grateful to have a safe, easeful environment to attend.

The process of mindfulness and meditation is building the skills of observing the mind and the body’s response to internal factors. It sounds simple yet ask any experience meditator and they’ll tell you, it’s not as easy as it sounds.

I’ll be teaching a six week systematic approach to harnessing the power of the observational mind and turning the internal process into a pleasant condition.

This can help with grief, sadness, depression, anxiety, procrastination, complex traumas, common sufferings, sparkling suffering (which come from a specific region in France), physical pain, emotional swings, addictions, confusion, self worth, and a host of other states of being which may be considered living in hell or samsara. I

The process of mindfulness and meditation is said to be a path of liberation from these states. So whatever your belief is in heaven and hell there are techniques of working with the human condition.

I’ll be teaching a 6 week in person series at harbin hot springs starting in August every Tuesday. Visit for more info or DM me for more details.

I’d love to see you there for this community offering on a Dana basis.


When I signed up for the 7 day silent meditation retreat called- the nine bodies of consciousness, I had a feeling I already knew what it was about. After meditating for close to two decades, some sits for hours on end, I’ve gone to some deep places within my body and psyche.

I was actually going for some language to express what I’ve been experiencing. This book has some amazing language and concepts about what it’s like to delve into personal meditation practices and what one may experience as well as helpful tips on how to grow and expand access to various states of consciousness.

I highly recommend this text to seekers of various states of being. If you feel you could use some extra help there’s a ton of resources on the interwebs. Hit me up if you wanna find some specific resources. I have a few thoughts on the subject of body/mind/spirit connections.

Photos from Berkeley Wellness Center's post 06/19/2024

The universe is speaking and I’ve been listening. Besides the mental and emotional well being the physical manifest benefits are astounding.

During my meditation retreat I really got into walking and movement meditation like never before.

The perception we have of the earth is basically a 3D construct our brain maps out from what it can glean from what our 5 senses pick up. The brain calculates where it thinks it is in this relative space and sends signals to the body to let it know.

Any discrepancy between the mental map, and reality manifests as bodily movements coming out as being clumsy, bumping into things, losing balance, minor uncoordinated movements.

By slowing down in walking or movement and getting into a meditative state a more accurate map can be built and the signals of proprioception can increase. My balance, coordination and apparent strength feel like it has skyrocketed. Movement has become less effortful, more stable, grounded, sensitive and fluid.

Linking movement and mindfulness helps the brain do the complex calculation taking into the felt sensation of the laws of physics experienced in real time.

Some basic principles to consider:
- Ground each step into the 4 corners of the feet
- Connect the upper body and lower body to create counter balance points
- Chamber movements and flow energy from the ground up focusing on joints
- If you can’t do it slow, you can’t do it fast
- Slow is smooth, smooth is fast
- Flowing the body’s natural movements is never a straight line. It moves in spirals
- Joints are hinges for movement rather than stable structures
- Allowing the body the liberty to move in the path of least resistance will lead it to points of restriction. Moving into restrictions and adding breath can release the restriction allowing smoother flow of qi
- The more pain you are willing to allow into your experience without checking out or avoiding the more ability to do something about the pain
- Somatic movement means the brain and thought need to be involved
- There are generally restrictions in four areas of movement. Muscle and structure, reflex arch, in the cerebellum and motor cortex and in the sensory in the gurus is the cerebrum. Connecting all of them creates an accurate internal map to external environment.
- Movement is a sympathetic doing. Resting into the body is a parasympathetic response. They work in a sliding scale with one another. Engaging both in the subtle push pull dance helps regulate the nervous system
- The more sensitive and high performance the system the more tuning it takes to maintain
- We are not static beings and environment plays a significant role in how the body operates
- Mindfulness is a way to train the body. Getting out of the thinking mind and into the observational felt sense in the body is the base skill for training the body as well as the mind.
- Moving into the discerning mind from the judgmental, comparing and fixing mind and becoming curious is the first step in embodying
- Having compassion for self and the process helps a great deal
- You will likely run into difficult experiences stuck in the somatic nervous system when training it. Finding skills to work with these experiences will significantly speed connection rates
- Building in a path of heart protects the body from inner and outer harm
- There’s a lot of love for humanity in this body

Want to learn more or get more in depth explanations on anything here consider joining me for 6 weeks of mindfulness embodying. DM me for details.

BerkeleyWellnessCenter.Com 🐝💜🌈


Many of us have a charge around the father aspect of the masculine. There can be a deep holding of old wounds inflicted by a father who didn’t show up or one who wasn’t able to show up in the full protective, caring or mentoring role, let alone ones who showed up in down right harmful or abusive roles.

In many instances finding a space in the mind for forgiveness first requires getting into present moment awareness.

What is forgiveness besides releasing the emotional entanglement which also has a link to the physical body.

By finding the place of holding in the body through felt sense awareness, you have the potential to release the tension.

Linking the body sensation to the emotional held through mindfulness then engaging in a forgiveness practice has been the best way I’ve found to embodying the relief associated with attachment to the entanglement.

It’s a process, it’s trainable and there’s generally not a magic fix it, but a long road of deeper and deeper release in long spirals as awareness deepens.

That said spontaneous, permanent healing can happen at any moment!

For the fathers needing forgiveness, who are wanting to release patterns which aren’t in their highest form I offer the rights of forgiveness:

You are forgiven…you are forgiven…you are forgiven.

I offer my forgiveness. I see you in your own capacity of suffering. I forgive all things knowing and unknowing done out of confusion or entanglement in your own illusions and suffering. For the things done or not done from wise intent and action. May you be released from your attachment to this karma and find peace and grace in your days.

You are forgiven…you are forgiven…you are forgiven and so it is.

Go forth in wise and right action brothers. The world needs your powerful grounding, protection and guidance now more than ever.


Flow state- a state of being where one taps into highest potency with the least amount of force and greatest amount of impact.

First step is learning to feel the subtle flow of energy in the body and listening to it deeply. Notice how the energy is ever flowing, never in a state of rest and always active.

Clear blocks and stagnation where they exist usually by going straight for them. Encouraging and allowing the upwelling of energy and going with it even if the actions it illicits seems odd, out of order or misplaced.

Breath through, move around, fly over, duck under vibrations or minutia which doesn’t matter or effect your path or goal. Don’t get distracted by mundane.

Follow joy and curiosity which are trail heads and way points on the journey. Pivot unexpectedly and do take rest the second energy dips or progress slows.

A day of rest to process and collect is worth 1 month of pounding at something not ready to move. This will keep actions, high potency actions rather than a diminished return which is normal states rather than flow.

The rest generally comes with valuable networking opportunities let alone time to spend with people you love. Recharge often and keep your battery 🔋

Know to your bones the 80/20 rule. 20% of actions produce 80% of the results. Focus there. If you can outsource the other 20% and just go with your highest impact actions. Join others who have high impact in the 20% of the lower impact actions for you.

Celebrate all the wins small and large. Live in a state of gratitude and trust. Celebrating by taking care of your body will keep the energy flowing freely. Investing in bodywork, acupuncture generally has a multiplying effect. When you’re energy is overflowing your impact is far more memorable and potent which translates into more revenue or better yet, enjoyment within the struggle.

When you feel good challenges seem like play. When the pain body is activated and not attended, even normally fun activities feel like a struggle.

Health is wealth, stay in the flow.

Photos from Berkeley Wellness Center's post 05/03/2024

So many of my patients, friends and community members have been bringing up their struggles with past trauma, PTSD, depression, anxiety, and a host of psychosocial and emotional troubles. It seems like everywhere I turn people are struggling.

This struggle seems to be so common one might even say this is part of being human. Perfectly normal to struggle in life. Despite it being normal, who wants to suffer the struggles? Is there a way out of the struggle?

I think we can all agree engaging life isn’t always easy. It takes strength, resilience, and strategies to cope with these struggles to maintain mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.

Some of the strategies which have worked well for me is finding positive, engaging community, self care wellness practices such as meditation, yoga, tai qi, soaking in hot springs.

I’ve also found engaging a host of professionals dedicated to wellness practice super helpful. I first found my way to massage and later acupuncture in a search to heal my own physical, mental and emotional traumas.

I can’t say I’m through the woods as I have the rest of my life ahead of me and it doesn’t look like the struggles are gonna get any easier. In fact I’d say they tend to get more complex the older I get. The need for more care arises.

So here’s my strategy. Engage in compassionate community, find daily self care in meditation, hike in wilderness a few times a week, dance it out, regular short trips to hot springs, sit in mens circles and group process work, find plant helpers and natural medicines, get regular acupuncture and massage treatments, select organic produce and nutrient dense foods, seek clean water and air, learn about how humans suffer, process my trauma and compost it into wisdom and share my process.

It’s a full time hobby to maintain wellness and it’s taken a long time to build up the skills and knowledge to find what works best for me. It seems everyone has their own unique path they need to process the suffering of the world.

If you ever feel it’s all to much, or don’t know where to turn to find your unique path to wellness, feel free to reach out. Let’s talk!

Need a less formal place to meet me? Come to ecstatic dance oakland this coming Sunday the following Wednesday and Sunday and say hi. I’ve been asked to be a dance angel to support my community in finding safety and healing on the dance floor.

I’ve been dancing in unconditional dance and ecstatic dance communities since 2007. I’ve found a method of movement which best supports my own healing, opening and nervous system regulation. Come co regulate with us!

Photos from Berkeley Wellness Center's post 04/21/2024

Some say this eclipse portal ushered in some powerful energies to propel the vision. I spent the day of the eclipse preparing to teach energy medicine to future doctors.

Today I became a professor teaching my favorite energy medicine techniques and assessment tools I’ve used every day in practice since 2008.

This appointment came one month after achieving my doctorate which I was told is the soonest anyone has ever been offered a position. It helped to have done a year long externship at the greater LA VA with the Dean of academics at emperors college of acupuncture where I demonstrated the techniques in practice which caught his attention.

It’s a difficult topic to teach as there are a lot of components to integrate into practice. The student participation was amazing and everyone seemed to get it by the end of a long 6 hour day of class.

We only scratched the surface of the knowledge and I left them hungry for more. I also got to go rouge on the normal didactics and take them outside to tune their body’s, nervous systems and attention through movement, tai qi, and meditation practices which I use to prep myself to offer this sensitive tapped in experience to patients.

I’d likely put together a 150 hour course if they asked nicely. 🤓

What I’d really like to do is combine Craniosacral unwinding and assessment techniques with acupuncture which is an easy jump to synthesize.

I’m reminded of the first energy work class I took with Jim Gilkeson who I quoted in my presentation. Deep gratitude for all the amazing teachers who have brought this medicine to my practice. I’m eternally grateful. 🐝💜🌈

Photos from Berkeley Wellness Center's post 04/17/2024

I had a couple of reschedules Thursday which opened up a couple acupuncture and massage spots this week:
Thurs 4/18 2-7:30

Dm to book or I invite you to my website where you can find the book now button: 🐝💜🌈

‘It’s Amazing’: How the Ancient Art of Acupuncture is Making Waves at West LA VA | VA Greater Los Angeles health care | Veterans Affairs 03/23/2024

Last year in my doctoral program I was apart of the first cohort to provide acupuncture to combat vets at the LA VA.

Here’s a little bit more about what we did and where the program is going after the first year. I know the program is in good hands as the 2025 doctoral cohort continues the program.

I learned a lot from these men and women and heard tons of amazing stories of service members overcoming the struggles of integrating back into civilian life.

Acupuncture is an amazing medicine with so many applications. It’s not just for physical aches and pains. It’s also for a wide range of emotional, mental issues humans face.

‘It’s Amazing’: How the Ancient Art of Acupuncture is Making Waves at West LA VA | VA Greater Los Angeles health care | Veterans Affairs When it comes to the ancient Chinese art of acupuncture, all that’s old is new again. Since his hiring three years ago, Dr. Jeremiah Krieger, VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System (VAGLAHS), has been embracing the time-honored practice and using it to treat Veterans’ pain, PTSD, and more.

Photos from Berkeley Wellness Center's post 03/06/2024

I’ve been hacking away at last minute edits and prepping my final submission of my capstone project all week. Dabbling and dabbling.

Today I took the day to stop, take in some nature, soak in some hot springs and let go of some built up stress over deadlines and big projects. It might not be done but it’s done enough. This is one of those projects which could turn into a whole course. Ha

Got to spend some much needed time with community and checking in with some old friends.

Nothing like taking a chill day to realign to spirit.

I head out to LA tomorrow for my last weekend of my doctoral program. Wish me luck!!

Home - Berkeley Wellness Center 03/05/2024

Who are my Berkeley holistic practitioners, acupuncturists, massage therapists, psychotherapists, naturopaths, chiropractors, physical therapists, mds, yoga therapists who are poised and ready to jump to next level of practice?

I’m noticing I’m personally consistently 75-80% there in financing serious next level practice locations. All of the comercial Realestate worth its weight in gold is larger than I’d ever be able to fill myself.

The market for medically zoned non institutionally sized office spaces in berkeley is tight and nothing is on the market more than a couple months. Many of the spaces are being lost to residential interests and shrinking this sector. This leaves the spaces standing as a premium.

As much as I’m an independent practitioner I’m also happy to partner with the right person or small group ready to rock this sector of the market.

If you’re ready with $50k+ in liquid funds, in a successful practice more than 2 years with a credit score the size of King Kong but also find the 10-25% down, and the work load of private ownership daunting hit me up. Let’s talk shop.

If you’re not in the above category but still want in on this there are plenty of ways to get involved. For instance if you were contracted to rent an office space in a new location before purchase, you’d be offered below market rental rates. Even small discounts on office space can make a huge impact on long term margins. The exchange is your below market contract would help close financing and secure cash flow before purchase, thereby reducing risk of the deal.

Not in the wellness industry but have some cash burning a hole in your brain? Crypto to volatile and fiat cash inflation stressing you out? Want consistent returns on your cash outside of wallstreet’s grip? Sick of banks shady dealings? Don’t know what else to do with low or no interest earning liquid funds? Want to support community wellness and perhaps fund your own wellness journey through investing in medical Realestate?

Here’s your chance.

I’m looking at both purchase and rental options. If I can’t find something to purchase before I find the perfect rental this opportunity will likely be gone forever as I’ll just save up my own capital over time and do it myself in 1-5 years. I’d prefer motivated, energetic partners who have a proven success track record and can match my hustle and vertically aligned mindset.

By the way my new website is live: 🐝💜🌈

Home - Berkeley Wellness Center Book An Appointment Our Services Acupuncture Massage Botanical Pharmacy Primary Care Medical Evaluations Wellness Check Up Book An Appointment Acupuncture Acupuncture is a profound pillar of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a healing practice with a rich tapestry dating back thousands of years. It is f...

Photos from Berkeley Wellness Center's post 02/10/2024

Good bye year of the bunny.

Welcoming in the spring and the year of the wood dragon! This is an amazing year to launch new things. Two more months till I’m done with my doctoral program and I’ll be free to launch into the next phase of practice.

It’s as if the universe is aligning the planets and setting everything up for us to thrive!

BerkeleyWellnessCenter.Com 🐝💜🌈


I’ve been thinking about having an open house and graduation party for finishing my doctorate in acupuncture. Who wants an elaborate party, give aways, raffle, food, lots of hugs, a few giggles and to help me celebrate 6+ years of hard work on my way to becoming Dr. Jay?!

Friends, family, patients, and curious parties welcome. Date to be announced some time between March and June. Stay tuned with info on how to get on a guest list.

I’ll also be offering a 6 week beginner meditation training starting at the end of March as my meditation teacher training practicum is coming! I need 10 committed people who want to find a set time for 6 weeks to drop in together and learn the foundations of a mindfulness practice.

Lean into the art of mindfulness for health through mental and emotional regulation in guided meditation practices. Short instructions will be followed by 30minutes of stillness as you’re guided through progressive relaxation, thought tracking, emotion naming, and present moment awareness. If i could name one single practice which helped me go from struggling to identify myself in life to finding my full directed purpose and the will to follow it, it’s been meditation.

BerkeleyWellnessCenter.Com 🐝💜🌈

Photos from Berkeley Wellness Center's post 01/24/2024

Inspired to make art in attempts to procrastinate. Enacting the age old technique of starting new projects till I get enough of them that I must stop procrastinating on the old project in order to procrastinate on the new ones.

A lesson in biohacking


Pondering Grief as my mother’s birthday approaches:

To sit with grief is to delve into the heart and the lungs. Become still, listen to your breath and feel the beating in your chest.

To allow grief is to cry a sea of tears to farm one oyster containing a pearl.

To be with grief is to reflect it back to and within another.

To get over grief is to pass away from this body and offer the gift of grief to the next generation who longs only for your presence to return.

To cast out grief smell a flower and laugh with a baby.

To touch grief, share a breath with a loved one who is taking their last.

To honor grief love someone with all your being and allow them to depart this physical realm with dignity.

To know grief count your ancestors by name back to the beginning of the first inception.

To shun grief is to close and harden the heart and turn away from the sun.

To accommodate grief is to joyfully bask in the glory of the folly and of the suffering of love. Allow it to fill you up and expand your capacity for even more love.

Photos from Berkeley Wellness Center's post 01/11/2024

The top finds at Pegasus book store walk through.

If I had a vice it would be rare and out of print books. They intrigue me and are like a sirens call to my wizardly soul.

I didn’t buy either of these books when I went through the first time but Magical Passes by Carlos Castaneda haunted my dreams and I returned for it the next day.

You see I’m a dancer and the art of dancing is more a somatic experience for me. I use it to shake out my sore muscles, sweat out toxins, coordinate my breath and movement, consolidate my qi, shake out deep seated trauma locked in my soma.

There are instructions in this book which also help the shaman, sorcerer, and magician build energy in the body through movements called tensegrity. It’s about arriving fully in the body and consolidating energy for magical works.

It was easy to incorporate some of the movements into my dance practice and I can feel the subtle shift in how energy flows. I wouldn’t call the movements superior to Tai Qi when it comes to body mechanics and easeful moving of kinetic energy through space. There is however an element of moving energy through space which is interesting. I’ll likely be adding more and more of these movements into my dance practice to see how they feel.

Flowing energy through my body in specific ways through specific meridians is definitely the secret sauce of healing work which is difficult to teach and learn. It also takes years of study and practice to channel correctly without thinking much about it.

Now I pay attention to the most subtle shifts in energy in my body and move to correct the flow to smooth it out as soon as I feel it. Energy flowing in less than ergonomic ways can lead to injury, especially when adding weight or resistance to movements. 

What are you favorite ways of moving energy through your body?

Photos from Berkeley Wellness Center's post 01/11/2024

Final touch on my last presentation of my doctoral program in acupuncture at emperors college or acupuncture.

It’s been real folks. Leaving you with a shot of the human male prostate from visible body 3D app for your viewing pleasure and growing body of information you’d perhaps rather not think about and take for granted.

Thinking about your health so you don’t have to. Have some concerns about your prostate or other plumbing issues, DM me. I got you brothers. 🐝💜🍆🍒


One of the more intriguing herbal formulas I learned in my acupuncture masters program was basically the herbal equivalent to adderall- minus the hyperactive jitters. It is said to heighten intelligence and recall. It also stacks well with adderall for those who look for their performance edge.

I’ve gone so far as to write it in my personal formula book. Taking the formula was actually what got me through many of the advanced formula classes with flying colors as the material was so dense and there was unreasonable amounts of information to memorize.

Whenever I needed the formula filled I’d stroll into the school clinic and hope a supervisor I knew was working. I’d write myself the formula and have them sign off on it. Luckily most supervisors trusted me to know what I was doing even back as a newbie when writing formulas and would just sign off without much of a second glance, besides for personal curiosity sake.

Before my masters program I didn’t think I was a very good student or had a very good memory. Turns out I just really need to be passionate about what I’m learning, learn about how I learn, pick up a few speed reading tips, find some friends to study with mixed with plenty of focused alone time, figure out how to integrate my knowledge into an embodiment practice and get a little botanical support.

Professor Zi Zhang didn’t have a name for the formula so I asked him for some help with pinyin. Ji Yi Bei Tang sounded like a good fit.

Two different times over the years I asked him about it and he gave different doses. I included the dosing notes in my book and have tried different variations. The alchemy of formulas can be vastly different depending on the person, time of year and other external factors.

The process of formula writing is an ever evolving process throughout the year and progression of an individual. The most effective formula writers take all factors into consideration and add a touch of art to the science.

Wanna try this amazing formula? Post “Memorize Me” in the comments! 🐝💜🌈


Thus concludes my year in residence at the LA VA providing primary care acupuncture for combat track vets in the PTSD and pain clinic. I fulfilled the hours I needed for my doctoral program about half way through as I also did a shift a Disney Family Cancer Center, a preceptorship at emperors college working with Dr. Li an orthopedic specialist, a TA for Whitfield relieves specializing in sports medicine, as well as attending an Orthopedic symposium in San Diego where I attended focused talks on pelvic floor orthopedic acupuncture.

I’m so grateful to all my teachers passing on their wisdom and knowledge so graciously. 🐝💜🌈

Photos from Berkeley Wellness Center's post 12/17/2023

Hey Dharma S***s- Mindful Your Way To Wellness- establishing an anchor

This free community event with a 30minutes talk and guided meditation focusing on establishing an anchor, calling your attention back to the present moment, recognizing when compulsive or intrusive thoughts come up sending the body into an intense experience seemingly beyond your control.

I’ll cover basic physiology and nervous system anatomy as well as a few techniques on how you can use your breath to self regulate gaining freedom from negative thought patterns, painful trauma or even useless benign mental chatter.

Thirsty for ways to court yourself and live in a state of grace, ease and a little more compassion for yourself and others? Join us for ongoing community sits over zoom or in person.

Tomorrow Sunday 12/17@2:30 PST/ 5:30 EST

Just click the zoom link to join at the right time:

PS. I’m composting some material I created during my time teaching anatomy and physiology to massage therapists back in 2012! 🐝💜🌈

Photos from Berkeley Wellness Center's post 12/16/2023

Over the past weekend in my doctoral program we hit the module on fertility. A wonderful book was recommended which covers specific acupuncture and botanical pharmaceutical treatments including explanations and differential diagnosis of Urology and male sexual function.

Of course I had to find it. I also purchased an advanced master Tung style acupuncture for Nephrology, Urology, and Andrology from the bookstore. There are at least two other volumes of advanced Tung Style Acupuncture.

Not sure if Santa is still taking orders; not to mention I’ve been a fairly good boy and somewhat of a bad man. I’ve likely been crossed off the list however the universe has been known to answer calls.

Last week I studied up on treatment of enlarged prostates with an ever growing number of men (ahem; mostly over 40’s, 50’s, 70’s) looking for natural treatments with eastern mainstream medicine for Men’s Health Issues. 🐝💜🌈

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Welcoming in “The Eye of the Milky Way” to my practice space cleansing with white copal and selenite. This silver sheen ...
Magical Mount Shasta!! It’s clear the moment you enter this town there’s a looming magical portal drawing travelers and ...
Guess where I am? As many of you know I was once a resident of Harbin Hot Springs. In 2015 there was a fire which change...
The summer’s in full swing and more graduation pictures just came in! Here’s to completing my doctorate, staying curious...
Celebrating the summer solstice, with a full moon in cancer at Harbin Hot spring. Day long meditation, alter cosmology m...
This felt like a moment of redemption. I graduated my masters program in the spring of 2020 and everything was at a comp...
I’ve always believed in taking regular, small steps in personal and business development. Some of the small steps take m...
Oahu caught me this time. Nothing like some waves and sun to help me integrate the 7 year journey of becoming Dr. Jay an...
This spring energy has me all up in the feels. I’ve had so many heart warming connecting lately. Here’s a shout out to m...
Wishing you all a very merry equinox. These times of transit have become more and more meaningful to me. So grateful to ...
Beauty therapy! Sometimes small gestures of beauty can alter a space and allow it to vibrate happiness. Flowers do this ...


Emeryville, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 7pm
Tuesday 10am - 7pm
Wednesday 10am - 7pm
Thursday 10am - 8pm
Friday 10am - 8pm
Saturday 10am - 7:30pm

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