Cat Dillon RHN - Registered Holistic Nutritionist & Behavior Professional

I use modern holistic principles to get you feeling BETTER, blending evidence-based science with ancient health and well being practices.

Cat Dillon is a registered holistic nutritionist specializing in a whole foods + mind + body approach to women’s mid-life health. Her Southern California practice focuses on repairing miscommunication between the gut and the brain with customized wellness roadmaps that address nervous system imbalances, calming the gut and mind, and letting go of restrictive dieting. Cat combines traditional scien


Facebook claims they locked my account because I am in violation.
(A workshop graphic from 3 months ago)
All my graphics are from a paid site.
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By popular demand, I'm posting last week's training and info call: "Using Your Body to Relieve Gut Tension".... Enjoy!


I used to think that all I needed to be healthy was organic food and exercise.

My university level nutrition studies taught me that as long as I avoided refined sugar and starches, I was good to go! But I was unknowingly sinking under the weight of tons of misguided information.

It wasn’t until I started studying holistic nutrition, traditional healing, and functional medicine that I uncovered VITAL healing answers for chronic stress and an overwhelmed gut.

Do any of these sound familiar?

❇️confusing and frustrating fatigue
❇️heartburn, belching & bloating
❇️acne and/or eczema
❇️brain fog, anxiety & depression

THE ANSWER → dysbiosis (microbial imbalance) and inflammation of the gut

Did you know that your gut has its own nervous system? It gets information from your brain through the vagus nerve, and studies of the gut and nervous system has revealed that we MUST focus on 2 critical areas:

❇️GI/microbiome health
❇️nervous system balance

Restoring one without the other is like walking with only one shoe! We need both!

Join me this Friday where I’ll be talking about how you can use your body to release gut tension and relax into your daily food experiences without fear of post-meal gas, bloating, or belching.

You’ll also uncover possible root causes of your digestive, mood, and energy issues for long-term results!

Sign up here for this valuable 60 minute meet up! Space is limited!


Studies show that BASIL helps deal with anxiety and depression while stimulating neurotransmitters that control energy and happiness-inducing hormones.

Basil benefits your digestive and nervous system while ensuring that you have optimal digestion and a proper pH balance in your body.

But basil should not be your only BFF!

All herbs and greens are loaded with powerful antioxidants, antimicrobials and detox friendly compounds!!!

And adding polyphenol rich extra virgin olive oil and garlic to your greens powerfully support your all your internals!!

Heart, brain, nervous system + more for a better energy level and less funky mood.

Here’s a simple way you can make ANY creative herbal sauce you dream of.

Just use what you have on hand and I promise you…. It will be divine!

Pesto/Salsa Verde/Green Sauce:

Basic ratio:
* 1 part: 2 parts (nuts or seeds : extra virgin olive oil)
* 2 parts : 8 parts (grated cheese: leaves, herbs or a combo)
* Plus garlic, lemon, and salt and pepper to taste…..

* First, start with a few cloves of garlic in a food processor, or mortar & pestle
* Throw in 2 packed cups of fresh leaves or herbs. ...
* Add in 1/2 cup of oil. Slowly!!
* Finish with 1/2 cheese or less (if using), a couple of squeezes of lemon and generous salt and pepper TO TASTE!

How do you take YOUR green sauces?

I love adding:
💚 green olives
💚 chilies
💚 yuzu

I love using:
💚spinach plus basil for enhanced green!
💚nettles when in season


😮Having counseled upwards of a least a thousand clients over the last 15 + years one thing is for sure.

💯They all want to do it right - some more than others - but for sure the former.

😂What breaks my heart is the individual or head of the family kitchen getting excited about eating better only to be shut down by a partner, spouse or kids.

😢They end up full of resentment and throw their arms in the air at their misguided attempts - never to try again!

🎉Another common avitar is the excited eater that changes practically EVERYTHING in their life - Goes on a special diet, cuts out coffee and alcohol, starts running and gets a personal trainer.
All great! But, they soon realize that it might have been too much change at one time and not sustainable.

So, THEY stop.

All of these people gave it their best, yet were left with a part of themselves feeling discouraged and sometimes disgruntled.

Has this happened to you?

I hope you can see by this little list I made - while getting toenails polished this afternoon - you just gotta make a "better" choice...

If you do the right side of the column - wonderful.

If you do the left - good for you - you peeked and that means you're probably wanting to do better tomorrow.

Enjoy your life. Don't judge the person ahead of you in the supermarket check out lane.


Meet Cat Dillon | Trauma Informed, Holistic Nutrition Provider & Transformational Life Coach 09/27/2022

In this recent feature on Shout Out Magazine, I talk about the impact of trauma on our nervous system biology and how I address holistic healing in my practice.

I mention my past struggles as well as my biggest career influencers.

This interview was a little different as I also got to play San Diego tour guide with itineraries for my favorite eateries and hangouts!

Planning to travel to San Diego? This one will be good for you to sav

Meet Cat Dillon | Trauma Informed, Holistic Nutrition Provider & Transformational Life Coach We had the good fortune of connecting with Cat Dillon and we've shared our conversation below. Hi Cat, can you tell us about an impactful book you've read and why you liked it or what impact it had on you? Karla McLaren's book - "The Language of Emotions" taught me about befriending and using my


Feel that you have LOST your MOJO????

Oftentimes we have a HUNCH where some of the drainage is coming from, yet still don't know what to do about it.

"What's the BIGGEST ROAD BLOCK that holds you back from the ENERGY that you want in your life?"

Here are some examples....

🌀 Stressed & Too Wound Up
😮 Lack of Sleep
🍫 Too Many Stimulants
🍽 Poor Digestion
🦔Chronic Condition
🦄 Mental, Emotional + Nervous System Health
🤸🏻‍♂️Time For Exercise
🧘🏻‍♀️ Feel Rushed with No Built In Down Time
🧶 Relationship Issues on Mind
🌺 Menopause Symptoms


As I do my research and reading this evening, I came across this lovely quote by Burmese Meditation Teacher - Sayadaw U. Pandita.

“We mistake excitement of the mind for happiness”…

Oooooh, that’s a stinger!!

Something to keep in mind as we flip through our Twitter, IG, Facebook feeds looking for a new Netflix series while simultaneously eating popcorn.


There is so MANY facets of health & wellness to balance in our lives.

Sometimes we just don’t know where to begin!

Is it diet or is it sleep? Is it hormones or is it gut?

Well, that’s exactly where I come it!

It’s group program design time…

Fill out this 2 minute survey to help me design my next course and get 80.00 off an initial 60 min private consult with me.

Offer ends this Friday, so hop on it!

Survey HERE:

Book Initial Session HERE:

Enter CODE for your discount: YOUWELL


You don’t have to fake being happy all the time, because it is simply NOT possible.

Those who seem like life is perfect and JOYFUL for them all the time?

Trust me, there’s more to their story.

Life is much easier (and healthier) when you can except that there will be ups and downs to the show….

And when you are ready.


⚪️Relieves pain, tension and stress, by releasing endorphins

⚪️Exercises our abdominal muscles, giving a good internal massage to all our digestive organs and supporting healthy digestion

⚪️Boosts our immune system, by reducing stress hormones and increasing activity among immune cells and antibodies

⚪️Helps reduce our risk of heart attack and stroke, by improving blood flow and blood vessel function

⚪️Leads to better glucose stabilization and risk of developing type 2 diabetes

🟢What movie, sit com, comedian, sketch comedy show, or comedy special has got YOU laughing lately?


🦜I know no one wants to stay stuck in stress and related gut distress and that’s why I created this mini self paced on line program called the stressed gut reset!

🐝Go to my link tree for direct access or here:

🐞 For a limited time type LOVE at checkout and get 10% off.

Craig Johns Testimonial 08/18/2022

Often enough I get the ultimate pleasure helping people move their health and wellness up to the northern latitude!

Rarely do I get to work with someone as joyful, motivated (and inspiring) as Craig Johns!

Craig has made his mind up to do what it takes to reinvent his life and health, achieve his optimal weight and activity level so he can enjoy his best life with his lovely wife Libby.

He's smart and realizes that one-size fits all programs aren't the answer.

I've been helping Craig through revamping his entire kitchen pantry and fridge, he's now altered his shopping, cooking and eating habits, on his way to rewiring his sleep patterns and now monitoring his glucose levels with a (CGM) continuous glucose monitor.

And he's already lost 25 lbs! And is running circles around his buddies!

After working with so many clients with weight and stress issues these past 10 years, I've learned a few things, and I want to spread the word.

Give him a HUGE high five!

Book a 30 minute metabolic makeover call with me here and let me lead you towards freedom.

Craig Johns Testimonial Craig is one of my clients that is ready and willing participant in his health recovery. He is making amazing positive changes. Watch him as he tells you ...

‎Thin Thinking Podcast: Ep 75: How Trauma Becomes Your Biology with Cat Dillon on Apple Podcasts 08/16/2022

⚠️Stress, anxiety and trauma.

🤔Have you ever wondered how the impact of these mental states can impact your brain + body?

💻 Today on the Thin Thinking Podcast I’ll be taking to Rita Black about the role of stress and trauma on your biology….. including your weight.

You’ll Also Learn…

• What the definitions of trauma, stress and anxiety are ➡️ their similarities and differences.
• How to re-wire your patterns of chronic stress and overwhelm that are holding you back from the health you desire.
• Why support for your nervous system during dysregulation is crucial

👋🏻 Bonus: I’ll even show you my favorite exercise to help regulate your nervous system by tapping into your “vagus nerve”, which has a direct impact on how your body responds to stress.

‎Thin Thinking Podcast: Ep 75: How Trauma Becomes Your Biology with Cat Dillon on Apple Podcasts ‎Show Thin Thinking Podcast, Ep Ep 75: How Trauma Becomes Your Biology with Cat Dillon - Aug 16, 2022


🏠Living Toxin-Free: What You Need to Know..,,

💆🏻‍♀️Our skin absorbs up to 60 percent of what we put on it.

🧠Even if a chemical isn’t so harmful that it affects us right away, some bioaccumulate in the body, therefore taking their toll over time.

⚛️When you’re dealing with chemicals that are carcinogenic, interfere with hormones (endocrine disruptors), or are even toxic to your nervous system, the goal is to minimize exposure as much as possible.

👶🏻The worst part is these chemicals can cause obesity (even childhood obesity).

They’re also linked to..

🤦🏻‍♀️Excess estrogen production
💁🏻‍♀️Immune system weakening
🙆🏻‍♀️Weakened metabolism

All these issues can also link back to obesity. (… not to mention the intense toxin sequestration from excess fat ie. Fat is where your toxins get stored)

💥Some chemicals found in store-bought dishwasher soaps (including your pods) are “Obesogens”.

Obesogens are exactly what they sound like… chemicals that can cause obesity.

🧴They’re “endocrine disruptors” that mess with your hormones!

🧽Additionally, these ingredients aren’t always being used because they’re effective.

🧼They are often put in products simply because they’re cheap or readily available.

🚰There are millions of skin care, cosmetic + home cleaning products on the shelves, and thousands of ingredients in those products.

🔗Go to my Linktree to find the ones I use.


Stressed Out GUT??

😵‍💫 So much of the time we think that our digestive difficulties come from food sensitivities, intolerances, bacterial, or yeast overgrowths and that’s it.

🪞While this is true, often it's way deeper that just that.

🌐 Our bodies are composed of a series of complex systems, including the:

💭skeletal system
💭respiratory and digestive systems
💭hormone and immune systems
💭as well as the intricate networks of blood and lymph vessels, all controlled by the brain and nervous system

For this important reason at my online, SELF PACED 21 Day Stressed Gut Reset….

I address not only food, eating and your microbiome, but various ways to retrain + regulate your brain and nervous system to turn on neuroplasticity for positive and lasting change!

⭐️ Check out the top of my link tree for a deeper sense of this 3 week program…

See you there! 💖

More info here:


The “tongue map” has been debunked (for quite a while now)….

The next time someone appears to think they “know it all” the next time you go wine tasting! 🍷

The ability to taste sweet, salty, sour and bitter isn't “sectioned off” to different parts of the tongue.

There’s multitudes of ALL of the tastes in various regions of the tongue.

These receptors pick up these sensations of bitter, salty, sour, sweet and umami and then send (electrical + chemical) neuronal signals to your brain where non overlapping sets of neurons then respond to the activation.

There’s currently a lot of very interesting research being done on the science of taste for eating disorders, food addictions and other through Dr. Charles Zuker’s Lab.
For more on this check out - an excellent podcast!!


You’re not eating AND watching TV are you❔🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏻🙋🏼‍♂️

Even if you are eating healthfully, eating TV side is a habit that is near and dear to many.

A completely accepted and normalized practice globally.

Yet, it’s also very easy to numb your brain, tune out completely + lose awareness of how much you’ve eaten.

Think about popcorn!

There’s countless studies on this subject.

Here’s only one study where a group of undergraduate students’ caloric intake increased by 36% (one slice on average) for pizza and by 71% for Mac & Cheese with a 30 minute session of simultaneous eating + TV viewing.


🤦🏽‍♀️ Got great INTENTIONS to eat better so you can feel better..... end up working super hard at it..... yet end up feeling the same day in-and-day out?

🍴 Under-eating, over-eating or failing to balance your meals can make it virtually impossibe to make progress.

🍫Depriving yourself from the foods that you love can add even more to your stress bucket. We don't need that, do we?

What's the solution?

When your meals are planned properly eating healthy and feeling nourished becomes not only simple, but FUN.
....And ultimately you will start to feel better!

⛑This is where my custom meal planning service can help you!

🛠 I work with you one-on-one to define your goals and learn about your food preferences. We will then create a meal plan that you are actually excited about and will be a cinch to stick to because it is delicious AND designed specifically for your tastebuds and lifestyle.

What you get ➡️ Meal plan, grocery list, notes and prep guide (optional) PLUS my on-going support.

🧍🏻‍♀️If you want to learn more about how you can work with me, or if this service is right for you....

Send me a message and we can chat about it! 👩🏻‍🏫


Very excited to talk about mindless eating, emotional eating, cravings + habitual over eating and offer tools to address the disconnect that fuels our struggles.

💜Learn how to find your inner nurturer.

11 PST
Tuesday + Wednesday.


Allow me to sum it up.

Sleep, is the most crucial. At least it is for me!

How do you feel about food when you have a lack of quality shut eye?

Lack of quality sleep effects our choices and pushes us to consume more of the things that enhance reward + stimulation NOW which we then feel a need to come down off from (sedate) LATER.

Can you relate?

☕️AM Caffeine, sugar, chocolate,quick relief foods.
🍷PM Crackers, cheese, heavy meals, wine.

Our reaction to stressful events and overall emotional regulation crumbles, resulting in nervous system imbalance (and worsened food choices).

Eating your uncomfortable emotions becomes a very easy + not so useful escape.

Which of these 5 help you curb your cravings the most?


😩Stress, anxiety, fatigue, overwhelm, and loneliness are all pretty big TRIGGERS for emotional eaters.

⚖️Differentiating physical hunger and emotional hunger can be difficult, especially if you’ve spent your life stuffing your emotions by reaching for food.

✍🏻This is why you often can’t fix your cravings & eating habits with meal plans and mindset action steps.

❤️‍🩹You can’t go for the symptoms….
You gotta go for the ROOT of the symptoms.

📳Feel into what is there to communicate something to you.

Emotions drive our biology.
Biology drives our emotions.

Want to learn more❓

Join me next Tuesday and Wednesday for my 2 day mini workshop: CRUSH YOUR CRAVINGS.

Sign up using LINKTREE in my BIO💚


Uh - um….😳
“No news is ‘good’ news”!???

Not acceptable‼️

Don’t ever feel like a “bother” with your health care.

BE a bother.

Your health depends on you!
SHARE this with a friend + tag me when you do.

Remember to BE a bother. And for the record - I’ve had plenty of eye rolls myself……


I never want to suffer with eczema again!

Do you have cracked, red, itchy or weepy skin??? Read this study😃….

……..“Vitamin D supplementation may help ameliorate clinical signs of the disease and can be considered as a safe and well-tolerated form of therapy”…..

Samochocki Z, Bogaczewicz J, Jeziorkowska R, Sysa-Jędrzejowska A, Glińska O, Karczmarewicz E, McCauliffe DP, Woźniacka A. Vitamin D effects in atopic dermatitis. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2013 Aug;69(2):238-44. doi: 10.1016/j.jaad.2013.03.014. Epub 2013 May 2. PMID: 23643343.


I decided to take the leap and do something I never would’ve imagined in my wildest dreams …

I joined an improv class! 🎭

I know you might be afraid that Cat’s gone off the deep end and she’s going to abandon her role as your nutritionist and food warrior to instead pursue her lifelong dream of being a stand-up comedian … 😂

But don’t worry! I’m not taking this improv class so that I can move to Hollywood and become the world’s first nutritional comedian - I’m just doing this because I genuinely enjoy it, AND …

Because it helps my mood, digestion, cardiovascular health, and immune system! Crazy, right?

Laughter can give your immune system a massive boost. Cells of the immune system work in slow motion. As giggling reduces the cortisol level, our immunity becomes strengthened. Plus, our rate of antibody is increased as the jokes fly too! “Indubitably laughing is one of the reasons why followers of laughter therapy are less subject to viral and bacterial infections”, suggests Corinne Cosseron, founder of the International Laughter School in France.

When we laugh the diaphragm contracts – the large muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from the belly. The vibrations are transmitted to the neighboring organs. The liver, the gall-bladder and the spleen are smoothly massaged as a result. By extension, the stomach is also revitalized by secreting more gastric juices. And intestines, fueled by the abdominal contractions, are also revived. As a result, digestion is greatly facilitated.

So, the next time you’re watching a movie or having a convo and a lil’ joke flies … don’t stifle that laugh! Let it out! Your body will thank you! 💪

Photo credit: Taylor Mohr Photography

Join us for Selfcare classes this month. DM for RSVP or text (760) 9990880 04/23/2022

Carlsbad / San Diego County Locals: I'll be teaching a LIVE and in person class this Monday on how you can balance your energy centers, CHAKRAS, through lifestyle, food, herbs and supplements. The 1.5 hr outdoor class will be held at Mantra Karuna Studio downtown Carlsbad ☀️ 3081 Madison Suite C
at 4 pm sharp.

DM for RSVP or text (760) 999-0880.

Hope to see you!

Join us for Selfcare classes this month. DM for RSVP or text (760) 9990880

A Joyous Woman Summit 04/19/2022

Catch my live interview today:

🌼Learn about the importance of gut health, the benefits of meditation, what to wear to feel good about yourself, how to connect to earth, your higher purpose, and create rituals in your day that honor you.

Go here:

A Joyous Woman Summit


📝As I am doing some research on the mind and cravings for my lastest project, this evening, I came across this lovely quote by Burmese Meditation Teacher - Sayadaw U. Pandita.

“We mistake excitement of the mind for happiness”…

Oooooh, that’s a stinger!!

As you flip through your Twitter, IG, Facebook feeds later while looking for a new Netflix series + eat popcorn remember it.

Happy Easter, Passover, Ramadan and Bat Appreciation Day (yes, correct on that!)


Are you frequently running down a rabbit hole with multiple gut supplements and going nowhere, fast?

It’s probably because you’re smart + doing the right things…..

But, it’s the order that you’re doing them that might be off.

Taking a look at your primary gut and brain health foundations is essential.

💤 Are you getting enough sleep?

🥦 Do you eat a variety of anti-inflammatory foods?

🏊‍♀️ Do you exercise on a regular basis?

I can’t tell how often people jump to testing, or supplements first, missing a huge component of lasting healing.

This is where I come in. Book a chat with me next week to find out where you might begin, shift, or find out your next step on YOUR journey into better GUT health.


Many people don’t realize the beautiful benefits of phytochemicals‼️


Some confuse them with antioxidants - which they sometimes are….. (along with having anti inflammatory properties)…

That’s a very good thing…

Antioxidants are also natural chemicals in fruits and vegetables. They protect the body from damage caused by free radicals (cancer producing agents)

Let’s say PHYTOCHEMICALS are antioxidants with benefits‼️

These chemicals are concentrated in the pigments of the plants you eat.
In fact, a lot of the research I read is claiming that the tastier your kale or blueberries are, the richer in phytochemicals ! Cool right?

I guess that goes for wine too!

Fun fact: There are upwards of 8000 of these (they’re being researched like crazy right now)

More than 5000 have been identified, a large percentage of them still remain unknown. Your average carrot contains more than 100!

Phytochemicals, also called phytonutrients, are chemicals MADE BY the plants themselves to protect, defend, stay healthy and even allure for pollination. 🐝

They beautifully pass on the benefits to US♥️
That’s right. When we eat these brightly colored plants, we get all the protection too.

Examples of phytochemicals❓

☕️Polyphenols in tea
🥕Beta carotene + other carotenoids in fruits and vegetables
🥦Isothiocyanates in cruciferous vegetable (bok choy, Brussels sprouts,kale, collards, cauliflower, mustard greens and many more)
🍇Resveratrol in grapes and red wine

Research has shown that some phytochemicals may help:

🛑Stop formation of carcinogens
🛑Stop carcinogens for attacking cells
🛑Cells stop and wipe out any cancer-like changes


The last American Phytonutrient Report claimed that 88% fell short in blue/purple
86% fell short in white
79% fell short in orange/yellow
78% fell short in red
69% fell short in green

How do you think you’re doing??

Want your business to be the top-listed Health & Beauty Business in Encinitas?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

🦜I know no one wants to stay stuck in stress and related gut distress and that’s why I created this mini self paced on l...
Very excited to talk about mindless eating, emotional eating, cravings + habitual over eating and offer tools to address...
What⁉️⁉️⁉️Uh - um….😳“No news is ‘good’ news”!???Not acceptable‼️Don’t ever feel like a “bother” with your health care.BE...
Join me tomorrow (Thursday) 1:30 PST
This is it!Final session on Day 7️⃣To conclude today, I want to give my heartfelt thanks to both you and my speakers for...
Final Day!!Day 7️⃣What I absolutely love about Deb Eckerling is that she is joyfully obsessed with making the world a be...
Day 7️⃣Today on the summit grand finale you’ll meet my cousin, Lourdes Billingsley, for a VERY interesting dive into the...
Today and tomorrow: Check out my interview with Scott Tolchin @scotttolchin on the Havening Techniques®. A neuroscience-...
My friend Lisa Taylor, founder of This Choice Matters, is a spiritual healing practitioner and speaker - advocating that...
On Achieving Tranquility Day 5️⃣ we have 2 new friends of mine, Jeremy Grater and Zach Tucker - known from their popular...
Day 5 TODAY’S interview is with Jess Sherman -  author, speaker, mother, and award-winning Functional Diagnostic Nutriti...
Day 5 with Dr. Somi Igbene where we discuss the social and economic aspects of nutrition + disease risk. 🍟living within ...


Encinitas, CA

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Follow for community wellness events in San Diego.

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We help reduce pain and improve movement for active individuals of all experience levels.

CuppaShroom CuppaShroom
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COMING SOON! Elevate your canned coffee experience with the magic of 7 functional mushrooms.

Beemindfullymoved Beemindfullymoved

Inspiring people to invest in their mental emotional physical social wellbeing with SEL & Mindfulness

Wellness On The Road Wellness On The Road

Licensed Massage Therapist.

Vela Extracts Vela Extracts

As a small San Diego business, Vela Extracts strives to bring you clean, quality h**p based natural

LiveActive Physical Therapy LiveActive Physical Therapy
1923 Hummock Lane
Encinitas, 92024

We are a mobile concierge style physical therapy clinic that customizes treatment plans to your need

Speed Wheels Speed Wheels
Encinitas, 92024

Cycling enhances joint flexibility.

Acu-Fit Inc. Acu-Fit Inc.
317 N El Camino Real, 306
Encinitas, 92024

We are elevating the health and fitness industry in our community to move better and live healthier

CrossFit Rebuild Encinitas CrossFit Rebuild Encinitas
613 Westlake Street, Suite 126
Encinitas, 92024

We are a group of 40-70 year olds who practice Functional Fitness to maintain a HIGH QUALITY OF LIFE

Aesthetically Pleasing Medical Spa Aesthetically Pleasing Medical Spa
205 S. El Camino Real, Ste F
Encinitas, 92024 Botox, Dysport, Juvederm, Restylane, Sculptra, lasers, facials, peels, & wellness.