The Wild Unfolding

Holistic Healing Arts Therapist specializing in physical and emotional wellness.


New Spot located inside
I am so happy to be here. The room is complete and the new hours are live! To book with me please schedule directly online or schedule a Q&A call with questions.


One more week until the Well Ray Del Ray Festival.

We are SO excited to be part of this special community of wellness experts, authors, healers and artists!

Josie and I walked the block talking about EVERYTHING..she doesn’t stop talking even with chocolate ice cream in hand. Her BIG joy after I had a long day with clients really brings home how far we’ve come and how much we have to celebrate.

Please come see us next weekend at the event from 10am-2pm in the Salvation Army parking lot.

She will be there as my assistant and I pray to get a word in-she can’t wait for kids jazzercise!

🍦 🪩


We are more alike than we are different. You are never alone in your feelings.

〰️We cannot escape the human condition.

I am a firm believer in the spirit coming here for the human experience.

〰️We are oftentimes more afraid of the feelings than the feelings alone.

In sessions together we establish safety, open the energetic channels, release stress and tension from the body and find states of peace.

Here to hold a sacred space for you.
Del Ray Alexandria
Remote 1:1 Sessions

Photos from The Wild Unfolding's post 06/10/2024

Ballet with a twist 🩰

“Mom, after today do not sign me up for ballet.”


We love you Josephine!


The body heals in a parasympathetic state.

Sometimes when the body is experiencing higher states of stress we must physically move into a activated state to then help the body drop state into a relaxed state. This enables the body to move through a stress cycle naturally.
👉🏼kundalini yoga

There are times when the biochemical health of the body needs addressed and could be causing dysregulated sensations within the body. Symptoms feeling similar to anxiety and stress.
👉🏼functional medicine doctor
👉🏼blood labs

The more connected you are with your Spirit the clearer your intuition will become.

When I am actively stressed I can feel the cortisol and adrenaline override my system and I most oftentimes start with👉🏼 Getting Back To Basics.

1. Nutrition- nutrient dense foods. High protein, fiber, fat. I cut back on alcohol, caffeine and dairy.
2. Hydration- trace minerals, electrolytes in water.
3. Sun- morning sun
4. Movement
5. Quality Sleep
6. Prayer+Meditation

Dr. John E. Upledger a physician who taught about the craniosacral fluid in the body calls the parasympathetic state the, “inner physician.” I love this perspective.

I always suggest you work with a medical professional you trust and most importantly listen to yourself. I am sharing my personal approach to my own health and well-being.


This is me in between clients. No not really!
I actually feel alert and extremely present when I’m doing somatic bodywork with clients.

SO many ask what I do to take care of myself, so that I can keep doing this work.

🛀🏻 My number 1 is a hot epsom salt bath. Water and salt are the perfect medium to cleanse my auric field.
🌬️I love a good box breath or alternate nostril breathing added in too.
🍲 I eat a hearty dinner which helps me feel grounded.
✍🏼 My own “souls work”

Photos from The Wild Unfolding's post 05/10/2024

❤️‍🔥My wild ❤️‍🔥

For my Wild Women,

❤️‍🔥If you have yet to be called an incorrigable, defiant woman,
don’t worry, there is still time.
❤️‍🔥I’ve seen women insist on cleaning everything in the house before they could sit down to write... and you know it’s a funny thing about housecleaning... it never comes to an end. Perfect way to stop a woman. A woman must be careful to not allow over-responsibility (or over-respectabilty) to steal her necessary creative rests, riffs, and raptures. She simply must put her foot down and say no to half of what she believes she “should” be doing. Art is not meant to be created in stolen moments only.
❤️‍🔥 I hope you will go out and let stories, that is life, happen to you, and that you will work with these stories... water them with your blood and tears and your laughter till they bloom, till you yourself burst into bloom.
❤️‍🔥 It is worse to stay where one does not belong at all than to wander about lost for a while and looking for the psychic and soulful kinship one requires.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you beautiful souls. My prayer for us is that we learn to feel fully alive again and again and again. We devote ourselves to being present and enjoying the simple pleasures in life. My prayer is that we reestablish a relationship with rest, our bodies, our breath and our Soul so we can consciously create the world anew.


S I L E N C E has felt so safe lately. I can always tell when I’m doing my work by the sensation of my stillness+silence.

Less rushing. Less pacing. Less fear.

It’s a sweet spot.

It is a practice.

Here with you,


It is that time again when nasal congestion and tension headaches are upon us. Whether it be from illness or allergies these points will offer relief.
Release the tension and support the mucus to drain.
You can do this a few ways,
1. Self Massage
2. Laying on your back with your head slightly elevated with a pillow and elongating your neck.
3. Still point pillows (everyone needs one)

Photos from The Wild Unfolding's post 02/12/2024

Tucson Gem Fair girls trip!

The Wild Unfolding 02/11/2024

Soul Sessions are over the phone in the comfort of your own home. We dive into the body through somatic practices and catch the mind up to speed on what’s moving through us and is ready to be alchemized. It’s work, but it’s the souls work.
Monday and Tuesday availabilty. Series of six calls.

The Wild Unfolding Schedule your appointment online The Wild Unfolding


My prayer is that the somatic soul sessions feel ceremonial. We open the body for the energy to move and spiral open and through.
🪶Cleansing and purifying.
I don’t share about how I work with the breath, but together we do. The majority of the emotional releases are initiated by the breath (life force energy) and unlocking the pressure valve of ‘holding it together.’

We are all trying to hold it together.
The medicine is in the release.
It’s all welcome and it will come at a time your walls drop and you feel yourself.

Top Wild Unfolding Medicine Practices as of late;
🔐 Write morning pages/Unhinged/Free/Honest
-VULNERBALE! Don’t you wish we could still lock em up? Ha.
🖊️ Write big life questions down. Meditate. Write from a place of knowing. IDK is a lie. Period. We do.
🪞 Mirror Work
🌬️ Dancing with activated breath and engaged abdomen. My Spotify Liberate Yourself is 🔥

Chin up heart open,


Truly grateful to have found this holistic hub.

It's Twelve Days of Wellness in Del Ray!

Meet one of our new wellness providers, The Wild Unfolding! The Wild Unfolding is a Holistic Healing Arts Company specializing in energy medicine, physical pain, holistic lifestyle and wellness practices. During in-person or virtual sessions, lead practitioner Karleigh Herman works to help clients thrive in our world of abundant energy, misguiding information, burn out, increasing demands and overstimulation. Whether it is through coaching you to your calmest and clearest mental capacity, manipulating of the physical body to ease discomfort and pain, clearing and aligning your energetic fields, or a combination of all of these, The Wild Unfolding's ultimate goal is to support the whole being. Use code SELF CARE at checkout for $15 off until 1/1/24 at

Make time for self-care in the busy holiday season! Follow our social media channels now through Dec. 24 as we highlight wellness offerings, tips, promotions, and more from The Wellness District in Del Ray.




How does dynamic cupping act as energy healing for the physical body?

With the ground breaking science of quantum biology we now understand ourselves to be electromagnetic beings reacting to light, frequency, and crystalline water.
When we open up with tissue and and release the fascia lining we are hydrating the body, opening up meridian channels (light channels) and encouraging the fluid and energy to pulse.

Many of my clients speak to feeling energized after a somatic bodywork session. When I hear this I smirk and smile bc I know their life force energy is pumping and pulsing allowing them to feel more alive and vital in their overall wellbeing.

We are more energetic than we are physical.

These are based off my interpretations and studies in the field of quantum energy. For more information on the science and research please follow .catherineclinton


Why Cupping? How is it an asset in opening the energy channels of the physical body?


Stay with your joy. Sit with your pain. Offer yourself compassion often.


I showed Josie and Michael my new office yesterday and it turned out to be an a huge Art Fair! So fun, so alive and felt like a California crisp day. This little holistic hub is going to treat us well, we can feel it.

Photos from The Wild Unfolding's post 02/09/2023

Open your body’s energy channels that hold pressure or feel congested.

Graph one:
large intestine 20 (LI20)
Graph two:
gallbladder 20 (GB20)

Both are great points when experiencing symptoms presenting cold, flu, and allergies.

Touch and feel into any tender point.
Breathe into point to expand and release pressure stored.
Drink water (spring water or added minerals) to help flush excess fluid.
Sweat if you can. A hot bath or shower can help increase body temperature and improve circulation.



Love this from 💕

One of the greatest game changers in doing this work is recognizing behavior as communication.

✨When a child hits
✨When they're screaming
✨When they have request after request

What are they really communicating? What’s being said without words? What need are they, likely subconsciously or unconsciously, trying to meet?

As long as we respond only to the behavior— punishing them for hitting, putting them in time out when they won't stop screaming, blowing up when they ask us for the hundredth time to look at their drawings-we will continue to see the same or new behaviors surface. It’s like pushing pause temporarily, knowing it’ll be back until that need is met and root emotion is responded to.

When we can tune into what they're communicating and respond to the emotion behind the behavior, that's where the magic happens. That's where we have an opportunity to build a child's toolbox so that they won't hit or scream every time they're frustrated because they'll have other tools to tap into.

What challenging behaviors are happening for you right now? What might be going on beneath the surface?

Photos from The Wild Unfolding's post 01/03/2023

•This year I go there •

I know myself. I love myself.
👉🏻Still, I hide.


My daughter out of nowhere said, “mama you are so brave.” I do not resonate with that word and I want to.

Starting the new year with an integrity cleanse designed by .


HNY 2023
co graphic


Life is a practice and a prayer-
Getting clear on my intentions and in tune with my instinctual needs.

I hope you find what soothes you and lean in.

It may be more about unlearning than learning and more about integrating what you know than processing what you don’t -

Stay warm ✌🏼

Photos from The Wild Unfolding's post 12/08/2022

Happy Gemini Full Moon
It is the last full moon of the year. This energy will bring profound opportunity to process, reset our nervous systems, and receive information.
“The words you speak become the house you live in.”

Write your little heart out and hold yourself tight.

Hugging you through the ethers.


Seven months ago I experienced a huge move from the west coast to the east coast. I let go of my business of 10 years. Three people very dear to me transitioned over.

I closed a lot of chapters and some uncomfortably closed on me-

The cycles of grief and the sensation of longing have finally started to soften and taper down.

I tried to numb the pain and stress at times. I felt like a hypocrite for knowing how to take better care for my body, nervous system and psyche. I went through shame spirals. I tried to ignore my intuition. I wanted to cope the easier way at times. Ultimately my Soul wasn’t going to ease my discomfort without having to feel it all and get back into a genuine practice of self love.

The “practice” today looks like;
☕️ Coffee with God (meditation+journaling)
🥘 Cooking (nutrient dense highly medicinal meals a week)
〰️Moving my body
📞Seva (aka selfless service)answering the calls and channeling the support.

What helps you feel better?


“The women I love and admire for their strength and grace did not get that way because s**t worked out. They got that way because s**t went wrong and they handled it. They handled it a thousand different ways on a thousand different days, but they handled it. Those women are my superheroes.”

As lonely as the motherhood has become in our society, I want women to know that they are not alone in their discomfort.

Here with you.


Tis the season to drain the face, neck, breast, and major water ways.

💧Hydrate, half body weight in ounces.
🫴🏽Touch, self massage using your hands or favorite tools like gua sha and cups.
🌬Emote, process and release emotion.

UFC Champion Frank Shamrock Was Hiding A Humiliating Secret | Goalcast 11/15/2022

Just going to leave this here. It is such an amazing story.

UFC Champion Frank Shamrock Was Hiding A Humiliating Secret | Goalcast Legendary UFC fighter Frank Shamrock was at the top of the fighting world. But when Frank finally opened up about his torturous past, he was humiliated and d...


🌼 🧄 🤒 Viral infections are on the rise this time of year 🌼 🧄 🤒Potent herbal and comestible compounds have been used since ancient times to treat illnesses and viruses alike, but these antivirals are especially useful during the cold weather months we’re entering into … which of these do your home medicine cabinet + kitchen have stocked and ready?

When it comes to herbal medicine, fortifying the mind-body-spirit trinity before dis-eases strike is the best way to achieve whole person wellness. These are just some of many medicines that we love and carry. Keep in mind there’s many more out there, be curious and explore what might be growing around you 🍂👁🔮

🍃 In case you didn’t know! Our herbalists are online Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm EST to answer all your questions via the chat on our site: visit to CHAT WITH AN HERBALIST!🌹🪐🍂🔮 we’re here to support.

Holiday Appetizers: Seed Crackers with Cashew "Sour Cream” Dip 11/15/2022

Best herbs for bulk orders. I love making my own tea blends 🍵

Holiday Appetizers: Seed Crackers with Cashew "Sour Cream” Dip Holiday gathering can get complicated when you have loved ones with dietary restrictions. This seed cracker and herb dip combination is an appetizer win!


Who would you be?
We fill ourselves with worry about the future trying to grasp for perfections -that just don’t exist.
After a year of multiple grievances

(death of a friend, ending relationships, business closing, a long distance move and leaving behind so many beautiful friendships)

I just found myself being filled with remembrance of the life and art I long to create- one built on honesty, exposure of my heart and making humor out of the Truth.

I am not saying fake your joy and be happy. I am saying dive into your heartache and let the truth use you as an instrument of a soul realized-in touch, embodied and fully alive.

Whether it be self forgiveness or forgiveness of the unconscious
-go there.


Riding waves〰️with Grace, I’d say.

Love it whole.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Here’s a break down of a somatic bodywork session with me. 🫳🏼We open the fascia lining/connective tissue. I use dynamic ...
Sharing a video that went viral on tiktok with 8.5 million views. 🤷🏼‍♀️The arms are extensions of the heart and express ...
Jumping into that glorious cosmic energy field with LOVE ❤️🕳2:22pm  That fresh start energy with an emphasis on your vib...
2022 DESK CALENDARS🤍New and Full Moon Cycles🤍US Holidays🤍Proceeds support Mothers 🤍PDF education on lunar cycles influen...
Empaths! Where are you at? I know you are spiraling this Holiday season and I want to remind you how our medicine can be...


451 La Veta
Encinitas, CA

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