Borderland Sciences Research Foundation

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, Nonprofit Organization, P. O. Box 6250, Eureka, CA.

Borderland Sciences exists to help you in your explorations on frontiers of science, awareness, and beyond, maintaining an archive of original research on Nikola Tesla, Radionics, UFOs and much more.

Trygono Igneo of Ether Physics | Borderland Sciences Catalog 07/11/2024

The July Newsletter has been sent and also posted to the website.

Trygono Igneo of Ether Physics | Borderland Sciences Catalog Carl Krafft came into the office with such urgency this month. Somehow I found myself psychically embroiled in a Hollywood murder mystery in 1934 where a parapsychologist from Harvard “fell” to his death. Carl insisted that I help him before I could move forward with the newsletter. I had to wri...

Dionysus: Standing up to Shiva | Ancient Greece Revisited 07/11/2024

Dionysus: Standing up to Shiva | Ancient Greece Revisited Beginning with the 1960's, we in the West have been so inundated with Eastern mysticism that we often forget how down in the roots of our own culture there e...


Carus, C.G. on Sailing...

Es liegt dann mehr in dem Bedürfniß der Zeit, daß der Trieb des bewußten Geisteslebens solcher Seele nunmehr nach dieser oder jener Richtung sich hinwendet, während eigentlich auch für alle andere genugsamer Nahrungssaft vorhanden war, und im mer dies Unbewußte durch dasjenige Moment sich von allen andern unterschied, durch welches überhaupt (f. v. S. 12) das Magische charakterisirt wird, nämlich durch seine Macht das ihm eben vorgesteckte Ziel auf kürzerm und mehr directem Wege zu erreichen, als irgendein anderes Bewußtes oder Unbewußtes es vermag. Man erzählt von dem berühmten Seefahrer und Entdecker Cook, daß im heftigen Sturme, wenn plögliche Windstöße Segelwerk und Taue verwirrt hatten, er beim Heraustreten aufs Verdeck immer sogleich beim ersten Blick wußte, wo es noththat, wo zugegriffen, angezogen, nachgelassen oder eingerefft werden mußte, und in dieser Weise wird die Gattung des magisch wirfenden Geistes, von welcher wir hier handelten, mehr oder weniger immer und überall, im Großen wie im Kleinen, sich bethätigen.

It is then more a matter of the need of the time that the impulse of the conscious spiritual life of such a soul now turns in this or that direction, while in fact there was sufficient nourishment for all the others, and this unconscious always differed from all the others by that moment by which the magical is generally characterized (f. v. p. 12), namely by its power to reach the goal set before it by a shorter and more direct path than any other conscious or unconscious can do. It is said of the famous seafarer and explorer Cook that in a violent storm, when sudden gusts of wind had confused the sails and ropes, when he stepped out onto the deck he always knew at first glance where it was necessary, where to grab, pull, let go or reef, and in this way the type of magically throwing spirit, of which we are dealing here, will be active more or less always and everywhere, on a large and small scale.

Image 1 of The diseases of the will, 07/01/2024

This is what turns up when you watch The Cabinet of Dr. Caligary and read the Ong's Hat Catalog...

I was able to pull this book from Dr. Caligary's library...or it it called the Caligari Library...

Image 1 of The diseases of the will, Includes bibliographical references. Also available in digital form. 07/01/2024

Devoting himself to treatment of the insane, he was instrumental in upgrading patients' living conditions and doing away with their lock and cuff restraints. Although it seems primitive by today's standards, the "tranquilizing chair" invented by Dr. Rush was a humane alternative to the straight jacket; the chair was intended to reduce stimulating blood flow to the brain by binding the patient's head and limbs.

Philo Vance - The Star Studded Murder Case (December 7, 1948) 06/30/2024

Philo Vance - The Star Studded Murder Case (December 7, 1948) PHILO VANCE.....Is a fictional character featured in twelve crime novels written by S. S. Van Dine (the pen name of Willard Huntington Wright), published in ...

Bob Fosse dance numbers - " The Rich Man's Frug " 06/29/2024

Bob Fosse dance numbers - " The Rich Man's Frug " The Frug (pronounced "froog") was a dance craze from the 1960s that evolved from another dance of the era, the Chicken. The Chicken, w...

ROT article — Haiku+Photo Workshops 06/29/2024

not exactly sure but we will leave this here...

ROT article — Haiku+Photo Workshops Jerry Uelsmann, “Self-Portrait as Robinson & Rejlander” (1964) — Growing up, I always wondered who these guys were, why Uelsmann would make such an odd self portrait and tribute. Turns out they were pioneers of pictorialism, in particular the combination of multiple images into a single fr...

Otto Kahn as an Austrian Intelligence Agent — Andrea Nolen 06/25/2024

Hollywood espionage 1930's

Otto Kahn as an Austrian Intelligence Agent — Andrea Nolen Otto Kahn, America’s early-film king-maker and high-profile partner of Kuhn, Loeb, & Co., was almost certainly an intelligence agent for the Austro-Hungarian Empire and continued to serve interests inside the Republic of Austria until his death in 1935. This post will deal with the fasci


I have a Karl Krafft book on my desk that I need to use to write the next newsletter.

I get a pretty clear impression to go to the next to the last page, a bibliography.

I scan it, the titles are mostly in German and I see one low hanging fruit. "The Mystery of Mind by Leonard Troland".

I do a quick Google search and...

We find ourselves on a COLD CASE....who is R.D. Eaton? Who was taking the photographs...

Borderland Sciences Research Catalog 06/24/2024

Borderland Sciences Newsletter

Sign up at bottom of right hand margin.

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Borderland Sciences Research Catalog Print research and archival materials for students of the Borderland Sciences, Flying Saucers, Radionics and Physical Radiesthesia.


Against this background, in section II, the bell tolling clearly emerges (meas. 6 ff.) along with the evocation of a cantus firmus. The timbre of the melody, with an octave doubling in the middle-high register, makes us understand that the tolling has to be more resonant than the cantus firmus, and must therefore be achieved with a poggiato sound, although the dynamics
remains in π, a sound that must also be «doux et fluide». To continue the “background” effect, the old melody has to be more muted; although it reaches higher than the E of the tolling, it has to sound more distant, so as to evoke the feeling of something that already happened in the past, a déjà-vu experience.



POGGIATO, (Z.) dwelt on, struck impressively.

Legacy of Contact: 70 years on the Borderland of Science | Borderland Sciences Catalog 06/19/2024

Is this the real reason for the recent heavy search engine suppression?

This is just part of a vast UFO File, much of it already lost, that forms the basis for the near future of humanity.

An irritating nuisance of spiritual sovereignty for the average human being to prepare for their role as Galactic citizens?

Because the story presented in type written and mimeographed and then xeroxed it is our best effort to avoid the "re-write" of the Flying Saucer narrative.

Legacy of Contact: 70 years on the Borderland of Science | Borderland Sciences Catalog Explore the historical Flying Saucer File of Meade Layne and Riley Crabb.

A System of Caucasian Yoga, Project VITIC 06/14/2024

A System of Caucasian Yoga, Project VITIC Of primary interest to researchers of the VITIC project. Earliest mention of Magnet and Carbon in association with ancient Egypt.

Radionics Radio - Les presses du réel 06/10/2024

Radionics Radio - Les presses du réel Daniel Wilson's Radionics Radio project draws upon the fringe-science of “radionics”, with its invisible forces and psychic resonances, to spawn electroacou

Regulation of Cell Behavior and Tissue Patterning by Bioelectrical Signals: Challenges and Opportunities for Biomedical Engineering 06/09/2024

Bioelectrical signals are one component of the host’s morphogenetic field of instructive information in which all body cells are embedded.

A Brief History of Bioelectricity

Early discoveries of “animal electricity” can be traced to Luigi Galvani in the late 1700s. E.J. Lund, in the 1920s and 1930s, focused on currents and showed that anatomical polarity was predicted and controlled by the bioelectric polarity of ion flows in vivo (13). H.S. Burr, in the 1930s and 1940s, focused on measuring and correlating voltage gradients with future developmental pattern in a wide range of species (14, 15); his measurements showed that voltage gradients are quantitatively predictive of morphology, suggesting that the fields carried patterning information.

Regulation of Cell Behavior and Tissue Patterning by Bioelectrical Signals: Challenges and Opportunities for Biomedical Engineering Achieving control over cell behavior and pattern formation requires molecular-level understanding of regulatory mechanisms. Alongside transcriptional networks and biochemical gradients, there functions an important system of cellular communication and ...

Vital Forces | Borderland Sciences Catalog 06/06/2024

A living organism is also a transformer of matter. It absorbs matter from its environment, transforms it, and returns it to its environment in a different chemical condition. Living things are chemical transformers of matter.

Living beings are also transformers of form. They commence as a very simple form, which gradually develops and becomes more complicated.

The matter of which a living organism is constituted consists essentially of certain solutions of crystalloids and colloids. To this we may add an osmotic membrane to contain the liquids, and a solid skeleton to support and protect them. Finally, it would seem that a colloid of one of the albuminoid groups is a necessary constituent of every living being.

We may say, then, that a living being is a transformer of energy and of matter, containing certain albuminoid substances, with an evolutionary form, the constitution of which is essentially liquid.

-Mechanism of Life, Stephane Leduc, 1911

Vital Forces | Borderland Sciences Catalog 20th Century Vitalism. Vital Force, Life Forces, Radiant Energy, Water Research, Plant Perception and Radio Biology.

Physiology and “Vital Force” - Nature 06/06/2024

Weird criticism that seems to linger in the air as we face a strange digital repression of information not seen since the mid 20th Century...

"But the vitalist had always been rash for
exactly the same reason; he had gone beyond experience."

Why is their criticism always couched in a personal character attack? Real critical thinking is not smug.

Oh well, there were some rabbit holes I have not seen...

"This has been known under
different names as time went on, but they have all
referred to the same thing-psyche, pneuma, the
anima sensitiva of Van Helmont, the life principle of
Stahl, the Bildungstrieb of Blumenbach, the vita
propria of Bordeu, the vitalis agens of Barthez, the
Lebenskraft of Reil, the entelechy of Driesch, the elan
vital of Bergson, and the biotic energy of Moore."

Physiology and “Vital Force” - Nature EFFORTS in the past to account for the mysterious powers and properties of living beings have in the main consisted of bringing in some supra-sensible, immaterial, ultra-cognisable “principle” or “entity” as the causa causans. This has been known under different names as time went on, but th... 06/04/2024

Conny Huthsteiner, MD

Dr. Reich allowed, indeed, required the observer to be part of the scientific process in agreement with Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. In looking at recent trends in research in the biological sciences, one sees an attempt to integrate biology into the "hard"; sciences. DARPA and MIT are two separate entities that exemplify this movement. But it is in this way that Orgonomy is ahead of the curve, since Reich was the first scientist to do a systematic measurement of processes occurring in the life sciences.

The basic principles of orgonomic concepts of energy are:

Attraction to higher orgonomic charges
Pre-atomic (no mass)
Similar to, yet different than, other energies
Attracted to water
Metal repels
Increased levels in living versus non-living material
Affects all living things
Fills all space (but without mass)

The developments in light therapy in traditional medicine is a cousin to orgonomic research. Of interest here is some of the work of NASA on light's effects on plant growth in space. Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski's cancer work in Texas using antineoplastons appears to be very similar to Reich's use of bions in mice. Like Reich, Burzynski has been harassed by traditional medical gatekeepers.

Reich's galvanic skin measurements in the 1930's were the first attempt by medicine to measure the pleasure response by measuring the change in electric potential of the skin. This is one area of Reich's discoveries that has been further developed (although without attribution) by modern science. In The Bioelectric Body, which is a study of electromagnetism and the foundation of life, the author Robert Becker does briefly mention Reich.

Piezoelectric impulses and change in bone density is another use of electricity in healing. Collagen is a generator of these small electric impulses, but traditional science does not know why. Likewise early semi-conductor research in the 1960's used silicon and carbon mixtures, similar to Reich's early bion research done with sand and quartz. Becker's bone studies show that bone can be seen as a type of LED which leads to an overlap of bion, piezoelectric, and semi-conductor research. Huchsteiner explained that insulators are now being developed that hold a charge, leading to the possibility of plastic-based transistor development.

Huthsteiner continued on in a rather wide-ranging ramble across modern science, and I apologize for not having better notes on her presentation. In essence, the principle stated above that orgone energy is similar to, but different than, other energies leaves a large opening for interpretation of energy studies where one may at times be pleasantly surprised at the connections betweens Reich's work and modern studies. Orgone, Orgone Accumulator, Wilhelm Reich, Orgonon, Dr. Reich, Life Energy, orgonomy, alternative healing, cosmic energy, International Conference on Orgonomy

Radio Vision Scientific Milestone : Ruth Drown Laboratories : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive 05/10/2024

Here are some very clear images of Ruth Drown's radio vision. For all the merits the xerox has brought to Borderland Sciences, while we quietly fight the Arimanic forces that demand subservience to a digital reality, the loss of certain detail in the images has always been painful.

Radio Vision Scientific Milestone : Ruth Drown Laboratories : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive   A Research Activity of Drown Laboratories The Drown Radio-Vision Instrument was invented in 1935 by Dr. Ruth B. Drown of Los Angeles, California,...

No Quarter (Remaster) 04/24/2024

No Quarter (Remaster) Provided to YouTube by Rhino AtlanticNo Quarter (Remaster) · Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin x Led Zeppelin℗ 2013 Atlantic RecordsEngineer: Eddie KramerEngineer: Ge...

Water & Plasma Map - Swedish Association for New Physics 04/15/2024

Water & Plasma Map - Swedish Association for New Physics The construction of these maps is an ongoing project - we are trying to fill in links with information about the keywords in the maps. If you have relevant information, you are welcome to send contributions to

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United Congregational Christian Church United Congregational Christian Church
900 Hodgson Street
Eureka, 95503

No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!

Companion Animal Foundation Companion Animal Foundation
3954 Jacobs Avenue
Eureka, 95501

Companion Animal Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit animal rescue organization formed in 2002 in response to the high euthanasia rate of adoptable animals in Humboldt County.

The Phoenix Project USA The Phoenix Project USA

Helping people in crisis, or those who have been traumatized by life, to find hope, healing.

Vegan Society of Humboldt Vegan Society of Humboldt
Eureka, 95503

We're a group of vegans who get together monthly to share good vegan food in Humboldt County, California. Vegetarians and omnivores ALWAYS welcome. =D

MARZ Project MARZ Project
627 3rd Street
Eureka, 95501

Free Digital Media Studio for creative youth and young adults ages 12 to 26 @ The Ink People Center for the Arts, 627 3rd St, Eureka, CA.

Humboldt Autism Alliance Humboldt Autism Alliance
P. O. Box 251
Eureka, 95502

Children with Autism are capable of extraordinary things, with the right tools and education in place, we can change the future for these beautiful kids.

Teen Council Humboldt Teen Council Humboldt
3225 Timber Fall Court, Ste B
Eureka, 95503

Teen Council Humboldt is a peer education program for teens in Humboldt County through PPNorCal!

Quest for Excellence™ Quest for Excellence™
P. O. Box 9050
Eureka, 95502

Quest for Excellence™ is an all volunteer nonprofit organization promoting personal and professional excellence through educational products and services. BRN Provider CEP11897, ...

Pregnancy Care Center of the North Coast Pregnancy Care Center of the North Coast
721 7th Street, Suite A
Eureka, 95501

The Pregnancy Care Center of the North Coast is has been serving Humboldt County since 1994. All services are FREE and confidential.

Adoption Horizons Adoption Horizons
10 W 7th Street, Ste F
Eureka, 95501

Adoption Horizons, a licensed adoption agency, promotes adoption education, and limited homestudy an

California NorthCoast Harley Owners Group California NorthCoast Harley Owners Group
Eureka, 95501

C'mon up, we would love to take you for a little ride and show you this little piece of heaven we cal