KOSA University of Arkansas

U of A 한인학생회 입니다.
2016 - 2017
President: Jueun Moon
Vice President: YueunPark
Treasurer: Yeeun Park


The School of Art has invited the artist, Yoonmi Nam, to come lecture on February 8 at 5:30pm in Hillside auditorium 206. Yoonmi Nam is a Korean born artist who is now working in America, and she makes a lot of work relating to her upbringing/education in asian aesthetics/art.

Travel to Korea 042117 04/24/2017

100+ students attended "Travel to Korea" event! Thank you very much for coming!

Timeline photos 03/31/2017
Photos from KOSA University of Arkansas's post 03/06/2017

Today UofA professor MoonSook Park and three other Korean sopranos performed at Cooper Memorial Church in Bella Vista, AR. The performance was to advocate for Audrey's Home for Hope.

Listen the most popular(and beautiful) Korean art song played in Arkansas. 🇰🇷🇺🇸

Timeline photos 03/03/2017

Please find your time & heart for this concert for Audrey's Home of Hope with featuring of four Korean sopranos. Pianist, Kristine Mezines, harpist: Devanee Williams, and cello professor of UofA, Dr. Dominic Na!!

• Saturday March 4, 2017 at 3pm | Bella Vista Community Church
• Sunday March 5, 2017 at 3pm | Cooper Memorial Chapel, Bella Vista

Timeline photos 01/01/2017

Happy New Year🎉🎉

Picture taken in Korea.

Timeline photos 11/14/2016

Come visit us today at Union!

2016 FLL Razorback Invitational Volunteer Form 05/16/2016

If you are still in town, there is a great volunteering opportunity on campus!

This week, May 19-22, the FLL (First Lego League) Razorback Invitational will include 72 invited teams from 30 states and 15 countries.

15 countries!! There might be your country representing as well! :)

The Invitational will be held in the Arkansas Union.

You can fill out the volunteer application here:

A description of the volunteer roles is attached.
Please contact FLL Volunteer Coordinator at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Thank you,


2016 FLL Razorback Invitational Volunteer Form Wufoo is a web form builder that helps anyone create beautiful forms, surveys and invitations without writing a single line of code.

Timeline photos 04/25/2016

내일 저녁에 Stella Boyle Smith Concert Hall에서 박문숙 교수님 한국/캐나다 양국 예술가곡 독창회가 있습니다.

학기가 끝나가는 중이라 바쁘시겠지만 공연이 무료이기도 하니 잠시라도 휴식을 가지는 의미에서 참석하셔도 좋을 듯 싶습니다.

Tomorrow (Monday, April 25) at 6pm in Stella Boyle Smith Concert Hall (Fine Art building), there is a faculty recital presented by Professor Moon-Sook Park.

Take a break from busy week with studying and enjoy some art and folk songs tomorrow night! :)

**Free admission**

Timeline photos 04/01/2016


New Fountain To Be Constructed

April 1, 2016

Fayetteville, AR – The Arkansas Union is proud to announce the purchase and installation of a new fountain for the Union Mall. “Unions everywhere are getting bigger and more ornate, and it’s time the Arkansas Union caught up to the pack” said Union Director Rob Stagni. “Putting a new fountain out front helps create the impression of a new Union, without actually having to change anything inside.”

The new fountain, costing approximately $15 million, will be installed over the summer and will take eight years. “Building patrons may notice a disruption in front of the building as we make way for the new fountain” according to Special Events Coordinator Chase Smith. “But these changes will help us in the long run.” When asked to identify how the new fountain would help, Smith ran away.

The fountain will be paid for out of a combination of Facilities Funds, and a new “Entry Fee” that the Union will collect as each student enters the building. Students will be charged 45 cents each time they enter the building, according to Director Stagni. “Students may also opt to toss their fee directly into the fountain. Exact change is appreciated.”

An artist’s rendering of the new fountain can be seen below. Questions should be directed to nobody in particular.

Happy April Fools' Day from the Arkansas Union!


On February 9, 2016, two visiting students represented S. Korea at the Taste Around the World! Thankful for outstanding Korean visiting students at the University of Arkansas!

Timeline photos 03/23/2016

GREAT opportunity for international students who are currently seeking for OPT, in OPT, or thinking about OPT!

International Students and Scholars office is excited to announce that immigration attorney, Art Serratelli will be on campus April 4-5. Join a lecture on what happens after OPT or register for a free consultation! http://ow.ly/ZLghb

We are excited to announce that immigration attorney, Art Serratelli will be on campus April 4-5. Join a lecture on what happens after OPT or register for a free consultation! http://ow.ly/ZLghb

KOSA LIVE! 03/13/2016

On March 11th Korean Student Associaiton hosted an event "KOSA LIVE!'. Majority of Korean students who organized each performance were exchange/visiting students.They have been working so hard for thier performances more than over a month. There were about 30+ voulnteers for this event. This event sucessfully shared interesting cultures of Korea with University of Arkansas.

Timeline photos 03/02/2016

A great opportunity to welcome international students at the University of Arkansas! And enhance your leadership and communication skills! Please consider to apply. The deadline is on Sunday, March 6th. http://international-students.uark.edu/events/cross-culture.php


If you are current exchange or visiting students at the UofA and staying for another semester (Fall 2016) AND interested in CCM program, please come talk with me! We would love to have you!!

KOSA Tea Night 2016 02/22/2016

On February 18th, 2016, University of Arkansas students were invited to come and learn about Korean culture by tasting traditional Korean teas and snacks. Around 100 students attended the event and learned about Korea.

Timeline photos 11/15/2015

안녕하세요 여러분 ! 다들 잘 지내고 계신가요?
날씨가 너무 추워졌어요.. 다들 감기 안걸리고 건강하게 지내고 계시길 바래요 :)
다름이 아니라 저희 KOSA가 내일 11/16/2015 International Bazaar에 참가한답니다!
장소: Union Connection Lounge (천장에 국기달린 곳)
10:30~2:00까지 하니까 오셔서 다른 테이블도 구경하시고 코사 테이블도 잠깐 들리셔서 있다가 가세요 :)

수업이 저 시간에 혹시 없으신 분들 중에 30분이라도 좋으니 테이블에 계실수 있으신분은 밑에 댓글을 달아주시거니 저에게 패북메세 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다!

밑에 사진 첨부할게요!

남은 일요일 화이팅입니다!

Fall 2015 KOSA Game Night 10/29/2015

on Thursday, October 15th in Holcombe Hall

Timeline photos 10/21/2015

아칸소대학 한인학생회는 2014년3월6일에 개최하였던 "안녕Korea" 이벤트 광고지를 만드는 과정에서 귀하의 사진을 무단으로 도용하였습니다. 교육기관에 속해있는 그룹으로써 한국을 알리는 행사를 준비하다가 이런 실수를 저지르게 되었습니다. 죄송합니다. 해당 사진은 삭제 되었습니다. 원본링크는 http://macros98.tistory.com/23 입니다. 앞으로 한인학생회는 저작권 관련하여 더욱 더 조심할것을 약속드리겠습니다.

Timeline photos 10/11/2015

안녕하세요! 다들 잘 지내고 계시죠?
이제 날씨가 완전 가을이네요..

화요일 (10월13일) 저녁에 새로 개관한 Faulkner Performing Arts Center에서 대학 오케스트라와 함께 R. Strauss의
Vier lezte Lieder 를 공연을 합니다!
표는 당일날 ticket box에서 사면 되시고 (학생은 $5)
그날 전체 슈트라우스의 곡들로 꾸며진 공연 프로그램이라
새 개관한 홀에서 처음으로 큰 관현악곡들을 감상하는 좋은 기회가 되실거에요.

박문숙 교수님께서, 프로그램 두번째 순서로 오케스트라 예술가곡 4곡 (유명하고 demanding 한 곡)을 부르신다고 하니 많이들 참석해 주셨으면 좋겠어요!

포스터에 General Public이 $15로 나와있는데, 잘못된 거고 $10 랍니다 :).


Society of Emerging Global Businesswomen (SEGB) information session

Tuesday, October 6th 5-5:40 PM & Wednesday, October 7th 5-5:40 PM
STC Team Meeting Room - ARKU 326A

Are you an international business student? Are you looking for a chance to build up resume, gain leadership experience, and net working with business professionals? Come and join SEGB information session!

SEGB is a business women organization provides business students career consultation service, business net working opportunities, and mentorship programs. We want to help you overcome culture barriers, inspire you to become a leader, and help you achieve your highest potential! Come and find out more exciting opportunities at our information session!

If you have any questions, please contact: Helen [email protected]

Timeline photos 09/30/2015

BGSA is excited to invite you to register for Tapestry: Courageous Conversations about Race. This is an opportunity for all who participate to have real conversation about topics that deal with race or have racial undertones. The event is on Tuesday, October 6th at 6:30 pm. ALL ARE WELCOME! Please see the attached flyer for more information. You can register using this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/M7VT3VD

University of Arkansas Vocal Students Go Abroad | University of Arkansas 06/12/2015

Proud To Be A Razorback and a Korean!
Professor Moon-Sook Park will accompany six vocal students to Europe!

"Six voice students from the University of Arkansas Music Department are about to embark on a life-changing adventure that is certain to leave a lasting impression on their academic careers. Moon-Sook Park, assistant professor of music, a voice faculty professor and renowned soprano, will accompany these students for the 2015 Concert Music Service Summer Vocal Camp."

University of Arkansas Vocal Students Go Abroad | University of Arkansas Students Judd Burns, Morgan Aldridge, Charles Robinson, Chris Senty, Savannah Bequeaith and Corey Swann will join assistant professor Moon-Sook...

Timeline photos 04/29/2015

Hello everyone! End of the semester is just around the corner and I hope everything goes well with you!

Here, we'd like to share a meaningful fundraising event "HOGS FOR NEPAL." Please find the attached information. Even a $1 can make a difference.

Mentoring Social with Diverse Leaders 04/20/2015


Walmart, Tyson, J.B. Hunt 외 여러 회사의 최상급 전문직들과 직접 만나서 네트워크 하는 멘토링 소셜이 이번주 목요일 오후 6:30분 Arkansas Alumni House에서 진행됩니다.

국제학생들을 위해 준비된 커리어 멘토링 소셜인만큼, 여러분이 기회를 최대한 활용하셨으면 하는 바람입니다. 또한 한인학생분들이 많이 참석하셔서 미국기업의 임원직들과 네트워킹하는 시간을 가지시면 무엇보다도 의미가 있지 않을까 싶습니다.

자리가 한정되어있으니, 아래 링크로 가셔서 지금 예약하세요!
RSVP: https://ua-mentoringsocial.eventbrite.com/

Mentoring Social with Diverse Leaders If you are interested in networking and building mentorship with top business professionals and academic leaders, please don't miss this exciting opportunity coming up on April 23rd at 6:30 PM. The ASG Council of International Leadership is here to help you succeed. See the attached flyer in this me…


Hey guys! Here is the Ta-Kwon-Do performance video from the Spring 2015 KOSA event, "안녕 KOREA!"

Special thanks to D**g Kyu Kim, DaEun Lee, and Choi Yu Yeon!

안녕 Hello Korea 03/07/2015

On Friday, March 6th 2015, KOSA hosted the event "안녕 Korea." It was very successful events as we served 150+ participants. About 31 Korean volunteers worked as a team to prepare for this event. Majority of Korean volunteers are visiting/exchange students who are here for only one semester or a year. It is truly amazing to see how much they have been contributed to KOSA and UofA campus community as a cultural ambassador of Korea!

Cross Cultural Mentor Program | International Students & Scholars | University of Arkansas 02/15/2015

Apply to be a CCM!

CCM is a student leader (international or U.S. student; graduate or undergraduate) who volunteers to assist new international students in adjusting academically, culturally and socially to the United States and the University of Arkansas.

* Intercultural and interpersonal leadership skills through intensive training sessions
* Experience in program development and facilitating small groups
* Cross-cultural experience and knowledge
* A certificate recognizing successful completion of program
* Meals provided during required training and orientation hours
* Friend with new international students and other CCMs

Cross Cultural Mentor Program | International Students & Scholars | University of Arkansas University of Arkansas at Fayetteville

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Videos (show all)

Taste Around the World
2015 안녕 KOREA: Tae-Kwon-Do
FNL: K-pop performance



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