Forest Upper Cervical Chiropractic Centers

Dr. Steven Forest
Fremont Chiropractor
The Blair Technique
3909 Stevenson Blvd Suite D Fremont, CA 9


Tinnitus type symptoms like , whooshing, buzzing , ringing, and pulsatile are all forms of tinnitus. While tinnitus is inherently difficult to get rid of about 1/3 of patients with tinnitus recover under upper cervical chiropractic care! To locate an upper cervical chiropractor near you 👉 uccnearme. com

Easing the Pain: 10 Natural Tips for Managing Trigeminal Neuralgia 06/26/2024

Trigeminal neuralgia is increasing in incidents over the past several decades. Natural alternative to and surgery for TN is a little known procedure called upper cervical chiropractic! Have a read!

Easing the Pain: 10 Natural Tips for Managing Trigeminal Neuralgia Natural strategies to manage trigeminal neuralgia include stress reduction techniques, acupuncture, and a nutrient-rich diet to help alleviate nerve pain.

45% of Migraine Patients Are Hesitant to Get Headache Care 05/11/2024

About 35% of these people reported that they are suffering from the disabling impacts of migraine. There are several reasons why migraineurs are unwilling to seek help. Sadly, they are missing out on all the possible benefits of getting the proper care for their disease. Continue reading to learn more.

45% of Migraine Patients Are Hesitant to Get Headache Care Migraine and neck pain are common healthcare problems worldwide. Nearly half (45%) of migraine sufferers are hesitant to seek headache care.


Rosario Torres had been suffering from severe headaches since 2014. It has affected her daily life at work and at home. She couldn’t cook, or clean the house well, or even take care of herself. She had tried acupuncture and other traditional chiropractors but nothing worked for her. The pain still persisted until a friend recommended her to try Upper Cervical Care at Forest Upper Cervical Chiropractic Center. She already noticed the change even after the first adjustment. She was able to sleep well. After five months of adjustments, the pain finally subsided. She feels great now.

Experience yourself the possible benefits of receiving Upper Cervical Care. We can be reached here:
Call: 510-792-8407
Visit us online:
Click on the video thumbnail to find out more about Upper Cervical Care.


Rosario Torres had been suffering from severe headaches since 2014. It has affected her daily life at work and at home. She couldn’t cook, or clean the house well, or even take care of herself. She had tried acupuncture and other traditional chiropractors but nothing worked for her. The pain still persisted until a friend recommended her to try Upper Cervical Care at Forest Upper Cervical Chiropractic Center. She already noticed the change even after the first adjustment. She was able to sleep well. After five months of adjustments, the pain finally subsided. She feels great now.

Experience yourself the possible benefits of receiving Upper Cervical Care. We can be reached here:
Call: 510-792-8407
Visit us online:
Click on the video thumbnail to find out more about Upper Cervical Care.


The food that you consume plays a big role in your health and has a significant impact on your recovery from illnesses. In fact, consistently eating the right kind of food in the right amount makes it the most powerful medicine that you’ve got. Fuel and nourish your body by eating the “medicine” at the end of your fork!

5 Natural Remedies for Meniere’s Disease 05/06/2024

We’re going to take a closer look at this syndrome that affects balance and spatial orientation as well as hearing. Then we will consider five natural remedies for Meniere’s disease and vertigo, concluding with a natural therapy that has been having great success in cases studies.

5 Natural Remedies for Meniere’s Disease Take a closer look at this syndrome that affects balance and spatial orientation and how these five natural remedies for Meniere’s disease can help.

3 Main Benefits of Knowing Why You Have Vertigo 05/05/2024

Our vertigo chiropractor in Fremont, Dr. Steven Forest, is no stranger to hearing stories of people skipping work, missing out on family affairs, and feeling helpless and desperate because of this disorienting symptom. however, some choose to shrug it off, thinking it’s just a simple dizzying symptom. If you or a loved one feel this way, our discussion below might change your mind and help you rethink your approach to managing vertigo attacks.

3 Main Benefits of Knowing Why You Have Vertigo There are benefits to knowing why you have vertigo. Find out how you can immediately get rid of it through a vertigo chiropractor in Fremont.

Upper Cervical Care Wonders: Allergies, Asthma, Headaches, and Troubles Sleeping All Gone 05/03/2024

Rose saw a brochure about Upper Cervical Care. And she thought that might help her with her allergies, asthma, headaches, and trouble sleeping. So she got an appointment at Forest Upper Cervical Chiropractic Center and was adjusted by Dr. Forest. To her surprise, even after the first adjustment, she already felt a huge difference. After years and years of trouble sleeping, she finally had a good night's sleep that night after her first appointment. Her neck and shoulder tension were also gone. She feels more relaxed now. Rose highly recommends trying Upper Cervical Care.

This is a perfect example of the possible benefits of receiving Upper Cervical Care. To contact our office directly,
Call: 510-792-8407
Visit us online:

Learn more about Upper Cervical Care by clicking on the video thumbnail.

Upper Cervical Care Wonders: Allergies, Asthma, Headaches, and Troubles Sleeping All Gone Rose saw a brochure about Upper Cervical Care. And she thought that might help her with her allergies, asthma, headaches, and trouble sleeping. So she got an...


Headaches are a pain or discomfort in the head or face area, a common problem among adults. Its types may vary with their intensity, frequency, location, and cause. It’s important to get to know the types of headaches in order to better identify if it’s pointing to a serious medical condition or just a fleeting pain.

Everything You Need to Know About Neck Pain as a Migraine Symptom 04/27/2024

Many migraine sufferers experience neck pain but don’t even associate it along with the neurological condition. Let’s take a closer look at the significant link between migraines and neck pain.

Everything You Need to Know About Neck Pain as a Migraine Symptom Could neck pain actually be the most common migraine symptom? Let’s take a closer look at the significant link between migraines and neck pain.

Agonizing Pain From Trigeminal Neuralgia Eased Through Upper Cervical Care 04/26/2024

William was suffering from agonizing pain from having Trigeminal Neuralgia. He described it as the most painful thing that he had ever experienced in his life; both pounding and twisting pain. However, since coming to Forest Upper Cervical Chiropractic Center, he hasn't had one of those episodes. He highly recommends getting adjusted at Forest Upper Cervical Chiropractic Center, for it had done wonders for him.

William's case is a wonderful piece of proof of the various potential benefits of receiving Upper Cervical Care. Contact us directly to begin your Upper Cervical treatment.
Call: 510-792-8407
Visit us online:

Watch our videos to discover more about Upper Cervical Care.

Agonizing Pain From Trigeminal Neuralgia Eased Through Upper Cervical Care William was suffering from agonizing pain from having Trigeminal Neuralgia. He described it as the most painful thing that he had ever experienced in his lif...


When the two bones in your neck—the atlas and axis bones—are aligned, your brain and body can productively work together in order to maintain its functions. This is why it’s important to keep your head “on straight.” Upper Cervical Care does just that; it helps to keep the two neck bones properly aligned at all times!

Can Neck Pain Lead to Body Pain and Other Problems? 04/22/2024

Neck pain often gets taken for granted, mainly because it can quickly disappear. The pain can also progress each day, making you wonder, can neck pain cause headaches, back pain, or other health problems? If yes, what can you do to address it? Let’s answer all of these neck-pain-related questions and more below.

Can Neck Pain Lead to Body Pain and Other Problems? Can a professional like a massage therapist or cervical chiropractor help? Let’s answer all of these neck-pain-related questions and more below.

10 Mind-Boggling Facts About Migraines 04/21/2024

Getting migraine attacks on a rather pleasant day is terrible. If you regularly get migraines (or if you know someone who does), this article might enlighten you about this disabling condition. So, here are ten surprising facts about migraines you should know. Continue reading to learn more.

10 Mind-Boggling Facts About Migraines We will help you find comfort with our migraine relief in Fremont including some of the surprising facts about this condition. Read now!

Woman Found Comfort in Upper Cervical Care From Severe Back Pain 04/19/2024

Pat Sasso has noticed the symptoms of severe back pain her entire life. She also has scoliosis, which made the back pain even worse. She only took some pain relievers and tried stretching to ease the pain. Pat accepted that this is the way her life is until she got adjusted by Dr. Forest at Forest Upper Cervical Chiropractic Center. She was so amazed at how she could live pain-free, that she doesn’t have to live in discomfort. She highly recommends trying Upper Cervical Care at Forest Upper Cervical Chiropractic Center.

Follow in Patt’s footsteps and be on your path to recovery through Upper Cervical Care. Feel free to contact us directly.
Call: 510-792-8407
Visit us online:

Want to learn more about Upper Cervical Care? Click on the video thumbnail.

Woman Found Comfort in Upper Cervical Care From Severe Back Pain Pat Sasso has noticed the symptoms of severe back pains her entire life. She also has scoliosis, which made back pains even worse at times. She only took som...


If you work at your desk, it’s likely that you’re hunched over most of the time. The amount of pressure it continuously puts on your spine and lower back is tremendous, which could cause pain when done on a regular basis. To free your body from this heavy burden, be sure to correct your posture and avoid hunching over your desk.

The 6 Most Debilitating Migraine Symptoms 04/14/2024

Most of the time when migraine symptoms are topic in a discussion, they are listed in order by how common they are. What we are going to look at today are some of the most debilitating migraine symptoms. We also want to provide our readers with hope that migraines don’t have to lead to disability or lifelong medication use, so we will also discuss a way of finding natural relief from migraine symptoms.

The 6 Most Debilitating Migraine Symptoms What we are going to look at today are some of the most debilitating migraine symptoms alongside the natural and lasting relief you need.

Visual Auras and Neck Pain During a Migraine Attack 04/13/2024

According to a 2014 study, neck pain among people with primary headaches such as migraines has an annual prevalence rate of 68.4 percent. It’s far higher compared to those who don’t frequently suffer from migraines. So the question is, why do these three symptoms often occur together? How can you cope if you have such health problems? Let’s find out below!

Visual Auras and Neck Pain During a Migraine Attack Headaches, nausea, vomiting, and lethargy are some of the leading complaints of people receiving Blair chiropractic care for migraine relief.

Upper Cervical Care As Natural Antidote For Sciatica Pain 04/12/2024

Steve Saso was experiencing Sciatica pain and extremely severe back pain. The back pains were very severe and went on for about six months. Steve's day-to-day life is affected by his distress. He could barely walk or even sit down. His condition really caused him not to enjoy life very much. He tried pain medications, Reiki, and other alternative medicines. He even tried seeing a neurologist and talked about even the possibility of having some surgery, which brought him to see Dr. Forest, as suggested by his wife, because he didn't really want to go into the knife. After getting adjusted regularly at Forest Upper Cervical Chiropractic Center, he got slowly better and better. So today, the back pains are gone. Sciatic pains are gone. His Upper Cervical Care experience has shown him how this could really create a big difference in one's life.
So now, Steve can do a lot more things, work in the garden, and a lot more free to do just ordinary, everyday things he loves.

Steve's case is a wonderful piece of proof of the various potential benefits of receiving Upper Cervical Care.

Watch our videos to discover more about Upper Cervical Care.

Contact us directly to begin your Upper Cervical treatment.

Call: 510-792-8407
Visit us online:

Upper Cervical Care As Natural Antidote For Sciatica Pain Steve Saso was experiencing Sciatica pain and extremely severe back pain. The back pains were very severe and went on for about six months. Steve's day-to-da...


Living in a digital age means more time on our devices, leading to the dreaded 'tech neck.' ????

Dr. Steven Forest, DC, understands the strains of modern life on our bodies and specializes in relieving the symptoms of 'tech neck' through upper cervical chiropractic adjustments. ??

Realign your lifestyle and your spine, and rediscover comfort in the digital world. ??

Embrace a life where technology enhances rather than hinders your health.

Ready to Discover More? Join us on our free Informative Webinar: Living Without Limits: Your Road to Freedom From Pain Link in Bio-



Experiencing Back Discomfort? Could it be a Disc Injury? Find clarity. Take the 90 Second Back Pain Quiz. ___Quiz Link in Bio-


Did you know that your immune system could benefit from upper cervical chiropractic care? ?????

Dr. Steven Forest, DC, focuses on enhancing your nervous system's health through precise adjustments, which in turn supports stronger immune function. ??

By maintaining optimal spinal alignment, you're not just addressing pain; you're bolstering your body's natural defenses. ??

Elevate your health and immunity with a holistic approach that cares for your entire being.

Ready to Discover More? Join us on our free Informative Webinar: Living Without Limits: Your Road to Freedom From Pain Link in Bio-



Could Your Back Pain Be from a Pinched Nerve? Explore and discover. Take the 90 Second Back Pain Quiz. ___Quiz Link in Bio-


Good posture is integral to your overall health but it can be tiring, especially if you’re not used to it and your muscles are still adjusting. This can make it somewhat hard to maintain. Check out a few tips that are sure to help as you work on your lifelong good posture!


Feeling the physical toll of stress in your neck and back? ?????????

Stress isn't just mental; it manifests physically, affecting our wellbeing. Dr. Steven Forest, DC, uses upper cervical chiropractic care to not only relieve the physical symptoms of stress but also to help your body recover and strengthen against future stressors. ??

Transform stress into strength with a care approach that understands the connection between mind and body. ??

Discover a balanced way to manage stress and its physical effects.

Ready to Discover More? Join us on our free Informative Webinar: Living Without Limits: Your Road to Freedom From Pain Link in Bio-



Struggling with Back Pain? What's the Cause? Find out. Take the 90 Second Back Pain Quiz. ___Quiz Link in Bio-


Suffering from chronic neck pain after a minor car accident? ????

Whiplash is often underestimated but can cause lasting discomfort if not addressed. Dr. Steven Forest, DC, specializes in treating whiplash injuries through upper cervical chiropractic care, aiming to realign your spine and alleviate the root cause of your pain. ??

Don't let an accident dictate your health. Take control and find relief. ???

Start your recovery journey with expert care tailored to your needs.

Ready to Discover More? Join us on our free Informative Webinar: Living Without Limits: Your Road to Freedom From Pain Link in Bio-



Unlock the Secrets of Your Back Pain: Disc Injury, Muscle, or Nerve? Unlock now. Take the 90 Second Back Pain Quiz. __ Quiz Link in Bio-

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Videos (show all)

Beating Complex Symptoms with Fremont CA Chiropractic Care
Handle Brain Fog and Vertigo Effectively with Blair Chiropractic in Fremont
Handle Brain Fog and Vertigo Effectively with Blair Chiropractic in Fremont
Finding Relief from Vertigo with Blair Chiropractic in Fremont
Blair Chiropractic in Fremont Helps Address Severe Neck Pain
Getting ready
Neck Pain and Shoulder Tightness All Gone Through Upper Cervical Care
How Can Upper Cervical Care Help Lower Back Pain
Neck, Back, And Leg Pain Eased At Forest Upper Cervical Chiropractic Center
65-year-old Man Free From Neck Pain Thanks to Upper Cervical Care
Debilitating Pain From Sciatica Gone Through Upper Cervical Care
Upper Cervical Care in Fremont For Occipital Neuralgia




3909 Stevenson Boulevard Suite D
Fremont, CA

Opening Hours

Tuesday 1pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday 9am - 11am
Thursday 1pm - 5pm
Friday 9am - 11am
Saturday 8am - 11am

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