Klein Chiropractic - Auto Accident Injury Treatment Center

Our doctors can help patients in the Fremont area who are experiencing pain and limited mobility. Call now!

Klein Chiropractic - Auto Accident Injury Treatment Center will help you find a way to get the chiropractic care you need, so you can enjoy doing the things you enjoy doing! At Fremont Accident Injury Clinic, our doctors of chiropractic offer non-surgical, pain-relieving therapy that provides our patients with potentially the best treatments and results for each specific condition. Our goal with


Happy Father's Day to all the incredible fathers and father figures!🎉Today, we honor and appreciate you for the unwavering support, love, and wisdom you've shared. Anyone can be a father, but it takes a remarkable person to be a dedicated and loving dad.💖👨👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Wishing all the dads a truly Happy Father's Day! ♥️🎈


Life is full of surprises; unfortunately, car accidents are one of them. Every day, people drive on roads without expecting to be involved in a car crash. No matter how careful you are, there is always a risk of motor vehicle accidents, and statistics demonstrate the number of lives lost and injured.

If you're one of those who become a statistic and sustain an injury, know that there are options available to help you on the road to recovery. Our chiropractic team is equipped to create a personalized treatment plan that caters to your individual needs and goals, providing lasting relief. Don't wait for things to get worse. Call us today to schedule your consultation and take charge of your recovery.


Exciting news!🌞Summer is just around the corner, and what better way to spend it than with a road trip? Embarking on this road trip adventure is fun and something everyone looks forward to. However, car accidents can happen unexpectedly and can happen to anyone anytime, especially during long road trips. If you find yourself in such a situation, you may want to consider scheduling a consultation with our chiropractic team. We can evaluate any pain you may have suffered during the accident and provide the necessary treatment to prevent the condition from worsening. This way, you can fully enjoy the rest of your summer without any discomfort. Call us today to schedule your consultation.


In the unfortunate event of a car accident, time is of the essence – especially if injuries are sustained by those involved. Don’t take any chances; even if you don’t feel any immediate pain, it’s always better to be safe and seek medical attention immediately. By doing so, you can receive an effective treatment plan and avoid undiagnosed health conditions. We would be delighted to assist you in your journey to recovery, so please don’t hesitate to contact us today.


On this Memorial Day, we join together to honor the courageous souls who fearlessly defended our freedom and made the ultimate sacrifice. We are forever grateful for their selfless service and unwavering dedication. Let us take a moment to pay our respects to those who gave everything for our country and their loved ones. "Home of the free because of the brave."


As summer approaches, it's essential to remember the grim reality that accompanies it: the summer's 100 deadliest days. Between Memorial Day and Labor Day, the number of traffic fatalities and serious injuries on the roads dramatically increases. Shockingly, according to AAA, between 2010 and 2019, over 7,000 individuals lost their lives due to car accidents involving teenagers during the summer months. This alarming statistic is due to several factors: distracted driving, speeding, not wearing seatbelts, inexperienced young drivers on the road, and driving under the influence during this season. Regardless of the reason, it's crucial to prioritize safety on the streets and in our communities.

Let's make this summer a season filled with safe and joyful memories. Find more information here: https://www.northway.aaa.com/magazine/summer-2023/teen-crashes-increase-summer-months


Car accidents are a harsh reality that can occur anywhere, anytime. Although accidents can happen for a variety of reasons, some accidents are more frequent than others. While drunk driving is a well-known cause, there are other lesser-known factors that you should be aware of. With over 5 million car accidents taking place each year, it's crucial to know the most common causes. Stay informed and alert to avoid becoming a victim of these common causes of car accidents mentioned in the image below.

Auto accidents can result in various injuries, just like there are many causes for accidents to occur. Whether you're dealing with a sprain, strain, whiplash, herniated disc, concussion, spinal cord injury, or any other injury, our dedicated chiropractors are eager to help you get back on track and feel your best. Let us lend a hand and get you back on your feet! Call us today to schedule your appointment.


Happy Mother’s Day! Today, we want to take a moment to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the amazing mothers out there. We appreciate the tireless effort and countless sacrifices you make every day. May this Mother's Day be filled with joy, love, and appreciation for all you do.


Facing an auto accident is challenging enough, but when you're left grappling with the aftermath of pain from a herniated disc, the situation becomes even more daunting. Auto accidents are notorious for causing severe injuries, with a herniated disc as a common culprit. This condition doesn't just bring about back pain; it opens the door to a myriad of complications that, if neglected, can spiral into chronic pain and even disability. Identifying a herniated disc can be difficult since a wide range of conditions can cause sharp back pain after an accident. Therefore, it is crucial to be aware of the common symptoms of a herniated disc outlined in the image below.

We want to make sure that you receive the best possible care and attention. So, if you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned, please do not hesitate to contact us immediately. Book your consultation today, and let’s work together to help you feel your best.


Do you drive a Tesla? Lending Tree recently conducted a study on 30 car brands and found that Tesla drivers have the highest accident rate, with 23.54 accidents per 1,000 drivers. The study collected data from November 2022 through November 2023, including accidents, speeding, DUI, and other citations. Ram and Subaru are the next highest, with 22.76 and nearly 21 accidents per 1,000 drivers, respectively. You can read more about the study by following this link: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/12/19/tesla-drivers-had-highest-accident-rate-bmw-drivers-most-duis-study.html


Have you had an accident? 🚗🚙⚠️🚔When you find yourself in an accident, the most important thing is to make sure everyone involved is safe and unharmed. If it is safe to do so, move your vehicle to a safer location. Then, take a deep breath and dial the police at the accident scene. We understand that the aftermath of an accident can be stressful, particularly with injuries involved. That's why we want to ensure that even if you feel you are not hurt, it is wise to seek medical attention. Your health is our top priority, so don't delay in getting the care you need. We're here to support you throughout your recovery process, and you can trust us to provide you with the best possible care. Give us a call today to schedule an evaluation.


There is no other place to live than Earth, so our responsibility is to leave a healthier planet for future generations. Every small effort makes a difference, so let's work together to make Earth a better place. Happy Earth Day!


We cannot stress enough the significance of promptly seeking medical evaluation after a car accident. Taking early action is crucial in achieving the goal of receiving effective and timely treatment for your injuries and, ultimately, attaining the best possible outcome toward a successful recovery. Auto accidents can be traumatic and may lead to injuries that may not be immediately visible, which could manifest days or even weeks after the incident. Thus, if you have been in a car accident, we urge you not to delay and prioritize your well-being by booking a consultation today. Please give us a call to schedule your appointment.


Technological advancements have revolutionized the way we live our lives. However, we must acknowledge that these changes have also increased distracted driving, which has put countless lives at risk. Shockingly, distracted driving is responsible for about nine deaths, and many more are injured every day. As we celebrate Distracted Driving Awareness Month this April, let us all come together to spread the message about the dangers of using our phones while driving or engaging in any other form of distraction. Together, we can make our roads a safer place for everyone!


We understand that car accidents can have a severe impact on individuals. For instance, whiplash can take a while to display symptoms like neck pain, stiffness, headaches, dizziness, and blurred vision, which may appear many hours or even days after the accident. Unfortunately, this type of injury is often misdiagnosed or neglected in a way that worsens the symptoms because appropriate medical attention is not received in due time. That's why we want to reassure you that we are here to help you through this difficult time. Our experienced chiropractors are equipped with the ability to guide you through the treatment and recovery process and ensure that you receive the medical attention you deserve. Please don't hesitate to schedule an appointment with us today.


Happy Easter! As spring blooms and the Easter bunny hops your way, we’re sending you warm wishes for a joyful Easter celebration! May this special day bring peace to your heart and blessings to you and your family.


It's official - spring has arrived! Though we can finally leave winter driving conditions behind, it's important to stay alert for potential hazards on the road that could jeopardize the safety of both you and your loved ones. From sudden downpours to potholes, increased wildlife activity, and more pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists on the road, drivers should remain vigilant. Fear not, though - with a few simple driving tips in mind, you can ensure you're ready to hit the road safely as we enjoy all that spring has to offer. So, let's buckle up and embrace this new season by following the tips outlined in the image below.


Don't let the pain from an accident hold you back. Instead, why not take proactive steps towards your recovery? Visiting a chiropractor can be immensely helpful in your path to recovery, enabling you to receive the necessary care that's tailored to your needs and fostering healing. Early detection is key, and delaying treatment can only cause your pain to worsen, as symptoms of serious injuries can take time to manifest. So don't hesitate to call us today and schedule an appointment. With our help, we are confident that together, we can make a positive impact on your recovery and overall well-being.


A good customer is like a four-leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have! Wishing you all the blessings of St. Patrick and a wonderful spring season full of happiness. Happy St. Patrick's Day!” 🌸☘🍀


Few injuries from car accidents are as common or debilitating as those affecting the back and spinal column. Shockingly, 63% of those who suffer ongoing lower back pain after a motor vehicle accident have linked it directly to the injury sustained during the incident. It is important to note that even minor accidents can result in back injuries, and some may not experience pain until several days or weeks later. Sadly, many individuals bear the burden of back pain for longer than necessary, but you do not have to be one of them. If you're experiencing back pain after a car accident, don't wait any longer to seek assistance. Give us a call today to help determine the root cause of your pain and receive the treatment you need to find relief.


Despite the unfortunate reality that car accidents injure millions of people annually, we want to assure you that there is hope for recovery. However, you can take action by visiting a healthcare provider as soon as possible for an accurate diagnosis, as many injuries share similar symptoms, and it's essential to identify your specific injury correctly. This way, you can receive proper treatment for your condition, which can be beneficial for your recovery process. In the meantime, while you wait to schedule an appointment with our chiropractors, take a look at the image below to see the most common injuries resulting from a car accident. Remember, we're here to help! So, please don't hesitate to give us a call today.


Whether you enjoy the rain or not, you will likely have to drive in it at some point, no matter where you live in the country. Even seasoned drivers can find driving challenging in such weather conditions, with the possibility of accidents increasing due to slippery, wet roads and reduced visibility. According to the US Department of Transportation, 70% of weather-related crashes occur on wet pavements, and 46% occur during rainfall. With this in mind, taking precautions to prevent accidents is essential. Check out the image below for some friendly tips next time you drive in the rain.

Unfortunately, even the most skilled and cautious drivers can end up in a collision during hazardous weather conditions. If you have been injured in such a situation, know that help is available to aid your recovery. Don't suffer in silence; reach out to us today if you have been in a car accident. We offer a range of treatment options and are here to assist you to get you back on your feet.


Happy Presidents' Day! 💫️🎉️🎊️🎈

Today, we celebrate the legacy of leadership that has guided our nation through triumph and adversity. In the spirit of Presidents Day, let's celebrate your favorite presidential quote that inspires you the most. Please share it with us!

To kick things off, we'd like to share our favorite quote by George Washington: "Ninety-nine percent of failures come from people who make excuses."


Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident can be overwhelming, but it's crucial not to overlook any potential symptoms, especially headaches. In fact, headaches are one of the most common symptoms that can occur after an auto accident, and they can be related to a head injury or whiplash. The sudden force of impact that stops your car can cause your head and neck to jerk violently, resulting in whiplash. Furthermore, hitting a solid object in the vehicle or being hit by flying debris can also cause head trauma. Since there are various reasons for a headache after a car accident, seeking medical attention is necessary to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment.

You can learn more about our cutting-edge treatment options to help you recover and return to your daily routine by scheduling an appointment with our team today. Don't wait—call us now and take the first step towards recovery.


A well-known saying goes, 'Without a customer, you don't have a business - all you have is a hobby.' Today is the perfect time to express our gratitude for your support. We recognize that our success is due to the loyalty and patronage of our customers. So, on this Valentine's Day, we want to extend our heartfelt appreciation to you. Happy Valentine's Day from all of us!


When driving in winter, be it a long or short trip, it's always wise to keep an emergency kit in your vehicle, just in case. Although no one expects to be stranded or face an emergency, winter weather can create hazardous driving conditions, and always being prepared is crucial. So, what are some items to include in your emergency car kit? Check out these tips from AAA to learn more about the items to pack to help deal with the winter weather and to keep you and your family safe. You can find more information here: https://magazine.northeast.aaa.com/daily/life/cars-trucks/build-your-winter-driving-kit/

Winter weather is full of surprises and, in many cases, can lead to a car accident. If you find yourself in a car accident and suffer an injury, it's crucial to seek medical attention from those who can properly evaluate your condition. Fortunately, chiropractic care is an excellent option to help you recover from common car accident injuries like whiplash, neck pain, and back pain. Call us to schedule an appointment today!


Don't hesitate to prioritize your health and seek medical attention immediately following a car accident, no matter how minor your injuries may seem. Doing so can increase your chances of a full recovery by receiving prompt treatment and avoiding potential long-term damage. Early intervention is critical to your recovery. Therefore, it's advisable to allow a medical professional to assess your injuries thoroughly and provide a detailed prognosis.

If you have been injured in a car accident, even if you visited the emergency room, we can help you with ongoing treatment and guide you on the journey to recovery. Give us a call today, and let's work together to create a personalized plan tailored to your needs and aimed at achieving a pain-free life.


Car accidents happen frequently, and even if you are careful, there is always a risk of encountering reckless drivers or unfortunate circumstances. Knowing the correct steps to file a claim is important if you are in a car accident. In the picture below are some key steps to follow and common mistakes to avoid if you get involved in a car crash.

Additionally, if you require further medical attention for your injuries or experience delayed injuries, which is quite common, feel free to contact us. Our chiropractors will be available to assist you and provide the necessary treatment to help you recover.


Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! We are honored to celebrate his legacy and share our favorite quote for inspiration.

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." — Martin Luther King Jr.


Aggressive driving has become a widespread issue on roads, posing a threat to the lives of drivers and pedestrians. External factors like running late or heavy traffic can often trigger aggressive behavior in a driver, leading to dangerous consequences. Although you cannot control the driving of others, knowing how to handle an aggressive driver can keep you and your passengers safe while on the road. It may also help you avoid getting into a car accident. Use these tips to slow down, calm down, and stay safe even with aggressive drivers on the road: https://www.fox29.com/news/tips-for-avoiding-aggressive-drivers-amid-troubling-uptick-in-road-rage-incidents

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40000 Fremont Boulevard, Suite H
Fremont, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 9:30am - 12pm
3pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday 9:30am - 12pm
3pm - 6:30pm
Friday 9:30am - 12pm
3pm - 6pm

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