Sahaja Yoga Meditation SF Bay Area

Sahaja Yoga Meditation SF Bay Area

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Tara Grange Manvir Nag

FREE meditation classes are held across SF Bay Area
Find a Sahaja Yoga Meditation Class near you www.


"Actually, when we are close to the mountain, we can’t see much of it, and that’s why we don’t realize the volume that is so close to us, the greatness that is facing us.

This is one of the illusions that works out for people who do not realize it mentally – what they are in for, where are they, what have they found, what is Self-realization, what is its magnitude, how far they have to go, why are they chosen, what is their purpose of life, how far they have come up, how far they can understand. All these things are beyond the grasp, and one gets stunned, one doesn’t know what has happened to him when he got Realization actually. That’s why to understand this is only possible if you can understand how to dedicate, how to devote yourself.

If you want to analyze anything on the basis of your rationality, you are too stunned. It’s too beyond you. It’s fantastic. It is too much. It’s really beyond you. Now think of it – you have got Realization. Can you believe it? That you can, in your life time… if somebody had told you this, you would never have believed it – that how can you get your Realization in this earth? Of course you were seeking – because people were saying we have to seek, also you felt you have to seek – but you never thought that this will materialize like this, that you will get your Realization. Then, after getting Realization, you could not feel what it was. Just if you have dropped into the ocean, and you don’t know what is the dimension of this ocean. How far you have gone into it? What is it? Where are we? What is our purpose? To add up to all the mess, we become thoughtless. So you cannot even find out as to, rationally, what it is." ~ Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Join us at SF Bay Area Special Events and weekly classes🧘‍♀️🧘🧘‍♀️!
FREE Sunnyvale Meditation classes park community center EVERY Thursday @7:30pm:
In Pleasanton EVERY Saturday :
In Fremont EVERY Tuesday 7pm, Saturday & Sunday 11am:
In Half Moon Bay TONIGHT(Wednesday) & EVERY Wednesday : or

~ All our classes are always FREE.

"Actually, when we are close to the mountain, we can’t see much of it, and that’s why we don’t realize the volume that is so close to us, the greatness that is facing us.

This is one of the illusions that works out for people who do not realize it mentally – what they are in for, where are they, what have they found, what is Self-realization, what is its magnitude, how far they have to go, why are they chosen, what is their purpose of life, how far they have come up, how far they can understand. All these things are beyond the grasp, and one gets stunned, one doesn’t know what has happened to him or her when he or she got Realization actually. That’s why to understand this is only possible if you can understand how to dedicate, how to devote yourself.

If you want to analyze anything on the basis of your rationality, you are too stunned. It’s too beyond you. It’s fantastic. It is too much. It’s really beyond you. Now think of it – you have got Realization. Can you believe it? That you can, in your life time… if somebody had told you this, you would never have believed it – that how can you get your Realization in this earth? Of course you were seeking – because people were saying we have to seek, also you felt you have to seek – but you never thought that this will materialize like this, that you will get your Realization. Then, after getting Realization, you could not feel what it was. Just if you have dropped into the ocean, and you don’t know what is the dimension of this ocean. How far you have gone into it? What is it? Where are we? What is our purpose? To add up to all the mess, we become thoughtless. So you cannot even find out as to, rationally, what it is."
~ Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Join us TONIGHT (Wednesday) & EVERY Wednesday MDT - FREE ONLINE Meditation Class
📸: Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, The Founder of Sahaja Yoga


"People talk of peace, “We should have peace” – how can you have peace? It’s not possible, is an impossible situation.
You see, we think by thinking, by organizing, by manipulating, we’ll have peace.
You cannot.
You cannot have peace that way.
How will you have peace?
When the peace is established on your attention.
When your attention is peaceful, when we are absolutely without any thoughts, then the peace resides."
~ Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Join us at SF Bay Area Special Events and weekly classes🧘‍♀️🧘🧘‍♀️!
FREE Sunnyvale Meditation classes park community center EVERY Thursday @7:30pm:
In Pleasanton EVERY Saturday :
In Fremont EVERY Tuesday 7pm, Saturday & Sunday 11am:
In Half Moon Bay TOMORROW(Wednesday) & EVERY Wednesday : or

~ All our classes are always FREE.

"People talk of peace, “We should have peace” – how can you have peace? It’s not possible, is an impossible situation.
You see, we think by thinking, by organizing, by manipulating, we’ll have peace.
You cannot.
You cannot have peace that way.
How will you have peace?
When the peace is established on your attention.
When your attention is peaceful, when we are absolutely without any thoughts, then the peace resides."
~ Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
NEW IN-PERSON series of classes - come join us THIS Saturday June 15th in Castle Rock Library , Conference Room D, 100 S. Wilcox Street, Castle Rock, CO 80104, please register:
Join us TOMORROW (Wednesday) & EVERY Wednesday MDT - FREE ONLINE Meditation class - interactive sessions on zoom:
📸: Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


"Physical, psychological, materialistic and worldly things whatever is there, other than that spiritual, whatever is wrong is because of problems in these chakras. Once we learn to set right the chakras and learn about them, we can become alright and we can also set right the chakras of other people. All these Powers are within you, is placed. You just have to achieve them." ~ Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Join us at SF Bay Area Special Events and weekly classes🧘‍♀️🧘🧘‍♀️!
FREE Sunnyvale Meditation classes park community center EVERY Thursday @7:30pm:
In Pleasanton EVERY Saturday :
In Fremont EVERY Tuesday 7pm, Saturday & Sunday 11am:
In Half Moon Bay TOMORROW(Wednesday) & EVERY Wednesday : or

~ All our classes are always FREE.

"Physical, psychological, materialistic and worldly things whatever is there, other than that spiritual, whatever is wrong is because of problems in these chakras. Once we learn to set right the chakras and learn about them, we can become alright and we can also set right the chakras of other people. All these Powers are within you, is placed. You just have to achieve them." ~ Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
NEW IN-PERSON series of classes - come join us THIS Saturday June 8th in Castle Rock Library!!! EVERY week FREE Meditation classes Saturdays, Castle Rock Library, Conference Room E, 100 S. Wilcox Street, Castle Rock, CO 80104, please register:
Join us TOMORROW (Wednesday) & EVERY Wednesday MDT - FREE ONLINE Meditation class - interactive sessions on zoom:


Want To Improve Your Focus & Self-Control? Try Sahaja Yoga Meditation
A study finds long-term practice of Sahaja Yoga meditation may actually result in positive changes to brain structure and behavior:
Learn more @ our FREE Meditation classes!
Join us at SF Bay Area Special Events and weekly classes🧘‍♀️🧘🧘‍♀️!
FREE Sunnyvale Meditation classes park community center EVERY Thursday @7:30pm:
In Pleasanton EVERY Saturday :
In Fremont EVERY Tuesday 7pm, Saturday & Sunday 11am:
In Half Moon Bay TOMORROW(Wednesday) & EVERY Wednesday : or

~ All our classes are always FREE.

Want To Improve Your Focus & Self-Control? Try Sahaja Yoga Meditation
A study finds long-term practice of Sahaja Yoga meditation may actually result in positive changes to brain structure and behavior:
Learn more @ our FREE Meditation classes!
NEW IN-PERSON series of classes - come join us THIS Saturday June 1st in Castle Rock Library!!! EVERY week FREE Meditation classes Saturdays, Castle Rock Library, Conference Room E, 100 S. Wilcox Street, Castle Rock, CO 80104, please register:
Join us TOMORROW (Wednesday) & EVERY Wednesday MDT - FREE ONLINE Meditation class - interactive sessions on zoom:


"I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I’ve always said that truth is what it is. Without knowing the absolute truth, there cannot be peace on this earth, there cannot be satisfaction, there cannot be happiness and there cannot be joy.

We do not know the absolute truth. Whatever we know, we know through our mind. And mind is a myth created by us. This myth is created by our conditionings and our ego. And once this mind is built just like we have a computer, made by ourselves, we start depending on it. But mind can never give you reality. One has to go beyond the mind. Unless and until you go beyond the mind, you can not know the truth.

Now what is the truth? The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this ego but you are the pure Spirit. Another truth is, as you see here beautiful flowers created by Mother Earth, we take them for granted. But it’s a miracle. We do not even think that it’s a miracle. Who does all this miraculous living things, living works? So I have to tell you there is a all-pervading Power of Divine Love. And this Divine Love does all the living work. We have also evolved to this human stage by this Divine Love. We have never felt the power of this Divine Love. It’s an energy, very subtle that works out all this living work we are talking about.

Now we have to understand that all the chaos of the world, all the problems of the world and of individual human beings come to us through our ignorance, ignorance of reality."

July 1, 1996, Bucharest, Romania, public program
~ Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi🌺

🧘‍♀️ Know yourself through meditation at our FREE classes!

Join us at SF Bay Area Special Events and weekly classes🧘‍♀️🧘🧘‍♀️!
FREE Sunnyvale Meditation classes park community center EVERY Thursday @7:30pm:
In Pleasanton EVERY Saturday :
In Fremont EVERY Tuesday 7pm, Saturday & Sunday 11am:
In Half Moon Bay TOMORROW(Wednesday) & EVERY Wednesday : or

~ All our classes are always FREE.

"I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I’ve always said that truth is what it is. Without knowing the absolute truth, there cannot be peace on this earth, there cannot be satisfaction, there cannot be happiness and there cannot be joy.

We do not know the absolute truth. Whatever we know, we know through our mind. And mind is a myth created by us. This myth is created by our conditionings and our ego. And once this mind is built just like we have a computer, made by ourselves, we start depending on it. But mind can never give you reality. One has to go beyond the mind. Unless and until you go beyond the mind, you can not know the truth.

Now what is the truth? The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this ego but you are the pure Spirit. Another truth is, as you see here beautiful flowers created by Mother Earth, we take them for granted. But it’s a miracle. We do not even think that it’s a miracle. Who does all this miraculous living things, living works? So I have to tell you there is a all-pervading Power of Divine Love. And this Divine Love does all the living work. We have also evolved to this human stage by this Divine Love. We have never felt the power of this Divine Love. It’s an energy, very subtle that works out all this living work we are talking about.

Now we have to understand that all the chaos of the world, all the problems of the world and of individual human beings come to us through our ignorance, ignorance of reality."

July 1, 1996, Bucharest, Romania, public program
~ Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi🌺

🧘‍♀️ Know yourself through meditation at our FREE classes!

NEW IN-PERSON series of classes - come join us THIS Saturday May 25th in Castle Rock Library!!! EVERY week FREE Meditation classes Saturdays, Castle Rock Library, Conference Room E, 100 S. Wilcox Street, Castle Rock, CO 80104, please register:
Join us TOMORROW (Wednesday) & EVERY Wednesday MDT - FREE ONLINE Meditation class - interactive sessions on zoom:
📸: Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the founder of Sahaja Yoga


"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves."
~ William Shakespeare

Discover your inner spirituality through meditation to unleash your self-improvement in life:
Join us at SF Bay Area Special Events and weekly classes🧘‍♀️🧘🧘‍♀️!
FREE Sunnyvale Meditation classes park community center EVERY Thursday @7:30pm:
In Pleasanton EVERY Saturday :
In Fremont EVERY Tuesday 7pm, Saturday & Sunday 11am:
In Half Moon Bay TOMORROW(Wednesday) & EVERY Wednesday : or

~ All our classes are always FREE.

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves."
~ William Shakespeare

Discover your inner spirituality through meditation to unleash your self-improvement in life:
NEW IN-PERSON series of classes - come join us THIS Saturday May 18th in Castle Rock Library!!! EVERY week FREE Meditation classes Saturdays, Castle Rock Library, Conference Room E, 100 S. Wilcox Street, Castle Rock, CO 80104, please register:
Join us ONLINE - TOMORROW (Wednesday) & EVERY Wednesday - FREE Meditation Class MST! interactive zoom class:


"So, we should know the principle of Sahaja Yoga. And one of the principles of Sahaja Yoga is that we have to meditate if we have to grow. Meditation means at that time we are in thoughtless awareness: that time, neither future nor past [exists]. So we open out ourselves to the Primal Force, to this All-pervading Power, to fill us up with inspiration, with beautiful ideas. Actually like the nourishment of the tree which is achieved by the sap of the tree. And to feel the love of God. To feel how we are instruments of that love and how the love can flow through us.” ~ Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Join us at SF Bay Area Special Events and weekly classes🧘‍♀️🧘🧘‍♀️!
FREE Sunnyvale Meditation classes park community center EVERY Thursday @7:30pm:
In Pleasanton EVERY Saturday :
In Fremont EVERY Tuesday 7pm, Saturday & Sunday 11am:
In Half Moon Bay TOMORROW(Wednesday) & EVERY Wednesday : or

~ All our classes are always FREE.

"So, we should know the principle of Sahaja Yoga. And one of the principles of Sahaja Yoga is that we have to meditate if we have to grow. Meditation means at that time we are in thoughtless awareness: that time, neither future nor past [exists]. So we open out ourselves to the Primal Force, to this All-pervading Power, to fill us up with inspiration, with beautiful ideas. Actually like the nourishment of the tree which is achieved by the sap of the tree. And to feel the love of God. To feel how we are instruments of that love and how the love can flow through us.” ~ Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
NEW IN-PERSON series of classes - come join us THIS Saturday May 11th in Castle Rock Library!!! EVERY week FREE Meditation classes Saturdays, Castle Rock Library, Conference Room E, 100 S. Wilcox Street, Castle Rock, CO 80104, please register:
Join us ONLINE - TOMORROW (Wednesday) & EVERY Wednesday - FREE Meditation Class MST! interactive zoom class:


Social media today has evolved to include millions of photos and videos and opinions on every topic imaginable. Further, there are influencers with a large following that promote certain brands, beliefs, and ways of thinking.

Each day on social media we are exposed to some form of persuasion regarding what we should believe, wear, act, eat, do, buy, and more. Sahaja meditation helps get through this clutter & myriad of views and information using two powerful, scientifically-proven benefits of meditation - an improved sense of perception and a high degree of emotional intelligence.

The regular meditator’s brain is better connected, better balanced, better synchronized, better organized and more efficient. One beneficiary of this synchrony is improved sensory perception.

A widely respected EEG study of Sahaja yoga meditation that documented the long-term neurophysiological effects of Sahaja’s thoughtless awareness on emotional stability and psychological resilience found that experienced Sahaja meditators showed greater emotional intelligence. This enhanced sense of perception and the ability to process social media information using improved emotional intelligence shields Sahaja meditators from the chaos and blur on social media.
Join us at SF Bay Area Special Events and weekly classes🧘‍♀️🧘🧘‍♀️!
FREE Sunnyvale Meditation classes park community center EVERY Thursday @7:30pm:
In Pleasanton EVERY Saturday :
In Fremont EVERY Tuesday 7pm, Saturday & Sunday 11am:
In Half Moon Bay TOMORROW(Wednesday) & EVERY Wednesday : or

~ All our classes are always FREE.

Social media today has evolved to include millions of photos and videos and opinions on every topic imaginable. Further, there are influencers with a large following that promote certain brands, beliefs, and ways of thinking.

Each day on social media we are exposed to some form of persuasion regarding what we should believe, wear, act, eat, do, buy, and more. Sahaja meditation helps get through this clutter & myriad of views and information using two powerful, scientifically-proven benefits of meditation - an improved sense of perception and a high degree of emotional intelligence.

The regular meditator’s brain is better connected, better balanced, better synchronized, better organized and more efficient. One beneficiary of this synchrony is improved sensory perception.

A widely respected EEG study of Sahaja yoga meditation that documented the long-term neurophysiological effects of Sahaja’s thoughtless awareness on emotional stability and psychological resilience found that experienced Sahaja meditators showed greater emotional intelligence. This enhanced sense of perception and the ability to process social media information using improved emotional intelligence shields Sahaja meditators from the chaos and blur on social media.
NEW IN-PERSON series of classes starting THIS Saturday May 4th in Castle Rock Library!!! EVERY week FREE Meditation classes Saturdays, Castle Rock Library, Conference Room E, 100 S. Wilcox Street, Castle Rock, CO 80104, please register:
Join us ONLINE - TOMORROW (Wednesday) & EVERY Wednesday - FREE Meditation Class MST! interactive zoom class:


"Life is not worth living for yourself. It’s a useless life which lives for oneself. You must live for the whole. You must understand that the whole, if you accept, you become the whole. If the drop accepts the ocean you become the ocean. Why not we become the ocean instead of little drops, which are just evaporated by heat of the sun or by anything? You can be lost. So why not become the ocean, ocean of love, ocean of forgiveness and ocean of compassion?" ~ Shri Mataji

Join us at SF Bay Area Special Events and weekly classes🧘‍♀️🧘🧘‍♀️!
FREE Sunnyvale Meditation classes park community center EVERY Thursday @7:30pm:
In Pleasanton EVERY Saturday :
In Fremont EVERY Tuesday 7pm, Saturday & Sunday 11am:
In Half Moon Bay TOMORROW(Wednesday) & EVERY Wednesday : or

~ All our classes are always FREE.

"Life is not worth living for yourself. It’s a useless life which lives for oneself. You must live for the whole. You must understand that the whole, if you accept, you become the whole. If the drop accepts the ocean you become the ocean. Why not we become the ocean instead of little drops, which are just evaporated by heat of the sun or by anything? You can be lost. So why not become the ocean, ocean of love, ocean of forgiveness and ocean of compassion?" ~ Shri Mataji

Join us THIS Saturday - NEW IN-PERSON Free Meditation class in Castle Rock, please register: or Join us ONLINE - TOMORROW (Wednesday) & EVERY Wednesday - FREE Meditation Class MST! interactive zoom class:


Where to meditate⁠🌾⠀⠀
While it is possible to go into thoughtless awareness literally anywhere you are, it is true that some environments can help this process more than others.⁠⠀⁠⠀

🛣Outdoor meditation can be a very special experience, as it allows us to be more connected to our natural surroundings. Breathing in fresh air helps to calm the body and get oxygen to the brain. If you live near the sea or a river 🌊, dipping your feet in the water while meditating is a great way to release excess heat and stress.⠀
Also directly sitting on the ground during meditation can be especially cleansing, as the earth element absorbs negative energies from within us.
🏡When meditating at home, try to have a dedicated space which is free from noise and clutter. If you have lots of housemates or family members your bedroom can be a great escape, or sometimes your living room can be more free of personal mess. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable and are unlikely to be disturbed.⁠⠀⠀

Join us at SF Bay Area Special Events and weekly classes🧘‍♀️🧘🧘‍♀️!
FREE Sunnyvale Meditation classes park community center EVERY Thursday @7:30pm:
In Pleasanton EVERY Saturday :
In Fremont EVERY Tuesday 7pm, Saturday & Sunday 11am:
In Half Moon Bay TOMORROW(Wednesday) & EVERY Wednesday : or

~ All our classes are always FREE.

Where to meditate⁠🌾⠀⠀
While it is possible to go into thoughtless awareness literally anywhere you are, it is true that some environments can help this process more than others.⁠⠀⁠⠀

🛣Outdoor meditation can be a very special experience, as it allows us to be more connected to our natural surroundings. Breathing in fresh air helps to calm the body and get oxygen to the brain. If you live near the sea or a river 🌊, dipping your feet in the water while meditating is a great way to release excess heat and stress.⠀
Also directly sitting on the ground during meditation can be especially cleansing, as the earth element absorbs negative energies from within us.
🏡When meditating at home, try to have a dedicated space which is free from noise and clutter. If you have lots of housemates or family members your bedroom can be a great escape, or sometimes your living room can be more free of personal mess. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable and are unlikely to be disturbed.⁠⠀⠀

Join us THIS Saturday - NEW IN-PERSON Free Meditation class in Castle Rock, please register: or Join us ONLINE - TOMORROW (Wednesday) & EVERY Wednesday - FREE Meditation Class MST! interactive zoom class: 📸:

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37138 Niles Boulevard
Fremont, CA

Opening Hours

Tuesday 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Saturday 11am - 12pm
Sunday 11am - 12pm

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