National Breast Cancer Foundation

NBCF helps women facing breast cancer by providing early detection, education, and support services. For information about how you can help, visit

National Breast Cancer Foundation was founded in 1991 by breast cancer survivor, Janelle Hail. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1980 at the age of 34. At the time of her diagnosis, there was little information about the disease, and she was forced to make a decision about her health with few options. After her treatment, Janelle made a commitment to help women around the world by educating them about breast cancer and the importance of early detection.

Photos from National Breast Cancer Foundation's post 08/16/2024

Earlier this month, NBCF attended the 29th Annual Black Women's Expo in Chicago, Illinois! We heard so many women say, "We're so thankful you're here. We need you in our community." It touched our hearts as we could say those exact same words back to them. 💗

From our Programs Outreach Coordinator Stephanie: "We had an incredible time educating close to 1,000 women on the importance of breast health, early detection, and how to support those facing breast cancer."

Photos from National Breast Cancer Foundation's post 08/14/2024

Drop a ❤️ in the comments to show some love to our friend Victoria, who recently completed her 9th round of chemo! We love these words she shares with the community:

"I fight hard everyday, not only for myself, but my amazing family. My two small boys. My husband. All of my people - they’ve all given me inspiration to find my strength and keep moving forward. The stories and strength of others in our community help me stay positive and know there is a bright future for me when I get through this. This isn’t the end of my story. It’s just a chapter. A small part of a much bigger journey."

Photos from National Breast Cancer Foundation's post 08/08/2024

Let’s talk about Stage 2 breast cancer. Stage 2 breast cancer is considered relatively early-stage, invasive breast cancer and is divided into groups: Stage 2A and Stage 2B. The overall prognosis for Stage 2 breast cancer is generally good. Your care team will take several factors into account, such as the tumor size, whether the cancer has spread, and even your age and overall health, to come up with the best treatments available for you.

Read through to learn more about Stage 2 breast cancer or share your story in the comments below.

Photos from National Breast Cancer Foundation's post 08/06/2024

Keeping hope alive with these notes found on our Brighter Days page. ☀️ Visit to read more or leave a message of your own!


Recently, our friend Tammy shared a win that we wanted our community to see. Drop a ❤️ in the comments to send some love and good vibes to Tammy!

"Baby steps...Today, I ventured out to the grocery store without a hat or wig. I'm getting a little more comfortable with my chemo hair...just a little. Headband for the win!

I'm trying to get up the nerve to go into the office without a wig. My coworkers all know that I've had chemo, but only a couple have seen me without a head covering. I've bought some cute headbands, and I'm going to try some different looks. I know that it's just hair, but I've never had short hair. Heck, I was born with more hair than I have now! LOL Anyway, I'm working on it with a summer goal of no wig!

Some days, I just really miss my old life (and my hair), but every day, I'm grateful for the life that I have."

National Breast Cancer Foundation NBCF helps women facing breast cancer by providing early detection, education, and support services.

Photos from National Breast Cancer Foundation's post 07/16/2024

This , visit to buy items for our HOPE Kits and support breast cancer patients during a critical moment in their lives.

Here's a picture of our friend Dawn and the HOPE Kit she recently received from us. Dawn was diagnosed with breast cancer and is currently 5 months post-chemo and 5 weeks post-double mastectomy. She is starting radiation soon, and thanks to her HOPE Kit, she'll have items to bring her comfort and love throughout her treatment. 💗

Photos from National Breast Cancer Foundation's post 07/15/2024

What is Stage 1 breast cancer? Stage 1 breast cancer is the earliest stage of what is considered invasive breast cancer. This means that the cancer is no longer contained in its original location because it has spread to, or invaded, other areas of the body, such as the lymph nodes. With a variety of options available to treat Stage 1 breast cancer, it is considered highly treatable and survivable.

Read through and comment below to learn more about Stage 1 breast cancer or share your story.

Photos from National Breast Cancer Foundation's post 07/13/2024

Spotted on 💗

Photos from National Breast Cancer Foundation's post 06/29/2024

Let’s talk about Stage 0 breast cancer. Stage 0 is the earliest stage of breast cancer and is highly treatable when detected early, but can spread if left undetected or untreated. Even with a variety of treatment options and an excellent survival rate, Stage 0 may still create stress and anxiety. The best treatment plan for Stage 0 will be determined by the patient and their medical team. Learn more about Stage 0 and other breast cancer stages at

Photos from National Breast Cancer Foundation's post 06/23/2024

Today, we are celebrating National Pink Day with our friend Sierra! Last year, Sierra was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was 27 years old. As a single mother to a 5-year-old boy, she struggled with the anxiety, anger, and fear that her diagnosis brought her. After undergoing 2 surgeries, 5 chemotherapy treatments, and 30 rounds of radiation, Sierra is now in remission.

To honor her strength and resilience, we recently sent Sierra a gift from our partner Shimmer by Cindy. Here's what she had to say:

"So happy to be a recipient of this beautiful box from Shimmer by Cindy for National Pink Day! So much detail, love, and thought has been put into this box. Not to mention, the candle smells AMAZING!

National Breast Cancer Foundation is doing amazing things, everything from sending HOPE Kits (I received one of these during my own journey!) to providing breast health education & building relationships within the cancer community."

Photos from National Breast Cancer Foundation's post 06/12/2024

Thank you to our friends at Morgan Stanley for joining us in helping women and families facing breast cancer! Yesterday, team members packed over 600 HOPE Kits at 3 different sites to send to those undergoing breast cancer treatment. We are so grateful for their dedication to our mission! 💗

Photos from National Breast Cancer Foundation's post 06/05/2024

With the help of partners like Shimmer by Cindy, we can show love and support to those whose lives have been impacted by breast cancer. Recently, we gifted some Shimmer by Cindy goodies to our NBCF Support Group attendees! We love seeing their smiles when receiving these tokens of hope and strength. 💗

Photos from National Breast Cancer Foundation's post 06/02/2024

We're celebrating National Cancer Survivors Day with an update from our friend Gigi, who was diagnosed and treated for Stage 2 invasive ductal carcinoma in 2020. Today, Gigi shares a powerful message for all those who have faced breast cancer:

"To my fellow breast cancer survivors, I say this: Embrace your journey, for in every challenge lies the opportunity to thrive.

If I could step back in time and speak to that frightened 36-year-old woman, I would envelop her in the comforting assurance that God’s strength surpasses any trial she faces. I’d remind her that she’s far from defeated. I’d implore her to never surrender to despair, for within her lies a reservoir of resilience, capable of overcoming any obstacle that lies ahead. And I would encourage her to give herself permission to embrace her repurposed life, unapologetically and wholeheartedly.”

Drop a ❤️ in the comments to spread love to all cancer survivors!

Photos from National Breast Cancer Foundation's post 05/21/2024

Found on our Brighter Days page ☀️

We love celebrating these milestones with you! Read more good news or leave some of your own, big or small:

Photos from National Breast Cancer Foundation's post 05/15/2024

Take charge of your health this Women’s Health Week by staying on top of your screenings! Click through to see 7 screenings women should schedule based on recommendations we received from medical expert Lillie Shockney, R.N., B.S., M.A.S., ONN-CG. Be sure to share this list with the women in your community and remember: your health comes first!


This week is Women's Health Week! Follow along our posts this week to see different ways you can prioritize your health this week and every week.

Let's start off with an affirmation. Remember: affirmations are most powerful when repeated regularly and believed sincerely. 💗

National Breast Cancer Foundation NBCF helps women facing breast cancer by providing early detection, education, and support services.

Photos from National Breast Cancer Foundation's post 05/12/2024

This , we're thinking of all the moms in the breast cancer community. Even in the best of times, moms need the care and support of their families, friends, and community. But when a mom is diagnosed with cancer and begins cancer treatment, her need for support increases exponentially. Click through to learn how you can offer tangible help and support to a mom with cancer, no matter the age of her kids.


NBCF is celebrating Mother's Day with a giveaway made possible by our friends at iMethod Beauty! To win one of the four kits that we're giving away, all you have to do is:

💝 Like this post
💄 Follow National Breast Cancer Foundation
🥰 Tag a mom you love in the comments!

This kit includes a headband, an eyebrow stamp kit, two eyebrow liquid pens, two eyebrow pens, an eyeliner stamp, a pumping lip gloss, and a 2-in-1 liquid eyebrow pen. Winner will be chosen on 5/13/24 at 10 AM CT. Submit your entry before then. Visit for full contest rules. The winner will be announced in the comments of this post by the official National Breast Cancer Foundation page. Please be mindful of accounts that may try to impersonate NBCF to solicit your personal information.

Photos from National Breast Cancer Foundation's post 05/08/2024

"Allow me to quickly introduce myself. My name is Samantha. I am 43 years old, a wife, a mother, a successful career woman, and a FIGHTER! This past July, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Being a mother is a journey filled with highs, lows, and everything in between, yet it's an unparalleled joy. Upon learning of my breast cancer diagnosis, my immediate thoughts were of my son: How do I break this news to him gently? Will he be frightened? How can I ease his worries?

After breaking the news, I saw myself through my son's eyes, finding therein the reassurance I needed to confront the challenge ahead. I knew I was to weather this storm, fueled by strength, fortitude, and above all, my role as a mother—his mother."

We love these beautiful words that our friend Samantha shared. Drop a 💗 in the comments for Samantha and for all the other mothers in our community who are persevering through breast cancer.

Photos from National Breast Cancer Foundation's post 05/06/2024

“It was supposed to be the happiest time of my life, but I found myself with conflicting feelings."

This Mother's Day, you can give the gift of support to mothers like Tamara, providing them with life-changing resources as they navigate breast cancer and motherhood at the same time. Donate today:

Tamara was one month into her pregnancy when she was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. This aggressive breast cancer led to Tamara giving birth to her son two months early - and she jumped right back into chemotherapy afterward. Thanks to her family and patient navigator, Tamara found the strength and support to navigate this challenging time in her life.

Photos from National Breast Cancer Foundation's post 05/02/2024

As Mother's Day approaches, we're sending extra love to our moms with breast cancer, like our friend Andrea. See what Andrea has to say about being a breast cancer patient and mom to her son JJ:

"When I turned 40, I knew I would need my first routine mammogram. I don’t have a family history or any genetic mutations (I had testing after my diagnosis), so I didn’t think much of getting my mammogram other than it’s what you’re supposed to do when you turn 40. I ended up getting a callback. I had a biopsy that came back as DCIS. This prompted them to then biopsy a second area of concern which came back as Stage 1 HER2+ breast cancer.

JJ was about 21 months old when I was diagnosed, so we didn’t have to sit him down and explain my situation, but it still broke my heart just the same. I had my own set of fears and anxiety with my diagnosis, but when I looked at myself through JJ’s eyes, it made me the saddest. Why his mom? Why should his little world have to get turned upside down? He’s just a little boy. That sadness (and anger) turned into my motivation. I wasn’t going to let the negative thoughts and situation be just that. I used it as motivation to get through this and keep JJ’s life as normal as I (we) could. The more we kept things the same, the less I had to be reminded that my life was 'different.' JJ’s daily happiness and love for his mama reminded me that I needed to stay the course and be strong for him. I had to trick myself into it at first, but it soon became second nature."

Andrea finished chemo last September, completed radiation last November, and is currently receiving immunotherapy treatment. Drop a 💪 in the comments to send her love and strength!


We are proud to say that, since its founding in 1991, NBCF has consistently recommended mammography screening starting at age 40. For more than three decades, NBCF has never wavered on this position and has advocated for women to have access to screening at 40. We are happy with the recently updated U.S. Preventative Services Task Force recommendations because they confirm what we’ve always known—early detection saves lives.


Tonight, we honored some very important community members at our Rooted in Community Volunteer Awards ceremony! These volunteers have made an immense impact on our organization and the women we serve - their support and dedication is unmatched. 💗 Join us in congratulating them for their hard work!

Photos from National Breast Cancer Foundation's post 04/22/2024

This week is ! We are so grateful for our volunteers who help maximize our impact through their time, support, and dedication this week and every week. Check out what some of our volunteers have to say about NBCF! 💗


We're sending so much love to our friend Helen who recently received her HOPE Kit from NBCF! She shares:

"I love it and all the neat things in it. I literally cried when I opened it, so much thought, love, and care went into each item in that HOPE Kit. Thank you so very much. One day I’ll be able to donate back. Thank you again. What a blessing you are."

Drop a ❤️ in the comments to send Helen some love as she undergoes treatment!

National Breast Cancer Foundation NBCF helps women facing breast cancer by providing early detection, education, and support services.

Photos from National Breast Cancer Foundation's post 04/11/2024

We had an amazing day with NBCF Ambassador Kristin Juszczyk! We spent the day celebrating her impact and advocacy in the breast cancer community, including honoring her mother's legacy with a permanent leaf on our Red Leaf Giving Tree. 💗

We are so grateful for Kristin's continuous support and are excited to continue working with her in the future. Thank you, Kristin!


It's ! Today, we're encouraging you to work on your heart health by adding in some aerobic exercises to your day. You can walk, run, cycle, swim, dance - whatever cardio exercise you like best! Tell us: What's your favorite form of cardio?

For more health tips, sign up to receive our free Weekly Healthy Living Tips:

National Breast Cancer Foundation NBCF helps women facing breast cancer by providing early detection, education, and support services.


April 2024 has been proclaimed National Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Month! NBCF is proud to offer a variety of free resources to educate our community on the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, how/where/when to get screened, and more helpful info on breast health. Let us know how we can help you this month and every month: leave a comment below, send us a message, or visit 💗

National Breast Cancer Foundation NBCF helps women facing breast cancer by providing early detection, education, and support services.

Photos from National Breast Cancer Foundation's post 04/01/2024

It's not too late to raise money for NBCF's Patient Relief Fund! Join our Spring Into Action: Fundraising for NBCF’s Patient Relief Fund Facebook Group to get started or visit 💗 Together, we can ensure no one has to choose between paying for their treatment and basic necessities like food and utilities.

All Facebook donations made from now until the end of April will go to the Patient Relief Fund. We have special prizes for those who raise over $150 and for our top fundraiser organizer!

Have any other questions? Send us a message and let us know!

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“You’re an amazing mom and you’re an amazing woman. We are here for you, and we’ll always help you fight, every step of ...
Take a moment to reflect today. 💗 Let us know what your five things are in the comments below.There is a powerful connec...
You deserve to put your health first. 💗 This International Women’s Day, @nbcf and @headbandsofhope celebrate by remindin...
3,000 HOPE Kits will be packed at today’s Mardi Gras-themed Community Packing Party! Thank you to our 220 volunteers who...
NBCF Ambassadors like Kristin Juszczyk mean the world to our community 🫶 To us, it’s more than a donation. It's giving a...
Of course we’re here for you 💗
It’s the first day of winter! ❄️ Do you know what produce is in season? Full list below:FRUITS: Apples, bananas, grapefr...
"Thank you to National Breast Cancer Foundation for saving my life." - Jaime Reyes. Jamie visited NBCF's tent at the Con...
Follow along as our friend Stephanie shares 3 things to keep in mind when performing a monthly breast self-exam. 💗 Save ...
Our dietitian friend Annie Cavalier (My Healthful Life) shares 15 foods to keep stocked when undergoing cancer treatment...
When someone is diagnosed with cancer, everything changes for them in an instant. As their support system, we want to be...
You are more than your negative thoughts. For World Mental Health Day, we encourage you to strengthen your mind-body con...


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Frisco, TX

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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
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