Kakali Bhattacharya

This is a page for Dr. Kakali Bhattacharya qualitative research and academic wellness consulting services


In two days I fly to India for a little less than two months of stay. I have decided to pretend that I am a travel storyteller. I love traveling and storytelling. So why not combine the two? My feed will be full of details from my traveling. I cannot wait to do this. I even bought a phone light, wireless mic, and portable tripods. Let's go. I cannot wait.

Also totally random: If you're currently experiencing something challenging, please know that I am sending you love and reminding you that you are sacred and powerful just as you are.


How to Create a Wholeness-Focused Research Agenda Without Playing Small or Being Fragmented

🔥 Unleash Your Research Power! 🔥

Join me this Sunday, June 9th, 6pm EST for an electrifying Facebook Live session where we dive deep into How to Create a Wholeness-Focused Research Agenda Without Playing Small or Being Fragmented.

✨ What's in it for you? ✨
* 🌱 Understanding Wholeness: Discover what it truly means to have a wholeness-focused research agenda that reflects your full self.
* đź’Ą Identify Fragmentation Forces: Learn about the sneaky forces that fragment your work and how to conquer them.
* 🚀 Stop Playing Small: Uncover the belief systems that keep you playing small and break free from them.
* 🛡️ Navigate Fear and Doubt: Gain powerful strategies to overcome fear and doubt, ensuring your research agenda is never compromised or fragmented again.

Don't miss out on this juicy, transformative session where we turn research from fragmented to whole, from small to unstoppable! 💪✨

Join this Sunday for our FB Live session hosted in Qualitative Research in Education (QRE) group only. You don’t have to click a link. Just be in the QRE group and the live will pop up in your notification. You can click on it and you will be able to join. ��If you cannot make it, the Live video will be stored in the group. You can scroll to locate it or click on the media tab for the group.

Feel free to invite people to join the group. Let them know that they need to answer the admission questions to be admitted to the group. See you on Sunday.


In my mentoring program, I work with academics and grad students to help them navigate their work and academic journey from a wholeness-centered purpose- and passion-driven perspective.

One question I ask is what are their top 3 challenges in their current academic situation.

I asked chatgpt to summarize these top three challenges into 5 bullet points. Here's what I got.
Job Security and Workplace Environment:
Concerns about job stability and fear of losing their positions.
Dealing with toxic work environments and difficult colleagues or bosses.

Mental Health and Personal Well-being:
Anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges impacting academic and personal life.
Balancing personal responsibilities and self-care with academic demands.

Time Management and Procrastination:
Struggles with managing time effectively and procrastination, especially around research and writing.
Balancing academic duties with other life responsibilities and finding enough time for everything.

Academic Progress and Performance Anxiety:
Fear of not meeting academic standards or making mistakes.
Pressure to perform and the anxiety that comes with it, including fear of not finishing or not producing quality work.

Personal and Family Responsibilities:
Balancing family commitments, like providing for children or dealing with family dysfunction, with academic goals.
Physical health issues or disabilities affecting their ability to perform academically.

It is so important to have support and community so that folks can really explore what is it like to do this work, in their bodies, and their spaces where they can still be purpose and passion driven without playing small or fragmenting themselves in palatable slivers.

If you want to learn more about my mentoring program check out

S2S Mentoring


Sunday FB Live in the Qualitative Research in Education Group

How to Create Manuscripts for Publications From Your Dissertation

Hey everyone! This Sunday, join me for an exciting Facebook Live session where we dive into the nitty-gritty of transforming your dissertation into a manuscript for publication. Whether you're considering book chapters, a full book, or refereed articles, I’ve got you covered!

Key points we will explore are:
- When to do an article, versus book chapter, versus a book
- How many manuscripts can be generated from a qualitative dissertation
- Pros and cons about collaborating
- Appropriate timeframe for publication

By the end of the session, you'll have a clear roadmap for your manuscript publication journey, including a detailed plan on what to publish as books, book chapters, or articles.

Don't miss this chance to turn your hard work into published success!

Join me this Sunday to explore these paths forward at 6pm EST via a Facebook Live hosted in the Qualitative Research in Education (QRE) group only. You don’t have to click a link. Just be in the QRE group and the live will pop up in your notification. You can click on it and you will be able to join.

Bring me all your questions. I come alive when I can answer your questions and move you out of a stuck place.
�If you cannot make it, the Live video will be stored in the group. You can scroll to locate it or click on the media tab for the group.

Feel free to invite people to join the group. Let them know that they need to answer the admission questions to be admitted to the group. See you on Sunday.


Hey FB hive, I am going to do this every Friday if I can. Tell me one good thing that happened to you this week.

My one good thing: I met some amazing people with whom I am now collaborating doing work that fully energizes me and injects me with renewed enthusiasm and passion.

I want to intentionally center what brings purpose, power, and joy to our lives. And if we do this weekly, we then create an archive of our collective joy and passion and lift each other up.

You can write below or privately to me.


LinkedIn asked for some advice I would have for current graduates. Here's what I said:

1. Do not oversell or undersell yourself for any job. It is imperative to stay true to yourself instead of trying to make yourself palatable for someone else's comfort. Be fully you and if the organization's values are not congruent with yours, then find one that is more congruent.

2. Learn how to regulate your emotions. The world presents many challenges and surprises. You will work with people with varied histories, and some folks behave better than others. But when big emotions come up, it is crucial to know how to regulate them instead of sending an email or a response. Breathe. Take a pause. Come back when you are more balanced and respond from that place.

3. Follow your passion. You don't have to "work to live." You can live a life fueled by your passion. The more intentionally you pursue that and put energy into your passion, the more strategically you will be able to position yourself, standing out from others.

What advice would you give?



Hi all,

Some of you requested to be informed when I do Tiny Habits Coaching. I'm thrilled to invite you to join my upcoming Tiny Habits Coaching event! This free 5-day experience kicks off on Monday, June 3rd, 2024. Make sure to sign up by Thursday, May 30th, 2024, to secure your spot. Click on this link - https://drkakali.myflodesk.com/tinyhabits

For those new to Tiny Habits, it’s a powerful method of behavior change developed by Stanford social scientist BJ Fogg, the author of "Atomic Habits." The principle is simple: small, incremental changes can lead to significant, transformative results. This method has helped countless people move from feeling stuck to thriving, and I’m excited to guide you through it.

I’ve completed the entire Tiny Habits program and now, as part of my certification, I’m ready to coach you through it. This free 5-day program will show you how to set up, enforce, and troubleshoot tiny habits to keep things manageable and impactful.

They have a free 5-day program where you can test out how to set up tiny habits and how to enforce them and troubleshoot them, so that you can keep things manageable.

Here’s what you’ll experience:
- Crafting three personalized tiny habits (they call them recipes)
- Getting my feedback and support on your tiny habits
- Daily accountability for 5 days to keep you on track
- Troubleshooting any habit hurdles you face

The magic of Tiny Habits:
- Beat procrastination
- Ease anxiety
- Tackle ADHD and depression
- Break through writing blocks\
- Conquer big to-do lists
- Gain clarity and focus

If any of this sounds somewhat resonant, and you are just a tiny bit curious (haha), then click on the link below and we will get you in for Monday. Let’s make some magic happen together starting Monday! ✨

Can’t wait to see you there!

Martin-Brooks-New Book on Mentoring in H.E..pdf | Powered by Box 05/24/2024

Publication opportunity

Call for Papers
Are you passionate about challenging conventional notions of mentoring and advocating for equity in higher education? We invite scholars to contribute to our upcoming book, Thriving in Higher Education: Uncovering Institutional Counter-Stories through Abolitionist Feminist Mentoring. This groundbreaking text will explore the personal narratives and critical analyses of mentoring experiences in academia, particularly focusing on the experiences of women and people of color, and social justice advocates.

We seek submissions that address issues of racism and white supremacy, differential expectations and treatment of social justice scholars, personal stories, or detailed accounts of how mentoring relationships can help us thrive in the treacherous waters of academe. We seek contributors whose insights and stories also discuss the intersections of gender, s*x, race, class, age, LGBTQIA+ status, and disability.

Some topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Critical mentoring
Issues of identity in the mentoring relationship
Mentoring first generation/non-traditional scholars
Mentoring best practices and preventing pitfalls
Guiding through retaliation and repercussions
Mentorship for addressing issues of social justice
Guiding through the pitfalls of tenure and promotion for Critical Race Theorists
Strategic mentorship for microaggressions as experienced by LGBTQIA+ scholars
Supporting social justice advocates and the implications of public intellectualism
Fighting racism and white supremacy through a model of mentorship
“Being Nice is Not Enough”: Creating relationships that support teaching dangerous concepts in dangerous times
Power dynamics in mentoring relationships
Intersectionality and mentoring experiences
Cultural and societal influences on mentoring
The role of mentoring in challenging systemic inequalities
Innovations in mentorship models

Call for Proposals
A detailed description of the subject, scope, coverage, and general narrative idea for your proposed chapter.
Copy of the curriculum vitae/resume for you and any co-authors/editors.
Full contact information.
An indication of how many photos, tables or figures, if any, you expect to include.
Confirmation that you can submit a final manuscript by March 31, 2025.
Please format proposals and any subsequent manuscripts in APA style.
We will send decision notifications by December 1, 2024.

Send proposals to both editors: Dr. Jennifer L. Martin [email protected] and Jennifer N. Brooks [email protected]
If accepted, each book chapter submission should be approximately 8,000 words (not including references) and will be due by March 31, 2025.
Please see link for additional information and submission details: https://uofi.box.com/s/p7e2e7ei8jxg2cewd6uni4lv2qof9rdu

Jennifer L. Martin, Ph.D. (she/her/hers)
Associate Professor
School of Education
University of Illinois Springfield
BRK 313
[email protected]
Editor in Chief, Journal of Urban Learning, Teaching, and Research
CFP: New Book on Mentoring with IAP

Martin-Brooks-New Book on Mentoring in H.E..pdf | Powered by Box



You are cordially invited to a free seminar in our Topics in Black Studies series. This seminar features Deirdre Foreman, who explores the cultural legacy of enslaved Africans in the American South through an ethnoautobiographical reflection of her own African American identity and family heritage. Through storytelling and personal narratives, she describes her family’s cultural practices and how they are directly rooted in those of the enslaved African on the Southern Plantation. She will be interviewed by Dr. Chris McAuley, the Black Studies Collection Editor at Lived Places Publishing.

This discussion is related to Deirdre's book, Discovering My Southern Legacy: Slave Culture and the American South.

Details about the seminar:

Session Title:

The Cultural Legacy of Slavery: A Reflection on African American Identity and Family Heritage

Deirdre Foreman, Adjunct Professor and Associate Director of the Educational Opportunity Fund at Ramapo College
Chris McAuley, UC Santa Barbara (and Black Studies Collection Editor at Lived Places Publishing)
Session Details:

Date: June 20, 2024
Time: 12-1 pm ET
REGISTER NOW (Please RSVP to reserve your spot)

Please click "Yes, I am coming" at the top of the registration page. If you can't join us live, please register anyway (click "Watch later") and we'll send you a recording of the session.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you!

Michael Boezi
Managing Director // Lived Places Publishing, LLC
617-477-9044 // LinkedIn // LinkedOut

P.S. Please forward to anyone else you think might be interested in our Black Studies Collection (includes our proposal guidelines).

And if you would like to see the book, please request a digital exam copy. Your campus bookstore can place an order if you wish to adopt it for your course. We also have library-friendly access models for your campus library that will make all of our books accessible at no additional cost to your students. Please forward to your collection librarian or library liaison.


SUNDAY LIVE: How to create a framework that connects teaching, research, and service for tenure and promotion without selling your soul.

As someone who went up for tenure multiple times and earned it successfully, I learned quickly that having a framework helps reviewers understand your work and your vita in ways that are congruent to your being, without force fitting yourself.

Also as someone who went up for full twice in two different institutions and earned the rank successfully, I have worked through issues of performativity to ensure that I stayed aligned with calling without burning out from battle fatigue while cultivating an energized, fulfilling agenda for my work.

I am sharing how to think about creating this framework, which I teach my mentees in my S2S program, for the first time outside of the mentoring space.

Join this Sunday for our FB Live session hosted in Qualitative Research in Education (QRE) group only. You don’t have to click a link. Just be in the QRE group and the live will pop up in your notification. You can click on it and you will be able to join.

If you cannot make it, the Live video will be stored in the group. You can scroll to locate it or click on the media tab for the group.

Feel free to invite people to join the group. Let them know that they need to answer the admission questions to be admitted to the group. See you on Sunday.


I am wondering what would dissertation defenses feel like for a student, if the professors sitting around would offer empathic support via head nods and smiles instead of the stern faces that I regularly see. It feels cold and sterile.


Post-doc opportunity

The University at Buffalo (UB), a premier, research-intensive public university, invites inquiries and applications for PRODiG+ Scholars in various fields for two-year terms. A member of the Association of American Universities (AAU), a flagship and the largest and most comprehensive public research university in the State University of New York (SUNY) system, UB is an internationally renowned center for academic excellence. UB enrolls nearly 32,000 students; has a distinguished faculty of over 1,500 full-time members; and is home to more than 120 research centers and institutes.

UB’s distinguished faculty include members of the National Academy of Engineering, the National Academy of Medicine, the National Academy of Education, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In addition, UB faculty have been recipients of many of the most prestigious awards in their fields, including in recent years the International Prize in Statistics, NSF Career Awards, Grammy Awards, and fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Humanities Center, and Harvard Radcliffe Institute, to name a few. UB’s students are also regular recipients of the nation’s most prestigious scholarships, fellowships and awards.

SUNY is the nation’s largest and most comprehensive state university system, consisting of 64 campuses including major research universities, health science centers, comprehensive and technical colleges, and community colleges, all committed to providing a broad range of outstanding academic programs for students within New York and from around the world. It enrolls more than 363,000 students annually, employs more than 83,000 faculty and staff, and connects more than three million alumni around the world.

Recognizing that a diverse, equitable and inclusive community is an essential foundation for achieving excellence and success, the University at Buffalo has long been committed to fostering diversity, inclusivity, and accessibility on campus. Enhancing campus diversity and promoting a university-wide culture of equity and inclusion are critical to UB’s goal of becoming one of the Top 25 public institutions in the nation. In support of this commitment to enhancing diversity, equity and inclusion, UB is recruiting 13 post-doctoral fellows as part of SUNY’s PRODiG+ initiative.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion constitute one of SUNY’s four priority pillars and are integral to all SUNY initiatives. As part of this commitment, SUNY seeks to increase the number of excellent diverse faculty committed to advancing the ideals of diversity, equity, and inclusion who are selected for and excel in tenure-track positions. PRODiG+ will create a pipeline for over 400 postdoctoral fellows to enter tenure-track faculty positions at State-operated campuses over the next 10 years.

The University at Buffalo seeks to hire PRODiG+ post-doctoral fellows in multiple departments and fields, including the Graduate School of Education.

Here is a link to the posting on the University at Buffalo website: https://www.ubjobs.buffalo.edu/postings/49689

I am conducting one of the searches in the Graduate School of Education and can answer questions applicants may have. They can contact me at:

Chaddrick D. James-Gallaway, Ph.D.
Linda F. and Robert A Lacey ’60 Faculty Fellow
Assistant Professor of Higher Education Administration
Department of Educational Administration & Human Resource Development
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843
[email protected]


Photos from Kakali Bhattacharya's post 05/05/2024

Sneak Peak into my Summer 2024 Finish Your Writing Project Program.
Mentees get deep feedback on their work. I create tailored workshops based on the specific needs of the mentees. Here's this summer's workshop, continuous support, and habit-building practices. This program is open to faculty and students. Enrollment is closed for this summer as I am full and honor my commitment to mentor a small group of 6-8 scholars. However, if you want to be on the waitlist to be considered for the Fall Finish Your Project Program, then fill out this form - https://drkakali.myflodesk.com/firsttoknow


What book are you reading now? I am reading this book. Will share thoughts when done.


Sunday Live: Arts-Based Approaches to Qualitative Research

The other day someone asked me what kind of pushback did I receive when I chose to elect creativity as inquiry as part of my primary research agenda.

I answered the question but felt like I could have gone deeper. So this Sunday we will deep dive into
- what is creativity as inquiry and is it separate from arts-based research?
- who are the key scholars in this space?
- what philosophies of inquiry are aligned with this approach?
- what theories can we use to support this work?
- what methodological moves can be made?
- how do we represent findings, insight?
- how do we respond to reviewer feedback?

Join this Sunday for our FB Live session hosted in Qualitative Research in Education (QRE) group only. You don’t have to click a link. Just be in the QRE group and the live will pop up in your notification. You can click on it and you will be able to join. ��If you cannot make it, the Live video will be stored in the group. You can scroll to locate it or click on the media tab for the group.

Feel free to invite people to join the group. Let them know that they need to answer the admission questions to be admitted to the group. See you on Sunday.

First to know about Dr. Bhattacharya's programs 05/02/2024


My summer writing program is now full. I will be offering this program again in the Fall. If you'd like to be informed, then be on my First-to-Know list by signing up below. The spots go by fast, and I limit myself to a small group of people to mentor so that I can pour into people thoughtfully and deeply.

First to know about Dr. Bhattacharya's programs First to know about programs Dr. Bhattacharya offers in the future.


Sunday Live, Happening Here, on Sunday April 28th at 6pm EST

Embracing Your Full Self: Doing the Academic Work Without Fragmenting Into Different Parts and Shrinking

Academia often requires many of us to shrink, be small, find a palatable version of us that is consumable. But living and working like that creates anxiety, trauma, depression, resentment, stress, and much more.

There is a path forward that offers possibilities of embracing your full self while you do your work without compromising your soul/spirit.

Join me this Sunday to explore these paths forward at 6pm EST via a Facebook Live hosted n Qualitative Research in Education (QRE) group only. You don’t have to click a link. Just be in the QRE group and the live will pop up in your notification. You can click on it and you will be able to join.

Bring me all your questions. I come alive when I can answer your questions and move you out of a stuck place.

If you cannot make it, the Live video will be stored in the group. You can scroll to locate it or click on the media tab for the group.
Feel free to invite people to join the group. Let them know that they need to answer the admission questions to be admitted to the group. See you on Sunday.


Sunday Live, Happening Tomorrow, in the Qualitative Research in Education group.

Theming without Codes (And coding is not a dirty word)

Some of you wanted me to discuss my poster presentation at AERA and my chapter on constructing themes without coding.
Join me this Sunday to explore how art, creativity, intentionality, and contemplative practices could lead to theming without coding.

Feel free to bring me all your questions. I come alive when I can answer them and help you move out of a stuck place.
Join us this Sunday for our FB Live session, hosted in the Qualitative Research in Education (QRE) group only. You don’t have to click a link. Just be in the QRE group, and the live will pop up in your notification. You can click on it to join.

The Live video will be stored in the group if you cannot make it. You can scroll to locate it or click on the media tab for the group.
Feel free to invite people to join the group. Let them know that they need to answer the admission questions to be admitted. See you Tomorrow, Sunday.


At the Atlanta airport and got carded for a glass of Prosecco. Blessed be the bartender who made my day to think it might be questionable whether I am 21 years or not in my fifth decade of life.

In gratitude for a lot of things at AERA but also processing how to move forward in congruence with my spirit. My true north has nothing to do with academia, but to honor the spirit of all that is.

Many thanks to those who came up to me and shared how my work shaped their work/life. Sometimes you don't know if anything you do moves the needle even a little bit. Turns out stuff I do moves the needle for many people, and for others not that much. Reminded me of the balance in the universe.

I won't post pictures because the relationships I nurtured are precious to me and I want to protect it as something special with those with whom I share community.

Love to all of the people I bumped into, with whom I had a meal or an adult beberage, took a picture, mentored, and just shared time and place. It is special to me and cherish every minute of it. It reminded me that even when academia can be toxic, there are so many good people trying to do amazing work to disrupt all the ish and build a better future. You inspire me.


Anyone who wasn't there at AERA, here's my interactive poster, if you want to check it out, in terms of constructing themes without codes.



Reminder - Happening today.

Join us today at 6 pm EST for our FB Live session hosted in the Qualitative Research in Education (QRE) group only. You don’t have to click a link. Just be in the QRE group, and the live will pop up in your notification. You can click on it and you will be able to join. ��If you cannot make it, the Live video will be stored in the group. You can scroll to locate it or click on the media tab for the group.

Feel free to invite people to join the group. Let them know that they need to answer the admission questions to be admitted. See you later today.


Join me this Sunday as we discuss how to discover and cultivate an academic home for your writing. Writing can be super isolating and finding an academic home could become the intervention where you are not feeling like you're too much in your head.

Join this Sunday for our FB Live session hosted in Qualitative Research in Education (QRE) group only. You don’t have to click a link. Just be in the QRE group and the live will pop up in your notification. You can click on it and you will be able to join. ��If you cannot make it, the Live video will be stored in the group. You can scroll to locate it or click on the media tab for the group.

Feel free to invite people to join the group. Let them know that they need to answer the admission questions to be admitted to the group. See you on Sunday.


This is the first strategy for justifying creativity in inquiry and the second strategy is to consider your audience. Share with me here or privately what challenges have you faced when trying to justify creative approaches to qualitative inquiry.


This is the first strategy for justifying creativity in inquiry and the second strategy is to consider your audience. Share with me here or privately what challenges have you faced when trying to justify creative approaches to qualitative inquiry.


Join this Sunday for our FB Live session hosted in Qualitative Research in Education (QRE) group only. You don’t have to click a link. Just be in the QRE group and the live will pop up in your notification. You can click on it and you will be able to join. ��If you cannot make it, the Live video will be stored in the group. You can scroll to locate it or click on the media tab for the group.

Feel free to invite people to join the group. Let them know that they need to answer the admission questions to be admitted to the group. See you on Sunday.


Some things to think about when we decide who our audience might be for our work. How do you decide who is your audience for your work? Does it come with tensions or increase possibilities, or both? I find that justifying creative work becomes a lot easier when you position your ethics to be more aligned with the research collaborators than with a gatekeeping academic audience.


To justify your choice of engaging with creativity as inquiry, you can make an argument that the research participants/collaborators are your primary stakeholder audience and your ethical obligation is to center their needs first before others. Share if this scares or resonates with you and why.


Come to Summer School with Me and Complete a Writing Project

This summer, I'm offering an 8-week mentorship for a group of 6-8 doctoral students and faculty. If you're wrestling with your writing projects and crave some guidance and accountability, then this program could be for you. I will collaborate with you to offer personalized, in-depth, meaningful support as an invested thought partner.

Snapshot View:
WHAT: An 8-week writing support program
WHEN: May, June 2024
WHERE: Via Zoom from the comfort of wherever you are
WHO: Specifically designed for doctoral students and faculty. If you've got a writing project, you belong here.
WHY: Because we do not have to do this work alone and we are stronger together.

Why This Program Rocks:

Academic Writing, Decoded: Let’s figure out how to write with the agency of your voice, without censoring or compartmentalizing yourself into so many fragments that you become unrecognizable. We work from a place of wholeness so that you can shine in all your talents. Writing can be tough, but it doesn’t have to feel like a solo slog.

Weekly Mentoring Sessions: For 2 hours each week, you're not just attending a session; you're joining a powerhouse of ideas, feedback, and real, actionable insights. We will do skill development workshop and offer you deep feedback on your written work.

Mentorship That Matters: My expertise? Humble bragging time. I am skilled at helping you sharpen your voice amidst the noise driven by your purpose and passion. I can often see your potential before you can identify it. I help people move out of their stuck places with fertile insights that serve the foundation for their work. My previous 1000+ mentees would confirm this.

Glow and Grow: This isn’t about fixing what's "wrong" with your writing. It’s about amplifying what you do best and gently guiding you where there's room to improve.

Contribution to Your Field - You will learn to contribute to your fields in meaningful ways without selling your soul or compartmentalizing yourself in so many fragments that you become unrecognizable.

Let’s Make It Happen:

Of course you can do all of this on your own. But if you value being in community and solo writing marathons or sessions aren’t getting you to your goals at a pace that you’d like, then join our community. We will not only get you to the finish line but will celebrate ridiculously. Building community is resistance. Having joyful places to write with kindred spirits can produce beautiful things.

Learn more at drkakali.podia.com/fywp. Spot’s limited as you know, so get in soon! Application’s right here: https://forms.gle/si5BkcEY3AH5nNj57.

As always, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

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Videos (show all)

Justifying Creative Work 16_9
Justifying Creative Work #2 9X16
Justifying Creative Work #3 9X16
KB Animated QUOTES 20s
KB Animated QUOTES (2)
Intuitive Literacies 1X1 (1)
KB Animated QUOTES (3)
Compassionate Work 9x16
If you want to do your qualitative research from a place of wholeness, but feel fragmented because of all the academic e...
An antidote for pain is a relief. So, critiquing harm can start a conversation, but it should be extended beyond the cri...
Healing has to be an integrated part of our research agenda, especially for those of us who do anti-oppressive work.It's...
It's only natural to expect other people to accept you and your work. And to feel hurt and salty if you get shaded.There...


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