Macrotician Nutrition & Fitness

100% Online 1:1 Macro & Fitness Coaching
Reverse dieting, custom macros & workouts, hormone health ✨

Photos from Macrotician Nutrition & Fitness's post 08/13/2024

My protocols for reducing stress on my body initially made me feel even MORE stressed TF out 🥲 ⬇️

I’ve been working on my hormones & gut after getting diagnosed with Hashimotos Disease for well over 2 yrs now.

My protocols have looked more rigid than I was ever used to before & the impacts WERE stressful. I’m talkin:

🦋 Going GF, DF, soy-free, eliminating all gut & hormone disrupting ingredients. No ultra-processed foods. I stopped drinking alcohol. This changed my life a LOT. It was HARD at first.

But OOF it worked magic on my body, symptoms, hormones & gut. 

🦋 10K steps daily, only training 3-4x per week, 8-9 hrs sleep.

🦋 Hormone supporting AM & PM routines. Sunlight, walking, cutting off blue light exposure, stress-reducing activities

🦋 Functional labs. I’ve done 3 GI Maps in 2 yrs due to the horrendous state of my gut. Supplement protocols were GNARLY for these & it fkn SUCKED but I had to do it to solve parasite infections, dysbiosis, leaky gut, E. Coli & more

🦋 Gaining weight when my hormones were a DISASTER, bc my body NEEDED it to heal.

This nearly destroyed me. I had to learn to accept my body for what it needs NOW to heal vs. what I want for it. This took so much internal self-love work. 

🦋 Eating at maintenance cals (tracking on & off ~2300 cals) for 2+ years now even tho I would LOVE to lose 10-15 lbs.

🦋 Slowing tf down vs. operating at 100% all the time & giving myself permission to not hyper-achieve & “always be busy”.

I felt all of these protocols were SO drastically stressful at first, until I realized that they’re not at all.

They are here to HELP me, not “out to get me”.

Reality is: ANY CHANGES in your life are going to be stressful. Its simply just CHANGE that’s stressful.

it’s new, daunting, scary.

But these things are going to get me from Point A to B, AND I’ll need to make most of them my lifestyle to maintain my results anyways, so why keep on resisting when I could be embracing?

When I stopped viewing these things with the mindset of “oh so terrible, why me, I hate my life” & instead just started LIVING MY LIFE… it got so much easier.


Photos from Macrotician Nutrition & Fitness's post 08/07/2024

“Lucky her, but that could never be me because ____”

Is that what you’re thinking right now?

If you ARE thinking those thoughts: what you currently have is extremely self-limiting beliefs that aren’t at all true.

Alysha isn’t lucky at all.

If anything, luck is against her bc having PCOS can make it INCREDIBLY HARD to lose weight if you’re not doing the right things.

This girl is the EPITOME of RESILIENT.

She FOUGHT for these results.
She never made excuses.
She never gave up on herself.
She built discipline & relied on it when motivation sucked.

She travels for work, went through a move, a LOT of stressful weeks, a ton of anxiety inducing events, planning a wedding, going on lots of trips, changing jobs…

And she still showed up literally every single week.

You can achieve these results too, I’m 1000% sure of it. 🦋

Whether you’re dealing with PCOS, thyroid issues, hormone problems, weight loss resistance, you’re burnt out, you’re sick & tired of feeling tired, you quit on yourself over & over again…

I know that I can help you if you’re willing to fight for yourself.

I have THREE 1:1 coaching spots available in August for women that are ready to SHOW UP.

You’re not just here for weight loss, you’re here for everlasting health.

You’re here out of self-respect, out of desire for healthy hormones & gut function, you desire MORE than a quick-fix (cuz if that’s what you want, I’m not the coach for you).


Photos from Macrotician Nutrition & Fitness's post 08/05/2024

Which one do you relate to most?! 🤓 ⏭ 🦸🏻‍♂️🥉🇺🇸


➙ P.S. I have 3 personal roster spots available for 1:1 functional coaching now in the month of August.

➙ P.S.S. Our friend Steve is my hero. 🇺🇸

Photos from Macrotician Nutrition & Fitness's post 07/18/2024

If you’re wondering what to actually focus on FIRST to build up your true foundational of resilient health —

Here’s what we do inside 1-1 coaching, in this exact order. ⬇️


❋ Tracking current food intake for 5-7 days to assess your starting point. This shows us: current habits, how much you’re consuming calorie & macro wise right now.
❋ A reverse diet (if needed) to HEAL your metabolism from under-eating.
❋ Eating enough protein, balancing carbs & fats according to your metabolic type & what YOUR body thrives best on.
❋ Consuming maintenance calories = healing
❋ Step goal at 8-10k for most women
❋ Water & electrolytes
❋ Healthy food swaps & at least 80-90% whole foods
❋ Sleep at 7-9 hrs
❋ Stress management
❋ Blood sugar management
❋ Basic supplements


❋ Assessing stomach acid levels
❋ Supporting detoxification pathways
❋ Reducing inflammation
❋ Digestion habits
❋ Assessing food insensitivities
❋ Hormone health focused protocols
❋ Low-tox product swaps, maybe more rigidity with food choices


❋ Functional testing to uncover more hidden stressors like: parasites, gut dysbiosis, leaky gut, overgrown gut bacteria, lack of good gut bacteria, etc.
❋ Higher level testing for hormones, mineral status, cortisol dysregulation, and more.
❋ Higher-level protocols for healing which can be pretty rigid for a while.

We follow this roadmap for a reason: It works. Every single time. Without fail.

If you’re interested in healing your hormones & gut so that you can see results effortlessly and FEEL the best you ever have, Resilient You 1:1 Holistic Coaching is DESIGNED for YOU 💖

DM me RESILIENT to learn more or get details on 1-1 coaching, pricing, all the details.

Photos from Macrotician Nutrition & Fitness's post 07/10/2024

be honest, have you ever realized this??? 🍵

Photos from Macrotician Nutrition & Fitness's post 07/04/2024


My 1:1 personal roster is NOW OPEN with LIMITED spots!

As someone who has struggled with weight loss resistance, hypothyroidism, Hashimotos, gut problems, SO many symptoms of hormone imbalances & years of chronic dieting…

I designed The Resilient You to be so much more than what any other basic fitness/macro coaching program could offer.

We help you build a new lifestyle & heal from the inside out, not achieve a quick fix we know you won’t maintain on your own.

1-1 coaching is 100% customized to YOU, meaning every single persons approach is unique, never cookie cutter, and never without extreme detail.

We’ve helped — 

❃ those struggling with hormone issues like PCOS, cortisol dysregulation, hashimotos, thyroid issues, post birth control, autoimmunity, etc.
❃ women whose doctors said everything looks normal when they WERE NOT fine
❃ ex-fad dieters who’ve done keto, optavia, noom, insane calorie restrictions, & everything in between
❃ those struggling with weight loss resistance
❃ those struggling with their hormones post-birth control
❃ SAHM & full-time working moms
❃ mama’s to be wanting to optimize fertility
❃ women 24-60 years old
❃ Wifey’s to be
❃ Teachers, nurses, lawyers, entrepreneurs, real estate agents, dental assistants, and so many other professions.

And women who are working to take their LIFE BACK after years of believing it would never be possible for them.

We are for the women who know they deserve MORE.

Who know they deserve the best of the best.

Who want to truly feel RESILIENT from the inside out.

If you’re looking to finally break free from the chains that you feel are holding you back in achieving everything you’ve been striving for…


Photos from Macrotician Nutrition & Fitness's post 07/01/2024

Real story here for you to put this into perspective ⬇️

I spoke with a woman 2 years ago who was interested in 1-1 coaching.

After we spoke about her weight loss goal & health issues including: insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, obesity, feeling fatigued all day long, lacking confidence to take family pictures, feeling insecure in her body even around her husband, sugar cravings, depression, & more…

We agreed that this is something she NEEDED in her life. It would be PERFECT for her, and I had ZERO doubts I could help her change her life completely.

Then she ghosted me for a couple of months, reaching back out during the holidays.

She said she was just scared to commit bc she’s never been able to be consistent with anything before.

She always lets herself down, or gets her hopes up only to fail yet again. And it’s exhausting.

We talked about how she’s never actually had a coach before, or had a legit protocol designed for her, or has never had the support needed to get to where she wants to be. And that this time will legitiamtely be different, but that she needed to trust the process.

She ghosted me again, and reached back out 1.5 years later.

At this point in time, she had gained 45 more lbs since the last time we spoke, developed further thyroid problems, autoimmune disease, diabetic, and at risk for MANY more health issues.

As a mom, she realized now it’s not just about her its for the sake of her family. She could not keep living this way.

She finally committed to 1-1 coaching, but now had WAY longer of a journey to go & health issues that could’ve been avoided years ago.

Moral of the story: STOP waiting until you feel ready, bc you might very well not have the option to start at your own will later.

Remember: you could have a year of progress or a year of excuses. And in some cases: a year of getting worse.

Photos from Macrotician Nutrition & Fitness's post 06/22/2024

The Resilient You is MORE than just fitness/nutrition coaching.

We are setting HIGH standards for the online coaching space by pairing macros & reverse dieting with actual focus on HOLISTIC HEALTH & ALL THINGS HORMONES from a functional practitioner perspective.

We help you build a new lifestyle, not achieve a quick fix we know you won’t maintain on your own.

1-1 coaching is 100% customized to YOU, meaning every single persons approach is unique, never cookie cutter, and never without extreme detail.

Our client community is filled with…

❃ those struggling with hormone issues like PCOS, cortisol dysregulation, hashimotos, thyroid issues, post birth control, autoimmunity, etc.
❃ ex-fad dieters who’ve done keto, optavia, noom, insane calorie restrictions, & everything in between
❃ those struggling with weight loss resistance
❃ those struggling with their hormones post-birth control
❃ SAHM & full-time working moms
❃ mama’s to be wanting to optimize fertility
❃ women 24-60 years old
❃ Wifey’s to be
❃ Teachers, nurses, lawyers, entrepreneurs, real estate agents, dental assistants, and so many other professions.
❃ College students in their grind szn

And women who are working to take their LIFE BACK after years of believing it would never be possible for them.

We are for the women who know they deserve MORE.

Who know they deserve the best of the best.

Who want to truly feel RESILIENT from the inside out.

If you’re looking to finally break free from the chains that you feel are holding you back in achieving everything you’ve been striving for…

DM ME “RESILIENT” or apply through the link in my bio to get all the details on 1:1 holistic coaching.


Photos from Macrotician Nutrition & Fitness's post 06/20/2024

TW: reading this might make some people uncomfortable. 🙃

But I think that’s a good thing.

It shows you know there are some mindset patterns + habits in your life that really need to be called-out so you can better understand them >

then work to change them.

At some point in my life I got really damn sick & tired of how I showing up to the point where it made me sick & embarrassed for myself.

I hated how excuse-driven I could be.

I hated that I was such a high performer in every aspect of my life, but when it came to my health & fitness I would start a journey then quit after a few weeks.

I hated that I was so jealous of every female I saw with the body I would DIE for. Maybe its just her genetics, ugh “whyyy meee?!”

I hated that I felt like food controlled me, or that I could never be someone who “had enough discipline to see results like that”.

I hated that I was scared to invest in a coach bc I felt like I would waste my money bc “I always fail” so why wouldn’t this be any different?

I hated that I was scared to ever hire a coach or trainer bc it was easier to let myself down than letting down another person too.

The reality is… is that not all people in their life will see results.


Because they never start, or never find the right program, or never have the support & accountability they need.

Can you actually imagine going through your entire life feeling like a prisoner in your body, though?

Cuz gah dayum, I know I couldn’t. So I got my s**t together & made it happen.

And so can you.


🤍 Macros, reverse dieting, weight loss, hormone & gut health focused functional coaching.
🤍 Apply through link in bio to get started (3 spots available)

Photos from Macrotician Nutrition & Fitness's post 06/01/2024


Photos from Macrotician Nutrition & Fitness's post 05/24/2024

As humans I think we’re TRYING to figure out something “higher level” that’s wrong with us when its actually the simple things in our day thats wrong with us.

Like your nutrition, lifestyle, being sedentary, not sleeping enough, not managing stress, overconsuming ultra processed foods, not eating enough in general…

In fact those habits are WHY you MIGHT have something “higher level” that’s wrong with you in the first place.

The women I coach inside The Resilient You Holistic Coaching come to me for help healing their metabolism, hormones, and gut. Whether they have a goal to lose 20-100 lbs OR just FEEL better.

I’ve coached hundreds women with hormone imbalances, infertility, PCOS, diabetes, thyroid disease, autoimmunity, gut dysbiosis, leaky gut, slow af metabolisms… you name it.

And before we’ve ever gone “higher level”, they need to master the basics. Some don’t even end up needing functional testing bc they feel LIKE A NEW HUMAN.

In the first weeks of a new client’s journey with us they are mastering these:

Reverse dieting, tracking macros.
7-9 hours sleep.
Hitting a water goal & steps.
80/20 rule of more of whole foods.
Gut health basics (like meal timing, balanced meals, thorough chewing).
Stress management.

THEN… we dive deeper, like through functional testing to uncover more healing opportunities.


Apply through the link in my bio 🔗

Photos from Macrotician Nutrition & Fitness's post 05/09/2024

I used to make ALL of these mistakes myself when trying to diet, and I see WAY too many women also making them.

This is why it can be a game-changer to work with a professional who knows exactly what they’re doing and has the experience needed to help someone with your exact goals & health history. 🤍

💖 300+ Transformed
💖 Macros, Reverse Dieting, Hormone & Gut Health, Functional Nutrition & Fitness

A few 1:1 coaching spots for my personal roster are now open for May! Fill out an application form link in my bio & I’ll text you with more details to see how I can help you.

Photos from Macrotician Nutrition & Fitness's post 05/04/2024

do we want more healthy swap posts?! 💖✨ let me know in the comments!

Photos from Macrotician Nutrition & Fitness's post 05/03/2024

I’ve had too many women come to me thinking they’re going to be stuck feeling like they do forever because “Their hormones”.

Or be told by other coaches / in-person nutritionists or even DOCTORS that “It’s just their hormones”.

But… its not though 🥲

Sure, we might NOW have hormone imbalances. Or gut dysbiosis. Or leaky gut. Or PCOS. Or Hashimotos. Or thyroid disease. Or autoimmune issues. Or histamine problems.

But WHY do we have those problems to begin with?

Those things are NOT the root issue. They are a RESULT of the root issues.

This is why inside 1-1 coaching we put the biggest focus on nutrition & lifestyle habits, reducing inflammation, learning how to better manage stress, making the body more resilient to stress…

THEN dive into functional testing as needed to address other healing opportunities.

We utilize the REAL root cause approaches & identify all possible healing opportunities that don’t involve ignoring why you have those imbalances in the first place.


Photos from Macrotician Nutrition & Fitness's post 04/29/2024


I used to be JUST LIKE YOU & so were the 300+ women that my team has coached.

I was dealing with weight loss resistance due to hormone issues, my body was stuck in a constant state of inflammation, my gut was a MESS... my metabolism was so down regulated that my thyroid health took a huge hit.

And when I look at my history of tracking macros the wrong way & extreme dieting, it all makes sense.

This is why our premium 1-1 coaching program The Resilient You, pairs together ALL of things I was missing in my own journey & what I see EVERY woman also neglecting in order to see results + finally heal their internal health issues.

Our ladies see results that are FOOL-PROOF by:

❋  Tracking macros to REVERSE DIET & heal their metabolism from YEARS of chronic under-eating.
❋  Taking the sustainable route vs. expecting immediate results that aren’t long lasting
❋  Focusing on their gut & hormone health
❋  Getting functional testing done to heal the ROOT CAUSES of their health issues
❋  Having 1-1 support + accountability to be more consistent & adherent + constant protocol adjustments as needed


Photos from Macrotician Nutrition & Fitness's post 04/22/2024

The top issues I see in this industry regarding coaches & woman who have tried ALL the things & still aren’t where they want to be…

🤍 fear of eating more food even tho this is WHAT IS going to help you heal your metabolism to be able to lose weight
🤍 unawareness that hormone imbalances DO impact your results, even if you’re doing everything right.
🤍 lack of education on real food quality & gut/hormone health.
🤍 the need for functional testing to heal your gut & identify root cause issues (note: only functional practitioners / naturopaths / nutritionists / RD’s can run these)
🤍 focus on HOLISTIC coaching — not just macros, but your food quality, stress, lifestyle, hormones, gut.

This is why inside 1-1 coaching, we pair macros & reverse dieting with a focus on hormone & gut health — we are the epitome of modern functional health coaching so women can truly feel RESILIENT in their bodies again.

⭐️ To celebrate our Anniversary, until 4/30 we are offering 20% OFF on ALL our coaching programs: 4, 6, 8, 12 month long commitments.

❃ 20% off 12-Months = SAVES $900
❃ 20% off 8-Months = SAVES $670
❃ 20% off 6-Months = SAVES $450
❃ 20% off 4-Months = SAVES $390

These are our LOWEST monthly rates ever, but you can also finance with a discounted paid-in-full, a down payment to make monthly payments even smaller, OR finance through Affirm to pay on your own terms.

Fill out an inquiry form through the link in my bio or DM me ANNIVERSARY for the deets!


Photos from Macrotician Nutrition & Fitness's post 04/17/2024

The reason why you always try to diet, then don’t see results and get SO frustrated with yourself isn’t because you…

“Just don’t have what it takes” or “Are never meant to lose weight & you have to learn how to be stuck in your current body”.

It’s because your approach is allll wrong.

The answer is not always “eat less + move more”. It’s nearly ALWAYS…

✅ Support your metabolism & hormones, then go about dieting the RIGHT way eating as much food as possible.

We understand metabolism science & hormone health. We understand needing LEGIT protocols, accountability, guidance & support to make sure you getting the things done that are needed for you to get where you want to be.

We understand the YEARS of your chronic yo-yo dieting + failed diets… and the impact that that has had on your METABOLISM health (which is why you can’t seem to get anywhere now, even if those things USED to work for you before).

This is why to celebrate our BIZ ANNIVERSARY, we are launching one of our BIGGEST SPECIALS (and we only run a deal 1-2x per year) 🤪


To get more info, fill out a 1:1 Coaching Inquiry form (link in my bio) and I’ll reach out to either text more or we can hop on a discovery call, whichever you prefer.

P.S. You do not need to start ASAP, you can start ANYTIME by putting down a down payment to save your spot.

P.S.S. We offer 20+ different payment plans for affordability and flexibility.

Photos from Macrotician Nutrition & Fitness's post 04/15/2024


NOTE: We only have 2 specials per year that are never guaranteed — next one will not be until the holidays in Nov/Dec if it happens depending on roster availability.

& Full Transparency… we only work w/ women who are ready to change & put in the work.

We are setting HIGH standards for the online coaching space by pairing macros & reverse dieting with actual focus on HOLISTIC HEALTH & ALL THINGS HORMONES from a functional practitioner perspective.

1-1 coaching is 100% customized to YOU, meaning every single persons approach is unique, never cookie cutter, and never without extreme detail.

Our client community is filled with…

❃ those struggling with hormone issues like PCOS, cortisol dysregulation, hashimotos, thyroid issues, post birth control, autoimmunity, etc.
❃ ex-fad dieters who’ve done keto, optavia, noom, insane calorie restrictions, & everything in between
❃ those struggling with weight loss resistance
❃ those struggling with their hormones post-birth control
❃ SAHM & full-time working moms
❃ mama’s to be wanting to optimize fertility
❃ women 24-60 years old
❃ Wifey’s to be
❃ Teachers, nurses, lawyers, entrepreneurs, real estate agents, dental assistants, and so many other professions.
❃ College students in their grind szn

And women who are working to take their LIFE BACK after years of believing it would never be possible for them.

We are for the women who know they deserve MORE.

Who know they deserve the best of the best.

Who want to truly feel RESILIENT from the inside out.


Photos from Macrotician Nutrition & Fitness's post 04/03/2024

Macro coach turned Functional Nutrition Practitioner and NEVER GOING BACK. 🌸💛🌙✨

Creating a program that bridges the gap between macro tracking/reverse dieting (bc this is still so incredibly important) and holistic health for hormones & gut healing will always be one of my life’s greatest accomplishments.

Creating a program that bridges the gap between macro tracking/reverse dieting (bc this is still so incredibly important) and holistic health for hormones & gut healing will always be one of my life’s greatest accomplishments.

I knew the transition going from a “IIFYM eat whatever you want just hit your macros” to someone who actually educates on food quality + longevity + gut & hormone health would be hard bc lets face it:

we live in a world where people WANT to be able to just eat whatever they want and believe its not going to negatively impact their health. And thats just not how it ACTUALLY is.

That’s why disease & womens health issues are SKY ROCKETING.

… and now the most FAMOUS and most WEALTHY fitness influencers/“coaches” who have had no idea how certain foods are even affecting their bodies, are starting to coming out about their insane hormone issues and gut problems. 👀 I see more of it everyday.

I always feared my niche would make me less desirable of a coach & less successful.

…Bc the most successful & wealthiest coaches are the ones who don’t even skim the surface on true health. It’s so backwards.

But hey, if I never have tens of thousands of followers BUT actually help women completely change their life the RIGHT way, I’m all for the lesser numbers. Truly. 🤞🏼

Photos from Macrotician Nutrition & Fitness's post 04/02/2024

reasons why you need more protein that have nothing to do with weight loss and everything to do with your hormone & gut health. 🔥

You don’t just need to eat more protein if you’re trying to build muscle — you LEGIT NEED IT TO HEAL INTERNALLY TOO.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

If you’re curious how much you should be eating for your goals & hormone health:

Inside our 1-1 functional nutrition coaching program The Resilient You, we pair macros & reverse dieting w/ focus on hormone & gut health for a holistic healing journey.

1:1 coaching spots are currently available for April & May ⭐️

We offer commitment programs in 4, 6, 8, 12 months with over 20 different payment plans so you can choose the most flexible option for YOU.

To get more pricing info, fill out the “1-1 Coaching Inquiry” linked in my bio.

Photos from Macrotician Nutrition & Fitness's post 03/28/2024

Success starts at the grocery store!!!! 🚨

Here’s an example of my weekly grocery staples as someone who has Hashimotos & focuses on hormone health / gut health and an ingredient conscious based diet to hit my macros.

currently eating 2300 cals & 170g protein 🤪

Photos from Macrotician Nutrition & Fitness's post 03/25/2024

perspective shifts that can change the trajectory of your health journey & get you out of the cycle of staying the same >>>

Photos from Macrotician Nutrition & Fitness's post 03/22/2024

12 LBS DOWN with PCOS, eating MORE FOOD the whole time 🧚‍♀️

Kendra came to me after having been working with a nutritionist for quite some time. She has seen initial results, but then progress stalled & she was still pretty inflamed.

She hadn’t ever done a reverse diet before, nor aligned her nutrition & lifestyle to her PCOS for hormone health!!!!

So this is exactly what we did.

We reverse dieted her from 1600 cals to currently eating 2110 cals & have been holding at maintenance cals for 7 weeks so far. We’re soon entering a cutting phase so she can drop those last pounds and feel CONFIDENT AF FOR HER WEDDING 💍

What you don’t see in this transformation is…

🤍 her unreal work ethic — she’s had imperfect days but she has always been consistent AF & puts in the WORK.

🤍 she made really uncomfortable behavior changes, especially with food in order to heal her gut & hormones — she actually has even been gluten & dairy free, ingredient conscious, adds in gut healing foods, & has ZEROOO CRAVINGS from actually breaking her addiction to sweets with the changes we’ve made.

🤍 she faced her fears of the gym & started weight lifting to build muscle + support her PCOS by doing so! She has both custom nutrition & workouts, so we’ve eased her into the gym with her programming and it has been SO uncomfortable for her but she’s fking killing it and becoming a GYM QUEEN.

🤍 she is incredibly coachable & communicative. she doesn’t waste the fact she always has me in her pocket, she responds to her check-in responses, she truly embodies the fact that coaching is a 2-way street and implements everything we talk about.

Results take WORK & RESILIENCE, and that’s exactly what she has been 🙏🏻


Photos from Macrotician Nutrition & Fitness's post 03/16/2024

We are small but mighty team of 2 experienced, educated, & authentic AF women supporting women, who have been in your shoes struggling with their health.

We are setting 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 for the online coaching space by pairing macros & reverse dieting with actual focus on 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐇 & 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒.

1-1 coaching is 100% customized to YOU, meaning every single persons approach is unique, never cookie cutter, and never without extreme detail.

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡…

❃ those struggling with PCOS, endometriosis, hashimotos, hypothyroidism, autoimmunity, cortisol dysregulation, issues post-birth control
❃ ex-fad dieters who’ve done keto, optavia, noom, insane calorie restrictions, & everything in between
❃ SAHM & full-time working moms
❃ mama’s to be wanting to optimize fertility
❃ women 24 yrs old to even 65 years old
❃ Wifey’s to be!!!
❃ Teachers, nurses, lawyers, entrepreneurs, real estate agents, dental assistants, and so many other professions.
❃ College students in their grind szn
❃ those struggling with weight loss resistance
❃ those struggling with their hormones post-birth control

= 𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦.

We are for the women who know they deserve MORE.

Who know they deserve the best of the best.

Who want to truly feel RESILIENT from the inside out.

We’d love to be a part of your journey ♡

Photos from Macrotician Nutrition & Fitness's post 03/13/2024

What urks me about part of the IIFYM lifestyle by so many influencers or basic macro coaches is that it is often misconstrued that you should “eat whatever you want as long as it fits your macros” or that just because a product has protein in it means that its healthy for you...

Marketing companies have also started to draw in consumers by labeling foods as “macro-friendly”, high protein, etc which makes consumers think “OH THIS IS HEALTHY” because we don’t know any better or know what to look out for!

What most of these products have in common are not so great ingredients like:

🚩 Artificial flavors & sweeteners known to disrupt the gut microbiome and contribute to more cravings
🚩 Artificial dyes & colorings
🚩 Gums, guars, & preservatives
🚩 Inflammatory processed oils like sunflower, soy, canola, vegetable oil.
🚩 fructose corn syrup & added sugars

The issue here is that, although these things may help you hit your macros perfectly… over time they can still contribute to gut issues when eaten on a daily basis.

Not saying this happens to everybody, but it harms the internal health of MANY people like macro-trackers who have the intentions on optimizing both their physique and internal health (which does not just come from tracking macros but a high-quality-food diet). Especially women who suffer from hormonal imbalances, irregular periods, PCOS, autoimmune disease, digestion issues, thyroid disease, etc.

I used to consume ALL of these not-so-great brand foods on a daily basis, and wondered why I still felt TERRIBLE all the time: bloating, rashes, acne, stomach pains, constipation, and developed autoimmune issues & hormone imbalances.

The reality of health = food quality matters.

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I HATE that women believe that they need to only eat 1200-1300 calories to lose weight. & that when they DO start restri...
I wish I could tell you that you’ll have this earth-shattering, movie-like moment where all the sudden the fking stars a...
You’ve spent YEARS building unhealthy habits & patterns that you’re now needing to start un-learning and re-programming ...
Gonna get a lot of push-back on this one, primarily from people who don’t understand hormones & their impact on fat loss...
Eating 1200-1600 calories is WHY you can’t lose weight or ever heal. It’s a FOOL PROOF sign you need to reverse diet to ...
You WILL NOT heal your hormones or support your gut optimally if you are STILL under-eating or chronic dieting. 🗣 Under-...
Newsflash: It’s NOT your thyroid. It’s a WHOLE LOT of other things that’s IMPACTING your thyroid ⬇️🦋I have Hashimotos Di...
I’ve never told this story before ⬇️⬇️⬇️If you follow me you know that I am all things functional nutrition & holistic h...
SOS looking for friends. 🥰🌙💖🙏🏻



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