Deer Valley Votes 4 Kids

Deer Valley Votes 4 Kids

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Not-for-profit campaign committee advocating for education funding in the communities of Deer Valley, Arizona.

In the November 2024 Election, we are advocating for a School Bond and renewing a Budget Override for Deer Valley Unified School District. Not-for-profit campaign committee advocating for the passage of ballot measures supporting education funding in the communities of Deer Valley in Arizona (north Phoenix, Glendale, Peoria, Anthem, and New River, Arizona)

In the November 2023 Election, we are ad


Supporting Students by empowering voters!
We’re gearing up to support the upcoming November election for the bond and override—vital for our schools, staff, and students. Your help is crucial! Here’s how you can get involved:

Volunteer at Games: Let's cover the parking lots and get the facts out! Sign up here -

Postcard Writing: Join us in spreading the word through postcards.
Sign up here -

Canvassing: Sundays, at Foothills Recreation and Aquatics Center, 5600 W Union Hills Dr, Glendale, AZ 85308, at 8:30 AM.
New to canvassing? No worries—we’ll pair you with someone experienced! Join us here -

Every effort counts! Let’s make a difference together.


Vote YES, YES on the DVUSD Bond & Override! 📚🎉
Support our students and schools without raising taxes!
Your vote makes a difference. Let's invest in our future together!


A Teacher's Perspective: Why I'm Voting YES
🍎 For Our Students, For Our Future 🍎

"As a teacher in Deer Valley Unified, I see firsthand the impact that resources—or the lack of them—have on our students. That’s why I’m voting YES for the Bond and M&O Override. This isn't just about numbers on a budget—it's about giving our kids the education they deserve!"

The Bond and Override will help provide the updated technology, classroom materials, and essential support staff that make a world of difference in our day-to-day teaching. It means smaller class sizes, more individualized attention, and the ability to create engaging, meaningful learning experiences.

You’re not just supporting teachers —you’re supporting every student who walks through their doors, ensuring they have the opportunities they need to succeed. Let’s invest in our children and our community together.



Empowering Every Student: Why Your Vote Matters
💙 Supporting All Students 💙

We know that every child deserves the opportunity to succeed, especially those with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). The Bond and M&O Override are crucial for providing the specialized resources, support, and services that our students with IEPs, 504s, and all students need to thrive.

The bond and override mean more personalized instruction, improved classroom environments, and the ability to hire and retain skilled special education staff. Your vote is an investment in the success of every student, ensuring they have the tools and support to reach their full potential.

Join us in making a difference—because when we support all of our students we support the future of our entire community!




The Power of Your Vote: Personal Stories from Our Community
🌟 Why We're Voting YES! 🌟
We believe in the strength of our community and the bright future of our children. Over the next few weeks, we'll be sharing personal stories from parents, teachers, and community members on why they’re voting YES for the Bond and M&O Override.

Your vote directly impacts the quality of education, the support our students receive, and the resources our teachers need to succeed. Together, we can ensure that our schools remain strong and our students thrive.

Stay tuned for inspiring stories and powerful pro statements from those who know firsthand the importance of investing in our schools. Your vote is more than just a decision—it's a commitment to the future of Deer Valley!


Photos from DVUSD's post 08/06/2024

A vote YES for the Bond and YES for the override for our students!


Want to help us make a difference for Deer Valley students? Join us for an empowering meeting where you’ll learn how to become an ambassador for the DVUSD bond and override, gaining the knowledge and tools needed to promote these crucial initiatives and make a lasting impact on our schools and community.

🗓️ Monday, August 19th 5:30pm
20402 N 15th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85027
(next to the DVUSD district office)

Photos from Deer Valley Votes 4 Kids's post 07/31/2024

Together, a group of volunteers, including community members, grandparents, parents, and DVUSD students, came together to spread awareness about the 2024 Bond and M&O override that will be on the upcoming election for the Deer Valley Unified School District! Facts were shared at every DVUSD Meet the Teacher night! Make sure you get the facts - safer campuses, and the tools our students need to succeed without a property tax increase!!


We are thrilled to see our students heading back to school! As we gear up for Meet the Teacher Night, let's keep in mind the upcoming November election, which will greatly impact our DVUSD students!

Safety and Security: Upgrades like automatic locks, fire alarms, and intercom systems.
Technology: New devices for every student, network infrastructure upgrades.
Repairs: Building repairs such as HVAC, LED lighting, roofing replacements, painting, resurfacing, and water conservation.
Transportation: Replacement of aging buses and district vehicles for safer travel.
Future Schools: Construction of a new elementary school and the first phase of a new high school.
And more!

DVUSD M&O Override:
Staff Salaries: Approximately 8% of all DVUSD staff salaries, keeping our amazing educators where they belong in our DVUSD schools!
Classroom Sizes: Preventing an increase in classroom sizes by an average of 3 students.
Full-Day Kinder: Continuing free, full-day Kindergarten.
Extracurriculars: Supporting athletics, fine arts, and other specialized programs.
Support Services: Reading specialist, nurses and school counselors and support services that impact student success and well-being.
And more!

The cost? No Property Tax Increase!
All these improvements come without a property tax increase, ensuring we support our schools without adding a burden to our community. Get the facts, share them, and vote YES on the Bond and YES on the Override this November!

Let’s make sure our students have the best resources and opportunities to succeed! 🌟📚

Valley superintendents speak on goals, challenges as new school year starts 07/18/2024

Get the facts about the upcoming bond and override in DVUSD!

Valley superintendents speak on goals, challenges as new school year starts Thousands of students are returning to school this week with many more to come in the next few. With a new school year comes many expectations and goals.


Want to help us make a difference for Deer Valley students? Join us for an empowering meeting where you’ll learn how to become an ambassador for the DVUSD bond and override, gaining the knowledge and tools needed to promote these crucial initiatives and make a lasting impact on our schools and community.

🗓️ Tuesday, July 23rd @5:30pm
20402 N 15th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85027
(next to the DVUSD district office)


Interested in becoming an ambassador for the DVUSD Bond and Override? Join us this Saturday, May 11th for our kickoff meeting!


As today kicks off National Teacher Appreciation Week, where we show our gratitude for educators in DVUSD, whether you’re a parent, guardian, student, future employer, or homeowner benefiting from our top-rated district, your support matters, let’s show that appreciation with your VOTE YES for school funding!

Vote YES | DVUSD Bond and M&O Override Initiatives - Deer Valley Votes 4 Kids 04/22/2024

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to you for your patience as we diligently prepare for the upcoming election. We are thrilled to share some exciting news!
Deer Valley Votes 4 Kids has been working tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that this election is a success for our students! Our newly designed website,, is now live! We invite you to explore it and discover valuable information and resources related to the election.

Our Mission:
Our mission is clear: to be ambassadors for school funding. We believe that well-funded schools are the cornerstone of a thriving community, putting our students first! With this in mind, we are committed to advocating for a Yes Vote on both the Bond and M&O Override initiatives.

What’s at Stake?
• Bond Initiative: Bonds provide essential funding for capital projects. These projects enhance our schools, improve facilities, and create safe, state-of-the-art learning environments. The best part? This bond won’t increase your tax burden.
• M&O Override: This crucial initiative supplements the state funding our district receives. It ensures resources for programs, services, and even full-day kindergarten. Again, the best part? This M&O Override won’t increase your taxes!

Why Your Vote Matters:
By supporting these initiatives, you champion the future of our students. Your vote directly impacts:
• Safe and modern learning environments
• Reduced overcrowding
• Quality education, including gifted programs, arts and athletics
• Access to full-day kindergarten

Join Us:
We invite you to partner with us on this journey. Let’s empower our community by making informed decisions. Together, we can continue to uphold our A-rated district and provide an exceptional education for every child.
Thank you for being an integral part of Deer Valley Unified School District’s success. We look forward to seeing our students thrive in fully funded DVUSD schools!

Vote YES | DVUSD Bond and M&O Override Initiatives - Deer Valley Votes 4 Kids Breaking down the Bond and M&O Override initiatives so that you can make informed decisions with a vote YES to support our DVUSD students.


This November: Vote for our DVUSD students!

Hello DVUSD community!
We're Katie May Smith, Kjersten Dewey, and Bob Stambach - parents with a common goal: supporting the best education and safest environment for our DVUSD students. ️

This November's election features the DVUSD bond and M&O override initiatives. These choices directly impact our children's classrooms, resources, and overall well-being. We can't afford to stay silent!

Here's what we're all about:

Connecting: We want to create a space for open communication and information sharing. ️
Informing: We'll break down the bond and M&O initiatives, so you can make informed decisions.
Keeping Students First: Because every child deserves a quality education in a safe environment.

This is a community effort! Let's work together to ensure a bright future for our DVUSD students.

Stay tuned for more information, resources, and opportunities to get involved!


TODAY is Election Day!

Below is information on both voting in-person, and ballot drop boxes.

Please vote YES for the Deer Valley Unified School District Override Continuation and YES for the Deer Valley Unified School District School Bond.

If your ballot was not mailed back by October 31st, you may drop off your ballot at the ballot drop box at:

Deer Valley Unified School District Office
20402 N. 15th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85027

The drop box is available for ballot collecting 8AM-4:30PM Mon-Friday and from 6AM to 7PM on Election Day, Tuesday, November 7th.

IN PERSON VOTING at Deer Valley Unified School District Office is available:

+ Monday, November 6 - 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
+ Tuesday, November 7th ELECTION DAY 6AM - 7PM

Please share this post with your neighbors, friends, and family so we can get the word out about how important this Override Continuation and School Bond are for our Deer Valley community and our Deer Valley Students!


TOMORROW is Election Day!

If your ballot was not mailed back by October 31st, you may drop off your ballot at the ballot drop box at:

Deer Valley Unified School District Office
20402 N. 15th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85027

The drop box is available for ballot collecting 8AM-4:30PM Mon-Friday and from 6AM to 7PM on Election Day, Tuesday, November 7th.

IN PERSON VOTING at Deer Valley Unified School District Office is available:

+ Monday, November 6 - 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
+ Tuesday, November 7th ELECTION DAY 6AM - 7PM

Please share this post with your neighbors, friends, and family so we can get the word out about how important this Override Continuation and School Bond are for our Deer Valley community and our Deer Valley Students!


"As an employer with thousands of Arizona employees, we count on strong school districts which require the continued support and investment in our local education... "

President and CEO
Knight-Swift Transportation Holdings

If your ballot was not mailed back by October 31st, you may drop off your ballot at the ballot drop box at:

Deer Valley Unified School District Office
20402 N. 15th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85027

The drop box is available for ballot collecting 8AM-4:30PM Mon-Friday and from 6AM to 7PM on Election Day, Tuesday, November 7th.

IN PERSON VOTING at Deer Valley Unified School District Office is available:

+ Monday, November 6 - 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
+ Tuesday, November 7th ELECTION DAY 6AM - 7PM

Please share this post with your neighbors, friends, and family so we can get the word out about how important this Override Continuation and School Bond are for our Deer Valley community and our Deer Valley Students!


Need more details on the Deer Valley School Bond and Override Continuation? This video is full of more facts and information.

If your ballot was not mailed by October 31st, you may drop off your ballot at the ballot drop box at:

Deer Valley Unified School District Office
20402 N. 15th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85027

The drop box is available for ballot collecting 8AM-4:30PM Mon-Friday and from 6AM to 7PM on Election Day, Tuesday, November 7th.

IN PERSON VOTING at Deer Valley Unified School District Office Starts at 11/06 and continues through 7PM on Election Day, Tuesday, November 7th.

Please share this post with your neighbors, friends, and family so we can get the word out about how important this Override Continuation and School Bond are for our Deer Valley community and our Deer Valley Students!


This is your LAST DAY to get your ballot in the mail….please vote!!!


We are At the Movies!!!


"As a former DVUSD governing board member for eight years, two as President, I know how critical It Is to support its elections.

Deer Valley does an exceptional job of educating Its students and is recognized for its academic excellence and strong financial management.

For years, our public schools have not received the funding they need to adequately educate the students they serve, and Arizona continues to rank near the bottom for education funding in the United States; Now, we have the opportunity to help Deer Valley students by voting YES to continue its maintenance and operations (M&O) override and YES to approve a bond to address student growth and repair and maintain its facilities.

The District has operated with an override In place for many years and uses this funding for salaries, programs and services for students. The bond is needed to Improve student safety, build new schools, repair existing facilities and add technology.

Both issues are renewals and will not increase your property tax rate.

Please join me In continuing to support Deer Valley. Your YES YES votes for the bond and override will enable the district to continue operating at current levels and maintain its academic excellence."

Councilmember District-1,
Phoenix City Council

REMEMBER: This election is mail-in only. Be sure to fill out your ballot with a YES YES vote and mail it back by October 31st.

Please share this post with your neighbors, friends, and family so we can get the word out about how important this Override Continuation and School Bond are for our Deer Valley community and our Deer Valley Students!


"The Deer Valley Unified School District is requesting a renewal of the current M&O Override and would like your support in continuing this this initiative, as the 2019 voter approved override is entering the phase down period and vital funds are at risk.

As a former Governing Board member, I cannot express the feeling of making hard decisions about cutting programs, elective classes, etc. because the district can no longer properly fund the resources necessary to support it. A YES vote will alleviate that hard decision from the current board and allow them to focus on other important issues at hand.

And now, as both a community member and parent, I understand that this override funding provides the opportunities our children need to succeed in a global economy - I want my children to have the best resources available, and I know others do as well. We have an opportunity to make our voices count for the betterment of our families and our district.

Please join me in saying yes to wise investments that improve not only school quality but also property values, at no additional cost to this community."

Parent and Past Governing Board Member
Deer Valley Unified School District

Please share this post with your neighbors, friends, and family so we can help get as much detailed information as possible out into our Deer Valley community.

Photos from Deer Valley Education Association's post 10/19/2023

Thank you Deer Valley Education Association!


Explanation of Deer Valley School Bond and M&O Override Continuation

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