Healthy Homes Coalition of West Michigan

Our office is open by appointment only.


Consumers are advised to stop using and throw away these products.

There is no safe level of lead in the blood for any person. Children, infants and fetuses are most at risk of health problems from lead. If you are concerned that you or a family member has eaten this product and has been exposed to lead, talk to a health care provider.

A blood test is the only way to know if a person has been exposed to lead. To learn more about blood lead testing, visit

Estos productos de canela han sido retirados del mercado debido a la contaminación por plomo. Deje de comer estos productos y deséchelos inmediatamente. Si su familia ha estado expuesta, hable con su médico.


Due to these products being marketed as candy, parents and caregivers should consider discussing this information with individuals under the age of 18.
MDHHS and the FDA advise Michigan residents to stop eating, selling or serving any flavor of Diamond Shruumz-brand Microdosing Chocolate Bars, Infused Cones or Micro-Dose and Macro-Dose gummies. These products should be thrown away.
People who consume these products and become ill should seek medical treatment and/or call the Poison Help Line at 1-800-222-1222 or visit their website at

Dejar de comer, vender o servir cualquier sabor de productos de la marca Diamond Shruumz. Estos productos deben desecharse.
Las personas que comen estos productos y se enferman deben buscar tratamiento médico y llamar a la Línea de Ayuda para Envenenamientos al 1-800-222-1222

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration are alerting Michigan residents that Prophet Premium Blends has issued a recall of all Diamond Shruumz products.

Michigan residents are advised to stop eating, selling or serving any flavor of Diamond Shruumz-brand Microdosing Chocolate Bars, Infused Cones or Micro-Dose and Macro-Dose gummies. These products should be thrown away.

People who consume these products and become ill should seek medical treatment and/or call the Poison Help Line at 1-800-222-1222.

For more information about the recall, contact MDHHS at 844-464-7327, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or at [email protected] which is monitored Monday-Friday. Learn more about this recall:

Photos from Healthy Homes Coalition of West Michigan's post 08/15/2024

As Kent County kids begin the school year, it's important to give them the best chance of success! Have your home evaluated for any dangers present with our home hazard screening so they can thrive!

A medida que los niños del condado de Kent comienzan el año escolar, ¡es importante darles la mejor oportunidad de éxito! Haga que evalúen su hogar para detectar cualquier peligro presente con nuestra evaluación de peligros en el hogar

Versión en español disponible:


We loved connecting with so many families in West Michigan at the Alger Head Start Books, Blocks and Balls event! Our team conducted over a dozen home hazard screenings to identify housing hazards for Kent County families. You can request your home hazard screening today!

¡Nos encantó conectarnos con tantas familias en el oeste de Michigan en el evento "Alger Head Start Books, Blocks and Balls"! Nuestro equipo llevó a cabo más de doce evaluaciones de peligros en el hogar. ¡Puede solicitar su evaluación de peligros en el hogar hoy!


Looking for artists K-6th grade to participate in the 2025 Healthy Homes Calendar Contest. The calendar will be highlighting the “8 Principles of a Healthy Home,” essentially what does a healthy home mean to me? Details in the link below!

Buscando artistas de kinder a 6º grado para participar en el Concurso del Calendario de Hogares Saludables 2025. El calendario destacará los "8 Principios de un Hogar Saludable", esencialmente, ¿qué significa un hogar saludable para mí? ¡Detalles en el enlace a continuación!

Kent County voters renew millage for early childhood health, learning 08/07/2024

Great news!!! Kent County voters approved the renewal of the Ready by Five Early Childhood Millage! Thank you to all who support this work!

¡Buenas noticias!! Los votantes del condado de Kent aprobaron la renovación de la campaña Ready by Five Early Childhood Millage! ¡Gracias a todos los que apoyan este trabajo!

Kent County voters renew millage for early childhood health, learning The 0.25-mill tax will generate over $8.7 million next year to expand access to early childhood programming and childcare in Kent County.


Voting in Kent County next week? The Ready by Five Millage is now up for a .25 mill vote on the August 6, 2024 ballot. If renewed, the millage would be in place for another six years. Healthy Homes Coalition is proud to be a part of the Ready by Five Provider Network!

More information on where to cast a ballot, absentee voting, and early voting can be found on Kent County’s website:


Watch now: Healthy Homes Coalition of West Michigan's Jameela Maun, executive director, and Victoria Patton, communications and development specialist, share their journey with the Environmental Justice Technical Assistance Grant Program.

Photos from American Public Health Association's post 07/23/2024
Photos from Healthy Homes Coalition of West Michigan's post 07/21/2024

Thank you Celebration Cinema for sending your team to help with our fundraiser!

A huge thanks to everyone who supported us by sharing our event and posts.

Thank you West Michigan Whitecaps for selecting us for the 50/50 raffle! We look forward to another opportunity next season!


Help us out -- we're bursting with full and partially full propane cylinders! There's still so much of summer to enjoy, so grab a few to use for a great time. 🔥🍖🥩🍔🌭⛺️

✨Our SafeChem Swap Shop Find of the Week✨ --> Propane Cylinders

Claim it for FREE during any of our Swap Shop's designated hours:

Photos from Healthy Homes Coalition of West Michigan's post 07/19/2024

COFI Phase II Kickoff and Orientation will take place September 5th from 6-8pm. Dinner and childcare are provided. Register here:

El lanzamiento y la orientación de la Fase II de COFI se llevarán a cabo el 5 de septiembre de 6 a 8 p.m. Se proporciona cena y cuidado de niños. Regístrese aquí:


Happy 4th of July from the Healthy Homes team! Our office is closed today. We hope you enjoy the long holiday weekend!
(Reminder: our office is open by appointment only, Monday – Thursday, 8am to 6pm)

¡Feliz 4 de julio de parte del equipo de Hogares Saludables! Nuestra oficina está cerrada hoy. ¡Esperamos que disfrutes del largo fin de semana festivo!
(Recordatorio: nuestra oficina está abierta solo con cita previa, de lunes a jueves, de 8 a. m. a 6 p. m.)


Healthy Homes will be closed today in recognition of Juneteenth.
Check out this guide on how to talk about slavery and freedom in age appropriate ways, an activity to inspire hope and activism, and a children’s book and online resources list.

Healthy Homes estará cerrado hoy en reconocimiento al 16 de junio.
Consulte esta guía sobre cómo hablar sobre la esclavitud y la libertad de manera apropiada para su edad, una actividad para inspirar esperanza y activismo, un libro para niños y una lista de recursos en línea.


Calling all volunteers! / ¡Llamando a todos los voluntarios!

The Healthy Homes team is busy planning the 2024 Family Fiesta and Trunk-or-Treat for Lead Defeat events. If you want to volunteer for either event, please use the links above.

Spanish bilingual volunteers needed!

* * * * * * * * * * * *
Volunteer for Family Fiesta:

Volunteer for Trunk-or-Treat:
* * * * * * * * * * *

El equipo de Healthy Homes está ocupado planificando los eventos Family Fiesta y Trunk-or-Treat for Lead Defeat de 2024. Si desea ofrecerse como voluntario para cualquiera de los eventos, utilice los enlaces de arriba.

¡Se necesitan voluntarios bilingües en español!


Children in Kent County are exposed to lead poisoning, poor indoor air quality, and injuries due to aging housing. Healthy Homes strives to promote environmental justice and health equity in all of our actions. Every child deserves to live in a safe and healthy home, regardless of race, background, or economic status.


Did you know the Ready by Five Early Childhood Millage will be on the ballot on August 6th? Healthy Homes is one of the18 community-based providers under this millage. Get the facts at

Photos from Healthy Homes Coalition of West Michigan's post 05/20/2024

Coming up! Community Ambassador Conversation THIS Thursday, May 23, from 5:30 to 7:30 PM at 1545 Buchanan SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507. Childcare/Dinner will be provided.

Healthy Homes seeks community members passionate about advocating for policy change related to lead poisoning and other environmental health hazards. Please share and invite other community members.

Please do so here if you plan to attend and have NOT pre-registered for Thursday's conversation.
Thank you!

Photos from Healthy Homes Coalition of West Michigan's post 05/09/2024

Update! Due to weather, this event will be held indoors. Attendees can enter through the glass double doors on the south side of the SECOM building. See you this evening!

¡Actualizar! Debido al clima, este evento se llevará a cabo en el interior. Los asistentes pueden ingresar a través de las puertas dobles de vidrio en el lado sur del edificio SECOM. ¡Te veo esta tarde!

Photos from Healthy Homes Coalition of West Michigan's post 05/07/2024

THIS WEEK! Thursday May 9, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Location: 1545 Buchanan Ave SW. Weather permitting, in the green space between Buchanan Ave and SECOM’s community garden.
Parking: In the lot on the south side of the SECOM building.

Event Details: Healthy Homes Coalition is hosting a SoilSHOP in partnership with the EPA. The EPA will be screening soil samples for lead and notifying people of the results on the spot. While waiting to have their soil screened, attendees are welcome to check out information tables which will be hosted by local agencies such as Family Futures, Our Kitchen Table, First Steps Kent, & Hispanic Center of Western Michigan.
There will also be demo tables with HHC staff teaching attendees about lead safe cleaning, environmental home hazards, and helping kids plant sunflower or vegetable seeds.

IMPORTANT: Please read the detailed instructions about how to take soil samples!

¡ESTA SEMANA! Fecha: 9 de mayo de 2024
Hora: 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Ubicación: 1545 Buchanan Ave SW. Si el clima lo permite, en el espacio verde entre Buchanan Ave y el jardín comunitario de SECOM.
Estacionamiento: En el lote del lado sur del edificio SECOM.

Detalles del evento: Healthy Homes Coalition está organizando un SoilSHOP en asociación con la EPA. La EPA examinará muestras de suelo en busca de plomo y notificará a las personas sobre los resultados en el acto. Mientras esperan que se les revise el suelo, los asistentes pueden consultar las mesas de información que serán presentadas por agencias locales como Family Futures, Our Kitchen Table, First Steps Kent y el Centro Hispano del Oeste de Michigan.
También habrá mesas de demostración en las que el personal de HHC enseñará a los asistentes sobre la limpieza segura con plomo, los peligros ambientales del hogar y cómo ayudar a los niños a plantar semillas de girasol o de hortalizas.

IMPORTANTE: ¡Lea las instrucciones detalladas sobre cómo tomar muestras de suelo!

Photos from Healthy Homes Coalition of West Michigan's post 04/30/2024

Coming up! Concerned about lead contamination in your soil? Bring a sample to our soil shop event, where we'll screen it for lead and provide guidance on lead-safe cleaning in your home. There's a planting station and snacks for your kids, too! Your family's well-being starts with the ground beneath your feet!

¡Subiendo! ¿Preocupado por la contaminación por plomo en su suelo? Lleve una muestra a nuestro evento en la tienda de suelos, donde la analizaremos para detectar plomo y le brindaremos orientación sobre la limpieza segura con plomo en su hogar. ¡También hay una estación de plantación y refrigerios para sus hijos! ¡El bienestar de tu familia comienza con el suelo bajo tus pies!

Healthy Homes Coalition of West Michigan | 04/30/2024

We thank you for your patience as continue to navigate through our technical issues.

Our website is now accessible at

Our team can be reached by calling our office at (616) 241-3300, Monday - Thursday, from 8am to 6pm.

If you need to send any confidential information, please fax it to (616) 241-3327.

We will update you as soon as our email function is fully restored.

Healthy Homes Coalition of West Michigan | Addressing Lead exposure through partnerships, Feb 15, 2024Addressing lead exposure through partnerships, funding and policiesVictoria Patton, BA (Healthy Homes Coalition) Olubukolami David, MPH, Katherine Robb, MSPH (American Public Health Association)  "To work toward environmental justice, our c...


Silent Auction link is LIVE! Our grand prize silent auction item is a two-night stay at the The Homestead Resort Glen Arbor, Michigan with (2) 18-hole rounds of golf!

If you can't make it to our Mix & Sip tomorrow at 5:30pm at the Center for Community Transformation, use this link to participate in our silent auction from home! It's never been more fun to support Healthy Homes Coalition of West Michigan

Photos from Healthy Homes Coalition of West Michigan's post 04/24/2024

Silent auction sneak peak 👀 part two. Thank you to our sponsor, Mercantile Bank! We appreciate your support of our Mix & Sip fundraising social hour. Shoutout to our next batch of in-kind sponsors: Grand Rapids Public Museum, Great Lakes Glow Golf, Blandford Nature Center, Wealthy Street Bakery, BarkBox, Celebration Cinema, and Gymco!

Silent Auction link goes live in ONE HOUR! You can still buy tickets for the Mix & Sip here:

Photos from Healthy Homes Coalition of West Michigan's post 04/24/2024

Silent auction sneak peak 👀 part one. Thank you to our title sponsor, West Michigan Community Bank, without you this event would not be possible! A huge shoutout to the first half of our in-kind sponsors for helping us create such fun and unique auction baskets: DNR Outdoor Adventure Center, Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park, St. Julian Winery, Brush Studio - Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids Children's Museum, Rebounderz Grand Rapids - Jenison, John Ball Zoo, Founders Brewing Co., ZOE LIFE SPA AND SALON, Aqua-Tots Swim School Grand Rapids, and Yoga Zen. The auction goes live TONIGHT at 5:30pm!

Don’t miss out! You can still buy tickets for Mix & Sip at:


We are currently experiencing technical issues with our website and email. If you need to reach us, please call our office at 616-241-3300. We will post an update as soon as the issues have been resolved. Thank you.

Estamos experimentando problemas técnicos con nuestro sitio web y correo electrónico. Si necesita comunicarse con nosotros, llame a nuestra oficina al 616-241-3300. Publicaremos una actualización tan pronto como se hayan resuelto los problemas. Gracias.


Join us for our Food for Thought lunch & learn session with Healthy Homes Coalition of West Michigan TODAY from 12-1PM here at Baxter Community Center!


FSK is looking for parent leaders to help influence how millage dollars are spent. It is a two-year commitment, 120 hours/year with a stipend available. Must be a parent/primary caregiver of a child aged 5 or younger.

Calling all Kent County parents🗣️‼️ Do you want to make a difference in the community? Apply to become a parent leader with Ready By Five! 🧡💙💚

Click the link in our bio, or head to to apply🔗

Lead Cinnamon Recall 04/09/2024

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asked six companies whose cinnamon brands were found to contain elevated levels of lead to voluntarily recall the brands. Five of the six companies have issued recalls. This recall applies to the following brands of cinnamon and links to more information about those recalls are included:

La Fiesta Brand Ground Cinnamon .87 oz.
Marcum Ground Cinnamon 1.5 oz.
SWAD Brand Cinnamon Powder in clear 3.5 oz bags.
Supreme Tradition Ground Cinnamon 2.25 oz.
El Chilar Ground Cinnamon “Canela Molida,”

Click the press release for more information.

La Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de los Estados Unidos (FDA) pidió a seis empresas cuyas marcas de canela contenían niveles elevados de plomo que las retiraran voluntariamente. Cinco de las seis empresas han emitido retiradas del mercado. Este retiro se aplica a las siguientes marcas de canela y se incluyen enlaces para obtener más información sobre esos retiros:

Canela Molida Marca La Fiesta .87 oz.
Marcum Canela Molida 1.5 oz.
Canela en polvo marca SWAD en bolsas transparentes de 3.5 oz.
Canela molida Supreme Tradition 2.25 oz.
El Chilar Canela Molida “Canela Molida”

Haga clic en el comunicado de prensa para obtener más información.

Lead Cinnamon Recall Michigan's Women, Infants & Children program, providing supplemental nutrition, breastfeeding information, and other resources for healthy mothers & babies.


Dr. Ray will talk [presentación en ingles] about the role of mindsets and emotions in leveraging political change for climate justice. Using neuroscience, social psychology and social movements, Ray will outline strategies for living with anxiety, grief and despair, but also -- and crucially -- engaging with joy, self-determination and pleasure.

Want your organization to be the top-listed Non Profit Organization in Grand Rapids?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Healthy Homes Coalition New Website Launch
January is Radon Action Month!!Have you tested your home for Radon? The first step to lowering the risk of radon exposur...
Our team is enthusiastic about Screen Before School because we wholeheartedly believe that every child, regardless of ra...
Learn How to Complete a Home Screening with a Healthy Homes Staff Member!#ScreenBeforeSchool
Two weeks until our June 23rd mixer at City Built Brewery!!Come join us for complimentary appetizers, drinks, and a chan...
Healthy Homes Coalition's Executive Director, Jameela, wants to invite you to our Summer Mixer at City Built on June 23r...
Victoria, from Healthy Homes, here to show you some environmentally safe cleaning techniques and tools to help reduce as...
This week is also National Public Health Week! 🩺💪Public Health is the health of a community and of the people within it....
Staying Safe at Home: Get Outside (safely)!
Staying Safe at Home: Get fresh air!
Priority Health Partners with Healthy Homes


1545 Buchanan Avenue SW, Ste 2
Grand Rapids, MI

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm

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