Urban Church Leadership Center

Strong Churches | Healthy Families | Flourishing Communities

At the UCLC we believe that when churches are strong families are healthy, communities will flourish. The UCLC equips church leaders with training, coaching, and learning resources to serve and build strong churches and healthy families. The two major program areas provided at the UCLC include Church Leadership Development and the Family Leadership Initiative (FLI). Through these programs, the UCL

Photos from Boston Square Neighborhood Association - #BSNA's post 07/22/2024

Did you see this?
Head out to Boston Square Neighborhood Association - at 1551 Kalamazoo Ave. SE WEDNESDAY, July24 from 1-2pm for the Grand Rapids Public Mobile Library!


Storytime in the Park- Garfield

Week 7: Bring one, bring all to Music Night at Storytime in the Park- Garfield with Grand Rapids Symphony!!
Special Events include:
- An interactive storytelling, musical, performance from 6:45-7:30! Rumor has it there may be a couple family tickets in our weekly spoon/bag/water bottle raffle!!
- Live music with local musician, Carter Hughes & Robert Greene!
-Instrument Library: Explore and play different kinds of instruments! Bonus if you can even read the sheet music!

Photos from Roosevelt Park's post 07/10/2024

Roosevelt Park neighborhood Association's upcoming Events and opportunities.

Photos from Storytime in the Park- Garfield's post 07/03/2024

Storytime in the Garfield Park

📣If this is your FIRST time coming to Storytime this summer, please register and complete the pre-survey found here: https://bit.ly/storytimepresurvey24
🫗🍴♻️Storytime Swag & Raffle: If you bring back any of your Storytime swag, stop by the swag table to enter in a weekly raffle! If you not picked up your swag yet, or need your water bottles, come on over!

Photos from Urban Church Leadership Center's post 07/01/2024
Photos from Storytime in the Park- Garfield's post 06/25/2024

Storytime in the Park- Garfield


The Urban Church Leadership Center would like to wish a happy Father's Day to all of the awesome pastors, church leaders, and fathers we have the privilege of connecting with. Today is a great day to enjoy, showing compassion to our children, just as the Lord our father shows compassion to us. Wishing you and your loved ones a happy and blessed day!


El Centro de Liderazgo de la Iglesia Urbana quiere desearles un feliz Día de los Padres a todos los pastores maravillosos, líderes de la iglesia, y a los padres con los que tenemos el privilegio de conectarnos. Hoy es una gran oportunidad para alegrarnos mostrar compasión a nuestros hijos, así como el Señor tiene compasión de aquellos que le temen. ¡Les deseamos a ustedes y a sus seres queridos un feliz y bendecido día!

Photos from Urban Church Leadership Center's post 05/30/2024


Please, join us in a unique 2-day experience for faith leaders (pastors, church leaders, and community leaders) to explore and reflect on a healthy Theology of Work, build community, and engage in the city transformation conversation. This is an opportunity to get involved in innovative and creative ways towards economic mobility. Register now: Learning Community, English - June 13 & 14


Por favor, únase con nosotros en una experiencia única de 2 días para que los líderes religiosos (pastores, líderes de la iglesia y líderes comunitarios) exploren y reflexionen sobre una teología del trabajo saludable, construyan la comunidad y participen en la conversación sobre la transformación de la ciudad. Esta es una oportunidad para involucrarse en formas innovadoras y creativas hacia la movilidad
económica. Regístrese ahora: Comunidad de aprendizaje en Español - 13 & 14 de Junio. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/comunidad-de-aprendizaje-grupo-1-13-14-junio-tickets-811684268497

Photos from Urban Church Leadership Center's post 05/29/2024


Why must conversations about city transformation include the local church?
Please use this link to register now June Fireside Chat, English and join us on Thursday, June 13 at 6 pm for meaningful perspectives on the presence, activity, contribution, and reputation of local churches. Dinner is available only to registered participants from 6:00 to 6:30 pm. The Fireside Chat officially begins at 6:30 pm. Come ready to learn, grow, and connect!



¿Por qué las conversaciones sobre la transformación de las ciudades deben incluir a la iglesia local?
Por favor, utilice este enlace para inscribirse ahora en la Charla de Actualidad en español. Considere unirse con nosotros el jueves 13 de junio a las 6 pm para conocer más sobre las perspectivas significativas relacionadas con la presencia, actividad, contribución y la reputación de las iglesias locales. La cena se llevará a cabo de 6:00 a 6:30 pm y estará disponible sólo para los participantes registrados previamente. La Charla de Actualidad comenzará oficialmente a las 6:30 pm. ¡Venga preparado(a) para aprender, crecer y conectarse con otros!


Photos from Urban Church Leadership Center's post 05/15/2024

Safeguard your heart and brain health with GRAAHI’s Free Wellness Academy cohort focused on stroke and hypertension management.

Tracking Health with Technology
Program Details:
Location: Lifequest Ministries (1050 Fisk Rd SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507)
Start Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 (Class meets EVERY Wednesday for 8 weeks)
Time: 5:30PM – 7:00PM

Program Description:
Wearable technology has been utilized for decades, and recently has been revolutionary in tracking our health! In this FREE 8-week program, all participants will receive a FREE smart device and learn how it works with their smartphone. These tools will track daily progress towards a healthier lifestyle, all to prevent Stroke and Hypertension. This comprehensive course will be led by GRAAHI and the GRBNA to walk you through stroke education, fitness, stress management, and more.


Program Details:
Location: TBD
Start Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 (Class meets EVERY Wednesday for 8 weeks)

Time: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Program Description:
GRAAHI understands the importance of community and has created this 8-week program to continue to build on how we can improve our health together! Our Walking With a Purpose program is designed to educate participants on the various methods they can utilize to better manage or prevent strokes/hypertension. From Community Walks, to balance, strength, stress management, and more this course is a comprehensive look at the different ways we can all stay active.


Kidney Disease Matters
Program Details:
Location: Lifequest Ministries (1050 Fisk Rd SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507)
Start Date: Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024 (Class meets EVERY Tuesday for 6 weeks)
Time: 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Program Description:
Join GRAAHI for a six-week journey to explore Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and learn how to manage it better. We’ll cover everything from symptoms to treatment options and how nutrition can help. Plus, we’ll talk about how CKD connects with other health issues like diabetes and hypertension. It’s a friendly and supportive environment where you can gain valuable knowledge to improve your kidney health. Best of all, it’s free, and all materials are provided. Join us and take charge of your health!



Reclaim your health today with GRAAHI!

Our first class of Diabetes Prevention starts TOMORROW May 15th! There is still time to register and sign up for FREE today on our website! graahi.com/wellness-academy ✔⏰

Location: GRAAHI Office
Dates: Wednesdays Nights
5/15, 5/22, 5/29, 6/5
Times: 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Learn more knowledge about diabetes prevention, cook healthy delicious meals and start amazing friendships!🥗😄

Make sure to register for FREE today from the link in bio (Wellness Academy overall post) or through our website graahi.com/wellness-academy 🧡

Make sure to click on the Diabetes Prevention section on the website to register!🗓

Heres a quick link to the form to register for free today!

See you tomorrow!😊

Ben McBride Book Tour + Q & A - Troubling the Water 02/27/2024

The Urban Church Leadership Center invites you to join Pastor Artie, Tabernacle Community Church, and The GR Nehemiah Project for a transformational evening event featuring national author and activist, Ben McBride. Let’s explore the work of radical belonging together on Tuesday, March 19 at 7pm; doors open at 6:30pm. The gathering is free; RSVP is required at the EventBrite link below.

*Please note that the Ben McBride Book Talk is an English-only event. // *Por favor, tenga en cuenta que la charla sobre el libro de Ben McBride es un evento únicamente en inglés.

Ben McBride Book Tour + Q & A - Troubling the Water Troubling the Water: The Urgent Work of Radical Belonging is a new book by national author and activist, Ben McBride.

City-wide Week of 24-7 Prayer 02/15/2024

Have you heard about the City-wide Week of 24/7 Prayer?
In the week of March 4-10, churches, small groups, and disciples who want to seek Gods’ heart for our city and region are encouraged to sign-up for a slot of time to gather for prayer at GR’s Prayer Garage. Check out the event’s Google Form to sign-up and learn more!
¿Has oído hablar de la Semana de Oración 24/7 en toda la ciudad?
En la semana del 4 al 10 de marzo, se anima a las iglesias, grupos pequeños y discípulos que quieran buscar el corazón de Dios para nuestra ciudad y región a que se inscriban para obtener un espacio de tiempo para reunirse para orar en el Garaje de Oración de GR. ¡Echa un vistazo al formulario de Google del evento para registrarte y obtener más información!

City-wide Week of 24-7 Prayer This form is for a church or group to sign up collectively for a chunk of time with the week of prayer that they are committed to filling among their group. Once after you decide on either 24, 12, or 6 hours, then we will connect with you about scheduling the specific time for that within the week.....

Photos from Urban Church Leadership Center's post 02/14/2024

Happy Valentine's Day, UCLC and FLI friends! We pray that each of you feels loved and supported today and every day. ♥️
¡Feliz día de San Valentín, amigos de UCLC y FLI! Oramos para que cada uno de ustedes se sienta amado y apoyado hoy y todos los días. ♥️

Photos from Urban Church Leadership Center's post 02/05/2024

Special announcement! The UCLC has partnered with the Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) to provide pastors and church leaders access to over 150 free Christian courses and low-cost ministry credentials. CLI’s mission is to launch leaders worldwide with biblical knowledge, vibrant godliness, empowered ministry skills, and a passion for multiplying disciples. The UCLC is eager to help equip Christian leaders with this online learning that empowers them to help their community thrive and prosper at new levels.

➡️Create a free account with CLI by visiting https://urbanchurchcenter.org/congregational-resources/ and selecting “COURSES & TRAININGS” under the “ADDITIONAL RESOURCES” section. Questions? Email us at [email protected].
¡Anuncio especial! El UCLC se ha asociado con el Instituto de Líderes Cristianos (CLI, por sus siglas en inglés) para proporcionar acceso a más de 150 cursos cristianos gratuitos, así como credenciales ministeriales de bajo costo, a los pastores y líderes de la iglesia. La misión de CLI es impulsar el conocimiento bíblico, la piedad vibrante, el empoderamiento de las habilidades ministeriales y la pasión por la multiplicación de discípulos en los líderes cristianos en todo el mundo. El UCLC está sumamente interesado en seguir equipando a los líderes cristianos con este aprendizaje en línea que les permitirá a su vez ayudar a su comunidad a florecer y a prosperar en nuevos niveles.

➡️Cree una cuenta gratuita con CLI pulsando el siguiente enlace https://urbanchurchcenter.org/congregational-resources/ y luego, seleccionando la opción "CURSOS y CAPACITACIONES" en la sección "RECURSOS ADICIONALES". ¿Usted tiene alguna pregunta? Entonces, envíenos un correo electrónico a [email protected].


Looking for a great resource for your church’s growth in 2024 and beyond? The Barna Group’s free ChurchPulse Assessment is a valuable tool to consider! Church Leader, Jake Lang, shares his perspective and testimony from the implementation of the ChurchPulse at his church:

"This past summer, Tabernacle Community Church was able to lead our church body through Barna's ChurchPulse Survey. We dedicated an entire Sunday to this process by shortening our worship service, having Pastor Artie preach a message around the five marks of flourishing people, and creating space at the end of our service for the body to take the survey either digitally or physically for those without a smartphone. The data was incredibly helpful for assessing areas of strengths and weaknesses as well as gathering more specific demographic data. We have already used this information to set goals for 2024 to further celebrate our strength areas, address growth areas in our discipleship plans, and address issues that were brought up in the process."

Are you and your fellow church leaders interested in learning more about the *ChurchPulse Survey? Visit https://barna.gloo.us/assessments-and-check-ins/churchpulse-assessment and create a free account or email the UCLC team at [email protected] to learn more!

*Please note that the ChurchPulse Assessment is only available in English at this time. // *Por favor, tenga en cuenta que la Evaluación ChurchPulse solo está disponible en inglés por ahora.


In October of 2023, the UCLC team conducted an informal survey with 72 urban church leaders and pastors in Greater Grand Rapids. Thank you to all of the leaders who participated. It was a blessing for us to learn more about what you and your ministries are doing to help our community thrive and prosper. See the infographic below to find valuable insights from the urban churches in your neighborhoods!
Durante el mes de octubre del 2023, el equipo de UCLC realizó una encuesta informal a 72 líderes y pastores de las iglesias urbanas localizadas en el área metropolitana de Grand Rapids. Agradecemos a todos los líderes que participaron en esta encuesta. Realmente fue una bendición para nosotros aprender más sobre lo que ustedes y sus ministerios están haciendo para ayudar a nuestra comunidad a florecer y prosperar. ¡Para conocer más sobre nuestros hallazgos acerca de la valiosa contribución de las iglesias urbanas en sus vecindarios, dele un vistazo a la infografía que aparece a continuación!

Photos from Urban Church Leadership Center's post 01/16/2024

The UCLC Team continues to pray for all of the leaders, families, partner organizations, and faith communities that we are blessed to engage with. We are expecting a record-breaking year of blessings, health, safety, and prosperity for each of you!
El equipo de UCLC sigue orando por todos los líderes, familias, organizaciones asociadas y comunidades de fe con las que tenemos la bendición de trabajar. Esperamos que cada uno de ustedes tengan un año récord lleno de ricas bendiciones, salud, seguridad y prosperidad.

Photos from Urban Church Leadership Center's post 12/29/2023

On Wednesday, December 6 (English) and Thursday, December 7 (Spanish), Pastors and church leaders gathered for Fireside Chats at the Prince Conference Center. We had the opportunity to hear from two experts on the topic of faith and work. Dr. Charlie Self and Fernando Tamara helped us understand more about what it looks like for churches and leaders to live out and teach on the intersection of calling and career.

We also loved hearing perspectives from everyone who attended. Thank you for sharing your experiences and challenges with bridging the gap between Sunday and Monday for yourself and your congregations. We look forward to gathering for more impactful Fireside Chats in 2024! Stay tuned for dates and topics that will be announced in the New Year.
El pasado miércoles 6 y el jueves 7 de diciembre los pastores y líderes de las iglesias se reunieron para participar de las Charlas de Actualidad en inglés y español en el Centro de Conferencias Prince. Tuvimos la oportunidad de escuchar a dos expertos en el tema de la fe y el trabajo. El Dr. Charlie Self y Fernando Támara nos ayudaron a entender profundamente de qué manera las iglesias y los líderes pueden vivir y enseñar la conexión entre el ministerio y la vida laboral.

Igualmente, nos agradó escuchar los comentarios de parte de los asistentes. Gracias por compartir sus experiencias y desafíos mientras trabajan de manera personal y en sus congregaciones para reducir la brecha entre el domingo y el lunes. Esperamos poder reunirnos en otras charlas de Actualidad que tratarán temas impactantes en el 2024. Estén atentos a las fechas y los temas que se anunciarán durante el año nuevo.


May you have the gift of faith this Christmas and many blessings throughout the New Year.
~With love & gratitude,
The UCLC Team
Que en esta Navidad cultives el don de la fe y disfrutes de bendiciones abundantes durante el Año Nuevo.
~Con amor y gratitud,
El equipo de UCLC


Pastors & Church Leaders:
We are thrilled to invite you to participate in the Catalyst Experience, a nine-month experiential learning lab designed for current and emerging leaders in the non-profit, business, and church communities who share our passion for the well-being and prosperity of all our city's residents.

Please note that only 12 participants will be selected for the 2024 cohort and it will only be offered in English.

If you are interested in joining the Catalyst Experience or nominating someone who embodies the spirit of leadership and service, please follow this link to learn more and start the nomination process: https://bit.ly/catalystexperience

Urban Church Leadership Center Strong Churches | Healthy Families | Flourishing Communities


El próximo jueves 7 de diciembre, los pastores y otros líderes de las iglesias y de la comunidad se reunirán en el Prince Conference Center para una Charla de actualidad del UCLC en español, que provee un espacio para hablar sobre temas actuales y relevantes que afectan a la Iglesia de hoy. La Charla de actualidad de diciembre en español, se centrará en cómo la Iglesia puede ayudar a los cristianos a cerrar la brecha entre el domingo y el lunes. Además del diálogo abierto entre todos los asistentes, el orador invitado —el Reverendo Fernando Tamara—, nos acompañará para compartir su propia perspectiva enriquecedora. Fernando tiene años de experiencia en el liderazgo, la investigación y la enseñanza con Made to Flourish (Creados para florecer) y varias otras organizaciones e iglesias, entre ellas, dos iglesias que él mismo plantó.

Estamos ansiosos de que nos acompañen en la comida, la convivencia en fraternidad y la conversación. Regístrense hoy en: https://urbanchurchcenter.org/calendario/?lang=es-mx

Photos from Urban Church Leadership Center's post 07/11/2023

Pastors and Church Leaders:
We look forward to the 2nd ½ of 2023 at the UCLC! Our summer newsletter will be coming to you via email, in the mail, and here on social media. Check out www.urbanchurchcenter.org to register for programs and events, sign up to be on the mailing list, and to learn more. Hope to see you soon!

Pastores y líderes de iglesias:
¡Esperamos con ansias la segunda parte del 2023 en el UCLC! Nuestro boletín de verano estará llegando a usted a través de correo electrónico, en el correo, y aquí en las redes sociales. Eche un vistazo al sitio www.urbanchurchcenter.org/spanish
para registrarse en los programas y eventos y obtener más información, suscríbase a la lista de correo. Esperamos verle pronto!



Pastors and Church Leaders:
Register now and join us on July 20 for the English Fireside Chat and August 24 for the Spanish Fireside Chat from 6-8pm. At 6 pm we begin with a meal and fellowship, then transition to an interactive discussion about how to integrate faith and work in our daily lives. Respective panelists Dr. Corey Wilson and Roy Inzunza will be leading the English and Spanish Fireside chats in gaining insight and practical tips on how to live out faith in the workplace.
We welcome your participation!
Pastores y Líderes de Iglesia:
Considere registrarse y acompáñenos el 20 de julio para la Charla de Actualidad en inglés y el 24 de agosto para la Charla de Actualidad en español de 6-8pm. A partir de las 6 pm iniciaremos con la cena y un tiempo de confraternidad, luego pasaremos a una discusión interactiva sobre cómo integrar la fe y el trabajo en nuestra vida diaria. Los panelistas Dr. Corey Wilson y Roy Inzunza dirigirán las charlas respectivamente en inglés y español y compartirán tanto información como consejos prácticos sobre cómo ejercitar la fe en el lugar de trabajo.
Le invitamos a participar.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

2023 Church Leader Survey on Community Outreach
UCLC English Fireside Chat: July 2023
UCLC Spanish Fireside Chat: August 2023
Aún hay oportunidad para inscribirse en la Charla de Actualidad que tendrá lugar el jueves 18 de mayo de 6-8:30 pm. El D...
Fireside Chats
Thank you to AVES Films for capturing the beautiful evening that took place in early March with Family Leadership Initia...
UCLC Fireside Chats
UCLC September 2022 Fireside Chat Recap
UCLC Fireside Chats
Pastor Profiles: Eula C. Gaddis
Pastor Profiles: Sandra McGlothin
Serie de Capacitación en Tecnología



3000 Leonard NE
Grand Rapids, MI

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm

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Grand Rapids, 49546

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Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services
160 68th Street SW Suite 140
Grand Rapids, 49548

We provide interpreting services to the D/HH communities, ASL classes, and more!

DYMO Ministries DYMO Ministries
1433 Hamilton Avenue NW
Grand Rapids, 49504

Visit www.dymo.org

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98 Fulton Street E
Grand Rapids, 49503

Connecting good intentions with sound economics.

Kids' Food Basket Kids' Food Basket
1300 Plymouth Avenue NE
Grand Rapids, 49505

Kids’ Food Basket nourishes children to reach their full potential. Learn more at kidsfoodbasket.org

In The Image In The Image
4255 Kalamazoo Avenue SE
Grand Rapids, 49508

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Grand Rapids Community College - Motorcycle Safety Program Grand Rapids Community College - Motorcycle Safety Program
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Grand Rapids, 49503

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711 Bridge Street NW And 1110 Wealthy SE
Grand Rapids, 49504

We are the Grand Rapids Public Access Station. Learn to produce or simply air your program at GRTV, a service of the Grand Rapids Community Media Center.

Hope For Women and Children of Southern Sudan Hope For Women and Children of Southern Sudan
Hope For Women And Children Of Southern Sudan, P. O. Box 1583
Grand Rapids, 49501

Looking forward to a productive 2010. So many in Southern Sudan need our help.

Grandville Avenue Arts & Humanities Grandville Avenue Arts & Humanities
644 Grandville Avenue SW
Grand Rapids, 49503

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Grand Rapids

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