Braincare Performance Center - Denver Tech Center

Our mission is to empower people to live better lives and to have a higher level of function through


Forever in our hearts 🇺🇸

To all law enforcement, first responders, and military we are forever grateful for everything you did 9/11/2001. For everything that you continued to do, know that you are appreciated and honored.

We will continue to honor and remember every rescuer who died and every family that lives in grief of their lost loved ones.


How is Your Brain Health?!

In this episode Dr. Lyon sits down with Dr. Erik Won, to discuss brain health. If you struggle with brain fog, depression, PTSD, or traumatic brain injury, this episode is for you. Learn about innovative treatments that are changing lives and providing hope for those suffering from brain-related conditions. Don’t miss this enlightening conversation on the future of neuroscience!

Watch the full Episode Here:


We Empower You to Take Back Control

Living with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or witnessing a loved one suffer from PTSD can be incredibly tough. PTSD is caused by experiencing or witnessing terrifying events, violence, or from going through extended periods of extreme stress. Some individuals who experience trauma will have periods of on and off coping or grieving, and then as time passes, they will eventually feel relief from their symptoms. For many others, the crippling feelings of PTSD can last for months, years, or even a lifetime.

PTSD doesn’t only affect Veterans, it can happen to anyone who has experienced significant trauma or loss such as various forms of abuse, prolonged or chronic stress, sexual/physical/mental assault, being involved in an accident, having a near-death experience, combat exposure, serious illness, or anything else that may cause you to perceive that your life is threatened. Many of us felt the impacts of trauma during the Covid-19 pandemic and continue to feel its lasting impact in our every day lives. It’s important to understand that whether you experience a large traumatic event or a handful of smaller traumatic events, the impacts can be continuous and difficult.

MeRT is highly effective in treating the burdensome symptoms of PTSD. PTSD is typically the result of disruptions in the front of the brain. Our custom MeRT protocols have been shown to improve synchronization and lead to significant and long-lasting improvements.


Our clinic is veteran owned and operated. We would like to take this opportunity to thank veterans, active duty servicemen and women, as well as their families for their service!

Many service men and women experience a myriad of mental health symptoms when they return from duty. Although MeRT (Advanced rTMS) is still considered off-label for PTSD and TBI, many veterans have signs and symptoms of Depression and/or Major Depressive Disorder. MeRT (Advanced rTMS) is a non-pharmaceutical, non-invasive, targeted and measurable treatment for depression.

TRICARE West is the insurance provider that serves the Western region of the United States. We accept all three levels of insurance: TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Reserve, and TRICARE Select.

Clinic Direct: (720) 586-4067
Email: [email protected]


What is MeRT treatment and how does it work?

MeRT stands for Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy. MeRT treatment combines the technologies of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS, an FDA cleared therapy), Quantitative Electroencephalogram (qEEG), and Electrocardiogram (EKG/ECG) to deliver treatments tailored for each individual’s unique brain pattern.

The patient’s EEG and EKG are analyzed to ascertain the brain’s pattern of function, detect any possible abnormalities, and determine its state of optimal neural synchronization. The resulting information is used to develop a personalized treatment protocol for each patient, aimed at restoring the brain to its ideal state. This can lead to significant clinical improvements.

Learn More:


There is nothing more rewarding than a testimonial like this one.

Read the full testimonial here:

"I suffered from severe chronic depression to the point that I couldn’t go to work or do anything. I honestly accepted that depression was my life and had given up hope for a future. I came across this center and in a desperate state decided to give it a chance. I was greeted by an incredible staff and started noticing that I felt better in the first month. As I kept progressing further into treatment I began to feel like a different person. Thanks to the treatment I can get out of bed every day and stay awake. I started working again and I’m actively doing things that I enjoy. I have hope for my future."

– Julia, P., Adult Seeking Help for Major Depressive Disorder, Addiction, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Anxiety

You've got questions about MeRT; we have hope!


MeRT stands for Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy, a highly customized use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) to address a wide range of neurological conditions. Based on sophisticated diagnostics, MeRT is a painless, non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical approach tailored to each person’s unique brain.

MeRT uses a proprietary brain wave analysis to identify the areas in the brain in need of improved function or communication. An EEG is performed on each patient to determine the exact frequency of the brain. These results are then reviewed and evaluated by the clinical and scientific team at Braincare Performance Center. The patient’s EEG and EKG are analyzed to ascertain the brain’s pattern of function, detect brain activity, and determine its state of neural synchronization.

Our physicians use this information to develop a client-specific and targeted approach designed to encourage and restore healthy brain communication. The treatment protocol is completely tailored to each person’s brain by location, frequency, and output intensity or amount of energy delivered. This technology works by using a magnetic coil to gently neuromodulate the brain’s electrical activity. This therapy gently stimulates the specific locations in the brain which can lead to improved function. This can lead to significant clinical improvements.


We empower you to take control of your overall wellness with improved brain health.


MeRT Provides Hope for Families and Individuals with ASD

MeRT (Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy) is an innovative, state-of-the-art program. MeRT utilizes a quantitative EEG/EKG brain scan to help highlight where individual brain dysregulation or patterns of dysfunction are occurring. Our therapy is then customized based on each client’s needs, this can create a dramatic improvement in communication, awareness, mood, and more.


MeRT uses a proprietary brain wave analysis to identify the exact areas in the brain that are not functioning properly or communicating the way that they should be. Our physicians then use this information to develop a personalized and targeted approach designed to restore healthy brain communication. This therapy gently stimulates the specific locations in the brain which can lead to improved function. MeRT is non-surgical, non-invasive, and non-pharmaceutical. In simpler terms, it’s used to reprogram dysfunctional electrical signals in the brain to modify behavior and restore function. Unlike standard rTMS therapy, which delivers stimulation to one location at a fixed frequency for all patients, MeRT treatment individualizes the treatment frequency and location based on each patient’s quantitative EEG and EKG. This results in a custom- fit MeRT treatment protocol as opposed to the one-size-fits-all approach of rTMS.

Learn More:


Braincare Performance Center is a supportive community for brain health and healing with cutting-edge research, technology, diagnostics, education, and resources. We’re an extension of your wellness team, supporting you throughout your brain health journey.


Our Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy (MeRT) helps restore your brain function without pharmaceuticals or invasive procedures.

MeRT is a highly customized use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, or TMS, based on sophisticated diagnostics. We start with an electroencephalogram (EEG) to map your specific brain function. The EEG allows us to see patterns of dysfunction to inform your tailored plan. Our FDA-cleared equipment generates magnetic waves that gently stimulate targeted areas of the brain to balance your brain activity and restore function.


Your neurons can be disrupted by many things:

Disruptions can be minor or significant, but with a little nudging in the right direction, brain function can be improved. We assess the communication quality between your networks of neurons, shedding light on how you might be experiencing the world and helping to identify areas for improvement.

Learn more about how our therapy works in the link below:


Braincare Performance Center – DTC offers MeRT for children and adults who have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

MeRT (Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy) is an innovative, state-of-the-art program. MeRT utilizes a quantitative EEG/EKG brain scan to help highlight where individual brain dysregulation or patterns of dysfunction are occurring. Our therapy is then customized based on each client’s needs, this can create a dramatic improvement in communication, awareness, mood, and more.

ASD affects each person differently. No two people have the exact same experience with Autism, but there can be some commonalities due to inhibited brain function, how individuals view the outside world, and how people communicate with one another. Social skills, learning styles, interacting with others, and the ability to function independently of care can all be influenced by this diagnosis. Individuals with ASD can also feel atypical responses or reactions to everyday stimuli, whether that be with other people, new environments, or unfamiliar situations. There are a handful of different therapies that can support individuals diagnosed with Autism, and MeRT can be used in conjunction with most other programs or can be offered independently of other programs.

Most patients see significant improvement in social skills, communication, sleep patterns, improved moods and more which in turn can help jumpstart and promote a more independent lifestyle. By utilizing the targeted treatment plans offered through MeRT and encouraging the whole brain to optimize, individuals can also see accelerations in other programs like Applied Behavior Analysis, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy and more.


An Innovative Solution for Traumatic Brain Injuries and Concussions.

Head injuries are complex and can affect many different aspects of your life including emotional regulation, memory, and the ability to think clearly. MeRT (Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy) offers a new type of recovery that can result in significant system improvement.

MeRT is a breakthrough treatment for TBI and Concussion symptoms.
This non-invasive, drug-free, targeted therapy balances the brain where
it has been impacted to improve both mental and physical outcomes.


Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy (MeRT) will help you understand your brain, unlock your potential, and elevate your life.

Braincare Performance Center – DTC offers MeRT treatment for a variety of demographics. The root of our technology aims to synchronize and enhance brainwave activity to improve the individual’s life in a multitude of ways. Our detailed brain scans and proprietary brain wave analysis is used to understand the brain’s preferred pattern of function, detect possible areas to accelerate, and determine its state of optimal neural performance. The resulting information is used to develop a personalized treatment protocol for each client, aimed at either returning the brain to its ideal state or fine-tuning it to an elite level.


We invest in your journey to optimal brain health by providing an elevated standard of care characterized by empathy and expertise. We take the time to understand your individual needs to help you reach your brain health goals.

We guide you every step of the way.

MeRT has helped patients improve their brain function, reclaim their lives, and feel passionate about living life to the fullest. Our goal is to help guide you through the process so you can make an informed decision about whether MeRT is the right treatment for you or your loved ones.


Depression can lead to a wide variety of emotional and physical problems. When you’re depressed, you experience a loss of interest and a persistent feeling of sadness. It’s a veil that obscures happiness, and can affect how you behave, think, and feel. MeRT can help you reclaim your life.

Learn More:


Braincare Performance Center (BCPC) – DTC was founded because our owner, Sean (a former US Navy SEAL, with over 13 combat deployments), personally experienced the benefits of MeRT.

Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy (MeRT) allows for brain breakthroughs that are non-invasive and non-pharmaceutical.

Our progressive approach maps your brain pattern, activity, and function to identify ideal brainwaves for stimulation. Your EEG-guided therapy is assessed and adjusted to direct gentle magnetic pulses where your brain needs them most.

Reach out to us with questions!

P: (720) 586-4067
E: [email protected]


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

-Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776-


We Support Your Journey to Recovery.

Head injuries are complex and can affect many different aspects of your life including emotional regulation, memory, and the ability to think clearly. MeRT (Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy) offers a new type of recovery that can result in significant system improvement.

MeRT is a breakthrough treatment for TBI and Concussion symptoms.
This non-invasive, drug-free, targeted therapy balances the brain where
it has been impacted to improve both mental and physical outcomes.


At Braincare™ Performance Center, we are experts at delivering personal, precision-guided care to improve brain health.

We enable brain breakthroughs through non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy (MeRT).

Our progressive approach maps your brain pattern, activity, and function to identify ideal brainwaves for stimulation. Your EEG-guided therapy is assessed and adjusted to direct gentle magnetic pulses where your brain needs them most.

Our patented technology is:
- EEG-informed
- FDA-cleared
- Non-invasive
- Client-specific
- Non-pharmaceutical
- Outpatient

Please reach out to learn more or to inquire about a FREE consultation!

P: (720) 586-4067
E: [email protected]


This a real life story you just cannot afford to miss. Chris is an amazing individual and shares his story about the postive results he gained with MeRT.

“To treat a 20 year long episode of acute PTSD caused by a severe boating accident, I tried every therapy option I had access to. My PTSD caused severe claustrophobia, depression, anxiety and at times very dark, loop type thinking that built on itself until sometimes leading to deep frustration and lack of ability to enjoy life or being present.”

“After a full course of MeRT at Braincare Performance Center – DTC in Denver the results are profound and offer a deep sense of long desired relief.”

Chris Goldblatt – Santa Barbara, California

Read the whole story here (scroll about 1/2 way down the page):


MeRT (Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy) is an innovative, state-of-the-art program. MeRT utilizes a quantitative EEG/EKG brain scan to help highlight where individual brain dysregulation or patterns of dysfunction are occurring. Our therapy is then customized based on each client’s needs, this can create a dramatic improvement in communication, awareness, mood, and more.

Check out this link to learn more:


Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy (MeRT) is a targeted treatment aimed to restore brain function and facilitate optimization.

MeRT treatment combines the technologies of repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS, an FDA cleared therapy), Quantitative Electroencephalogram (qEEG), and Electrocardiogram (EKG) to deliver treatments tailored to each individual’s unique brain pattern.

Learn More:


The Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy (MeRT) method represents a cutting-edge and precision-based therapy derived from robust third-party research featured in highly esteemed scientific publications. Please peruse the peer-reviewed and published studies that underpin our brain treatment approach using the link below.

Research Link:


"If words cannot repay the debt we owe our fallen heroes, surely with our actions we must strive to keep faith with them and with the vision that led them to battle and final sacrifice." -Ronald Reagan

🇺🇸 Remember and Honor 🇺🇸


How Does Morning Light Help Me?

Exposure to morning blue light (450-500nm) regulates your circadian rhythm by suppressing melatonin to keep you alert and awake during the day, and releasing melatonin at night to help you sleep well. We recommend 45 minutes to 1 hour of exposure to blue light between 7am to 11am outside, with no glasses or contacts covering your eyes.

Blue light exposure from electronic devices after sunset delays the release of melatonin which is counterproductive to obtaining quality sleep. It is highly recommended to limit the use of electronic devices 1-2 hours prior to bedtime. Blue light glasses can also limit blue light exposure from phones, tablets, and TVs, and are most effective when used in the evening hours.


We Proudly Accept TriCare for Patients experiencing Depression.

Why TriCare Insurance?

Braincare Performance Center – DTC was founded because our owner personally experienced the benefits of MeRT. As a former US Navy SEAL, with over 13 combat deployments, he understands the toll that serving our country can take on active military personnel, veterans, and their families. At our clinic, we know first-hand how the sacrifices you have made for our country can affect you and your loved ones.

At BrainCare Performance Center, our mission is to help you better understand and communicate your unique brain health. And we will do our absolute best to make your experience, from first contact to final treatment, as seamless as possible!

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Videos (show all)

Forever in our hearts 🇺🇸To all law enforcement, first responders, and military we are forever grateful for everything yo...
MeRT stands for Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy, a highly customized use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) to addr...
MeRT Provides Hope for Families and Individuals with ASDMeRT (Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy) is an innovative, state-of-t...
Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy (MeRT) is a targeted treatment aimed to restore brain function and facilitate optimization....
How Does Morning Light Help Me?Exposure to morning blue light (450-500nm) regulates your circadian rhythm by suppressing...
We Proudly Accept TriCare for Patients experiencing Depression.Our clinic is veteran owned and operated. We would like t...
A New Approach to the Treatment of Depression
Is Braincare Performance Center - DTC the answer you have been looking for?Our clients turn to us for a sophisticated, e...
MeRT stands for Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy. MeRT treatment combines the technologies of repetitive Transcranial Magnet...
TriCare Insurance Available For Patients With DepressionMeRT is a highly customized use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimula...
Your journey to optimal brain health starts here.#braincareperformancecenterdtc #brainhealth #dtc #waveneuro #MeRT #denv...



7100 E. Belleview Avenue Suite #G-14
Greenwood Village, CO

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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