Maria - Dance Scientist

I help dancers & dance educators understand and apply dance science principles.

Photos from Maria - Dance Scientist's post 08/10/2024

My Opinion... 🩰🚨

🔎 I enjoyed the foundation Cecchetti gave me
🔎 But in college I experienced a huge shock during my undergrad during my BS in Dance

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Photos from Maria - Dance Scientist's post 07/11/2024


👁️ “A theoretical model for turns - “posture anticipates gesture, interacting systems allow both preset & changing strategies, peripheral inputs allow immediate corrections, the final position is programmed in advance, & differing areas of the brain are involved” (Cicchella & Caminiti, 2015).

💙 Cicchella, A., & Caminiti, C. (2015). Effect of Different Spotting Heights on Ballet Pirouette Performance. Acta Kinesiologiae Universitatis Tartuensis, 21, 19–30.
💙 Hopper, D. M., Grisbrook, T. L., Newnham, P. J., & Edwards, D. J. (2014). The effects of vestibular stimulation and fatigue on postural control in classical ballet dancers. Journal of Dance Medicine & Science, 18(2), 67–73.
💙 Denardi, R. A., & Corrêa, U. C. (2013b). Effects of instructional focus on learning a classical ballet movement, the pirouette. Journal of Dance Medicine & Science, 17(1), 18–23.
💙 Klostermann, A., Schärli, A., Kunz, S., Weber, M., & Hossner, E.-J. (2022). Learn to Turn: Does Spotting Foster Skill Acquisition in Pirouettes? Research Quarterly for Exercise & Sport, 93(1), 153–161.
💙 Pyrka, P. (2021, September 29). How crucial is spotting? evidence-based Pirouette Hacks for Adult Ballet Learners. Ballet Misfits.

✏️ Today’s Discussion Prompt:
➡️ Comment down below any questions about SPOTTING.

❓How can I help you?
Find more info at:
💻: [email protected]

Kind regards,

Photos from Maria - Dance Scientist's post 06/29/2024

ITS HERE!!!! 🎉

🤩 My first day as an PROFESSOR!

💻 I worked so hard for this and to make this class fun & informative!!

Photos from Maria - Dance Scientist's post 06/03/2024

rainbow toes 🌈

🩷 Imagine “Creating a long rainbow shape with your foot!”
🩷 Anatomical Purpose - Simple & fun way to teach pointing the foot
🩷 Helpful for all ages
🩷 Could be a fun way to teach dancers anatomy about making a long rainbow shape with the foot, not a crunched one!

Today’s Discussion Prompt
🔍 Comment below if you’ve used this cue before, or if you have any other cues you like using for pointing the feet!

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Photos from Maria - Dance Scientist's post 05/31/2024

Pencil shoulder blades 😍

✏️ For engaging the back
✏️Imagine a pencil between shoulder blades that you gently squeeze by engaging your back muscles.
✏️ Happens by Engaging your back muscles
✏️There’s really no age too young or old for this!

Today’s Discussion Prompt
🔍Comment below if you’ve used this cue before, or if you have any other cues you like using for ENGAGING THE BACK!! 😍

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Photos from Maria - Dance Scientist's post 05/26/2024

Gift card glutes 💳

✏️ For engaging the glutes in a fun way
✏️ Try holding a “Credit/gift card to your FAVORITE store!”
✏️ But only enough to To feel numbers, but not crush it
✏️ Can be made into a fun game or Anatomy lesson

Today’s Discussion Prompt
🔍Comment below if you’ve used this cue before, or if you have any other cues you like using for GLUTES!! 😍

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Humans before dancers... ⬇️🧠

💗 First, they're humans with emotions. Second, they are dancers.

🤖 Not dancing robots.

✏️ Today’s Discussion Prompt:
➡️ Comment below your opinion on treating dancers as humans before dancers.

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Photos from Maria - Dance Scientist's post 05/10/2024

My opinion... 🤷🏻‍♀️

💻 It’s not just about doing Aerials. You’re learning so much more than that, such as: (1) Rolls and somersaults safely, (2) Progressions that build strength and lead to bigger skills, (3) Handstands, Bridges, Headstands, etc
💻 I do an A + B week of the same lesson plan, then my C week is a “Combination” Day where we work on a combo that blends Acro into different dance styles
💻 This is why I got certified in because they do a great job at instilling anatomical principles, scientific research, safe spotting for teachers, and safe ways to execute skills at different ages!
💻 Getting AA Certified made me a better teacher at ALL dance styles
💻 Since I didn’t grow up taking Acro, I wanted to teach it responsibly & safely
💻 You can’t learn to teach Acro from a Youtube Video. That’s how misinformation has spread
💻 Example - We’ve all seen those chin stands with the neck broken. Instead, AA calls them chest stands - weight is all on chest, not chin. Should be able to fit a piece of paper under chin! Much safer for your spine.
💻 I believe if Acro isn’t overdone & use proper alignment, it can enhance choreography.

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Find more info at:
💻: maria.thedancescientist@gmail com

Photos from Maria - Dance Scientist's post 05/05/2024

Yes, you read that right... 😍

📖 I feel as though nowadays, there are so many affordable & accessible options
📖 But I also don’t think these options are well-known enough. I personally feel like you have to “hunt” for them sometimes

Some of my Favs:
💻 NDEO’s OPDI - Online Professional Development Institute on a wide range of topics & dance styles
💻 Harkness Dance Med Online Courses - I’ve taken courses here for as low as $10 and $20
💻 Dance Master Class - 3 different affordable subscriptions
💻 Eric Franklin - Great for imagery & cues & offers different course lengths

Today’s Discussion Prompt
🥰What are your favorite affordable PD courses & why? Tag their IG if you’d like!

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Photos from Maria - Dance Scientist's post 05/04/2024

2 mississippi ready rule 😍

🩷 For preparing and ending combos
🩷 Imagine holding 2 Mississippi (full counts) before and after combos
🩷 During these Nothing should move! Hold strong & poised
🩷 There’s really no age too young or old for this!

Today’s Discussion Prompt
🔍Comment below if you’ve used this cue before, or if you have any other cues you like using for starting & ending combos!!!

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Photos from Maria - Dance Scientist's post 05/02/2024

Tree Trunk 😍🌳

🩷 for a vertical standing leg
🩷 Imagine maintaining A vertical standing leg like a tall tree trunk
🩷 Stay over standing hip like a straight line running from the ear to foot
🩷 If you lean over or away too much, tree trunk leans

Today’s Discussion Prompt
🔍Comment below if you’ve used this cue before, or if you have any other cues you like using for staying over the standing hip!

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There’s a difference.. 🤜💫

🧠 Keep in mind, I am not condoning a teacher yelling and abusing their power. If that’s happening, that is not ok and will never be.
🧠 I am trying to explain that there is a difference though. Sometimes younger dancers tend to think that when a teacher uses a loud voice, it’s not the same as a teacher yelling at them.

🔍 Comment below if you agree with this. Curious on people’s thoughts?

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Meet my INTERN!! 🥳

🩷 Hi everyone! It’s so nice to introduce myself to all of you! I have been interning with Maria since this past January as a part of my curriculum at Wayne State University. I have always been deeply curious about the ways in which we, as dance educators, can utilize dance science as the basis of our pedagogical methods.

🩷 As such, I reached out to Maria about interning this past December, and here we are four months in! My work with Maria has been deeply rooted in exploring and investigating what it means to blend scientific principles of dance into everyday instruction, and more specifically, how that might look in my own personal ideology.

🩷 In addition to my internship with Maria, I am currently a member of Dance Workshop, a student-led dance company at Wayne State University, where I serve as a movement constructionst and performer. I am also a selected student choreographer for Wayne State’s annual Spring Dance Concert, in which my piece “Meeting Grounds.” will be showcased.

🩷 Outside of school, I teach at two dance studios: Robert Lee School of Dance and Piazza Dance Company, both of which I love deeply. My time with Maria has allowed me to grow in all of these facets of my life, all of which I carry into my roles as a performer, choreographer, and dance teacher.

Today’s Discussion Prompt
🔍 Comment below if you have any questions for Noor!

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Photos from Maria - Dance Scientist's post 04/24/2024

Egg Quads 😍🍳

🩷 Imagine drawing up kneecap like sunny side up eggs!
🩷 Drawing the egg shape up the leg

Today’s Discussion Prompt
🔍Comment below if you’ve used this cue before, or if you have any other cues you like using for the STRAIGHTENING THE KNEES.

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🧠 That we’re also molding humans, not just dancers
🧠 What kind of lasting imprint do we want to have on them?
🧠 Remember dance isn’t just teaching steps and movement

✅ We’re making better humans who are smart, curious, kind, brave, disciplined, and hard-working! Today’s Discussion Prompt

🔍 Comment below if you agree with this. I would love to know what benefits you feel like you’ve experienced from dance!! 😍😍

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🫶 Reposted from
🥳 So happy to see this course fill up!!
🖊️ You can join the waitlist now at⁠

🤩 In this mini-course, “Using Dance Science to Enhance Curriculum”, I will share how movement science can uplevel your dancers’ technique. ⁠

💻 Member Tuition: $365
💻 Non-Member Tuition: $440
💻 2 NDEO-Endorsed PDCs
💻 Type: Online with 2 virtual zoom meetings
💻 Length: 8 weeks
💻 Dates: June 24 to August 18, 2024⁠

✨ Not Your Average Dance Kinesiology Course
🔑 Summer is a great time for professional development - But this won’t take up your entire summer. Only 8 weeks.
🔑 First of its kind - No other course exists like this that combines improving dancers’ technique + curriculum ideas for teaching dancers anatomy.
🔑 Not your average Dance Kinesiology course - NDEO already has many courses in Dance Kinesiology & Movement Analysis that are fantastic. This is 100% different.
🔑 No busy work assignments - Each assignment is given for a reason, not just busy work that feels mundane and pointless.
🔑 Online & 2 Virtual Zoom Meetings

Learn more
🔥 (link in bio)⁠
🔥 Follow for updates

❓How can I help you?
Find more info at:
💻: [email protected]

Photos from Maria - Dance Scientist's post 04/09/2024

My Teacher Bin... 🤩

🌸 I personally like organizing my stuff into a bin or basket
🌸 This bin is from Amazon that you can buy in different colors of 4-packs. Has great organization & it’s only a little larger than a traditional binder/folder so it doesn’t take up a ton of space

⭐️ Imagery Cards - magery Posters by Eric Franklin
⭐️ Clipboards - To organize my lesson plans for each class
⭐️ Anatomy Binder - Full of pictures, exercises, & articles that I like to keep on hand!
⭐️ My Own Anatomy Posters - These showing are my Core Posters full of fun Core cues!️
⭐️ IADMS Bag - Full of fun stuff I’ve gotten from conferences over the years!
⭐ Imagery Book - Of my dancers’ imagery assignments I’ve collected over the years!
⭐ Dot Stickers - I always have dot stickers with me for spotting, hip alignment, & more!
⭐ The Dance Scientist Scrapbook - A fun scrapbook I made of Dance Science inspiration!

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❓How can I help you?
Find more info at:
💻: [email protected]

Photos from Maria - Dance Scientist's post 03/19/2024

Journaling... 😍

Quick Summary:
✍️ “Many dancers understand movement intellectually before they can physicalize it” (Giguere, 2012).
✍️ “Dance journals can be used from the first day of class to set up a systematic cyclical process of reflection, writing, & reflection” (Giguere, 2012).
Gives dancers a chance to check in with themselves & shows them we care about them as humans & not just dancing robots.
✍️ “Journaling can help dancers review their experiences so they can learn from their mistakes & celebrate their successes, and improve self-image & attitude by reviewing positive experiences” (Haas, Robson, BDP).

🩷 Giguere, M. (2012). Self-reflective journaling: A tool for assessment. Journal of Dance Education, 12(3), 99–103.
🩷 Robson, B., Haas, J. G. & BDP. How to use journaling to improve performance.

✏️ Today’s Discussion Prompt:
➡️ Comment down below any way you like using JOURNALING!!!

❓How can I help you?
Find more info at:
💻: [email protected]



🧠 That we’re also molding humans, not just dancers
🧠 What kind of lasting imprint do we want to have on them?
🧠 Remember dance isn’t just teaching steps and movement

✅ We’re making better humans who are smart, curious, kind, brave, disciplined, and hard-working!

Today’s Discussion Prompt
🔍 Comment below if you agree with this. I would love to connect and chat with you!! That is how we grow, learn, and pivot.

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❓How can I help you?
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💻: [email protected]

Edited · 1w

Photos from Maria - Dance Scientist's post 03/16/2024

Laser Knees 🔦🔍

🩷 Imagine lights on knees keep them facing the side walls!
🩷 Anatomical Purpose - Helps visualize how knees should track over middle toe
🩷 Helpful for all ages
🩷 Could be a fun way to teach dancers anatomy about tracking the knees during plies!

Today’s Discussion Prompt
🔍 Comment below if you’ve used this cue before, or if you have any other cues you like using for tracking the knees!

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❓How can I help you?
Find more info at:
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Let’s talk core... ⬇️📈

🧠 It’s about finding a balance
🧠 But doing 1000 crunches isn’t the answer - You need to be training the core dynamically & against various positions of gravity
🧠 It’s not one single muscle - it’s a group of them!
🧠 “Core support refers to a group of very deep muscles that lie in the lumbar area & pelvis and engage to protect the lumbar from injury. This is referred to as core stabilization, but this seems to suggest to dancers that there is a static/rigid approach. This is not the case. Core support can be ongoing during all dance activity” (Krasnow et al., 2017).

✏️ References
📚 Krasnow, D., Wilmerding, V., & HDC. (2017). A Guide to Neutral Pelvis, Core Support, and Trunk Stabilization: A Resource for Dancers and Dance Educators

✏️ Today’s Discussion Prompt:
➡️ Comment below any questions regarding core strength.

🙋🏻‍♀️ Wanna learn more? I have two options where I talk about Core Strength more:
📋 Posture, Breath, Core 101 - A Printable E-Book
📋 The Core Posters - A set of Anatomy Posters
📋 Pirouettes 101 - A Printable E-Book
📋 The Science behind Pirouettes - A 2-hour mini-course

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Photos from Maria - Dance Scientist's post 03/06/2024


✏️ We are offering a replay for a limited time! If you missed our workshop in January, you’re in luck FOR A LIMITED TIME.

🧠 We’re offering 2 levels of registration, but you’ll only be able to gain access through the month of March.

With both options, you get:
🖥️ 3-month access to presentations from 3 of our experts .dancescientist, , and
With the Premium Replay, you also get:
🖥️ 3-month access to workshop sessions from each expert
🖥️ BONUS: 3-month access to the movement session with
🖥️ BONUS: All handouts to accompany each of the workshop and movement sessions—to help you implement what you learned into your curriculum!

📱 Also, follow our brand new IG account !

🔗 To learn more about the workshop, check out our website at

🚨 The offer will be going up until the end of March, so purchase the replay while you still can!


This is the cornerstone of DS 🧠

✨ Being fluid & flexible in your pedagogy & remaining curious for challenging yourself to constantly improve!

✏️ Today’s Discussion Prompt:
➡️ Comment below if you agree with this or not.

If you enjoyed this content:
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❓How can I help you?
Find more info at:
💻: [email protected]



🫶 Reposted from

🥳 It’s happening!!!

🤩 In this mini-course, “Using Dance Science to Enhance Curriculum”, I will share how movement science can uplevel your dancers’ technique. ⁠

💻 Member Tuition: $365
💻 Non-Member Tuition: $440
💻 2 NDEO-Endorsed PDCs
💻 Type: Online with 2 virtual zoom meetings
💻 Length: 8 weeks
💻 Dates: June 24 to August 18, 2024⁠
💻 NDEO member early access registration opens MONDAY, March 4

Not Your Average Dance Kinesiology Course
🔑 Summer is a great time for professional development - But this won’t take up your entire summer. Only 8 weeks.
🔑 First of its kind - No other course exists like this that combines improving dancers’ technique + curriculum ideas for teaching dancers anatomy.
🔑 Not your average Dance Kinesiology course - NDEO already has many courses in Dance Kinesiology & Movement Analysis that are fantastic. This is 100% different.
🔑 No busy work assignments - Each assignment is given for a reason, not just busy work that feels mundane and pointless.
🔑 Online & 2 Virtual Zoom Meetings

🔥 Learn more
🔥 (link in bio)⁠
🔥 Follow for updates

❓How can I help you?
Find more info at:
💻: [email protected]

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Knowing these differences is crucial ⬇️🧠Remember this is under the umbrella of Motor Learning:👁 For beginner learners al...
There are 2 layers to teaching dancers anatomy 🍰🧠➡️ “Teachers can facilitate their students’ understanding of turnout by...
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