Authored by John Horvat, the book Return to Order will help America find a moral solution to our economic crisis.

Return to Order is a campaign to address the growing alarm, confusion and frustration at seeing our beloved nation, the greatest temporal power ever, spin out of control. The book Return to Order by John Horvat II is the fruit of 20 years of research and hard work, and is the backbone and doctrinal basis for this non-partisan, non-profit effort to help America return


Protest Against Walmart’s Promotion of Homos*xual Sin to Children*xual-sin/

Walmart is going all out in its promotion of “Pride Month,” complete with a whole line of children’s products. On Memorial Day weekend 2024, Walmart released a video ad on its Instagram page featuring homos*xual and cross-dressing “couples” talking about their favorite “pride” products at Walmart. To back this up, Walmart’s online store features thousands of pride products, in addition to a special page dedicated to pro-homos*xual products. Many “pride” items are available for children! According to reports:

“This past Saturday [25, May 2024], Walmart presented two homos*xuals, Jesus and Sergio, marketing the company’s latest line of LGBTQ+ clothing.”

“Walmart’s webpage is carrying rotator ads, one of which promotes ‘Gay Pride.’ And if you search the word ‘pride’ on, you’ll get more than 1,000 items, including one t-shirt that tells you, ‘Some people are gay. Get over it.’ “


Perhaps most disturbing are the items that directly target children. Besides toddler shirts in the rainbow colors, there are also kid’s and baby’s shirts with colors of the “transgender” flag, as well as the “bi-s*xual” flag. Other children’s shirts have the following messages:

“I Love My 2 Dads”

“My 2 Moms ROCK.”

“My PRIDE makes me FABULOUS!!”

“LOVE WINS” in rainbow letters.

“Stronger Together” with a row of upraised fists, one of which is rainbow

“I have a crazy guncle [i.e. ‘gay’ uncle] and I’m not afraid to use him”

Other “pride” products include:

A sign that says “Love Has No Limits” ( N.B., the promoters of the homos*xual movement have taken this phrase to its logical conclusion by saying “Love has no age “)

Adult t-shirts under the label “pans*xual,” with the message, “Girls are Cute [sic] Boys are Cute [sic] Genderless are Cute Humans are Cute”

“Polyamorous Pans*xual Proud”

“Respect My Trans Homies Or I’m Gonna Identify As A F*****g Problem”

“It’s Ok To Say Gay […] But it’s not okay to be a homophobic *******”

“Genders Are Outdated”

“Born This Way”

“Wishing All the Homophobes a Super Uncomfortable Pride Month”

“Support Your Local Drag Queens”

“My Son is Gay If That’s A Problem Get Yourself Help”

There is an entire array of products promoting “furry pride” (i.e., people who identify as animals).

These are just some of the products which Walmart is selling under its “pride” label. Not only are these products a vile attack against God’s order and morality, many of them target innocent children. Our Lord warned against the danger of perverting children (Luke 17: 2), and these products are pushing blatant homos*xual sin.

Please sign our urgent petition, demanding that Walmart end the sales of these scandalous products at once.

Sign your petition now!*xual-sin/


Today is the feast day of Saint Joan of Arc the pure and brave warrior of God. Like her, we must fight for a country with God and His law front and center. Like this great saint, pro-lifers must not back down and should redouble their efforts to make sure that abortion is eradicated. In the beautiful words of Saint Joan of Arc: “In God’s name, the soldiers will fight, and God will give them victory.”


Why are there so many homos*xual priests in the Church?

You will find the complete answer in the new book, "The Breached Dam: The 'Fiducia Supplicans' Surrender to the Homos*xual Movement."

Get your free e-book copy here:

It started here in the 1970s, pioneered by Jesuit Fr. John McNeill, Fr. Charles Curran, and a theological "fifth column." They worked gradually to undermine traditional teaching.

With a radical re-write of Scripture, these promoters of sin even tried to get the faithful to consider homos*xuality as part of God's plan!

This new book, The Breached Dam, unmasks homos*xual pressure groups, such as Dignity and New Ways Ministry, that demand that the Church fully accept the LGBT lifestyle and homos*xual partnerships.

Groups like the Rainbow Sash Movement even resort to disruptive actions during liturgical celebrations. Read more, by getting a free e-book copy of "The Breached Dam" here:


10 Outstanding Traits of Organic Christian Society

As a solution to today's chaos, we propose a Christian and Organic Society.

To better explain the concept of Christian organic society, we can cite ten defining characteristics, which creates a climate of order and virtue that favors social bonds, commerce and free markets.

Why is it Organic?
The first characteristic can be found in the name we have given to this society: it must be organic. We can define an organic society as a social order oriented toward the common good that is wonderfully adapted to the full development of our human nature and our life together in community. It is termed “organic” because this order does not treat people like parts in a machine but as living and unique beings with all the complex and nuanced elements that are part of life.

Spontaneity, Vitality and Creativity
From the concept of organic, we can consider characteristics that spring from living things: spontaneity, vitality and creativity. Return to Order presents and celebrates these characteristics as a refreshing contrast to modern economy. The resulting society and economy is full of vitality and creativity; nuance and meaning; and poetry and passion. At the same time, such an order is full of dynamism and capable of great production.

To read more, please go here:


Our Lady of the Militia: How Sicily was Saved From Invasion

Most Catholics are not aware of the story of how Our Lady repelled a Muslim invasion of Sicily on horseback and in armor. Perhaps this miraculous deliverance from ruin is unknown because it is so contrary to today’s spirit of rampant ecumenism.

Back in 1091, Sicily was under the sway of the Normans, a warlike yet Christian people that had come from France. A few years later, these same Normans would play a decisive role in the First Crusade, retaking Jerusalem and other cities and establishing the Crusader states.

An Unforgettable Battle

For the citizens of Scicli in Sicily, an event that would be remembered for centuries took place in May of 1091. Suddenly, a fleet of Muslim Turks appeared on the horizon, heading for this vulnerable seacoast town.

To read more, please go here:


Target is afraid of our boycott against their promotion of homos*xual "pride" merchandise. Now's the time to sign our petition...*xual-and-transgender-products/

In early May, 2024, Target announced that it will be selling “pride” (i.e. pro-homos*xual) merchandise in select stores. But, Target is acting cautiously to avoid the boycotts and protests that happened last year. According to reports:

“Target is cutting back on the number of its stores that will car[r]y Pride Month-related merchandise in June, a decision that comes after the retail chain last year faced a backlash and threats over some of the products.

“Minneapolis-based Target said in a statement that its Pride merchandise will be available next month ‘in select stores, based on historical sales performance.’ A spokeswoman declined to disclose the number of stores that won’t be carrying the merchandise. But a full assortment will be offered online, Target said.”

(Source: CBSNews .com)

Target is still selling “pride” items on its online store. But, they are treading lightly, for fear of public backlash. Reports indicate that sales went down over 5% in 2023 (while Target’s online store dropped over 10%), and the company is stepping back in its promotion of sin.

It is also difficult to find any “pride” clothing for children. This is a result of last year’s reports that the company was selling immoral “transgender” clothing for children. This is certainly a victory, but we should not put down our guard. Instead, we should keep up the fight until all such items are removed.

Please sign our petition to Target demanding that it stop selling pro-homos*xual and -“transgender” merchandise in its stores. Now is the time to act!*xual-and-transgender-products/


Protest the dispensing of abortion pills at CVS & Walgreens...

Walgreens and CVS – which run 18,690 drugstores nationwide – plan to dispense abortion pills on a large scale.

According to The New York Times:

“Two major pharmacy chains will apply to sell abortion pills under a new Food and Drug Administration regulation that will allow the medication to be offered by retail pharmacies for the first time.” (NYT, 01-05-23)

The Catholic News Agency explains:

“Abortion pills that can end a pregnancy through 10 weeks’ gestation will have far wider availability as CVS and Walgreens have announced they intend to fill prescriptions for the drug mifepristone, following federal rule changes on Tuesday.” (CNA, 01-06-23)

Why do CVS and Walgreens plan to facilitate the killing of innocent human life by dispensing abortion pills on such a massive scale?

Chemical abortion is NOT healthcare but rather a grave offense against God, the taking of innocent life, and the cause of spiritual and physical harm to the mother.

Tell CVS and Walgreens to STOP the distribution of abortion pills.

Sign your pro-life protest now.
Ask your friends to join.
And pray to end the sin of abortion.

Sign your petition now!


Company sponsors pro-homos*xual and pro-"transgender" summer camp for kids -- protest!*xual-and-pro-transgender-summer-camp-for-kids-protest/

The North Face, a company that specializes in outdoor and camping products, is a sponsor of a summer camp for minors which promotes homos*xual sin and "transgender" confusion. The camp, called "Camp Brave Trails," is co-ed (with "genderless" bathrooms), allows children as young as 12 to cross-dress, and encourages participants to "explore their gender identity."

Sign the petition to The North Face, protesting its support for homos*xual sin with minors*xual-and-pro-transgender-summer-camp-for-kids-protest/

Why Are University Students Converting to Catholicism? - Return to Order 05/05/2024

Why Are University Students Converting to Catholicism?

Why Are University Students Converting to Catholicism? - Return to Order Why Are University Students Converting to Catholicism?. For a long time, public universities have been the place where students have lost…


Sign protest petition against le***an Gov. tour of Catholic school in Massachusetts

St. John’s Preparatory School, an elite, all-boys Catholic institution in Massachusetts, gave an official tour a pro-abortion and pro-homos*xual politician.

To make matters worse, the school gave a write-up of the event which praised the visit. Governor Maura Healey of Massachusetts, a self-professed “Catholic” and open homos*xual, toured and spoke to student groups at the campus, which is sponsored by the Xaverian Brothers. Over the years, she has been is outspoken in her favor of abortion and homos*xual sin. According to reports:

“An elite Catholic prep school in Massachusetts gave a glowing summary of a recent visit from Democrat Gov. Maura Healey, who openly promotes abortion and LGBTQ+ issues in defiance of Catholic teaching.

“On April 9, Healey made her first visit to St. John’s Prep, an all-boys, 6-12 grade school in the Boston area sponsored by the Catholic religious group the Xaverian Brothers, named after St. Francis Xavier. There, the governor spent almost an hour engaging with five student groups.”
(Source: TheBlaze .com)

Governor Healey, who is currently living with her homos*xual “partner,” also condemned “homophobia” (i.e., opposition to the homos*xual lifestyle) during her tour of the campus. In her political career, she has used her positions to fund abortion groups and pushed for a State college to purchase abortion pills. To make matters worse, a report from St. John’s Prep stated that Healey’s values are “closely aligned with those of the Xaverian Brothers” (StJohnsPrep .org)

How can St. John’s claim to be a Catholic institution when its values are “closely aligned” with someone whose views are contrary to Church morality? Please protest this abomination by signing our petition to St. John’s, demanding an apology for allowing Governor Healey to their premises.

Sign your petition now!


The devastating effects of ma*****na

Studies report that individuals who have used ma*****na tend to have elevated levels of heavy metals in their bloodstream and are at a higher risk of developing fungal infections. Research has associated contaminants present in ma*****na with sudden-onset numbness, fatal lung bleeding, and artery disease leading to amputations. Please go here to read more:*****na/


7 Reasons Why America Must Help Ukraine Defend Itself

To abandon Ukraine at its moment of need to a neo-Soviet Russia would be a short-sighted catastrophe for Ukraine, Europe, the United States and Western civilization. A foreign policy that truly puts America first would send aid to Ukraine. Supporting Ukraine is a vital American interest. The following are seven reasons why Americans should support sending military aid to help Ukraine defend itself.

Without American aid to Ukraine, Russia will win the war

Some American observers think that if the United States simply stops funding Ukraine, the European powers can pick up the slack. Others believe that some kind of agreement can be reached, trading “land for peace,” as Senator J.D. Vance has said. These are dangerous illusions that ignore the political reality.
Help Remove Jesus Bath Mat on Amazon

Most serious Russian analysts, such as those at the Institute for the Study of War, believe that Ukraine will slowly but surely lose the war without American aid and might even be entirely conquered. If the United States cuts off support, European countries cannot begin to make up the difference. On the contrary, it will have a chilling effect that will prove fatal for Ukraine. “Everyone is saying the Europeans need to step up,” one military analyst said. “It’s more likely they’re going to step back.”

The Putin regime is determined to win the war and conquer all of Ukraine. Putin was not satisfied with taking Abkhazia and South Ossetia from Georgia in 2008 or Crimea in 2014 and will not be satisfied with a “peace deal” that gives him eastern Ukraine. Such a move would be a defeat for Ukraine and its Western backers and will serve to embolden Putin to continue the war, take the whole country, and move on to Moldova or the next victim nation.

To read the rest of this post, please go here:


A Satanist is scheduled to give an invocation to open a board meeting in Michigan.

Members of The Satanic Temple (TST) of West Michigan applied to give an invocation to Ottawa County board meeting, and received the “green light” to do so at the opening of the board meeting of April, 23. According to reports:

“Satanists in West Michigan are rejoicing after the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners granted their request to give an invocation for an upcoming meeting on April 23. […]

“…Rev. Luis Cypher, Minister of Satan, made a request for the organization [i.e., TST] on March 6.

“Cypher said he received a response to his written request on March 11, where coordinator Cindy Driesenga informed him of the tentative date of April 23.”

(Source: HollandSentinel .com)

This is a serious attack on the rights of God, and a danger for our country. The committee should do all it can to bar a Satanic invocation. Such Satanic “prayers” are dangerous for the public, as they desensitize people to the notion of right and wrong, and break the barriers of horror that people have for the devil and evil.

Please sign our petition to the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners, encouraging it to stand strong in its refusal to honor the devil.


Sign our petition to President Biden, asking that he apologize for honoring "transgender" confusion on the feast of Easter this year.


Why Purity Is the Queen of Virtues

Cultivating the virtue of purity is indispensable in a genuinely Catholic home. Without it, the family enters a downward spiral that could lead to its ultimate moral and material decay.

On the contrary, in homes where the angelic virtue of purity is cultivated, all the other virtues find fertile soil to flourish. Family bonds are strengthened, the atmosphere becomes harmonious, and socializing is pleasant. For this reason, many saints have said purity is the “queen of virtues.” Saint Francis de Sales used to say that “chastity is the lily of virtues,” which made people appear like angels.

To read more, please go here:


Taiwan’s Prosperity Proves that Socialism, Not Sanctions, Causes Cuba’s Economic Failure

In the early seventies, Cuba and Taiwan shared similar economic conditions that should have made them prosperous nations. However, the two islands took opposite paths. As a free nation today, Taiwan’s GDP is eight times that of communist Cuba.

Contrast Cuba with Taiwan

The similarities are striking. Both islands are close to significant world powers. Taipei’s authorities face continuous aggression from China, which asserts a pseudo-sovereignty over the island. Cuba is 90 miles off the coast of the U.S., which refuses to support the communist regime.

Both countries face trade embargoes and political pressures. Taiwan suffers from limited international recognition due to Chinese pressure to deny its status as an independent nation. Cuba faces American sanctions (yet free trade with everyone else) as a means of protest against the cruel human rights abuses on the island prison.

Taiwan’s population of 23.5 million boasts a thriving economy with a poverty rate of just 0.7 percent. In stark contrast, Cuba, with 11.2 million people, faces severe economic struggles, with 90 percent of its population living in poverty.

The Example of Taiwan

Taiwan has thrived by recognizing private property, free markets and the rule of law. It did not embark upon the disastrous path of communist China. Please go here to read more:


Is Ron DeSantis caving to LGBT mob? Sign the petition to protect children.

In 2022, the State of Florida passed good legislation (Parental Rights in Education Act), which prevented teachers from indoctrinating students with pro-homos*xual material, forbidding instruction on such topics. However, the State reached an agreement with plaintiffs who sued Florida over the law. While the State of Florida has claimed victory, nevertheless, the settlement spelled out very clearly and explicitly how pro-homos*xual activists can push their agenda on children so long as it is not official “instruction.”

According to the settlement, this means that there can be discussions of homos*xual and “transgender” sin, teachers can display pro-homos*xual messages in schools, and activities promoting LGBT themes. According to Christian Family Coalition (CFC) of Florida on its page:

“The settlement, which was agreed to by the DeSantis administration, leaves the statute [i.e. Parental Rights in Education Act] in place but contains very concerning language that Christian Family Coalition (CFC) Florida believes activist teachers and administrators will use to violate the original intent and spirit of the law which came about in response to growing parental outrage over rampant LGBTQ indoctrination in classrooms across Florida.

“Among other provisions, the settlement allows LGBTQ-promoting ‘safe space’ stickers and even discussions about s*xual orientation and gender identity in the classroom, as long as they are not part of formal ‘instruction.’ It also explicitly permits student cross-dressing, same-s*x school dances, reading assignments and school plays with LGBTQ themes, LGBTQ ‘anti-bullying’ instructions (which is often code for LGBTQ indoctrination), and on-campus ‘ extracurricular activities‘ such as Gay-Straight Alliances, which are notorious for indoctrinating and s*xualizing schoolchildren.”
(Source:; emphasis added)

The statements about the settlement from the State of Florida are very distressing. The settlement claimed that those suing the anti-indoctrination statute merely “sought to engage in [what] was not covered by the Statute’s restriction of ‘classroom instruction’ ‘on s*xual orientation or gender identity.’ Further explaining the “scope and meaning” of the Statute, the State of Florida affirmed:

“The Statute ‘thus restricts instruction on particular subjects (s*xual orientation and gender identity), not mere discussion of them.”
“[T]ypical class participation and schoolwork are not ‘instruction,’ even if a student chooses to address s*xual orientation or gender identity [i.e., homos*xual sin and ‘transgenderism’.]”
Literary references to homos*xual sin and ‘transgenderism’ ” do not violate that [S]tatute, as they are not ‘instruction on’ s*xual orientation or gender identity ….”
“The Statute ‘does not prohibit… mere classroom references to a person’s family – whether gay straight, transgender or cisgender .’ “
“The statute does not ‘prohibit participation in extracurricular activities ( such as ‘Gay-Straight Alliances ‘ [sic] or book fairs’…”
“Likewise, the Statute does not restrict ‘lines referring to LGBTQ issues ‘ in ‘musicals,’ ‘ dancing between persons of the same gender ‘ at a school dance, or ‘ wearing clothing inconsistent with student’s gender assigned at birth .’… ‘None of that is ‘classroom instructions.’ ‘ “

(Source:; underline is our emphasis)

CFC’s summary of the issue put it best when it said:

“Just as troubling, the settlement draws a false equivalency between destructive LGBTQ lifestyle choices and traditional heteros*xual families , between transgenderism and a biologically-based understanding of s*x. Under the guise of ‘non-discrimination’ and ‘equal application’ of the prohibition on s*xual orientation and gender identity instruction, the settlement forbids ‘instruction on the normalcy of opposite-s*x attraction ‘ and states ‘it would violate the statute to instruct students that heteros*xuality is superior or that gender identity is immutable based on biological traits.’ “
(Source: CFC Facebook,; emphasis added)

What this means is that the State of Florida is allowing the weakest possible application of the law. It even appears to go out of its way to tell the pro-homos*xual side what it can get away with. In the face of all of this, an official statement from the DeSantis administration claimed the settlement as a victory!

We cannot allow ourselves to be blinded by a mere appearance of victory. The law might remain nominally in place, but the promises it once offered of protection for schoolchildren is proving to be little more than a legal shenanigan.

Please sign our petition, demanding that the State of Florida not back down, and that it fight to keep harmful, pro-homos*xual material away from children.
Sign your petition now!


Allowing Satanism Into America’s Schools Risks Turning Over America’s Children to Lucifer

In a recent article in the Dayton Daily News, Law Professor Charles J. Russo of the University of Dayton argued that schools should allow “After-School Satan Clubs” to meet in public schools.

“Without endorsing or condemning Satan Clubs, or banning them, and other clubs, as some boards have done, basically risks ‘throwing the baby out with the bath water,’ accomplishing little, if anything. Moreover, banning Satan Clubs risks turning them into victims who may gain greater sympathy and support. Finally, denying Satan Clubs the same access as religious and other groups creates impermissible double standards, violating their right to free speech and sending a message, however unintended, that schools are not open to all points of view.”

Stripping away the excess verbiage, Mr. Russo is saying that schools should let the Satanists in because the law allows it. Moral considerations appear to play no role in his reasoning, nor does any responsibility to protect children from evil influences. There seems to be no concern for the salvation of souls that could be endangered by these classes.

A Marian University?

Tragically, such thoughts should come from the University of Dayton—a college founded by the Society of Mary. This Catholic institution should be on the front of defense against Satan and all his evil works. Please go here to read more:


Could Your House Become a Squatter’s Human Right?

The process is simple. Find a vacant house, enter it by fair means or fowl, install new locks and set up home there. It is a brazen strategy, but it often works, at least temporarily.

Amazingly, many defend the practice, claiming that “housing is a human right.”

Illegal but Often Effective

The issue is, perhaps, most acute in Atlanta. Market Watch related the saga of a real estate investor. It took “nearly six months and $15,000” to evict a group of squatters in one of his houses. To read more, please go here:


The CDC’s Failure to Eliminate Syphilis Ignores Causes and Harms Babies

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is again announcing a healthcare crisis that is surging in America. The facts are stark and threatening.

The crisis involves syphilis, the venereal disease that affects those who lead dissolute lives. For a long time, campaigns against promiscuity have been effective in increasing public awareness of the causes and effects of the disease. Antibiotic treatment has also helped dramatically to bring the disease under control.

Rates Now Spiraling Due to Cultural Changes

The low rate of under 32,000 syphilis cases in 2000 figure spiraled to more than 207,000 in 2022. The problem is not going away. Please go here to read more:

The reasons are not all medical. Like so many things associated with the CDC these days, the centers are introducing cultural and leftist factors into the equation that could be costing American lives by failing to address causes.


France Invites Disaster by Becoming the World’s First Country to Enshrine Abortion into Constitution

After speeches emphasizing the importance of the issue, a vote was taken. Around 7 p.m., the Assembly president announced the results: “780 votes in favor, 72 votes against.” The legislators applauded the vote with a wild and prolonged standing ovation that recalled raucous scenes from the French Revolution.

In addition, the vote was broadcast live on every French news channel while hundreds gathered around a giant screen at the Paris Trocadéro opposite the Eiffel Tower. Thus, scenes of a jubilant crowd provided the street theater to give the impression of the support of “the People.”

The French legislators knew what they were doing and supplied all the ceremonial trappings to highlight the importance of this grave offense. They were also aware of how France has a unique capacity to hold symbolic events and, therefore, enjoys worldwide influence.

Mathilde Panot, a Member of Parliament from the far-left party France Unbowed, understood this impact when she proposed the amendment. She told the chamber that the move was “a promise…for all women fighting [for abortion] everywhere in the world.”

An Act that Offended God

The most important consideration is how this first enshrining of abortion into a national constitution is an offense against God. What made this act more tragic was that it was France. Please go here to read more:

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