Birkdale Animal Hospital

Our goal is to offer the most advanced veterinary medicine available in an environment that offers a partnership between veterinarian, patient and client.

We give customer service that goes beyond the veterinary hospital and effects peoples every day life.

Pet Food, Products, Supplies at Low Prices - Free Shipping | 04/08/2024

It took almost 20 years but finally we did it………….
We now have an Online Pharmacy.

Here is all the transparency:
1. Why now?
We have looked at this for many years but the services that did this charged such a huge percentage that the prices on the site wouldn’t have been competitive.
2. So what’s different now?
We partnered with Vetcove. They will give us the opportunity to carry almost unlimited products online and they will match CHEWY.COM prices! We now have an equal
Playing field. It will also offer compound medication. Any and all of the heartworm, flea, tick products you could want. We couldn’t be more excited
3. What’s the catch?
There isn’t one. You get on our webpage (top corner for your computer, bottom menu for your phone) and the request comes to the hospital. Same shipping times and fees depending on what you bought (free shipping is in there). Automatic refills and much more. They make their money on selling more product than just to our hospital directly. We actually have now been able to drop some of our in clinic prices with this partnership.
4. I’m happy with how I do it now, why change?
First shop local. We have been at a disadvantage against these huge firms for a long time. Second eventually there will be costs associated with online prescriptions. I don’t know when but one day before I retire we will have to. Currently we have to mange all of the files for your pets. We have to keep tract of all medications we approve and keep the records for three years. So we are doing this work for online pharmacies so they can profit. At some
Point we will stop working for them or charge for our time. Just being honest. It has to go that way I just don’t know when.
5. Any secrets we should know?
We still get great rebates and deals in the hospital so there will be times we still will be cheaper in hospital. It’s just the nature of the beast.

I hope I have answered most of the questions. I tried to capitalize all my sentences and use punctuation so you know I was serious. If you have read this far I will give you one last secret, Sarah and I are not working less hours or retiring. You all know I got three in college. I can’t stop working. Oh, and I have no ther skills than this.


Pet Food, Products, Supplies at Low Prices - Free Shipping | Shop Chewy for the best pet supplies ranging from pet food, toys and treats to litter, aquariums, and pet supplements plus so much more! If you have a pet-or soon will-you've come to the right place. Shop for all of your pet needs at Chewy's online pet store. FREE shipping on orders $49+, low prices...


2023 year in review

We wanted to take some time to bring you some highlights of another year in our life and what our family endured. DISCLAIMER: Extreme sarcasm ahead with no intentions to harm/insult any race, religion, sexual orientation, color, species, or political view. Here is our top 10 from 2023:

1. I had a meeting with Elon musk to tell him hybrids suck and his advice he gave me last year was as wise as buying twitter.
2. I lost my job as the goalie coach for the Vegas knights of the NHL, the damn year they win the Stanley cup.
3. I have been on the water all my life but never had the opportunity to see a king tide till this year.
4. I have watched enough SEC football over the years but finally figured out what a redshirt senior is and I have one!
5. I bought a $78 snicker’s bar.
6. I have my tickets to watch the jelly wrestling match between a dinosaur and cartman from south park.
7. I saw a Tylor swift concert.
8. I learned will ferrell was a genius and I got a tattoo of a cougar on my chest with the word “me” under it.
9. I became diabetic to make staying thin as I age a butt-load easier.
10. Ai wrote my year in review!

These actually happened in 2023. Let me explain what these all mean in my life.

1. I had a meeting with Elon musk to tell him hybrids suck and his advice he gave me last year was as wise as buying twitter. Translation: Last year I had a hip replacement. Got rid of the bad one and kept the good one. Well six months into the good one the other wheel went bad and I went through another hip replacement. I’m officially done with surgery for awhile, I pray!
2. I lost my job as the goalie coach for the Vegas knights of the NHL, the damn year they win the Stanley cup. Translation: When Sarah and I got married 24 years ago, trying for kids was a thing. So I thought the advice of pulling the goalie and getting pregnant was great. Who would have ever thought that would give us three kids in college at the same time at today’s ridiculous prices. I should have been thinking with my other brain more back then.
3. I have been on the water all my life but never had the opportunity to see a king tide till this year. Translation: Roll tide baby. I have one at Alabama and as you read this I still have a shot at partying in T-town cheering the natty-champs at the DZ sorority house. No matter what happens I still get the bill for it so I might as well enjoy it.
4. I have watched enough SEC football over the years but finally figured out what a redshirt senior is and I have one! Translation: you are all thinking….he has a student athlete. He has never said anything. Oh no. I have a red shirt psychology student. Just needed the extra year to perfect their skills.
5. I bought a $78 snicker’s bar. . Translation: At a self service airport kiosk I put down a week’s salary for some snacks. There was no checkout person yet I tipped , rounded up and made a donation to st Jude, needed to fill out a survey for the Dwarf Caucasian Basketball team (all of them middle age white men less than 6 feet tall) that plays for St. Peter’s church that asked for my email and a donation and finally paid 17% tax on all of it.
6. I have my tickets to watch the jelly wrestling match between a dinosaur and cartman from south park. Translation: Really, the 2024 election is Biden vs trump again. One could die in office and one may be shot in office. One looks like he is doing an impression of a naked mole rat and one looks like he was self tanning and got stuck in the booth for a week. What do we do now? Is it possible there may be a Green Party candidate that pushes an agenda of veganism!
7. I saw a Tylor swift concert. Translation: S**t I had sat down to watch a mindless night off Monday night football but instead got to see chest bumping, dance moves, and sneak pics of Taylor swift in a private box. If I didn’t want to see that I got some tight ends mom instead. What the hell happened to exaggerated testosterone dances after meaningless scoring drives. Maybe I go see that new K-pop group and be delighted to see Tom Brady back in pads.
8. I learned will Ferrell was a genius and I got a tattoo of a cougar on my chest with the word “me” under it. Translation: All I learned in life came from will Ferrell movies. Really, I raised my kids on all his messages. I learned to pray. “Dear 8 pound diaper wearing baby Jesus”. I learned to be an entrepreneur. Prestige world wide that encompassed security, research, and boating. I learned about the after life. I am going to rainbow land. Last but probably most important I learned every piece of the puzzle is important and to never give up. “I got a fever and the only prescription is more cow bell”.
9. I became diabetic to make staying thin as I age a butt-load easier. Translation. It’s officially a craze. Taking diabetic drugs to loose weight. one more easy button for people who can afford to do less while the people who are really diabetic can’t get the meds. I wish twinkes worked this well for weight loss.
10. Ai wrote my year in review! Translation: I saw AI generated applications this year along with Christmas cards, resignations, college Applications, love letters, presidential speech’s and retirement good byes. Holy crap, if only a computer could be as inappropriate and rude as I can be towards today’s society, then the world would be fixed.

Thank you for letting our hospital team be a part of your 2023. Sarah and I are human and know this crazy world has changed. We also stand by the two principles that we started this practice on; we will be present and we will be invested. We have lost a lot of people on this planted that are truly invested in what they do for others. I hope our team can continue to show you all that we love what we do and who we are doing it with and doing it for. I hope you enjoyed this break from reality while reading this and noticed I tried to use punctuation and capitalization. There is hope yet. Happy 2024.

Photos from Birkdale Animal Hospital's post 11/24/2023

Happy Thank “you for” giving Day!
Today is a very special day. We have so many great people in our life and our practice. We know this by the overwhelming response to our Christmas Toys-for-Tots drive. We are over flowing with gifts. These will all stay in our local area. These are families we go to church with and kids our kids go to school with. It’s been so amazing that we have opened a second Christmas drive. We now have a giving tree set up in our lobby that is for Levines children’s hospital. That drive was set up by one of our clients and their children. Thank you for your giving and helping us make Christmas perfect for those who don’t have the resources this holiday season
Mark and Sarah


A welcome and a goodbye!

Dr. Stephen Etter has made a life change and moved to western North Carolina with his family to pursue a new life on a homestead. He was a vital part of our team for many years. We will miss him.

Dr Asia Upchurch is joining us in a few weeks.
Dr. Upchurch is a born and raised Colorado native. She graduated from Colorado State University with her bachelor’s degree in Animal Science in 2015 and again as a “double Ram” with her degree in Veterinary Medicine in 2021.
Her interests include emergency/urgent care medicine, surgery, preventative medicine, and diagnostic ultrasound.
Outside of work, you can find her sampling local breweries, skiing back home in CO, hiking, rock climbing and watching the Broncos or at a NASCAR race on Sundays. You will usually find her accompanied by scruffy little JuneBug.

Photos from Birkdale Animal Hospital's post 10/31/2023

Well it’s true. Sarah and I tried for a long time to hide it. People asked all the time and we avoided the answer. The media dug up some of our past and we have to come clean. I just can’t hide the fact that Sarah and I are……………..related.
I hope you all have a great Halloween



2022 year in review

We wanted to take some time to bring you some highlights of another Covid year and what our family endured. DISCLAIMER: Extreme sarcasm ahead with no intentions to harm/insult any race, religion, sexual orientation, color, species, or political view. Here is our top 10 from 2022:

1. I had a meeting with Elon musk where he convinced me to go hybrid versus all electric.
2. I got arrested for trying to take all the medals at the end of the holiday 5k.
3. I awoke one morning and the sun really didn’t come up.
4. I finally saw a fight at the bus stop and enjoyed the hell out of my trip down memory lane.
5. I took Google maps and Waze apps off my phone and I went back to using a triple A triptik.
6. I planned a vacation of a lifetime then once the check cleared I got a coupon in my email for 75% off the same vacation.
7. I made the mistake of believing in Sasquatch and investing in the go fund me to find him/her/it
9. I learned a lesson in fashion. I thought that living through the 70’s I new everything about gold chains or any kind of chain in that matter
10. I learned its not what you do it’s who you are.
11. I farted in the woods and it didn’t make a noise because there was no one there to hear it.

These actually happened in 2022. Let me explain what these all mean in my life.

1. I had a meeting with Elon musk where he convinced me to go hybrid versus all electric. Translation I got old fast. It was many years in the making but I got a hip replacement. I had the opportunity to go bionic and get both hips done but Elon said to just to do one and stay hybrid. It feels great and I’m back to making the new hip great again. (MTNHGA)
2. I got arrested for trying to take all the medals at the end of the holiday 5k. Translation: I have come to the end of my tolerance for every achievement being equal. our kids have been given a medal for every sheet of paper they turn in. They now just assume they have greatness because they showed up. Let every kid know I gave up thinking I could be Michael Jordan when I was picked last in the middle school playground pick up game. No medal was given that day just an ass whooping cause I couldn’t jump.
3. I awoke one morning and the sun really didn’t come up. Translation. We place a lot of weight on experts in our American way of life. We vote for them, hire them, choose them in our life. Then one morning the current experts know more than the previous experts and we say they missed the fine print in roe versus wade. So what’s next? We tell the founding fathers they were off and the flag colors are actually beetroot, shoji white and azure tide ( all real colors. I can’t even make this crap up)
4. I finally saw a fight at the bus stop and enjoyed the hell out of my trip down memory lane. Translation one great thing that did come out of horrible tragedy was we finally made people understand that your words have consequences. Alex Jones showed us that if your a true ass and think you can say what you want there are actually ramifications for your actions. Now don’t be that person to tell me how he will get out of paying, just let me swear at him while he’s on the TV. Oh, he heard me.
5. I took Google maps and Waze apps off my phone and I went back to using a triple A triptik. Translation I budgeted for each child, 4 years in college, only to be told, “oh I had to drop a few classes so maybe it will be next year”. Are you sh****ng me. I already had a colonoscopy this year
6. I planned a vacation of a lifetime then once the check cleared I got a coupon in my email for 75% off the same vacation. Translation. I paid Sally Mae for 18 years to pay off my student loans debt then all of a sudden there was going to be debt forgiveness. I can’t say more on this as I already am balding too fast.
7. I made the mistake of believing in Sasquatch and investing in the go fund me campaign to find him/her/it: translation I bought crypto. Two things I now hate Tom Brady for; damn FTX and Gisele (I understand if you say the Bucc’s suck more so you chose them)
8. I learned a lesson in fashion. I thought that living through the 70’s I new everything about gold chains or any kind of chain in that matter: translation I leaned what the hell supply chain meant. It meant I could give you horrible service then deliver the wrong product to you and tell you it would now cost twice the regular price. I’m getting off this train and not tipping either. That’s a whole other crap popsicle…..a tip on anything I buy. I need more than a top 10.
9. I learned it’s not what you do it’s who you are. Translation:if I walked on stage and slapped another dude the security would have pistol wiped my ass as they dragged me out and gave me a side of “soap in a sock” on the back of my head. But, it’s fancy Hollywood and we can now have 6 months of why we are all emotionally scared from it. I wish that system was in place in college and I never would have gotten the warrant for harboring a swine in the city limits.
10. I farted in the woods and it didn’t make a noise because there was no one there to hear it. Translation: the queen died. Did anybody hear about it? Was she real? What was her job? Was her last name latifah?

Thank you for letting our hospital team be a part of your 2022. Sarah and I are always grateful that you let us in your lives and trust us with your kids. I do have faith that we learn from all these issues and we come out better than we went in. Life is an adventure. Thanks for letting all of us be on that crazy ride with you and your babies.


Join us this holiday season as we support Toys for Tots. Please drop off a new unwrapped toy for a child in need. We will have a collection bin in our front lobby that is accessible during all business hours. We will be taking all the toys to the drop off location on December 7th. Thanks for helping us help others.
The whole Birkdale team

Photos from Birkdale Animal Hospital's post 11/01/2022

I’m better than tiger king. I’m like freakin lion king. Wait that’s a Disney movie. Damn it. Ok I’m am the animal king!!


Thank you! Where do we go from here?

My first words are directly to all those who have helped, supported, prayed, sent messages, and have been there for me through this last month. I really appreciate every ounce of it and have been completely humbled by it. I feel that Sarah had the harder month than me! Thank you all for the help through my medical leave. I am well and ready to get back to work.
What will change?
This last two years has been hard on every business. The veterinary services nationally have shrunk tremendously and that is apparent here in our area. Fewer emergency options, less specialist, and fewer appointments available all while there has been a tremendous surge in pet ownership. So, my month long leave did not help that. Our staff was already past the ability to absorb more work. What happened was there were just no spaces for more sick animals, surgeries and even the need for more time to answer phones, emails, and fill prescriptions. The staff was doing beyond all they could. I know that doesn’t make it feel better when we just can’t see another patient and it’s yours that needs help. As of Monday we are back to all our vets working. That doesn’t mean we still aren’t hit with Covid absences, continuing education needs, and vacation. It means we will be able to get back to the things we excelled at before. We will be able to do better communication, follow ups, and see a larger load. Surgery is a big one that we will be able to catch up on. We will be opening a schedule four days a week versus the three we were doing. We know it’s been hard on everyone so we thank you for your compassion through the hard times. We truly want to be able to help all pets in need. Know that we have discussed the things we need to do and how to get back there. Those of you that have been on this ride with Sarah and I for all these years know we love being in your babies lives.
Thank you and see you soon

Photos from Birkdale Animal Hospital's post 06/29/2022

Igor: the making of a legend. We want to thank all the people who have support this great canine officer. He had a tragic accident that broke his arm. He went through 7 hours of surgery at NC state to try and repair it. It just couldn’t fix the break and we ended up amputating the leg. He has since recovered and just recently passed his recertification to rejoin the Huntersville police department at full service. It’s unreal to see this dog work! He is back at full Capacity working and as driven as he ever has been. Missing a leg has not slowed him down one bit. There are so many people who have invested to get this officer back to work and we are so thankful for all of them.

Photos from Birkdale Animal Hospital's post 04/08/2022

Big week. The cast is off. Igor gets to start passive range of motion exercises. He gets more free time with his partner and we will soon start water rehab. One amazing dog/athlete/officer. 4-6 more weeks in strict confinement before he is allowed to do more. One small step for man but one giant step for this dog

Photos from Birkdale Animal Hospital's post 04/04/2022

15 weeks old. “Tate” is looking for a home. He Is in a foster home with one of our great clients. She already has him walking and socialized. He is a terrier mix. If you’d like more info drop us a message at work and we can get you in touch with the foster.


We want to thank everyone that donated. We made our goal. This money not only covers his surgery but his care and medications along with rechecks with the NC State surgeons. You learn the true character of a group during challenging times! Thank you. Thank you to our family, friends, clients, our family and friends from the Northeast that jumped in to help, and all those with the heart and compassion to be with us on this journey. You are all truly appreciated.

Mark, Sarah and all of Birkdale Animal Hospital.

Photos from Birkdale Animal Hospital's post 03/15/2022

Igor has a leg! Thank you to everyone for helping him on this journey. Thanks to all that donated time and money. Thanks to The NC State orthopedic team for giving him a chance. The recovery road is long and hard but this K-9 officer has the drive to do it. The pictures below are the amazing work of a pin, a lag screw, and two different bone plates. Our hospital and all our staff thank you for helping us give this k-9 officer a chance.
Mark and Sarah

Photos from Birkdale Animal Hospital's post 03/11/2022

Help our K-9 officer!!!!!
Most of you know our support of the huntersville police department K-9 officers. This is Igor. He is the partner to officer Robert Ferrell. He was in a tragic training accident and broke his arm and elbow. This is a significant fracture that requires surgery at NC state vet school to try and save his leg. Please join us in support of this officer and the surgical and recovery bills. Please join our go fund me or send a check to the hospital with Igor in the memo line. Any way you can support this officer we would appreciate it. We also will accept donation at the hospital front desk. Thank you from all of us.

Mark, Sarah, and all our staff


SNOW DAY!!!! Hope everyone enjoyed the winter mess today. We will be closed tomorrow. We will be back open when the sun melts our driveways enough that I can use my leaf blower to clear it and get my car out.


I know we have many hockey supporters in the practice. Please join us in support of a young life lost last week while playing hockey.


2021 year in review

We wanted to take some time to bring you some highlights of the second Covid year our family endured. DISCLAIMER: Extreme sarcasm ahead with no intentions to harm/insult any race, religion, sexual orientation, color, species, or political view. Here is our top 10 from 2021:

1. I invented a laser that can make anything disappear.
2. I lost my job working traffic patrol with the huntersville police department.
3. I went to Vegas and paid for a pr******te.
4. I went to the dentist.
5. I sat at the table with our founding fathers as they penned the Declaration of Independence
6. I had a dream in which Jesus told me the meaning of the New Testament and I listened to his advice.
7. I made 20 million on the blockchain with the invention of dogecoin
8. After years in New England I became a Buccaneers fan
9. I bore witness to the 1970’s revival of pro wrestling and was front row for rowdy roddy piper vs Andrea the giant clash in the cage
10. I decided to be immunized for both my health and the health of those I may vomit on.

These actually happened in 2021. Let me explain what these all mean in my life.

1. I invented a laser that can make anything disappear. Translation : I said many times that if anyone of the kids got a tattoo there better be a laser to be able to remove it or they would be living on their own. Well damn they have a laser to do that. Guess I’ll Find out how much that process costs.
2. I lost my job working traffic patrol with the huntersville police department. Translation: I had been the local representative for the huntersville PD to make sure all grocery store patrons follow the arrows on the floor so no one got Covid. I worked Walmart for 3 months and not one case of Covid occurred while everyone shopped in the same direction. Then One damn millennial forgot to grab her Pringles and went against the grain spreading Covid to everyone in pjs and a hair net that was within 50 feet. There goes my employee discount.
3. I went to Vegas and paid for a pr******te. Translation : I went to Vegas to celebrate a 21st birthday. After paying for flights, rooms, food, $21 drinks, and tickets to a drag show I think I was the pr******te cause it felt like I took it up the ………..
4. I went to the dentist. Translation: No really. After a year of mask wearing, vaccines, staying 6 feet apart I could now remove my mask and have some one put there whole arm in my mouth. While I assumed the depths of my throat was where COVID’s home address was I guess it didn’t want to hang out with the little thing that dangles in the back of my throat. I have to say, to have a medical reason to not have someone take a fork and tell me how far they can push it into my gums was the good part of Covid. And by the way, what changed that I now have to take off my pants at the dentist???
5. I sat at the table with our founding fathers as they penned the Declaration of Independence. Translation : After months of waiting all the kids were home from college and one out of high school for break. I endured significant supply chain problems as the food input into my refrigerator never made it to my mouth. The loads of laundry had to be from the motel 6 dropping off. My doors to the outside refused to shut at all and I had all my animals “untrained“ in less than one day. But, for one night, at one meal, we all ate, laughed, played a card game, told stories and not one argument. It really is one moment the Smithsonian should put on display. I will truly always remember that moment in our family history. Then Jackson dropped the inappropriate comment about his sisters friend and the magic vanished as fast as it came.
6. I had a dream in which Jesus told me the meaning of the New Testament and I listened to his advice. Translation : I knew life was hard in the 70’s. No money, hardworking parents, simple demands like keeping the house warm with the wood stove. Those days gave me the foundation for the cow crap we lived this year. Costumer service was more of a “screw you for buying that” than helping me find my wayfair order. Just tell me the one cook and one server won’t be able to make me an edible meal and I will be prepared. An appointment for the DMV was equal to getting a panthers win. The past told me that if you surround yourself with great people you can make it through anything. Our staff at work dug in. We didn’t close. We let people inside, we added more appointments and we stuck together. It was/is hard but I can easily say we have the best staff I could ever wish for and would be nowhere without them.
7. I made 20 million on the blockchain with the invention of dogecoin. Translation : seriously, dogecoin! I thought I had made it when Sarah surgically removed the roll of $100 bills from the pit bulls stomach. Now I have advanced to buying land in some internet neighborhood and Steph Curry”s digital shoes? And what the hell is the bored ape yacht club? I have 30 of those pictures stuffed in the attic labeled “preschool kids junk”. I am not making a dime in this “verse” never mind any millions so get the hell off my lawn.
8. After years in New England I became a Buccaneers fan. Translation : smartest move ever. The Tom Brady Bowl baby! So he 75 years old. So his knees don’t bend. So he left the place that made him. Who cares. He took Gronk to the land of the living dead (Florida for those that need a geography lesson). Won the super bowl, the MVP, went home with the swim suit model, and drank Avocado Vodka till he tried to throw the Lombardi trophy in the ocean. They wrote a movie about this called “it’s a wonderful life”. This year I may be a packers fan I’ll tell you in February.
10. I bore witness to the 1970’s revival of pro wrestling and was front row for rowdy roddy piper vs Andrea the giant clash in the cage. Translation : now stick with me here. Don’t bail on the first few lines just hold on….. there was the taser “sorry” that was my gun, the choke hold so they couldn’t breath, the special gymnast physician clinic, the kneeing on the neck as a form of restraint and the bullets to the back. The social injustice has now become normal. But, this does not mean it’s ok to burn buildings, loot from your local stores, assault officers, defund the police, shoot people at rallies, or arm yourself and hangout on your front porch. Neither side is going to fix this by doing what they are doing. We all need to address our own compassion for the human race and that difference is what makes us great. If we were all the same this life would suck.
11. I decided to be immunized for both my health and the health of those I may vomit on. Translation : well I guess I’m not rooting for the packers now with that comment. Back to the translation. This one is easy. I have had three Covid vaccine, a flu vaccine, my shingles vaccine, I am taking pills to prevent malaria, I had inserted an IUD into the only space I could find to place it and currently taking pills for some strange VD. Vaccines and modern medicne work. No matter what side your on we all have to know the results and consequences to our actions. If you don’t take boating seriously and need a water rescue then there is someone who risks their life for you. If your in a fire that you started with a cigarette and being foolish. There is a person who is going to risk their life to save you. If you don’t get vaccines and you get sick you put everyone around you at risk then there are people risking their own health to save you . It’s not about calculating the % risk or finding an easy button or even calling joe Rogan. It’s about respecting others and being responsible for your actions. I am a firm believer that what you choose for your body is your choice. If that puts you in dire harm and you can’t find compassionate people to help you then your actions are your consequences. Think about the risk to others when you make your choices.

This has been another crazy and unpredictable year for all of us. This may be the last year you read this because even though it’s a life parity some algorithm may see if differently and strip my Facebook and Twitter privileges. Either way we have all made it through another crazy Covid year. Thank you for letting our hospital team be a part of your 2021. Sarah and I are always grateful that you let us in your lives and trust us with your kids. I do have faith that we learn from all these issues and we come out better than we went in. As I have written for the last 10 years, life is like raising kids. Until
You go through this stuff it all sounds like some crazy Facebook post!

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16010 Northcross Drive
Huntersville, NC

Opening Hours

Monday 7:30am - 6pm
Tuesday 7:30am - 6pm
Wednesday 7:30am - 6pm
Thursday 7:30am - 6pm
Friday 7:30am - 6pm
Saturday 8am - 12pm

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