No Way Jose Cuisine

📧[email protected]
Welcome to my page! I cook Mexican food and sometimes International!
📍Indianapolis, IN


Birriaquiles Rellenos

-For the birria
2 lb of beef chuck roast
6 guajillo peppers
4 ancho peppers
5 garlic cloves
1/4 of a large onion
8 chiles de arbol
black pepper
garlic powder
beef tallow
2 cups of shredded chihuahua cheese
-for the masa
3 cups of masa harina
3 cups of warm water
-for the salsa
1/3 of the birria sauce
1/4 cup of fresh cilantro
5 jalapenos
3 Roma tomatoes
-for toppings
Mexican crema
cotija cheese
chopped onions
chopped cilantro

Cut the meat into big chunks and season it with salt, black pepper, and garlic powder. Add the dried chilis, garlic, and onion to a pot, and cover with water. Boil until tender for about 15 minutes and blend everything well with just enough liquid from the pot to blend it more easily. In a pot add beef tallow and brown the meat, then leaving only the meat in the pot, add 2/3 of the sauce strained and add the rest of the liquid where you boiled the chilis and more water to cover all the meat, adjust the seasoning, and braise it for about 1:30 hrs on low heat or until the meat is soft and shreds easy, reserve the broth, shred the meat and cool it down, then mix it with the cheese and set it aside. In the blender with the rest of the sauce, add the tomatoes, jalapeños, cilantro, and season with salt, and blend it very well. Add the salsa to a pot, boil for 5 minutes, and keep it warm until serving. Make the masa by mixing the masa harina with the water and knead until you get a slightly sticky and smooth dough. Divide into parts of about 2 tbsps and form balls. In a tortilla press, flat each ball of masa not too thin or too thick, add about 1 tbsp of birria on each of two quarts of the tortilla and fold it in half sealing all sides by pressing with your fingers and cut it in half to get 2 stuffed triangles of masa, lay them on a sheet pan and let them air dry for about 15 minutes. Fry them in hot oil until golden brown and crispy and serve on a plate with salsa on top and all the toppings and some of the broth on the side to dip in every bite.

Birriaquiles Rellenos

-Para la birria
2 libras de carne de res en bola
6 chiles guajillos
4 chiles anchos
5 dientes de ajo
1/4 de cebolla grande
8 chiles de árbol
pimienta negra
ajo en polvo
Manteca de res
2 tazas de queso chihuahua rallado
-para la masa
3 tazas de masa harina
3 tazas de agua tibia
-para la salsa
1/3 del consomé de la birria
1/4 taza de cilantro fresco
5 jalapeños
3 tomates Roma
-para los complementos
Crema mexicana
queso cotija
cebollas picadas
cilantro picado

Corta la carne en trozos grandes y sazónala con sal, pimienta negra y ajo en polvo. Agrega los chiles secos, el ajo y la cebolla a una olla y cubre con agua. Hierve hasta que estén tiernos durante unos 15 minutos y mezcla todo bien con el líquido justo de la olla para mezclarlo más fácilmente. En una olla agrega la manteca de res y dora la carne, luego deja solo la carne en la olla, agrega 2/3 de la salsa colada y agrega el resto del líquido donde hirviste los chiles y más agua hasta cubrir toda la carne, ajusta la sazón y pon a cocer a fuego lento por 1:30 hrs aproximadamente o hasta que la carne esté suave y se desmenuce fácilmente, reserva el caldo, desmenuza la carne y enfríala, luego mézclala con el queso y reserva. En la licuadora con el resto de la salsa, agrega los tomates, los jalapeños, el cilantro y sazona con sal y licúa muy bien. Agrega la salsa a una olla, hierve por 5 minutos y mantén caliente hasta servir. Haz la masa mezclando la masa harina con el agua y amasando hasta obtener una masa ligeramente pegajosa y suave. Divide en partes de aproximadamente 2 cucharadas y forma bolitas. En una prensa para tortillas, aplana cada bola de masa, ni muy delgada ni muy gruesa, agrega aproximadamente 1 cucharada de birria en cada una de las dos cuartas partes de la tortilla y dóblala por la mitad sellando todos los lados presionando con los dedos y córtala por la mitad para obtener 2 triángulos de masa rellenos, colócalos en una bandeja para hornear y déjalos secar al aire durante unos 15 minutos. Fríelos en aceite caliente hasta que estén dorados y crujientes y sírvelos en un plato con salsa encima y todos los aderezos y un poco del caldo a un lado para mojar en cada bocado.


What’s that vegetable or fruit you will never buy?

Cuál es esa fruta o verdura que nunca comprarías?


Tell me your favorite food/dish with emojis 🍳and I’ll try to guess it 🧑🏻‍🍳

Dime tu comida/platillo favorito con emojis 🍳y lo trataré de adivinar 🧑🏻‍🍳


What’s the worst experience you’ve had in a restaurant?

Cuál a sido tu peor experiencia en un restaurante?

Photos from No Way Jose Cuisine's post 07/16/2024

In case you didn’t know, I also know how to make and decorate cakes and I’ve worked decorating cakes. My dad owned a bakery all his life and I grew up learning from him and my mom. I made the first huge w**ding cake by myself when I was 12-13. Here some pictures from cakes I made back in Alaska when I used to work for Safeway.


What’s something you hate doing at home but you have to do it?

Que es algo que odias hacer en la casa pero que tienes que hacerlo?


Etiqueta a alguien que conozcas y escribe la comida que el/ella hace muy rica!


Did you know that fresh peppers change their name when they dry? Here are the Mexican peppers!


You knew it?


Cuál es tu comida favorita en el asador?

What’s your favorite food on the grill?


I want to thank each of you for all the support until today! But I would like to ask you, what made you follow me and what did you like about my page?

Quiero agradecer a cada uno de ustedes por todo el apoyo hasta el dia de hoy! pero me gustaría preguntarles, que le hizo seguirme y que les gusto de mi pagina?


How do you like your steak?

Cómo te gusta tu carne?

Me: 1 or 2 😍


What food makes you sleepy?.💤

Que comida hace que te de sueño? 💤


Tell me something people call poor man's food and it's delicious!

Dime algo que la gente llama comida para pobres y que es una delicia!


🎉 Facebook recognized me as a top rising creator this week! 😍🙌🏼


Thank you YouTube for the invite! ❤️


Thanks for being a top engager and making it on to my weekly engagement list! 🎉

Gracias por ser uno de los principales participantes y estar en mi lista de participación semanal! 🎉

Angeles Reyes, Gisleydis Smith, Bren Av, Susana Riveras Alvarez, Bili Robledo


Celebrating my 3rd year on Facebook. Thank you for your continuing support. I could never have made it without you. 🙏🤗🎉

Photos from No Way Jose Cuisine's post 03/20/2024

Chicharrón con Huevo

Did you know that chicharrón is another popular breakfast in some regions of Mexico?

5-6 cups of pork cracklings
8 eggs
1/2 onion, thinly sliced
2 Roma tomatoes
1/4 of an onion
3 red jalapeños
2 garlic cloves
3 tbsp of cooking oil

To make the salsa roja, put the 1/4 onion, tomatoes, jalapeños, and garlic with about 1/4 cup of water in a zip bag for 3 minutes, add everything to a blender, season with salt and blend it well; you can also boil everything for 15 minutes or until veggies are tender. In a skillet, add the cooking oil and the slices of onion and cook it until translucent; add about 2 cups of salsa; then add the cracklings; if the salsa is a little thick, add water before adding the chicharrones, just enough to get all the cracklings wet in the salsa. Then if it’s too runny, keep cooking until the water dries up. This is perfect to eat in tacos or Gorditas.

Photos from No Way Jose Cuisine's post 03/07/2024

Nopalitos con Chile Colorado


*1 (28 oz) Can of Nopalitos (tender cactus)
*1/4 of an onion, thinly sliced
*3 guajillo peppers
*1 ancho pepper
*5-8 Chiles de Arbol (optional for spicy or just a few for flavor)
*1/4 of an onion
*2 garlic cloves
*1/2 tsp of cumin
*1 tsp of onion powder
*1 tsp of garlic powder
*1 tsp of Mexican oregano
*salt and black pepper to taste

Photos from No Way Jose Cuisine's post 03/04/2024

Chicharrones de Pescado

In most parts of Mexico, chicharrones are basically anything that is fried in oil or lard. Not always crispy and not always meat.

2 lb of Whiting Fillets (tilapia or catfish too)
black pepper
2 cups of corn masa mix (Maseca)
2 tbsp of cornstarch
1 tsp of garlic powder
1 tsp of onion powder
1 tsp of paprika

Serve these with arroz blanco, shredded cabbage, lime wedges, and a spicy salsa verde! And don’t forget the corn tortillas!


We are 200k on Instagram! Thank you so much 🙏🏼❤️


Mexican Salsas

The queen of Mexican cuisine is the salsa in any shape or flavor; We all know the king is the Corn. This is all you need to know if you want to make salsa!

You only need 3 ingredients:
Any pepper, any type of onion, any type of tomato. The amount of peppers is up to the level of heat you want.

-For extra flavor, you can add garlic, cilantro, or celery.
-For extra acidity, add citrus like lime, lemon, orange, grapefruit, apple cider, or white vinegar; adding a little vinegar will make your salsa last longer.
-for creaminess, add avocado or oil like olive, avocado, seeds, or vegetable, even crema or cheese, and nuts or seeds like sesame and pumpkin.
-Use any way of cooking, like boil, steam, roast, broil, grill, or fry in the stove, grill, oven, or microwave. Up to you!
-Chop, grind, or blend it with a blender, food processor, or the traditional molcajete.
-vegetables can be cooked or even raw and fresh. There are many ways and not an exact order to do it. You can blend everything fresh and cook it in a pot, or even blend the cooked vegetables and still fry it later for an extra layer of flavor and consistency.
-Add spices like cumin, coriander seeds, black pepper, achiote, allspice, or cinnamon.
-Herbs like oregano, bay leaves, spearmint, epazote, hibiscus, basil, cilantro, or thyme.
-Vegetables like celery, cucumber, radish, nopales (cactus), xoconostle (sour prickly pear), squash, corn, beans, jicama, mushrooms, potatoes, or zucchini.
-Fruits like Mango, orange, watermelon, prickly pear, berries, pineapple, grapes, apple, coconut, or papaya.
-Add more flavor or color with non-spicy dried peppers like ancho, guajillo, mulato, pasilla, or cascabel.
-Chiles secos (dried peppers) like Arbol, japones, chipotle, morita, piquin/pequin, chiltepin, puya
-Instead of water or adding extra, you can use beer, tequila, wine, mezcal, tea, stock, broth, or coffee.
-Canned tomato, canned peppers, and canned onion may save you if you don’t have fresh veggies, and it won’t taste bad; it would be like canned salsa.

Photos from No Way Jose Cuisine's post 02/24/2024

Mexican Salsas (My Way)

Watch the reel and find more info and tips in the caption.

Salsa Hervida: The most common; all the veggies are boiled.

Salsa guisada: basically any salsa. Once made, fry some onion, tomato, or both in cooking oil until soft, then add the salsa and fry for about 3 minutes.

Roasted Salsa: the veggies are broiled or roasted in the oven and then blended.

Salsa frita: All the veggies are fried in oil until soft and blended.

Salsa verde: Known for its green color but also with some acidity. Usually boiled tomatillos, green pepper, garlic, onion, and a squeeze of lime or a splash of white vinegar.

Chunky Salsa: Add chopped veggies (onion, cilantro, tomato) to a salsa that is already blended.

Salsa Cremosa: Make any salsa creamy by adding cooking oil while blending.

Avocado salsa: Add avocado to a salsa verde while blending.

Salsa tostada: Toasted dried peppers in a griddle for a toasty flavor, then blended with water and veggies. You can leave it like that or intensify the flavors by boiling it after.

Salsa tatemada (charred): straight on the fire, on the stove or the grill, charred veggies and then crushed in the molcajete.

Smoked Salsa: Using smoked dried peppers like Morita or chipotle will give the salsa a smoked flavor and boil it until tender.

Quick Salsa: Microwave the veggies in a plastic bag with a little bit of water for 3 minutes, blend, and quickly make a salsa.

Salsa cruda (raw): means you don’t cook any veggies and is also called cold salsa or fresca. Normally, you get it at Mexican restaurants with chips. But in this case, you add canned tomato, tomato sauce, or tomato paste for color. Spices and, once blended, chopped veggies, too.

Photos from No Way Jose Cuisine's post 02/17/2024

Capirotada (Mexican Bread Pudding)

This dish is popular in the North of Mexico and is usually consumed around the Lentin period. Every family has their own recipe.

-for the syrup
6 cups of coffee
400 g of piloncillo
2 cinnamon sticks
2-3 anise stars
4 cloves
1 tbsp orange peel
1 tbsp Mexican vanilla
1/8 of an onion
-for the dish
1 loaf of French bread (14 oz)
2 sticks of butter, melted
2 tbsp of butter to grease the deep dish
2 bananas
1/2 lb queso fresco
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup shredded sweet coconut
1 cup of peanuts
1 cup of chopped walnuts
2-4 mazapan candies for topping

Add all the ingredients for the syrup in a pot and bring it to a boil, ensuring the piloncillo is dissolved. Strain it and set it aside. Slice the bread and cut it into small cubes like croutons; place them in a butter-greased sheet pan and brush the melted butter on them; bake at 400 F for 10 minutes or until golden brown and crispy. Too brown may turn it bitter. Grease with butter a deep dish oven-safe and put half of the bread in a layer; then add syrup, soaking the toasted bread just enough to soak it but still leaving crispy and dry edges; slice one banana and spread the slices over, add half of the diced queso fresco, half of the raisins, half of the coconut and half of the nuts; repite this process one more time and top it with crumbled mazapan candy. Bake at 400 F for 15 minutes or until the syrup has dried up from the bottom of the dish. Serve warm or cold.

Photos from No Way Jose Cuisine's post 02/13/2024

Cheesy Ranch Hawaiian Buns

Inspired of course in the Korean Garlic Cheese Bread! There is a video that I posted too. This recipe makes enough filling and sauce for 24 buns. You can use French bread, dinner rolls, or any others you prefer. I also added pepper flakes; it doesn’t make it spicy at all; it is just to balance the sweetness. If your sauce gets solid and cold, put it in the microwave for 15 seconds; it has to be melted for the bread to absorb it.

-for the cheese filling
1 (8oz) cream cheese
1 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese
1 cup of heavy cream
1 tbsp of sugar
1 tsp of chili pepper flakes
-for the butter sauce
1 cup of melted butter (room temperature)
1/4 cup of honey
2 tbsp of dried parsley
1 cup of dried dill w**d
1 (1oz) packet of Ranch seasoning
1 egg (room temperature)
Salt to taste
black pepper to taste
6 garlic cloves (minced)
12-24 Hawaiian buns

Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes

Photos from No Way Jose Cuisine's post 02/09/2024

Crackling Guacamole & Salsa de Chicharrón

Chicharrones for us in Mexico can be several types. Cracklings have a layer of fat and pork rinds are just a thin layer of skin, both called chicharrones. This duo is great for your tacos, carne asada or just as a snack with tortillas chips.

-Salsa de Chicharrón
3 red jalapeños
1 Roma tomato
1/8 of an onion
2 garlic cloves
Salt to taste
1 cup hot water
1 cup of pork cracklings

-Crackling Guacamole
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp peppercorn
1 garlic clove
2 tbsp avocado or olive oil
2 cups of chicharrones
Salt to taste

This volcanic stone football bowl 🏈 is from my friends from use my code NOWAYJOSE for a discount.

Guacamole crujiente y salsa de chicharrón

Los chicharrones para nosotros en México pueden ser de varios tipos. Los Cracklings tienen una capa de grasa y los pork rinds son solo una fina capa de piel, ambos llamados chicharrones. Este dúo es ideal para tus tacos, carne asada o simplemente como snack con totopos.

-Salsa de Chicharrón
3 jalapeños rojos
1 tomate roma
1/8 de cebolla
2 dientes de ajo
Sal al gusto
1 taza de agua caliente
1 taza de chicharrones de cerdo

-Guacamol crujiente
1/2 cucharadita de semillas de comino
1 cucharadita de pimienta en grano
1 diente de ajo
2 cucharadas de aguacate o aceite de oliva
2 tazas de chicharrones
Sal al gusto

Este balón de fútbol de piedra volcánica 🏈 es de mis amigos de usa mi código NOWAYJOSE para obtener un descuento.


What’s your favorite food to watch the Super Bowl?🏈

Cuál es tu comida favorita para ver el Super Bowl?


Do you also get in a bad mood when you're hungry?

Tu también te pones de mal humor cuando tienes hambre?


Pick one for Valentine’s Chocolates 🍫
Flowers 💐
Money 💴
Tacos 🌮

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Videos (show all)

The Cucumber trend but Mexican! So good!! #cucumbersalad #trendingvideo #cucumber #mexican
Birriaquiles Rellenos #recipe #mexicanfood #chilaquiles #birria
Habanero Pork w/ Butter Garlic Rice #recipe #spicy #habanero
Watermelon Rind Pickles #recipe #pickles #watermelon
Watermelon Ceviche #recipes #summer #watermelon #mexicanfood
Make it Mexican Series Ep. 4 “Butter Chicken” Turning international food into Mexican #series #recipe
Fiestas Patronales Puertorriqueñas Chicago with Freddsters, RGVTaste, & Fork It #puertoricanfood
Alambres de Puerco #recipe #grilling #skewers #mexicanfood
Make it Mexican Series Ep.3 “Lasagna”
Costillitas de Elote (Corn Ribs) #grillingseason #grilling #corn #recipe
Make it Mexican Ep. 2 Adobo #series #makeitmexican #mexicantwist #fusionfood
Enchiladas Verdes “My Way” #recipe #mexicanfood #dairyfree




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