We want to make all students feel welcomed to learn American Sign Language šŸ¤ŸšŸ¼ āš”ļø

The purpose of this organization is to make all students feel welcome to learn American Sign Language at Kent State University šŸ¤ŸšŸ¼āš”ļø

There is a membership fee - $5 for a semester or $8 for a whole year

Photos from KSU ASL Club's post 02/13/2024

We are all sad that this is what it has come to but our officers are under a lot of stress and we arenā€™t getting the feedback we need from our community to keep going. The room we hold our meetings in is still reserved for the ASL Club meeting times but there will not be any planned topics, people can go and use the space to sign with friends but we ask you to please be respectful since it is still affiliated with our club that is still a Kent State Organization. We would love to pick back up where we left off next fall but we will see how life goes! We will miss all of you dearly but we are still here as a resource if needed!

ID 1: ā€˜I love youā€™ hands as the background in ASL Club colors on top of that is a cream-colored box with black text in a big font at the top ā€˜ASL CLUB UPDATEā€™ underneath says ā€˜The officers of the ASL Club have come together and decided to take a break from the club. This saddens all of us very much as we all have put in so much time, work, and effort into this club. Many factors went into this decision. As officers, we have had a lot of other responsibilities come up. We have also not seen as many students interested in participating in the club making it a little discouraging to put on meetings and events. The meeting room will still be reserved for the rest of the semester. This being said anyone is welcome to stop in and use that space and time to practice signing, relax, and hang out with friends. One day we hope ASL Club will start again but in the meantimeā€¦ā€™

ID 2: Same ā€˜I love youā€™ hand background and cream box on top. In black text it says ā€˜Here are some resourcesā€™ Then there are 5 categories that will be listed in the comments.


Here are our meeting times for the upcoming semester! Meetings will be on Mondays and Thursdays from 6-8 in Bowman Hall room 204. A reminder that we do have membership fees. These fees help us fund future events to host for your guy's enjoyment. Fees are $5 a semester, if you paid last semester for the whole year you are all good to go! We hope to see all of you guys there.

ID: The background is a corkboard, there are 4 Post-it notes pinned on the board with the meeting information on them. The first Post-it is light blue with black writing stacked on top of each other that says Monday, January 22nd, 2024 with a line beneath Thursday, January 25th, 2024, Bowman Hall RM 204, 6-8 pm. The second Post-it is pink with black writing stacked on top of each other that says Monday, February 12th, 2024 with a line beneath Thursday, February 15th, 2024, Bowman Hall RM 204, 6-8 pm. The third Post-it is green with black writing stacked on top of each other that says Monday, March 11th, 2024 with a line beneath Thursday, March 14th, 2024, Bowman Hall RM 204, 6-8 pm. The fourth Post-it is yellow with black writing stacked on top of each other that says Monday, April 15th, 2024 with a line beneath Thursday, April 18th, 2024, Bowman Hall RM 204, 6-8 pm.


We are still looking for officers to help us out this coming spring semester.

The spots that need to be filled are as follows:
Vice President: This position will help our president with filling out forms that are needed to put on our events, they might be asked to lead some of the meetings we have throughout the semester, and they will also be asked to help with organizing meetings and events.
Event Planner: This position will reach out to the university to book rooms for our events, fill out the paperwork needed for the events the club is putting on, and then get the supplies we might need for the events you plan.
Treasurer: This position will be in charge of the money we make from member fees and other activities where we make money like fundraisers or raffles, and they will be working with the event planner to make the budget for our events.

There is a link in our bio where you can apply to join our amazing team! If you have any questions regarding the positions, what we do as officers, or need any help with your application please message us and we are more than happy to help!

[ID]: A pastel background with big all-caps yellow lettering at the top with an orange shadow behind it that says ā€˜Officer Applicationā€™. Underneath in a brown-black smaller font, it says ā€˜The spring semester is coming soon. ASL Club is looking for some new officers to help us out!ā€™ Underneath in the same yellow and orange shadow font in all caps, it says ā€˜The link to apply can be found in our bioā€™. Lastly in the brown-black font in all caps, it says ā€˜If you have questions message us and we are happy to help!ā€™

Photos from KSU ASL Club's post 11/17/2023

We have a bunch of merchandise for sale right now!
As always we have our signature KSU ASL Club shirts and stickers available. The shirts come in 5 colors; black, heather navy, white, sapphire, and blackberry. These shirts are $25! The classic KSU ASL Club stickers come in two sizes, the bigger sticker is $3 and the smaller size is $1. We recently added a fingerspelled KSU sticker for $3 as well!

We also have some older and misprinted merchandise for sale! The Kent State shirts with a fingerspelled ā€˜Kā€™ and ā€˜Sā€™ is a shirt the club had made a while ago before the COVID pandemic. These shirts are $10 and we have a limited supply! Lastly, we have a few of our misprinted t-shirts left. These shirts are just like our signature shirts except there was a printing miss-hap ā€¦ there is no pink on the logo! We are selling these for 40% off the original price, making them $15. For these two shirts message us for the details on what sizes and colors we have left!

[ID Page 1]: Black lettering at the top that says ā€œAlways Available Merchā€ with a emphasize mark next to it. The words are also underlined. Underneath is 5 t-shirts that all have the KSU ASL Club logo on them, they are also labeled with the color and an arrow pointing to the shirt of the corresponding color; black, heather navy, white, sapphire, and blackberry. On the side, it says ā€œ$25ā€ in yellow print. Underneath in black writing is ā€˜Kent State ASL Club Stickersā€™ with a black emphasize mark. Underneath are two round oval stickers with the KSU ASL Club logo on them. The larger Oval sticker has a ā€˜$3ā€™ in yellow beside it, and the smaller oval sticker has a yellow ā€˜$1ā€™ beside it. On the right of that are hands that spell out KSU the hands are yellow and outlined in navy blue, besides that is a yellow ā€˜$3ā€™.
[ID Page 2]: Black lettering at the top that says ā€œKent State Shirtsā€ with a black emphasize mark on the side. Underneath is a navy blue shirt with white hands and lettering on it. The hands are in the shape of a ā€˜Kā€™ and ā€˜Sā€™ and beside the hands, it finishes the words Kent State. Besides the picture of the shirt it says in yellow ā€˜$10ā€™. Underneath in the middle in black writing, it says ā€œMisprinted Shirtsā€™ with a black emphasize mark on the side. Underneath are 4 shirts in black, heather navy, sapphire, and blackberry that have the KSU ASL Club logo on them. The pink in the logo is missing. On the side of that in yellow is ā€˜$15ā€™.


This coming week we have our last meetings of the semester! The first meeting will be on Monday, November 6th in Bowman Hall room 206 and the second is on Thursday, November 9th in Bowman Hall 204. Both meetings will begin at 6 pm and go until 8 pm. All members will get into the meeting free but those who are new can sign up for a membership or pay $3 to just come for the session! You do not need to come to both meetings, we have two just to make sure everyone can make it to sign with some new friends! Please feel free to message us if you have any questions.

[ID]: Light pink background with a white grid. On top of that is a green notebook paper on top at the top it says ASL CLUB MEETING in light pink with red stars on the sides. Underneath is two columns. On the left, it says Monday Meetings with a list underneath. September 11th and October 9th are crossed out with a red scribble, below that is November 6th. Underneath the dates reads Bowman Hall Rm 206. There is a line in the middle separating the left column from the right. In the right column, it says Thursday Meetings with a list underneath. September 14th and October 12th which are scribbled out in red, then November 9th. Underneath it reads Bowman Hall Rm 204. Underneath the columns, it says All meetings are from 6 pm-8 pm We cannot wait to see you.


We are in need of a new Vice President and Treasurer for the 2023/2024 school year! If you are interested, click the link in our bio to apply. Feel free to message us with any questions you may have!

[ID]: teal background with yellow sticky note on top that has pink thumbtacks on the top corners. White emphasize lines around the top right and bottom left corners. On the yellow sticky note in black letters it says ā€œAttention: Officer positions available!!ā€ Below that, in the same font, with a light yellow background, it says ā€œVice President & Treasurerā€ and below that ā€œApplication link in bio!!ā€

Photos from KSU ASL Club's post 10/23/2023

A reminder that our Halloween party is tomorrow night! It will be held in the student center room 306 B and C. The party will start at 6 so make sure you come dressed up in your best costume, ready to win prizes, and show off your creativity by painting some pumpkins!

Raffle tickets will be $1 for 2 tickets or $5 for 12 tickets. The more tickets you buy the better chance of you winning some of our fabulous prizes.

Our costume contest will be judged by you guys! You all will vote for your favorite costume and we will announce the winner before the night ends! The winner gets their own ASL Club trophy and maybe something special.

[ID]: A dark grey background with orange cobwebs and spiders around the border. The first slide says ā€œASL Club Halloween Partyā€ in purple drippy font. Underneath in orange, it says ā€œOctober 24th, 2023ā€ the navigation pin ā€œStudent Center room 306 BCā€ and a clock ā€œ6 pm - 8 pmā€
[ID 2]: A dark grey background with orange cobwebs and spiders around the border. ā€œRaffle Prizesā€ in purple lettering in a drippy font. Underneath in orange, it says ā€˜$1 for 2 raffle tickets $5 for 12 raffle ticketsā€. There are three pictures of prizes 1) a yellow hat with a black squirrel on top, a Kent sportswear free t-shirt voucher, and a KSU finger-spelled pop socket. 2) a tote bag with the ASL Club logo on it, two coasters with the KSU finger-spelled picture on them, and a mouse pad with the ASL Club logo on it. 3) a black mug that has The Cleveland Bagel Cafe logo on it, a gift card for The Cleveland Bagel Cafe, and a keychain with KSU finger spelled on it. After the picture is ā€œand moreā€ in red drippy font.
[ID 3]: A dark grey background with orange cobwebs and spiders around the border. ā€œCostume Contestā€ at the top in purple drippy font. Underneath in orange, it says ā€œMake sure you come dressed in your best costume to win!ā€ Next to that is a picture of the trophy you can win! Underneath is a picture of someone in a ghost costume with a candy bucket.


Saturday, October 21st ASL Club has the amazing opportunity to walk in the Kent State Homecoming Parade! We want as many people walking with us as we can get. If you are interested in walking in the parade and handing out candy make sure you read the information below.

-Meeting Spot: On Midway Drive between the back of the student center and Nixon Hall. Our spot in the parade will be between Hillel and the College of Podiatric Medicine. Please meet us there at 10 am!
-What to wear: If you have an ASL Club shirt please support the community we have built, if not wear some Kent State gear. If you ordered a misprinted shirt and are walking with us those shirts will be available for you to pick up.

[ID]: A faded background of Flash at a football game on top is a Polaroid with the same picture of Flash but not faded. On the bottom of the Polaroid, it says in blue 'Homecoming Parade Info'


Thank you to everyone who came to the conference this morning. It was such a great opportunity to learn and share about Audism from an amazing Deaf individual like Cathy Vickery!

[ID]: bright green background with a white tear at the top that says in Orange lettering 'Thank you!' underneath says in black 'We really appreciated those who came to the Reimagining the Academy Conference today and joined us to learn about Audism from the amazing Cathy Vickery. This was such a great opportunity!' Underneath are three pictures from the conference.


The Neo DeafBlind Association is looking for volunteers for their Fall Festival! The event is on October 21st from 11am-2pm. If you are interested in volunteering please contact Angie: [email protected] or Debbie: [email protected]

Or if you are interested in attending just to socialize for a few hours please RSVP so that they can plan accordingly!

[ID]: Orange background with flowers, pumpkins, and corn along the edge. 'Join NEO DeafBlind' at the top underneath says 'Fall Festival'.
'When? October 21, 11am-2pm'
'Where? Luther's Farm: 5150 Alger Road Richfield, OH'
'Cost? $5 admission includes hayride, corn maze, pumpkin cannon, petting zoo, corn pit slide, socializing with friends, and so much more!'
'Lunch can be purchased at onsite Farmer's Market or food truck.'
'Who? Individuals with hearing and vision loss, ASL students, SSPs, family and friends.'
'To RSVP or ask questions: contact Angie Orlando: [email protected] or send text to: 330-221-6499'

Photos from KSU ASL Club's post 10/17/2023

There has been a misprint with our T-shirts, so we are going to be discounting them! 40% off the original price of $25. If you are interested please send us a message. There is a limited amount so act fast. We will try to keep this count as updated as possible!

This is what we have available!
Black: 2 medium, 2 large
Blackberry: 2 medium
Antique Sapphire: 2 medium, 1 large
Heather Navy: 2 small, 3 medium, 1 large

[ID PHOTO 1]: Blue background with two lighter blue blobs in the corners. At the top, it says ā€˜Discounted Merchandiseā€™ in black lettering with a white outline, there are stars and emphasis marks on the side. There are two white receipt squares underneath one says in black lettering ā€˜Misprinted Shirts (no pink color in our logo)ā€™ and in orangish-red color underneath it says ā€™40% offā€™. In the second box in black, it says ā€˜Shirts are originally $25 with this discount shirts will beā€™ in the orangish-red color is ā€˜$15.00ā€™ under that in the orange-red color it says ā€˜below is what we have availableā€™.
[ID PHOTO 2]: Blackberry-colored shirt in a box showing there is no pink in the ASL Club logo on the shirt.



Come join the ASL Club for a spooky night of Halloween signs, painting pumpkins, a costume contest, and some amazing raffle baskets.

The event will be BYO (bring your own) food, please click the link in our bio if you plan on attending!

Please come dressed up to participate in our costume contest! The winner's prize will be announced soon!

Some of the raffle basket prizes will be announced soon too, so keep an šŸ‘ļø out! We have gotten some good stuff from businesses downtown!

[ID]: Orange background with black splatters in the corners are cobwebs. Purple box with white outline. Orange writing that says ASL Halloween Party, underneath that it says Tuesday, October 24th, 2023 6pm-8pm KSC 306 ABC in white lettering. Underneath in orange, it says Costume contest, games, painting pumpkins, raffle baskets (from some of your favorite local businesses), and BYO food (please fill out the form linked in our bio). Under that, in white lettering, it says Canā€™t wait to see all the costumes! On the side, there is a drawing of a ghost in orange with two hands and a squiggled line in white showing you how to sign ghost in ASL.


This coming week we have our meetings for October! Our first meeting will be on Monday, October 9th in Bowman Hall room 206 and the second is on Thursday, October 12th in Bowman Hall 204. Both meetings will begin at 6 pm and go until 8 pm. All members will get into the meeting free but those who are new can sign up for a membership or pay $3 to just come for the session! You do not need to come to both meetings, we have two just to make sure everyone can make it to sign with some new friends! Please feel free to message us if you have any questions.

[ID]: Light pink background with a white grid. On top of that is a green notebook paper on top at the top it says ASL CLUB MEETING in light pink with red stars on the sides. Underneath is two columns. On the left, it says Monday Meetings with a list underneath. September 11th and September 14th are crossed out with a red scribble, below that is October 9th, then November 6th. Underneath the dates reads Bowman Hall Rm 206. There is a line in the middle separating the left column from the right. In the right column, it says Thursday Meetings with a list underneath. September 14th, October 12th, November 9th. Underneath it reads Bowman Hall Rm 204. Underneath the columns, it says All meetings are from 6 pm-8 pm We cannot wait to see you.


Sorry to those who have been waiting for an ASL Club shirt. We were expecting them to be shipped to us last Friday but they didn't make it! We are hoping that they will be here in time for our meetings next week!

[ID]: Yellow background with patterns in the corners. There is a bigger shape on top that says sorry in big letters in a dark yellow and underneath it says in white "There was a shipping issue with the t-shirts" underneath that it says in a light yellow "we hope to have them at our meeting next week"


We have created the official ASL Club Discord! The link to join is in our bio. Here we will send updates on all things ASL Club!

[ID]: Purple paper background with a white square line around the border with the Discord logo at the top. Underneath and inside the box it says in all caps in white lettering it says "Join our discord chat so we can keep you updated on all things ASL Club"


Thank you to everyone who came to our first event of the year! Everyone is so creative we loved seeing all the art that was made. We cannot wait to see you at our next meeting or event.

[ID]: Grey background with 7 squares that have different pictures in them. (1) Bugs Bunny in chalk (2) Love in purple and a blue heart behind it all in chalk (3) fingerspelled Ella in pink and blue chalk (4) Hey fingerspelled in white chalk (5) a white box with a cartoon taco and underneath it says September 26th in black (6) Bright jellyfish drawn with chalk (7) Some of our ASL Club Officers. Underneath it all in white lettering is "Thank you all for coming!"


Taco Tuesday with ASL Club! We will have walking tacos, music, chalk, basketball, volleyball, and just hanging out and signing. We would love to see you and hang out!

[ID]: Red background with ASL Taco Tuesday in white writing. Underneath it says walking tacos, music, signing, chalk, and basketball in white lettering. September 26th at 5 pm Sun Dial in front of Tri Towers. With two tacos with smiles on them.


Grace is the newest addition to our team! She will be our secretary, and she will be in charge of communication for the ASL Club. She is an American Sign Language Interpreting Major with a minor in Communication and Disability Studies. This is her junior year. She loves learning ASL because it never stops challenging you! The language is so interesting and creative.

[ID]: two different tones of yellow in the background. What looks like a Polaroid photo with Graceā€™s picture in it. Underneath it says Grace Sherman and Secretary in black lettering. Underneath the polaroid are She/Her, American Sign Language Interpreting Major, Communication & Disability Studies minor, and Junior in a burnt orange color. On the polaroid, there are two yellow flowers


Anyone who couldn't make it to our meeting on Monday make sure to join us on Thursday! If you did come on Monday and want to hang out again you are more than welcome to come hang out on Thursday. Cannot wait to see you!

[ID]: Light pink background with a white grid. On top of that is a green notebook paper on top at the top it says ASL CLUB MEETING in light pink with red stars on the sides. Underneath is two columns. On the left, it says Monday Meetings with a list underneath. September 11th is crossed out with a red scribble, below that is October 9th, then November 6th. Underneath the dates reads Bowman Hall Rm 206. There is a line in the middle separating the left column from the right. In the right column, it says Thursday Meetings with a list underneath. September 14th, October 12th, November 9th. Underneath it reads Bowman Hall Rm 204. Underneath the columns, it says All meetings are from 6 pm-8 pm We cannot wait to see you.


Here are our meetings for the Fall 2023 semester! There will be meetings held on both Monday and Thursday but you only have to attend one. Everyone is welcome to come to both if they want.

[ID]: Light pink background with a white grid. On top of that is a green notebook paper on top at the top it says ASL CLUB MEETING in light pink with red stars on the sides. Underneath is two columns. On the left, it says Monday Meetings with a list underneath. September 11th, October 9th, then November 6th. Underneath the dates reads Bowman Hall Rm 206. There is a line in the middle separating the left column from the right. In the right column, it says Thursday Meetings with a list underneath. September 14th, October 12th, November 9th. Underneath it reads Bowman Hall Rm 204. Underneath the columns, it says All meetings are from 6 pm-8 pm We cannot wait to see you.


Sorry for the last announcement but we will be holding a meeting tomorrow for ASL Club. We have decided to hold two meetings a month so that you can pick which one works best with your availability. They will be hosted on Monday and Thursday nights, you only have to come to one meeting (or you can come to both if you really want). Tomorrow the meeting will be from 6pm to 8pm in Bowman Hall Room 206. More information will be posted about the Thursday meeting as soon as possible. We hope to see you there!

[ID]: Pink background with white grid in the background. Green lined sticky note on top with pink writing that says ASL Club Meeting in light pink lettering. Underneath in smaller writing, it says Monday, September 11th 6:00-8:00 Bowman Hall Room 206 if you can't make it to this meeting there will be another on Thursday night!


We want to know what type of merchandising you want! Could you fill out our form in our bio so we can get some ideas?

[ID]: Wavy background with brown, orange, cream, light green, and dark green. A box with a green border that says 'What type of merchandise do you want?" in brown lettering and underneath is a light peach box that says "Link to an interest form in our bio!" with a magnifying glass next to it. On top of the box, there are three orange question marks.


We are still looking for a treasurer, secretary, and one more floater to complete our team for the 2023/2024 year! We would also love to have a social media trainee who will take over the accounts for the next school year. The application is in our bio, and if you have any questions message us, and we are more than happy to help!

[ID]: Pink cloudy background with a lighter pink sticky note on top. At the top of the sticky note, it says in bold dark pink letters 'We are still looking for officers!' Underneath in a smaller font in the same dark pink color it says 'application closes September 8th, link to apply is in our bio, message us with any questions!'

Photos from KSU ASL Club's post 09/01/2023

Our 2023/2024 ASL Club Officers!

Photos from KSU ASL Club's post 08/29/2023

Here are some of our favorite resources to help you with your ASL skills! At Kent State, we have a free ASL Lab where everyone is welcome to pop in and practice their signing. We listed some websites to help you find signs, and practice fingerspelling and numbers. Lastly, here are some YouTube channels to help you learn about some Deaf creators!


Our first meeting of the year is coming up! On Monday, August 28th, 2023 at 6 pm in the Student Center room 309. We will be talking about a lot of topics throughout this meeting. Dues are not due at this meeting! This is a chance for everyone to meet and get an understanding of what the ASL club is all about. Dues will be discussed during the meeting but do not need to be turned in until the next meeting. We hope to see all of you there and we can't wait to get this year started!

[ID]: Light blue background with pink. orange, and yellow flowers in the corners. In black writing along the top in a bigger size it says "Are you ready for our first meeting of the year?" Underneath in smaller font it says "Monday August 28th, 2023 6 pm - 8 pm Student Center Room 309. What we will be discussing:
- dues and becoming a member
- expectations for club meetings
- regularly scheduled meetings
- meet our officers
- Q&A


ASL Club has an official Kent State email address so now this is how we will be keeping in contact with you all!
You can still join our email list by clicking on the link in our bio.


Blastoff is Monday! Come see us and learn more about ASL Club. We cannot wait to meet all of you!

Photos from KSU ASL Club's post 08/14/2023

Get to know ASL Club! This is a brief rundown of what we are, what we do, and how you can join! If you have any questions feel free to message us and we are more than happy to answer any questions for you.


Blastoff here we come! We will have a table set with free swag and all the information you need about ASL Club. If you order your ASL Club shirt by tomorrow the 4th we will have it available for pick up at Blastoff. Can't wait to see you there!

[ID]: Blue background with a moon and stars in the upper right corner and in the left bottom corner is a rocketship and clouds. The text in white says "We will be at BLASTOFF Come say hi and hang out with us at Blastoff! We will have some free swag to give away while you learn more about ASL Club. If you order your ASL Club shirt by August 4th you can pick it up at Blastoff! August 20th, 2023 Risman Plaza and Manchester Field 5:30-8:00

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Our Story

The purpose of this organization is to make students, (Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, Coda's, and ASL Signers), feel welcome at KSU. We use American Sign Language (ASL) to communicate to one another. For those who are inexperienced with ASL, interpreters can/will be provided.

There is a $15 membership fee (per semester), 0r $25 for the year, to join.

Videos (show all)

Officer Application
Come join ASL Club! We are still looking to fill some officer positions but we would love to hear from you in general! I...
Our next d/Deaf and HOH business we want to highlight is @eden.and.clay. Throughout the post you will learn more about E...
The second d/Deaf and HOH business we want to highlight is Hotsy Totsy Haus. Throughout the post you will learn more abo...
Over the summer ASL Club has been thinking of ways to keep active with our community and one idea that came to mind is s...



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