Between The Worlds

Between The Worlds is located in the Hudson Valley, NY. Founded by Adam Bernstein, Psychic Medium, h



October 18-20 during the peak of foliage season at "The Hunter Mountain House" nestled in a high mountain valley in Lanesville NY in the heart of Catskills High Peak region.

Topics we will cover include:
*Channeling (Trance Mediumship)
*Energy Healing
*Spirit Art

If you want to learn dynamic techniques to take your spiritual abilities to a higher level this retreat may be right for you.

Join us for an intensive weekend in the arts of Spirit Communication. This will be a fun yet challenging interactive and experiential retreat. It will be appropriate for beginners or for more seasoned Mediums and Channels looking to upgrade their skills and explore new techniques.

There will be a focus on giving messages from those who have crossed over as well as Spirit Guides and Masters, Starbeings, Angels, Animal guides etc. in a safe and supportive environment. We will teach the spiritual practices behind Spirit Communication to strengthen your bonds with the spirit world safely as well as work on new technique work and plenty of practice in partners and in groups.

The center can hold up to 12 people. Off site lodging is available...max of 20 total for the retreat. We’ll likely fill up pretty quickly. Email us for more info and registration: [email protected]


There is no “security” “Stability” is an illusion. Nothing in this world will last forever. You simply cannot find stability in a world that is inherantly unstable. You could wake up tomorrow and find that everything has changed. The only true security any of us can find is in Spirit the one and only thing that will last forever and when you become present in the moment and embrace Spirit in every moment and everything you do you create agreater sense of stability in your earth life as well. It’s that simple. Really...

So embrace Spirit. Be empowered. Create freedom. Take appropriate risks. Spirit rewards the courageous. You serve no one especially yourself by staying “safe” and small. Don’t stay in an unhealthy job, relationship, home or friendships. Empower! Don’t allow the illusion of “security” to create fear of positive change leaving you stuck, sad and sick! Become free of the bo***ge of fear. Take a chance. Your empowerment is your greatest gift to the world and it benefits EVERYONE! Connect. Become present. Spirit will NEVER let you down!!!



We’ve been through massive frequency shifts and upgrades recently so now it’s time to reset and allow ourselves to process the new frequencies and your new levels of ascension.


Join Heather Eystara and I for New Moon Channeling and activations. Allow “The master Teachers” and Archangels to assist in healing and realigning you with the new energies and opening up your new spiritual gifts

We’ll be live on Youtube on “The Medium Channel” 7PM EDT. Join us live or receive the activations and upgrades on the replay as the event will be available on the channel as a video after we finish.




Join us for our weekly “Tarot Time” where we can connect as community and bring through information to prepare us for the changes in the week ahead through tarot and other divination tools.

We’ll be live on “The Medium Channel” (youtube) Sun. at 7PM EDT. The replay will be available on the channel after the event if you can’t make it live




Join us for our weekly “Tarot Time” where we can connect as community and bring through information to prepare us for the changes in the week ahead through tarot and other divination tools.

We’ll be live on “The Medium Channel” (youtube) Sun. at 7PM EDT. The replay will be available on the channel after the event if you can’t make it live



Join us for our weekly “Tarot Time” where we can connect as community and bring through information to prepare us for the changes in the week ahead through tarot and other divination tools.

We’ll be live on “The Medium Channel” (youtube) Sun. at 11AM EDT. The replay will be available on the channel after the event if you can’t make it live


Me on a recent Tues Afternoon after meditating on the creek during a thunderstorm.

It is important to get out and feel the flows of nature (though getting drenched in a summer storm is not necessary lol). We are subject to so much negative programming and EMFs from technology which tears down our energy fields and makes us vulnerable to more negativity and dis-ease but just a few miniutes in nature every day to get present, feel the flow and step into the flow is all you need to restore yourself.

Mother Nature will clear it all away as you realign with the Earth and the Universal heartbeat.


If you’ve been working on yourself and are awakened enough to be aware of your emotional responses to life and how that directly affects everything you attract and create in your life here’s what to do when you catch yourself in negative emotional response to your environment or to people:

It’s not easy to know how to change your emotional responses to the world because they’re so hardwired into you and in fact it only feeds the problem if you try to stop them.

So instead what you do is each time you experience a negative emotional reaction to life let yourself feel it, don’t resist but see it from the perspective of the observer rather than the perpetrator.

Negative emotional responses to the world are largely a result of programming but when you simply observe the reaction with understanding that you’re not your emotions but rather you have emotions in that moment you are no longer the program. You are simply observing it in action and from that awareness change can begin.

So Tell yourself it’s just an emotion, and don’t feed it, remember, you’re the boss, not your mind!!!


The “Collective Mourning” begins!!!

As the quantum leap of consciousness continues we realize we are not the same, and there is no going back, but we don’t know exactly where we’re going yet and there is a grieving response to the death of the old self.

This will reflect highly on the energies of September and what will transpire in the world around us.

Join us tonight for the September Psychic Forecast and Energy Update tonight 7 PM EDT (Thursday) on “The Medium Channel” (youtube).

Subscribe if you’d like to keep up on our videos and livestreams and be part of the community. If you can’t make it live the replay will be available on the channel


Plenty of wild spearmint growing in the back yard. It can be uplifting and stimulating for the mind.
Especially the creative mind.
I simply rub the leaves with my fingers and take deep inhales through my nose filling my being with her essence, then I may write or do videos. I leave a light dab of my saliva as an offering to the plant acknowledging we do not take from nature but rather work synergistically with her so as I take of the plants DNA I offer mine back in return.
There are other uses for spearmint of course like teas and if I take her leaves I'll leave something like to***co. This is how I was taught. When you just take from nature you remain separated from her.
When you reciprocate you rejoin and begin to learn of her mysteries.



This will be a powerful energetic influencer during the month of September that will shape a lot of our personal lives as well as global events, so what does that mean?

Basically, we started the collective quantum Leap or at least entered the heart of it in August. What we had and who we are is changing, it’s a death of sorts of our old selves and the world around us which triggers a mourning response as we work to adapt to the new frequencies and our new higher versions of ourselves.

Whether consciously or subconsciously, there is a period of mourning or longing for what we cannot go back to, what was familiar to us and bought us comfort but we don’t know exactly where we are going yet leaving us a little bit sad confused, and anxious at times. Our consciousness has changed now and the collective has changed and it’s a whole new beginning from here on out.

So periods of sadness, as well as challenges within the society may become more prominent in September.

I will elaborate further on the September psychic forecast livestream coming Thursday, August 29 at 7 PM EDT. on “The Medium Channel” (channel link in comments). feel free to subscribe and join our community if our work resonates with you and whether subscribed or not, please feel free to join our livestream where I will share my predictions for the upcoming month.

(this photo just appeared in my camera app the other day, this color scheme does not exist anywhere in my house… what is it? )


Spirit is the timelessness of the present moment and being present in the moment brings you closer to spirit. Yes, it is that simple.


HEY NOW! Just wanted to say hi and let you we’re watching over your world. We find you to be amongst the most resilient and worthy species in the cosmos, and we are doing everything in our power to help guide you through your mass awakening and evolution and to help your planet thrive.

Don’t worry, we know it’s hard but understand you have all the help and all the blessings of the cosmos possible. You will succeed in your sacred collective mission…💖


I have a NEW TAROT READING for you (link in comments)


No matter how good or how bad your life is now setting your intentions in this present moment to live your best possible life will always make it better 💚


Join Doreen Allan Foxwell for another powerful free Yoga session. Today will be “Gentle Yoga”

Live at 5 PM EDT on “The Medium Channel” on youtube. Doreen is the founder of “The Children’s School of Yoga”. The replay of this class will be available on the channel after the livestream.


What time is it? It’s TAROT TIME!

Join us 11AM EDT Sunday live on “The Medium Channel” Youtube for our weekly Tarot Reading and join in with our fun conscious community to explore the upcoming trends in our lives and our world during these times of great evolution and awakening.

We also work with other oracle decks and direct channeling sometimes.. And if you like us subscribe to the channel and join our community. This session will upload as a video once we are complete if you cannot make it live.


Here are 3 Mediumship Contacts. Are any of these messages for you? Let Me Know on the video comments:

Is This Reading for You? Contacts from The Spirit World; Messages from The Other Side (video link in comments)


Special through Labor Day!!

My latest Frequency Transmission and Activation with “The Master Teachers” is now ready “Third Eye Enhancement and Intuition Activation”.

This is an extremely powerful guided process and energy transmission to activate dormant DNA and awaken “superhuman” psychic abilities.

If you get this one we’ll add a second for free. Here are the choices:

1) Cellular and Vibrational Deep Clearing Transmission with The Master Teachers
2) Chakra Activations and Balancing with The Master Teachers
3) DNA Repair and Dormant DNA Activation with The Master Teachers
4) Royalty DNA Activation for Unlimited Wealth, Abundance and Power with The Master Teachers.

ALL CHANNELED, ALL VERY POWERFUL. email for more info: [email protected]


This is a nice testimonial worth reposting. Thank you Cherise!

"Adam is a wonderfully talented medium and an all around awesome individual. I've had several private readings with Adam which were all phenomenal, inspiring and deeply moving. I've also attended several group sessions of his where all individuals present received spot-on readings. I became so impressed with Adams ability to connect with spirit, that I decided to host my own home party with several of my friends and family members. That party far exceeded my expectations! It was truly an emotional and moving evening. There were tears and laughter and everyone in attendance had a fabulous time. One of my favorite things about Adam, besides his excellent mediumship abilities, is his sense of humor! He's serious and compassionate when he needs to be, and funny as heck when delivering more uplifting messages! I have and will continue to recommend him to everyone I meet."


Buy this 3rd Eye meditation and get another one for FREE -


What if we really are not physical beings?

What if instead we are energy and consciousness creating the physical reality in which we live in?

And what if we were capable of bending and shaping physical reality to consciously create our physical circumstances through alignment with Source and application of will?

And what if learning that and living our dreams was a significant part of our spiritual mission in this lifetime???

Well the atoms that make us up and the entire physical plain are roughly only one millionth matter, or less, the rest is energy which is malleable to other frequencies of energies like thought and emotion and by mastering your energy you start to consciously create and master your life…so learning how to consciously manifest your dreams is a significant part of your spiritual evolution and growth in this lifetime. What are you creating? and how can you change your frequencies and how you express them in order to consciously manifest your dreams and perfect your life?


Our ability to manifest our dreams is stronger now than ever! Here’s how (video link in comments)


Here’s how to get a free Tarot Reading from me. Click on the Youtube playlist (link in comments). There are 13 readings (I think).. use your intuition amd pick one. That will be your reading 💖


Mediumship and Channeling RETREAT:

October 18-20 during the peak of foliage season at "The Hunter Mountain House" nestled in a high mountain valley in Lanesville NY in the heart of Catskills High Peak region.

Topics we will cover include:
*Channeling (Trance Mediumship)
*Energy Healing
*Spirit Art

If you want to learn dynamic techniques to take your spiritual abilities to a higher level this retreat may be right for you.

Join us for an intensive weekend in the arts of Spirit Communication. This will be a fun yet challenging interactive and experiential retreat. It will be appropriate for beginners or for more seasoned Mediums and Channels looking to upgrade their skills and explore new techniques.

There will be a focus on giving messages from those who have crossed over as well as Spirit Guides and Masters, Starbeings, Angels, Animal guides etc. in a safe and supportive environment. We will teach the spiritual practices behind Spirit Communication to strengthen your bonds with the spirit world safely as well as work on new technique work and plenty of practice in partners and in groups.

I train professional mediums for those looking to upgrade their skills for the professional forum but if your goals are only to develop skills to receive clarity and messages from your own guides and loved ones the training will be most beneficial for you as well. At the end of the retreat you will have the tools to get clear, detailed messages from Spirit as well as the confidence needed if you wish to take your skills to the public format.

The center can hold up to 12 people. Off site lodging is available...max of 20 total for the retreat. We’ll likely fill up pretty quickly. Enail ys for more info and registration: [email protected]


How you treat yourself goes a long way in determining how others treat you. So treat yourself with the utmost love, kindness and respect first and foremost. . It's not being selfish. It's being conscious.


Is This Tarot Reading for YOU???
(video link in comments)


Now that the insanely powerful full moon and Lion’s Gate are behind us here’s what’s next (video link in comments)


The real "Secret" is knowing that you are Spirit. It is that simple. When you allow Spirit to fully express itself through you, unimpeded by the person perspective you automatically become joyful and fulfilled, and everything you desire that is aligned with the greater good manifests quickly. It has to. (I learned this…the power of love and positive perspective from a homeless paraplegic who was giving people flowers and wanted to hug everyone saying “God is good”)

The trick is in training your personal self, or ego to step aside so that it may merge with the great divine. Once that is accomplished Spirit will automatically express it's love and immeasurable power through you, and you will be well on your way toward mastering the art of living. HAPPY WEDNESDAY


Northeasterners..did you wake up to a shock?? no you were not abducted. It really is August 20 lol .🥶

As mentioned several weeks ago, I am expecting early autumn weather this year for a change and here it is but I also promised an autumn and winter outlook so here it is.

Firstly, it is August and the summertime version of this arctic blast will not last. in fact, we’ll likely have a bit of a heat wave starting next weekend into the following week. However, despite the climatological outlooks for a milder than average autumn that I am seeing on The Weather Channel not an agreement and I’m going with closer to average or even below average this autumn with a couple more early season cold waves. I think after Labor Day towards the second week of September, it’s gonna turn very chilly for a few days and at the end of the month to the first week or two of October we could get a significant cool down. It may bring some snow to the higher peaks. However, at times we may see some unusually warm weather as well, so probably a bit up and down, but this year may be reminiscence of autumn‘s past where clear crisp weather in September used to be the norm.. this, of course, for the northeast, I might include the Midwest even the upper Plains in this forecast, the central and southern plains to the southwest probably will stay mostly hot, southeast warm and at times rainy but possibly chilly towards the Pacific Northwest on average.

This winter for my neck of the woods, including most of the northeast I think we will be slightly to somewhat milder than average on whole, but that said I believe we’ll have more of a real winter with more snow than what we seen in the last few and I think the winter will be top-heavy meaning that we may get the brunt of our coldest weather early in the winter season with it getting milder towards February and March. we shall see. It’s a long way off, but we may have to deal with more winter storms and stronger ones than what we’ve dealt with in the recent past.

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Videos (show all)

YOU ARE A MEDIUM.. 20 Signs in 60 seconds FREE MEDIUMSHIP READINGS Sun. Apr. 30 7PM on Youtube Livestream for “The Mediu...
HERE’S A POWERFUL 3 MINUTE HACK TO CREATE PERSONNEL FREEDOM in a world aimed at controlling the masses at their detrimen...
HERE IS ANOTHER “20 in 60” REELMERCURY RETROGRADE IS UPON US!  ARE YOU READY?Check out my daily 1 minute channeled messa...
FOR DAILY 60 second PSYCHIC FORECASTS and Channeled Messages go to The Medium Channel on Youtube… a new one is released ...
ORBS CAUGHT ON LIVESTREAM!!!This happened as I began channeling The Master Teachers for our 12/12 Transmission.  LIVE!Go...
For an original powerful presence technique combining the genius of Eckhardt Tolle with ancient Yoga and Martial Arts tr...
Psychic Protection (do the affirmation everyday to always be safe and in your ultimate power) From my instagram page, pl...
This is the first IG video I ever did last Feb.  bit since snow is expected in the Catskills tonight I decided to share ...
MESSAGES FROM NATURE #nature #catskills #catskillmountains #onthetrail #hikingthecatskills #messagesfromnature #naturesm...
Simple Healing for These Times
YOU ARE A MEDIUM!(would you like to see more informative shorts? follow me on Instagram @mediumadambernstein )
Happy Snow Day from Heather Estara who is dreaming of sunny Hawaii 😜


275 Fair Street, #17A
Kingston, NY

Opening Hours

Wednesday 11am - 8pm
Thursday 11am - 8pm
Friday 11am - 8pm
Saturday 11am - 8pm
Sunday 11am - 8pm

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