Book Rack of Acadiana

Lafayette’s only locally owned used bookstore!
**We do not buy books, we trade for store credit!**


Happy Labor Day! WE ARE OPEN 10-5!


Juliet Coven is a first-time American author who writes Sci-fi Romance. Check out her signed copies at Book Rack ☺️
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Violet Carter, a renowned plasma physicist, has worked on Dr. Stephan Williams's research team for two years when she discovers her overzealous boss has been keeping a dark secret hidden from the world. Stephan discovers the secret to interstellar travel with the help of an unknown extraterrestrial who asks for payment in return for aiding the old scientist achieve his dream.

What kind of payment?

Human girls.

Violet, driven by a fierce determination, races against time to save the eleven girls Stephan has abducted. But her noble intentions lead her into a labyrinth of deception, culminating in a heart-wrenching decision to board one of the outbound ships. How will she and the girls fare on an alien planet? And why does one particular alien, a constant source of irritation, also stir a forbidden attraction within her?

Adonis has lived a life of guilt and torment for his past actions. He's sworn off human interaction, but when he comes face to face with the alluring human scientist, he can't resist the mating bond they share. He needs her more than his next breath, but will his dark secrets be too much for Violet?

Can she truly love someone who's haunted and broken?

Trigger warnings are listed in the Forward.

Photos from Book Rack of Acadiana's post 08/25/2024

If you haven’t already snagged a copy, check out these beauties when you come in 🤩 All brand new books are 20% off the cover price!


This SATURDAY [August 17] and SUNDAY [August 18] we are doing a Back to School Sale:
60% off the cover price of all Children’s books, Classics, Young Adult, and Young Adult Fantasy.

Hope to see yall this weekend to stock up on some goodies 🤩


Summer break is over, school has started 😩😩

Starting this weekend we will go back to closing at 6pm on Saturdays.
Please see below for our store hours!


Thank you to the Teurlings Catholic High School Beta Club for building us this lending library! The community is showing us so much love and support! Stop by the park this weekend and check out a book or two! 🫶🦋


There’s a spicy indie author signing event in New Orleans 😏😏😏 for all our spicy girls


We are closed today!
We hope everyone has a happy and safe 4th of July!
We will open normal business hours tomorrow

Photos from Book Rack of Acadiana's post 06/27/2024

Look at these beauties 🤩🤩🤩

Photos from Book Rack of Acadiana's post 06/22/2024

Buckle up, it’s a long one

Meet Angélique ✨

Hi! I’m Angélique and I own Book Rack of Acadiana along with my sister, Chrissi. We are the original owners’, JoAnn and Anthony, granddaughters. I took over the bookstore in November 2021 and moved it from Carencro to our current location now.

A little about me: My mom worked in the bookstores when I was small so my siblings and I spent a lot of our school breaks camped out at the bookstore. I started working in the bookstores during summers in middle school and a couple days a week throughout high school until I got married and moved to Florida where my husband was stationed with the Navy. As someone who has social anxiety, the bookstore always felt like a safe haven where I could come out of my shell and interact with people without any stress. I get so excited to talk about books with others. If you’ve talked with me, you might notice me stumbling over words because I’m so excited to share and I have way too much to say😂😂. I absolutely love hearing what your favorite reads are, even if it’s not a genre that I read. Your recommendations help me share with others that might have the same reading interests as you!

I’ve been married to my husband, Andy, for 15 years and we have three kids: Ezra, 11, Aurore, 8, and Remy, 5. I have a bachelor’s degree in Health Administration from University of North Florida. If I’m not at the bookstore, I’m chauffeuring kids to soccer practice or trying my hardest to stay on top of laundry.

Bookish facts: I love fantasy, sci-fi, historical fiction and historical romance (seriously, don’t sleep on HR). I’m not a huge fan of contemporary romance and mystery because: 1) I hate crying 2) I get second hand embarrassment BAD 3) too much suspense gives me anxiety and I can’t skip pages. So ridiculous, I know. I read every single page in a book (author’s note and all). Ridiculous. I’m a mood reader so I’m usually in the middle of 6 or 7 books (and yes, I read a little out of each book every week). Currently, I’m reading: Assassin’s Quest by Robin Hobb
Married by Morning by Lisa Kleypas
Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett
The House of Four Winds by Mercedes Lackey & James Mallory
The Duke Gets Desperate by Diana Quincy
One for the Money by Janet Evanovich

Good grief.

A little special something…

From Morgan:
Thank you for being you. Thank you for answering the phone that one day in September two years ago when I called impulsively to see if Book Rack was hiring and telling me I could come talk to you. 21 years old, in my last semester of college, and 4 months pregnant, I surely knew you wouldn’t hire me. I needed a place to be my peace, and Book Rack has surely become that all thanks to you. My husband was medically retiring from the Army at the time and starting nursing school, and despite all the obstacles you were beyond accommodating. And goodness, there were a lot of obstacles. But outside of being a wonderful employer, you have always just been so supportive to me. You were one of my BIGGEST supporters during pregnancy; you never failed to keep it real (which is what I wanted…most people weren’t being 100% honest about motherhood). You probably don’t know it but you quickly became my friend (even if I’m not yours 🤣). You have never failed to be supportive and understanding with anything I come to you about, and words will never truly show my appreciation.
You know how to make each of us feel valued, in and out of the work place. I can only hope you feel just as valued as you make us feel.

(To everyone else:
When you support Book Rack of Acadiana, you are supporting this amazing woman and her family. It’s so easy to order online or go to a chain bookstore, but supporting local is one of the best things you can do for the community. You will likely never meet someone who is so accommodating in the business world as Angelique, and your support goes a long way in making sure everyone gets a chance of meeting her kind spirit. Make sure to show her some love, she is so deserving of it.)

From Tshy:
Dearest Angélique,
Thank you for taking a chance on me and for welcoming me into the Book Rack of Acadiana family. You rescued me from the cruel streets of non-profit nightmares, customer service horrors, and corporate crookery. You have set the bar for employee satisfaction irreversibly high. You have cultivated a peaceful and happy workspace as well as a community treasure of which you are essential. We are all passionate about books in our own ways and you appreciate each one with sincerity and enthusiasm. Thank you for encouraging our freedom of expression and creativity throughout the store.You are kind, compassionate, generous and deeply knowledgeable. I look forward to learning from you for years to come. Thank you for my new book obsessions (Patricia Briggs where have you been all my life?!) and all future book related endeavors. May your reign be long and fruitful!

From Elise:
I would first like to thank you, our amazing boss, for keeping such a crucial part of Lafayette’s reading community alive. Everyday a customer comes in and tells us stories of when they came to the past locations when they were younger. By carrying on the business, so many people are able to relive their younger years and even carry on the tradition with their young ones. Without this store, second hand books wouldn’t be readily available to people in the area.
This store is not only an affordable place to kickstart one’s reading journey or continue an ongoing collection, it is a safe place for people to enjoy their hobby. There are many customers that come just to discuss their recent reads with you. It warms my heart to know that you have created such a safe place for both customers and your employees. Honestly, if it weren’t for the fact that I have to leave for college, I would probably grow old in this store you have made such a home away from home for me.
Now i’m going to be selfish and thank you for everything that you have done for me:
To the woman who cared for me as not just an employee but as one of her own, to the woman who took a chance on a scared 15 year old who thought she was going to lose the only job she’d ever had, to the woman who has shown me having a big girl job isn’t as scary as i thought it would be. Thank you for everything you have taught me. For everything you have given me. And for all the love you have shown me in the two years we have worked together. There will always be a special place for you in my heart

(I know you’re probably crying at this point but don’t worry girl, I am too ♥️)

Thank you again for taking a chance on me.
this has been an experience that has changed my life for the better and definitely something that will live with me forever.

With all my love,
Elise (your favorite employee 😉)

From Jude:
“Dear Angelique,
You’re a real one. That’s all. Love you!” -Jude

Photos from Book Rack of Acadiana's post 06/15/2024


Meet Jude ✨

Hey there everyone, I’m Jude, the one with the moon boots!
I’ve been with the store for about two years now, but I’ve been a big fan for a long time. I started going to the Book Rack when it was on Ambassador back when I was in high school and followed it around ever since. Once I saw they had a job offering, I jumped at the chance, and here I am! You’ll normally catch me in sci-fi/fantasy, looking at everything for the thousandth time and still reacting like everything is brand new. Or maybe I’ve caught you in one of my random conversations about what I’m currently watching on TV or reading in the store…sorry not sorry 😎
A little about me: I’ve been with my beautiful husband Lee for about fifteen years now! We have two dogs, Mr. Big and Bijou, and the little pink panther, Luna, the hairless cat 🐈 Sci-fi/Fantasy is where I live most days. I’m normally watching drag queens on TV (Trixie and Katya 4eva) or never finishing what I’m reading 🙃

My favorite employee is Elise, because she keeps me young (unless you count that one time she called me ‘Mr Jude’ and I got tunnel vision.)

Last thing: ✨Happy Pride Month Everyone! ✨

“If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?! Can I get an Amen?!” -RuPaul

Photos from Book Rack of Acadiana's post 06/08/2024


Meet Elise. ✨

Hi, I’m Elise! I have been at Book Rack for 3 years now, since I was 15! I’ve worked here the longest even though I am the youngest. I recently graduated from Teurlings Catholic High School, and will be leaving for Northwestern State University to major in Psychology. I am sad to be leaving Book Rack soon, but I am excited to start something new. My goal is to get my masters and someday get a job in forensic psychology. In my spare time, my favorite thing to do is to hang out with my friends. We recently went on a trip to the lake, and we impulsively dyed my hair red with box dye from the dollar general. I also like to journal, but let’s be real..I get frustrated and give up really fast lol. I also like to relax by coloring while listening to music or a good audiobook. I honestly like every single music genre (except country lol). Some concerts I have coming up in the fall are Childish Gambino in September and the Eras Tour in October. These will be my first ever concerts and I’m so excited because local music festivals have sparked my interest in live music performances.

Some bookish facts about me:
My favorite genre is fantasy and romance, but honestly I love anything that keeps me engaged. My favorite author is Emily Henry. There’s nothing better than starting a new Emily Henry book. My all time favorite Emily Henry book is People We Meet on Vacation. If I had to give any book rec, it would be A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik (it is SEVERELY underrated and has such a unique magic system). I am very likely to read something just because it is popular and I want to see what everyone is talking about lol. My bookish pet peeve is Colleen Hoover and Fourth Wing (I’ve tried so hard to like both). My favorite part of working at Book Rack is finding book recommendations for people. I like giving people books they may not have known about before and hearing their feedback later. Anytime you come in, just know I’m always available to help you find your next favorite read :))

I am a girl of few words. This is all I got 🫶🏼

Favorite coworker: me, duh! (Jk it’s Morgan)

TikTok · Book Rack of Acadiana 06/05/2024

Sometimes the videos we make following trends don’t get posted…so head to our TikTok to see our attempt at a tiktok trend that’s been sitting in drafts for a month or two now 😅

TikTok · Book Rack of Acadiana Check out Book Rack of Acadiana’s post.

Photos from Book Rack of Acadiana's post 06/01/2024


Meet Tshy. ✨

Yes, that is my real name.

I’ve been slinging books with the Book Rack of Acadiana for one year now (and forevermore). My background is in Anthropology, Biology and as a Master Naturalist. I am also an origami artist, cartomancer, and storyteller. I believe that being with the Book Rack brings my disparate experiences together: books are made of people; of science and discovery; of paper, pen and wit. I love it here.

I’m an avid reader and book dragon (like Morgan). My TBR used to be modest before working here, but now it’s longer than I am tall. Trading books with us keeps us on our toes as we never know what is going to walk through the door to delight or surprise—hence the growing TBR. As such my home has fully embraced the way of Tsundoku—to pile things up ready for later.
Embracing this way of life with me are my fiancé, Trent, and 3 cats—Georgia, Ziggy Stardust, and Leeloo.

I enjoy a wide range of subjects and genres, with my lifetime favorite being speculative fiction. I like to read multiple books at a time, wherever my mood takes me, and you can bet that at least one at any given moment is a science fiction or fantasy novel.

Some of my favorite books to recommend (when we have them in stock): The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, Shadow of The Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón, Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson, Fingersmith by Sarah Waters, Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller, Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel, Pattern Recognition by William Gibson, The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski, and The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle. Seriously, don’t sleep on Beagle— he writes like a song.🎶

I feel so fortunate to live in a city with an independent bookstore, and now—able to work for and support it from the inside. I know that Lafayette is lucky to have the Book Rack of Acadiana where so many cities both near and far lack for a local bookstore, or any bookstore whatsoever. When customers go out of their way to reach us, I know we provide Lafayette with an invaluable resource that reaches beyond our city limits.

I would like our visitors to know that when they support the Book Rack of Acadiana, they are directly contributing to my dream come true (and the way of Tsundoku).

Wherever you are, come visit and let me introduce you to your favorite book that you haven’t read yet.

P.S. favorite coworker: Elise 😉

Visit TikTok to discover videos! 05/29/2024

We all have our favorite romance book tropes. What’s yours?

Visit TikTok to discover videos! Watch, follow, and discover more trending content.

Visit TikTok to discover videos! 05/28/2024

Follow our TikTok to see our more “goofy” videos trying to copy booktok trends 🤪😝

Visit TikTok to discover videos! Watch, follow, and discover more trending content.


We will be closing at 2 today!

Photos from Book Rack of Acadiana's post 05/25/2024

Meet Morgan ✨

Hi, I’m the one behind almost all of the social media posts here lately! If you come in and see me on my phone, I am probably making TikToks for the store or trying to come up with something witty (emphasis on trying..not always successful). I have been with Book Rack since September 2022, but I am primarily a stay at home mom to my 1 year old son…I work to have a break from my job at home, but also because being here gives me some peace that we all strive to have. You are most likely to see me on weekends when my husband is home to stay with our little one, but sometimes you might get lucky enough to see me during the week 😉 Book Rack is one of my favorite places to be, and I absolutely love coming into work (and not just because it gets me out of the house!).
I have a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in Human Development and Family Sciences, but my plan is to go back to school to receive my master’s to work as a counselor specializing in Marriage and Families once my kiddo is in school. I am also considering to pursue a license to work as private investigator, but I have a bigger dream to own my own bookstore! If you’ve come in while I am here, you’ve probably heard me talk about my husband, Tyler, and son, Elias, frequently as they are both my pride and joys. You may also get to hear me ramble about our two dogs and three cats.
My all time favorite thing to do is read, but lately I’ve been trying to learn to crochet (someone send me tips please!) and have picked up baking homemade bread, growing a garden, and trying to convince my husband to get chickens.
Some bookish facts about me: my favorite series ever is A Court of Thorns and Roses by SJM (I know, I know, everyone says it’s overhyped..but I haven’t loved a series this much and been so invested since I was in 4th and 5th grade reading Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, and Harry Potter). My favorite genre depends on when you ask me; I’m not just a mood reader, but I binge read genres before I get bored and switch. My current binge is RomComs and s**t, but I have a feeling I’m going to get back into Fantasy soon. But who knows, maybe it’ll be Thrillers again. I do not have a favorite author, and I am honestly just now starting to pay attention to what authors I’m reading. Lately I have been reading all the trending books so I can make my own opinion, so you’ll likely see me reading an over-hyped book. My second and most favorite bookish activity is collecting books. I am more of a book dragon (hoarding books 🐉) than I am a book worm sometimes. Throw in that my husband is the same way, means we spend a lot of time searching for the perfect books and book shelves. Our goal is to build a house somewhere near the mountains with a room (or two) dedicated to be our library on a ranch. I have a hard time recommending books in the store because everything that I love I end up buying from here! But I still enjoy giving recommendations, and I love getting to talk about yours. I love seeing each and every one of you coming in, and love making book friends with all of you! If you are new here, I can’t wait to be able to say hello!

Favorite coworker: Elise 🤫

Photos from Book Rack of Acadiana's post 05/18/2024

Welcome to Book Rack, we are so happy you are here!

We are your only locally owned used book store in Lafayette, Louisiana located at 2476 W Congress St, and have every genre you can think of:
Romance (contemporary, urban contemporary, historical, paranormal, erotic/dark/s**t, series romance), Mystery/thrillers, Cozy Mysteries, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Young Adult Fantasy, Young Adult, Children’s (chapter books and picture books), Historical Fiction, Westerns, Literary Fiction, Nonfiction (historical, biographies/memoirs, cookbooks, diet books, psychology, self help, women, culture, arts, photography, needlework, music, gardening, animals, religion, spiritual, financial, inspirational, humor, and much more!), Inspirational Fiction (faith-based fiction), classics/school readings, and collectibles!
Our books are half the cover price (50% off!) with a small store minimum that is posted throughout the store (with the exception of collectibles.)
Our NEW books that we order to carry in store are 20% off the cover price.
Our bookish items (candles, stickers, shirts, journals, tote bags, etc.) are priced individually and are sold as labeled.

We have a trading system option, in which you can bring in any books you don’t want to keep to receive half the cover price in Store Credit. Please note our trading criteria and credit system that is pinned at the top of our page 🥰 When using store credit, you just pay a 15% handling fee (so it makes your book more like 85% off!!).

We are a small group of employees that love to make connections with you and talk all things books, life, hobbies, etc!
We would like to thank each and every one of you for your support through shopping with us, sharing our social media posts, and sharing our name to family and friends. Without you, we wouldn’t get to do this amazing job that we do.


Starting this week!! We will be open until 7pm on Saturdays!!

The Housemaid is Watching 05/14/2024

Preorder is now available for Freida McFadden’s upcoming book: The Housemaid is Watching! Click the link below to snag your copy

The Housemaid is Watching **THIS IS A PREORDER**A twisting, pulse-pounding thriller from Freida McFadden, the New York Times bestselling author of The Housemaid and The Coworke


Mother’s Day!

We are open 12-4 today, so go ahead and treat yourself😏


We are opening at 11 today!! Sorry for the inconvenience!

Photos from Book Rack of Acadiana's post 05/04/2024

May the 4th be with you with 60% off ALL Star Wars books!



We are having an overstock sale! $2 romance, mystery, and some horror! 🤯🤯🤯

Open 10-5


We are closing early today (04/07) at 3:40. Sorry for the inconvenience!


Monday, April 1 through Saturday, April 6, all children’s books will be 70% off cover price 📚

[this is not an April’s Fools Day joke, we love you too much for that 😉]


Happy Easter weekend! We hope everyone has a lovely weekend with family and friends, and we hope to see you this weekend for our big sale 🐣🐰

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Where did you read Assassins Blade? First, second, third?
Smut, romance, oh my!
We will be here for you whether you need a new book today or a month from now 🫶🏼
We have too many paranormal romances to count! You are sure to find one you like ☺️
Me begging everyone for video ideas every time I work. Side note: what do yall want to see more of? Book recommendations...
Not loving a book? Bring it in for store credit! You get half the cover price in credit to use within the credit bracket...
Don’t be afraid to drop him sis. Book Rack has the man you need 😉
Here is our usual reminder that you can call or check our website to verify we still have books in store that you see on...
You don’t have to tell me twice that you want to go to Book Rack. Let’s go!
There’s just something so beautiful in books, art, and music📚🎨🎻Happy Sunday! Come see us today 🫶🏼
Elise, I miss you already 😭😭 everyone wish Elise good luck at college! We know she’s going to excel 💗💗
Do you prefer romcoms, sad romances, or romance with some 🌶️ ?




2476 W. Congress Street
Lafayette, LA

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 5pm
Tuesday 10am - 5pm
Wednesday 10am - 5pm
Thursday 10am - 5pm
Friday 10am - 6pm
Saturday 10am - 6pm
Sunday 12pm - 4pm

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